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The energy cost of subsistence activities and the daily time and energy budgets of Tatuyo women were assessed as part of a village energy flow study. The Tatuyo are swidden horticulturalists relying on bitter manioc (Manihot esculenta) as a staple crop. Except for the actual felling of new gardens, women are responsible for most of the horticultural work and food preparation. Time budgets were assessed using 24-hour activity diaries. Rates of energy expenditure in typical activities were measured by indirect calorimetry using a Max-Planck respirometer. Daily energy expenditure was calculated using these rates in conjunction with the activity diaries. Rates of energy expenditure in standard activities were moderate and broadly comparable to published values for other populations living in tropical environments. The mean daily energy expenditure was 2,133 kcal (8.9 MJ). This value is similar to that reported for other subsistence horticulturalists and close to the FAO recommendation for energy intake for moderately active individuals.  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of enamel defects (hypoplasias) in the permanent anterior teeth of three Tupí-Mondé-speaking groups from the Brazilian Amazonia: the Gavião, Suruí, and Zoró. These are native societies that experienced the onset of permanent contact with Brazilian national society in different periods of the 20th century. Tupí-Mondé dentition is highly hypoplastic, which is possibly related to exposure to adverse health and nutritional conditions. Data for the Gavião, Suruí, and Zoró are in agreement with results from other populations that show that certain teeth, the maxillary central incisors and the mandibular canines in particular, tend to be more hypoplastic. Although all types of teeth show hypoplasia concentrations at some enamel zones, there is substantial intertooth variation in the age at which peaks occur. It is argued that hypoplasia concentrations at certain ages are unlikely to be related to postweaning stresses for the Tupí-Mondé. Statistically significant associations between presence of enamel defects and deficits in physical growth (height-for-age) were detected in children 7–11 years of age. Diachronic assessment of enamel defects, which rested upon the potential of enamel as “memory” of past periods of systemic physiological perturbation, allowed us to unravel aspects related to the dynamics of Tupí-Mondé life during the 20th century. Frequencies of enamel zones with defects peaked during the contact years of each of the Tupí-Mondé groups, attesting to the extreme social and biological hardships that characterized the contact experiences of these native societies with Brazilian national society. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:111–127, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For centuries Amazonia has held the Western scientific and popular imagination as a primordial forest, only minimally impacted by small, simple and dispersed groups that inhabit the region. Studies in historical ecology refute this view. Rather than pristine tropical forest, some areas are better viewed as constructed or 'domesticated' landscapes, dramatically altered by indigenous groups in the past. This paper reviews recent archaeological research in several areas along the Amazon River with evidence of large pre-European (ca 400-500 calendar years before the present) occupations and large-scale transformations of forest and wetland environments. Research from the southern margins of closed tropical forest, in the headwaters of the Xingu River, are highlighted as an example of constructed nature in the Amazon. In all cases, human influences dramatically altered the distribution, frequency and configurations of biological communities and ecological settings. Findings of historical change and cultural variability, including diverse small to medium-sized complex societies, have clear implications for questions of conservation and sustainability and, specifically, what constitutes 'hotspots' of bio-historical diversity in the Amazon region.  相似文献   

We examined long‐term responses of an Amazonian bird assemblage to wildfire disturbance, investigating how understory birds reacted to forest regeneration 1, 3, and 10 years after a widespread fire event. The bird community was sampled along the Arapiuns and Maró river catchments in central Brazilian Amazonia. Sampling took place in 1998, 2000, and 2008 using mist‐nets in eight plots (four burned, four unburned sites). Species richness did not change significantly in unburned sites. In burned sites, however, we found significantly lower richness in 1998, higher richness in 2000, and similar richness in 2008. Multi‐dimensional scaling ordination showed consistent differences in bird communities both within burned sites sampled in different sampling years, and between burned and unburned sites in all years. Of the 30 most abundant species, 12 had not recovered 10 years after the fires, including habitat specialists such as mixed flocks specialists and ant‐followers. Fire‐disturbance favored three species (two hummingbirds and a manakin) in the short term only. All other species were either favored throughout the study (seven species of omnivores and small insectivores) or did not show a clear response (eight species). In burned sites, we also found significantly lower abundance of species sensitive to disturbances and habitat specialists over the entire study period. Although the bird community seems to be recovering in terms of richness, the overall community composition and abundance of some species in post‐burned and unburned sites remain very different, and have not recovered after 10 years of forest regeneration.  相似文献   

The amount of carbon released to the atmosphere as a result of deforestation is determined, in part, by the amount of carbon held in the biomass of the forests converted to other uses. Uncertainty in forest biomass is responsible for much of the uncertainty in current estimates of the flux of carbon from land‐use change. In the present contribution several estimates of forest biomass are compared for the Brazilian Amazon, based on spatial interpolations of direct measurements, relationships to climatic variables, and remote sensing data. Three questions were posed: First, do the methods yield similar estimates? Second, do they yield similar spatial patterns of distribution of biomass? And, third, what factors need most attention if we are to predict more accurately the distribution of forest biomass over large areas? The answer to the first two questions is that estimates of biomass for Brazil's Amazonian forests (including dead and belowground biomass) vary by more than a factor of two, from a low of 39 PgC to a high of 93 PgC. Furthermore, the estimates disagree as to the regions of high and low biomass. The lack of agreement among estimates confirms the need for reliable determination of aboveground biomass over large areas. Potential methods include direct measurement of biomass through forest inventories with improved allometric regression equations, dynamic modelling of forest recovery following observed stand‐replacing disturbances, and estimation of aboveground biomass from airborne or satellite‐based instruments sensitive to the vertical structure plant canopies.  相似文献   

This study is the first to present a quantitative survey of bird species occurring in the archipelago of Anavilhanas, located in the Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon and is part of the Anavilhanas Ecological Station. We asked whether bird community composition is similar among the islands, and between islands and areas dominated by the surrounding upland terra firme forest on the left (east) margin of the Rio Negro. The surveys were conducted in November and December of 1988, using two complementary methods with mist nets and boat transects. A total of 232 bird species was found for Anavilhanas including a survey done in 1998. The families Tyrannidae and Thamnophilidae showed the highest number of species (16.4% and 9.0% of the total respectively). Some species not well known or having limited distributions are relatively frequently encountered in the archipelago, such as Spizastur melanoleucus, Mitu tomentosa, Phaethornis rupurumii, Xiphorhynchus kienerii, Thamnophilus nigrocinereus, Myrmotherula klagesi, Myrmoborus lugubris, Pipra filicauda, and Cephalopterus ornatus. Hybrid Multidimensional Scaling (HMDS) ordination analysis indicated that the bird community composition is similar among islands. However, the bird community composition on the islands was significantly different from that in sites of terra firme forest at Rio Negro margins. Anavilhanas is a unique ecological system in the Amazon and has it own avifauna.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of the ant community was assessed along standardized 100 m transects in annually flooded Varzea forest and in terra firme forests on sandy soil (Flanco forest) and on claytopped mesas (Planalto forest). Standardized samples were taken by unit-time hand collecting (day and night times), sweeping, beating, baiting and by Winkler sacks. A total of 156 species, representing 49 genera were found, of which 98, 88 and 55 were respectively found in the Planalto, Flanco and Varzea forests. Species lists are presented and the ant community composition and species richness are compared between the three forests. By considering the nesting and foraging habits of the various species, the differences in overall community composition are related to the forest type and susceptibility to inundation of the three forests which were surveyed.The data confirm the view that tropical rain forests support an extremely diverse ant fauna and comparisons with other forested areas suggest that ant species richness declines in subtropical and temperate rain forests. Although alpha diversity is high, species turnover between forests is lower than expected, suggesting that ant species richness in this forested region is not as great as is implied in some published estimates of global arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

BackgroundPulmonary mycoses resemble clinically and radiologically chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. Studies describing the prevalence, etiology and clinical features of pulmonary mycosis are of crucial importance in the Brazilian Amazon.AimsTo estimate the frequency of pulmonary mycoses in smear-negative tuberculosis patients; to describe their demographic, epidemiological, and clinical characteristics; and to evaluate diagnostic methods.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted at two tuberculosis reference institutions in Amazonas, Brazil. We included 213 patients and collected clinical data, blood and induced sputum to perform serological, direct microscopy, microbiologic culture and PCR-based assays to identify infections caused by Aspergillus fumigatus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus, and HIV. Chest computed tomography was also performed.ResultsPulmonary mycoses were diagnosed in 7% (15/213) of the cases, comprising ten aspergillosis cases, three cases of paracoccidioidomycosis and one case each of histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. Among the patients with pulmonary mycoses, 86.7% were former tuberculosis patients. The most significant clinical characteristics associated with pulmonary mycoses were cavity-shaped lung injuries, prolonged chronic cough and hemoptysis.ConclusionsOur study confirmed the high prevalence of pulmonary mycoses in smear-negative tuberculosis patients in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

John Collins 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):383-407
This article examines state–citizen interactions in the Pelourinho Historical Center of Salvador, Brazil. It argues that attention to sound in the Pelourinho provides a number of ways of updating longstanding anthropological concerns with structure and agency. On the basis of attention to sound it addresses social action around play, the ability to position oneself in flows of signs, and the adroit manipulation of different classes of sign. This article is thus a phenomenologicallyinfluenced criticism of an anthropology of meaning based on the arbitrary sign and accompanying form/content and subject/object distinctions. Yet it emphasizes also that a naïve celebration of ontology and the materiality of sign vehicles ignores the extent to which both communication and agency may turn on people's ability to move pragmatically between non-referential language and more fully symbolic communicative events.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Euptychiina (Satyrinae), Cristalinaia vitoria Mota, Zacca & Freitas gen. et sp. nov., is described based on three specimens collected in the region of the Cristalino River, Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. This rare species is known only from this region, where it flies inside the dense bamboo patches typical of that area. The last instar larva and the pupa are described; the larva was observed feeding on mature leaves of the common bamboo Guadua aff. paniculata Munro.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D61EDE8D-CAE9-41C6-B24D-BB789873566E  相似文献   

This study explores how indigenous knowledge (IK) might be retained and/or changed among contemporary indigenous peoples. Through semi-structured interviews and quantitative analyses of long-term changes in artistic knowledge among three geographically displaced Kaiabi (Kawaiwete) we found an association between language proficiency and gender with greater IK retention, and formal schooling with IK erosion. Six mechanisms of innovation in knowledge of basketry and textiles among men and women were documented. A mixed mode of collaborative learning and knowledge transmission involving diverse actors emerged from community workshops and group forums. Innovative mechanisms for cultural transmission have taken advantage of media, technology, and non-indigenous support organizations to expand weaving knowledge of basketry designs. Our results illustrate how indigenous peoples actively shape cultural transmission and change, as well as the role that public policies and academic research may play in these processes.  相似文献   

Drip‐tips are a common feature of the leaves of rain forest trees, but their functional significance remains contested. The most widely accepted hypothesis is that drip‐tips assist drainage of the lamina thereby aiding drying of the leaf surface and reducing the rate of colonization and abundance of epiphyllic organisms. The drying action of drip‐tips may also enhance transpiration and reduce the need for investment in support structures. Furthermore, drip‐tips may help prevent splash erosion around the base of the tree. Data from 130 forest Amazonian plots are used to investigate the abundance and distribution of drip‐tips and, through regression methods that incorporate spatial autocorrelation, seek to identify associations between the frequency of drip‐tips and a range of climatic variables. The average frequency of species and trees with drip‐tips across all plots was 32 and 33 percent, respectively. Trees and species with drip‐tips were significantly more prevalent in the Central‐East Amazon than the other regions. Drip‐tips were also associated with tree species that have smaller maximum heights and with trees with smaller trunk diameters. The proportion of species and individuals with drip‐tips was more strongly correlated with precipitation of the wettest trimester than with total annual precipitation or length of the dry season. Our results extend and provide support for both existing hypotheses for the functional benefit of possessing a drip‐tip. Moreover, the currently unrecognized macrogeographic association between the frequency of drip‐tips in trees of the tropical forest understory and areas of heavy precipitation suggests a new function for this trait.  相似文献   

Anastrepha flavipennis Greene was obtained from Pouteria glomerata (Sapotaceae) fruits, known as "abiurana-da-várzea" in the Brazilian Amazon. This is the first record of A. flavipennis for the state of Amazonas and of P. glomerata as a host for this fruit fly in the Amazon Basin.  相似文献   

We present a generic spatially explicit modeling framework to estimate carbon emissions from deforestation (INPE‐EM). The framework incorporates the temporal dynamics related to the deforestation process and accounts for the biophysical and socioeconomic heterogeneity of the region under study. We build an emission model for the Brazilian Amazon combining annual maps of new clearings, four maps of biomass, and a set of alternative parameters based on the recent literature. The most important results are as follows: (a) Using different biomass maps leads to large differences in estimates of emission; for the entire region of the Brazilian Amazon in the last decade, emission estimates of primary forest deforestation range from 0.21 to 0.26 Pg C yr?1. (b) Secondary vegetation growth presents a small impact on emission balance because of the short duration of secondary vegetation. In average, the balance is only 5% smaller than the primary forest deforestation emissions. (c) Deforestation rates decreased significantly in the Brazilian Amazon in recent years, from 27 Mkm2 in 2004 to 7 Mkm2 in 2010. INPE‐EM process‐based estimates reflect this decrease even though the agricultural frontier is moving to areas of higher biomass. The decrease is slower than a non‐process instantaneous model would estimate as it considers residual emissions (slash, wood products, and secondary vegetation). The average balance, considering all biomass, decreases from 0.28 in 2004 to 0.15 Pg C yr?1 in 2009; the non‐process model estimates a decrease from 0.33 to 0.10 Pg C yr?1. We conclude that the INPE‐EM is a powerful tool for representing deforestation‐driven carbon emissions. Biomass estimates are still the largest source of uncertainty in the effective use of this type of model for informing mechanisms such as REDD+. The results also indicate that efforts to reduce emissions should focus not only on controlling primary forest deforestation but also on creating incentives for the restoration of secondary forests.  相似文献   

With growing interest in the value of animal companionship to human health, and increasing business awareness of promoting work-based health innovations and improving employees’ feelings of support, there has been a rise in interest about allowing dogs in the workplace (e.g., “Take your dog to work day” initiative; Pet Sitters International, 2015). However, there is little scientific literature about the advantages or disadvantages of such practice to support decision makers. We report the results of an internationally promoted survey to assess perceptions of dogs in the workplace, promoted through a “Take your dog to work” initiative. Responses to four open-ended questions were analyzed for themes across 776 participants. Common barriers to allowing dogs at work included the suitability of the working environment (44%) and health and safety concerns (31.3%). Where dogs were permitted in the workplace, there appeared to be little regulation of this, with few formal policies in place (63.8% had no guidelines/policies). The majority of those surveyed believed their colleagues had no concerns about having dogs at work (63.3%); the main potential problems that were recognized included a dislike of dogs (16.7%) and cleanliness issues (6.7%). Respondents made generally positive comments about having dogs at work (43.1%), referring to specific benefits including increased social interactions and reduced stress and improved atmosphere of the office. The implications of these findings are discussed for businesses and the development of “dog in the workplace” policies.  相似文献   

Among the remaining tropical forests of lowland Latin America, many are inhabited by indigenous peoples, and the sustainability of their land uses is a point of heated debate in the conservation community. Numerous small-scale studies have documented changes in indigenous land use in individual communities in the context of expanding frontier settlements and markets, but few studies have included larger populations or multiple ethnic groups. In this paper we use data from a regional-scale survey of five indigenous populations in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon to describe their agricultural land use practices and investigate the factors that affect those practices. We find the areas cultivated by indigenous households to be small compared to those of nearby mestizo colonists, but a large proportion of indigenous cultivated area is in commercial land uses. We also construct multilevel statistical models to investigate the household and community-level factors that affect indigenous land use. The results reveal significant influences on cultivated area from contextual factors such as access to markets, oil company activities, and the land tenure regime, as well as from household characteristics such as demographic composition, participation in alternative livelihood activities, and human, social and physical capitals. Overall the results are most consistent with market integration as an underlying driver of land use change in indigenous territories of the study area.
Clark L. GrayEmail:


In 2003, Japan passed the Act on Assistance Dogs for Persons with Disabilities, requiring public facilities, public transport, and private businesses serving the general public to allow access for people with physical impairments who use assistance dogs. One purpose of this law is to enable people with disabilities to lead independent and fulfilling lives as active members of society. In order to achieve this goal, the law requires public facilities such as national institutions and public transport, as well as private businesses serving the general public, such as hotels and restaurants, to allow access to people with physical impairment accompanied by assistance dogs. In 2007, the law was amended to stipulate acceptance to the workplace of people with a physical impairment accompanied by an assistance dog. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 6,062 business owners covered by the legislation, to ascertain the extent of knowledge of the law and acceptance of assistance dogs. In cases where the respondents had not employed any assistance dog users, they were also asked about the possibility of employing them in the future. The results indicate that assistance dog users are seldom accepted in the workplace, and familiarity with the law has not improved since the last survey in 2004, despite the 2007 amendment which is directly applicable to employers. Regarding the attitudes toward employment, most business owners answered that they would not or might not employ an assistance dog user. The level of knowledge of the law and the related financial support system differs among facility owners carrying out different types of business. Those positive toward employment tended to know much about the Act on Promotion of Smooth Transportation, etc. of Elderly Persons, Disabled Persons, etc. These findings suggest that there is a need for better dissemination of information about the obligation to accept assistance dog users in the workplace, of information about the users' obligations, how to cope with problems, and accessing consultation services.  相似文献   

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