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This report describes a new method allowing to measure the three-dimensional forces applied on right and left pedals during cycling. This method is based on a cycle ergometer mounted on a force platform. By recording the forces applied on the force platform and applying the fundamental mechanical equations, it was possible to calculate the instantaneous three-dimensional forces applied on pedals. It was validated by static and dynamic tests. The accuracy of the present system was -7.61 N, -3.37 N and -2.81 N, respectively, for the vertical, the horizontal and the lateral direction when applying a mono-directional force and -4.52 N when applying combined forces. In pedaling condition, the orientation and magnitude of the pedal forces were comparable to the literature. Moreover, this method did not modify the mechanical properties of the pedals and offered the possibility for pedal force measurement with materials often accessible in laboratories. Measurements obtained showed that this method has an interesting potential for biomechanical analyses in cycling.  相似文献   

We previously showed that cellular RedOx state governs the G1-S transition of AH130 hepatoma, a tumor spontaneously reprogrammed to the embryonic stem cell stage. This transition is impaired when the mithocondrial electron transport system is blocked by specific inhibitors (antimycin A) or the respiratory chain is saturated by adding to the cells high concentrations of pyruvate. The antimycin A or pyruvate block is removed by the addition of adequate concentrations of folate (F). This suggests that the G1-S transition of AH130 cells depends on a respiration-linked step of DNA synthesis related to folate metabolism. In the study reported here, we characterized the effects of methotrexate (MTX), an inhibitor of dihydofolate-reductase, on the G1-S transition of hepatoma cells, in the absence or the presence of exogenously added F, dihydrofolate (FH2) or tetrahydrofolate (FH4). MTX, at 1 μM or higher concentrations, inhibited G1-S transition. This inhibition was completely removed by exogenous folates. Surprisingly, 10 nM MTX stimulated G1-S transition. The addition of F, but not FH2 or FH4, significantly increased this effect. Furthermore, 10 nM MTX removed the block of the G1-S transition operated by antimycin A or pyruvate, an effect which was enhanced in the presence of F. Finally, the stimulatory effect of 10 nM MTX was inhibited in the presence of serine. Our findings indicated that, under certain conditions, MTX may stimulate, rather than inhibiting, the cycling of cancer cells exhibiting a stem cell-like phenotype, such as AH130 cells. This may impact the therapeutic use of MTX and of folates as supportive care.  相似文献   

Microbial life in low-energy ecosystems relies on individual energy conservation, optimizing energy use in response to interspecific competition and mutualistic interspecific syntrophy. Our study proposes a novel community-level strategy for increasing energy use efficiency. By utilizing an oxidation–reduction (redox) reaction network model that represents microbial redox metabolic interactions, we investigated multiple species-level competition and cooperation within the network. Our results suggest that microbial functional diversity allows for metabolic handoffs, which in turn leads to increased energy use efficiency. Furthermore, the mutualistic division of labour and the resulting complexity of redox pathways actively drive material cycling, further promoting energy exploitation. Our findings reveal the potential of self-organized ecological interactions to develop efficient energy utilization strategies, with important implications for microbial ecosystem functioning and the co-evolution of life and Earth.  相似文献   

Microbial sulfate reduction and sulfur oxidation are vital processes to enhance organic matter degradation in sediments. However, the diversity and composition of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and their environmental driving factors are still poorly understood in aquaculture ponds, which received mounting of organic matter. In this study, bacterial communities, SRB and SOB from sediments of aquaculture ponds with different sizes of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) were analysed using high-throughput sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The results indicated that microbial communities in aquaculture pond sediments of large juvenile fish showed the highest richness and abundance of SRB and SOB, potentially further enhancing microbial sulfur cycling. Specifically, SRB were dominated by Desulfobulbus and Desulfovibrio, whereas SOB were dominated by Dechloromonas and Leptothrix. Although large juvenile fish ponds had relatively lower concentrations of sulfur compounds (i.e. total sulfur, acid-volatile sulfide and elemental sulfur) than those of larval fish ponds, more abundant SRB and SOB were found in the large juvenile fish ponds. Further redundancy analysis (RDA) and linear regression indicated that sulfur compounds and sediment suspension are the major environmental factors shaping the abundance and community structure of SRB and SOB in aquaculture pond sediments. Findings of this study expand our current understanding of microbial driving sulfur cycling in aquaculture ecosystems and also provide novel insights for ecological and green aquaculture managements.  相似文献   



Obesity is associated with low-grade chronic inflammation attributed to dysregulated production, release of cytokines and adipokines and to dysregulated glucose-insulin homeostasis and dyslipidemia. Nutritional interventions such as dieting are often accompanied by repeated bouts of weight loss and regain, a phenomenon known as weight cycling (WC).


In this work we studied the effects of WC on the feed efficiency, blood lipids, carbohydrate metabolism, adiposity and inflammatory markers in C57BL/6 male mice that WC two or three consecutive times by alternation of a high-fat (HF) diet with standard chow (SC).


The body mass (BM) grew up in each cycle of HF feeding, and decreased after each cycle of SC feeding. The alterations observed in the animals feeding HF diet in the oral glucose tolerance test, in blood lipids, and in serum and adipose tissue expression of adipokines were not recuperated after WC. Moreover, the longer the HF feeding was (two, four and six months), more severe the adiposity was. After three consecutive WC, less marked was the BM reduction during SC feeding, while more severe was the BM increase during HF feeding.


In conclusion, the results of the present study showed that both the HF diet and WC are relevant to BM evolution and fat pad remodeling in mice, with repercussion in blood lipids, homeostasis of glucose-insulin and adipokine levels. The simple reduction of the BM during a WC is not able to recover the high levels of adipokines in the serum and adipose tissue as well as the pro-inflammatory cytokines enhanced during a cycle of HF diet. These findings are significant because a milieu with altered adipokines in association with WC potentially aggravates the chronic inflammation attributed to dysregulated production and release of adipokines in mice.  相似文献   

Natural wetlands often have a heterogeneous soil surface topography, or microtopography (MT), that creates microsites of variable hydrology, vegetation, and soil biogeochemistry. Created mitigation wetlands are designed to mimic natural wetlands in structure and function, and recent mitigation projects have incorporated MT as one way to attain this goal. Microtopography may influence nitrogen (N) cycling in wetlands by providing adjacent areas of aerobic and anaerobic conditions and by increasing carbon storage, which together facilitate N cycling and removal. This study investigated three created wetlands in the Virginia Piedmont that incorporated disking-induced MT during construction. One site had paired disked and undisked plots, allowing an evaluation of the effects of this design feature on N flux rates. Microtopography was measured using conventional survey equipment along a 1-m circular transect and was described using two indices: tortuosity (T), describing soil surface roughness and relief, and limiting elevation difference (LD), describing soil surface relief. Ammonification, nitrification, and net N mineralization were determined with in situ incubation of modified ion-exchange resin cores and denitrification potential was determined using denitrification enzyme assay (DEA). Results demonstrated that disked plots had significantly greater LD than undisked plots one year after construction. Autogenic sources of MT (e.g. tussock-forming vegetation) in concert with variable hydrology and sedimentation maintained and in some cases enhanced MT in study wetlands. Tortuosity and LD values remained the same in one wetland when compared over a two-year period, suggesting a dynamic equilibrium of MT-forming and -eroding processes at play. Microtopography values also increased when comparing the original induced MT of a one-year old wetland with MT of older created wetlands (five and eight years old) with disking-induced MT, indicating that MT can increase by natural processes over time. When examined along a hydrologic gradient, LD increased with proximity to an overflow point as a result of differential sediment deposition and erosion during flood events. Nitrification increased with T and denitrification potential increased with LD, indicating that microtopographic heterogeneity enhances coupled N fluxes. The resulting N flux patterns may be explained by the increase in oxygen availability elicited by greater T (enhancing nitrification) and by the adjacent zones of aerobic and anaerobic conditions elicited by greater LD (enhancing coupled nitrification and denitrification potential). Findings of this study support the incorporation of MT into the design and regulatory evaluation of created wetlands in order to enhance N cycling and removal.  相似文献   

The ongoing climate change is predicted to induce more weather extremes such as frequent drought and high-intensity precipitation events, causing more severe drying-rewetting cycles in soil. However, it remains largely unknown how these changes will affect soil nitrogen (N)-cycling microbes and the emissions of potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Utilizing a field precipitation manipulation in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau, we examined how precipitation reduction (ca. −30%) influenced soil N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in field, and in a complementary lab-incubation with simulated drying-rewetting cycles. Results obtained showed that precipitation reduction stimulated plant root turnover and N-cycling processes, enhancing soil N2O and CO2 emissions in field, particularly after each rainfall event. Also, high-resolution isotopic analyses revealed that field soil N2O emissions primarily originated from nitrification process. The incubation experiment further showed that in field soils under precipitation reduction, drying-rewetting stimulated N mineralization and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in favor of genera Nitrosospira and Nitrosovibrio, increasing nitrification and N2O emissions. These findings suggest that moderate precipitation reduction, accompanied with changes in drying-rewetting cycles under future precipitation scenarios, may enhance N cycling processes and soil N2O emissions in semi-arid ecosystems, feeding positively back to the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Cell-based in vitro biological models traditionally use monolayer cell cultures grown over plastic surfaces bathing in static media. Higher fidelity to a natural biological tissue is expected to result from growing the cells in a three-dimensional (3D) matrix. However, due to the decreased rate of diffusion inherent to increased distances within a tridimensional space, proper fluidic conditions are needed in this setting to better approximate a physiological environment. To this aim, we here propose a prototypal dynamic cell culture platform for the automatic medium replacement, via periodic perfusion flow, in a human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVECs) culture seeded in a Geltrex™ matrix. A state-of-the-art angiogenesis assay performed in these dynamic conditions showed sizable effects with respect to conventional static control cultures, with significantly enhanced pro-(dual antiplatelet therapy [DAPT]) and anti-(EDTA) angiogenic compound activity. In particular, dynamic culture conditions (a) enhance the 3D-organization of HUVECs into microtubule structure; (b) accelerate and improve endothelial tube formation by HUVECs in the presence of DAPT; (c) are able to completely revert the blocking effects of EDTA. These evidence emphasize the need of setting proper fluidic conditions for a better approximation of a physiological environment as an appropriate evolution of current cell culture paradigms.  相似文献   

Perindopril is an effective antihypertensive drug in strong demand used to treat hypertension. l-norvaline is a vital intermediate of Perindopril production mainly produced by chemical synthesis with low purity. We developed an environmentally friendly method to produce l-norvaline with high purity based on a desymmetrization process. d-Norvaline was oxidized to the corresponding keto acid by d-amino acid oxidase from the substrate dl-norvaline. Asymmetric hydrogenation of the keto acid to l-norvaline was carried out by leucine dehydrogenase with concomitant oxidation of NADH to NAD+. A NADH regeneration system was introduced by overexpressing a formate dehydrogenase. The unwanted H2O2 by-product generated during d-norvaline oxidation was removed by adding catalase. A total of 54.09 g/L of l-norvaline was achieved, with an enantiomeric excess over 99% under optimal conditions, with a 96.7% conversion rate. Our desymmetrization method provides an environmental friendly strategy for the production of enantiomerically pure l-norvaline in the pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of caffeine mouth rinse on endurance performance, muscle recruitment (i.e., electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris), rating of perceived effort and heart rate. Twelve physically-active healthy men cycled at 80% of their respiratory compensation point until task failure. The participants rinsed their mouths for 10 seconds with placebo (PLA, 25 mL of a solution composed of non-caloric mint essence) or caffeine (CAF, 25 mL of 1.2% of anhydrous caffeine concentration with non-caloric mint essence) every 15 minutes of exercise. Time until exhaustion increased 17% (effect size = 0.70) in CAF compared to PLA (p = 0.04). The wavebands of low-frequency electromyographic activity (EMG) of the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris was lower in CAF group than PLA at 50% of the time until exhaustion (p = 0.04). The global EMG signal was lower in CAF group than PLA at 100% of the time until exhaustion (p = 0.001). The rating of perceived effort pooled was higher in CAF mouth rinse (p = 0.001) than PLA group. No effect was found on the heart rate between the groups (p > 0.05). Caffeine mouth rinse increases endurance performance, rating of perceived effort and decreases muscle activity during a moderate-intensity exercise.  相似文献   

While many studies have explored the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, comparatively few have focused on its survival. Previously, we reported that endogenous phenazines support the anaerobic survival of P. aeruginosa, yet the physiological mechanism underpinning survival was unknown. Here, we demonstrate that phenazine redox cycling enables P. aeruginosa to oxidize glucose and pyruvate into acetate, which promotes survival by coupling acetate and ATP synthesis through the activity of acetate kinase. By measuring intracellular NAD(H) and ATP concentrations, we show that survival is correlated with ATP synthesis, which is tightly coupled to redox homeostasis during pyruvate fermentation but not during arginine fermentation. We also show that ATP hydrolysis is required to generate a proton‐motive force using the ATP synthase complex during fermentation. Together, our results suggest that phenazines enable maintenance of the proton‐motive force by promoting redox homeostasis and ATP synthesis. This work demonstrates the more general principle that extracellular redox‐active molecules, such as phenazines, can broaden the metabolic versatility of microorganisms by facilitating energy generation.  相似文献   

Kimura Y  Ishii A  Yamanari T  Ono TA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(21):7613-7622
In photosynthetic water oxidation, two water molecules are converted to an oxygen molecule through five reaction intermediates, designated S(n) (n = 0-4), at the catalytic Mn cluster of photosystem II. To understand the mechanism of water oxidation, changes in the chemical nature of the substrate water as well as the Mn cluster need to be defined during S-state cycling. Here, we report for the first time a complete set of Fourier transform infrared difference spectra during S-state cycling in the low-frequency (670-350 cm(-1)) region, in which interactions between the Mn cluster and its ligands can be detected directly, in PS II core particles from Thermosynechococcus elongatus. Furthermore, vibrations from oxygen and/or hydrogen derived from the substrate water and changes in them during S-state cycling were identified using multiplex isotope-labeled water, including H2(18)O, D2(16)O, and D2(18)O. Each water isotope affected the low-frequency S-state cycling spectra, characteristically. The bands sensitive only to (16)O/(18)O exchange were assigned to the modes from structures involving Mn and oxygen having no interactions with hydrogen, while the bands sensitive only to H/D exchange were assigned to modes from amino acid side chains and/or polypeptide backbones that associate with water hydrogen. The bands sensitive to both (16)O/(18)O and H/D exchanges were attributed to the structure involving Mn and oxygen structurally coupled with hydrogen in a direct or an indirect manner through hydrogen bonds. These bands include the changes of intermediate species derived from substrate water during the process of photosynthetic water oxidation.  相似文献   

A decade of photorespiratory nitrogen cycling   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Muscle, bone, and tendon forces; the movement of the center of mass, and the spring properties of the body during terrestrial locomotion can be measured using ground-mounted force platforms. These measurements have been extremely time consuming because of the difficulty in obtaining repeatable constant speed trials (particularly with animals). We have overcome this difficulty by mounting a force platform directly under the belt of a motorized treadmill. With this arrangement, vertical force can be recorded from an unlimited number of successive ground contacts in a much shorter time. With this treadmill-mounted force platform it is possible to accurately make the following measurements over the full range of steady speeds and under various perturbations of normal gait: 1) vertical ground reaction force over the course of the contact phase; 2) peak forces in bone, muscle, and tendon; 3) the vertical displacement of the center of mass; and 4) contact time for the limbs. In our treadmill-force platform design, belt forces and frictional forces cause no measurable cross-talk problem. Natural frequency (160 Hz), nonlinearity (less than 5%), and position independence (less than 2%) are all quite acceptable. Motor-caused vibrations are greater than 150 Hz and thus can be easily filtered.  相似文献   

Trophoblast differentiation and formation of the placenta are important events linked to post-implantation embryonic development. Models mimicking the biology of trophoblast differentiation in a post-implantation maternal microenvironment are needed for understanding disorders like placental-ischemia or for applications in drug-screening, and would help in overcoming the ethical impasse on using human embryos for such research. Here we attempt to create such a model by using embryoid bodies (EBs) and a biomimetic platform composed of a bilayer of fibronectin and gelatin on top of low-melting agarose. Using this model we test the hypothesis that cystic-EBs (day 30) that resemble blastocysts morphologically, are better sources as compared to noncytic EBs (day 10), for functional trophoblast differentiation; and that the Rho kinases inhibitor Y27632 can enhance this differentiation. Non/cytic EBs with/out Y27632 were grown on this platform for 28 days, and screened from secretion and expression of trophoblast and other lineage markers using ECLIA, RT-PCR, and Immunofluorescence. All EBs attached on this surface and rapidly proliferated into hCG and progesterone (P2) secreting functional trophoblast cells. However, the cells derived from cytic-EBs and cytic-EBs+ Y27632 showed the maximum secretion of these hormones and expressed IGF2, supporting our hypothesis. Also Y27632 reduced extraembryonic endoderm and trophoblast lineage differentiation from early noncystic-EBs, whereas, it specifically enhanced the induction of trophoblast and multinucleated syncitiotrophoblast differentiation from late cystic-EBs. In vivo trophoblast differentiation can be replicated in fibronectin based biomaterials, using cytic-EBs and by maneuvering the Rho-ROCK pathways. Response of EBs to a compound may vary temporally, and determination of their right stage is crucial for applications in directed-differentiation or drug-screening.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to reconcile the observed vulnerability of self-sustaining (materially closed) experimental ecosystems with demonstrations of virtually unconditional stability in mathematical models incorporating material recycling. We prove deterministic local stability in a generalized version of a model previously investigated by two of us (Nisbet and Gurney), but show that, except with rather narrowly specified parameter values, the system is likely to be extremely sensitive to external perturbations.  相似文献   

A cycling cis-Golgi protein mediates endosome-to-Golgi traffic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Toxins can invade cells by using a direct endosome-to-Golgi endocytic pathway that bypasses late endosomes/prelysosomes. This is also a route used by endogenous proteins, including GPP130, which is an integral membrane protein retrieved via the bypass pathway from endosomes to its steady-state location in the cis-Golgi. An RNA interference-based test revealed that GPP130 was required for efficient exit of Shiga toxin B-fragment from endosomes en route to the Golgi apparatus. Furthermore, two proteins whose Golgi targeting depends on endosome-to-Golgi retrieval in the bypass pathway accumulated in early/recycling endosomes in the absence of GPP130. GPP130 activity seemed specific to bypass pathway trafficking because the targeting of other tested proteins, including those retrieved to the Golgi via the more conventional late endosome route, was unaltered. Thus, a distally cycling Golgi protein mediates exit from endosomes and thereby underlies Shiga toxin invasion and retrieval-based targeting of other cycling Golgi proteins.  相似文献   

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