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We present a method to study fluid transport through nanoporous materials using highly efficient non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. A steady flow is induced by applying an external field to the fluid particles within a small slab of the simulation cell. The external field generates a density gradient between both sides of the porous material, which in turn triggers a convective flux through the porous medium. The heat dissipated by the fluid flow is released by a Gaussian thermostat applied to the wall particles. This method is effective for studying diffusivities in a slit pore as well as more natural, complex wall geometries. The dependence of the diffusive flux on the external field sheds light on the transport diffusivities and allows a direct calculation of effective diffusivities. Both pore and fluid particle interactions are represented by coarse-grained molecular models in order to present a proof-of-concept and to retain computational efficiency in the simulations. The application of the method is demonstrated in two different scenarios, namely the effective mass transport through a slit pore and the calculation of the effective self-diffusion through this system. The method allows for a distinction between diffusive and convective contributions of the mass transport.  相似文献   

Active site modeling in molecular dynamics simulations is investigated for the reduced state of copper azurin. Five simulation runs (5 ns each) were performed at room temperature to study the consequences of a mixed electrostatic/constrained modeling for the coordination between the metal and the polypeptide chain, using for the ligand residues a set of charges that is modified with respect to the apo form of the protein by the presence of the copper ion.The results show that the different charge values do not lead to relevant effects on the geometry of the active site of the protein, as long as bond distance constraints are used for all the five ligand atoms. The distance constraint on the O atom of Gly45 can be removed without altering the active site geometry. The coordination between Cu and the other axial ligand Met121 is outlined as being flexible. Differences are found between the bonds of the copper ion with the two apparently equivalent N1 atoms of His46 and His117.The overall findings are discussed in connection with the issue of determining a model for the active site of azurin suitable to be used in molecular dynamics simulations under unfolding conditions. Figure Model of azurin active site. Copper ligand residues are cut off at C position except Gly45, for which the portion of backbone connecting it to His46 is shown. Only polar H atoms are shown. All atoms are in standard colors (Cu in violet), and the five ligands are labeled  相似文献   

Summary A new program for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and energy refinement of biological macromolecules, OPAL, is introduced. Combined with the supporting program TRAJEC for the analysis of MD trajectories, OPAL affords high efficiency and flexibility for work with diferent force fields, and offers a user-friendly interface and extensive trajectory analysis capabilities. Salient features are computational speeds of up to 1.5 GFlops on vector supercomputers such as the NEC SX-3, ellipsoidal boundaries to reduce the system size for studies in explicit solvents, and natural treatment of the hydrostatic pressure. Practical applications of OPAL are illustrated with MD simulations of pure water, energy minimization of the NMR structure of the mixed disulfide of a mutant E. coli glutaredoxin with glutathione in different solvent models, and MD simulations of a small protein, pheromone Er-2, using either instantaneous or time-averaged NMR restraints, or no restraints.Abbreviations D diffusion constant in cm2/s - Er-2 pheromone 2 from Euplotes raikovi - GFlop one billion floating point operations per second - Grx(C14S)-SG mixed disulfide between a mutant E. coli glutaredoxin, with Cys14 replaced by Ser, and glutathione - MD molecular dynamics - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - rmsd root-mean-square deviation - density in g/cm3  相似文献   

An ad hoc thermostating procedure that couples a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and a numerical solution to the continuum heat flow equation is presented. The method allows experimental thermal transport properties to be modeled without explicitly including electronic degrees of freedom in a MD simulation. The method is demonstrated using two examples, heat flow from a constant temperature silver surface into a single crystal bulk, and a tip sliding along a silver surface. For the former it is shown that frictional forces based on the Hoover thermostat applied locally to grid regions of the simulation are needed for effective feedback between the atomistic and continuum equations. For fast tip sliding the thermostat results in less surface heating, and higher frictional and normal forces compared to the same simulation without the thermostat.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have become a popular and powerful technique to study lipids and membrane proteins. We present some general questions and issues that should be considered prior to embarking on molecular dynamics simulation studies of membrane proteins and review common simulation methods. We suggest a practical approach to setting up and running simulations of membrane proteins, and introduce two new (related) methods to embed a protein in a lipid bilayer. Both methods rely on placing lipids and the protein(s) on a widely spaced grid and then 'shrinking' the grid until the bilayer with the protein has the desired density, with lipids neatly packed around the protein. When starting from a grid based on a single lipid structure, or several potentially different lipid structures (method 1), the bilayer will start well-packed but requires more equilibration. When starting from a pre-equilibrated bilayer, either pure or mixed, most of the structure of the bilayer stays intact, reducing equilibration time (method 2). The main advantages of these methods are that they minimize equilibration time and can be almost completely automated, nearly eliminating one time consuming step in MD simulations of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

We have performed 40–80 ns-long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the GCN4 leucine zipper and synthetic coiled coils using the GROMOS96 (43a2) and OPLS-AA force fields, with the aim of predicting coiled coil stability. Starting with an initial configuration of two peptides placed in an ideal coiled coil configuration, we find that changing the amino acid sequence modestly or decreasing peptide length can lead to a decrease in the final α-helicity of coiled coils, although for peptides as long or longer than 16 residues, the values of helicity do not decrease to the low values seen in the experimental results of Lumb et al. (Biochemistry. 1994, 33, 7361–7367) or of Su et al. (Biochemistry. 1994, 33, 15501–15510), presumably because the simulations are not long enough. We find, however, that helicity correlates positively with the number of close hydrophobic interactions between the two peptides, showing that stable coiled coils in the simulations are tightly packed. The minimum interhelical distances are 0.50–0.66 nm for charged groups, indicating that favorable charge interactions are also important for the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

Periplasmic binding proteins from Gram-negative bacteria possess a common architecture, comprised of two domains linked by a hinge region, a fold which they share with the neurotransmitter-binding domains of ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs). Glutamine-binding protein (GlnBP) is one such protein, whose crystal structure has been solved in both open and closed forms. Multi-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations have been used to explore motions about the hinge region and how they are altered by ligand binding. Glutamine binding is seen to significantly reduce inter-domain motions about the hinge region. Essential dynamics analysis of inter-domain motion revealed the presence of both hinge-bending and twisting motions, as has been reported for a related sugar-binding protein. Significantly, the influence of the ligand on GlnBP dynamics is similar to that previously observed in simulations of rat glutamate receptor (GluR2) ligand-binding domain. The essential dynamics analysis of GlnBP also revealed a third class of motion which suggests a mechanism for signal transmission in GluRs.  相似文献   

We investigated structural reorganization of two different kinds of molecular sheets derived from the cellulose II crystal using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, in order to identify the initial structure of the cellulose crystal in the course of its regeneration process from solution. After a one-nanosecond simulation, the molecular sheet formed by van der Waals forces along the () crystal plane did not change its structure in an aqueous environment, while the other one formed by hydrogen bonds along the (1 1 0) crystal plane changed into a van der Waals-associated molecular sheet, such as the former. The two structures that were calculated showed substantial similarities such as the high occupancy of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between O3H and O5 of over 0.75, few intermolecular hydrogen bonds, and the high occurrence of hydrogen bonding with water. The convergence of the two structures into one denotes that the van der Waals-associated molecular sheet can be the initial structure of the cellulose crystal formed in solution. The main chain conformations were almost the same as those in the cellulose II crystal except for a −16° shift of φ (dihedral angle of O5-C1-O1-C4) and the gauche-gauche conformation of the hydroxymethyl side group appears probably due to its hydrogen bonding with water. These results suggest that the van der Waals-associated molecular sheet becomes stable in an aqueous environment with its hydrophobic inside and hydrophilic periphery. Contrary to this, a benzene environment preferred a hydrogen-bonded molecular sheet, which is expected to be the initial structure formed in benzene.  相似文献   

The results of full-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the transmembrane domains (TMDs) of both native, and Glu664-mutant (either protonated or unprotonated) Neu in an explicit fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer are presented. For the native TMD peptide, a 10.05 ns trajectory was collected, while for the mutant TMD peptides 5.05 ns trajectories were collected for each. The peptides in all three simulations display stable predominantly -helical hydrogen bonding throughout the trajectories. The only significant exception occurs near the C-terminal end of the native and unprotonated mutant TMDs just outside the level of the lipid headgroups, where -helical hydrogen bonding develops, introducing a kink in the backbone structure. However, there is no indication of the formation of a bulge within the hydrophobic region of either native or mutant peptides. Over the course of the simulation of the mutant peptide, it is found that a significant number of water molecules penetrate the hydrophobic region of the surrounding lipid molecules, effectively hydrating Glu664. If the energy cost of such water penetration is significant enough, this may be a factor in the enhanced dimerization affinity of Glu664-mutant Neu.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Gram-negative bacteria have a variety of functions including passive transport, active transport, catalysis, pathogenesis and signal transduction. Whilst the structures of ∼ 25 OMPs are currently known, there is relatively little known about their dynamics in different environments. The outer membrane protein, OmpA from Escherichia coli has been studied extensively in different environments both experimentally and computationally, and thus provides an ideal test case for the study of the dynamics and environmental interactions of outer membrane proteins. We review molecular dynamics simulations of OmpA and its homologues in a variety of different environments and discuss possible mechanisms of pore gating. The transmembrane domain of E. coli OmpA shows subtle differences in dynamics and interactions between a detergent micelle and a lipid bilayer environment. Simulations of the crystallographic unit cell reveal a micelle-like network of detergent molecules interacting with the protein monomers. Simulation and modelling studies emphasise the role of an electrostatic-switch mechanism in the pore-gating mechanism. Simulation studies have been extended to comparative models of OmpA homologues from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (OprF) and Pasteurella multocida (PmOmpA), the latter model including the periplasmic C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

We carried out NPT molecular dynamics simulations in an explicit solvent to better understand the mechanism of cyclic adenosine monophosphates (cAMP) hydrolysis by phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) enzyme on atomic details and to obtain information on the dynamics characteristic of the catalytic domains of PDE4. In analyzing the water hydrogen-bond network around the active site, we also showed the importance of water in drug–protein interactions. In addition, we reported the characteristics of the hydration pattern and the dynamic distance distribution around the interesting residues. The results indicated that Asp318 plays the role of a general base that can activate water molecule for nucleophilic attack on cAMP. As expected, His160 plays the role of a proton donor for cAMP.  相似文献   

The main bottleneck of molecular dynamic simulations is the estimation of nonbonded pairwise interaction, which often employs neighbour search algorithms to find out interacting atom pairs. These methods have some drawbacks in fulfilling data locality principle, which is unable to take full advantage of modern computer architecture. In this article, we developed a new method by introducing a temporary list to reduce the sparsity in data access. This list permits to obtain a compact and sequential data structure which benefits to efficiently fulfil the data locality principle. We tested and compared the performance of the new method with that of the extensively used reordering method. The new method based on linked cell list is shown to increase 13% of computation speed and have better parallelism in comparison with reordering method. The increase in parallel efficiency makes the new method a promising option for large-scale molecular simulations.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide a valuable approach to the dynamics, structure, and stability of membrane-protein systems. Coarse-grained (CG) models, in which small groups of atoms are treated as single particles, enable extended (>100 ns) timescales to be addressed. In this study, we explore how CG-MD methods that have been developed for detergents and lipids may be extended to membrane proteins. In particular, CG-MD simulations of a number of membrane peptides and proteins are used to characterize their interactions with lipid bilayers. CG-MD is used to simulate the insertion of synthetic model membrane peptides (WALPs and LS3) into a lipid (PC) bilayer. WALP peptides insert in a transmembrane orientation, whilst the LS3 peptide adopts an interfacial location, both in agreement with experimental biophysical data. This approach is extended to a transmembrane fragment of the Vpu protein from HIV-1, and to the coat protein from fd phage. Again, simulated protein/membrane interactions are in good agreement with solid state NMR data for these proteins. CG-MD has also been applied to an M3-M4 fragment from the CFTR protein. Simulations of CFTR M3-M4 in a detergent micelle reveal formation of an alpha-helical hairpin, consistent with a variety of biophysical data. In an I231D mutant, the M3-M4 hairpin is additionally stabilized via an inter-helix Q207/D231 interaction. Finally, CG-MD simulations are extended to a more complex membrane protein, the bacterial sugar transporter LacY. Comparison of a 200 ns CG-MD simulation of LacY in a DPPC bilayer with a 50 ns atomistic simulation of the same protein in a DMPC bilayer shows that the two methods yield comparable predictions of lipid-protein interactions. Taken together, these results demonstrate the utility of CG-MD simulations for studies of membrane/protein interactions.  相似文献   

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) function as cholesterol transporters, facilitating the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. Due to the heterogeneity of native HDL particles (both in size and shape), the details on how these protein-lipid particles form and the structure they assume in their lipid-associated states are not well characterized. We report here a study of the self-assembly of discoidal HDL particles using coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics. The microsecond simulations reveal the self-assembly of HDL particles from disordered protein-lipid complexes to form structures containing many of the features of the generally accepted double-belt model for discoidal HDL particles. HDL assembly is found to proceed in two broad steps, aggregation of proteins and lipids driven by the hydrophobic effect which occurs on a approximately 1 micros time scale, followed by the optimization of the protein structure driven by increasingly specific protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics is a rapidly developing field of science and has become an established tool for studying the dynamic behavior of biomolecules. Although several high quality programs for performing molecular dynamic simulations are freely available, only well-trained scientists are currently able to make use of the broad scientific potential that molecular dynamic simulations offer to gain insight into structural questions at an atomic level. The "Dynamic Molecules" approach is the first internet portal that provides an interactive access to set up, perform and analyze molecular dynamic simulations. It is completely based on standard web technologies and uses only publicly available software. The aim is to open molecular dynamics techniques to a broader range of users including undergraduate students, teachers and scientists outside the bioinformatics field. The time-limiting factors are the availability of free capacity on the computing server to run the simulations and the time required to transport the history file through the internet for the animation mode. The interactive access mode of the portal is acceptable for animations of molecules having up to about 500 atoms.Figure Several main menus (see top) are provided to start "New Simulations", to "Display Simulations" and to "Analyze" statistical and geometrical properties of the molecule. Here the "Display Simulation" interface is shown. The Chime plugin is used to visualize molecular 3D structures and motions.  相似文献   

Conformational dynamics is crucial for ribonucleic acid (RNA) function. Techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance, cryo-electron microscopy, small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering, chemical probing, single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer, or even thermal or mechanical denaturation experiments probe RNA dynamics at different time and space resolutions. Their combination with accurate atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations paves the way for quantitative and detailed studies of RNA dynamics. First, experiments provide a quantitative validation tool for MD simulations. Second, available data can be used to refine simulated structural ensembles to match experiments. Finally, comparison with experiments allows for improving MD force fields that are transferable to new systems for which data is not available. Here we review the recent literature and provide our perspective on this field.  相似文献   

Non-linear localization phenomena in biological lattices have attracted a steadily growing interest and their existence has been predicted in a wide range of physical settings. We investigate the non-linear proton dynamics of a hydrogen-bonded chain in a semi-classical limit using the coherent state method combined with a Holstein–Primakoff bosonic representation. We demonstrate that even a weak inherent discreteness in the hydrogen-bonded (HB) chain may drastically modify the dynamics of the non-linear system, leading to instabilities that have no analog in the continuum limit. We suggest a possible localization mechanism of polarization oscillations of protons in a hydrogen-bonded chain through modulational instability analysis. This mechanism arises due to the neighboring proton–proton interaction and coherent tunneling of protons along hydrogen bonds and/or around heavy atoms. We present a detailed analysis of modulational instability, and highlight the role of the interaction strength of neighboring protons in the process of bioenergy localization. We perform molecular dynamics simulations and demonstrate the existence of nanoscale discrete breather (DB) modes in the hydrogen-bonded chain. These highly localized and long-lived non-linear breather modes may play a functional role in targeted energy transfer in biological systems.  相似文献   

Chloramphenicol, an antibiotic belonging to the family of amphenicols, is an inhibitor of translation. On the basis of X–ray structural analysis of the binding of chloramphenicol to free bacterial ribosomes, the chloramphenicol action mechanism that consists in preventing the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the A–site of the large subunit of the ribosome was adopted. However, the known structures of chloramphenicol complexes with bacterial ribosomes poorly explain the results of the experiments on the chemical modification of 23S rRNA, the resistance to chloramphenicol caused by mutations in 23S rRNA and, which is particularly important, the selectivity of chloramphenicol in suppression of translation, depending on the amino acid sequence of the nascent peptide. In the present study the putative structure of the chloramphenicol complex with a bacterial ribosome in the A,A/P,P–state has been obtained by molecular dynamics simulations methods. The proposed structure of the complex allows us to explain the results of biochemical studies of the interaction of chloramphenicol with the bacterial ribosome.  相似文献   

In conventional force fields, the electrostatic potential is represented by atom-centred point charges. This choice is in principle arbitrary, but technically convenient. Point charges can be understood as the first term of multipole expansions, which converge with an increasing number of terms towards the accurate representation of the molecular potential given by the electron density distribution. The use of multipole expansions can therefore improve the force field accuracy. Technically, the implementation of atomic multipoles is more involved than the use of point charges. Important points to consider are the orientation of the multipole moments during the trajectory, conformational dependence of the atomic moments and stability of the simulations which are discussed here.
Markus MeuwlyEmail:

J. Feng  Y. Hu 《Molecular simulation》2013,39(10):731-738
Alternating and diblock polyampholytes confined in a slit with and without an electric field have been simulated by the molecular dynamics method with a Langevin thermostat. It is shown that the slit has a strong effect on the properties of the polyampholyte. The effect is stronger when the electric field is weak, or the temperature is not too high. When a polyampholyte chain moves close to the slit wall, its radius of gyration perpendicular to the wall becomes smaller but that parallel to the wall becomes larger. Owing to the confinement of the slit, the polyampholyte chain closer to the slit wall tends to lie on the wall and becomes more flat. The width of the slit has only a little influence on the properties of solutions near the slit wall, values of several physical statistics are very close with different widths. However, when the electric field strength is strong enough in a narrow slit, the obtained properties obviously differ.  相似文献   

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