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A COST Action is a consortium of -mainly- European scientists (but open to international cooperation) working on a common research area, with the same subject; COST provides funding to the Actions for networking and dissemination activities, thus the participating scientists must have secured research funding from other national or European sources. COST funding is in the scale of approximately 100 kEuros per year and in this vein, it is often criticized both in that it does not fund research and the core science and in that its funding is ‘limited’. However, COST with its instruments is an integral pillar of the European Research Area, and it is through its mission that a variety of aspects of the research environment, fundamental to the success of the research, are catered for; these include scientific networking, collaboration/exchange/training and dissemination activities. Through fast procedures, proposals are evaluated and approved for funding in less than one year from submission date and Actions become operational immediately, managed on flexible management. In this way, COST contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research investments, while opening the European Research Area to cooperation worldwide. COST Actions have an excellent record of building the critical mass for follow up activities in the EU FP or other similarly competitive programmes.  相似文献   

Conclusions European cooperation in biological oceanography is indispensable for geographical, political and financial reasons. Large-scale regional projects, ocean observation and forescasting systems, the study of the deep-sea bed and the development of modern technology for automated observations require multinational cooperation. Other projects might be carried out on a bi- or trilateral basis. European cooperation holds great promise because of the high concentration and great variety of research institutions with a large potential of skilled personnel, instruments and many (too many?) research vessels of all sizes. The opening up of the former Eastern bloc provides new opportunities and obligations for European cooperation. New approaches have been found through the provision of national vessels and installations for international projects. The further integration of European marine science will presumably lead to the establishment of technology centres, and possibly to European research vessels. The new perspectives of European cooperation are encouraging, provided there will be enough solidarity within Europe during periods of great economic disparity, and provided European marine scientists are aware of the interests of their colleagues in all other parts of the world rich and poor.  相似文献   

EuroBioFund was set up by the European Science Foundation in 2006, with financial support from the European Commission to catalyse the development of large scale pan-European life sciences research programmes by engaging those involved in planning and funding research.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,94(2-3):67-75
This article is a presentation of the local Mediterranean cheese sector and of the several types of projects and initiatives to promote the Mediterranean local cheeses: promotional campaigns, workshops, networks and meetings, regional events (cheeses shows, processing demonstrations, thematic routes, cheese contests, …). The small-scale and farm-made cheeses, mostly with sheep or goat milk, are generally considered a possible vehicle of economic and social development for the less favored rural areas; mountainous areas are seen as holders of local know-how. To support this development, several initiatives and often public supported projects have aimed to promote and improve the valorization of these local small-scale Mediterranean cheeses and their heritage value. The analysis is based mainly on a comparison of projects and initiative in which the authors were involved through several European projects of cooperation. The different situations in the northern and southern areas are considered separately. For each initiative, we particularly focus on the type of organization or institution that has led it: Regional Public Extension, National Park Administration, Universities or Research Centers, Public Organizations, Professional Associations …. We cross them with simple indicators to characterize each regional sector. The initiatives are characterized regarding the coherence and impact of these projects. In several cases, the promotion of local cheeses is not related to a sustainable and coherent strategy of development of production. The interrelations between institutional public projects of regional rural development and the local cheese and animal production systems were studied. This article underlines that such initiatives have to integrate the components of a coherent appropriation of the Mediterranean Cheese heritage and the tensions between technical and cultural approaches.  相似文献   

The emerging field of synthetic biology has the potential to improve global health. For example, synthetic biology could contribute to efforts at vaccine development in a context in which vaccines and immunization have been identified by the international community as being crucial to international development efforts and, in particular, the millennium development goals. However, past experience with innovations shows that realizing a technology’s potential can be difficult and complex. To achieve better societal embedding of synthetic biology and to make sure it reaches its potential, science and technology development should be made more inclusive and interactive. Responsible research and innovation is based on the premise that a broad range of stakeholders with different views, needs and ideas should have a voice in the technological development and deployment process. The interactive learning and action (ILA) approach has been developed as a methodology to bring societal stakeholders into a science and technology development process. This paper proposes an ILA in five phases for an international effort, with national case studies, to develop socially robust applications of synthetic biology for global health, based on the example of vaccine development. The design is based on results of a recently initiated ILA project on synthetic biology; results from other interactive initiatives described in the literature; and examples of possible applications of synthetic biology for global health that are currently being developed.  相似文献   

新世纪的中国昆虫系统学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
黄大卫 《昆虫学报》2003,46(1):90-95
对未来我国昆虫系统学在能力建设、物种编目、理论研究、技术创新和国际合作等方面提出一系列建议。在昆虫系统学能力建设方面,政府和科学家应该在生物分类学能力评估、基础硬件建设、各级生物标本馆中建立伙伴关系(包括标本采集、标本馆管理、 科学研究、 知识共享和标本与资料交换)等方面重点开展工作。在物种编目方面,我国的昆虫物种编目有赖于各级政府和机构继续关注标本的收集和保藏,继续启动一些考察项目,以满足发现和认识昆虫物种的实际需求。在物种水平上研究以往昆虫系统学家的工作,进行地区性和世界性的昆虫类群的订正更是非常必要的。在理论研究方面,我国昆虫系统应该在下列方面积极探索:物种概念、进化理论、比较生物学理论和高级分类系统研究。在技术创新方面,我国的昆虫系统学家应该在数据库与网络技术应用、图形图像处理技术、专家鉴定系统技术、分类性状分析技术、分子生物学技术、系统发育推断程序、信息统一管理技术和知识传播技术等方面进行深入研究,以满足昆虫系统学的发展需求。在国际合作方面,要进一步推动我国昆虫系统学研究机构加入生物分类学全球战略联盟、加入各种相关国际相关组织,要促进物种信息管理系统的建立与共享,要推动研究项目国际化。  相似文献   

Summary  This brief review of the science and practice of ecological restoration and rehabilitation in Australia shows that, from small isolated efforts in the first half of the 20th century, substantial numbers of programmes are steadily emerging from natural area, agricultural landscape, mining and aquatic management sectors. With support from numerous research programmes in the last two decades, restoration and rehabilitation work is increasing in scale and ecological rigour; and researchers and practitioners are increasingly engaging with the international restoration discourse. Future improvements in prioritization, goal-setting, monitoring, evaluation and communication are, however, still needed to improve Australia's capacity to meet its increasingly serious environmental challenges and do its bit to reduce and halt global degradation.  相似文献   

The European Commission has been active in the field of endocrine disrupters since 1995. Its first actions were to fund research projects through the Fourth Framework Programme for Research and Development covering various aspects of the issue (identification of endocrine disrupters, environmental and human health impacts). This involvement in research has continued through the Fifth Framework Programme and increased to this day. The publication of a specific call for proposals on endocrine disrupters on May 31, 2001 bears witness to these efforts. In parallel, the policy profile of the issue quickly rose and led to the adoption of the Community Strategy on Endocrine Disrupters (COM (1999)706 final) in 1999. This strategy identifies actions short, medium and long term and is supported by the European Parliament and the European Council. Its short-term actions focus on the establishment of a list of substances for further evaluation of their role in endocrine disruption and on the use of existing legislation to control the risk; the medium-term actions focus on the identification and assessment of endocrine disrupters as well as on further research to better understand the ED phenomenon, and the long-term actions focus on legislative actions to protect human health and the environment. These European developments have gone hand in hand with international cooperation with the USA on research (in the frame of the EC/US S&T cooperation agreement), with the WHO on health issues and with the OECD on screening and testing issues.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) lies at the heart of biodiversity conservation initiatives. It offers opportunities to address global issues at the national level through locally grown solutions and measures. This article reviews the national challenges and opportunities in meeting requirements of the CBD by analysing twenty Third National Reports (TNRs), covering five different CBD regional clusters from the three global economic groups. While there is a plethora of challenges, the predominant ones discussed in this study include: institutional and capacity, knowledge and accessible information, economic policy and financial resources, cooperation and stakeholder involvement, and mainstreaming and integration of biodiversity. The underlying problem is that limited capacity in developing countries and transition economies undermines conservation initiatives. Lack of capacity in science, coordination, administration, legislation, and monitoring are barriers to on-ground implementation of biodiversity programmes. Opportunities to overcome these challenges embrace use of knowledge products, information-sharing mechanisms, participatory platforms, educational programmes, multi-level governance, and policy coherence. Innovative market-based instruments are also being trialled in various countries, which seek to offer incentives to local communities. The article concludes that conservation measures should be supported by multiple sectors and secure high level political support. Political, economical, and legislative sectors are more likely to show interest in CBD implementation and use it as a tool for managing biodiversity when they know the Convention processes and perceive it as a benefit. Modest investments in capacity building and training, and engaging different sectors in setting priorities would have a significant pay-off.  相似文献   

Parasite genome initiatives   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During 1993-1994, scientists from developing and developed countries planned and initiated a number of parasite genome projects and several consortiums for the mapping and sequencing of these medium-sized genomes were established, often based on already ongoing scientific collaborations. Financial and other support came from WHO/TDR, Wellcome Trust and other funding agencies. Thus, the genomes of Plasmodium falciparum, Schistosoma mansoni, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania major, Trypanosoma brucei, Brugia malayi and other pathogenic nematodes are now under study. From an initial phase of network formation, mapping efforts and resource building (EST, GSS, phage, cosmid, BAC and YAC library constructions), sequencing was initiated in gene discovery projects but soon also on a small chromosome, and now on a fully fledged genome scale. Proteomics, functional analysis, genetic manipulation and microarray analysis are ongoing to different degrees in the respective genome initiatives, and as the funding for the whole genome sequencing becomes secured, most of the participating laboratories, apart from larger sequencing centres, become oriented to post-genomics. Bioinformatics networks are being expanded, including in developing countries, for data mining, annotation and in-depth analysis.  相似文献   

In the belief that the release of genetically engineered organisms will provide significant benefits to our society, European industry is taking an active role in the development of regulations which make both economic and scientific sense. Such regulations will have public support and enable industry to predict the cost of satisfying the requirements for risk assessment and hence be more confident in funding research and development programmes.  相似文献   

Ecologists are increasingly asking large‐scale and/or broad‐scope questions that require vast datasets. In response, various top‐down efforts and incentives have been implemented to encourage data sharing and integration. However, despite general consensus on the critical need for more open ecological data, several roadblocks still discourage compliance and participation in these projects; as a result, ecological data remain largely unavailable. Grassroots initiatives (i.e. efforts initiated and led by cohesive groups of scientists focused on specific goals) have thus far been overlooked as a powerful means to meet these challenges. These bottom‐up collaborative data integration projects can play a crucial role in making high quality datasets available because they tackle the heterogeneity of ecological data at a scale where it is still manageable, all the while offering the support and structure to do so. These initiatives foster best practices in data management and provide tangible rewards to researchers who choose to invest time in sound data stewardship. By maintaining proximity between data generators and data users, grassroots initiatives improve data interpretation and ensure high‐quality data integration while providing fair acknowledgement to data generators. We encourage researchers to formalize existing collaborations and to engage in local activities that improve the availability and distribution of ecological data. By fostering communication and interaction among scientists, we are convinced that grassroots initiatives can significantly support the development of global‐scale data repositories. In doing so, these projects help address important ecological questions and support policy decisions.  相似文献   

V K Shumny 《Génome》1989,31(2):900-904
Two periods of the development of genetic research in the USSR with reference to its current trends of plant and animal genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics are reviewed. A short list of priority areas is established: the maintenance and use of unique gene pools of plants and animals; the domestication of animals and cultivation of new plants; the development of programmes for mathematical treatment of genetic data banks. It is suggested to consider them within the framework of international projects. The idea is to promote the collaborative efforts of scientists on an international scale.  相似文献   

Citizen science is proving to be an effective tool in tracking the rapid pace at which our environment is changing over large geographic areas. It is becoming increasingly popular, in places such as North America and some European countries, to engage members of the general public and school pupils in the collection of scientific data to support long-term environmental monitoring. Participants in such schemes are generally volunteers and are referred to as citizen scientists. The Christmas bird count in the US is one of the worlds longest running citizen science projects whereby volunteers have been collecting data on birds on a specific day since 1900. Similar volunteer networks in Ireland have been in existence since the 1960s and were established to monitor the number and diversity of birds throughout the country. More recently, initiatives such as Greenwave (2006) and Nature Watch (2009) invite school children and members of the general public respectively, to record phenology data from a range of common species of plant, insect and bird. In addition, the Irish butterfly and bumblebee monitoring schemes engage volunteers to record data on sightings of these species. The primary purpose of all of these networks is to collect data by which to monitor changes in wildlife development and diversity, and in the case of Greenwave to involve children in hands-on, inquiry-based science. Together these various networks help raise awareness of key environmental issues, such as climate change and loss of biodiversity, while at the same time promote development of scientific skills among the general population. In addition, they provide valuable scientific data by which to track environmental change. Here we examine the role of citizen science in monitoring biodiversity in Ireland and conclude that some of the data collected in these networks can be used to fulfil Ireland’s statutory obligations for nature conservation. In addition, a bee thought previously to be extinct has been rediscovered and a range expansion of a different bee has been confirmed. However, it also became apparent that some of the networks play more of an educational than a scientific role. Furthermore, we draw on experience from a range of citizen science projects to make recommendations on how best to establish new citizen science projects in Ireland and strengthen existing ones.  相似文献   

There is an increasing momentum within the marine conservation community to develop representative networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) covering up to 30% of global marine habitats. However, marine conservation initiatives are perceived as uncoordinated at most levels of planning and decision-making. These initiatives also face the challenge of being in conflict with ongoing drives for sustained or increased resource extraction. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop large scale theoretical frameworks that explicitly address conflicting objectives that are embedded in the design and development of a global MPA network. Further, the frameworks must be able to guide the implementation of smaller scale initiatives within this global context. This research examines the applicability of an integrated spatial decision support framework based on geographic information systems (GIS), multicriteria evaluation (MCE) and fuzzy sets to objectively identify priority locations for future marine protection. MCE is a well-established optimisation method used extensively in land use resource allocation and decision support, and which has to date been underutilised in marine planning despite its potential to guide such efforts. The framework presented here was implemented in the Pacific Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) using two conflicting objectives - biodiversity conservation and fisheries profit-maximisation. The results indicate that the GIS-based MCE framework supports the objective identification of priority locations for future marine protection. This is achieved by integrating multi-source spatial data, facilitating the simultaneous combination of multiple objectives, explicitly including stakeholder preferences in the decisions, and providing visualisation capabilities to better understand how global MPA networks might be developed under conditions of uncertainty and complexity.  相似文献   

王仲成  朱永官 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1946-1954
迄今科学界尚无形成系统的国际科学合作理论,也鲜有就环境科学国际合作进行理论研究。首次从全球资源配置的角度来看待环境科学国际合作。通过国际合作,环境科学在内在科学动力和外在社会动力的驱动下,促使全球科学资源和社会资源向有利于环境学科自身发展的方向流动和积聚。其中,配置科学资源遵循"最优要素选择原则",配置社会资源遵循"最小省力原则",两种内在动力和两个调节手段共同构成了环境科学国际合作的理论机制。  相似文献   

Many lessons and experiences were learned during the global programme of smallpox eradication, the most important being those which could be generalized and applied to other health programmes. This does not mean imitating or implementing smallpox eradication techniques to other diseases, since each infection requires its own strategy. It is difficult to dissect out the single key element or to equate the various factors responsible for the success, as these always worked together, in combination, depending one on others. For global eradication, the element of essential importance was international cooperation and close coordination of activities between nations. This would be impossible without proper mechanisms dedicated to international cooperation in the field of health, provided by the World Health Organization, which also assured mobilization of world resources for national programmes and application of appropriate techniques across international borders. The established specific, practical and measurable goals, objectives and targets made every programme worker clearly understand what was to be accomplished and to find his own role in achieving these objectives. Operational techniques had to be flexible, modified appropriately from country to country to make them suitable to present epidemiological situations, local administrative and health structures as well as to demographic and geographic patterns. It was the effective system of surveillance and outbreak-containment that ultimately proved to have been the key to eradication. However, application of skillful management, sound epidemiological principles, advanced technology and adequate logistic support contributed significantly to the achievement of the final goal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Yip K 《Parassitologia》2000,42(1-2):117-126
In November 1965, the World Health Organization (WHO) certified Taiwan as an area where malaria had been eradicated. Malaria eradication in Taiwan resulted from government initiatives and involvement, careful planning and organization, the development of basic health structure and community support, as well as the cooperation and assistance of international agencies. The Japanese colonial government of Taiwan had contributed to the antimalarial efforts through the establishment of a rudimentary health infrastructure and introduction of measures to combat malaria and other diseases during their occupation of the island from 1895 to 1945. The Chinese government regained control of the island after Japan's surrender in 1945, and with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, established a research institute to investigate the malaria problem. Political instability in 1949, however, caused the Foundation to end its support. After the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan, it continued antimalarial efforts which received the support of WHO and other international agencies. While Taiwan followed closely WHO's guidelines and plan of attack, the development of the program illustrates the importance of local factors in shaping its actual implementation and eventual success. Malaria eradication in Taiwan went through the following phases: preparatory (1946-1951); attack (1952-1957); consolidation (1958-1964); and maintenance (after 1965).  相似文献   

欧盟第七框架计划是当今世界上最大的官方重大科技合作计划,其研究以国际前沿和竞争性科技难点为主要内容,具有研究水平高、涉及领域广、投资力度大、参与国家多等特点.Biocircle项目是隶属于欧盟第七框架计划,参与国家24个,是一项国家联络点建设项目.通过介绍欧盟Biocircle国际合作项目,分析了欧盟国际合作项目的优势,并指出中国国际合作计划要更加主动更加开放,以期为中国的生物技术产业乃至于科技领域带来更多更好的促进机会.  相似文献   

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