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The photobiont ultrastructure of the epiphytic lichens Bryoria fuscescens and Bryoria fremontii was studied along the pollution gradient from two Cu-Ni smelters in Nikel and Monchegorsk in northern Finland and north-western Russia. The relationship between ultrastructural characteristics of B. fuscescens and environmental factors (i.e. climate, atmospheric SO2 and bark element concentrations) was studied by using a principal component analysis (PCA) aiming to assess the air quality in a northern environment. Based on PCA, increased plasmolysis and mitochondrial changes in the Trebouxia photobiont were significantly correlated with elevated pollutant concentrations. Degenerated cells, showing altered chloroplasts and electron-translucent pyrenoglobuli, occurred in lichens growing 35–50 km from the Monchegorsk smelter. Cell wall and cytoplasmic lipid volumes, and size of pyrenoglobuli, positively correlated with the distance from the Monchegorsk smelter. Vacuoles and electron-opaque vacuolar deposits were significantly increased at the Finnish site in the vicinity of a pulp mill. Swelling of mitochondrial cristae and thylakoids showed little correlation with environmental factors, but indicated of initial stage of injuries and were observed at several slightly polluted sites in northern Finland and north-western Russia. The results suggest that the severe photobiont injuries of lichens are strongly associated with poor air quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The superhydrophobicity of the thallus surface in one of the most SO(2)-tolerant lichen species, Lecanora conizaeoides, suggests that surface hydrophobicity could be a general feature of lichen symbioses controlling their tolerance to SO(2). The study described here tests this hypothesis. METHODS: Water droplets of the size of a raindrop were placed on the surface of air-dry thalli in 50 lichen species of known SO(2) tolerance and contact angles were measured to quantify hydrophobicity. KEY RESULTS: The wettability of lichen thalli ranges from strongly hydrophobic to strongly hydrophilic. SO(2) tolerance of the studied lichen species increased with increasing hydrophobicity of the thallus surface. Extraction of extracellular lichen secondary metabolites with acetone reduced, but did not abolish the hydrophobicity of lichen thalli. CONCLUSIONS: Surface hydrophobicity is the main factor controlling SO(2) tolerance in lichens. It presumably originally evolved as an adaptation to wet habitats preventing the depression of net photosynthesis due to supersaturation of the thallus with water. Hydrophilicity of lichen thalli is an adaptation to dry or humid, but not directly rain-exposed habitats. The crucial role of surface hydrophobicity in SO(2) also explains why many markedly SO(2)-tolerant species are additionally tolerant to other (chemically unrelated) toxic substances including heavy metals.  相似文献   

本文在对我国西南部分酸雨污染重区的树附生苔藓的种类、分布、盖度和频度的野外调查基础上,计算了各样点的大气净度指数(IAP)。据此,可将样区划分为:1)严重污染区,树附生苔藓0~2种,IAP值10以下,降水pH值3—3.5;2)污染区,树附生苔藓4—13种,IAP值10—30,降水pH值4—5;3)基本纯净区,树附生苔藓19种以上,IAP值40—90,降水pH值5.5—6.5。人工模拟酸雨对苔藓植物生长的影响的实验表明,pH3.0以下酸雨可使大部分苔藓种类在半年内死亡;pH4.5酸雨使80%苔藓植物在1年时间内死亡,但少数抗酸性种类,在pH3.0酸雨下仍生长良好。  相似文献   

South Africa has one of the world’s biggest gold mining regions with an associated problem of acid mine drainage (AMD), which increases the bioavailability of heavy metal contaminants in water. The prevalence of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in South African water systems, despite the release of seven biocontrol agents since 1974, is often attributed to high levels of eutrophication. Metal concentration in plant shoots is known to affect insect herbivory. Nevertheless, little is known about the effect of heavy metals or AMD on Neochetina eichhorniae and Neochetina bruchi, which are the most widely established biocontrol agents on E. crassipes in South Africa. Herein, the effect of eight different heavy metals common in AMD (arsenic (As), gold (Au), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg), manganese (Mn), uranium (U) and zinc (Zn)), as well as three different simulated AMD concentration treatments (low, medium and high), on the performance of Neochetina weevils were investigated by releasing adults on plants growing in tubs and pools, three weeks after the addition of individual metal or AMD treatments. After six weeks, the number of weevil larvae per plant, the number of adult survivors per plant, the number of adult feeding scars on leaves, and the number of larval mines per plant were recorded. Two females of N. eichhorniae and N. bruchi from each tub were dissected and the number of ovariole follicles was counted. Adult feeding in Neochetina was significantly reduced on plants exposed to both Cu and As while larval feeding was significantly reduced on plants exposed to Hg, Zn, As and Cu, with Cu causing the greatest effect. Similarly, weevil feeding and reproduction were reduced in the medium and high concentration AMD treatments. Larval development was significantly impaired by both metal and AMD treatments. These negative effects disagree with published data which showed no effect of metals on Neochetina weevils. The disparity is explained by long exposure of the weevils on whole plants, rather than short exposure to excised leaves, as recorded in the literature. Finally these findings provide evidence that some heavy metals and AMD might be constraining biocontrol agents of water hyacinth in South Africa.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaching of inorganic cations (K+, Mg2+) and in some cases of inorganic anions and sugars from detached twigs and single needles of spruce Picea abies L. Karst.) in the presence of acid rain (H2SO4, 1 mol m?3) or salt solutions (Na2 SO4, 1 mol m?3) was examined under laboratory conditions. Cation leaching (as percentage of the total water soluble ion content of the tissue per hour) was: K+: 0.01-0.02%; Mg2+: 0.005-0.01%; Ca2+: 0.1-0.2%. Leaching rates of anions were even lower than that and concentrations in the leachate were often below the detection limit of anion chromatography. Spraying with H2SO4 (pH 2.95, 1 mol m?3) increased leaching only transiently. Similar effects were found when Na2SO4 was used instead of H2SO4. The transiently enhanced leaching was apparently due to H+/cation or cation/cation exchange at the twig or leaf surfaces. Feeding of K+ or Al3+ through the stems increased leaching of all cations within a few hours, again demonstrating rapid ion exchange in the apoplast. Leaching of potassium and magnesium from single needles occurred at similar relative rates as from twigs. Loss of Ca2+ ions, however, was even smaller from needles than from twigs. Apparently, a large part of the Ca2+ lost from twigs originated from the bark and not from the needles. Efflux of ions from longitudinal needle sections was about 1000 times taster than the rates obtained with intact needles, indicating that the cuticle was the main barrier Preventing solute loss. In relation to the total amount of mineral nutrients in trees, leaching is considered to be too small to be the primary cause of damage to trees stressed by acid rain, as has been suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The spectrum of research at the Field Studies Council spans generations of scientists, from fully qualified and experienced staff to quite young children engaged in serious environmental monitoring. Pollution monitoring networks run by young people have a proven history, starting in 1971 with the Advisory Centre for Education air and water surveys, up to the present day with the Watch/Field Studies Council acid rain projects. Each project has demonstrated how a well coordinated network of unqualified volunteers, using inexpensive kits and simple techniques, can produce data worthy of scientific attention.  相似文献   

In a 4-year lysimeter experiment, we investigated the effects of topsoil heavy metal pollution (3,000 mg kg−1 Zn, 640 mg kg−1 Cu, 90 mg kg−1 Pb and 10 mg kg−1 Cd) and (synthetic) acid rain (pH 3.5) on tree growth and water use efficiency of young forest ecosystems consisting of Norway spruce (Picea abies), willow (Salix viminalis), poplar (Populus tremula) and birch (Betula pendula) trees and a variety of understorey plants. The treatments were applied in a Latin square factorial design (contaminated vs uncontaminated topsoil, acidified rain vs ambient rain) to 16 open-top chambers, with 4 replicates each. Each open-top chamber contained two lysimeters, one with a calcareous, and the other with acidic subsoil. The four tree species responded quite differently to heavy metal pollution and type of subsoil. The fine root mass, which was only sampled at the end of the experiment in 2003, was significantly reduced by heavy metal pollution in P. abies, P. tremula and B. pendula, but not in S. viminalis. The metal treatment responses of above-ground biomass and leaf area varied between years. In 2002, the heavy metal treatment reduced above-ground biomass and leaf area in P. tremula, but not in the other species. In 2003, metals did not reduce above-ground growth in P. tremula, but did so in the other species. It appears that the responses in above-ground biomass and leaf area, which paralleled each other, were related to changes in the relative competitive strength of the various species in the two experimental years. S. viminalis gained relative to P. tremula in absence of metal stress, in particular on calcareous subsoil, while P. abies showed the largest increases in growth rates in all treatments. Above- and below-ground growth was strongly inhibited by acidic subsoil in S. viminalis and to a lesser degree also in P. abies. In P. abies, this subsoil effect was enhanced by metal stress. Acid rain was not found to have any substantial effect. Whole-system water use efficiency was reduced by metal stress and higher on calcareous than on acidic subsoil.  相似文献   

用蚕豆根尖微核技术研究了Cd^2+单因子以及与表面活性剂、模拟酸雨复合污染时对植物细胞的毒性作用。结果表明,Cd^2+浓度在0~10.0mg·L^-1范围内,对蚕豆胚根细胞微核的形成有强烈的诱导作用,Cd^2+浓度6.0mg·L^-1时的细胞微核率为13.85‰,对照组的微核率为4.53‰,此时污染影响指数(PI)为3.06;当环境中存在表面活性剂LAS1.0mg·L^-1或pH值降到4.5和3.5时,同-Cd^2+浓度下,蚕豆根尖细胞微核率、PI降低,同时伴有核变形,细胞中颗粒物增多,胚根组织不容易分散等症状,根的生长受到抑制,说明表面活性剂、酸雨对Cd^2+的毒性有协同作用。pH3.5的酸雨环境中Cd^2+对蚕豆细胞的损伤程度比pH4.5酸雨环境高,在检测高浓度、强毒性污染物的致突变效应时,应作至少3个稀释倍数,找出蚕豆根尖细胞最高微核率及PI。  相似文献   

用蚕豆根尖微核技术研究了Cd2+单因子以及与表面活性剂、模拟酸雨复合污染时对植物细胞的毒性作用.结果表明,Cd2+浓度在0~10.0mg·L-1范围内,对蚕豆胚根细胞微核的形成有强烈的诱导作用,Cd2+浓度6.0mg·L-1时的细胞微核率为13.85‰,对照组的微核率为4.53‰,此时污染影响指数(PI)为3.06;当环境中存在表面活性剂LAS1.0mg·L-1或pH值降到4.5和3.5时,同一Cd2+浓度下,蚕豆根尖细胞微核率、PI降低,同时伴有核变形,细胞中颗粒物增多,胚根组织不容易分散等症状,根的生长受到抑制,说明表面活性剂、酸雨对Cd2+的毒性有协同作用.pH3.5的酸雨环境中Cd2+对蚕豆细胞的损伤程度比pH4.5酸雨环境高.在检测高浓度、强毒性污染物的致突变效应时,应作至少3个稀释倍数,找出蚕豆根尖细胞最高微核率及PI.  相似文献   

广州市酸雨成分及其相关分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
分析了2003年11月-2004年10月广州市龙洞79次降雨的化学组分及其各组分之间的相关关系。得出:(1)观测期间总降雨量1359.8,单次降雨的pH值在3.22-7.29之间,平均4.83;以pH<5.6为酸雨的临界值,则酸雨频率占降雨次数的77.2%或占降雨量的81.5%;(2)广州降水的化学组成以SO42-、Cl-和NO3-为主要阴离子,阳离子中以Ca2+、NH4+、Na+所占比例较大;(3)广州地区酸雨属硫酸型,降雨中的SO42-、NO3-、PO43-、Cl-、NH4+、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+离子浓度分别为0.150,0.045,0.002,0.163,0.058,0.006,0.013,0.083和0.007mol·L-1,单次降雨的SO42-/NO3-比值在0.42-17.6之间,年平均为3.33,该值比西南地区相应值低许多,而且与同一地点5年前测定的结果相比较,SO42-/NO3-比值有变小的趋势,说明广州地区NOx排放量高逐渐增加;(4)广州地区酸雨有着明显的季节变化规律,春、夏、秋季酸雨比较严重,冬季酸雨较少出现,这与西南地区的重庆(冬季酸雨较春季严重)酸雨季节规律相反;(5)通过SPSS统计分析得出,雨量与各化学组分含量成负相关,说明雨量对大气污染物质的稀释作用;酸雨各化学成分之间存在着一定的相关性,如SO42-与Ca2+,NO3-与NH4+,K+与Na+、Mg2+离子,Na+与Mg2+等都存在显著的正相关,利用这种相关可以建立某些酸雨成分的预测模型。  相似文献   

The effect of air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on the epiphytic lichens of the city of Seville (Spain) has been studied. Indices of air purity (IAP) were calculated, based on the lichen flora ofMelia azedarach L. present at 25 stations distributed through the city. The arrangement and classification of the stations by principal component analysis and cluster analysis, respectively, enabled the study area to be zoned into four zones of air purity. Accordingly, the zonal map of air purity for the city of Seville yields a gradient of air purity that is very steep from the centre to the outskirts. The dependence of 77.6% of IAP variability with NO2 pollution levels detected with air emission sensors distributed through the city suggests the relationship between NO2 levels and zones of air purity.  相似文献   

GRITTEN, R. H., 1992. Acid deposition in Snowdonia, North Wales. It has come as something of a surprise that the Snowdonia National Park, one of the least polluted areas in Europe, is suffering from the effects of acid deposition. A high annual rainfall and a hard geology combine to make the area vulnerable to wind-blown pollutants. The most sensitive ecosystems in the area are lakes and rivers which, showing signs of acid stress, are suffering diminishing salmonid and macroinvertebrate faunas. Upland populations of dippers also appear to be at risk and there is much evidence to show that coniferous afforestation is exacerbating the problems of acidification. There are indications that both broadleaved and coniferous trees are being damaged by acid deposition and certain upland plant communities are at risk. The possible effects on human health are also very worrying. It is the job of the National Park Authority to preserve the landscape of Snowdonia. How do we protect it from acid deposition?  相似文献   

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