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The aim of this study is to determine effects of size deviations of brachytherapy seeds on two dimensional dose distributions around the seed. Although many uncertainties are well known, the uncertainties which stem from geometric features of radiation sources are weakly considered and predicted. Neither TG-43 report which is not completely in common consensus, nor individual scientific MC and experimental studies include sufficient data for geometric uncertainties. Sizes of seed and its components can vary in a manufacturing deviation. This causes geometrical uncertainties, too. In this study, three seeds which have different geometrical properties were modeled using EGSnrc-Code Packages. Seeds were designed with all their details using the geometry package. 5% deviations of seed sizes were assumed. Modified seeds were derived from original seed by changing sizes by 5%. Normalizations of doses which were calculated from three kinds of brachytherapy seed and their derivations were found to be about 3%–20%. It was shown that manufacturing differences of brachytherapy seed cause considerable changes in dose distribution.  相似文献   

Dynamics of changes in activities of cAMP-dependent enzymes, phosphodiesterase and protein kinase, were studied in the thymus of intact and irradiated, prior to incubation, (0.05 Gy) chicken embryos and chicks. The changes observed were wave-like. In determining phosphodiesterase activity of irradiated chicken thymocytes during ontogenesis the values were obtained that correlated with the cAMP level and adenylate cyclase activity. It was also shown that the increase in the rate of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation under the effect of low-level radiation corresponded to the cyclic nucleotide content of a cell at different development stages.  相似文献   

hCds1 (Chk2) is an evolutionarily conserved kinase that functions in DNA damage response and cell cycle checkpoint. The Cds1 family of kinases are activated by a family of large phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-like kinases. In humans, ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinases activate hCds1 by phosphorylating Thr(68) . hCds1 and Cds1-related kinases contain the FHA (forkhead-associated) domain, which appears to be important for integrating the DNA damage signal. It is not known how ATM phosphorylation activates hCds1 function and whether the phosphorylation is linked to the FHA. Here, we demonstrate that the hCds1-FHA domain is essential for Thr(68) phosphorylation. Thr(68) phosphorylation, in turn, is required for ionizing radiation-induced autophosphorylation of two amino acid residues in hCds1, Thr(383) and Thr(387). These two amino acid residues, located in the activation loop of hCds1, are conserved in hCds1-related kinases and are essential for hCds1 activity. Thus, the hCds1-FHA domain mediates a chain of phosphorylation events on hCds1, which includes phosphorylation by ATM and hCds1 autophosphorylation, in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase (AC) activity was studied in thymus and thyroid gland of intact chick embryos and those irradiated with a dose of 0.029 Gy prior to incubation, and newly hatched chicks in the presence of total ganglioside fractions extracted from the same organs. Gangliosides were shown to increase the enzyme activity of thymocytes and thyrocytes during the postnatal development. It is suggested that small radiation doses potentiate the stimulatory effect of ganglioside fractions on AC.  相似文献   

Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed (200 kvp X-rays) to whole body doses of 22-1320 mrad and examined for changes in the level of red blood cell precursors (RBCp) in the marrow at 5–30 weeks post-irradiation, under nonbled and phlebotomy-induced anemic stress conditions. Increases in the RBCp %, RBCp/mg marrow, and RBCp/skeleton under nonbled conditions, and a suppressed erythroid response to an induced anemia, were found after acute doses in the range of at least 70 mrad. Dosages of 22 or 44 mrad that induced no measurable changes when applied only once were found to be effective when they were employed 4 or 2 times/week, respectively. The results suggested the presence of a linear-quadratic dose-response relationship in which the quadratic function exists between 88 and 981 mrad, and the linear dependency, below 88 mrad.  相似文献   

Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed (200 kvp X-rays) to whole body doses of 22-1320 mrad and examined for changes in the level of red blood cell precursors (RBCp) in the marrow at 5-30 weeks post-irradiation, under nonbled and phlebotomy-induced anemic stress conditions. Increases in the RBCp %, RBCp/mg marrow, and RBCp/skeleton under nonbled conditions, and a suppressed erythroid response to an induced anemia, were found after acute doses in the range of at least 70 mrad. Dosages of 22 or 44 mrad that induced no measurable changes when applied only once were found to be effective when they were employed 4 or 2 times/week, respectively. The results suggested the presence of a linear-quadratic dose-response relationship in which the quadratic function exists between 88 and 981 mrad, and the linear dependency, below 88 mrad.  相似文献   

Stipa capillata (Poaceae) seeds were harvested from a control area (displaying a gamma dose rate of 0.23 micro Sv h(-1)) (C plants) and from two contaminated areas (5.4 and 25 micro Sv h(-1)) on the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS) in Kazakhstan. The plants were grown for 124 d in a greenhouse under controlled conditions and exposed to three different treatments: (0) control; (E) external gamma irradiation delivered by a sealed 137Cs source with a dose rate of 66 micro Sv h(-1); (E+I) E treatment combined with internal beta irradiation due to contamination by 134Cs and 85Sr via root uptake from the soil. The root uptake led to a contamination of 100 Bq g(-1) for 85Sr and 5 Bq g(-1) for 134Cs (of plant dry weight) as measured at harvest. The activity of SOD, APX, GR, POD, CAT, G6PDH, and MDHAR enzymes was measured in leaves. Under (0) treatment, all enzymes showed similar activities, except POD, which had higher activity in plants originating from contaminated areas. Treatment (E) induced an enhancement of POD, CAT, GR, SOD, and G6PDH activities in plants originating from contaminated areas. Only control plants showed any stimulation of APX activity. Treatment (E+I) had no significant effect on APX, GR, CAT, and POD activities, but MDHAR activity was significantly reduced while SOD and G6PDH activities were significantly increased. The increase occurred in plants from all origins for SOD, with a greater magnitude as a function of their origin, and it occurred only in plants from the more contaminated populations for G6PDH. This suggests that exposure to a low dose rate of ionizing radiation for almost a half century in the original environment of Stipa has led to natural selection of the most adapted genotypes characterized by an efficient induction of anti-oxidant enzyme activities, especially SOD and G6PDH, involved in plant protection against reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of inhomogeneities on dose calculation for low energy photons intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT) in pelvic area. A GATE Monte Carlo model of the INTRABEAM® was adapted for the study. Simulations were performed in the CT scan of a cadaver considering a homogeneous segmentation (water) and an inhomogeneous segmentation (5 tissues from ICRU44). Measurements were performed in the cadaver using EBT3 Gafchromic® films. Impact of inhomogeneities on dose calculation in cadaver was 6% for soft tissues and greater than 300% for bone tissues. EBT3 measurements showed a better agreement with calculation for inhomogeneous media. However, dose discrepancy in soft tissues led to a sub-millimeter (0.65 mm) shift in the effective point dose in depth. Except for bone tissues, the effect of inhomogeneities on dose calculation for low energy photons intra-operative radiation therapy in pelvic area was not significant for the studied anatomy.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and the p53 tumor suppressor protein are both involved in the cellular response to genotoxic stress. Upon binding to the site of DNA strand breakage, PARP-1 is activated, leading to rapid and transient poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins using NAD+ as substrate. To investigate the role of PARP-1 in the p53 response to ionizing radiation in human cells, PARP-1 function was disrupted in wild-type p53 expressing MCF-7 and BJ/TERT cells using two strategies: chemical inhibition with 1,5-dihydroxyisoquinoline, and trans-dominant inhibition by overexpression of the PARP-1 DNA-binding domain. Although a number of proteins can catalyze poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in addition to PARP-1, we show that PARP-1 is the only detectable active species in BJ/TERT and MCF-7 cells. 1,5-Dihydroxyisoquinoline treatment prior to ionizing radiation delayed and attenuated the induction of two p53-responsive genes, p21 and mdm-2, and led to suppression of the p53-mediated G1-arrest response in MCF-7 and BJ/TERT cells. Trans-dominant inhibition of PARP-1 by overexpression of the PARP-1 DNA-binding domain in MCF-7 cells also led to a delay and attenuation in p21 induction and suppression of the p53-mediated G1 arrest response to ionizing radiation. Hence, inhibition of endogenous PARP-1 function suppresses the transactivation function of p53 in response to ionizing radiation. This study establishes PARP-1 as a critical regulator of the p53 response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

The effect of low dose peroral Fusarium produced T-2 toxin intake upon the ovarian function was evaluated in ewes (n = 30; Trial 1) and heifers (n = 7; Trial 2). Half of the ewes and all of the heifers were fed rich, acidosis-inducing concentrate. The 30 ewes were divided into 6 groups of 5 animals each. They were given 0, 0.3 or 0.9 mg/day (0, 5 or 15 ug/kg) purified T-2 toxin per os for 21 days (3x2 factorial design). Four of the 7 heifers were fed 9 mg/day (25 ug/kg) of the same purified T-2 toxin for 20 days while 3 remained untreated. The estrus cycles in all animals were synchronized prior to the trials and the T-2 exposure was started in the mid-luteal phase. The acidic condition in the rumen was estimated by the determination of urinary net acid-base excretion. The ovarian activity was followed with blood sampling for progesterone on alternate days (Trial 1) or with ultrasonography and sampling for progesterone daily (Trial 2). All of the heifers and concentrate-fed ewes showed a compensated acidosis, during first two thirds of T-2 exposure. In Trial 1, ovarian malfunction manifested as lower P4 peak concentration in the midluteal phase, shortening of the CL lifespan and prolonged follicular phases. These malfunctions were detected in 3 and 3 ewes fed concentrate and 0.3 mg and 0.9 mg T-2 toxin. Lower P4 peak concentration was observed in 1 ewe fed regular diet and 0.9 mg T-2 toxin. None of the control and acidotic groups (0 mg T-2), or ewes fed regular diet with 0.3 mg T-2 showed any ovarian malfunction. In Trial 2, after PGF2, administration the ovulation occured later and the plasma progesterone level remained low (< 3 nmol/l) for a longer period in T-2 treated heifers, than their untreated control mates (5.0+/-0.7 vs 3.7+/-0.5 d, P<0.05 and 8.3+/-0.4 vs 6.3+/-0.9 d, P<0.01, respectively). These results show that the peroral T-2 intake can significantly retard the folliculus maturation and ovulation and perhaps the subsequent luteinisation also in ruminants kept on concentrate-rich diet.  相似文献   

The metabolic changes that occur in MG-63 osteosarcoma three-dimensional tumor spheroids exposed to 2 Gy of ionizing radiation, a dose that is comparable to radiation therapy, were studied using high-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H-NMR) spectroscopy. Specifically, the (1)H-NMR spectra of control and exposed MG-63 spheroids were compared. Small spheroids (about 50-80 microm in diameter) with no hypoxic center were used. The spectra of whole MG-63 spheroids as well as the perchloric acid extracts of these systems were evaluated. Cell damage was also examined by lactate dehydrogenase release and changes in cell growth. No cell damage was observed, but numerous metabolic changes took place in spheroids after exposure to ionizing radiation. In particular, significant increases in both CH(2) and CH(3) mobile lipids, considered by many authors as markers of apoptosis and also present in MG-63 spheroids undergoing overt apoptosis, were observed in spheroids irradiated with 2 Gy. However, the chromatin dye Hoechst 33258 and DNA fragmentation assays showed no overt apoptosis up to 7 days after irradiation with this low dose. Thus it is evident that increases in mobile lipids do not always indicate actual cell death. A detailed analysis of the other metabolic changes observed appears to suggest that the cell death program was initiated but not completed. In fact, the completely different behavior of two important cellular defense mechanisms, reduced glutathione and taurine, in spheroids irradiated with 2 Gy and in those undergoing overt apoptosis seems to indicate that these systems are protecting spheroids from actual cell death. In addition, these data also suggest that (1)H-NMR can be used to examine the effects of low doses of ionizing radiation in spheroids, a cell model of great complexity that closely resembles tumors in vivo. The importance of this possibility in relation to reaching the ultimate goal of a better evaluation of the outcome of radiotherapy protocols should not be ignored.  相似文献   

Xanomeline is a unique agonist of muscarinic receptors that possesses functional selectivity at the M(1) and M(4) receptor subtypes. It also exhibits wash-resistant binding to and activation of the receptor. In the present work we investigated the consequences of this type of binding of xanomeline on the binding characteristics and function of the M(1) muscarinic receptor. Pretreatment of CHO cells that stably express the M(1) receptor for 1 hr with increasing concentrations of xanomeline followed by washing and waiting for an additional 23 hr in control culture media transformed xanomeline-induced inhibition of [(3)H]NMS binding from monophasic to biphasic. The high-affinity xanomeline binding site exhibited three orders of magnitude higher affinity than in the case of xanomeline added directly to the binding assay medium containing control cells. These effects were associated with a marked decrease in maximal radioligand binding and attenuation of agonist-induced increase in PI hydrolysis and were qualitatively similar to those caused by continuous incubation of cells with xanomeline for 24 hr. Attenuation of agonist-induced PI hydrolysis by persistently-bound xanomeline developed with a time course that parallels the return of receptor activation by prebound xanomeline towards basal levels. Additional data indicated that blockade of the receptor orthosteric site or the use of a non-functional receptor mutant reversed the long-term effects of xanomeline, but not its persistent binding at an allosteric site. Furthermore, the long-term effects of xanomeline on the receptor are mainly due to receptor down-regulation rather than internalization.  相似文献   

Up to now, bismuth(III) complexes with thiosemicarbazones have been comparatively rare. Here, a main group seven-coordinated bismuth(III) complex [Bi(L)(NO3)2(CH3CH2OH)] (1) (HL = 2-acetylpyridine N(4)-phenylthiosemicarbazone) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The cytotoxicity data suggest that 1 exhibits higher in vitro antiproliferative activity in four human cancer cells tested. Its possible apoptotic mechanism has been evaluated in HepG2 cells. Compound 1 promotes a dose-dependent apoptosis in HepG2 cells and the apoptosis is associated with an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP).  相似文献   

The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex plays a key role in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination. Using a genetic approach we have isolated cell mutants sensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) in the hope of elucidating the mechanism and components required for these pathways. We describe here, an X-ray-sensitive and DSB repair defective Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, XR-C2, which was assigned to the X-Ray Cross Complementation (XRCC) group 7. This group of mutants is defective in the XRCC7/SCID/Prkdc gene, which encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA-PK (DNA-PKcs). Despite the fact that XR-C2 cells expressed normal levels of DNA-PKcs protein, no DNA-PK catalytic activity could be observed in XR-C2, confirming the genetic analyses that these cells harbor a dysfunctional gene for DNA-PKcs. In contrast to other IR group 7 mutants, which contain undetectable or low levels of DNA-PKcs protein and which show a severe defect in V(D)J recombination, XR-C2 cells manifested only a mild defect in both coding and signal junction formation. The unique phenotype of the XR-C2 mutant suggests that a normal level of kinase activity is critical for radiation resistance but not for V(D)J recombination, whereas the overall structure of the DNA-PKcs protein appears to be of great importance for this process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the ocular lens in the context of contemporary developments in biological ideas. We attempt to reconcile lens biology with stem cell concepts and a dearth of lens tumors. Historically, the lens has been viewed as a closed system, in which cells at the periphery of the lens epithelium differentiate into fiber cells. Theoretical considerations led us to question whether the intracapsular lens is indeed self-contained. Since stem cells generate tumors and the lens does not naturally develop tumors, we reasoned that lens stem cells may not be present within the capsule. We hypothesize that lens stem cells reside outside the lens capsule, in the nearby ciliary body. Our ideas challenge the existing lens biology paradigm. We begin our discussion with lens background information, in order to describe our lens stem cell hypothesis in the context of published data. Then we present the ciliary body as a possible source for lens stem cells, and conclude by comparing the ocular lens with the corneal epithelium.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Changes in metabolic rates and behavior were observed in tufted titmice (Parus bicolor) and Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis) exposed to varying conditions of artificial solar radiation, wind, and temperature in a wind tunnel experiment.
  • 2.2. During the wind-on condition, both species showed a significant decrease in mean metabolic rates in the high radiation treatments when compared to the low radiation treatments (P < 0.05).
  • 3.3. Titmouse orientation, posture and level of activity were significantly affected by radiation and wind conditions.
  • 4.4. Metabolic rates observed in the wind tunnel treatments without wind and at low radiation did not significantly differ from similar standard metabolic (black box) treatments (P > 0.05).
  • 5.5. Activity levels did not appear to directly affect metabolic rates observed in the wind tunnel treatments.

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