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Whole body content of androgen (testosterone + 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone) was invariably higher in male than in female rat pups killed 1 or 3 h after natural delivery, whereas androgen content was equivalent in males and females killed immediately or 6, 12, and 24 h after birth. Testicular content of androgen was significantly elevated in males killed 1 and 24 h after birth, compared with levels in males killed immediately, or 3, 6, and 12 h after birth. Thus, heightened testicular androgen content was only initially associated with increased systemic levels of androgen in males during the immediate postpartum period. A second study assessed the possibility that the body's clearance (i.e., metabolism plus excretion) of testosterone is lower in newborn rats upon separation from the placental circulation than in slightly older pups. Rats of both sexes killed 1 and 3 h after s.c. injection of [3H] testosterone had significantly higher plasma concentrations of [3H] testosterone as well as several 5 alpha-reduced androgens (5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, 3 alpha-androstanediol, and androsterone) when injections were given within minutes as opposed to 24 h after birth. This suggests that in both sexes the clearance of testosterone is slower immediately after birth than at later ages. This phenomenon together with a brief postnatal elevation in the testicular synthesis and secretion of testosterone may explain the temporary rise in circulating androgen concentrations that occurs in the newborn male rat.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles in a reared strain of the mummichog, a daily spawner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual, lunar, and diel samplings were taken from a strain of mummichog (Arasaki strain) reared in outdoor tanks under natural conditions, to examine gonadal maturity. Gonads of yearling fish were quite immature in September. During late autumn and winter, a gradual increase in the GSI of both sexes was observed, and the growth of cortical alveolus phase oocytes in females and basal spermatogenesis in males progressed. In late February, a rapid increase in the GSI of both sexes, vitellogenesis in females, and active spermatogenesis in males, occurred. The spawning period of the yearling fish was from late March to August judging from the presence of milt-producing males and ovulated females. The spawning period of the underyearling fish started in the same month as the yearlings, but terminated 1 month earlier. Plasma levels of oestradiol-17 β (E2) in females and testosterone in males were high during the spawning period in the yearlings. In the underyearlings, however, E2 levels peaked in early spring, and declined in the latter part of the spawning period. Neither a lunar nor semilunar cycle was evident in the reproductive activity of this fish, which proved to be a typical daily spawner. Females showed an apparent daily reproductive cycle; oocyte maturation commenced at about 1200 hours, germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) occurred at about 2400 hours, and ovulation was completed by 2400 hours, 24 h after GVBD. Such clear annual and daily reproductive cycles make this strain of mummichog a suitable model for the study of environmental and endocrine regulation of reproductive cycles in marine and estuarine teleosts.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory proposes that males suffer reduced immune function and increased parasitism as costs of expressing sexual signals. Life‐history theory proposes that females suffer the same costs because of inherent trade‐offs between reproduction and self‐maintenance. Mechanistically, each theory invokes an energetic trade‐off, although few experiments have directly compared these costs of reproduction between the sexes as a result of fundamental sex differences in the nature of reproductive investment and a tendency for each theory to focus on a single sex. To test whether males and females experience comparable costs of reproduction in terms of energetics, immune function, and parasitism, we used gonadectomy to eliminate most aspects of reproductive investment in wild brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei) of both sexes. We compared these nonreproductive males and females with intact, reproductive controls with respect to stored energy (fat bodies), immune function (swelling response to phytohemagglutinin), and the prevalence and intensity of infection by four types of parasite (gastric nematodes, intestinal nematodes, faecal coccidia, and ectoparasitic mites). Gonadectomized anoles experienced dramatic increases in fat storage that were accompanied by decreases in the prevalence of intestinal nematodes and in the intensity of coccidia infection. These costs of reproduction were comparable between males and females, although neither sex exhibited the predicted increase in immune function after gonadectomy. Our results suggest that, despite fundamental sex differences in the nature of reproductive investment, both male and female anoles experience similar costs of reproduction with respect to energy storage and some aspects of parasitism.  相似文献   

Tammar wallaby females (Macropus eugenii) are seasonally breeding marsupials with a post-partum oestrus after a highly synchronised birth period when testosterone concentrations rise in males. Chemical communication appears to be important for mating, as males show checking behaviour, sniffing the urogenital opening (UGO) and the pouch of females. This study investigates whether the presence of pregnant and oestrous females directly influences testosterone in males and if oestrous odours or secretion from the pouch or UGO are attractive. Concentrations of plasma testosterone were measured in males housed with pregnant and oestrous females during two consecutive cycles in the breeding season, and an artificially induced cycle in the non-breeding season. Males were also tested for their interest in swabs taken from the urogenital opening (UGO) or pouch of oestrous females. Testosterone increased sharply in males in the presence of pregnant and oestrous females during all cycles in both seasons, but there was no change when males were exposed to non-cycling females in lactational or seasonal diapause. Males had no preference for either oestrous or non-oestrous samples taken from the pouch or from the UGO from oestrous females. This study confirms that the increase in plasma testosterone in tammar males can be induced through the presence of pregnant and oestrous females, regardless of season and that the increase began when the females were in late-pregnancy. This confirms that the male's reproductive state is dependent on a signal from females and is not blocked through seasonal effects.  相似文献   

Naked mole-rat colonies are societies with a high reproductive skew, breeding being restricted to one dominant female (the ''queen'') and 1-3 males. Other colony members of both sexes are reproductively suppressed. Experimental removal of breeding males allowed us to investigate the relationship between urinary testosterone and cortisol, dominance rank, and male reproductive status. Dominance rank was strongly correlated with body weight, age, and urinary testosterone titres in males. No relationship between urinary cortisol levels and male reproductive status or dominance was found. Breeding males were among the highest-ranking, heaviest and oldest males in their respective colonies, and were succeeded by other high-ranking, large, old colony males. In contrast to females, no evidence of competition over breeding status was observed among males. Male-male agonism was low both before and after removal of breeders and mate guarding was not observed. The lower reproductive skew for males compared with female skew or queen control over male reproduction may explain why males compete less strongly than females over breeding status after removal of same-sexed breeders.  相似文献   

Blood samples were obtained each month for 18 months in 1984-85 from wild-caught California ground squirrels. Circulating testosterone and total oestrogens were extracted from the plasma, measured by radioimmunoassay and compared with concurrent changes in plasma progesterone and prolactin in the same individuals. Male plasma testosterone concentrations peaked in January, shortly before mating, whereas female testosterone concentrations were low throughout the year. Female plasma oestrogen concentrations peaked in February, during the mating period. Juvenile males exhibited a transient increase in circulating testosterone in September, followed by testis growth, preputial separation, and the appearance of epididymal spermatozoa. Juvenile females exhibited a transient increase in circulating oestrogens in November. By the start of the first mating season after their births, neither juvenile males nor females differed significantly from same-sex adults with respect to plasma concentrations of oestrogen or testosterone. Plasma concentrations of progesterone and prolactin in killed individuals were similar to those obtained in previous studies of free-living S. beecheyi. Mean plasma concentrations of all measured hormones varied significantly with reproductive condition in adults of both sexes.  相似文献   

1. The persistence of multiple mating remains one of the fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. In theory, multiple mating is predicted to improve female fitness cumulatively through direct and/or genetic benefits. However, intra-locus sexual conflicts may potentially constrain or even eliminate these benefits owing to the gender load imposed by sexually antagonistic selection. 2. Here, we tested whether sexually antagonistic selection can maintain the variance in multiple mating behaviour of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) by manipulating the hormone testosterone through artificial selection in the laboratory. Among mammals, testosterone is a sexually dimorphic fitness-related trait under selection and is known to affect mating behaviour. We conducted mating trials in which females derived from family-based selection of testosterone were sequentially paired with four males of different testosterone profiles. 3. We show that artificial selection for high testosterone increased the mating rate of males, but clearly decreased the number of partners that females mated with (and vice versa). Because multiple mating was beneficial for the reproductive success of both sexes, as evidenced by the positive Bateman gradients, the divergent evolutionary interests of testosterone between the sexes can maintain this polygynandrous mating system. 4. Our results highlight how mating rate is concordantly selected in both sexes; however, it is largely influenced by testosterone, which is under sexually antagonistic selection. 5. This study is the first one to emphasise the direct and indirect effects of the endocrine system not only on reproductive physiology and behaviour but also for the evolution of genetic mating strategies in mammals.  相似文献   

Organisms are selected to maximize lifetime reproductive success by balancing the costs of current reproduction with costs to future survival and fecundity. Males and females typically face different reproductive costs, which makes comparisons of their reproductive strategies difficult. Burying beetles provide a unique system that allows us to compare the costs of reproduction between the sexes because males and females are capable of raising offspring together or alone and carcass preparation and offspring care represent the majority of reproductive costs for both sexes. Because both sexes perform the same functions of carcass preparation and offspring care, we predict that they would experience similar costs and have similar life history patterns. In this study we assess the cost of reproduction in male Nicrophorus orbicollis and compare to patterns observed in females. We compare the reproductive strategies of single males and females that provided pre- and post-hatching parental care. There is a cost to reproduction for both males and females, but the sexes respond to these costs differently. Females match brood size with carcass size, and thus maximize the lifetime number of offspring on a given size carcass. Males cull proportionately more offspring on all carcass sizes, and thus have a lower lifetime number of offspring compared to females. Females exhibit an adaptive reproductive strategy based on resource availability, but male reproductive strategies are not adaptive in relation to resource availability.  相似文献   

Endemic chinchilla (Chinchilla spp.) populations are nearly extinct in the wild (South America). In captive animals (Chinchilla lanigera and C. brevicaudata), reproduction is characterized by poor fertility and limited by seasonal breeding patterns. Techniques applied for studying male reproductive physiology in these species are often invasive and stressful (i.e. repeated blood sampling for sexual steroids analysis). To evaluate endocrine testicular function, the present experiments were designed to (a) determine the main route of testosterone excretion (14C-testosterone infusion in four males); (b) validate urine and fecal testosterone metabolite measurements (HPLC was used to separate metabolites and immunoreactivity was assessed in all metabolites using a commercial testosterone radioimmunoassay, and parallelism, accuracy and precision tests were conducted to validate the immunoassay); and (c) investigate the biological relevance of the techniques applied (quantification of testosterone metabolite excretion into urine and feces from five males injected with hCG and comparison between 10 males and 10 females). Radiolabelled metabolites of 14C-testosterone were excreted, 84.7+/-4.2 % in urine and 15.2+/-3.9 % in feces. A total of 82.7+/-4.2% of urinary and 45.7+/-13.6% of fecal radioactivity was excreted over the first 24 h period post-infusion (metabolite concentration peaked at 8.2+/-2.5 h and 22.0+/-7.0 h, respectively). Several urinary and fecal androgen metabolites were separated by HPLC but only fecal metabolites were associated with native testosterone; however, there was immunoreactivity in more than one metabolite derived from 14C-testosterone. After hCG administration, an increase in androgen metabolite excretion was observed (p<0.05). Males excreted greater amounts daily of urinary androgen metabolites as compared with females (p<0.05); this difference was not evident in feces. Results of the present study indicate that the procedure used is a reliable and non-invasive method to repeatedly monitor variations in testicular endocrine activity in this species. It can be a useful tool that would help ensure the survival of the wild populations as well as to provide the basis for a more efficient use by the fur industry.  相似文献   

In primate species exhibiting seasonal reproduction, patterns of testosterone excretion in adult males are variable: in some species, peaks correlate with female receptivity periods and heightened male-male aggression over access to estrous females, in others, neither heightened aggression nor marked elevations in testosterone have been noted. In this study, we examined mean fecal testosterone ( f T) levels and intermale aggression in wild adult male ring-tailed lemurs residing in three groups at Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar. Results obtained from mating and post-mating season 2003 were compared to test Wingfield et al. [1990. Am Nat 136:829-846] "challenge hypothesis", which predicts a strong positive relationship between male testosterone levels and male-male competition for access to receptive females during breeding season. f T levels and rates of intermale aggression were significantly higher during mating season compared to the post-mating period. Mean f T levels and aggression rates were also higher in the first half of the mating season compared with the second half. Number of males in a group affected rates of intermale agonism, but not mean f T levels. The highest-ranking males in two of the groups exhibited higher mean f T levels than did lower-ranking males, and young males exhibited lower f T levels compared to prime-aged and old males. In the post-mating period, mean male f T levels did not differ between groups, nor were there rank or age effects. Thus, although male testosterone levels rose in relation to mating and heightened male-male aggression, f T levels fell to baseline breeding levels shortly after the early mating period, and to baseline non-breeding levels immediately after mating season had ended, offsetting the high cost of maintaining both high testosterone and high levels of male-male aggression in the early breeding period.  相似文献   

Levels of sulphated 17α20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20 β -P; the oocyte maturation inducing steroid) in blood plasmas of sexually mature male and female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss , were very low in comparison to those of the free steroid. However, relatively large amounts were found in urine of both sexes.
Catheters were inserted into the urinary bladders of unovulated and ovulated females and of ripe-running males, and the fish then placed in spawning channels. Three-hourly urine samples were collected between 09.00 and 18.00 hours and then a 15-h sample between 18.00 and 09.00 hours the next morning. Measurements were made of 17,20 β -P-sulphale, testosterone glucuronide (T-G) and 17 β -oestradiol glucuronide (E2-G). In females, the highest rates of excretion of E2-G, T-G and 17,20 β -P-sulphate were found in unovulated, ovulating and ovulated females, respectively. The rates of excretion of 17,20 β -P-sulphate, T-G and E2-G in ovulated females were unaffected by the presence of a male. id males, however, there was a sharp increase in the rate of excretion of 17,20 β -P-suiphate and T-G in fish which were paired with an ovutated (nesting) female. A similar increase was found in males injected with male trout pituitary extract.  相似文献   

Females of woody dioecious species usually devote more resources to reproduction than males. This may lead to a decrease in female survival and growth. The costs of reproduction, however, can be lightened through a number of mechanisms, as for example avoiding the temporal coincidence of reproduction and vegetative growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether males and females of P. lentiscus differ in the timing of their vegetative growth, and to assess whether the sequencing of vegetative growth and reproduction reduces reproductive costs. We monitored phenology in males and females. We also compared male and female allocation of nutrients and biomass in the branch, and the developmental stability of the growing shoots. We did this both prior to and at the end of the fruiting period. Males and females showed similar vegetative and flowering phenologies. Males invested more biomass in flowering, but the sexes showed equal vegetative biomass and nutrient content prior to the fruiting period. In female branches, no trade-off was found between fruit load and current-year vegetative growth. In P. lentiscus, avoiding the overlap of flowering, vegetative growth and fruiting probably contributes to reduce the immediate costs of reproductive efforts, both in males and females.  相似文献   

High-dose testosterone enanthate (TE) may prevent hypogonadism-induced osteopenia. For this study, 3-mo-old male and female Fisher SAS rats underwent sham surgery, gonadectomy (GX), or GX plus 28 days TE administration (7.0 mg/wk). GX reduced serum sex hormones (i.e., testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estradiol) (P < 0.05) in both sexes and bone concentrations of testosterone (males only), and estradiol (females only). GX also elevated urine deoxypyridinoline/creatinine in both sexes and serum osteocalcin (females only), findings that are consistent with high-turnover osteopenia. GX reduced cancellous bone volume (CBV) and increased osteoid surfaces in tibia of both sexes. GX males also experienced reduced trabecular number and width and increased trabecular separation, whereas GX females experienced increased osteoblast and osteoid surfaces. Bone biomechanical characteristics remained unaffected by GX, except that femoral stiffness was reduced in females. In contrast, TE administration to GX rats elevated serum and bone androgens to supraphysiological concentrations in both sexes but altered neither serum nor bone estradiol in males. Additionally, TE did not prevent GX-induced reductions in serum or bone estradiol in females. TE also reduced markers of high-turnover osteopenia in both sexes. In males, TE prevented GX-induced changes in trabecular number and separation, CBV, and osteoid surfaces while diminishing osteoblast and osteoclast surfaces; however, these changes were not fully prevented in females. In both sexes, TE increased femoral length and femoral maximal strength to above that of Sham and GX animals while preventing the loss of femoral stiffness in females. In conclusion, TE administration appears protective of cancellous bone in male rats and augments cortical bone strength in both sexes.  相似文献   

Reproduction is energetically expensive for both sexes, but the magnitude of expenditure and its relationship to reproductive success differ fundamentally between males and females. Males allocate relatively little to gamete production and, thus, can reproduce successfully with only minor energy investment. In contrast, females of many species experience high fecundity-independent costs of reproduction (such as migration to nesting sites), so they need to amass substantial energy reserves before initiating reproductive activity. Thus, we expect that the relationship between energy reserves and the intensity of reproductive behavior involves a threshold effect in females, but a gradual (or no) effect in males. We tested this prediction using captive vipers (Vipera aspis), dividing both males and females into groups of high versus low body condition. Snakes from each group were placed together and observed for reproductive behavior; sex-steroid levels were also measured. As predicted, females in below-average body condition had very low estradiol levels and did not show sexual receptivity, whereas males of all body condition indices had significant testosterone levels and displayed active courtship. Testosterone levels and courtship intensity increased gradually (i.e., no step function) with body condition in males, but high estradiol levels and sexual receptivity were seen only in females with body reserves above a critical threshold.  相似文献   

Abstract Data from a 12‐year field study have allowed us to quantify ‘costs of reproduction’ in a natural population of water pythons (Liasis fuscus) in tropical Australia. Both sexes of pythons cease feeding during the reproductive season. For males, this involves fasting for a 6 week period. Adult males lose weight rapidly over this period (approximately 17% of their body mass) but regain condition in the following months, and do not experience reduced survival. In contrast, reproductive adult females cease feeding for 3 months, lose an average of 44% of their body mass over this period, and experience increased mortality. A causal link between reproductive output and reduced female survival is supported by (i) a decrease in survival rates at female maturation; (ii) a correlation between survival rates and frequency of reproduction, in a comparison among different size classes of adult pythons; and (iii) a lowered survival rate for females that allocated more energy to reproduction. Hence, both sexes experience substantial energy costs of reproduction, but a relatively higher energy cost translates into a survival cost only in females. Such non‐linearities in the relationship between energy costs and survival costs may be widespread, and challenge the value of simple energy‐based measures of 'reproductive effort’.  相似文献   

The frequency of long-calling in untreated and hormone-treated juvenile laughing gulls was compared. While both estrogen and testosterone increased the calling rate, testosterone was more effective for both sexes. Both estrogen- and testosterone-treated males called more often than similarly treated females. As both sexes normally call in laughing gulls, these results were compared to the more usual situation where only males of the species sing. Possible control mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the reproductive behavior and physiology of 9 male and 15 female juvenile squirrel monkeys were evaluated in a 20-month study. Plasma levels of gonadal steroids remained relatively low for this species until most animals reached puberty between 2.5 and 3 years of age. Longitudinal assessment of plasma progesterone levels indicated that the onset of ovarian cycles tended to be synchronized between females although the 5 heaviest females began to cycle earlier than the rest. The heavier females reached puberty at a time which was appropriate to their birth in the wild, whereas most of the remaining females conceived 6 months later during a second period of reproductive activity that coincided with the laboratory mating season. Pubescent males underwent their first seasonal elevation in plasma testosterone levels during the second period and its onset was synchronized across all males. Thus, even in the absence of adults, pubertal processes in the squirrel monkey were strongly influenced by the seasonal breeding pattern. In addition, behavioral observations revealed that social maturation closely parallels reproductive ability in females, whereas males enter a protracted subadult stage after puberty.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in various physiological measures (growth, fecal production, feed intake, nitrogenous excretion, oxygen consumption, energy substrate used, and energy budget) among males, ovigerous females and non-ovigerous females of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum. This species exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism and different male morphotypes and has the potential for use in aquaculture. Males and non-ovigerous females were studied for 30?days. Ovigerous females were studied for 10?days. Prawns were fed commercial prawn food, and all males were of the Translucent Claw (TC) morphotype. The results demonstrate physiological differences both between males and females and between females of different reproductive stages. Males had higher rates of ingestion, growth and oxygen consumption and less fecal loss than females. We postulate that in the absence of other morphotypes, TC males may exhibit increased growth rates. Males and females used protein as an energy substrate. Males channeled approximately 9% of their energy budget into growth, whereas non-ovigerous and ovigerous females channeled only 1.4?±?0.4 and 0.07?±?0.07%, respectively. Whereas males and non-ovigerous females channeled 9.0?±?9.74 and 61.8?±?3.0%, respectively, of the energy ingested into metabolism, ovigerous females channeled 97.7?±?4.7% into metabolism, likely due to the frequent beating of their pleopods, which oxygenates and cleans the eggs. As reported for marine prawns, males and non-ovigerous females of M. amazonicum lost approximately 5% of their ingested energy in exuviae. The physiological differences observed between the sexes and between females of different reproductive stages might reflect corresponding differences in patterns of activity, growth, and reproduction.  相似文献   

In ectothermic organisms, reproductive success and survival are vitally affected by temperature. Here, we analyzed the effects of a short-time exposure to heat stress (1 h at 40 °C versus controls) on reproductive success and longevity in Bicyclus anynana butterflies. After having applied heat stress or a control treatment, individuals were mated in all four possible sexes by treatment combinations. Heat exposure of females caused a subsequent reduction in longevity, fecundity, egg size and concomitantly reproductive investment. Heat exposure of males also reduced longevity, but had in general little effect on the reproduction of female mates. However, females having mated with heat-stressed males showed surprisingly an increased rather than decreased early fecundity, which may indicate an increased investment in current reproduction in stressful environments. Heat stress had no significant effect on egg hatching success, time to copulation and copulation duration. Our results suggest that a short period of heat stress may substantially reduce longevity and reproductive output, with striking differences among sexes. We found no evidence for males being more strongly affected by heat stress than females.  相似文献   

In dioecious clonal plants, the reproductive effort required to set seeds will be responsible for the larger investment in sexual reproduction by females. If there will be a trade-off in resource allocation between sexual and clonal reproduction, this differential sexual reproduction will lead to sexual differentiation in the relative amount of clonal reproduction. To test this prediction, we studied differences between the sexes in their phenologies and investments in sexual and vegetative reproduction (clonal reproduction by means of bulbils) with respect to ramet size in a dioecious clonal plant, Dioscorea japonica Thunb. The period of bulbil production overlapped the period during which infructescences developed. Females flowered later, produced heavier inflorescences, and fewer flowers per inflorescence than did males. Regression analysis using the size of the individual plants demonstrated that large females made smaller investments in inflorescences and larger investments in sexual reproduction than did large males. In contrast, females invested fewer resources in vegetative reproduction than did males. However, the total investments in sexual and vegetative reproduction did not differ between the sexes. These results supported our hypothesis on the sexual differentiation in sexual and clonal reproduction.  相似文献   

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