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Nine species of helminths, all nematodes, were recovered from the viscera of 48 feral swine (Sus scrofa) from Cumberland Island, Georgia. Both the overdispersed frequency distributions and the abundances of the four common species of helminths (Stephanurus dentatus, Metastrongylus apri, M. pudendotectus and Gongylonema pulchrum) did not vary significantly across the main and interactive effects of host sex and/or seasons. Whether or not the present low population densities of feral swine on Cumberland Island has influenced the pattern of fluctuations in abundances of helminth species across seasons as often observed in helminth communities from other hosts was not resolved. The apparent recent decline in prevalences and abundances, and the loss of certain species from the helminth communities of feral swine on the island may be explained partially by the decreasing transmission potentials of direct life cycle species caused by a recent marked reduction of numbers of individuals in the host population. Conversely, the apparent increased prevalence and abundance of three species of helminths (S. dentatus, M. apri and M. pudendotectus) may be related to their common utilization of earthworms as paratenic or intermediate hosts. Gongylonema pulchrum was the only helminth in which abundances seemed to remain unchanged. This was the only species that was not strictly host specific to feral swine. We found no evidence that helminth infections were responsible for morbidity or mortality in this feral swine population.  相似文献   

The endemic avifauna of Wallacea is of high conservation significance, but remains poorly studied. Identifying priority conservation areas requires a greater understanding of the habitat associations of these bird communities, and of how spatial scale of analysis can influence the interpretation of these associations. This study aims to determine which proxy habitat measures, at which spatial scales of analysis, can provide useful inferential data on the composition of Wallacean forest avifauna. Research was conducted within the Lambusango forest reserve, South-East Sulawesi, using point count surveys to sample avifauna. Habitat properties were characterised in three ways: broad classification of forest type, canopy remotely-sensed response derived from satellite imagery, and in situ measures of vegetation composition and structure. Furthermore, we examined avifauna–habitat relationships at three spatial scales: area (c.400 ha per sample site), transect (c.10 ha) and point (c.0.2 ha). Results demonstrate that broad forest type classifications at an area scale can help to determine conservation value, indicating that primary and old secondary forests are important for supporting many species with lower ecological tolerances, such as large-bodied frugivores. At the transect-scale, significant congruence occurs between bird community composition and several habitat variables derived from vegetation sampling and satellite imagery, particularly tree size, undergrowth density, and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values; this highlights the importance small scale habitat associations can have on determining α-diversity. Analysis at the point-scale was ineffective in providing proxy indications for avifauna. These findings should be considered when determining future priority conservation areas for Wallacean avifauna.  相似文献   

Examination of 700 northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus), 50 each February from 1971 through 1984, from Tall Timbers Research Station, Leon County, Florida, disclosed 15 species of helminth parasites. Nine species (Raillietina cesticillus, R. colinia, Aproctella stoddardi, Cheilospirura spinosa, Cyrnea colini, Dispharynx nasuta, Heterakis isolonche, Tetrameres pattersoni, and Trichostrongylus tenuis) generally were found on an annual basis and were considered characteristic components of the helminth fauna. Infrequently found species were Brachylecithum nanum, Rhabdometra odiosa, Capillaria sp., Gongylonema ingluvicola, H. gallinarum, and Oxyspirura matogrosensis. Intensities of C. colini and H. isolonche differed among host sex and age classes, and prevalences and/or intensities of A. stoddardi, C. spinosa, T. pattersoni, and T. tenuis differed between host age classes. Prevalences and/or abundances of seven species (R. cesticillus, R. colinia, C. spinosa, C. colini, H. isolonche, T. pattersoni, and T. tenuis) varied with bobwhite density, apparently because bobwhites were either the primary or only definitive host on the area. Two species (A. stoddardi and D. nasuta) did not vary with bobwhite density, apparently due to the buffering effect of a broad range of definitive hosts on the area. Prevalences and/or intensities of R. colinia, C. spinosa, and T. tenuis differed with agricultural fields status (cultivated versus fallow) suggesting that land use and its attendant habitat changes influenced transmission of these species. The occurrence of C. spinosa and T. pattersoni in individual bobwhites was not independent and was attributed to utilization of the same species of grasshoppers as intermediate hosts. Localized tissue damage and inflammation were associated with A. stoddardi, D. nasuta, C. spinosa, C. colini and T. pattersoni. Decreases in body weight in juvenile bobwhites were associated with increasing intensities of H. isolonche and T. tenuis. The observed relationships to bobwhite density and other variables are discussed with regard to known aspects of life histories of the nine most common species.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian islands contain the most spectacular variety of landbirds ever discovered on remote oceanic islands. The Hawaiian honeycreepers, having evolved from a presumably single founding species of cardueline finch, comprise most of this avifauna. Birds from at least three other families of passerines and five families of non-passerines also radiated in Hawaii. Recent discoveries of a fossil avifauna indicate that most radiations were more extensive than previously thought. Classical analysis of the radiation of Hawaiian birds, especially the honeycreepers, focused on characters related to acquisition of food. Recent studies of bill size and shape in relation to food resources, and of foraging mode in relation to interspecific competitors, provide models of how divergence in diet and/or bill morphology might have evolved. Studies of geographic variation among subspecies on different islands and among populations within islands have revealed extensive divergence in characters such as sexual chromatism, nest sites and nest morphology.  相似文献   

Population ecology of intestinal helminth infections in human communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of worm burdens in human populations is a major determinant of both the dynamics of transmission and the level of community morbidity. The distribution exhibits convexity with host age, which appears to correlate with exposure in the young age-classes but not in adults, and may be evidence for the development of an acquired immune response. The distribution between individuals is typically overdispersed. Individuals are predisposed to high (or low) intensity of infection and to a correspondingly high (or low) rate of acquisition of infection. A major epidemiological question is whether this reflects individual differences in environmental exposure or susceptibility. Environmental studies that have observed clustering of intense infection in particular households are supportive of either mechanism. Individual host behaviours that predispose to infection have an overdispersed distribution and may alone, or as compounding factors, generate the observed distribution of infection intensity. Factors such as host nutrition and physiology may modify host immune-responsiveness and hence susceptibility. Preliminary evidence suggests correlates between infection intensity and HLA class II antigens, and tentatively implies a genetic factor in susceptibility. These findings suggest that further understanding of the relative importance of environmental factors and resistance to the acquisition of intense infection is dependent upon a multidisciplinary approach to epidemiological field study.  相似文献   

Chronic debilitation and anemia were observed in a free-living opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) heavily parasitized by Physaloptera turgida, Brachylaima virginianum, and Cruzia americana. Chronic interstitial pneumonia associated with Capillaria aerophila and a metastrongyloid nematode also was present.  相似文献   

Avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) has been implicated in the decline of avian populations in the Hawaiian Islands and it is generally agreed that geographically isolated and immunologically naïve bird populations are particularly vulnerable to the pathogenic effects of invasive malaria parasites. In order to assess the potential disease risk of malaria to the avifauna of Socorro Island, México, we surveyed for Plasmodium isolates from 1,300 resident field‐caught mosquitoes. Most of them were identified as Aedes (Ochlerotatus) taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann, 1821), which were abundant in the salt marshes. We also collected Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 close to human dwellings. Mitochondrial ND5 and COII gene sequences of Ae. taeniorhynchus were analyzed and compared to corresponding sequences of mosquitoes of the Galápagos Islands, Latin America, and the North American mainland. Aedes lineages from Socorro Island clustered most closely with a lineage from the continental U.S. Plasmodium spp. DNA was isolated from both species of mosquitoes. From 38 positive pools, we isolated 11 distinct mitochondrial Cytb lineages of Plasmodium spp. Seven of the Plasmodium lineages represent previously documented avian infective strains while four were new lineages. Our results confirm a potential risk for the spread of avian malaria and underscore the need to monitor both the mosquito and avian populations as a necessary conservation measure to protect endangered bird species on Socorro Island.  相似文献   

Historically documented founder events provide opportunities to assess the effects of population size reductions on genetic variation, but the actual magnitude of genetic change can be measured only when direct comparisons can be made to the source or ancestral population. We assayed variation at nine microsatellite loci in the translocated population of the Laysan finch ( Telespiza cantans ) at Pearl and Hermes reef (PHR), and compared the level of variation to that in the source population on Laysan Island. Heterogeneity in allele frequencies was highly significant at eight of the nine loci, primarily as a result of fluctuations in allele frequencies in the three PHR populations. Intra- and interpopulational measures of genetic diversity generally matched predictions based on the well-documented history of three islet populations at PHR: significantly lower numbers of alleles and polymorphic loci, as well as higher pairwise F ST values and genetic distance, were observed for the two populations that underwent severe size reductions. Changes in heterozygosity at single loci were unpredictable, as both significant increases and decreases were observed in founder populations. A significant excess of heterozygotes was found in two populations and was highly significant over all four finch populations ( P < 0.003). Estimates of effective population size from temporal changes in heterozygosity and allele frequencies were very small ( N e≤ 30) as a result of the founding events and the constraints of islet area on population numbers. We concluded that the PHR population is not adequate as a secondary genetic reserve for T. cantans , and an alternative refuge needs to be established.  相似文献   

The territorial defense hypothesis and the ecology of insular vertebrates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Insular lizards, birds, and mammals in high-density populations often exhibit reduced situation-specific aggression toward conspecifics. This aggressive behavior can be expressed in the form of (1) reduced territory sizes, (2) increased territory overlap with neighbors, (3) acceptance of subordinates on the territory, (4) reduced aggressiveness to certain classes of conspecifics, or (5) abandonment of territorial defense. These behavioral traits can be explained by two nonexclusive hypotheses. The resource hypothesis suggests that territorial behavior is primarily adjusted to resource densities, and that resources are more abundant on islands than on the mainland (e.g., because of a lack of competing species). The defense hypothesis suggests that, in addition to any effects of resources, the costs of defense against both territorial intruders and contenders for vacant territories are higher on islands. Recent theoretical and empirical studies indicate that these behavioral changes can occur as a result of elevated defense costs, independent of resource densities. Reduced predation, more benign climates, and an absence of habitat sinks on islands would all tend to increase the density of potential intruders and contenders, and hence the costs of defense for owners of insular territories. The two hypotheses differ in their predictions about the rates of biomass production (growth or reproduction) for holders of insular territories. Reproductive and growth data from insular-mainland pairs indicate the importance of elevated defense costs, and also suggest that many insular vertebrates reallocate their breeding resources so as to produce young that are more competitive. The suite of ecological and behavioral traits exhibited by insular territorial vertebrates can best be explained by three factors operating in concert: higher available resource densities, higher defense costs, and (sometimes) a reallocation of resources to produce young that are more competitive.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of a population of lizards is influenced by the distribution of resources and the individuals’ skills to gain access to them. On several Mediterranean islands with food scarcity and unpredictable resource availability, some resources can be extremely important during some periods of the year, as, e.g., the dead horse arum, Dracunculus muscivorus, on Aire Island, Spain. In this study, we analysed parasite infestation in an endemic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi, in relation to the distribution of D. muscivorus during spring. We found a higher prevalence of parasitism in males from a central area where the plant was significantly more abundant. Also, in this area, males were more abundant and larger than in two areas with lower plant densities. Moreover, overall differences appeared in the intensity of infection, which was higher in individuals from the central area, and we found a relationship between body size and parasite load, with more infected cells in larger individuals. Spatial distribution of individuals due to differential availabilities of D. muscivorus is proposed as an explanation for the observed differences.  相似文献   

In late 1999 and early 2000, an outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) occurred in and around Los Santos, on the Azuero Peninsula of southwestern Panamá. This HPS episode, resulting in 22% case fatality, was linked to the Costa Rican pigmy rice rat, Oligoryzomys fulvescens costaricensis, which harbored a then undescribed hantavirus, Choclo virus. In addition, Cherrie's cane rat, Zygodontomys brevicauda cherriei, was identified as carrying a distinct hantavirus, Calabazo virus with no known pathogenicity to humans. Herein we present the ecological results of the outbreak investigations in the Azuero region. A total of 164 animals were captured, of which 126 were potential small, non-volant mammal hosts of a hantavirus: rodents in the family Muridae. There were significant differences in small mammal community structure between case sites and a negative control site. Differences were manifest in ecological measures of species diversity and in species evenness and heterogeneity measures, as indicated by Pairwise Euclidian distances and Morisita indices of community similarity. Our analyses suggest that human activities (i.e., deforestation for cattle ranching) coupled with environmental factors (i.e., increased precipitation) may have synergistically coalesced for an increased risk of HPS to area residents.  相似文献   

In this paper we report endoparasites from a sample of 50 stenodermatine bats collected mainly over lick sites at the Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, westernmost extremity of Amazonian Brazil. Four helminth species were recovered (Hasstilesia tricolor, Vampirolepis elongatus, Cheiropteronema globocephala. and Capillaria sp.), most of them from small intestines. Overall helminth prevalence achieved 26% (13/50) and the more prevalent species was H. tricolor (20%). Previously unknown in bats and reported for the first time in Brazil, this digenetic trematode was found in seven of the 18 bat species studied here. We argue that the drinking behaviour of stenodermatines at lick sites may be implicated in the dissemination of helminth infection among these bats.  相似文献   

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