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The giant extracellular hemoglobin from the polychaete Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus consists of two types of subunits: a "monomeric" chain (chain I) and a disulfide-bonded trimer of chains IIA, IIB, and IIC. The complete amino acid sequence of chain IIB was determined. This chain has 148 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 17,236 including a heme group. Of the residues in chain IIB, 74 (50%) and 34 (30%) were found to be identical with those in the corresponding positions in Tylorrhynchus chains IIC and I, respectively (Suzuki, T., Furukohri, T., and Gotoh, T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 3145-3154). Marked differences were found between the chains of Tylorrhynchus and Lumbricus in the COOH-terminal regions. Significant differences were predicted between the monomeric chain I and the "trimeric" chains (IIB and IIC) in the hydropathy profiles and alpha-helical contents.  相似文献   

The subunit assembly of the giant haemoglobin of the polychaete Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus is presented. Tylorrhynchus haemoglobin consists of two types of subunits: a "monomeric" chain I and a disulphide-bonded "trimer" of chains IIA, IIB and IIC. The molar ratio of the four constituent chains was determined by statistical comparison of the accurate amino acid composition calculated from the sequence of each chain and the observed composition measured by amino acid analysis of the whole molecule. On the basis of the molar ratio and the molecular weight of each chain, deduced from the amino acid sequence, a symmetrical model for the molecular assembly of the haemoglobin was constructed. The proposed model consists of four species of chains of 192 polypeptides and has a molecular weight of 3,275,808. The minimum structural entity is a "tetramer" consisting of the "monomeric" chain and the disulphide-bonded "trimer". Each chain contains one haem.  相似文献   

Tylorrhynchus cyanomethemoglobin reduced with dithiothreitol was separated by chromatofocusing into four heme-containing polypeptide chains (I, IIA, IIB, and IIC) and a non-heme chain (N). The molecular weights of chains IIA-C and N were confirmed to be the same by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate on a 10-20% gradient gel. The molecular weight of chain IIC was determined to be 17,415 (including heme) from the amino acid sequence. Chain N constitutes less than 5% of the total protein and has the same NH2-terminal sequence, suggesting that it is derived from chain IIA during the isolation procedure. Tylorrhynchus hemoglobin consists of two types of subunit with molecular weights of 16,327 (chain I) and approximately 50,000, and the latter splits into chains IIA-C in the presence of a reducing agent. On the basis of the accurate value obtained for the molecular mass of chain IIC, it was concluded that the subunit of approximately 50,000 daltons is a trimer of heme-containing chains IIA, IIB, and IIC linked by disulfide bonds. The cysteine residue at position 5 and the arginine at position 10 are conserved in the four heme-containing chains of Tylorrhynchus hemoglobin. The complete sequence of 149 residues of Tylorrhynchus chain IIC was determined. This sequence shows high homology with Tylorrhynchus chain I (Suzuki, T., Takagi, T., and Gotoh, T. (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Acta 708, 253-258) and Lumbricus chain AIII (Garlick, R. L., and Riggs, A. F. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 9005-9015).  相似文献   

Novel S-S loops in the giant hemoglobin of Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The extracellular hemoglobin of the polychaete Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus is a "giant" multisubunit protein consisting of two types of subunits: a "monomeric" chain (chain I) and a disulfide bonded "trimer" of chains IIA, IIB, and IIC. We have reported the complete amino acid sequences of all four chains (Suzuki, T., and Gotoh, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 9257-9267). The sites of disulfide bonds in the trimer have now been determined. In the trimer, there are two interchain disulfide bonds between chains IIA and IIC, and IIB and IIC, respectively. In addition, each of the four chains, I, IIA, IIB, IIC, has an intrachain disulfide bond. Thus, according to our "192-chain" model (Suzuki, T., and Gotoh, T. (1986) J. Mol. Biol. 190, 119-123), there are 288 disulfide bonds in Tylorrhynchus hemoglobin. Digital image processing of scanning transmission electron micrographs of negatively stained Tylorrhynchus hemoglobin indicated dimensions of 28 x 18 nm.  相似文献   

Two types of linker subunits (linkers 1 and 2) of the extracellular hemoglobin of Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus have been isolated as disulfide-linked homodimers by C18 reverse-phase chromatography. These subunits constituted 6 and 13%, respectively, of total protein area on the chromatogram. The complete amino acid sequences of linkers 1 and 2 were determined by automated Edman sequencing of the peptides derived by digestions with lysyl endopeptidase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, pepsin, and endoproteinase Asp-N. The linker 1 consisted of 253 amino acid residues (the calculated molecular mass, 28,200 Da), while the linker 2 consisted of 236 residues (26,316 Da). The two chains showed 27% sequence identity. The amino acid sequences of Tylorrhynchus linkers 1 and 2 also showed 23-27% homology with the recently determined sequence of a linker chain of Lamellibrachia hemoglobin (Suzuki, T., Takagi, T., and Ohta, S. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 1551-1555). In the three linker chains, half-cystine residues were highly conserved; 8 out of 13 residues are identical, suggesting that such residues would contribute to the formation of intrachain disulfide bonds essential for the protein folding of the linker polypeptides. Based on the exact molecular masses of the linker and the heme-containing subunits, the molar ratios estimated for the subunits and the minimum molecular weights per 1 mol of heme, a model is proposed for the subunit structure of the Tylorrhynchus hemoglobin, consisting of 216 polypeptide chains, 192 heme-containing chains, and 24 linker chains.  相似文献   

The giant extracellular hemoglobin of the earthworm Pheretima sieboldi is mainly composed of two heme-containing subunits: a monomer; chain I and a disulfide-bonded trimer of chains II, III and IV. Both subunits can be separated easily by gel filtration under alkaline conditions. The amino acid sequence of chain I has been determined. It is composed of 141 residues, has two half-cystine residues forming a intrachain disulfide bridge, and has a molecular mass of 16911 Da including a heme group. Heterogeneity was found at position 37 (His or Ser). The amino acid sequence of Pheretima chain I showed 30-50% identity with those of eight heme-containing chains of Lumbricus and Tylorrhynchus hemoglobins. The sequences of nine chains of annelid giant hemoglobins were compared separately in the functionally essential central exonic region and structurally essential side exonic regions, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The amino acid substitution rate for the central exon was found to be about 1.5 times slower than that for the side exons.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of tauropine dehydrogenase (EC from the polychaete Arabella iricolor was determined by automated sequencing of fragments obtained by cleavage with lysyl endopeptidase, endoproteinase Glu-C, and cyanogen bromide. The purified enzyme contained two isoforms that differ only in the 41st amino acid residue (Thr or Ile). Although the sequence contained eight Cys residues, intrachain disulfide bonds were not found. Two possible N-linked glycosylation sites occur in the sequences, but the enzyme does not appear to contain bound carbohydrates. Based on these data, the two isoforms of Arabella tauropine dehydrogenase are simple proteins consisted of 396 amino acid residues with calculated molecular masses of 43,085.7 Da (Thr41 isoform) and 43,097.8 Da (Ile41 isoform).  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic hemoglobin III from the gill of the symbiont-harboring clamLucina pectinata consists of 152 amino acid residues, has a calculated Mm of 18,068, including heme, and has N-acetyl-serine as the N-terminal residue. Based on the alignment of its sequence with other vertebrate and nonvertebrate globins, it retains the invariant residues Phe45 at position CD1 and His98 at the proximal position F8, as well as the highly conserved Trp16 and Pro39 at positions A12 and C2, respectively. The most likely candidate for the distal residue at position E7 is Gln66.Lucina hemoglobin III shares 95 identical residues with hemoglobin II (J. D. Hockenhull-Johnsonet al., J. Prot. Chem. 10, 609–622, 1991), including Tyr at position B10, which has been shown to be capable of entering the distal heme cavity and placing its hydroxyl group within a 2.8 Å of the water molecule occupying the distal ligand position, by modeling the hemoglobin II sequence using the crystal structure of sperm whale metmyoglobin. The amino acid sequences of the twoLucina globins are compared in detail with the known sequences of mollusc globins, including seven cytoplasmic and 11 intracellular globins. Relative to 75% homology between the twoLucina globins (counting identical and conserved residues), both sequences have percent homology scores ranging from 36–49% when compared to the two groups of mollusc globins. The highest homology appears to exist between theLucina globins and the cytoplasmic hemoglobin ofBusycon canaliculatum.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic hemoglobin II from the gill of the clamLucina pectinata consists of 150 amino acid residues, has a calculatedM m of 17,476, including heme and an acetylated N-terminal residue. It retains the invariant residues Phe 44 at position CD1 and His 65 at the proximal position F8, as well as the highly conserved Trp 15 at position A12 and Pro 38 at position C2. The most likely candidate for the distal residue at position E7, based on the alignment with other globins, is Gln 65. However, optical and EPR spectroscopic studies of the ferri Hb II (Kraus, D. W., Wittenberg, J. B., Lu, J. F., and Peisach, J.,J. Biol. Chem. 265, 16054–16059, 1990) have implicated a tyrosinate oxygen as the distal ligand. Modeling of theLucina Hb II sequence, using the crystal structure of sperm whale aquometmyoglobin, showed that Tyr 30 substituting for the Leu located at position B10 can place its oxygen within 2.8 Å of the water molecule occupying the distal ligand position. This structural alteration is facilitated by the coordinate mutation of the residue at position CD4, from Phe 46 in the sperm whale myoglobin sequence to Leu 47 inLucina Hb II.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of monkey progastricsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complete amino acid sequence of progastricsin from the Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) was determined. Progastricsin is composed of 374 residues, including the gastricsin moiety of 331 residues and the activation segment of 43 residues. Upon activation under acidic conditions, progastricsin was converted to gastricsin via the intermediate protein species. NH2-terminal sequence determination of these protein species enabled us to deduce the NH2-terminal 78-residue sequence of progastricsin, including the 43-residue activation segment. The complete sequence of the gastricsin moiety was determined using peptide fragments obtained by several chemical and enzymatic cleavages. The molecular weight of progastricsin was determined to be 40,785. As compared with pepsinogen A of the same monkey species, deletion of 4 residues and insertion of 5 residues were observed. Although monkey progastricsin and pepsinogen A have highly homologous sequences around the two active site aspartyl residues, the homology between these proteins is rather small (49% identity). This indicates that progastricsin diverged from pepsinogen A in the early phase of the evolution of gastric aspartyl proteinases.  相似文献   

After re-purification by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, α-neo-endorphin was submitted to structural analyses, performed by dansyl-Edman degradation, as well as by C-terminal analysis by 3H-labeling. The full sequence of α-neo-endorphin has been determined to be : Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Lys-Tyr-Pro-Lys, in which the 8th residue previously reported as Arg is found to be Tyr. A synthetic decapeptide with the above sequence was verified to be identical with natural α-neo-endorphin. For further structural confirmation, tryptic and chymotryptic peptides were also identified. Thus, the complete sequence of α-neo-endorphin has been definitely established. Its potent opioid activity in the guinea-pig ileum assay is also discussed.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of adenylate kinase from baker's yeast   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete amino acid sequence of cytosolic adenylate kinase (MgATP + AMP----MgADP + ADP) from baker's yeast has been determined. Tryptic and clostripaic cleavage of the protein yielded 27 and 10 fragments, respectively. They were sequenced with either a solid-phase sequencer or a gas-phase sequencer. Alignment of the clostripaic fragments was deduced from the sequence of peptides obtained by endoproteinase Lys-C and cyanogen bromide cleavages. The N-terminus is blocked by an acetyl group as shown by proton magnetic resonance. Carboxypeptidase A digestion of the whole protein showed that the C-terminal sequence is -Lys-Asn, in agreement with the sequence of peptides from tryptic, clostripaic and 2-iodosobenzoic acid cleavages. The enzyme is a monomer of 220 amino acids with Mr 24077. Comparison of the sequence of the cytosolic adenylate kinases from yeast and pig shows 25% identity with highly conserved segments in the putative active-site region of the enzyme. After position 111, however, there is an insertion of 32 residues in the yeast species, similar to the adenylate kinase and the GTP:AMP phosphotransferase from beef heart mitochondria.  相似文献   

Unlike the European leechHirudo medicinalis, the Asian jawed leechHirudinaria manillensis is specialized for feeding on mammalian blood. In the salivary glands of both these leeches, there is a potent inhibitor of thrombin, called hirudin, which acts as an anticoagulant. We have reported previously the isolation and purification of a variant of hirudin, called bufrudin, from the head portions ofHirudinaria. In the present study, the complete amino acid sequence of bufrudin was determined by automated Edman degradation of peptide fragments generated after cleavage of protein with trypsin or thermolysin. Comparison of the primary structure of bufrudin, with hirudin HV1, show about 70% sequence identity with deletion of two amino acids, but the key amino acids at the C-terminus, involved in the inhibition of thrombin, are conserved. However, similar sequence comparison of bufrudin with hirullin P18, a hirudin variant isolated from the same leech species but from whole leech, instead of heads, reveals even less sequence identity of about 60%. From the amino acid sequence, it is suggested that the conformation of the C-terminal portion of bufrudin may be significantly different from hirullin P18, but similar to hirudin HV1, upon its interaction with thrombin. These results indicate that, as withHirudo leech, various isoforms of hirudin also exist inHirudinaria leech, with a significant change occurring in the structure of the molecule during the evolution of leeches.  相似文献   

The crystallizable cytoplasmic aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a dimer made up of identical subunits (Mr 63 000). Its primary structure was established using peptide sequences from four different digests of the native and citraconylated enzyme with trypsin, cyanogen bromide and staphylococcal protease. The oligonucleotide sequence of the structural gene was used as a template for the final alignment of the various peptides in the correct order.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a bacteriochlorophyll a-protein from the green photosynthetic bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii strain 2K has been determined. Use was made of a tentative sequence deduced from a 2.8-A electron density map of the protein to help locate sequenced peptides. The polypeptide chain consists of 366 amino acids. The identities of 5 amino acids that ligand to the magnesium atoms of 5 of the 7 bacteriochlorophyll molecules present in each subunit of the trimeric complex have been confirmed as histidines.  相似文献   

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