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A small scale village society from southern Turkey has been investigated by demographic, social and anthropological criteria. An internal differentiation of the population on the basis of demographic and social data could be verified for morphological features, too. This is shown clearly by a differentiation of the population into two family complexes. The consequences for the interpretation of metrical random sample surveys in typological investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken on the floristic composition and stand structure of four 1 hectare plots in the lowland forests of Kurupukari, Guyana. A total of 3897 trees, covering 153 species and 31 plant families were recorded at greater than 5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh). The number of species per hectare ranged from 61 to 84 (>5.0 cm dbh) and 50–71 (>10.0 cm dbh). The total number of trees per hectare varied two-fold between study plots, with 45–50% of the trees within the 5–10 cm size-class. Mean total basal area varied from 32.39–34.63 m2 per 100 m2. The four most dominant plant families represented 43.8% of the total number of trees, while representing only 11.2% of the species. No one plant family dominated in more than one of the four study plots, and all four plots held at least one plant family with more than 20% of the total number of trees. Although 14 tree species were common to all four plots, only 26%–35% of the species were represented by a single tree. Between three and seven species represented 50% of the trees within all size-classes, with species dominance occurring within the highest density plot.These tropical forest types of central Guyana may represent some of the lowest diversity forests in the neotropics, whereby the total number of tree species is relatively limited, typically with six dominant canopy species, but the relative abundance of these species is highly variable between the forest types. Mechanisms influencing the competitive interactions associated with species dominance are discussed in relation to the importance of mycorrhizae and the persistence of species dominance.  相似文献   

Myosin purified from the abdominal flexor muscle of the lobster, Homarus americanus, has a number average length of 1559 +/- 218 A, a rod like tail 1335 A long and a globular head 225 X 45 A as determined from electron microscopic observations on platinum shadowed preparations. The mass of the molecule was determined to be ca. 486,000 daltons from high speed equilibrium centrifugation studies at neutral and alkaline pH, and by SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both sedimentation equilibrium centrifuge studies at alkaline pH and SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis experiments, indicate that the molecule contains a heavy chain core (two polypeptide chains weighing ca. 210,000 daltons each) and ca. four light chains of two weight classes (ca. 16,000 and 20,000 daltons). The amino acid composition of the myosin was determined. The specific activities of the Mg2+ -activated, K+/EDTA-activated, and Ca2+ -activated ATPases of the myosin were determined. Kinetic analysis of the digestion of lobster myosin with trypsin suggests that lobster myosin contains three classes of lysine and arginine residues; slowly split (k = 2.07 +/- 0.31 X 10(-2) moles/min2), rapidly split (k = 11.0 +/- 1.83 X 10(-2) moles/min2) and trypsin insensitive. There are 187 +/- 22 slowly split residues, 280 +/- 35 rapidly split residues, and 144 +/- 41 trypsin insensitive bonds per molecule. Comparison of these molecular parameters with those for the vertebrate skeletal muscle myosin indicates that the two myosins are similar in terms of mass, shape and overall polypeptide chain composition but may be considerably different in terms of local polypeptide chain conformation or composition.  相似文献   

The Yanomama Indians of Southern Vanezuela and Northern Brazil are one of the largest, relatively unacculturated tribes of the tropical rain forest. Over a period of eight years data have been collected from a considerable portion of their territory on estimated age, sex ratio, fertility rates (as determined by physical examination and urine tests), and infant death rates. Although it has been impossible to collect direct data on infanticide, this subject can be approached indirectly through distortions of the sex ratio and anecdotal information. Some historical data are also available as a basis for estimating tribal expansion in the past 100 years. With this material it has been possible to construct Life Tables for the Yanomama, and to explore the results of various perturbations of the input parameters. Data are also presented on patterns of mating and reproduction: number of spouses, mean and variance in number of surviving children, frequency of “extra-marital conceptions” based on the results of extensive blood group typings, and consanguinity rates as determined by observation and computer simulation. Although we do not present the Yanomama as typical, these data are seen as providing a basis for more realistic population models than have existed in the past. In addition, the data provide a basis for relatively precise estimates of such demographic measures as Fisher's Reproductive Value, Crow's Index of Total Selection, and Weiss' Index of Growth Regulation.  相似文献   

The mtDNA of 186 Senegalese, mainly Wolof and Peuls, were analyzed by means of six restriction enzymes: HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII, and HincII. Two of the HpaI, one of the HaeII, two of the MspI, and one of the AvaII morphs had not been described before. The only enzymes which enabled Wolof and Peuls to be differentiated were HincII and, to a lesser extent, HaeII. Important differences emerge in the comparison of Senegalese with Bantu of South Africa and with Bushmen, the only other Africans who, as far as we know, were studied for the same genetic markers. Though Senegalese mtDNAs display typical African features (presence and frequency of HpaI morph 3 and high incidence of AvaII morph 3), the distribution of MspI and AvaII patterns markedly differentiates Senegalese from the others. The phylogeny of mtDNA types in Africa well portrays how the three African groups are clearly distinguishable genetic entities. Bushmen lie at one end of the range of variability, Senegalese being at the other end but still fairly closely related to Bantu. The information provided by individual restriction enzymes to the distinction among the three major ethnic groups is reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Use of dermatoglyphics in population studies has been marked by a great deal of methodological variation among investigators. We compare various dermatoglyphic approaches using data derived from four groups in the Kumaon region of India. Dermatoglyphic data included ridge-counts and other quantitative variables, and the classification systems of Cummins and Midlo and Penrose and Loesch. Results were evaluated against anthropometric and serological relationships. No clearly superior approach emerges, although it is generally true that palmar variables exhibit more intergroup heterogeneity than digital variables and produce more reasonable results than the other approaches. The conventional method of treating ridge-counts, that of choosing the larger of the two counts, was the most unsatisfactory of the quantitative approaches, leading to the recommendation that both radial and ulnar counts be retained. We conclude that environmental variation may contribute substantially to intergroup variation.  相似文献   

Aspects of chromosomal structure. I. Circular dichroism studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T Wagner  T C Spelsberg 《Biochemistry》1971,10(13):2599-2605

Separating the confounding effects of long-term population history from gene flow can be difficult. Here, we address the question of what inferences about gene flow can be made from mitochondrial sequence data in three closely related species of mosquitoes, Anopheles dirus species A, C, and D, from southeast Asia. A total of 84 sequences of 923 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene were obtained from 14 populations in Thailand, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. The genealogy of sequences obtained from two populations of AN: dirus C indicates no contemporary gene flow between them. The F(ST) value of 0.421 therefore probably represents a recent common history, perhaps involving colonization events. Anopheles dirus A and D are parapatric, yet no differentiation was seen either within or between species. The starlike genealogy of their haplotypes, smooth unimodal mismatch distributions, and excess of low frequency mutations indicate population expansion in An. dirus A and D. This, rather than widespread gene flow, explains their low within-species F(ST) values (0.018 and 0.022). The greater genetic diversity of An. dirus D suggests that expansion occurred first in species D and subsequently in species A. The current geographical separation and low hybrid fitness of these species also argue against ongoing interspecific gene flow. They suggest instead either historical introgression of mtDNA from An. dirus D into species A followed by independent range expansions, or a selective sweep of mtDNA that originated in An. dirus D. While not excluding contemporary gene flow, historical population processes are sufficient to explain the data in An. dirus A and D. The genealogical relationships between haplotypes could not be used to make inferences of gene flow because of extensive homoplasy due to hypervariable sites and possibly also recombination. However, it is concluded that this approach, rather than the use of fixation indices, is required in the future to understand contemporary gene flow in these mosquitoes. The implications of these results for understanding gene flow in another important and comparable group of malaria vector mosquitoes in Africa, the An. gambiae complex, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses of spatial genetic structure of populations of plants and the insects they interact with provide an indication of how gene flow, natural selection and genetic drift may jointly influence the distribution of genetic variation and potential for local co‐adaptation for interacting species. Here, we analysed the spatial scale of genetic structure within and among nine populations of an interacting species pair, the white campion Silene latifolia and the moth Hadena bicruris, along a latitudinal gradient across Northern/Central Europe. This dioecious, short‐lived perennial plant inhabits patchy, often disturbed environments. The moth H. bicruris acts both as its pollinator and specialist seed predator that reproduces by laying eggs in S. latifolia flowers. We used nine microsatellite markers for S. latifolia and eight newly developed markers for H. bicruris. We found high levels of inbreeding in most populations of both plant and pollinator/seed predator. Among populations, significant genetic structure was observed for S. latifolia but not for its pollinator/seed predator, suggesting that despite migration among populations of H. bicruris, pollen is not, or only rarely, carried over between populations, thus maintaining genetic structure among plant populations. There was a weak positive correlation between genetic distances of S. latifolia and H. bicruris. These results indicate that while significant structure of S. latifolia populations creates the potential for differentiation at traits relevant for the interaction with the pollinator/seed predator, substantial gene flow in H. bicruris may counteract this process in at least some populations.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence analysis was done on a human lambda Bence Jones protein NIG-64 with the major objective of determining the sequence of the variable region. Nineteen tryptic peptides covering 216 residues were isolated from the completely reduced and aminoethylated protein, and 17 of these were completely sequenced. These comprised the entire variable region and 11 from the constant region. For the remaining peptides covering the rest of the constant region, only partial sequences or the amino acid compositions were determined. All the tryptic peptides could be arranged in order on the basis of the above results and homology with other human lambda light chains of the same isotype. The sequence of the variable region of the protein is highly homologous with that of protein New of subgroup V lambda I as compared with other proteins of the same subgroup, suggesting that subgroup V lambda I may be further divided into subsubgroups, namely subsubgroups V lambda I-1 and V lambda I-2.  相似文献   

The population dynamics ofMazus japonicus andM. Miquelii was compared. In contrast with the summer annual growth habit (Vandellia crustacea) and the winter one(Veronica persica), M. japonicus had a “year-long annual growth habit” as the population of this species existed all year-round, notwithstanding that each individual of the population germinated and died within a year. TwoMazus species were sympatric on the levee of a rice paddy field where many other species were thickly grown. Those two species were difficult to propagate there, because their seeds, which were light germinators, could hardly germinate in the shade of other plants, or even if germination was possible, their seedlings may have soon died. However, asM. Miquelii, a perennial species, was able to reproduce by stolon vegetatively, it was a dominant species on the levee. On the contrary, the population density ofM. japonicus was thicker in the abandoned paddy field and an upland field than that ofM. Miquelii, because seeds of the former germinated under a greater variety of temperatures and under conditions of less soil moisture than those of the latter. These observations present an example of the fact that the difference of the reproductive strategy in annual and perennial plants has a striking effect on the population dynamics in the sympatric habitat.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This is the first of two articles discussing the effect of population stratification on the type I error rate (i.e., false positive rate). This paper focuses on the confounding risk ratio (CRR). It is accepted that population stratification (PS) can produce false positive results in case-control genetic association. However, which values of population parameters lead to an increase in type I error rate is unknown. Some believe PS does not represent a serious concern, whereas others believe that PS may contribute to contradictory findings in genetic association. We used computer simulations to estimate the effect of PS on type I error rate over a wide range of disease frequencies and marker allele frequencies, and we compared the observed type I error rate to the magnitude of the confounding risk ratio. METHODS: We simulated two populations and mixed them to produce a combined population, specifying 160 different combinations of input parameters (disease prevalences and marker allele frequencies in the two populations). From the combined populations, we selected 5000 case-control datasets, each with either 50, 100, or 300 cases and controls, and determined the type I error rate. In all simulations, the marker allele and disease were independent (i.e., no association). RESULTS: The type I error rate is not substantially affected by changes in the disease prevalence per se. We found that the CRR provides a relatively poor indicator of the magnitude of the increase in type I error rate. We also derived a simple mathematical quantity, Delta, that is highly correlated with the type I error rate. In the companion article (part II, in this issue), we extend this work to multiple subpopulations and unequal sampling proportions. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, realistic combinations of disease prevalences and marker allele frequencies can substantially increase the probability of finding false evidence of marker disease associations. Furthermore, the CRR does not indicate when this will occur.  相似文献   

Eleven anthropometric traits, five indices and eight anthroposcopic and behavioural traits have been studied in the population of Medzev, which is located in the region Spis in South-Eastern Slovakia. An attempt has been made to compare the results of the present study with other population groups in Slovakia, particularly with an ethnogenetically related population from North-Eastern Slovakia (Chmel'nica). Barring zygomatic breadth in males, biogonial breadth in females, biacromial breadth und jugomandibular index in both sexes, hair pigmentation, ear lobe attachment and arm folding, the remaining traits show no significant differences between the Medzev and Chmel'nica population. On the whole, these two populations are closer to each other than to any other Slovakian group.  相似文献   

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