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A synthesis of results from two projects was assessed to analyse possible influence of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis on marine Atlantic salmon Salmo salar survival. During the years 1992–2004, trawling for wild migrating post-smolts was performed in Trondheimsfjord, a fjord in which no Atlantic salmon aquaculture activity is permitted. Prevalence and intensity of sea lice infections on migrating wild post-smolts differed between years. A correlation analysis between 1 sea-winter (SW) Atlantic salmon catch statistics from the River Orkla (a Trondheimsfjord river) and sea lice infections on the migrating smolts in the Trondheimsfjord was not significant. Up to 2% reduction in adult returns due to sea-lice infection was expected. In addition, experimental releases from 1996 to 1998 with individually tagged groups of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts given protection against sea-lice infection was performed. Higher recaptures of adult Atlantic salmon from 1998 treated smolts compared to the control group may correspond to high abundance of sea lice found on the wild smolt, and may indicate influence on post-smolt mortality. These studies indicate that post-smolt mortality in Trondheimsfjord is marginally influenced by sea lice infection; however, the methods for assessing wild smolt mortality might be insufficient. Higher infections of sea lice farther out in the fjord may indicate more loss in Atlantic salmon returns in some years.  相似文献   

Synopsis The hypothesis that an increase in the mortality rate of Atlantic salmon would be produced by the synergistic effect of osmotic stress and of stress due to the presence of predators was tested by putting two groups of smolts (one acclimated to seawater and the other not acclimated) into a tank containing predators. These smolts were tested afterwards in a seawater-challenge test, together with smolts of the control groups for both experimental groups. The mortality rate of the non-acclimated and predator-exposed smolts was 90%, and that of the seawater acclimated and predator-exposed smolts 43%, compared to no mortality among the control groups. Lack of acclimation to seawater did not in itself induce any lethal stress, but in conjunction with predator-stress there was a synergistic effect, leading to an increase in the mortality rate. The hypothesis is therefore considered to be valid.  相似文献   

The recapture rate and survival of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar stocked as 1 year‐old parr (semi‐wild) with that of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon stocked as 2 year‐old smolts and wild smolts of Atlantic salmon in the northern Baltic Sea were compared. This was done through tagging experiments carried out in 1986–1988 and 1992. The recapture rate of the semi‐wild groups varied from 1·0 to 13·1%, being similar in 3 tagging years and lower in 1 year than that of the wild groups (1·7–17·0%). The recapture rate of the semi‐wild groups was similar (in 2 years) or higher (in 2 years) than that of the hatchery‐reared groups stocked as smolts (1·3–6·3%). The survival of semi‐wild smolts during the sea migration was as high as that of wild Atlantic salmon of an equal size and two to three times higher than hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon stocked as smolts. The survival rate was positively associated with smolt size. The suitability of hatchery‐reared parr and smolts in the management of reduced Atlantic salmon stocks is compared.  相似文献   

Predation on wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts was studied in the estuary of River Orkla. Cod and saithe congregating in the estuary were the most serious predators on smolts. There was no difference between the mortality rates of wild and hatchery-reared smolts. Predation by cod was estimated at 20%. No evidence was found to indicate selective predation on the smallest wild and hatchery-reared smolts.  相似文献   

Migration theory states that migration behavioural strategies should be optimised to maximise fitness. Many studies have shown that in downstream migrating Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. smolts, mortality from predation is high and negatively size dependent. The most common predators are birds and piscivorous fish that are mainly daylight feeders. Given the high mortality during this stage we should expect to observe smolts to follow predator avoidance strategies that may be affected by body size. We tested the hypothesis that small smolts have a higher tendency to exhibit predator avoidance strategies (i.e. nocturnal versus diurnal migration) than larger smolts. The number and size of out-migrating/downstream-migrating wild Atlantic salmon smolts was recorded as they passed through a glass-sided channel during April-May, 1996–1999. In all years, the mean size of nocturnal migrating smolts was significantly lower than the mean size of diurnal migrating smolts. Analysis of the size of smolts, during early and late stages of the migration period showed size-dependent nocturnal migration behaviour up to the end of April. After this, no such size dependent migration pattern was observed. However, small smolts (<100 mm) were absent during this period. We suggest that nocturnal migration is an adaptive behaviour that small Atlantic salmon smolts have to avoid predation by large daylight feeding visual piscivorous predators (e.g. pike Esox Lucius L. and fish eating birds).  相似文献   

Tagging data were used to examine the relationships between smolt size, post-smolt growth and sea age at first maturity for the short-migrating Neva strain of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) ranched in the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Finland. The results provided evidence that post-smolt growth was influenced by both relative and absolute smolt size. For both sea-areas, 2-year smolts of small relative size within a release group grew more rapidly in the sea than did smolts of higher relative, but equivalent absolute size. The negative influence of increasing relative smolt size on marine growth was, however, outweighed by the stronger positive influence of increasing absolute smolt size. A 160-mm increase in smolt size (140–300 mm) resulted in an overall growth advantage of about 1 year. In the Bothnian Sea, the predicted mean length after 1 year in the sea was 288 ± 25 mm for 140-mm smolts and 560 ± 16 mm for 300-mm smolts. Under the more favourable conditions of the Gulf of Finland, the respective mean lengths were 369 ± 15 mm and 613 ± 12 mm. The sea age at first maturity was inversely related to both freshwater and marine growth rates. For both sea areas, large smolts yielded proportionately more grilse than did small ones. Smolt years with good post-smolt growth rates yielded more grilse than did years with poor growth rates. The overall level of grilsing was higher in the Gulf of Finland than in the Bothnian Sea. These results suggest that the relationships between smolt size, post-smolt growth and age at first maturity in the sea are influenced by the environmental conditions of the respective sea area. A framework explaining the links between smolt size, marine growth, survival and sea age at maturity in Neva salmon is presented for the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Sea.  相似文献   

Confinement of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from four different populations (all–female diploids, all–female triploids, mixed sex diploids and mixed sex triploids) either before (FW parr) or after (SW smolts) transfer to sea elevated plasma cortisol and plasma lactate from control levels irrespective of ploidy status. Both before and after confinement, plasma cortisol levels in SW smolts (6–174 ng ml–1) were higher than those in FW parr (4–58 ng ml–1), which possibly reflected the physiological challenge of acclimation to SW. Mixed sex populations of SW smolts had higher cortisol levels than all–female populations. The duration of confinement (1, 3 or 6 h) affected the magnitude of the plasma cortisol and lactate responses in SW smolts. Plasma cortisol levels in diploid and triploid SW smolts subjected to 2 h of confinement decreased to pre–stress levels within 6 h post–confinement. Plasma lactate levels were not significantly different from pre–stress levels 48 h after confinement. As no difference exists in primary and secondary stress responses of Atlantic salmon of differing ploidy status, it is unlikely that differences in mortality rates between diploid and triploid populations under commercial conditions can be attributed to differences in their physiological responses to periods of stress lasting up to 6 h.  相似文献   

Growth dynamics of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from two sections of the Narcea River and one of the Esva River (Northern Spain) were examined in relation to the development of bimodality in their size–frequency distributions. Size–bimodality was clearer under intermediate growth (section A) than under relatively fast or slow growth. The proportion of fish entering the upper modal group increase with growth intensity. Composition of upper and lower modal groups became fixed prior to December, and at this time both groups separated on the 90–95 mm interval. Fish exhibiting smolt appearance in late March (larger than 130 mm) had already been upper group fish in December, while parr-like fish and those that remained in the river by May (potential 2-year-old smolts) had formed the lower modal group. Anadromous salmon catch in the Narcea River was mostly of previously 1-year-old smolts (97.6%), of which 94% were larger than 100 mm by their first winter. In the Esva River, slow growth of juveniles is consistent with a large proportion of 2-year-old smolts (47.9%) among anadromous salmon. Both juvenile samples and scale analysis of anadromous salmon indicate that 2-year-old smolts were larger than 1-year-olds. Early disappearance of the former (before March) is, at least, partially related to earlier migration of large fish, since sexual maturity of parr does not provide a complete explanation. The Narcea stock have a minimum length at smolting of about 130 mm and an optimum smolt size in the 155–175 mm interval. Mean smolt length did not vary although the winter length changed between years.  相似文献   

The muskellunge was introduced in the Saint John River system from stockings in a headwater lake in the 1970s. They have migrated down the system as far as the river’s first dam, Mactaquac Hydroelectric Facility, at Fredericton and appear to have established several reproducing populations along the river. This exotic invader represents a potential threat to the severely depleted Atlantic salmon stocks in the river. We radio-tracked muskellunge over a 2-year period in the middle reaches. Home ranges extended to ∼100 km in both riverine and lacustrine areas, including 78% of individuals trans-located upstream of the dam making their way back through the dam successfully. Downstream of the dam, home ranges were <25 km. No spawning areas were detected. An isotope analyses of diet indicated that the large sub-adults and adults had established the greatest proportion of their biomass in a more 15N depleted environment typical of areas farther upstream. Isotope mixing models could not accurately determine the proportion of Atlantic salmon smolts that may have been consumed by muskellunge, but anadromous salmon had ≤7% probabilities of being in the diet. A bioenergetics model suggested ≤5% of the annual food intake by muskellunge occurs during the smolt out-migration period. For the Saint John River, the impacts of growing numbers of muskellunge are multi-faceted creating a complex management challenge. Muskellunge appear to minimally increase predation risk for Atlantic salmon smolts while their increasing numbers are creating a growing recreational fishery and potential threat to the native fish community and ecosystem.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a viral disease currently presenting a major problem in the production of Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar). IPN can cause significant mortality to salmon fry within freshwater hatcheries and to smolts following transfer to seawater, although challenged populations show clear genetic variation in resistance. To determine whether this genetic variation includes loci of major effect, a genomewide quantitative trait loci (QTL) scan was performed within 10 full-sib families that had received a natural seawater IPN challenge. To utilize the large difference between Atlantic salmon male and female recombination rates, a two-stage mapping strategy was employed. Initially, a sire-based QTL analysis was used to detect linkage groups with significant effects on IPN resistance, using two to three microsatellite markers per linkage group. A dam-based analysis with additional markers was then used to confirm and position any detected QTL. Two genomewide significant QTL and one suggestive QTL were detected in the genome scan. The most significant QTL was mapped to linkage group 21 and was significant at the genomewide level in both the sire and the dam-based analyses. The identified QTL can be applied in marker-assisted selection programs to improve the resistance of salmon to IPN and reduce disease-related mortality.  相似文献   

During the period 1968–1991, certain morphological traits of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and sea trout S. trutta have been recorded regularly at the hatchery at Älvkarleby, central Sweden. Total body length, weight (for females both before and after stripping), number of eggs, egg size and date of ovulation. A smaller data set for fish marked and released as smolts, providing information about total body length of released smolts, time spent at sea and body size of the recovered adults, was also available for analysis. According to theory and empirical data, the process of artificial breeding results in an evolutionary divergence of the cultured strain from the wild phenotypic norm. The reason for such a divergence is that both natural and sexual selection pressures are altered or relaxed during the process of artificial breeding, as well as random genetic processes, such as founder effects and in- and outbreeding. A path analysis of both species and sexes revealed that the size of the released smolts had increased during the study period. Time spent in sea has decreased for both female and male sea trout, but not for Atlantic salmon. Adult body size for female and male trout have increased as well as female trout condition factor. The increase found in egg size of both species was greater for the salmon than for the trout, indicating that female salmon invest more in egg size with increasing body size. These results support the view that domestication probably has a significant and selective impact on the life history traits of the two salmonid species studied.  相似文献   

A combination of a dynamic energy budget (DEB) model, field data on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta and laboratory data on Atlantic salmon was used to assess the underlying assumptions of three different metrics of growth including specific growth rate (G), standardized mass‐specific growth rate (GS) and absolute growth rate in length (GL) in salmonids. Close agreement was found between predictions of the DEB model and the assumptions of linear growth in length and parabolic growth in mass. Field data comparing spring growth rates of age 1+ year and 2+ year Atlantic salmon demonstrated that in all years the larger age 2+ year fish exhibited a significantly lower G, but differences in growth in terms of GS and GL depended on the year examined. For brown trout, larger age 2+ year fish also consistently exhibited slower growth rates in terms of G but grew at similar rates as age 1+ year fish in terms of GS and GL. Laboratory results revealed that during the age 0+ year (autumn) the divergence in growth between future Atlantic salmon smolts and non‐smolts was similar in terms of all three metrics with smolts displaying higher growth than non‐smolts, however, both GS and GL indicated that smolts maintain relatively fast growth into the late autumn where G suggested that both smolts and non‐smolts exhibit a sharp decrease in growth from October to November. During the spring, patterns of growth in length were significantly decoupled from patterns in growth in mass. Smolts maintained relatively fast growth though April in length but not in mass. These results suggest GS can be a useful alternative to G as a size‐independent measure of growth rate in immature salmonids. In addition, during certain growth stanzas, GS may be highly correlated with GL. The decoupling of growth in mass from growth in length over ontogeny, however, may necessitate a combination of metrics to adequately describe variation in growth depending on ontogenetic stage particularly if life histories differ.  相似文献   

The migration patterns, timing and biological characteristics of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in the River Bush, Northern Ireland, were examined over the period 1978–2008. A distinct change in the timing of the smolt run was detected with progressively earlier emigration periods evident across the time series. The shift in run timing ranged from 3·6 to 4·8 days 10 years?1 for a range of standard migratory audit points. The timing of smolt emigration has been linked to ambient river temperature patterns. Distinct seasonal patterns were evident for biological characteristics of River Bush smolts with mean age and fork length decreasing throughout the emigration period. Marine survival patterns in 1 sea winter River Bush S. salar were strongly influenced by the run timing of the preceding smolt year such that later emigrating cohorts demonstrated increased survival. Possible mechanisms for this relationship based on local climatic variation have been explored, including the effect of potential thermal mismatch between freshwater and marine environments.  相似文献   

Pink salmon introduced into the White Sea started to exploit as spawning grounds middle and upper reaches of the river 20 years after its appearance in the Indera River. As a result of this, the migration pathway of smolts and late smolts appeared in addition to early smolts. The intraspecies polymorphism of smolts is confirmed by differences of early and late smolts by body length and weight, migration dates, food spectrum, and indices of stomach fullness. The food spectra of late juveniles of pink salmon coincide with those of parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and of brown trout S. trutta. Greater abundance of late migrants of pink salmon may cause competition of these species for food.  相似文献   

In a reared population of individually marked juvenile masu salmon, individual growth was monitored from the first autumn in 1983 to the following spring. The potential smolts were not significantly greater in mean fork length and body weight than the potential parr in late August of the first year, but they then grew faster until March of the second year. As a result, the potential smolts formed the upper mode of the bimodal length distribution after February. Especially in autumn (October and November) the specific growth rates of potential smolts were significantly greater than those of parr, and the bimodality in growth rate distribution was more distinct for males than females. These suggest that there are two groups having different growth rates in autumn of the first year and that sufficient growth in this period may play an important role in smoltification in the following spring.  相似文献   

Discriminant function analysis was used to distinguish morphologically between samples of parr, smolts and adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from several hatchery and river systems in Ireland. The effect of habitat shift was investigated in Atlantic salmon parr. Parr grown from the eyed‐egg stage with a non‐sibling group in a hatchery environment, came to resemble the mean body shape of their host hatchery Atlantic salmon stock more closely than that of a full sibling group grown at their natal hatchery. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts differed in shape from hatchery‐reared smolts. This difference was less pronounced, but still statistically significant when wild adults were compared with hatchery‐reared adults captured in the coastal drift‐net fishery after a year spent at sea. Rearing conditions had a significant impact on the production and growth of fish body shape. This in turn may have affected adaptability and survivorship of ranched Atlantic salmon in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon straying from the River Imsa   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mean estimated straying rate for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. leaving the River Imsa as smolts during 1976–1999 was 15% for hatchery fish and 6% for wild conspecifics. Hatchery Atlantic salmon selected for production traits during four or more generations strayed >50%. The straying rate was higher for Atlantic salmon staying 2 rather than 1 year at sea before attaining maturity. For spawning, 96% of the strays entered streams within 420 km from the River Imsa, and c . 80% entered streams within 60 km of the mouth of the River Imsa, whether the fish were wild or hatchery released. Within the 60 km zone, the number of strays caught in a river increased with the Atlantic salmon catch in that river, but there was no significant relationship between straying rate and water discharge or distance from the river to the River Imsa. The observed straying rate of hatchery Atlantic salmon decreased with increasing number of fish entering the River Imsa. Sexual maturation as parr did not influence the tendency to stray. The results suggest that the establishment of temporary zones, free of fish farms, outside important Atlantic salmon rivers by the fisheries authorities in Norway should be large, whole fjords, to be effective.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile Atlantic salmon of the Pigou and Bouleau Rivers, Quebec, were studied during the summer of 1972 and 1973. Growth increments for Pigou salmon averaged 36–50 mm yr–1 and smolts averaged 2.9 yrs old. Bouleau salmon grew slower (26–41 mm yr–1) and became smolts at a slightly older mean age (3.1 yrs). Mature male parr were more abundant in all age-groups from the Plgou River, possibly because of the faster growth. In terms of management, the Pigou River has little potential for increased salmon production because of limited habitat. On the other hand, the Bouleau River has considerable potential, and salmon production could be increased if the upper reaches were made accessible to migrating salmon.Contribution number 36 of the Matamek Research Station, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.  相似文献   

Mortality rates of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts implanted with acoustic transmitters were assessed to determine if mortality was size dependent. The routinely accepted, but widely debated, ‘2% transmitter mass: body mass’ rule in biotelemetry was tested by extending the transmitter burden up to 12·7% of body mass in small [mean fork length (LF) 138·3 mm, range 115–168 mm] downstream migrating S. salar smolts. Over the short timescale of emigration (range 11·9–44·5 days) through the lower river and estuary, mortality was not related to S. salar size, nor was a relationship found between mortality probability and transmitter mass: body mass or transmitter length: LF ratios. This study provides further evidence that smolt migration studies can deviate from the ‘2% rule’ of thumb, to more appropriate study‐specific measures, which enables the use of fishes representative of the body size in natural populations without undue effects.  相似文献   

Around 30% of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts successfully survived passage through Loch Meig, a reservoir in the north of Scotland, en route to the sea. However, this survival rate was in turn dependent on the timing of migration, with the earliest migrants in the spring having the best chance of survival. This could have implication for fisheries management, since the estimation of smolt downstream survival may be influenced by which time period of the smolt run is analysed.  相似文献   

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