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Rotmann  K. W. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):325-330
Since World War II the greater Saldanha Bay lagoon system, South Africa, has been an important Gracilaria producer. Two agar factories, built in the 1960's, used Gracilaria from Saldanha Bay as their raw material. In the early 1970's the industry was destroyed as a result of dredging and marine construction operations to establish a harbor in the bay for loading ore. These environmental changes destroyed stocks and prevented the previously significant beachings of the seaweed from occurring. After a few years of no or very low commercial production, the resource slowly started to recover. The size of Gracilaria drifts increased over the following eight years to approximately one-third of the original output. This trend seems to continue. Although the stocks and resultant drifts are unlikely to recover fully to their original quantity, current production is already sufficient to ensure re-establishment of a seaweed industry in Saldanha Bay. This could have considerable socio-economic impact on the area.  相似文献   

Rope rafts were used to evaluate the growth of localGracilaria gracilis at Saldanha Bay, on the west coast of South Africa, over four years. The plants were grown on horizontally-suspended ropes or netting lines. Relative Growth Rates (RGR) of plants on ropes with low stocking weights often exceeded 10% d–1 in (austral) summer, and fell to between 6 and 7.5% d–1 in winter. Commercial-style lines of plastic netting stocked at 400 g m–1 and placed 0.75 m apart yielded a mean of about 2 kg m–2 30 d–1, with a mean RGR of about 5% d–1 over a two-year period. Various methods of improving yields were tested, including attaching floats to individual lines and optimising stocking weight. In Saldanha Bay in late summer, warm, oligotrophic water can severely reduce growth. Growth was optimised by growing the plants as close as possible to the surface (0.2 m), where water motion, and by implication, nutrient uptake, are higher. Agar content and gel strength generally remained high all year round. The potential for commercial production is evaluated in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Chirapart  Anong  Ohno  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):541-547
Plants of Gracilaria sp.(chorda type), which grow along the coast of Uranouchi Inlet in Tosa Bay, southern Japan, showed the highest biomass in the summer (26 °C to 31 °C) and spring season (15.1 °C to 24.9 °C). Maximum biomass was 6952 g m–2 in July, but gradually decreased in the autumn (30.5 °C in September to 20 °C in November) and winter (19.5 °C in December to 14.9 °C in February). Variation in yields and gel strength of the agars, were shown to depend on the time in the season. After alkali treatment (5% NaOH, 2 h) at three different temperatures (70, 80, and 90 °C), the agars showed gel strengths essentially that of commercial grade agars, with the best gel obtained at 80 °C. Maximum gel strength (1455 g cm–2 of 1.5% agar gel) occurred in winter when the biomass and agar yield were low. Minimum gel strength was in spring. Gel strength was inversely correlated with agar yield, but was positively correlated with apparent viscosity. Maximum viscosity was 40 cP. in December. Gelling temperatures, pH of 1.5% agar gel, and moisture content in agars showed little variation.  相似文献   

In South Africa, gracilarioid red algae have been collected as wash-up to be dried and sold for agar extraction for at least 50 years. Despite much research, there is currently no commercial mariculture of the algae locally although this has been carried out in neighboring Namibia for a number of years. The industry is traditionally confined to Saldanha Bay on the west coast, although small wash-ups of Gracilariopsis longissima have been collected in nearby St Helena Bay. In Saldanha Bay, wash-ups of Gracilaria. gracilis have been very sporadic over the last few decades, with human alteration of the bay configuration possibly responsible for an initial major decline in 1974. This unpredictability in the amounts of wash-up has made the industry unstable and increasingly unprofitable. We compiled the results of previous surveys (some unpublished) of gracilariod populations in St Helena Bay and the Saldanha-Langebaan sytem, and re-surveyed these populations to examine long-term fluctuations. In Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon, standing stock of G. gracilis was estimated at 538 tons fresh weight and 71 tons fresh weight respectively. Less than 4 tons of gracilarioids are estimated to remain in St Helena Bay. We discuss the fluctuations in biomass and distribution of these South African gracilarioid populations.  相似文献   

Gelidium pristoides in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Gelidium pristoides has been harvested commercially from the eastern Cape, South Africa, since 1951, with 40–80 t y–1 (dry wt) collected in recent years. This species has been intensively studied since 1983, and we briefly review knowledge of its biology in relation to harvesting. We describe a new study of intertidal epiphytic animals, showing that none is specific to G. pristoides, and that only 2.8% of these animals (numbers) inhabit this agarophyte, while the rest are found in other intertidal algal communities: harvesting is considered to have negligible effects on epifauna. Over the past 3 y, we have monitored, at two sites, the effects of the harvesting of G. pristoides on other benthic algae and animals. In only two of the seven main components analysed, did we find any difference between harvested and control plots. At one site only, the number of limpets and percentage cover of Gelidium was higher in harvested plots. These results show that harvesting has no significant biological effect. Regulations governing seaweed exploitation in South Africa were amended in 1988, to encourage local processing of products, and these changes are discussed in relation to the local Gelidium industry. Despite experimental results predicting a higher yield per unit effort if harvesting is limited to summer, harvesting continues throughout the year for practical reasons.  相似文献   

Recruitment is widely acknowledged as one of the most important processes in the maintenance of coral reef systems, particularly in their recovery and replenishment following disturbances. In this study variation in coral recruitment was monitored for 3 years at Sodwana Bay, South Africa, located in the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park (GSLWP), a world heritage site. Due to the latitude (27–28°S) and physical conditions, this area is considered marginal for coral reef growth. Recruitment of corals to ceramic tiles peaked between March and May each year, with broadcast spawners dominating plates in March and brooders more abundant in May. Pocilloporid corals were the most abundant during all periods except March 2001, when acroporids comprised 72% of the total number of spat. Total recruitment was the highest during this period, with a mean of 13.2 ± 15.73 (mean ± SD) corals tile−1. Recruitment rates varied widely between and within different reefs monitored. Patterns of variation were inconsistent between seasons, but some reefs had persistently low rates of settlement.  相似文献   

Salazar  Magdalena O. 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):353-354
This paper describes experiments to grow a local and still unidentified species of Gracilaria in shrimp hatcheries in Ecuador. The experiments used outdoor tanks of 1 and 18 m3 capacity, with continuous aeration and water renewal every two and five days, respectively. The sea water (salinity 34 ppt) was enriched with Guillard's f/2 medium; light and temperature were monitored but not controlled. One kg of fresh seaweed, inoculated into each tank, produced a biomass of ca. 3 kg in a period of 35 days in the 1 m3 tank and 18 kg in 43 days in the 18 m3 tank. We therefore believe that it is technically feasible to use the large infrastructure of existing shrimp hatcheries in Ecuador to produce Gracilaria.  相似文献   

Doxomysis algoaensis sp.nov. is described from Algoa Bay, South Africa where it is common in nearshore marine waters just beyond the breaker line. D. algoaensis sp.nov. is morphologically similar to D. australiensis, but can readily be distinguished by the shape and armature of the telson and the length of the exopod of the fourth male pleopod. The apical cleft is one fifth the telson length in the former species and one third the length in D. australiensis. The telson apex on each side of the cleft is also armed with five and four stout spines in the two species, respectively. In D. australiensis, the exopod of the fourth male pleopod is almost three times the length of the endopod; in D. algoaensis sp.nov., the exopod is only slightly longer than the endopod. Other distinctive features of D. algoaensis sp.nov. include the maxillary palp, which is only slightly broader than long and the greater number of spines on the endopod of the uropod.  相似文献   

Sibudu Cave in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has a long Middle Stone Age (MSA) sequence with good organic preservation. The uppermost MSA sequence includes industries attributed to the final and late MSA and the Howiesons Poort. Below the Howiesons Poort are two layers containing some thin, bifacial lanceolate points, mostly in the form of distal and proximal fragments. These double-pointed foliates are the fossile directeur of the Still Bay Industry, and importantly, this Sibudu industry provides confirmation that the Still Bay predates the Howiesons Poort Industry. Technologically, the points from Sibudu are comparable to those from other South African sites with Still Bay occurrences (e.g., Blombos Cave and Hollow Rock Shelter). Although dating of the Sibudu Still Bay is preliminary, its age falls within the range of that at Blombos. For the past two decades, archaeologists have rejected the idea of a Still Bay Industry occurring outside of the Western Cape, but the Still Bay at Sibudu shows that this industry was, indeed, geographically widespread.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes were isolated from leaves, roots and stems of four wheat cultivars and a breeding line at three different sampling dates during the 1993 growing season. Of the 55 different fungal taxa encountered, 19 were present at relative importance values of more than 5%. No cultivar-related differences in the assembleges of endophytes were observed.Phoma glomerata was not restricted to only one tissue type, whereasAlternaria alternata, basidiomycete sp. 1,Pleospora herbarum andEpicoccum nigrum occurred primarily in the leaves, andFusarium avenaceum was extremely frequent in roots. In general, colonization by endophytes increased with the age of the plants. Most endophytes were isolated from wheat leaves. Successional colonization of a given tissue type was quantitative rather than qualitative, with a given fungal taxon increasing or decreasing over the period sampled, rather than replacing the fungi initially encountered.Present address: Téra d'Sott 5, CH-6949, Comano, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Gonen  Yael  Kimmel  Eitan  Tel-Or  Elisha  Friedlander  Michael 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):421-428
Assimilate translocation has been identified and characterized in Gracilaria cornea under different conditions. Carbon fixation and translocation were carried out by inserting the base part of the thallus into a bicarbonate labeled solution in seawater and exposing its upper part to the air (open system) or to a non-labeled solution above a rubber septum (closed system). After a pulse-chase treatment in the light, three separate sections of each thallus were extracted by DMF (high moleuclar weight photosynthates) or by ethanol (low molecular weight). The results indicate a high rate of active photosynthate translocation which is directly related to inorganic carbon gradients in the thallus, and probably also to sugar gradients in the thallus. Translocation parameters of Gracilaria cornea are lower than of brown algae, as Gracilaria does not contain specific translocation tissues.  相似文献   

In spring (August) 1993 a bloom of Ulva lactuca appeared for the first time in Saldanha Bay, South Africa, and persisted through summer. Ulva wash-ups contaminated the beach and part of the commercial Gracilaria beach-cast had to be discarded. The biomass and distribution of Gracilaria and Ulva are described in relation to the seasonal water chemistry of the bay. Gracilaria survives in deeper water in summer by the pulsing of nutrients on an approximately 6-day cycle of movement of the thermocline that separates nutrient-rich bottom water from warm oligotrophic surface water. Ammonium-rich fish-factory discharge into this surface layer in a sector of the bay provided localised conditions for Ulva to out-compete Gracilaria at depths of 2–5m, demonstrating the powerful disruptive effect of eutrophication in this strongly stratified system.  相似文献   

Suspended rope cultivation systems for Gracilaria or Gracilariopsis can be seeded from spores but vegetative propagation is used for those which are currently commercially successful. Such systems and methods have been recently developed for the shallow lagoon areas around Lüderitz, Namibia and deeper open water sites off the Araya Peninsula, Venezuela. Various sites, substrata, depths and seeding methods have been assessed and have resulted in average commercial growth rates of about 3.5% per day. Netlon ‘Superope’ has been demonstrated to be more suitable than laid rope as a substratum for outplanted vegetative Gracilaria gracilis in Namibia as it does not compress the thalli as they grow. An efficient method, using hooks, has been developed to ‘seed’ the Superope. There is a very low incidence of algal epiphytism: mainly Ceramium and Ulva sp. In Venezuela, pilot rope cultivation systems for Gracilariopsis tenuifrons proved successful and have good commercial prospects.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pattern of daylight occurrence of humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Algoa Bay, the Eastern Cape, South Africa, between May 1991 and May 1994. Two indices, the Sighting Index (SI) and the Total Recorded Dolphin Presence (TRDP), were used to quantify the dolphins' daylight occurrence. Humpback dolphins display a clear pattern of daylight occurrence in Algoa Bay and can be seen mostly in the morning, and, to a lesser extent, in the evening. This pattern varies little between seasons (with possible exception for the evening hours), follows the time of the solar day, is not related to the tidal cycle and is probably governed by the diurnal cycles of dolphins' prey.  相似文献   

The changes in morphology and anatomy of an unattached form ofGracilaria gracilis from Southern Primorye, Russia, wereinvestigated as a response to different photon irradiances. Plants were grownat5, 10, 60 and 95% of the incident PAR in the field from mid July to midSeptember, and a quantitative evaluation of various morphologicalcharacteristics was made: thickness and length of branches, thickness of thecuticle and cell walls, cell length and diameter, the ratios between the areaofphotosynthetic and structural tissue. All characteristics showed variationsthatcould be attributed to irradiance. The narrow light range of 60–95% PARwas the growth optimum for Gracilaria gracilis. At theseirradiances, the biomass increase was related to the growth of the branches inlength (r = 0.95, P < 0.05) and thickness (r= 0.99, P < 0.05), and increased branch density.Growth of the branches only in length, the formation of the thin cortical cellwalls and cuticle, and increased ratios of photosynthetic to structural tissueswere among the effects of low irradiances (5–10% PAR) on plantmorphology.The relationship of morphology and productivity factors to irradiance intensityprovide evidence for their environmental rather than genetic control.Differences in thallus morphology and anatomy together with variations inlevelsof photosynthetic pigments are discussed in terms of the adaptive strategies ofunattached Gracilaria gracilis to light fluctuations.  相似文献   

The development of male gametes (spermacia) in the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa has been studied using methods of transmission electron microscopy. Early spermatangia located along the wall of the conceptacle show an elongated shape in the thin sections. In the central part of the electron-dense cytoplasm of these cells there is a nucleus; numerous fibrous vesicles are arranged in the periphery. During the process of differentiation, the spermatangia become more rounded in shape and a large spermatangial vesicle is developed. The subsequent development of spermatium is accompanied by polarization of the spermatangium and the subsequent excretion of the spermatangial vesicle. The spermatia are oval cells containing a nucleus and fibrous vesicles. The process of differentiation of male gametes in G. verrucosa does not differ from that in five species of the genus Gracilaria, where it has already been studied. However, any conclusions about the degree of similarity between the spermatia in all the studied species can be made only after a detailed comparative analysis of the ultrastructural characteristics of these gametes.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of coal dust on four, sympatric, wetland tree species in Richards Bay Harbour were investigated. We tested the hypothesis that leaf micromorphology influenced dust accumulation and that coal dust occluded stomata and reduced photosynthetic performance of three mangroves, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora mucronata, and a mangrove associate, Hibiscus tiliaceus. To investigate leaf micromorphology, leaf blade material of the four species was prepared following standard procedures and viewed under scanning electron microscopy. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were made at saturating light (>1000 μmol m−2 s−1) and high temperature (>25 °C) on leaves that were either covered or uncovered with coal dust. There was no evidence of occlusion of stomata by dust. Dust accumulation in A. marina and H. tiliaceus was exacerbated by the presence of a dense mat of trichomes on the undersurface of the leaves, as well as by the sticky brine secreted by salt glands in the former species.Coal dust significantly reduced CO2 exchange, Photosystem II (PS II) quantum yield and electron transport rate (ETR) through PS II in A. marina and H. tiliaceus but not in the other two mangroves. Reduction in photosynthetic performance was attributed to reduction in light energy incident on the photosynthetic tissues.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope ratio of fossil tooth enamel carbonate is determined by the photosynthetic systems of plants at the base of the animal's foodweb. In subtropical Africa, grasses and many sedges have C(4)photosynthesis and transmit their characteristically enriched 13C/(12)C ratios (more positive delta13C values) along the foodchain to consumers. We report here a carbon isotope study of ten specimens of Australopithecus africanus from Member 4, Sterkfontein (ca. 2.5 to 2.0Ma), compared with other fossil mammals from the same deposit. This is the most extensive isotopic study of an early hominin species that has been achieved so far. The results show that this hominin was intensively engaged with the savanna foodweb and that the dietary variation between individuals was more pronounced than for any other early hominin or non-human primate species on record. Suggestions that more than one species have been incuded in this taxon are not supported by the isotopic evidence. We conclude that Australopithecus africanus was highly opportunistic and adaptable in its feeding habits.  相似文献   

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