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  1. Using intact cells of Chlorella, the effects of CO2 on thelevelsof oxidized and reduced forms of DPN and TPN in the lightandin the dark were investigated.
  2. It was found that the light-inducedchanges of the DPNH-levelwere not affected by the presenceor absence of CO2. On theother hand, the light-induced increaseof TPNH was suppressedin the presence of CO2 and the levelof TPNH which was raisedon illumination in the absence of CO2was lowered by the provisionof CO2.
  3. On the basis of thesefindings, it was concluded that TPNH,but not DPNH, is participating,in some way, in the mechanismof photosynthesis.
  4. Discussionswere made on the difference in the sites of participationofTPNH and of the photogenic reducing agent (R) in the pathofcarbon in photosynthesis.
(Received February 28, 1960; )  相似文献   

Abstract— Of the amino acids found in the CNS of 10-day-old rats the concentration of glycine alone was significantly higher in the spinal cord than in all other regions. Spinal levels of glycine, cystathionine, isoleucine and lysine from 1- and 10-day-old rats did not differ significantly from adult values, whereas the levels of most other amino acids, including GABA, glutamate, glutamine and taurine, were higher in the young animals than in the adults. Aspartate was the only amino acid found in lower concentration in the spinal cord of young animals than in adult animals. These and other observations support the conclusion that glycine is used as an inhibitory transmitter in rat spinal cord early in postnatal life. There was a general decrease in the activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase and a slight increase in the activity of glycine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase in the CNS during development. The activity of neither enzyme correlated on a regional basis with the glycine content. The high level of hydroxymethyltransferase activity in the cerebellum of 10-day-old rats suggests that the activity of this enzyme reflects cell growth rate.  相似文献   

Two cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases, designated as protein kinase-I and -II, were obtained from the eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori . Protein kinase-I is highly dependent on cGMP, whereas protein kinase-II is dependent on cAMP. In developing non-diapause eggs, the level of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activity is quite high but that in the diapause eggs is not. The developmental changes in the two protein kinases and the level of cyclic nucleotides were also studied during the development of the eggs.  相似文献   

振荡胁迫后鲫血液皮质醇和溶菌酶水平的变化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
鱼体所处的环境可能会对其产生胁迫作用,大体可分为两类,即慢性胁迫和急性胁迫。前者包括长期的高密度放养和水质的恶化等,后者则主要包括在捕捞及运输过程中给鱼 体带来的人为的短期惊扰,振荡(Handling)便是一种较为典型的急性胁迫。国外对鱼类遭受的慢性胁迫的研究有较多报道,如它可导致鱼体重下降,生长减缓,对疾病敏感性增加 等。在急性胁迫方面虽也有所涉及,但研究相对不足,国内更是知之甚少。    相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase activity in sea urchin eggs increases just after fertilization and decreases 30 min later. Then, cyclic variation in the activity occurs in association with the cleavage cycle. Dihydrofolate reductase activity in fertilized eggs is almost the same as in unfertilized eggs and shows no marked change within 3 hr after fertilization. Aminopterin, an analogue of dihydrofolate, inhibits dihydrofolate reductase, and arrests cleavage. On incubation in sea water containing aminopterin (20-100μM) from the time of fertilization, the development of Clypeaster and Pseudocentrotus eggs was arrested at the 32–64 cell stage, and that of Anthocidaris eggs was arrested at the morula stage. Dihydrofolate (100μM) counteracts the inhibitory effect of aminopterin on egg cleavage. Thymidine at concentrations above 10μM also prevents inhibition by aminopterin. Other deoxyribonucleosides at concentrations of 10μM to 100μM do not affect inhibition of egg cleavage by aminopterin. Deoxyadenosine at concentrations above 5 mM inhibits egg cleavage, but other deoxyribonucleosides have no effect.  相似文献   

Two effects of blue light on the development of Onoclea sensibilis spores are demonstrated. Brief irradiation promotes the protonemal or filamentous type of growth, and the rate of filament elongation is greater than in darkness. Longer periods of irradiation induce the formation of 2-dimensional prothallia. Blue-light treatments which promote filament elongation interact with elongation-promoting far-red light. Far-red irradiation alone promotes filament elongation to a greater extent than blue light, but a blue-light irradiation, either following or preceding far-red treatment, strongly inhibits the far-red promotion. In darkness, a slow recovery from the blue-light-induced loss of sensitivity to far-red takes place. The recovery may be greatly accelerated by interposing a red-light treatment between blue and far-red irradiation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Bacterial counts done on the skin of North Sea cod show that while washing with running sea water greatly reduced the numbers on newly caught fish, contact with ice from a trawler's ice bunker resulted in an immediate large increase on the washed fish.
Washing did not materially alter the percentage representation of the various genera present, but icing with trawler bunker ice could cause major alterations and often added types of bacteria similar to those present on newly caught fish, indicating contamination of the ice on board the trawler.  相似文献   

The elongation of fern protonemata is controlled by red andfar-red light in an atypical fashion. Red light promotes theelongation of young plants but inhibits the elongation of olderplants. Far-red light promotes elongation regardless of filamentage, and the maximum promotion by far-red is greater than thepromotion which red light causes in young filaments. The elongationof rhizoids is under typical red, far-red control. Red lightpromotes elongation, and a period of far-red illumination followingred light treatment negates the promotive effects of red light. 1 Present address of the authors: Dept. of Bacteriology andBotany, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, U. S. A. (Received November 5, 1962; )  相似文献   

Developmental changes in fine structure were studied in plastids of etiolated bean leaves during the time required for the protochlorophyllide-chlorophyllide transformation and the following lag phase prior to chlorophyll accumulation. In agreement with some other workers, two distinct stages of change in the fine structure of proplastids were found to occur upon illumination during this period. The first involves a dissociation of the previously fused units in the prolamellar bodies of the proplastids and occurs simultaneously with the protochlorophyllide-chlorophyllide conversion in light of 655 mµ, but not of 682, 700, or 730 mµ. The effect of the red light could not be reversed by a simultaneously supplied stronger far-red irradiation. The energy requirements for these structural changes parallel those for the pigment conversion. During the following step the vesicles which arose from the fused units of the prolamellar body were dispersed in rows through the stroma, and the prolamellar bodies themselves disappeared. For these changes to occur, higher light energies were required and the leaves had to be illuminated for longer periods. A red preillumination seemed to accelerate the development somewhat. The structural changes could be induced by light of 655 mµ, but also, to a lesser degree, of 730 mµ. No measurable additional chlorophyll accumulated during this period. Thus, the structural changes observed were independent of major changes in pigment content.  相似文献   

Abstract— The concentrations of metabolites which reflect energy production or use ( P -creatine, ATP. ADP. 5'AMP, glucose, glycogen and lactate) and cyclic nucleotides (cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP) were measured in gerbil cortex during ischemia and recirculation. Bilateral ischemia of the gerbil brain was chosen as a model to ensure the assessment of short periods of ischemia without ambiguity. The metabolites and cyclic nucleotides were measured after, 1, 5. 20. 30 and 60 min of ischemia; and 1, 5, 30, 60 and 360 min after circulation was reestablished. The greatest changes in metabolites and cyclic nucleotides due to ischemia occurred during the 1st min; ischemia of longer duration had little further effect. However, the restoration of the metabolic profile was altered by the duration of the ischemic period. In general, the longer the period of ischemia, the slower the replenishment of high-energy phosphate compounds and energy sources. Cyclic AMP increased 5- to 13-fold during ischemia; cyclic GMP decreased to as little as one-fifth control values 60min after occlusion. During recirculation, cyclic AMP increased as much as 100-fold, while cyclic GMP increased up to 6-fold. The temporal derangements in cyclic nucleotide concentrations coincide with the loss and restoration of cortical activity; a possible mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

乳茹属真菌的化学成分和活性研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从化学结构类型、提取分离方法、结构鉴定和生物活性等方面综述了乳菇属真菌的研究概况。  相似文献   

尾叶桉MLA无性系(简称MLA)为难生根植物,尾叶桉U6无性系(简称U6)和刚果12号桉W5无性系(简称W5)为相对易生根植物。MLA的插条内的过氧化物酶(POD)活性较U6、W5的高。用萘乙酸(NAA)处理桉树的插条后,在扦插生根的不同阶段,插条内的POD活性呈现规律性的变化。POD同工酶谱带也随生根的进程出现增多现象。本文讨论了过氧化物酶与桉树插条生根的关系。  相似文献   

L. perpusilla, 6746 grown in HUTNER's medium (containing a highlevel of EDTA) responds as a short-day plant under white orred light, but is almost completely daylength-indifferent underblue. In a medium containing ca. 2µmoles/liter of unchelatedcopper ion, it flowers rapidly under all photoperiods, white,blue or red. Although certain long-day blue schedules permitflowering even on HUTNER's medium, blue is not simply "inactive"photoperiodically, since inclusion of a single brief red exposurein certain blue schedules is sufficient to prevent floweringas though the whole schedules were red. The indicated blue-redinteraction should prove important for further analyses of photoperiodismin this plant. 1Research carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory underthe auspices of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

Previously reported transplantation experiments in the field showed that Gastroclonium coulteri (Harvey) Kylin could survive above its normal intertidal range (0.0–0.5 m above MLLW), except during periods of daytime low tides in spring. Net photosynthetic rate measurements in the laboratory were performed to determine which physical factors might determine the upper boundary for this species in the intertidal zone. Maximum net photosynthesis occurred between 15 and 20° C, but remained positive between 4 and 35° C. The air temperature extremes observed in the field were 2° C (only seen once) and 26° C. Net photosynthesis increased as expected with light intensity to the highest value obtainable in the laboratory, 1400 μEin m?2 s?1. Plants collected from the field under higher light intensity (up to 2000 μEin m?2 s?2) also showed high rates of photosynthesis. Neither the temperature nor light levels observed in the field were directly damaging to photosynthesis. Desiccation, however, resulted in a sharp decrease in both photosynthesis and respiration. G. coulteri fully recovered from successive daily treatments of about 35% desiccation, but not from successive treatments of 50% desiccation. One exposure to 70% desiccation allowed no recovery of photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

Measurements of the static capacity per cm.2 of membrane for the red corpuscle as changed when the cells are made spherical by the addition of lecithin or rose bengal, show a slight increase of capacity, indicating a thinning of the membrane, although the change is not large enough to make it certain that it is real. Furthermore, the membrane capacity shows a slight decrease when spherical cells are swollen in hypotonic saline, indicating a thickening of the membrane, although the change is hardly outside the experimental error. The fact that there is no increase in capacity lends support to the theory that as the cell swells the membrane does not stretch but new material comes from the interior of the cell to make a new portion of the membrane.  相似文献   

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