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The uptake of 3H-labeled choline by a suspension of isolated type II epithelial cells from rat lung has been studied in a Ringer medium. Uptake was linear for 4 min at both 0.1 μm and 5.0 μm medium choline; at 5 μm, only 10% of the label was recovered in a lipid fraction. Further experiments were conducted at the low concentration (0.1 μm), permitting characterization of the properties of high-affinity systems. Three fractions of choline uptake were detected: (i) a sodium-dependent system that was totally inhibited by hemicholinium-3 (HC-3); (ii) a sodium-independent uptake, when Na+ was replaced by Li+, K+ or Mg2+, inhibited by HC-3; (iii) a residual portion persisting in the absence of Na+ and unaffected by HC-3. Choline uptake was sigmoidally related to the medium Na+ concentration. Kinetic properties of the uptake of 0.1 μm 3H-choline in the presence and absence of medium Na+ were examined in two ways. (a) Inhibition by increasing concentrations of unlabeled choline (0.5–100 μm) was consistent with the presence of two Michaelis-Menten-type systems in the presence of Na+; a Na+-dependent portion (a mean of 0.52 of the total) had a K m for choline of 1.5 μm while K m in the absence of Na+ (Li+ substituting) was 18.6 μm. (b) Inhibition by HC-3 (0.3–300 μm) gave Ki values of 1.7 μm and 5.0 μm HC-3 for the Na+-dependent and -independent fractions. The apparent K m of the Na+-dependent uptake is lower than that reported previously for lung-derived cells and is in the range of the K m values reported for high-affinity, Na+-dependent choline uptake by neuronal cells. Received: 18 February 1997/Revised: 7 December 1997  相似文献   

Lung surfactant reduces surface tension and maintains the stability of alveoli. How surfactant is released from alveolar epithelial type II cells is not fully understood. Vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is the enzyme responsible for pumping H+ into lamellar bodies and is required for the processing of surfactant proteins and the packaging of surfactant lipids. However, its role in lung surfactant secretion is unknown. Proteomic analysis revealed that vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) dominated the alveolar type II cell lipid raft proteome. Western blotting confirmed the association of V-ATPase a1 and B1/2 subunits with lipid rafts and their enrichment in lamellar bodies. The dissipation of lamellar body pH gradient by Bafilomycin A1 (Baf A1), an inhibitor of V-ATPase, increased surfactant secretion. Baf A1-stimulated secretion was blocked by the intracellular Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA-AM, the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, staurosporine, and the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), KN-62. Baf A1 induced Ca2+ release from isolated lamellar bodies. Thapsigargin reduced the Baf A1-induced secretion, indicating cross-talk between lamellar body and endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pools. Stimulation of type II cells with surfactant secretagogues dissipated the pH gradient across lamellar bodies and disassembled the V-ATPase complex, indicating the physiological relevance of the V-ATPase-mediated surfactant secretion. Finally, silencing of V-ATPase a1 and B2 subunits decreased stimulated surfactant secretion, indicating that these subunits were crucial for surfactant secretion. We conclude that V-ATPase regulates surfactant secretion via an increased Ca2+ mobilization from lamellar bodies and endoplasmic reticulum, and the activation of PKC and CaMKII. Our finding revealed a previously unrealized role of V-ATPase in surfactant secretion.  相似文献   

建立胎鼠肺泡II型上皮细胞(AECII)与肺成纤维细胞(LF)共培养模型,观察与LF共培养下AECII的生物学特性。倒置相差显微镜观察AECII形态和基本生长情况;RT-PCR和流式细胞术分别检测肺泡表面活性蛋白-C(SP-C)、水通道蛋白5(AQP5)mRNA及蛋白质表达;流式细胞术检测细胞周期及Ki67表达。结果显示,与LF共培养时,AECII能较好地保留其细胞形态,SP-CmRNA及其蛋白质表达明显增加,而AQP5mRNA及其蛋白质表达则明显减少;LF促进AECII增殖,使G2/M、S期细胞及表达Ki67 细胞的比率明显增多。结果提示,AECII与LF共培养时,能更好地保留其细胞形态、分化及增殖特性。  相似文献   

Identifying cells of tumor origin is a fundamental question in tumor biology. Answers to this central question will not only advance our understanding of tumor initiation and progression but also have important therapeutic implications. In this study, we aimed to uncover the cells of origin of lung adenocarcinoma, a major subtype of non-small cell lung cancer. To this end, we developed new mouse models of lung adenocarcinoma that enabled selective manipulation of gene activity in surfactant associated protein C (SPC)-expressing cells, including alveolar type II cells and bronchioalveolar stem cells (BASCs) that reside at the bronchioalveolar duct junction (BADJ). Our findings showed that activation of oncogenic Kras alone or in combination with the removal of the tumor suppressor p53 in SPC+ cells resulted in development of alveolar tumors. Similarly, sustained EGF signaling in SPC+ cells led to alveolar tumors. By contrast, BASCs failed to proliferate or produce tumors under these conditions. Importantly, in a mouse strain in which Kras/p53 activity was selectively altered in type II cells but not BASCs, alveolar tumors developed while BADJs retained normal architecture. These results confirm and extend previous findings and support a model in which lung adenocarcinoma can initiate in alveolar type II cells. Our results establish the foundation for elucidating the molecular mechanisms by which lung cancer initiates and progresses in a specific lung cell type.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - Hyperglycemia results in oxidative stress which leads to tissue damage and hence oxidative stress has been proposed to be a key contributing...  相似文献   

Stimulation of adult rat alveolar epithelial cells with terbutaline was previously shown to activate Cl- channels in the apical membrane. In this study, we show that terbutaline stimulates net transepithelial (apical-to-basolateral) Cl- absorption from 0.19 +/- 0.13 to 1.43 +/- 0.31 mmol x cm-2 x hr-1. Terbutaline also increases net Cl- efflux across the basolateral membrane under conditions where an outward [K+] gradient exists and the membrane voltage is clamped at zero mV. When the [K+] gradient is eliminated, the effect of terbutaline on net Cl- efflux is inhibited to the extent that no significant Cl- efflux can be detected across the basolateral membrane. RT-PCR experiments detected mRNA for three KCl cotransport isoforms (KCC1, KCC3 and KCC4) in monolayer cultures of alveolar epithelial cells. Western blot analysis using antibodies to the four cloned isoforms of KCl cotransporters revealed the presence of KCC1 and KCC4 isoforms in monolayer cultures of these cells. These results provide evidence suggesting a role for KCl cotransport in terbutaline-stimulated transepithelial Cl- absorption.  相似文献   

Successful application of hematoxylin-eosin staining to 0.5-1 μ sections of OsO4-fixed Epon-embedded mammalian tissue is made possible by first treating the sections for approximately 1 min at 25-30 C with 10% H2O2 acidified with 0.1 or 0.01 N H2SO4 to pH 3.2. Subsequent steps are: washing; drying; Hams hematoxylin at 50 C, 1-2 min; washing; drying; 0.2-0.3% NH4OH in 70% ethanol, 3-5 sec, drying at 50 C; 5% aqueous eosin for 3 & 45 sec at 25-30 C, washing; drying; clearing in xylene and mounting in resin. The use of acidified H2O2 prevents the staining of Epon and permits the characteristic staining picture to be obtained. Sections were attached to glass slides without adhesive and processed horizontally on a rack. Slides should be well drained and blotted before each drying step, to prevent formation of precipitate on the section.  相似文献   

Tumors are often greatly dependent on signaling cascades promoting cell growth or survival and may become hypersensitive to inactivation of key components within these signaling pathways. Ras and RAF mutations found in human cancer confer constitutive activity to these signaling molecules thereby converting them into an oncogenic state. RAF dimerization is required for normal Ras-dependent RAF activation and is required for the oncogenic potential of mutant RAFs. Here we describe a new mouse model for lung tumor development to investigate the role of B-RAF in oncogenic C-RAF-mediated adenoma initiation and growth. Conditional elimination of B-RAF in C-RAF BxB-expressing embryonic alveolar epithelial type II cells did not block adenoma formation. However, loss of B-RAF led to significantly reduced tumor growth. The diminished tumor growth upon B-RAF inactivation was due to reduced cell proliferation in absence of senescence and increased apoptosis. Furthermore, B-RAF elimination inhibited C-RAF BxB-mediated activation of the mitogenic cascade. In line with these data, mutation of Ser-621 in C-RAF BxB abrogated in vitro the dimerization with B-RAF and blocked the ability to activate the MAPK cascade. Taken together these data indicate that B-RAF is an important factor in oncogenic C-RAF-mediated tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Wei Li  Sabra L. Klein 《Journal of virology》2012,86(21):11845-11855
Hantaviruses cause a persistent infection in reservoir hosts that is attributed to the upregulation of regulatory responses and downregulation of proinflammatory responses. To determine whether rat alveolar macrophages (AMs) and lung microvascular endothelial cells (LMVECs) support Seoul virus (SEOV) replication and contribute to the induction of an environment that polarizes CD4+ T cell differentiation toward a regulatory T (Treg) cell phenotype, cultured primary rat AMs and LMVECs were mock infected or infected with SEOV and analyzed for viral replication, cytokine and chemokine responses, and expression of cell surface markers that are related to T cell activation. Allogeneic CD4+ T cells were cocultured with SEOV-infected or mock-infected AMs or LMVECs and analyzed for helper T cell (i.e., Treg, Th17, Th1, and Th2) marker expression and Treg cell frequency. SEOV RNA and infectious particles in culture media were detected in both cell types, but at higher levels in LMVECs than in AMs postinfection. Expression of Ifnβ, Ccl5, and Cxcl10 and surface major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) and MHC-I was not altered by SEOV infection in either cell type. SEOV infection significantly increased Tgfβ mRNA in AMs and the amount of programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) in LMVECs. SEOV-infected LMVECs, but not AMs, induced a significant increase in Foxp3 expression and Treg cell frequency in allogeneic CD4+ T cells, which was virus replication and cell contact dependent. These data suggest that in addition to supporting viral replication, AMs and LMVECs play distinct roles in hantavirus persistence by creating a regulatory environment through increased Tgfβ, PD-L1, and Treg cell activity.  相似文献   

The pulmonary alveolar epithelium is composed of two morphologically distinct cell types, type I (TI) and type II (TII) cells. Alveolar TII cells synthesize, secrete, and recycle surfactant components; contain ion transporters; and secrete immune effector molecules. In response to alveolar injury, TII cells have the capacity to act as progenitor cells, proliferating and transdifferentiating into TI cells. Although various proteins are associated with TII cells, a plasma membrane marker specific to human TII cells that would be useful for identification in tissue and for isolating this cell type has not been described previously. We devised a strategy to produce a monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific to the apical surface of human TII cells and developed an MAb that appears to be specific for human TII cells. The antibody recognizes a 280- to 300-kDa protein, HTII-280, which has the biochemical characteristics of an integral membrane protein. HTII-280 is detected by week 11 of gestation and is developmentally regulated. HTII-280 is useful for isolating human TII cells with purities and viabilities >95%. HTII-280 is likely to be a useful morphological and biochemical marker of human TII cells that may help to advance our understanding of various lung pathological conditions, including the origin and development of various lung tumors. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:891–901, 2010)  相似文献   

While vegetative cells of the cellular slime mold Dictyosteliumdiscoideum engage in active phagocytosis, cells isolated frommigrating slugs of this organism were found to be almost lackingin this activity. However, when incubated under sparsely populatedconditions, these cells regained the phagocytic ability as theylost prespore specific antigen and dedifferentiated. Changesin phagocytic activity during the development were quantitativelyexamined. After cessation of feeding, phagocytic activity ofcells first increased but shortly afterward decreased rapidly,together with the initiation of aggregation. The loss of phagocyticability of a cell was accompanied by a change in cell shapefrom an isodiametric to an elongate form, as the cell becameaggregation competent. During such a transition, polystyrenebeads which had been ingested and retained by the cell wereexocytized. 1 This paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Joji Ashida. (Received December 17, 1982; Accepted February 18, 1983)  相似文献   

The alveolar epithelium serves as a barrier between organism and environment and functions as the first line of protection against potential respiratory pathogens. Alveolar type II (TII) cells have traditionally been considered the immune cells of the alveolar epithelium, as they possess immunomodulatory functions; however, the precise role of alveolar type I (TI) cells, which comprise ∼95% of the alveolar epithelial surface area, in lung immunity is not clear. We sought to determine if there was a difference in the response of TI and TII cells to lung injury and if TI cells could actively participate in the alveolar immune response. TI cells isolated via fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) from LPS-injured rats demonstrated greater fold-induction of multiple inflammatory mediators than TII cells isolated in the same manner from the same animals. Levels of the cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β from cultured primary rat TI cells after LPS stimulation were significantly increased compared to similarly studied primary rat TII cells. We found that contrary to published reports, cultured TII cells produce relatively small amounts of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β after LPS treatment; the higher levels of cytokine expression from cultured TII cells reported in the literature were likely from macrophage contamination due to traditional non-FACS TII cell isolation methods. Co-culture of TII cells with macrophages prior to LPS stimulation increased TNF-α and IL-6 production to levels reported by other investigators for TII cells, however, co-culture of TI cells and macrophages prior to LPS treatment resulted in marked increases in TNF-α and IL-6 production. Finally, exogenous surfactant blunted the IL-6 response to LPS in cultured TI cells. Taken together, these findings advocate a role for TI cells in the innate immune response and suggest that both TI and TII cells are active players in host defense mechanisms in the lung.  相似文献   

The usual HCl-toluidine blue staining of different endocrine cells is applicable to paraffin embedded material. A modification for Epon embedded tissue suitable for consecutive light and electron microscopic studies is described which makes it possible to find the same stained cell, both in a semithin section and in subsequent ultrathin sections. This method facilitates the search for scattered specific endocrine cells. Without removing the resin, sections of Epon embedded tissues were hydrolyzed for 17 hr in 1% HCl at 65 C and stained for 2 turn 0.1% toluidine blue in McIlvaine buffer, pH 5.8. The following cells were stained: C cells in thyroid glands; A and D cells in pancreatic islets; B cells in anterior pituitary; G, D and Ec cells in the gastrointestinal tract; Ad cells of the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

探讨高氧暴露对原代培养的胎鼠肺泡II型上皮细胞(AECII)、成纤维细胞(LFs)增殖和凋亡的影响以及维甲酸(RA)的保护作用机制。通过建立高氧暴露原代培养的胎鼠AECII和LFs模型,以RA作为干预方式,采用流式细胞术(膜联蛋白V-PI双标记)检测AECII和LFs凋亡,West-ern印迹检测AECII增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)、p53及caspase-3表达和LFsPCNA表达。结果发现:(1)与空气对照比较,高氧暴露12h,膜联蛋白V( )PI(-)和膜联蛋白V( )PI( )标记AECII数均显著升高(14.41±1.15vs2.80±0.19,P<0.01;61.07±3.06vs1.49±0.11,P<0.01);RA对空气暴露下AECII坏死、凋亡无明显影响,但明显下调高氧暴露下膜联蛋白V( )PI(-)和膜联蛋白V( )PI( )标记AECII数(8.04±0.79vs14.41±1.15,P<0.01;27.57±2.32vs61.07±3.06,P<0.01)。(2)高氧、RA对LFs坏死、凋亡无明显影响。(3)高氧暴露12h,明显降低AECIIPCNA表达(P<0.01),显著提高其p53(P<0.01)和caspase-3活性片段(P<0.01)表达;RA显著上调高氧暴露下AECIIPCNA表达(P<0.01),下调其p53和caspase-3活化片段表达(P<0.01)。(4)高氧、RA对LFsPCNA表达无明显影响。由此提示,高氧暴露,导致AECII大量凋亡、坏死,增殖受到抑制,同时,LFs所受影响较小,两种细胞对高氧暴露的差异性行为可能是导致未成熟肺组织异常重构的重要原因;RA通过降低AECII凋亡、坏死从而对高氧肺损伤具有保护作用。  相似文献   

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