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Does hippocampal size correlate with the degree of caching specialization?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A correlation between the degree of specialization for food hoarding and the volume of the hippocampal formation in passerine birds has been accepted for over a decade. The relationship was first demonstrated in family-level comparisons, and subsequently in species comparisons within two families containing a large number of hoarding species, the Corvidae and the Paridae. Recently, this approach has been criticized as invalid and excessively adaptationist. A recent test of the predicted trends with data pooled from previous studies found no evidence for such a correlation in either of these two families. This result has been interpreted as support for the critique. Here we reanalyse the original dataset and also include additional new data on several parid species. Our results show a surprising difference between continents, with North American species possessing significantly smaller hippocampi than Eurasian ones. Controlling for the continent effect makes the hoarding capacity/hippocampal formation correlation clearly significant in both families. We discuss possible reasons for the continent effect.  相似文献   

The holy grail for HIV-1 vaccine researchers is to develop an efficacious vaccine, a goal that would be aided by defining a correlate of protection from infection. Recently, the authors of two papers have come one step closer to this goal with the definition of a correlate of survival following simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection: the preservation of memory CD4(+) T cells during acute infection. Both of these research groups show that vaccination can prevent the initial immune devastation caused by SIV infection and that this correlates with survival following SIV challenge. Here, we highlight the significance of these two recent papers in light of the urgent need to produce an efficacious HIV vaccine and discuss several crucial issues that must be addressed before the correlate can be used in human clinical trials.  相似文献   

A recent analysis of brain size evolution reconstructed the plesiomorphic brain–body size allometry for the mammalian order Carnivora, providing an important reference frame for comparative analyses of encephalization (brain volume scaled to body mass). I performed phylogenetically corrected regressions to remove the effects of body mass, calculating correlations between residual values of encephalization with basal metabolic rate (BMR) and six life-history variables (gestation time, neonatal mass, weaning time, weaning mass, litter size, litters per year). No significant correlations were recovered between encephalization and any life-history variable or BMR, arguing against hypotheses relating encephalization to maternal energetic investment. However, after correcting for clade-specific adaptations, I recovered significant correlations for several variables, and further analysis revealed a conserved carnivoran reproductive strategy, linking degree of encephalization to the well-documented mammalian life-history trade-off between neonatal mass and litter size. This strategy of fewer, larger offspring correlating with increased encephalization remains intact even after independent changes in encephalization allometries in the evolutionary history of this clade.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that N2 fixation and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) are negatively correlated. To further test this hypothesis, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate if Δ is correlated with the efficiency of lentil (Lens culinaris cv Laird) in fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Lentil seed was inoculated with one of 10 Rhizobium leguminosarum strains that varied in their effectiveness in symbiotic N2 fixation. Carbon-13 discrimination was positively correlated with N2 fixation (r2=0.60*). Although the amount of N2 fixed ranged from 1.5 mg N to 13.5 mg N shoot−1, the range of Δ values was only 25.8 to 26.6%.. It is unlikely that variability of such small magnitude could be of any practical use in selecting for N2-fixing efficiency.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Various demographic and clinical predictors attributing to the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in Indian subjects have not been extensively studied....  相似文献   

Aim At macroecological scales, exotic species richness is frequently positively correlated with human population density. Such patterns are typically thought to arise because high human densities are associated with increased introduction effort and/or habitat modification and disturbance. Exotic and native species richness are also frequently positively correlated, although the causal mechanisms remain unclear. Energy availability frequently explains much of the variation in species richness and we test whether such species–energy relationships may influence the relationships of exotic species richness with human population density and native species richness. Location Great Britain. Methods We first investigate how spatial variation in the distributions of the 10 exotic bird species is related to energy availability. We then model exotic species richness using native avian species richness, human population density and energy availability as predictors. Species richness is modelled using two sets of models: one assumes independent errors and the other takes spatial correlation into account. Results The probability of each exotic species occurring, in a 10‐km quadrat, increases with energy availability. Exotic species richness is positively correlated with energy availability, human population density and native species richness in univariate tests. When taking energy availability into account, exotic species richness is negligibly influenced by human population density, but remains positively associated with native species richness. Main conclusions We provide one of the few demonstrations that energy availability exerts a strong positive influence on exotic species richness. Within our data, the positive relationship between exotic species richness and human population density probably arises because both variables increase with energy availability, and may be independent of the influence of human density on the probability of establishment. Positive correlations between exotic and native species richness remain when controlling for the influence of energy on species richness. The relevance of such a finding to the debate on the relationship between diversity and invasibility is discussed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine if different sperm characteristics correlate with the in vivo fertility of rabbit sperm. A total of 2,765 heterospermic inseminations were performed in commercial rabbitries using 50-pooled samples of fresh semen. Sperm motility and morphological evaluations were performed on each of the heterospermic pooled samples to asses the seminal quality, and the percentage of kindling rate (76.2%) and number of kits born alive (9.3) were recorded. Sperm motility parameters, assessed using a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system (Sperm Class Analyzer, Microptic, Barcelona, Spain), were: average path velocity, curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity, linearity, amplitude of lateral head displacement, beat cross-frequency, wobble and percentage of total motile spermatozoa. Morphological analyses included the percentage of sperm with a normal apical ridge, the percentage of sperm with cytoplasmatic droplets and the percentage of abnormal sperm. Significant correlations were observed between kindling rate and the percentage of total motile cells (r=0.31; P<0.05), linearity index (r=-0.32; P<0.05) and the percentage of abnormal sperm in the sample (r=-0.32; P<0.05). Regression models including motility and the morphological parameters explained 45% of the variation in kindling rate. These results indicate that motility parameters, determined by CASA systems, in combination with sperm morphology analyses can provide some information about the fertilizing potential of rabbit sperm.  相似文献   

We conducted a multi-genome analysis correlating protein domain organization with the exon-intron structure of genes in nine eukaryotic genomes. We observed a significant correlation between the borders of exons and domains on a genomic scale for both invertebrates and vertebrates. In addition, we found that the more complex organisms displayed consistently stronger exon-domain correlation, with substantially more significant correlations detected in vertebrates compared with invertebrates. Our observations concur with the principles of exon shuffling theory, including the prediction of predominantly symmetric phase of introns flanking the borders of correlating exons. These results suggest that extensive exon shuffling events during evolution significantly contributed to the shaping of eukaryotic proteomes.  相似文献   

Migrating long distances requires time and energy, and may interact with an individual's performance during breeding. These seasonal interactions in migratory animals are best described in populations with disjunct nonbreeding distributions. The black‐tailed godwit (Limosa limosa limosa), which breeds in agricultural grasslands in Western Europe, has such a disjunct nonbreeding distribution: The majority spend the nonbreeding season in West Africa, while a growing number winters north of the Sahara on the Iberian Peninsula. To test whether crossing the Sahara has an effect on breeding season phenology and reproductive parameters, we examined differences in the timing of arrival, breeding habitat quality, lay date, egg volume, and daily nest survival among godwits (154 females and 157 males), individually marked in a breeding area in the Netherlands for which wintering destination was known on the basis of resightings. We also examined whether individual repeatability in arrival date differed between birds wintering north or south of the Sahara. Contrary to expectation, godwits wintering south of the Sahara arrived two days earlier and initiated their clutch six days earlier than godwits wintering north of the Sahara. Arrival date was equally repeatable for both groups, and egg volume larger in birds wintering north of the Sahara. Despite these differences, we found no association between wintering location and the quality of breeding habitat or nest survival. This suggests that the crossing of an important ecological barrier and doubling of the migration distance, twice a year, do not have clear negative reproductive consequences for some long‐distance migrants.  相似文献   

Tolerance of ectotherm species to cold stress is highly plastic according to thermal conditions experienced prior to cold stress. In this study, we investigated how cold tolerance varies with developmental temperature (at 17, 25 and 30 °C) and whether developmental temperature induces different metabolic profiles. Experiments were conducted on the two populations of the parasitoid wasp, Venturia canescens, undergoing contrasting thermal regimes in their respective preferential habitat (thermally variable vs. buffered). We predicted the following: i) development at low temperatures improves the cold tolerance of parasitoid wasps, ii) the shape of the cold tolerance reaction norm differs between the two populations, and iii) these phenotypic variations are correlated with their metabolic profiles. Our results showed that habitat origin and developmental acclimation interact to determine cold tolerance and metabolic profiles of the parasitoid wasps. Cold tolerance was promoted when developmental temperatures declined and population originating from variable habitat presented a higher cold tolerance. Cold tolerance increases through the accumulation of metabolites with an assumed cryoprotective function and the depression of metabolites involved in energy metabolism. Our data provide an original example of how intraspecific cold acclimation variations correlate with metabolic response to developmental temperature.  相似文献   

Akhtar  J.  Gorham  J.  Qureshi  R.H.  Aslam  M. 《Plant and Soil》1998,201(2):275-284
The effects of NaCl salinity (100 or 150 mol m-3) and hypoxia on seedlings of several wheat varieties (Lyallpur-90, SARC-1, Pato, Tchere, Pb-85, Siete Cerros, Chinese Spring and a Chinese Spring × Thinopyrum elongatum amphidiploid) were studied in solution culture. In vivo studies of activities of different enzymes (alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and cytochrome oxidase (COase)) extracted from Pato and Pb-85 included the effect of salinity with and without hypoxia, while during in vitro studies, NaCl, glycinebetaine and proline were added to the assay mixture. The extent of aerenchyma formation was also determined in Pato, Chinese Spring and a Chinese Spring × Thinopyrum elongatum amphidiploid. Imposition of hypoxia greatly induced ADH and LDH activity in roots of wheat seedlings after a week-long exposure. However, exposure of roots to salinity also slightly increased LDH and ADH activity compared with the non-saline control. On a relative basis, Pato had higher ADH activity under hypoxic (21×) or saline-hypoxic stress (20×) than in aerated conditions. Hypoxia alone or in the presence of salts decreased COase activity in both Pato and Pb-85. The in vitro studies revealed that NaCl (on an equimolar basis at up to 500 mol m-3) is more disruptive than glycinebetaine or proline. LDH was more sensitive to NaCl than ADH. Aerenchyma development was higher near the root-shoot interface compared to near the root tip. Salinity under hypoxic conditions significantly reduced aerenchyma development near the root tip and root-shoot interface compared to hypoxia alone. Neither enzyme activity nor aerenchyma formation could account for varietal differences in tolerance to hypoxia alone or in combination with salinity.  相似文献   

Mats Olsson  Richard Shine 《Oecologia》1996,105(2):175-178
Most data on determinants of reproductive success (RS) and reproductive tactics are correlational in nature, and hence cannot be used to infer causation. Consistent patterns-such as an increase in RS with age, as seen in many types of organisms-may result from diverse underlying mechanisms. Ontogenetic increases in RS in mammals and birds may be due largely to direct effects of age (via learning, etc.) but our analyses show that apparently analogous ontogenetic shifts in reproductive tactics and increases in RS in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) are actually due to ontogenetic changes in body size. When size effects are removed, age exerts very little effect on either reproductive behaviour or RS in either sex. In many taxa, both age and body size may exert important effects on reproductive biology, and disentangling these effects should be a focus of further research.  相似文献   

Humans are commonly exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a family of compounds present as mixtures in the environment. This study exposed swine to PAH mixtures in single and subacute dose regimens and collected liver and ileum tissue to measure cytochrome P450 mRNA expression and enzyme activity as biomarkers of exposure and DNA adducts and oxidized proteins as biomarkers of effect. Micronucleated reticulocytes were measured as systemic biomarkers of effect. Duration of exposure did not influence biomarkers of exposure, though exposure duration produced significant increases in DNA adducts and oxidative stress. Micronucleated reticulocyte numbers were not affected by exposure length.  相似文献   

We measured resting and peak metabolic rates (RMR and PMR, respectively) during development of chicks of seven species of shorebirds: least sandpiper (Calidris minutilla; adult mass 20-22 g), dunlin (Calidris alpina; 56-62 g), lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes; 88-92 g), short-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus; 85-112 g), lesser golden plover (Pluvialis dominicana; 150-156 g), Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica; 205-274 g), and whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus; 380 g). We tested two opposing hypotheses: the growth rate-maturity hypothesis, which posits that growth rate in chicks is inversely related to functional maturity of tissues, and the fast growth rate-high metabolism hypothesis, which suggests that rapid growth is possible only with a concomitant increase in either RMR or PMR. We have found no evidence that chicks of shorebirds with fast growth rates have lower RMRs or lower PMRs, as would be predicted by the growth rate-maturity hypothesis, but our data suggested that faster-growing chest muscles resulted in increased thermogenic capacity, consistent with the fast growth-high metabolism hypothesis. The development of homeothermy in smaller species is a consequence primarily of greater metabolic intensities of heat-generating tissues. The maximum temperature gradient between a chick's body and environment that can be maintained in the absence of a net radiative load increased rapidly with body mass during development and was highest in least sandpipers and lowest among godwits. Chicks of smaller species could maintain a greater temperature gradient at a particular body mass because of their higher mass-specific maximum metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Skimming flow was induced in a field flow-through flume with model and live horse mussels as roughness elements. A growth experiment was conducted in the flume with locally available seawater and natural seston. Horse mussel population growth was compared in turbulent isolated element (control) and skimming flow (treatment) and with regulated natural seston levels, indicated by C = bulk flow seston concentration, C1 = seston concentration in the benthic boundary layer, near the inhalant, which just meets the maintenance ration of the mussel population. We were able to control the bulk seston within the range: 1.2 to 5 times of C1 during the growth experiment. No significant difference between control and skimming flow treatments was found in: tissue growth, RNA-DNA ratios, or condition factor. Extrapolating from the experimental results we predict that under minimum growth enhancing seston concentrations at a high horse mussel density (71 m2), skimming flow does not reduce population growth.  相似文献   

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