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The effects of variations in extracellular magnesium concentration (Mg2+)0 on contractile responses to noradrenaline (NA) were studied in isolated rat tail arteries. Mg2+-free or high Mg2+ exposures caused (respectively) enhancement or inhibition of NA dose-response curves. Increases in (Mg2+)0 significantly increased NA-induced phasic contractions due to Ca release from a "membrane-bound" pool. Increases in (Mg2+)0 diminished the magnitude of Ca2+-induced relaxations due to a "membrane-stabilizing" effect. It is hypothesized that high (Mg2+)0 enhances NA-induced mobilization of stored calcium, as well as preventing the membrane-stabilizing effect of calcium ions through competition with Ca2+ at intracellular and membrane sequestrating sites, thus interfering with Ca2+ sequestration.  相似文献   

Membrane potential and tension were recorded simultaneously from the smooth muscle of the rat tail artery. A single stimulus to the perivascular nerves caused a tension transient. The tension transient had two components, one due to a muscle action potential and one due to alpha-adrenoceptor activation. During trains of stimuli most of the tension was due to alpha-receptor activation, even when every stimulus caused a smooth muscle action potential.  相似文献   

The vasoactive effects of nicotine on isolated rat tail artery tissues were studied. Nicotine transiently contracted rat tail artery tissues (EC50, 55.6 +/- 2 microM) in an extracellular Ca2+ dependent and endothelium-independent fashion. The blockade of alpha1-adrenoceptors, but not alpha2-adrenoceptors or P2X purinoceptors, inhibited the nicotine-induced contraction by 38 +/- 7% (p < 0.05). Nicotine (1 mM) depolarized membrane by 13 +/- 3 mV, but did not affect L-type Ca2+ channel currents, of the isolated rat tail artery smooth muscle cells. The phenylephrine-precontracted tail artery tissues were relaxed by nicotine (EC50, 0.90 +/- 0.31 mM), which was significantly inhibited after the blockade of nicotinic receptors. Simultaneous removal of phenylephrine and nicotine, after a complete relaxation of the phenylephrine-precontracted tail artery strips was achieved by nicotine at accumulated concentrations (> or =10 mM), triggered a Ca2+-dependent rebound long-lasting vasoconstriction (n = 20). This rebound contraction was abolished in the absence of calcium or in the presence of tetracaine in the bath solution. Pretreatment of vascular tissues with a nicotinic receptor antagonist did not affect the nicotine-induced vasoconstriction or nicotine withdrawal induced rebound contraction. The elucidation of the triphasic vascular effects of nicotine and the underlying mechanisms is important for a better understanding of the complex vascular actions of nicotine.  相似文献   

In the final concentration of 100 microM, amiloride increased substantially the overflow of endogenous noradrenaline and decreased that of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylene glycol from the rat tail artery into Krebs solution supplemented with 10 microM veratridine. The overflow of the amine into a 120 mM-K version of Krebs solution was unaffected by amiloride, while that of the glycol was reduced. Abolition of the contractile response to 10 microM veratridine by 2 microM phentolamine indicated that the response was due to release of endogenous noradrenaline. Addition of amiloride in the final concentrations of 10 and 100 microM caused relaxation of strips contracted by the alkaloid. The dose-response relations for exogenous noradrenaline measured in the absence or presence of 50 microM amiloride indicated that the drug acted as a reversible competitive alpha-adrenergic antagonist. The phentolamine-resistant component of the contractile response to the 120 mM-K solution was unaffected by 100 microM amiloride. Although the exact site of action of amiloride remains to be determined, it can be concluded that amiloride inhibits adrenergic transmission at a postsynaptic site at a step preceding elevation of myoplasmic Ca2+.  相似文献   

The adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) enhances cardiac contractility, and the adenosine A1R receptor (A1R) is antiadrenergic by reducing the adrenergic beta1 receptor (beta1R)-elicited increase in contractility. In this study we compared the A2AR-, A1R-, and beta1R-elicited actions on isolated rat ventricular myocytes in terms of Ca transient and contractile responses involving PKA and PKC. Stimulation of A2AR with 2 microM (approximately EC50) CGS-21680 (CGS) produced a 17-28% increase in the Ca transient ratio (CTR) and maximum velocities (Vmax) of transient ratio increase (+MVT) and recovery (-MVT) but no change in the time-to-50% recovery (TTR). CGS increased myocyte sarcomere shortening (MSS) and the maximum velocities of shortening (+MVS) and relaxation (-MVS) by 31-34% with no change in time-to-50% relengthening (TTL). beta1R stimulation using 2 nM (approximately EC50) isoproterenol (Iso) increased CTR, +MVT, and -MVT by 67-162% and decreased TTR by 43%. Iso increased MSS, +MVS, and -MVS by 153-174% and decreased TTL by 31%. The A2AR and beta1R Ca transient and contractile responses were not additive. The PKA inhibitor Rp-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate triethylamonium salt prevented both the CGS- and Iso-elicited contractile responses. The PKC inhibitors chelerythrine and KIE1-1 peptide (PKCepsilon specific) prevented the antiadrenergic action of A1R but did not influence A2AR-mediated increases in contractile variables. The findings suggest that cardiac A2AR utilize cAMP/PKA like beta1R, but the Ca transient and contractile responses are less in magnitude and not equally affected. Although PKC is important in the A1R antiadrenergic action, it does not seem to play a role in A2AR-elicited Ca transient and contractile events.  相似文献   

Change in the diffuse portion of the double electric layer at the blood-vascular wall border under the effect of thorium nitric oxide and heparin affects the tone and contractile ability of the rat tail artery: thorium diminishes the vessel rigidity and the amplitude of its contractile response, whereas heparin augments the rigidity as well as the amplitude of the response. Thorium nitric oxide also diminishes rigidity of the vessel connective tissue skeleton. The difference of potentials between the vessel lumen and its wall seems to be capable of affecting the contractile apparatus of the smooth muscle cells by means of activation of potential-sensitive ionic channels.  相似文献   

Contractile sensitivity and reactivity to alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor stimulation was studied in incubated rabbit pulmonary artery cylindrical segments of differing diameters. Distinct differences were noted between the responses of extra- and intra-pulmonary pulmonary arteries to norepinephrine and isoproterenol. The sensitivity to norepinephrine was largest in the intrapulmonary pulmonary arteries. Arterial reactivity to norepinephrine was greatest in the larger of the intrapulmonary vessel segments, diminishing considerably as the vessels became smaller. Cocaine did not cause substantial alterations in the response of any of the arterial segments to the alpha-agonist. Phentolamine, however, exerted its influence primarily in the smaller arterial segments. Vascular sensitivity to isoproterenol was least in the intrapulmonary pulmonary arteries. These smaller vessel segments, however, were more reactive to isoproterenol than were the extrapulmonary pulmonary arterial segments. Propranolol, at a concentration of 10(-8) M, was an effective antagonist of the beta-agonist; at a concentration of 10(-7) M, however, this antagonist was related to isoproterenol-induced arterial contraction, apparently by stimulation of alpha-receptor sites. The results of this study demonstrated a regional heterogeneity in the contractile response of the pulmonary artery to alpha- and beta-stimulation. The extrapulmonary arterial segments were found to be more sensitive to beta-stimulation than were the smaller, intrapulmonary, segments. The intrapulmonary arterial segments, on the other hand, were found to be more sensitive to alpha-stimulation than were the extrapulmonary segments.  相似文献   

The effects of substitution of calcium (Ca) by an equimolar concentration of strontium (Sr) on isometric contractions of isolated ventricular muscle from postnatally developing rat heart were studied. The duration of contraction and the time-to-peak tension were increased in all age groups although much less in the adult rats than in the neonates. The contractile force was increased in the muscles of rats between 1 and 14 days of age but was depressed in the older animals. The prominent rest-twitch potentiation of neonatal rat heart in Ca-Tyrode was totally eliminated by Sr, whereas a clear rest-twitch potentiation was induced by this cation in the adult rat heart, in which tissue the potentiation is normally absent in Ca-Tyrode. The maximal twitch potentiation by rest in Ca-Tyrode and the positive inotropic effect of Sr substitution grew from birth up to day 9 and from then gradually declined towards the level of adult rat heart by the end of the 3rd postnatal week. The phase of increasing rest-twitch potentiation coincides fairly well with the known development of sarcoplasmic reticulum and the phase of decline with the appearance of the T system of the sarcolemma. It is suggested that the qualitative changes in the contractile properties of developing rat heart during the 3rd postnatal week are due to the more efficient utilization of intracellular calcium stores, owing to the development of the T system.  相似文献   

J.L. Hart 《Life sciences》1982,30(2):163-169
The barium responses of isolated aortic strips and femoral arteries from non-pregnant and pregnant rats were investigated. Barium caused concentration-related increases in tension of vessels from both pregnant and non-pregnant rats. The concentration-response curves of femoral arteries from non-pregnant and 3 week pregnant rats were not different; however contractility and slopes of concentration-response lines for thracic aortas from 1, 2 and 3 week pregnant rats were significantly less than those of aortas from non-pregnant rats. In addition, barium caused rhythmic contractions to develop in both femoral arteries and aortas of 3 week pregnant rats more frequently than vessels from non-pregnant rats. Rhythmic contractions did not develop in aortas from 3 week pregnant rats rats in calcium-free Krebs. Since the effects of barium on the electrical and mechanical activity of various muscles have been postulated to be similar to and/or dependent on calcium, these results may indicate that changes in calcium sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle occur during pregnancy. Such changes may contribute to the blood flow redistribution and other cardiovascular adaptations of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The Sr/Ca ratios in plasma, urine, bone, and soft tissues for various ages after weaning in male and female rats were determined to examine the effects of aging on the discrimination between strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) under physiological conditions. Age-related changes in the Sr/Ca ratios were similar in all tissues; the Sr/Ca ratios decreased rapidly until about 25-wk-old and then slowly, from that period on, reaching much lower values than in the diet. When the logarithm of the Sr/Ca ratio in each tissue was plotted against the logarithm of age, a linear relationship was observed with statistically significant (p less than 0.05) regression lines. The higher levels of Sr/Ca ratios in all tissues of the younger rats could be explained by the high efficiency of Sr absorption by the small intestine early in life. Parameters for the equations between age and Sr/Ca ratio differed with tissues, suggesting the existence of specific discrimination mechanisms in each tissue.  相似文献   

The effects of authentic nitric oxide (NO, 10(-6) M) and NO-donors such as sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 10(-5) M) and glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, 10(-4) M) on contractile force and free intracellular calcium level ([Ca2+]i) were studied on precontracted with high potassium chloride (KCl, 70 mM) isolated rings of rat tail artery. The sensitivity of contractile myofilaments to Ca2+ was measured using chemically permeabilized (alpha-toxin, beta-escin, Triton X-100) vascular rings. [Ca2+]i and contractile activity were measured simultaneously. The relationship of [Ca2+]i and tension developed was studied in endothelium-denuded rings and controlled calcium response was evaluated in both endothelium-denuded and permeabilized vascular rings. Both authentic NO and NO-donors decreased [Ca2+]i and high potassium-induced tension with a different time course. Inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) LY83583 (10(-5) M) did not affect SNP-induced relaxation whereas the other sGC inhibitor ODQ (10(-6) M) attenuated SNP-induced relaxation. Both inhibitors had no effect on NO- and SNP-induced reduction in [Ca2+]i. On the contrary, GTN induced neither relaxation nor decrease in [Ca2+]i on application of both LY83583 and ODQ. Tail artery rings permeabilized with alpha-toxin, beta-escin, but not with Triton X-100 were relaxed by authentic NO and NO-donors, but to a less extent than non-permeabilized rings. Dithioerythritol (DTE, 5 x 10(-3) M) that maintains sulfhydryl (SH) groups in reduced state preventing their nitrosylation attenuated NO-induced relaxation in both non-permeabilized and permeabilized tail artery rings. The cyclic heptapeptide mycrocystin-LR (MC-LR) (10(-5) M), an inhibitor of type 1 and 2A phosphatases, induced sustained increase in tension of beta-escin permeabilized rings in low Ca2+ (10(-8) M) solution. The tension was not affected by authentic NO and SNP. We conclude that authentic NO and SNP relax rat tail artery smooth muscle (SM) in the presence of inhibitors of sGC via cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-independent pathway, whereas relaxation induced by GTN is inhibited. The data demonstrate that cGMP-dependent pathway in vascular smooth muscle is ubiquitous, but not the only way of relaxation induced by NO. NO can modulate vascular tone directly by reducing sensitivity of contractile myofilaments to [Ca2+]i and may involve activation of protein phosphatase(s).  相似文献   

Vascular contractile hyporesponsiveness is an important mechanism underlying orthostatic intolerance after microgravity. Baroreceptor reflexes can modulate both pulmonary resistance and capacitance function and thus cardiac output. We hypothesized, therefore, that pulmonary vasoreactivity is impaired in the hindlimb-unweighted (HLU) rat model of microgravity. Pulmonary artery (PA) contractile responses to phenylephrine (PE) and U-46619 (U4) were significantly decreased in the PAs from HLU vs. control (C) animals. N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (10(-5) M) enhanced the contractile responses in the PA rings from both C and HLU animals and completely abolished the differential responses to PE and U4 in HLU vs. C animals. Vasorelaxant responses to ACh were significantly enhanced in PA rings from HLU rats compared with C. Moreover, vasorelaxant responses to sodium nitroprusside were also significantly enhanced. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and soluble guanlyl cyclase expression were significantly enhanced in PA and lung tissue from HLU rats. In marked contrast, the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase was unchanged in lung tissue. These data support the hypothesis that vascular contractile responsiveness is attenuated in PAs from HLU rats and that this hyporesponsiveness is due at least in part to increased nitric oxide synthase activity resulting from enhanced eNOS expression. These findings may have important implications for blood volume distribution and attenuated stroke volume responses to orthostatic stress after microgravity exposure.  相似文献   

Liquid fluorocarbons, having high solubility for gases (O2, CO2...) have been used as artificial blood substitutes in animals with variable results. The great diversity of these products and the lack of reproductiveness in their composition have not permitted, up to now, a standardization of their utilisation norms. Our work was to study the toxicity, in the rat, of a new kind of fluorocarbon emulsion (E-66, Ugine-Kuhlmann, France) used as an artificial blood substitute during exchange-perfusion. The short survival of the rats is in opposition to the good in vitro results obtained in other experiments (high solubilities of oxygen and dioxide carbon). The toxicity of this fluorinated emulsion is demonstrated by histologic lesions in lungs, liver and kidneys and the great amount of fluor stored in these organs. The mechanism of this toxicity is still to be demonstrated. Hepatic lesions (hyperhemia with dilatation of central veins and sinusoids) and pulmonary lesions (vascular congestion, alveolar oedema) prove a circulatory disturbance leading to right-sided cardiac failure. However, cellular degenerescence lesions, observed in hepatocytes and renal tubular cells, do not permit to exclude formally a cellular toxicity of the E-66 emulsion.  相似文献   

Genetically altered mice have become an increasingly important tool for the study of mechanisms of cardiac function, and therefore it is vital to characterize the basic contractile properties of the mouse heart. As a first approach to this goal, we first optimized perfusion conditions and characterized the effect of incremental left ventricular balloon inflation on end-diastolic, systolic and developed pressures in the isovolumically-contracting mouse heart. Under constant loading conditions, we determined developed pressure in response to changing perfusate calcium (1.25, 2.5, 3.75 and 5.0 mM) and perfusate temperature (30 and 37 degrees C). We then compared the intrinsic inotropic responsiveness to changes in extracellular calcium of left ventricular myocardium from mouse to that from the rat. In the baseline state (1.25 mM extracellular calcium; [Ca2+]o), both isometric contraction duration and normalized active force at the peak of the active force-length relationship (Lmax) were less in mouse than in rat myocardium. Under isotonic conditions, temporal parameters of shortening and the relative shortening were less in mouse vs rat myocardium. Increasing [Ca2+]o from 1.25 to 2.5 mM markedly increased active isometric force and rate of force development (+dF/dt) in the mouse. However, rat myocardium responded to a lesser extent. Under isotonic conditions, peak shortening and the rate of shortening also increased to a greater extent in mouse relative to rat myocardium. Increasing the bath calcium concentration to 5.0 mM increased isometric force and +dF/dt further in the rat but not the mouse, suggesting that two species operate at different points on the force vs [Ca2+]o relationship. We conclude that mouse myocardium exhibits increased sensitivity to changes in [Ca2+]o within the physiologic range in comparison to rat. These differences do not appear to be due to differences in loading conditions. The data suggest that differences in inotropic responsiveness to calcium may reflect intrinsic differences in myocardial calcium sensitivity between species.  相似文献   

Pharmacomechanical coupling of vascular smooth muscle is believed to be mediated by inositol trisphosphate (IP3). Numerous studies have demonstrated an increase in inositol phosphates following tissue stimulation using either intact aortic strips or cultured cells from aorta. However, little information is available concerning inositol phosphates in vascular tissue other than in the large conduit vessel, the aorta. This present study was designed to examine the role of inositol phosphate metabolism following adrenergic stimulation of the muscular rat tail artery as compared to the aorta. Segments of thoracic aorta and tail artery from male Sprague Dawley rats were labeled with [3H]inositol and stimulated with norepinephrine. The norepinephrine concentration that resulted in a half-maximal stimulation of inositol phosphates was approximately 10(-6) M in both the aorta and tail artery. Although the sensitivity of the two vessels to norepinephrine stimulation were similar, the stimulated levels of IP, IP2, and IP3 were from 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater in the tail artery than in aorta. IP production in aorta and tail artery was a linear function of time (from 0 to 30 min). Significant levels of IP3 (the 1,4,5-IP3 isomer as determined by HPLC) could only be detected in the tail artery and appeared to be produced optimally after 5 min of stimulation. The several order of magnitude increase in adrenergic stimulated inositol phosphate production in the tail artery was not due to either an increased magnitude of [3H]inositol incorporated into PI, PIP, and PIP2 or to a greater percentage of smooth muscle cells per unit tissue of the rat tail artery. We believe the results of this study demonstrate that the increased inositol phosphate metabolism in the vascular smooth muscle cells of the tail artery is an intrinsic property of the cell. Moreover, due to the significant levels of all inositol phosphates produced in the tail artery, this muscular artery may be a better model, as compared to the aorta, for future studies investigating pharmacomechanical coupling of vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the role of calcium channels in the contractile response induced by substance P in the isolated rat iris. Substance P produced graded and sustained contraction in the rat iris. Pre-incubation of preparations with thapsigargin (1 μM), verapamil (1 μM), isradipine (1 μM) or with ω-conotoxin MCIIA (0.1 μM) did not significantly inhibit substance P-mediated contraction in the isolated rat iris. However, pre-incubation of the preparations with nicardipine (1 μM) or ruthenium red (1 mM) caused parallel displacement to the right of the substance P concentration–response curve without affecting its maximal response. In contrast, amiloride (1 μM), markedly inhibited substance P-mediated contraction (73±5%), while econazole (1 mM) also significantly inhibited (44±11%) substance P-mediated contraction in the isolated rat iris. Collectively, these results suggest that substance P-mediated contractile response in the isolated rat iris depends largely on the influx of external Ca2+, by a mechanism which might involve the T-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

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