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The three-dimensional structures of the crystalline surface layers of two species of Eubacteria have been determined by electron microscopy and computerized image processing. The S-layer of Eubacterium sp. ES4C has tetragonal symmetry, with a unit cell spacing of 10.6 nm and a thickness of 9.5 nm, while that of Eubacterium sp. AHN 990 has hexagonal symmetry a = b = 15.7 nm and a thickness of 13 nm. The resolutions in the reconstructions were 2.5 nm and 1.8 nm, respectively. The reconstruction of the S-layer of strain ES4C reveals a distinct domain structure: a major tetramer, arms connecting adjacent unit cells, and a minor tetramer. The S-layer of strain AHN 990, on the other hand, has a rather complex arrangement, centred around the six-fold axis.  相似文献   

The structures of methanol dehydrogenase (MEDH) from two closely related methylotrophic bacteria, Methylophilus methylotrophus and W3A1, have been determined at 2.6-A resolution. The molecule, a quinoprotein of molecular mass of about 138 kDa, contains two heavy (H) and two light (L) subunits of unknown sequence and two molecules of noncovalently associated pyrroloquinoline quinone. The two enzymes crystallize isomorphously in space group P2(1) with one H2L2 heterotetramer in the asymmetric unit. The electron density map of the M. methylophilus enzyme was obtained by multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering and improved by solvent leveling and electron density averaging. For model building, the amino acid sequence of MEDH from Paracoccus denitrificans for the H subunit and from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 for the L subunit were used to represent the unknown amino acid sequence. At the present time, 579 and 57 amino acid residues for the large and small subunits, respectively, have been fitted into the map. The phases for MEDH from M. methylophilus were used directly to analyze the W3A1 structure, and both structures were refined to R-factors (where R = sigma[Fo-Fc[/sigma Fo) of 0.277 and 0.266, respectively. The L subunit contains a long alpha-helix and an extended N-terminal segment, both lying on the molecular surface of the H subunit. The H subunit contains eight antiparallel beta-sheets, each consisting of four strands arranged topologically like the letter W. The eight Ws are arranged circularly, forming the main disc-shaped body of the subunit, with some short helices and loops connecting the consecutive Ws, as well as some excursions within and between some of the Ws. The pyrroloquinoline quinone prosthetic group is located in the central channel of the large subunit near the surface of the molecule. The topology of the eight-W folding unit is similar to those of the six- and seven-W folding units previously reported for three other proteins, neuraminidase, methylamine dehydrogenase, and galactose oxidase.  相似文献   

This review presents a broad overview of the research that enabled the structure determination of the bacterial reaction centers from Blastochloris viridis and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, with a focus on the contributions from Duysens, Clayton, and Feher. Early experiments performed in the laboratory of Duysens and others demonstrated the utility of spectroscopic techniques and the presence of photosynthetic complexes in both oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis. The laboratories of Clayton and Feher led efforts to isolate and characterize the bacterial reaction centers. The availability of well-characterized preparations of pure and stable reaction centers allowed the crystallization and subsequent determination of the structures using X-ray diffraction. The three-dimensional structures of reaction centers revealed an overall arrangement of two symmetrical branches of cofactors surrounded by transmembrane helices from the L and M subunits, which also are related by the same twofold symmetry axis. The structure has served as a framework to address several issues concerning bacterial photosynthesis, including the directionality of electron transfer, the properties of the reaction center-cytochrome c 2 complex, and the coupling of proton and electron transfer. Together, these research efforts laid the foundation for ongoing efforts to address an outstanding question in oxygenic photosynthesis, namely the molecular mechanism of water oxidation.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells, found in the bone-marrow and other adult tissues, which give rise to various cell lineages. Although MSCs are biologically important, and may have widespread therapeutic potential, they are not well-characterised, particularly in terms of their cell surface receptors and in vivo phenotype. We aimed to develop a three-dimensional (3-D) MSC in vitro model, in order to understand the factors involved in the regulation of lineage specification routes. A suitable model, which replicates the MSC microenvironment as accurately as possible, will allow more detailed investigations into the phenotype of the cells. Our MSC spheroids appear to have an enhanced mesenchymal differentiation compared to two-dimensional MSC monolayers. With this in vitro system, it is possible to perform real-time analysis of cellular differentiation status. MSC spheroids may also be amenable for use in high-throughput assays. A more-recent research project aims to generate knockout micro-tissues, based on human 3-D MSCs, as an alternative to animal studies.  相似文献   

Protein structures are routinely compared by their root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) in atomic coordinates after optimal rigid body superposition. What is not so clear is the significance of different RMSD values, particularly above the customary arbitrary cutoff for obvious similarity of 2–3 Å. Our earlier work argued for an intrinsic cutoff for protein similarity that varied with the number of residues in the polypeptide chains being compared. Here we introduce a new measure, ρ, of structural similarity based on RMSD that is independent of the sizes of the molecules involved, or of any other special properties of molecules. When ρ is less than 0.4–0.5, protein structures are visually recognized to be obviously similar, but the mathematically pleasing intrinsic cutoff of ρ>1.0 corresponds to overall similarity in folding motif at a level not usually recognized until smoothing of the polypeptide chain path makes it striking. When the structures are scaled to unit radius of gyration and equal principle moments of inertia, the comparisons are even more universal, since they are no longer obscured by differences in overall size and ellipticity. With increasing chain length, the distribution of ρ for pairs of random structures is skewed to higher values, but the value for the best 1% of the comparisons rises only slowly with the number of residues. This level is close to an intrinsic cutoff between similar and dissimilar comparisons, namely the maximal scaled ρ possible for the two structures to be more similar to each other than one is to the other's mirror image. The intrinsic cutoff is independent of the number of residues or points being compared. For proteins having fewer than 100 residues, the 1% ρ falls below the intrinsic cutoff, so that for very small proteins, geometrically significant similarity can often occur by chance. We believe these ideas will be helpful in judging success in NMR structure determination and protein folding modeling. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is a complex material in which the cellulose microfibrils are embedded within a mesh of other polysaccharides, some of which are loosely termed "hemicellulose." One such hemicellulose is xyloglucan, which displays a beta-1,4-linked d-glucose backbone substituted with xylose, galactose, and occasionally fucose moieties. Both xyloglucan and the enzymes responsible for its modification and degradation are finding increasing prominence, reflecting both the drive for enzymatic biomass conversion, their role in detergent applications, and the utility of modified xyloglucans for cellulose fiber modification. Here we present the enzymatic characterization and three-dimensional structures in ligand-free and xyloglucan-oligosaccharide complexed forms of two distinct xyloglucanases from glycoside hydrolase families GH5 and GH12. The enzymes, Paenibacillus pabuli XG5 and Bacillus licheniformis XG12, both display open active center grooves grafted upon their respective (beta/alpha)(8) and beta-jelly roll folds, in which the side chain decorations of xyloglucan may be accommodated. For the beta-jelly roll enzyme topology of GH12, binding of xylosyl and pendant galactosyl moieties is tolerated, but the enzyme is similarly competent in the degradation of unbranched glucans. In the case of the (beta/alpha)(8) GH5 enzyme, kinetically productive interactions are made with both xylose and galactose substituents, as reflected in both a high specific activity on xyloglucan and the kinetics of a series of aryl glycosides. The differential strategies for the accommodation of the side chains of xyloglucan presumably facilitate the action of these microbial hydrolases in milieus where diverse and differently substituted substrates may be encountered.  相似文献   

Chemical shifts and three-dimensional protein structures   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Summary During the past three years it has become possible to compute ab initio the 13C, 15N and 19F NMR chemical shifts of many sites in native proteins. Chemical shifts are beginning to become a useful supplement to more established methods of solution structure determination, and may find utility in solid-state analysis as well. From 13C NMR, information on , and torsions can be obtained, permitting both assignment verification, and structure refinement and prediction. For 15N, both torsional and hydrogen-bonding effects are important, while for 19F, chemical shifts are primarily indicators of the local charge field. Chemical shift calculations are still slow, but shielding hypersurfaces — the shift as a function of the dihedral angles that define the molecular conformation — are becoming accessible. Over the next few years, theoretical and computer hardware improvements will enable more routine use of chemical shifts in structural studies, including the study of metal-ligand interactions, the analysis of drug and substrate binding and catalysis, the study of folding/unfolding pathways, as well as the characterization of conformational substates. Rather than simply being a necessary prerequisite for multidimensional NMR, chemical shifts and chemical shift non-equivalence due to folding are now beginning to be useful for structural characterization.  相似文献   

The structures of two glucans from yeast-cell walls   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

A new computer program to annotate DNA and RNA three-dimensional structures, MC-Annotate, is introduced. The goals of annotation are to efficiently extract and manipulate structural information, to simplify further structural analyses and searches, and to objectively represent structural knowledge. The input of MC-Annotate is a PDB formatted DNA or RNA three-dimensional structure. The output of MC-Annotate is composed of a structural graph that contains the annotations, and a series of HTML documents, one for each nucleotide conformation and base-base interaction present in the input structure. The atomic coordinates of all nucleotides and the homogeneous transformation matrices of all base-base interactions are stored in the structural graph. Symbolic classifications of nucleotide conformations, using sugar puckering modes and nitrogen base orientations around the glycosyl bond, and base-base interactions, using stacking and hydrogen bonding information, are introduced. Peculiarity factors of nucleotide conformations and base-base interactions are defined to indicate their marginalities with all other examples. The peculiarity factors allow us to identify irregular regions and possible stereochemical errors in 3-D structures without interactive visualization. The annotations attached to each nucleotide conformation include its class, its torsion angles, a distribution of the root-mean-square deviations with examples of the same class, the list of examples of the same class, and its peculiarity value. The annotations attached to each base-base interaction include its class, a distribution of distances with examples of the same class, the list of examples of the same class, and its peculiarity value. The distance between two homogeneous transformation matrices is evaluated using a new metric that distinguishes between the rotation and the translation of a transformation matrix in the context of nitrogen bases. MC-Annotate was used to build databases of nucleotide conformations and base-base interactions. It was applied to the ribosomal RNA fragment that binds to protein L11, which annotations revealed peculiar nucleotide conformations and base-base interactions in the regions where the RNA contacts the protein. The question of whether the current database of RNA three-dimensional structures is complete is addressed.  相似文献   

End-stage renal disease is currently being treated effectively by transplantation. However, increasing demand and donor shortage make this treatment challenging. Recent advances in cell-based therapies have provided potential opportunities to alleviate the current challenges of donor shortage. In this study we developed a system to generate renal structures in vitro using primary kidney cells. This system involves the cultivation of expanded primary renal cells in a three-dimensional collagen-based culture system. After one week of growth, individual renal cells began to form renal structures resembling tubules and glomeruli. Histologically, these structures show phenotypic resemblance to native kidney structures. The reconstituted tubules stained positively for Tamm-Horsfall protein, which is expressed in the thick ascending limb of Henle's Loop and distal convoluted tubules. These results show that renal structures can be reconstituted in a three-dimensional culture system, which may eventually be used for renal cell therapy applications.  相似文献   

One-dimensional (1D) structures of proteins such as secondary structure and contact number provide intuitive pictures to understand how the native three-dimensional (3D) structure of a protein is encoded in the amino acid sequence. However, it is still not clear whether a given set of 1D structures contains sufficient information for recovering the underlying 3D structure. Here we show that the 3D structure of a protein can be recovered from a set of three types of 1D structures, namely, secondary structure, contact number and residue-wise contact order which is introduced here for the first time. Using simulated annealing molecular dynamics simulations, the structures satisfying the given native 1D structural restraints were sought for 16 proteins of various structural classes and of sizes ranging from 56 to 146 residues. By selecting the structures best satisfying the restraints, all the proteins showed a coordinate RMS deviation of <4 A from the native structure, and, for most of them, the deviation was even <2 A. The present result opens a new possibility to protein structure prediction and our understanding of the sequence-structure relationship.  相似文献   

Modeling the three-dimensional structures of bacterial aminotransferases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Seville  M G Vincent  K Hahn 《Biochemistry》1988,27(22):8344-8349
The refined crystallographic structure of the "closed" conformation of chicken mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase has been used as a template for the construction of models of the two Escherichia coli aminotransferases encoded by the tyrB and aspC genes. The main results are as follows: (1) Only minor changes are required in the coordinates of the backbone atoms to accommodate the large number of substituted side chains. (2) All deletions and insertions required to allow maximum primary sequence alignment are on the solvent-accessible surface. (3) Charged residues are all located on the surface, in contact with solvent, except for certain conserved active site residues. (4) The close packing within the hydrophobic core is maintained. (5) The interactions between the subunits are maintained. (6) Modeling of tyrosine as an external aldimine into the active sites points to several residues that could be involved in determining the substrate specificities of these aminotransferases.  相似文献   

Various evolutionary forces may shape the evolution of traits that influence the mating decisions of males and females. Phenotypic traits that males and females use to judge the species identify of potential mates should evolve in a punctuated fashion, changing significantly at the time of speciation but changing little between speciation events. In contrast, traits experiencing sexual selection or sexually antagonistic interactions are generally expected to change continuously over time because of the directional selection pressures imposed on one sex by the actions of the other. To test these hypotheses, we used spherical harmonic representations of the shapes of male mating structures in reconstructions of the evolutionary tempo of these structures across the history of the Enallagma damselfly clade. Our analyses show that the evolution of these structures is completely consistent with a punctuated model of evolutionary change and a constant evolutionary rate throughout the clade's history. In addition, no interpopulation variation in shape was detected across the range of one species. These results indicate that male mating structures in this genus are used primarily for identifying the species of potential mates and experience little or no selection from intraspecific sexual selection or sexual antagonism. The implications of these results for speciation are discussed.  相似文献   

For many taxa, species are defined by the morphologies of reproductive structures. In many odonates, these structures are the cerci of males (used to hold females during mating) and the thoracic plates of females where the male cerci contact the females' bodies. A previous study showed that the shapes of cerci of Enallagma males (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) are best explained by an evolutionary model of punctuated change at the time of speciation, with a homogeneous rate of change across the entire phylogeny of the genus. In the present study, we examine the evolution of shape change in the corresponding female plates. We found that, like male cerci, the shapes of Enallagma female thoracic plates could best be explained by an evolutionary model of punctuated change at the time of speciation, with a homogeneous rate of change across the clade. Moreover, the evolutionary contrasts quantifying the rates of change in male cerci and female thoracic plates were positively related across the history of the clade, demonstrating that these male and female structures evolve in a correlated fashion. This pattern of evolution suggests that these structures are primary signals of species identity during mating.  相似文献   

Manfred J. Sippl 《Proteins》1993,17(4):355-362
A major problem in the determination of the three-dimensional structure of proteins concerns the quality of the structural models obtained from the interpretation of experimental data. New developments in X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy have acceleratedd the process of structure determination and the biological community is confronted with a steadily increasing number of experimentally determined protein folds. However, in the recent past several experimentally determined protein structures have been proven to contain major errors, indicating that in some cases the interpretation of experimental data is difficult and may yield incorrect models. Such problems can be avoided when computational methods are employed which complement experimental structure determinations. A prerequisite of such computational tools is that they are independent of the parameters obtained from a particular experiment. In addition such techniques are able to support and accelerate experimental structure determinations. Here we present techniques based on knowledge based mean fields which can be used to judge the quality of protein folds. The methods can be used to identify misfolded structures as well as faulty parts of structural models. The techniques are even applicable in cases where only the Cα trace of a protein conformation is available. The capabilities of the technique are demonstrated using correct and incorrect protein folds. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The primary structures of two leghemoglobin genes from soybean   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
We present the complete nucleotide sequences of two leghemoglobin genes isolated from soybean DNA. Both genes contain three intervening sequences which interrupt the two coding sequences in identical positions. The 5' and 3' flanking sequences in both genes contain conserved sequences similar to those found in corresponding positions in other eukaryotic genes. Thus, the general DNA sequence organization of these plant genes is similar to that of other eukaryotic genes.  相似文献   

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