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Despite continued progress in the treatment of aortic valve (AV) disease, current treatments continue to be challenged to consistently restore AV function for extended durations. Improved approaches for AV repair and replacement rests upon our ability to more fully comprehend and simulate AV function. While the elastic behavior the AV leaflet (AVL) has been previously investigated, time-dependent behaviors under physiological biaxial loading states have yet to be quantified. In the current study, we performed strain rate, creep, and stress-relaxation experiments using porcine AVL under planar biaxial stretch and loaded to physiological levels (60 N/m equi-biaxial tension), with strain rates ranging from quasi-static to physiologic. The resulting stress-strain responses were found to be independent of strain rate, as was the observed low level of hysteresis ( approximately 17%). Stress relaxation and creep results indicated that while the AVL exhibited significant stress relaxation, it exhibited negligible creep over the 3h test duration. These results are all in accordance with our previous findings for the mitral valve anterior leaflet (MVAL) [Grashow, J.S., Sacks, M.S., Liao, J., Yoganathan, A.P., 2006a. Planar biaxial creep and stress relaxatin of the mitral valve anterior leaflet. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34 (10), 1509-1518; Grashow, J.S., Yoganathan, A.P., Sacks, M.S., 2006b. Biaxial stress-stretch behavior of the mitral valve anterior leaflet at physiologic strain rates. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34 (2), 315-325], and support our observations that valvular tissues are functionally anisotropic, quasi-elastic biological materials. These results appear to be unique to valvular tissues, and indicate an ability to withstand loading without time-dependent effects under physiologic loading conditions. Based on a recent study that suggested valvular collagen fibrils are not intrinsically viscoelastic [Liao, J., Yang, L., Grashow, J., Sacks, M.S., 2007. The relation between collagen fibril kinematics and mechanical properties in the mitral valve anterior leaflet. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 129 (1), 78-87], we speculate that the mechanisms underlying this quasi-elastic behavior may be attributed to inter-fibrillar structures unique to valvular tissues. These mechanisms are an important functional aspect of native valvular tissues, and are likely critical to improve our understanding of valvular disease and help guide the development of valvular tissue engineering and surgical repair.  相似文献   

Tendon tissue engineering approaches are challenged by a limited understanding of the role mechanical loading plays in normal tendon development. We propose that the increased loading that developing postnatal tendons experience with the onset of locomotor behavior impacts tendon formation. The objective of this study was to assess the onset of spontaneous weight-bearing locomotion in postnatal day (P) 1, 5, and 10 rats, and characterize the relationship between locomotion and the mechanical development of weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing tendons. Movement was video recorded and scored to determine non-weight-bearing, partial weight-bearing, and full weight-bearing locomotor behavior at P1, P5, and P10. Achilles tendons, as weight-bearing tendons, and tail tendons, as non-weight-bearing tendons, were mechanically evaluated. We observed a significant increase in locomotor behavior in P10 rats, compared to P1 and P5. We also found corresponding significant differences in the maximum force, stiffness, displacement at maximum force, and cross-sectional area in Achilles tendons, as a function of postnatal age. However, the maximum stress, strain at maximum stress, and elastic modulus remained constant. Tail tendons of P10 rats had significantly higher maximum force, maximum stress, elastic modulus, and stiffness compared to P5. Our results suggest that the onset of locomotor behavior may be providing the mechanical cues regulating postnatal tendon growth, and their mechanical development may proceed differently in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing tendons. Further analysis of how this loading affects developing tendons in vivo may inform future engineering approaches aiming to apply such mechanical cues to regulate engineered tendon formation in vitro.  相似文献   

State transitions in the chewing behaviour of six half-breed (?le de FrancexTexel) yearling female sheep (Ovis aries L.) were studied by using jaw movements recorded continuously over 5 days at the end of a number of experimental periods from 21 September 1992 to 4 April 1993. The sheep were housed in individual pens. Each of them received the same diet, that is, 250 g/day of concentrate mix (15.5% crude protein (CP), 36.5% neutral detergent fibre (NDF)) fed at 0900 h and natural grass hay (6.7% CP, 69.1% NDF) fed ad libitum at 0915 and 1600 h. Mineral salt blocks and water were continuously available. The main objective was to assess seasonal effects on within-day variations in the chewing behaviour of sheep, at small to large time scales within a day. We therefore focused on two experimental periods characterised by contrasting conditions of daylength and temperature (i.e., 'Period 1': 610 min daylight, mean temperature of 10.9 degrees C, and 'Period 4': 550 min daylight, mean temperature of 7.2 degrees C). In particular, differences between periods in the nycterohemeral pattern of chewing behaviour and the quality of forecasts of chewing states were tested. We submitted our data to a new method of analysis that we developed: the method of time-dependent transition probabilities, and compared the results to those obtained using other methods that were available in the literature.Overall, the sheep spent more time eating in Period 1 than in Period 4. Specifically, a secondary peak in eating activity, which was observed in the early afternoon in Period 1, was absent in Period 4. The nycterohemeral pattern of eating activity showed significant differences between periods, at the main rhythmic component of 24 h and at short components around 2 h. Such differences were not observed for ruminating and idling activities. The quality of forecasts of chewing states decreased from Periods 1 to 4, in terms of accuracy (based on R(2)) and lead of reliable forecasts (i.e., &z.sfnc;forecast-observation&z.sfnc;<0.1). The most (least) accurate forecasts were obtained for the ruminating (eating) state in both periods. We have attributed the differences that we found between periods to daylength instead of temperature because the sheep were mostly within the thermoneutral zone in our study. By comparison, using mean hourly times of eating activity, significant differences between periods were detected for the 24-h rhythmic component and the 4-h component, instead of the 2-h component, probably because of aliasing (i.e., when the sampling time interval used is longer than suited; the minute was found to be a suitable interval length in the calculation of time-dependent transition probabilities). Using the age-dependent model of Rook and Penning, minor differences between periods were detected. On that basis, the method of time-dependent transition probabilities may be brought forward as a complement of value to existing methods of behavioural data analysis.  相似文献   

In order to maintain their native properties, cryopreserved tendons are usually used in biomechanical research and in transplantation of allogenic tendon grafts. The use of different study protocols leads to controversy in literature and thus complicates the evaluation of the current literature. The aim of this study consisted in examining the influence of different freezing and thawing temperatures on the mechanical properties of tendons. 60 porcine tendons were frozen at either −80 °C or −20 °C for 7 days and thawed at room or body temperature for 240 or 30 min, respectively. A subgroup of ten tendons was quick-frozen with liquid nitrogen (−196 °C) for 2 s before cryopreservation. Biomechanical testing was performed with a material testing machine and included creep, cyclic and load-to-failure tests. The results showed that freezing leads to a reduced creep strain after constant loading and to an increased secant modulus. Freezing temperature of −80 °C increased the secant modulus and decreased the strain at maximum stress, whereas thawing at room temperature reduced the maximum stress, the strain at initial tendon failure and the Young’s Modulus. Quick-freezing led to increased creep strain after constant loading, increased strain at initial failure in the load-to-failure test, and decreased strain at maximum stress. When cryopreserving, tendons for scientific or medical reasons, freezing temperature of −20 °C and thawing temperature of 37.5 °C are recommended to maintain the native properties of tendons. A treatment with liquid nitrogen in the sterilization process of tendon allografts is inadvisable because it alters the tendon properties negatively.  相似文献   

Time-dependent measurements of differential digital plethysmogram during exercise were made on five male subjects. The results obtained were as follows; Differential digital plethysmogram (delta DPG) was obtained by using biophysical amplifier with the time constant of 0.03 seconds which minimized the fluctuation of the baseline in digital plethysmogram (DPG). A linear relationship was shown in P wave amplitude of both delta DPG and DPG. The decrease in delta DPG-P waves was observed in visual concentrations, mental learning and arithmetic, initial inspiratory phase with tachycardia, maximal inspiratory and/or expiratory breath holding, and head-up tilt at 60 degrees or over. The increase in delta DPG-P waves was obtained at the expiratory phase with bradycardia and in the effect of alcohol intake. During 15 minutes of bicycle ergometer exercise at 750 kpm/min, the P wave amplitude in delta DPG decreased to 77% of the control in the first one minute of exercise, and then gradually increased to 218% at the final stage of exercise (p less than 0.01). Heart rate measured simultaneously increased, as compared from the beginning of exercise. P wave amplitude and heart rate after exercise decreased progressively to the control level. It is suggested that the initial decrease in P wave amplitude of delta DPG couples with the dominant activity of the sympathetic vasoconstrictor, and the final increase in P waves is due to the compound factors of the increased cardiac output and arteriolar vasodilation.  相似文献   

The biomechanical response of normal and pathologic human abdominal aortic tissue to uniaxial loading conditions is insufficient for the characterization of its three-dimensional (3D) mechanical behavior. Planar biaxial mechanical evaluation allows for 3D constitutive modeling of nearly incompressible tissues, as well as the investigation of the nature of mechanical anisotropy. In the current study, 26 abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) tissue samples and 8 age-matched (> 60 years of age) nonaneurysmal abdominal aortic (AA) tissue samples were obtained and tested using a tension-controlled biaxial testing protocol. Graphical response functions (Sun et al., 2003. J. Biomech. Eng. 125, 372-380) were used as a guide to describe the pseudo-elastic response of AA and AAA. Based on the observed pseudo-elastic response, a four-parameter exponential strain energy function developed by Vito (1990. J. Biomech. Eng. 112, 153-159) was used from which both an individual specimen and group material parameter sets were determined for both AA and AAA. Peak Green strain values in the circumferential (Ethetatheta,max) and longitudinal (ELL,max) directions under an equibiaxial tension of 120 N/m were also compared. The strain energy function fit all of the individual specimens well with an average R2 of 0.95 +/- 0.02 and 0.90 +/- 0.02 (mean +/- SEM) for the AA and AAA groups, respectively. The average Ethetatheta,max at 200 N/m equibiaxial tension was found to be significantly smaller for AAAs as compared to AAs (0.07 +/- 0.01 versus 0.13 +/- 0.03, respectively; p < 0.01). There was also a pronounced increase in the circumferential stiffness for AAA tissue as compared to AA tissue, indicating a larger degree of anisotropy for this tissue as compared to age-matched AA tissue. We also observed that the four-parameter Fung-elastic model was not able to fit the AAA tissue mechanical response using physically realistic material parameter values. It was concluded that aneurysmal degeneration of the abdominal aorta is associated with an increase in mechanical anisotropy, with preferential stiffening in the circumferential direction.  相似文献   

Urinary oligosaccharides isolated from locoweed-intoxicated sheep were separated and quantified by reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography of the perbenzoylated alditols. Mannose-containing oligosaccharides were elevated as early as day 3 of feeding, but maximum levels (approx. 1 mumol/ml) were not attained until after 6 weeks of feeding. The relative abundance of individual oligosaccharides changed over the course of the feeding period. Man3GlcNAc2 reached a peak on day 3 and then rapidly declined. Two isomers were shown to be present in this fraction and the relative proportions altered with the duration of locoweed treatment. The major isomer present at early time points (less than 8 days) co-eluted with synthetic Man(alpha 1-3)[Man(alpha 1-6)]Man(beta 1-4)GlcNAc(beta 1-4)GlcNAc, was digested by endo-beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase D, and is probably derived from the trimannosyl core of complex glycoproteins synthesized prior to locoweed treatment. Man3GlcNAc2 isolated from day 53 urine was resistant to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase D digestion but was cleaved by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. This isomer has the probable structure Man(alpha 1-3)Man(alpha 1-6)Man(beta 1-4)GlcNAc(beta 1-4)GlcNAc, indicative of its origin from hybrid or high-mannose glycoproteins. Man5GlcNAc2 reached a peak on day 13 and then slowly declined, whereas Man4GlcNAc2 increased concomitantly. The rapid increase in Man5GlcNAc2 can probably be attributed to the breakdown of hybrid glycans produced as a result of swainsonine inhibition of Golgi alpha-D-mannosidase II. The onset of observable clinical signs on day 38 closely correlated with the time point at which the level of Man4GlcNAc2 exceeded Man5GlcNAc2. After locoweed feeding was discontinued, the amount of urinary oligosaccharides declined rapidly and reached baseline levels within 12 days.  相似文献   

Use of lentiviral vectors (LVs) in clinical Cell and Gene Therapy applications is growing. However, functional product loss during capture chromatography, typically anion-exchange (AIEX), remains a significant unresolved challenge for the design of economic processes. Despite AIEX's extensive use, variable performance and generally low recovery is reported. This poor understanding of product loss mechanisms highlights a significant gap in our knowledge of LV adsorption and other types of vector delivery systems. This work demonstrates HIV-1-LV recovery over quaternary-amine membrane adsorbents is a function of time in the adsorbed state. Kinetic data for product loss in the column bound state was generated. Fitting a second order-like rate model, we observed a rapid drop in functional recovery due to increased irreversible binding for vectors encoding two separate transgenes ( t Y 1 / 2 ${t}_{{Y}_{1/2}}$ = 12.7 and 18.7 min). Upon gradient elution, a two-peak elution profile implicating the presence of two distinct binding subpopulations is observed. Characterizing the loss kinetics of these two subpopulations showed a higher rate of vector loss in the weaker binding peak. This work highlights time spent in the adsorbed state as a critical factor impacting LV product loss and the need for consideration in LV AIEX process development workflows.  相似文献   

Mutations in genes encoding desmosomal proteins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of heart and skin diseases. This has led to the hypothesis that defective cell-cell adhesion is the underlying cause of injury in tissues that repeatedly bear high mechanical loads. In this study, we examined the effects of two different mutations in plakoglobin on cell migration, stiffness, and adhesion. One is a C-terminal mutation causing Naxos disease, a recessive syndrome of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and abnormal skin and hair. The other is an N-terminal mutation causing dominant inheritance of ARVC without cutaneous abnormalities. To assess the effects of plakoglobin mutations on a broad range of cell mechanical behavior, we characterized a model system consisting of stably transfected HEK cells which are particularly well suited for analyses of cell migration and adhesion. Both mutations increased the speed of wound healing which appeared to be related to increased cell motility rather than increased cell proliferation. However, the C-terminal mutation led to dramatically decreased cell-cell adhesion, whereas the N-terminal mutation caused a decrease in cell stiffness. These results indicate that different mutations in plakoglobin have markedly disparate effects on cell mechanical behavior, suggesting complex biomechanical roles for this protein.  相似文献   

With the aim of studying mechanisms of the remodeling of tendons and ligaments, the effects of stress shielding on the rabbit patellar tendon were studied by performing tensile and stress relaxation tests in the transverse direction. The tangent modulus, tensile strength, and strain at failure of non-treated, control patellar tendons in the transverse direction were 1272 kPa, 370 kPa, and 40.5 percent, respectively, whereas those of the tendons stress-shielded for 1 week were 299 kPa, 108 kPa, and 40.4 percent, respectively. Stress shielding markedly decreased tangent modulus and tensile strength in the transverse direction, and the decreases were larger than those in the longitudinal direction, which were determined in our previous study. For example, tensile strength in the transverse and longitudinal direction decreased to 29 and 50 percent of each control value, respectively, after 1 week stress shielding. In addition, the stress relaxation in the transverse direction of stress-shielded patellar tendons was much larger than that of nontreated, control ones. In contrast to longitudinal tensile tests for the behavior of collagen, transverse tests reflect the contributions of ground substances such as proteoglycans and mechanical interactions between collagen fibers. Ground substances provide lubrication and spacing between fibers, and also confer viscoelastic properties. Therefore, the results obtained from the present study suggest that ground substance matrix, and interfiber and fiber-matrix interactions have important roles in the remodeling response of tendons to stress.  相似文献   

Growth-related changes in the mechanical properties of collagen fascicles (approximately 300 microm in diameter) were studied using patellar tendons obtained from skeletally immature 1 and 2 months old and matured 6 months old rabbits. Tensile properties were determined using a specially designed micro-tensile tester. In each age group, there were no significant differences in the properties among cross-sectional locations in the tendon. Tangent modulus and tensile strength significantly increased with age; the rates of their increases between 1 and 2 months were higher than those between 2 and 6 months. The tangent modulus and tensile strength were positively correlated with the body weight of animals. However, growth-related changes in the mechanical properties were different between collagen fascicles and bulk patellar tendons, which may be attributable to such non-collagenous components as ground substances and also to mechanical interactions between collagen fascicles.  相似文献   

Summary An observation of intimate nerve-Purkinje fibre associations in false tendons of sheep heart is reported. Nerve bundles were observed in deep clefts of Purkinje fibres, in channels running between coupled Purkinje cells and embedded within Purkinje cells, as well as in the outer connective tissue sheath. Most nerve terminals in these areas were filled with small clear vesicles and a few large dense-cored vesicles. Only a few axons with many small dense-cored vesicles were observed.Intimate associations (separation, 60 to 90 nm) between the Purkinje cell and nerve varicosity were observed in the deep clefts. Similar close appositions were also present where nerves were embedded in Purkinje cells. In these cases the Purkinje cell enclosing the nerve bundle formed intercellular junctions with its own sarcolemma.Elaborate sarcolemmal folds with multi-vesicular bodies were also frequently observed near nerve bundles and varicosities. The identity of the transmitter is unknown although the nerves forming intimate associations with Purkinje cells have a morphology typical of cholinergic nerves.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the mechanisms whereby brief administration of bradykinin (bradykinin preconditioning, BK-PC) before prolonged ischemia followed by reperfusion (I/R) prevents postischemic microvascular dysfunction. Intravital videomicroscopic approaches were used to quantify I/R-induced leukocyte/endothelial cell adhesive interactions and microvascular barrier disruption in single postcapillary venules of the rat mesentery. I/R increased the number of rolling, adherent, and emigrated leukocytes and enhanced venular albumin leakage, effects that were prevented by BK-PC. The anti-inflammatory effects of BK-PC were largely prevented by concomitant administration of a B(2)-receptor antagonist but not by coincident B(1) receptor blockade, nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibition, or cyclooxygenase blockade. However, NO synthase blockade during reperfusion after prolonged ischemia was effective in attenuating the anti-inflammatory effects of BK-PC. Pan protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition antagonized the beneficial effects of BK-PC but only when administered during prolonged ischemia. In contrast, specific inhibition of the conventional PKC isotypes failed to alter the effectiveness of BK-PC. These results indicate that bradykinin can be used to pharmacologically precondition single mesenteric postcapillary venules to resist I/R-induced leukocyte recruitment and microvascular barrier dysfunction by a mechanism that involves B(2) receptor-dependent activation of nonconventional PKC isotypes and subsequent formation of NO.  相似文献   

Irregular interdigitated morphology is prevalent in biological sutures in nature. Suture complexity index has long been recognized as the most important morphological parameter to govern the mechanical properties of biological sutures. However, the suture complexity index alone does not reflect all aspects of suture morphology. The goal of this investigation was to determine that besides suture complexity index, whether the degree of morphological irregularity of biological sutures has influences on the mechanical properties, and if there is any, how to quantify these influences. To explore these issues, theoretical and finite element (FE) suture models with the same suture complexity index but different levels of morphological irregularity were developed. The quasi-static stiffness, strength for damage initiation and post-failure process of irregular sutures were studied. It was shown that for the same suture complexity index, when the level of morphological irregularity increases, the overall strain to failure will increase while tensile stiffness is retained; also, the total energy to fracture increases with a sacrifice in strength to damage initiation. These results reveal that morphological irregularity is another important independent parameter to govern and balance the mechanical properties of biological sutures. Therefore, from the mechanics point of view, the prevalence of irregular suture morphology in nature is a merit, not a defect.  相似文献   

It is known that initial loading curves of soft biological tissues are substantially different from subsequent loadings. The later loading curves are generally used for assessing the mechanical properties of a tissue, and the first loading cycles, referred to as preconditioning, are omitted. However, slow viscoelastic phenomena related to fluid flow or collagen viscoelasticity are initiated during these first preconditioning loading cycles and may persist during the actual data collection. When these data are subsequently used for fitting of material properties, the viscoelastic phenomena that occurred during the initial cycles are not accounted for. The aim of the present study is to explore whether the above phenomena are significant for articular cartilage, by evaluating the effect of such time-dependent phenomena by means of computational modeling. Results show that under indentation, collagen viscoelasticity dominates the time-dependent behavior. Under UC, fluid-dependent effects are more important. Interestingly, viscoelastic and poroelastic effects may act in opposite directions and may cancel each other out in a stress–strain curve. Therefore, equilibrium may be apparent in a stress–strain relationship, even though internally the tissue is not in equilibrium. Also, the time-dependent effects of viscoelasticity and poroelasticity may reinforce each other, resulting in a sustained effect that lasts longer than suggested by their individual effects. Finally, the results illustrate that data collected from a mechanical test may depend on the preconditioning protocol. In conclusion, preconditioning influences the mechanical response of articular cartilage significantly and therefore cannot be neglected when determining the mechanical properties. To determine the full viscoelastic and poroelastic properties of articular cartilage requires fitting to both preconditioning and post-preconditioned loading cycles.  相似文献   

N and P have different eutrophication effects on grassland communities, yet the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. To examine plant growth in response to the varying (relative) supply of N and P, we conducted a two-year greenhouse experiment. Five grasses and three herbs were grown with three N:P supply ratios at two overall nutrient supply levels. During the first year the plant growth was relatively low at both high and low N:P supply ratios, whereas during the second year the growth was especially low at a high N:P supply ratio. This second-year low growth was attributed to the high root death rate, which was influenced by a high N:P supply ratio rather than by the nutrient supply level. Species responded differently, especially in P uptake and loss at a high N:P supply ratio. Each species seemed to have a different strategy for P limitation, e.g. an efficient P uptake or a high P resorption rate. Species typical of P-limited grasslands had neither better P uptake nor better P retention at a high N:P supply ratio. This study quantitatively demonstrates an increased plant root death triggered by strong P limitation. This finding indicates a possible extra effect of N eutrophication on ecosystem functioning via changed N:P stoichiometry.  相似文献   

M A Tsai  R E Waugh    P C Keng 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(6):3282-3291
The role of microtubules in determining the mechanical rigidity of neutrophils was assessed. Neutrophils were treated with colchicine to disrupt microtubules, or with paclitaxel to promote formation of microtubules. Paclitaxel caused an increase in the number of microtubules in the cells as assessed by immunofluorescence, but it had no effect on the presence or organization of actin filaments or on cellular mechanical properties. Colchicine at concentrations <1.0 microM caused disruption of microtubular structures, but had little effect on either F-actin or on cellular mechanical properties. Higher concentrations of colchicine disrupted microtubular structure, but also caused increased actin polymerization and increases in cell rigidity. Treatment with 10 microM colchicine increased F-actin content by 17%, the characteristic cellular viscosity by 30%, the dependence of viscosity on shear rate by 10%, and the cortical tension by 18%. At 100 microM colchicine the corresponding increases were F-actin, 25%; characteristic viscosity, 50%; dependence of viscosity on shear rate, 20%; and cortical tension, 21%. These results indicate that microtubules have little influence on the mechanical properties of neutrophils, and that increases in cellular rigidity caused by high concentrations of colchicine are due to a secondary effect that triggers actin polymerization. This study supports the conclusion that actin filaments are the primary structural determinants of neutrophil mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to see whether the tendon would show creep during long-term dynamic loading (here referred to as dynamic creep). Pig tendons were loaded by a material-testing machine with a human Achilles tendon force profile (1.37 Hz, 3% strain, 1,600 cycles), which was obtained in an earlier in vivo experiment during running. All the pig tendons showed some dynamic creep during cyclic loading (between 0.23 +/- 0.15 and 0.42 +/- 0.21%, means +/- SD). The pig tendon data were used as an input of a model to predict dynamic creep in the human Achilles tendon during running of a marathon and to evaluate whether there might consequently be an influence on group Ia afferent-mediated length and velocity feedback from muscle spindles. The predicted dynamic creep in the Achilles tendon was considered to be too small to have a significant influence on the length and velocity feedback from soleus during running. In spite of the characteristic nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of tendons, our results demonstrate that these properties have a minor effect on the ability of tendons to act as predictable, stable, and elastic force transmitters during long-term cyclic loading.  相似文献   

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