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Mimicking nature's approach in creating devices with similar functional complexity is one of the ultimate goals of scientists and engineers. The remarkable elegance of these naturally evolved structures originates from bottom-up self-assembly processes. The seamless integration of top-down fabrication and bottom-up synthesis is the challenge for achieving intricate artificial systems. In this paper, technologies necessary for guided bottom-up assembly such as molecular manipulation, molecular binding, and the self assembling of molecules will be reviewed. In addition, the current progress of synthesizing mechanical devices through top-down and bottom-up approaches will be discussed.  相似文献   

The important role of non coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in the cell has made their identification a critical issue in the biological research. However, traditional approaches such as PT-PCR and Northern Blot are costly. With recent progress in bioinformatics and computational prediction technology, the discovery of ncRNAs has become realistically possible. This paper aims to introduce major computational approaches in the identification of ncRNAs, including homologous search, de novo prediction and mining in deep sequencing data. Furthermore, related software tools have been compared and reviewed along with a discussion on future improvements.  相似文献   

目的:建立科学有效的现代中药研究体系,是中医药现代化进程中亟待解决的关键问题之一,然而目前从系统和整体水平研究中药的理论和方法均不成熟。方法:本文将综述当前系统药理学的最新进展,阐明如何整合药效学、药动学以及基因、蛋白、药物网络分析等技术,形成一个完整的可供中药药理学、药效学预测和验证的技术体系。结果:重点从中药基础理论、复方解析、注射液的研究、老方优化和新药开发方面介绍系统药理学在中医药中的应用。结论:本文提出的系统药理学研究体系为中药的现代研究提供了新方法学,将有助于系统、深刻地从系统水平和分子水平揭示中药和机体的相互作用机制,从而指导中药新药研发。  相似文献   

Motivation and Benefits of Complex Systems Approaches in Ecology   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Bruce T. Milne 《Ecosystems》1998,1(5):449-456
Studies of complex systems in other disciplines provide models and analytical strategies for understanding ecosystems and landscapes. The emphasis is on invariant properties, particularly processes that create scaling relations over wide ranges of scale, both in time and space. Translations between levels of ecological organization may be accomplished by succinct characterizations of processes that operate at fine scales, followed by renormalization group analysis to reveal patterns at broad scales. The self-organized patterns found in simple ecosystem, landscape, and forest-fire models may be explained as feedback between the system state and control parameters. Critical phenomena and phase transitions are expected in open, dissipative systems where long-range correlations defy predictions based on average population densities, a concept that becomes irrelevant as nonstationary conditions prevail. Thus, complexity theory for open systems relates to the ecology of self-entailing ecosystems that function as their own environments and thereby create constraints through emergence. Received: 14 April 1998; accepted 26 May 1998  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the intestinal microbiota of growing kittens fed moderate- or high-protein diets using DNA-based qualitative and quantitative techniques. Kittens were weaned to a high-protein (HP; n = 7) or moderate-protein (MP; n = 10) diet at 8 weeks of age. Fresh faecal samples were collected at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. DNA was extracted and quantitative PCR used to quantify Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Clostridium perfringens, and Escherichia coli concentrations. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was performed to create a dendrogram and unrooted trees using Bionumerics 5.0 to identify similarity due to litter, age, or diet. Kittens fed HP had lower (p = 0.02) Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus counts than MP-fed kittens. E. coli was lower (p = 0.02) in HP-fed kittens and tended to be affected by age (p = 0.09). Kittens were clustered by litter at 8 weeks of age, and then clustered by diet at 12 and 16 weeks of age. Our data suggest that faecal microbiota of growing kittens change after weaning and that dietary protein concentration affects E. coli, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus populations. The relevance of these data in terms of intestinal health and disease remain to be determined and justifies further study.  相似文献   

The metabolic rate of the alligator is a direct function ofthe volume of blood flowing through the capillaries/unit time/unitweight, which in turn, is determined by the heart rate and thestroke volume. For an animal with such a low metabolic rate,the heart rate is relatively rapid, in part because the heartis relatively small. Metabolic rate of the smallest alligatorexceeds that of the largest by about 25 to 1. Lowering the temperaturedecreases blood flow without decreasing the oxygen and substrateextracted from each liter. Metabolic rate (oxygen consumption)is expressed by the equation M.R. = F(A – V), where Fis the blood flow and A – V is the oxygen A – Vdifference. For the catabolism of compounds in which oxygenis not directly involved, the expression is V = KF[S], whereV is the velocity of the reaction, F is the blood flow, and[S] is the concentration of the substrate. K is a constant,differing for each catabolite, but having about the same valuefor any one catabolite in vertebrates, cold- or warm-blooded.Enzyme kinetics in a live vertebrate has little in common withthat determined in the usual experiments in vitro. A 70 kg alligatorat 28°C has a blood flow of 0.2 liters/min, a stroke volumeof 6.3 ml, a circulation time of 27 min, and it produces about72 kcal/day, or about 4% of that of a man of equal size.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to explore the use of the tracer 13C as an internal marker to assess feed fraction-specific digesta passage kinetics through the digestive tract of dairy cows. Knowledge on feed-specific fractional passage rates is essential to improve estimations on the extent of rumen degradation and microbial protein efficiency; however, this information is largely lacking. An in vivo and in vitro experiment was conducted with grass silages (Lolium perenne L.) that were enriched with 13C by growing the grass under elevated 13CO2 conditions. In a crossover design, two dairy cows received pulse doses of two 13C-enriched grass silages and chromium-mordanted neutral detergent fibre (Cr-NDF) into the rumen. The two 13C-enriched grass silages used differed in digestibility and were grown under identical field conditions as the bulk silages fed to the animals. Faecal excretion patterns of 13C-enriched dry matter (13C-DM), neutral detergent fibre (13C-NDF) and Cr-NDF were established, and a nonlinear multicompartmental model was used to determine their rumen passage kinetics. In addition, the 13C-enriched silages were incubated in rumen liquid in an in vitro batch culture system at different time intervals to determine the effect of fermentation on 13C-enrichment in the residue. The in vitro study showed that the 13C : 12C ratios in DM and NDF residues remained stable from 24 h of incubation onwards. In addition, in vitro fractional degradation rates for 12C in the DM and NDF did not differ from those of 13C, indicating that fermentative degradation does not affect the 13C : 12C ratio in the DM nor in the NDF fraction of the residue. Model fits to the faecal excretion curves showed a significant difference in fractional rumen passage rates between Cr-NDF, 13C-DM and 13C-NDF (P ⩽ 0.025). Silage type had no clear effect on rumen passage kinetics (P ⩾ 0.081). Moreover, it showed that peak enrichments for 13C-DM and 13C-NDF in faeces were reached at 30.7 and 41.7 h post dosing, respectively. This is well after the time (24 h) when the 13C : 12C ratios of the in vitro unfermented residues have reached stable enrichment level. Fractional rate constants for particle passage from the rumen are estimated from the descending slope of faecal excretion curves. The present study shows that the decline in 13C : 12C ratio after peak enrichment is not affected by fermentative degradation and therefore can be used to assess feed component-specific fractional passage rates.  相似文献   

Selection in dairy cattle for a higher milk yield has coincided with declined fertility. One of the factors is reduced expression of estrous behavior. Changes in systems that regulate the estrous behavior could be manifested by altered gene expression. This literature review describes the current knowledge on mechanisms and genes involved in the regulation of estrous behavior. The endocrinological regulation of the estrous cycle in dairy cows is well described. Estradiol (E2) is assumed to be the key regulator that synchronizes endocrine and behavioral events. Other pivotal hormones are, for example, progesterone, gonadotropin releasing hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1. Interactions between the latter and E2 may play a role in the unfavorable effects of milk yield-related metabolic stress on fertility in high milk-producing dairy cows. However, a clear understanding of how endocrine mechanisms are tied to estrous behavior in cows is only starting to emerge. Recent studies on gene expression and signaling pathways in rodents and other animals contribute to our understanding of genes and mechanisms involved in estrous behavior. Studies in rodents, for example, show that estrogen-induced gene expression in specific brain areas such as the hypothalamus play an important role. Through these estrogen-induced gene expressions, E2 alters the functioning of neuronal networks that underlie estrous behavior, by affecting dendritic connections between cells, receptor populations and neurotransmitter releases. To improve the understanding of complex biological networks, like estrus regulation, and to deal with the increasing amount of genomic information that becomes available, mathematical models can be helpful. Systems biology combines physiological and genomic data with mathematical modeling. Possible applications of systems biology approaches in the field of female fertility and estrous behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Dietary changes alter dairy cow milk fat concentration (MFC) and yield (MFY) through modifications in the supply of nutrients, which act as precursors or inhibitors of mammary fat synthesis. The current models used to formulate dairy cow diets cannot predict changes in milk fat. The knowledge of the effects of the nutrients on milk fat would help to progress toward this prediction. To this end, we quantified and compared the milk fat responses to variations in the supply of seven nutrients derived from digestion: volatile fatty acids, glucose, proteins, long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and t10,c12-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A database was compiled from studies involving digestive infusions of these nutrients in dairy cows. It included 147 comparisons between a nutrient infusion and a control treatment. The nutrient infusions were limited to the range of physiological variations to mimic nutrient changes after dietary modifications. We established models for the response of MFC, MFY and milk fatty acid (FA) composition to the supply of each nutrient. MFC and MFY responses to the nutrients were significant and linear, except for the MFC response to glucose that was curvilinear. The nutrients differed in their effects on MFC and MFY: acetate, butyrate and LCFA increased MFC and MFY, whereas propionate, glucose and t10,c12-CLA decreased them. Protein infusions increased MFY and decreased MFC because of an increase in milk yield. The effects of numerous interfering factors related to animals, diets or experimental conditions were tested on the residuals of the response models. The responses of milk FA percentages are also provided. When adjusted to the in vivo variations in the nutrients observed after dietary changes, the effects of the different nutrients were moderate. Finally, this study showed that several of these nutrients could contribute to the changes in milk fat production and composition observed after dietary changes. This is a first step toward predicting milk fat response to changes in nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Lysine is usually taken up in excess by the mammary gland (MG) relative to milk protein output, allowing for mammary synthesis of non-essential (NE) amino acids (AA) from Lys-N. It is unclear whether this NEAA synthesis from Lys is obligate or whether more efficient use of Lys can be made under limiting conditions. Six multi-catheterized dairy cows received a basal diet low in protein plus an abomasal infusion of AA (560 g/day) with or without Lys (50.3 g/day), in a crossover design with 7-day periods. On day 7, all cows received a 7.5-h jugular infusion of [2-15N]lysine. Six blood samples were collected from arterial, portal, hepatic and mammary vessels at 45 min intervals. In addition, cows were milked at 6 and 7 h with the milk casein plus arterial and mammary plasma collected at 7 h analyzed for AA enrichment. Milk protein concentration and casein yield tended (P < 0.10) to decrease with Lys deletion, while Lys secretion in milk protein was lowered (P < 0.05). The addition of Lys in the AA mixture increased the net portal absorption of Lys by the amount infused, suggesting limited oxidation of this extra supply by the gut. Net liver flux of Lys was unaltered by treatment and, therefore, net splanchnic release of Lys reflected closely the amounts absorbed. For both treatments, however, post-liver supply was greater than mammary uptake, which exceeded milk output. Nonetheless, while Lys deletion decreased mammary uptake by 10.1 mmol/h, Lys in milk protein secretion was reduced by only 3.9 mmol/h. On a net basis, there was no evidence of the additional uptake of any other measured AA during the Lys deletion. The mammary uptake to output ratio of Lys decreased from 1.37 to 1.12, but still showed an excess with Lys deletion. The total amount of 15N in milk protein did not change with treatment but the distribution into AA was altered. In conditions that simulated normal feeding (Lys infused), 83% of the 15N was present as Lys, with Glx, Asx, Ser and Ala harvesting, respectively, 6.8%, 2.4%, 2.1% and 1.0%. With Lys depletion, N-transfers from Lys to other AA within the MG were still present, but rates were considerably lower. This would suggest that part, at least, of Lys catabolism in the MG is either needed or cannot be prevented completely, even at low supply of Lys. Such catabolism will provide N to support the synthesis of NEAA.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), an essential micronutrient, is believed to enhance neutrophil functions. This study aimed to compare the effects of supplemented organic (Sel-Plex®) and inorganic (sodium selenite) Se on neutrophil functions in high-producing dairy cows, during the periparturient period. Twenty-five Holstein cows were randomly allocated to five dietary treatments as follows: control diet (basal diet without Se supplementation), IN 0.3 (basal diet supplemented with inorganic Se at 0.3 mg/kg dry matter (DM)), IN 0.5 (inorganic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM), OR 0.3 (organic Se at 0.3 mg/kg DM) and OR 0.5 (organic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM). Some evaluated parameters included neutrophil functions and plasma Se concentrations in cows and plasma Se concentrations in calves. Neutrophil phagocytosis did not significantly differ among the five groups. However, organic Se supplementation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the respiratory burst of neutrophils when compared to cows fed IN 0.3 and the control diet. In comparison to inorganic Se, neutrophil apoptosis was decreased (P < 0.01) when cows were fed organic Se or the control diets. These effects of organic Se on respiratory burst activities and apoptosis of neutrophils were in a dose-dependent manner. Calf plasma Se concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) when cows were fed OR 0.5 and IN 0.5.  相似文献   

In dairy cows, the intensity of metabolic activity, associated with the negative energy balance (NEBAL), is responsible for an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, subsequently, for the development of the condition of oxidative stress, which may overwhelm the antioxidant potential of the bovine maternal organism, making it prone to the development of many puerperal dysfunctions, as well as to an alteration of colostrum and milk quality. Given these premises, the aims of this study are to evaluate serum and milk concentrations of ROS and lipoperoxides, vitamins A and E, on the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day postpartum of dairy cows, a particularly critical period during which the NEBAL reaches its nadir, and to compare the trends of these parameters in two different bovine breeds. The study was performed in pluriparous Italian Friesian and Brown dairy cows. On the 10th day postpartum, all cows underwent a clinical examination to exclude the presence of alterations; furthermore, on the same day, a milk sample was collected from each cow, in order to perform the somatic cell count (SCC; (CE) N. 853/2004) and to establish which of them had an SCC ⩽400 000/ml or >400 000/ml. In this study, among the 110 cows that were initially selected, the evaluation of these parameters allowed the inclusion of 80 animals, which were divided into four groups of 20 subjects each: Group F and F1: Italian Friesian healthy cows, with SCC ⩽400 000/ml and >400 000/ml, respectively; Group B and B1: Italian Brown healthy cows, with SCC ⩽400 000/ml and >400 000/ml, respectively. On the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day postpartum, peripheral blood and milk samples were collected. The results obtained show that in group B1 there were higher concentrations of ROS and milk antioxidants compared with Friesian group cows. This datum let us suppose that even in the presence of higher ROS concentrations the antioxidant status found in group B1 seems to be able to counteract the oxidative damage, which is more likely to develop in these cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the n-alkanes and the ytterbium (Yb)/faecal index techniques as two methods for estimating the herbage intake of dairy cows fed indoors on different herbage : supplement ratios and feeding levels. The supplement was a mixture of maize silage and soyabean meal (ratio of 87 : 13 on a dry matter (DM) basis). In all, four treatments were studied. The herbage : supplement ratio in the diet was 25 : 75, 50 : 50, 75 : 25 and 50 : 50 for treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Animals were offered for treatments 1, 2 and 3, 100% of ad libitum intake measured before the experiment and 70% of ad libitum intake for treatment 4. Cows were fed herbage in the morning and supplement in the evening. A total of six lactating Holstein dairy cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square with four 14-day periods. Herbage and supplement intakes, faecal output (FO), in vivo organic matter (OM) digestibility and faecal recovery of markers were measured on the last 5 days of each period. Intake was estimated with the two methods and from two faecal sampling techniques, that is, total faecal collection v. grab sampling during milking. Mean herbage intake as fed, or estimated from n-alkanes or from the Yb/faecal index was 7.7, 8.1 and 10.2 kg DM, respectively. The mean prediction error, expressed as a fraction of actual herbage intake, was 0.10 and 0.50 for the n-alkanes and Yb/faecal index methods, respectively. The n-alkanes method clearly showed much better accuracy than the Yb/faecal index method for estimating intake, irrespective of the faecal sampling method, herbage : silage proportion or feeding level. For the n-alkanes method, herbage intake was slightly overestimated (7%) when herbage proportion in the diet was high, due to a ratio of faecal C33 : C32 recovery >1. The high bias for the Yb/faecal index was due to the cumulative effect of overestimation of FO (mean recovery of Yb = 0.92) and underestimation of the diet indigestible fraction (-8%). Between-treatment variations of FO were on average well estimated by Yb. Between-treatment variations of OM digestibility estimated using the faecal index technique were lower than those observed in vivo. It is concluded that intake of grazing dairy cows receiving high levels of maize silage supplement should be estimated using the n-alkanes method.  相似文献   


The quality of stockmanship contributes to the human–animal relationship, animal welfare and productivity. Attitudes can affect the way farmers treat their animals, the environment they provide the animals with, and even their own job satisfaction through the feedback received from the animals. Farmers' perceptions of animals have also been shown to have an impact on productivity. We investigated 161 Finnish dairy farmers' attitudes toward improving animal welfare through an attitude questionnaire that used the Theory of Planned Behavior as a theoretical framework. The theory states that personal attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, together shape an individual's behavioral intentions and behaviors. To study the relationship between attitudes, animal welfare, and milk production, we used environment-based animal welfare indicator data consisting of categorized housing and management parameters, and mean milk production data. Non-parametric partial correlation analyses and regression analyses revealed that perceiving the measures to improve animal welfare to be important and easy were positively, although weakly, related to higher animal welfare standards/indicators, while no connection with production was established. Contrary to our expectations, sources of subjective norms, such as an agricultural adviser, were mostly negatively linked with animal welfare indicators and even with production. The farmers considered taking care of their own well-being as the most important way of improving animal welfare, and intending to do so was weakly but positively linked with animal welfare indicators. Any causal relationships, however, cannot be derived from the data.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of two feeding systems and two dairy cow breeds on milk yield and composition, physical and sensorial properties of Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses. The experiment consisted of a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. A low energy grass diet with only 15% of concentrate (LowGS) was compared with a high-energy maize silage diet with 30% concentrate (HighMS). Thirty-four Holstein (Ho) and 34 Normande (No) cows in early lactation were assigned to one of two feeding systems for a 6-week period. Cows on the LowGS feeding system had lower milk yield, fat and protein content. In both feeding systems, No cows had lower milk yields but higher milk protein contents than Ho cows. The LowGS feeding system altered milk fatty acid (FA) composition by reducing saturated FA. Breed had only a small impact on milk FA. Concerning milk coagulating properties, only the firmness was reduced by the LowGS feeding and the Ho breed. The effects of breed and feeding system on the protein content of cheeses were more marked in Camembert cheese than in Pont-l’Evêque cheese. However, the Camembert cheese from Ho-LowGS was, in fact, characterized especially by lower protein content. LowGS feeding system and No breed produced more yellow cheeses. Feeding systems had limited effects on the firmness of Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses measured by penetrometry. In sensory analysis, Ho breed and LowGS feeding produced a Camembert cheese with a more melting texture in the mouth due to the increase of spreadability index and of proteolysis. The type of cheese also had an influence: the effects were more important on Camembert cheese than on Pont-l’Evêque cheese. Only the Ho-LowGS treatment produced a very specific Camembert cheese different from the others. The feeding systems and breed of dairy cow have no determinant effect on PDO (protected designation of origin) Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses, especially regarding taste. In this kind of trial, despite the effects of feeding systems and breed on milk composition, the role of cheese ripening and microbiology appears to be of considerable importance.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the pattern of re-insemination, pregnancy outcomes to re-insemination in estrus and at fixed time, and economic outcomes of lactating Holstein cows submitted to three resynchronization protocols. Cows were enrolled in the Experiment at 32 ± 3 d after pre-enrollment Artificial Insemination (AI), 7 d before pregnancy diagnosis, and randomly assigned to three resynchronization protocols. All cows diagnosed not pregnant at 39 ± 3 d after pre-enrollment AI were submitted to the Cosynch72 (Day 0 GnRH, Day 7 prostaglandin F, and Day 10 GnRH and fixed time AI). Cows assigned to the control treatment received no further treatment, cows assigned to the GGPG treatment received a GnRH injection on Day −7, and cows assigned to the CIDR treatment received a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert containing 1.38 g of progesterone from Days 0-7. Cows observed in estrus were re-inseminated on the same day. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 39 ± 3 and 67 ± 3 d after re-insemination. Costs of the resynchronization protocols were calculated for individual cows enrolled in the study and pregnancies generated were given a value of $275. The GGPG treatment resulted in the slowest (P ≤ 0.06) rate of re-insemination. Overall pregnancy per AI (P/AI) at 39 ± 3 (P = 0.50) and 67 ± 3 (P = 0.49) d after re-insemination were not affected by treatment. Although cost of the control protocol was (P < 0.01) the smallest, return per cow resynchronized was (P < 0.01) greater for GGPG and CIDR protocols. We concluded that presynchronizing the estrous cycle of cows with GnRH or treating cows with a CIDR insert during resynchronization altered the pattern of re-insemination and improved the economic return of resynchronized cows.  相似文献   

Despite substantial advances in milk production efficiency of dairy cattle over the last 50 years, rising feed costs remain a significant threat to producer profitability. There also is a greater emphasis being placed on reducing the negative impacts of dairy production on the environment; thus means to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient losses to the environment associated with cattle production are being sought. Improving feed efficiency among dairy cattle herds offers an opportunity to address both of these issues for the dairy industry. However, the best means to assess feed efficiency and make genetic progress in efficiency-related traits among lactating cows without negatively impacting other economically important traits is not entirely obvious. In this review, multiple measurements of feed efficiency for lactating cows are described, as well as the heritability of the traits and their genetic and phenotypic correlations with other production traits. The measure of feed efficiency, residual feed intake is discussed in detail in terms of the benefits for its selection, how it could be assessed in large commercial populations, as well as biological mechanisms contributing to its variation among cows, as it has become a commonly used method to estimate efficiency in the recent scientific literature.  相似文献   

This research compared three wood-chip out-wintering pad (OWP; an unsheltered OWP; a sheltered OWP (both with a concrete feed apron); and an unsheltered OWP with silage provided directly on top of the wood-chip bedding (self-feed OWP)) designs and cubicle housing with regard to dairy cow performance during the pre-partum period, and for 8 weeks post partum. Data were compared during 2 years. In Year 1, the unsheltered (space allowance = 12 m2 per cow) and sheltered (6 m2 per cow) OWPs were compared with cubicle housing (n = 49 cows per treatment). In Year 2, all three OWP designs (12 m2 per cow) were compared with cubicle housing (n = 24 cows per treatment, split into two replicates). Animals were dried off and assigned to treatment in the autumn, and remained there until calving in spring. Subsequently, they were managed at pasture during lactation. Outcome measures for analysis during the pre-partum period were feed intake, live weight, body condition score (BCS), heat production and heat loss, and post-partum were live weight, BCS, milk yield and milk composition. In Year 1, all cows had a similar live weight, but both pre-partum and at calving cows on the unsheltered OWP had a lower BCS than cows in cubicles (P < 0.05). However, in Year 2, there were no differences in either live weight or BCS. In Year 1, cows in the unsheltered OWP produced less heat than in cubicles (P < 0.05), but in Year 2, there was no treatment effect. In both years, cows in unsheltered OWPs lost more heat than cows in the sheltered OWP (P < 0.001). Treatment had no effect on milk composition either year. However, in Year 2, cows in the self-feed OWP had higher milk yields than the other treatments (P < 0.05). The lower BCS and heat production values in unsheltered treatments during Year 1 were probably because of higher rainfall and wind-speed values of that year. However, in both years, live weight in all treatments increased pre partum, and BCS did not decrease, indicating that unsheltered cows did not need to mobilise body reserves. Thus, OWPs could be a suitable pre-partum alternative to cubicle housing for dry dairy cows with regard to some aspects of dairy cow productive performance. However, further research should be carried out to investigate longer-term effects.  相似文献   

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