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We used textures of randomly moving grating patches to assess the role of fine-grain temporal synchrony in texture segregation. In the target area, patches reversed direction simultaneously. In the surround, patches changed direction at random times. Thus, phase changes in the target area were precisely synchronous, whereas those in the surround were not. In agreement with work carried out by Lee and Blake, we found that the target area was frequently visible, and that observers could discriminate its shape (horizontal versus vertical) at frame rates of 100 Hz in brief exposures (200 ms). Further experiments suggested that the length of unidirectional motion sequences in the target area, rather than synchrony, determined its visibility. To eliminate completely contrast and motion cues, we made all the background elements identical to the target elements, but with a random starting phase. Despite the presence of synchrony in the target area but not the background, the target was generally very hard to see. Targets that remained visible contained low temporal frequency modulations of direction. We conclude that the human observer can detect synchrony, but only at modest temporal frequencies once motion and contrast artefacts have been eliminated.  相似文献   

We recorded visual evoked responses in eight patients with Parkinson's disease, using a depth electrode either at or below the stereotactic target in the ventral part of the globus pallidus internus (GPi), which is located immediately dorsal to the optic tract. Simultaneously, scalp visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were also recorded from a mid-occipital electrode with a mid-frontal reference electrode. A black-and-white checkerboard pattern was phase reversed at 1 Hz; check size was 50 min of arc. Pallidal VEPs to full field stimulation showed an initial positive deflection, with a latency of about 50 ms (P50), followed by a negativity with a mean latency of 80 ms (N80). The mean onset latency of P50 was about 30 ms. P50 and N80 were limited to the ventralmost of the GPi and the ansa lenticularis. Left half field stimulation evoked responses in the right ansa lenticularis region while right half field stimulation did not, and vice versa. These potentials thus seemed to originate posterior to the optic chiasm. The scalp VEPs showed typical triphasic wave forms consisting of N75, P100 and N145. The location of the recording electrode in the ansa lenticularis region did not modify the scalp VEP. These results suggest that P50 and N80 are near-field potentials reflecting the compound action potentials from the optic tract. Therefore, N75 of the scalp VEPs may represent an initial response of the striate cortex but not of the lateral geniculate nucleus.  相似文献   

在疗效化妆品中,常常需要对护肤品的性能和效果进行分析。皮肤纹理的检测是客观衡量疗效化妆品的有效手段。基于计算机视觉技术的皮肤纹理分析,对拍摄的皮肤图像要进行图像预处理,增强图像,为后续的分析提供有效的数据。采用经过微调的定向的Gabor滤波器进行增强图像,通过实验得出Gabor滤波器不仅抑制噪声的效果好,还保留了皮肤图像的整体和局部特征。  相似文献   

对刺激朝向改变的自动加工:事件相关电位的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨非注意状态的刺激朝向改变是否引起自动加工。刺激为具有一定朝向(垂直和水平各50%)和一定空间频率(低频90%,高频10%)的光栅。要求被试忽略光栅朝向,对高频光栅作反应。刺激呈现时间为50ms,刺激间隔在250至450ms之间随机变化。低频光栅刺激被分为两类,“匹配”(与前一刺激朝向相同)和“失匹配”(与前一刺激朝向不同)。结果发现,失匹配刺激比匹配刺激诱发出更大的枕区P1、更大的前额-中央区N1以及更大的前部与顶区P2,但前部与顶区的N2却更小。这些ERPs变化提示,视觉对非注意的刺激朝向变化进行了一定程度的自动加工;视觉通道可能存在类似听觉失匹配负波(MMN)的、然而机制不同的自动加工成分  相似文献   

Computing global motion direction of extended visual objects is a hallmark of primate high-level vision. Although neurons selective for global motion have also been found in mouse visual cortex, it remains unknown whether rodents can combine multiple motion signals into global, integrated percepts. To address this question, we trained two groups of rats to discriminate either gratings (G group) or plaids (i.e., superpositions of gratings with different orientations; P group) drifting horizontally along opposite directions. After the animals learned the task, we applied a visual priming paradigm, where presentation of the target stimulus was preceded by the brief presentation of either a grating or a plaid. The extent to which rat responses to the targets were biased by such prime stimuli provided a measure of the spontaneous, perceived similarity between primes and targets. We found that gratings and plaids, when used as primes, were equally effective at biasing the perception of plaid direction for the rats of the P group. Conversely, for the G group, only the gratings acted as effective prime stimuli, while the plaids failed to alter the perception of grating direction. To interpret these observations, we simulated a decision neuron reading out the representations of gratings and plaids, as conveyed by populations of either component or pattern cells (i.e., local or global motion detectors). We concluded that the findings for the P group are highly consistent with the existence of a population of pattern cells, playing a functional role similar to that demonstrated in primates. We also explored different scenarios that could explain the failure of the plaid stimuli to elicit a sizable priming magnitude for the G group. These simulations yielded testable predictions about the properties of motion representations in rodent visual cortex at the single-cell and circuitry level, thus paving the way to future neurophysiology experiments.  相似文献   

Ninio J 《Spatial Vision》2007,20(6):561-577
Camouflaging textures containing as in real life edges at all orientations, were designed by computer, then manually, for use in stereoscopic vision studies. In the manual procedure, the starting point is either a set of photographs (for instance, of barks) or a manually produced first-generation texture. Then patches are cut zigzagging and assembled into successive generations of textures. The absence of extended edges--straight or curved--and the local heterogeneity of the texture are important camouflaging factors, allowing curved surfaces to be covered with these textures without visible join. Small areas of a texture often suggest a scene, but when the areas are assembled, the suggestive power is lost, and the statistical properties of the texture then dominate. However, when symmetry is introduced (as in the Rorschach test), meaningful scenes emerge again.  相似文献   

We found a new class of two-dimensional random textures with identical third-order statistics that can be effortlessly discriminated. Discrimination is based on local granularity differences between these iso-trigon texture pairs. This is the more surprising since it is commonly assumed that texture granularity (grain) is determined by the power spectrum which, in turn, can be obtained from the second-order statistics. Because textures with identical third-order statistics must have identical second-order statistics (i.e., identical power spectra), visible texture granularity is not controlled by power spectra, and not even by third-order statistics.  相似文献   

J D Victor 《Spatial Vision》1988,3(4):263-280
Spatial frequency analysis and local feature analysis may be considered to be examples of a class of models for texture discrimination. In this theoretical framework, texture discrimination relies on differences in the distribution of responses generated in linear receptive fields placed randomly on the texture. If the set of receptive fields is taken to be a collection of gratings, spatial-frequency analysis is recovered. If the set of receptive-fields is taken to be a collection of local feature templates, a corresponding local-feature model is recovered. In order to test such models, it is necessary to construct distinct texture pairs that elicit similar distributions of responses for all of the postulated receptive field profiles: the model prediction is that such textures are not discriminable. A method is provided for construction of such textures which test generic models within this framework. This framework includes not only strict Fourier analysis, but also models which postulate a collection of arbitrarily-shaped local feature detectors, and models which postulate both Fourier analysis and local feature detection.  相似文献   

Alais D  Apthorp D  Karmann A  Cass J 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28675
Temporal integration in the visual system causes fast-moving objects to leave oriented 'motion streaks' in their wake, which could be used to facilitate motion direction perception. Temporal integration is thought to occur over ≈100 ms in early cortex, although this has never been tested for motion streaks. Here we compare the ability of fast-moving ('streaky') and slow-moving fields of dots to mask briefly flashed gratings either parallel or orthogonal to the motion trajectory. Gratings were presented at various asynchronies relative to motion onset (from -200 to +700 ms) to sample the time-course of the accumulating streaks. Predictions were that masking would be strongest for the fast parallel condition, and would be weak at early asynchronies and strengthen over time as integration rendered the translating dots more streaky and grating-like. The asynchrony where the masking function reached a plateau would correspond to the temporal integration period. As expected, fast-moving dots caused greater masking of parallel gratings than orthogonal gratings, and slow motion produced only modest masking of either grating orientation. Masking strength in the fast, parallel condition increased with time and reached a plateau after 77 ms, providing an estimate of the temporal integration period for mechanisms encoding motion streaks. Interestingly, the greater masking by fast motion of parallel compared with orthogonal gratings first reached significance at 48 ms before motion onset, indicating an effect of backward masking by motion streaks.  相似文献   

Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and contrast sensitivity (CS) were studied in patients affected by maculopathy. VEP delays and CS reduction were demonstrated in each affected eye. In distinction to patients affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), in maculopathy patients VEP latency is independent of the orientation of the grating stimulus. It is proposed that stimulating with more than one pattern orientation is useful in the differential diagnostic use of VEPs.  相似文献   

Saarinen J  Levi DM 《Spatial Vision》1999,12(2):227-238
We studied psychophysically whether 'contour closure' enhances the accuracy of shape perception. Stimulus configurations (presented on a blank background) always consisted of identical pattern elements, but the positions of the local elements were varied: the global contour shape either contained closure or not. In the first two stimulus conditions (Closure), the oriented pattern elements (Gabor patches) formed a 'closed' rectangular shape composed of either four long lines or four corners. In the third condition (No closure), the global shape was composed of the four corners, but they were outward oriented, and hence they did not form the outline of a closed contour. We measured the precision of shape perception using a discrimination task in which observers judged the aspect ratio of the outline shape i.e. whether the rectangular shape was tall or wide. We found that: (i) shape discrimination was better (more precise) for Closed contours than for Non-closed contours, i.e. the aspect ratio discrimination thresholds were lower for the Closed than Non-closed configurations. The improved performance could not be explained by differences in visibility of the local elements in the two conditions. (ii) For closed contours, shape discrimination was more precise when the local elements were aligned with the global shape, than when the local elements were orthogonal to it.  相似文献   

PSYCHOPHYSICAL studies have established that the human central visual system contains a large number of independent channels each of which responds maximally to a selectively oriented sine wave grating of a given spatial frequency and hardly at all to gratings of spatial frequencies differing by a factor of two1–4. Electrophysiological studies with moving sinusoidally modulated grating patterns have demonstrated that there exists a class of neurones in the striate cortex of cats5 and monkeys6 each member of which is maximally selective to a given spatial frequency and orientation.  相似文献   

Computational models of periodic- and aperiodic-pattern selective cells, also called grating and bar cells, respectively, are proposed. Grating cells are found in areas V1 and V2 of the visual cortex of monkeys and respond strongly to bar gratings of a given orientation and periodicity but very weakly or not at all to single bars. This non-linear behaviour, which is quite different from the spatial frequency filtering behaviour exhibited by the other types of orientation-selective neurons such as the simple cells, is incorporated in the proposed computational model by using an AND-type non-linearity to combine the responses of simple cells with symmetric receptive field profiles and opposite polarities. The functional behaviour of bar cells, which are found in the same areas of the visual cortex as grating cells, is less well explored and documented in the literature. In general, these cells respond to single bars and their responses decrease when further bars are added to form a periodic pattern. These properties of bar cells are implemented in a computational model in which the responses of bar cells are computed as thresholded differences of the responses of corresponding complex (or simple) cells and grating cells. Bar and grating cells seem to play complementary roles in resolving the ambiguity with which the responses of simple and complex cells represent oriented visual stimuli, in that bar cells are selective only for form information as present in contours and grating cells only respond to oriented texture information. The proposed model is capable of explaining the results of neurophysiological experiments as well as the psychophysical observation that the perception of texture and the perception of form are complementary processes. Received: 4 June 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

The 'colour-shading effect' describes the phenomenon whereby a chromatic pattern influences perceived shape-from-shading in a luminance pattern. Specifically, the depth corrugations perceived in sinusoidal luminance gratings can be enhanced by spatially non-aligned, and suppressed by spatially aligned sinusoidal chromatic gratings. Here we examine whether colour contrast can influence perceived shape in patterns that combine shape-from-shading with shape-from-texture. Stimuli consisted of sinusoidal modulations of texture (defined by orientation), luminance and colour. When the texture and luminance modulations were suitably combined, one obtained a vivid impression of a corrugated depth surface. The addition of a colour grating to the texture-luminance combination was found to enhance the impression of depth when out-of-phase with the luminance modulation, and suppress the impression of depth when in-phase with the luminance modulation. The degree of depth enhancement and depth suppression was approximately constant across texture amplitude when measured linearly. In the absence of the luminance grating however, the colour grating had no phase-dependent affect on perceived depth. These results show that colour contrast modulates the contribution of shading to perceived shape in combined shading and texture patterns.  相似文献   

Regions of the visual cortex forming a code invariant to the transformation of pattern size were investigated by the averaged evoked potentials method. The response was assessed by amplitude of the negative wave, whose peak latency was 130±20 msec. A set of strips of light forming a grating was used as the stimulus. The gratings differed from each other in the number of strips or in area. With an increase in stimulus area, the response in area 17 increased, but the responses were identical to gratings of equal area but different orientation of the strips. In area 7 (middle part of the suprasylvian gyrus) response size was unchanged with an increase in area of the grating, whereas an increase in the number of orientations of the strips forming the grating led to an increased response. Since response magnitude is independent of the area of the grating, it is postulated that responses to pattern size invariant to transformation are located in area 7.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 115–121, March–April, 1973.  相似文献   

Dichoptic stimulation was used in comparison of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) with those obtained with monocular stimulation (recordings made from the occipital area). 16 subjects viewed sinusoidal gratings with the right eye while a visual noise was added via a mirror for the left eye. In presence of the noise, amplitude of the early VEP components' N1, P1b, and the late component P2 decreased, P1a is not changed in presence of the noise, and the late negative wave N2 increased for all spatial frequencies. The effect of noise on the amplitude of VEPs obtained for monocular and dichoptic stimulation was similar. The data suggest that external noise is filtered by the V1 cortical neurons--matched filters for the gratings.  相似文献   

A moving grating oriented +/- 45 degrees to the vertical can be perceived at choice as drifting along a left-right or up-down directional axis. When the drifting stimulus is presented alone, direction discrimination thresholds are independent of the specified response-axis. However, they strongly depend on it when the moving stimulus is superimposed on a vertical or horizontal stationary grating. Facilitation is always obtained when the drift direction of the intersections of the two gratings ('blobs') is collinear with the response-axis (i.e. when the orientations of the stationary grating and of the response-axis coincide), while inhibition is observed in the 'noncollinear' cases (i.e. when the orientations of the stationary grating and of the response-axis are orthogonal). These results are generalized in a series of reaction time (RT) experiments where the stimulus configuration described above was set at suprathreshold contrasts and where the orientation/direction of the drifting grating was variable. RT increased when the angle between the response-axis and the direction of the drifting grating increased (uncertainty effect), whether the test stimulus was presented alone, or superimposed on the stationary grating. The uncertainty effect was, however, significantly decreased under 'collinearity' conditions. The attenuation of the uncertainty effect was proportional with the velocity of the blobs and about equal in amount to the RT decrease obtained through the manipulation of the velocity of the drifting grating when presented alone (velocity effect). This observation strongly suggests that both component- and blob/plaid-related information contribute to the directional perception of a compound stimulus and that they sum algebraically.  相似文献   

Gabor filters as texture discriminator   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The present paper presents a model for texture discrimination based on Gabor functions. In this model the Gabor power spectrum of the micropatterns corresponding to different textures is calculated. A function that measures the difference between the spectrum of two micropatterns is introduced and its values are correlated with human performance in preattentive detection tasks. In addition, a two stage algorithm for texture segregation is presented. In the first stage the input image is transformed via Gabor filters into a representation image that allows discrimination between features by means of intensity differences. In the second stage the borders between areas of different textures are found using a Laplacian of Gaussian operator. This algorithm is sensitive to energy differences, rotation and spatial frequency and is insensitive to local translation. The model was tested by means of several simulations and was found to be in good correlation with known psychophysical characteristics as texton based texture segregation and micropattern density sensitivity. However, this simple model fails to predict human performance in discrimination tasks based on differences in the density of terminators. In this case human performance is better than expected.  相似文献   

用脑光学成像精确测定猫初级视皮层视野拓扑投射关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chen X  Shou TD 《生理学报》2003,55(5):541-546
利用基于脑内源信号的光学成像和二维互相关分析的方法,对猫初级视皮层17区的视野拓扑离心度(即视网膜-皮层拓扑关系)进行了精确测量。当采用在同一屏幕内处于上下视野的、方位互相垂直的两个相邻光栅刺激时,皮层中一部分区域的绝大部分细胞因同时兴奋而导致方位功能图模糊不清。将这种方位功能图和用单一方位(水平或垂直)全屏光栅刺激所得到的功能图进行比较,通过计算每一像素的互相关系数,从而获得皮层的精确视野拓扑离心度。同时用电生理的方法测量了同一视皮层内的单细胞的感受野位置,证明这种方法得到的视野离心度和光学记录方法得到的相同。因此,本研究为大面积地确定视皮层细胞感受野在视野中的位置提供了一种快速和较准确的方法。  相似文献   



We sought brain activity that predicts visual consciousness.


We used electroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain activity to a 1000-ms display of sine-wave gratings, oriented vertically in one eye and horizontally in the other. This display yields binocular rivalry: irregular alternations in visual consciousness between the images viewed by the eyes. We replaced both gratings with 200 ms of darkness, the gap, before showing a second display of the same rival gratings for another 1000 ms. We followed this by a 1000-ms mask then a 2000-ms inter-trial interval (ITI). Eleven participants pressed keys after the second display in numerous trials to say whether the orientation of the visible grating changed from before to after the gap or not. Each participant also responded to numerous non-rivalry trials in which the gratings had identical orientations for the two eyes and for which the orientation of both either changed physically after the gap or did not.


We found that greater activity from lateral occipital-parietal-temporal areas about 180 ms after initial onset of rival stimuli predicted a change in visual consciousness more than 1000 ms later, on re-presentation of the rival stimuli. We also found that less activity from parietal, central, and frontal electrodes about 400 ms after initial onset of rival stimuli predicted a change in visual consciousness about 800 ms later, on re-presentation of the rival stimuli. There was no such predictive activity when the change in visual consciousness occurred because the stimuli changed physically.


We found early EEG activity that predicted later visual consciousness. Predictive activity 180 ms after onset of the first display may reflect adaption of the neurons mediating visual consciousness in our displays. Predictive activity 400 ms after onset of the first display may reflect a less-reliable brain state mediating visual consciousness.  相似文献   

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