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The functional significance of the wide variation between bird species in the sizes of individual song repertoires is not understood. We have studied the effects of song repertoires on females. Song triggers copulation solicitation display in female sparrows treated with estradiol. Song sparrow males (Melospiza melodia) have repertoires of about 10 song types, and female song sparrows display significantly more to presentations of large repertoires than to a single song type. By contrast, male field sparrows (Spizella pusilla) and white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) each have only one song type, and their females show no significant increment in responsiveness to repertoires of several song types over a single song type. Swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana) fall in between, with male repertoires of three song types. Female swamp sparrows behave in intermediate fashion, responding more to several song types than to one, but the response increment is less than in song sparrows. Thus species differences that males exhibit in song repertoires are paralleled by differences in female responsiveness to multiple song types, implicating variations in female reactivity in the evolution of song repertoires. Female song sparrows respond preferentially to repertoires programmed in eventual variety rather than immediate variety, while field sparrows and white-throated sparrows show no discrimination.  相似文献   



Individual differences in social behaviour may have consequences for mate choice and sexual signalling, because partners should develop preferences for personalities that maximize reproductive output. Here we propose that behavioural traits involved in sexual advertisement may serve as good indicators of personality, which is fundamental for sexual selection to operate on temperament. Bird song has a prominent and well-established role in sexual selection, and it displays considerable variation among individuals with a potentially strong personality component. Therefore, we predicted that features of song would correlate with estimates of personality.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a field study of free-living male collared flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis, we characterised personality based on the exploration of an altered breeding environment, and based on the risk taken when a potential predator was approaching during a simulated territorial interaction. We found that explorative and risk-taker individuals consistently sang at lower song posts than shy individuals in the presence of a human observer. Moreover, males from lower posts established pair-bonds relatively faster than males from higher posts.


Our results may demonstrate that risk taking during singing correlates with risk taking during aggression and with exploration, thus personality may be manifested in different contexts involving sexual advertisement. These findings are in accordance with the hypothesis that the male''s balance between investment in reproduction and risk taking is reflected in sexual displays, and it may be important information for choosy females that seek partners with personality traits enhancing breeding success.  相似文献   

Turdus rufiventris and Turdus albicollis, two songbirds belonging to the family Turdidae (Aves, Passeriformes) were studied by C-banding, 18S rDNA, as well as the use of whole chromosome probes derived from Gallus gallus (GGA) and Leucopternis albicollis (LAL). They showed very similar karyotypes, with 2n = 78 and the same pattern of distribution of heterochromatic blocks and hybridization patterns. However, the analysis of 18/28S rDNA has shown differences in the number of NOR-bearing chromosomes and ribosomal clusters. The hybridization pattern of GGA macrochromosomes was similar to the one found in songbirds studied by Fluorescent in situ hybridization, with fission of GGA 1 and GGA 4 chromosomes. In contrast, LAL chromosome paintings revealed a complex pattern of intrachromosomal rearrangements (paracentric and pericentric inversions) on chromosome 2, which corresponds to GGA1q. The first inversion changed the chromosomal morphology and the second and third inversions changed the order of chromosome segments. Karyotype analysis in Turdus revealed that this genus has derived characteristics in relation to the putative avian ancestral karyotype, highlighting the importance of using new tools for analysis of chromosomal evolution in birds, such as the probes derived from L. albicollis, which make it possible to identify intrachromosomal rearrangements not visible with the use of GGA chromosome painting solely.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that male ornaments should be reliable signals of age, with more elaborated ornaments reflecting superior quality in terms of experience and/or viability. Bird song is immensely involved in sexual selection, thus not‐surprisingly, it usually shows age‐dependent variation. Although the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis has been intensively studied for its sexual traits, and female preference for male age is expected to be strong, there is no quantitative information on age‐dependent expression of song in this species. Here, we fill this gap and, based on phenotypic correlations, we report the relationship between age and several song features. Repertoire size was consistently smaller in yearlings than in older males, but it also tended to increase after the second year of breeding. In a meta‐analysis of effect sizes using data from the literature, we found that the strength of the relationship between age and repertoire size in the collared flycatcher is similar to patterns observed in other passerines. Song rate was inversely related to age, as yearlings sang at higher rates than older males. Generally, effect sizes for the relationship between age and other song traits were of medium level on average, and had broad confidence intervals. Song traits covaried with survival in a direction suggesting that differences in song between age categories are unlikely to result from phenotype dependent survival. Our results generally support the hypothesis that song holds the potential to function as a reliable indicator of male age in the collared flycatcher. However, it seems that not all song traits are unambiguously more expressed in older males than in yearlings.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters may have evolved in part to signalresistance to parasites. Avian song has been hypothesized tobe involved in this process, but the role of parasites in modulatingacoustic communication systems in birds remains largely unknown,owing to lack of experiments. We studied the relationship betweenparasitism, testosterone, song performance, and mating successin male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) by experimentallychallenging their immune system with a novel antigen. We predictedthat a challenge of the immune system would reduce song performance,and that this reduction would be conditional on the size ofa visual sexual signal, the forehead patch that was previouslyfound to reflect resistance. An antagonistic linkage betweentestosterone and immune function would predict that a challengeof the immune system should suppress testosterone level. Animmunological treatment by sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) triggereda decrease in body mass, testosterone level, and song rate,but other song traits were not significantly affected by theantigen challenge. Initial testosterone level was associatedwith forehead patch size and all song traits except song rate.SRBC injection caused stronger reduction in song rate amongmales with smaller forehead patches, and the change in songrate was also predictable by song features such as strophe complexityand length. We show that song rate and other song characteristicsmay be important cues in male-male competition and female choice.These results suggest that parasite-mediated sexual selectionhas contributed in shaping a complex acoustic communicationsystem in the collared flycatcher, and that testosterone mayplay an important role in this process. Parasitism may drivea multiple signaling mechanism involving acoustic and visualtraits with different signal function.  相似文献   

White-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) exhibit a behavioral polymorphism that segregates with a plumage marker. Individuals with a white stripe (WS) on the crown engage in an aggressive strategy that involves more singing, whereas individuals with a tan stripe (TS) sing less and engage in more parental care. Previous work has shown that plasma levels of gonadal steroids differ between the morphs in both sexes, suggesting a hormonal mechanism for the polymorphic behavior in this species. Here, we eliminated morph differences in plasma levels of testosterone (T) in males and estradiol (E2) in females in order to test whether morph differences in behavior would be similarly eliminated. Males and females in non-breeding condition were treated with T or E2, respectively, so that plasma levels in the treated groups were high and equal between the WS and TS morphs. We found that despite hormone treatment, WS and TS birds differed with respect to singing behavior. WS males sang more in response to song playback than did TS males, and WS females exhibited more spontaneous song than TS females. We also found that WS males gave more chip calls, which are often used in contexts of territorial aggression. Overall, these results suggest that WS birds engage in more territorial vocalization, particularly song, than do TS birds, even when T or E2 levels are experimentally equalized. This behavioral difference may therefore be driven by other factors, such as steroid metabolism, receptor expression or function, or steroid-independent neurotransmitter systems.  相似文献   

Vocal traits can be sexually selected to reflect male quality, but may also evolve to serve additional signaling functions. We used a long‐term dataset to examine the signaling potential of song in dimorphic white‐throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis). We investigated whether song conveys multifaceted information about the vocalizing individual, including fitness, species identity, individual identity, and morph. We also evaluated whether song traits correlate differently with fitness in the two morphs, as the more promiscuous strategy of white, relative to tan, morph males might impose stronger sexual selection. Males with high song rates achieved higher lifetime reproductive success, and this pattern was driven by white morph males. In addition, males that sang songs with many notes survived longer, but this pattern was less robust. Thus, song traits reflect differences in fitness and may more strongly affect fitness in the white morph. Song frequency was unrelated to fitness, body size, or morph, but was individual specific and could signal individual identity. Songs of the two morphs displayed similar frequency ratios and bandwidths. However, tan morph males sang songs with longer first notes, fewer notes, and higher variability. Thus, song could be used in morph discrimination. Variation in frequency ratios between notes was low and could function in conspecific recognition, but pitch change dynamics did differ between four different song types observed. Our results support a multiple messages model for white‐throated sparrow song, in which different song traits communicate discrete information about the vocalizing individual.  相似文献   

Stridulation by females of Steropleurus stali and Platystolus obvius in response to the calling song of the males was observed and recorded. The response has only been stimulated by the appropriate male song, either directly or from a recording. The structure of the files and the form of stridulation in both sexes is described. The male song of S. stali is remarkable in that only a few teeth on the file are struck in each wing movement. It is also notable that both opening and closing wing strokes contribute more or less equally to the syllable. The female song is similar but distinct. The song of P. obvius male is a single chirp involving nearly all the teeth on the file and with the main emphasis on the closing syllable. The response song of the female is a very brief chirp. These species are only sporadic singers, but when the female responds they are stimulated into greater activity. They thus contrast with reiterative singers like Ephippiger in which there is no female response. The implications of these contrasting behavioural patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

Individual animals can react to the changes in their environment by exhibiting behaviors in an individual‐specific way leading to individual differences in phenotypic plasticity. However, the effect of multiple environmental factors on multiple traits is rarely tested. Such a complex approach is necessary to assess the generality of plasticity and to understand how among‐individual differences in the ability to adapt to changing environments evolve. This study examined whether individuals adjust different song traits to varying environmental conditions in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), a passerine with complex song. We also aimed to reveal among‐individual differences in behavioral responses by testing whether individual differences in plasticity were repeatable. The presence of general plasticity across traits and/or contexts was also tested. To assess plasticity, we documented (1) short‐scale temporal changes in song traits in different social contexts (after exposition to male stimulus, female stimulus or without stimuli), and (2) changes concerning the height from where the bird sang (singing position), used as a proxy of predation risk and acoustic transmission conditions. We found population‐level relationships between singing position and both song length (SL) and complexity, as well as social context‐dependent temporal changes in SL and maximum frequency (MF). We found among‐individual differences in plasticity of SL and MF along both the temporal and positional gradients. These among‐individual differences in plasticity were repeatable. Some of the plastic responses correlated across different song traits and environmental gradients. Overall, our results show that the plasticity of bird song (1) depends on the social context, (2) exists along different environmental gradients, and (3) there is evidence for trade‐offs between the responses of different traits to different environmental variables. Our results highlight the need to consider individual differences and to investigate multiple traits along multiple environmental axes when studying behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses predict that the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) drives mating preference in females. Olfactory, colour or morphological traits are often found as reliable signals of the MHC profile, but the role of avian song mediating MHC‐based female choice remains largely unexplored. We investigated the relationship between several MHC and acoustic features in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), a European passerine with complex songs. We screened a fragment of the class IIB second exon of the MHC molecule, of which individuals harbour 4–15 alleles, while considerable sequence diversity is maintained at the population level. To make statistical inferences from a large number of comparisons, we adopted both null‐hypothesis testing and effect size framework in combination with randomization procedures. After controlling for potential confounding factors, neither MHC allelic diversity nor the presence of particular alleles was associated remarkably with the investigated qualitative and quantitative song traits. Furthermore, genetic similarity among males based on MHC sequences was not reflected by the similarity in their song based on syllable content. Overall, these results suggest that the relationship between features of song and the allelic composition and diversity of MHC is not strong in the studied species. However, a biologically motivated analysis revealed that individuals that harbour an MHC allele that impairs survival perform songs with broader frequency range. This finding suggests that certain aspects of the song may bear reliable information concerning the MHC profile of the individuals, which can be used by females to optimize mate choice.  相似文献   

The songs of the six different species of Darwin's ground finches (Geospiza) on the Galápagos Islands are difficult to distinguish unambiguously because of high levels of intraspecific variation and interspecific similarity in some cases. We recorded the responses of males on five islands to playback of (a) the two main conspecific song types, A and B, (b) local conspecific and heterospecific song, and (c) local and foreign dialects. Males reacted equally strongly to different conspecific song types (A and B), but responded significantly more strongly to local conspecific song than to either heterospecific song or foreign dialect. These results are inconsistent with earlier suggestions that song types subdivide Geospiza populations and that Geospiza song lacks species-distinctness because of loss-of-contrast or character convergence. The apparent paradox of low song specificity and well-developed acoustic discrimination is discussed in the light of other data showing that close-range species recognition also depends on visual cues.  相似文献   

  1. The courtship behavior of male field crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer) and Teleogryllus oceanicus, is a complex, multimodal behavioral act that involves acoustic signals (a courtship song; Fig. 1A,B). The dominant frequency is 4.5 kHz for T. oceanicus song (Fig. 1A) and 13.5 kHz for G. bimaculatus (Fig. IB).
  2. When courting males are deprived of their courtship song by wing amputation, their courtship success declines markedly but is restored when courting is accompanied by tape-recordings of their courtship songs or a synthetic courtship song with only the dominant frequency of the natural song; other naturally occurring frequency components are ineffective for restoring mating success (Figs. 4, 5).
  3. It has been suggested that an identified auditory interneuron, AN2, plays a critical role in courtship success. Chronic recordings of AN2 in an intact, tethered female show that AN2's response to the natural courtship song and synthesized songs at 4.5 and 13.5 kHz is similar in T. oceanicus. By contrast, in G. bimaculatus, AN2's response to the natural courtship song and synthesized song at 13.5 kHz, but not at 4.5 kHz, is similar (Figs. 2,3).
  4. In behavioral experiments, playback of a 30 kHz synthetic courtship song in G. bimaculatus does not restore courtship success, yet this same stimulus elicits as strong a response from AN2 as does the normal courtship song (Fig. 6). Thus, contrary to earlier work by others, we conclude AN2 is not, by itself, a critical neural link in the courtship behavior of these two species of crickets.

Behaviors associated with breeding are seasonally modulated in a variety of species. These changes in behavior are mediated by sex steroids, levels of which likewise vary with season. The effects of androgens on behaviors associated with breeding may in turn be partly mediated by the nonapeptides vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) in mammals, and vasotocin (VT) in birds. The effects of testosterone (T) on production of these neuropeptides have been well-studied; however, the regulation of VT receptors by T is not well understood. In this study, we investigated steroid-dependent regulation of VT receptor (VTR) mRNA in a seasonally breeding songbird, the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). We focused on VTR subtypes that have been most strongly implicated in social behavior: V1a and oxytocin-like receptor (OTR). Using in situ hybridization, we show that T-treatment of non-breeding males altered V1a and OTR mRNA expression in several regions associated with seasonal reproductive behaviors. For example, T-treatment increased V1a mRNA expression in the medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and ventromedial hypothalamus. T-treatment also affected both V1a and OTR mRNA expression in nuclei of the song system; some of these effects depended on the presence or absence of a chromosomal rearrangement that affects singing behavior, plasma T, and VT immunolabeling in this species. Overall, our results strengthen evidence that VT helps mediate the behavioral effects of T in songbirds, and suggest that the chromosomal rearrangement in this species may affect the sensitivity of the VT system to seasonal changes in T.  相似文献   

Playbacks of synthetic and normal songs were used to determine what song parameters are important to species song recognition by territorial male swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana) and song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Syllable morphology influences the discrimination of conspecific song from song sparrow song in adult swamp sparrows, but temporal pattern does not; this result duplicates that found in studies of song learning of the young in this species. Species song recognition is influenced by both syllable morphology and temporal pattern in adult song sparrows, in contrast to the situation in young sparrows, which seem not to distinguish their own species' song from that of swamp sparrows on either cue.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):421-429
The evolution of male courtship song pattern in fruit flies of the repleta group within the genus Drosophila is described. We suggest that the archetypal song was composed of two distinct components, an ‘A’ song with short, regular pulse trains which occurred at the beginning of courtship, and a ‘B’ song consisting of longer pulse trains of more widely spaced pulses occurring later in courtship. During evolution of the repleta group some species have lost the A song, others the B song and, in many species, the latter has become less regular and more complex in form. A songs appear to be involved primarily in species recognition and have been subject to stabilizing selection while the B songs sexually stimulate females and have therefore evolved rapidly through the action of sexual selection. Other factors influencing the evolution of song patterns have been certain physiological and energetic constraints.  相似文献   

Animal behaviour studies often require the diagnosis and statistical evaluation of patterns among individuals of a group. However, association values derived for all pairs of individuals are mathematically interrelated and, hence, difficult to evaluate. A general method of matrix comparison, called the Mantel test, is described which accounts for such interdependencies. In this test, two square difference matrices are compared to determine whether a statistical association exists between corresponding elements. For example, distances in one of the matrices might represent differences in songs for each pair of a group of birds, while distances in the other matrix could be the geographic distances between each of the same bird pairs; the test would assess whether or not birds close to one another have songs that are more similar than those pairs that are located further apart geographically. Distances in the matrices can be of a variety of sorts (depending on the application), including for instance geographic distances, morphological differences, or behavioural differences. The test has wide applicability in studies of animal behaviour, and we present three examples. First, dialects of splendid sunbirds (Nectarinia coccinigaster) were investigated to determine whether local or regional patterns of geographic variation in song were present, and whether birds with similar dialects were concentrated within the same habitat. Second, dominance hierarchies of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) and dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis oreganus) were analysed by constructing appropriate hypothesis matrices that were contrasted against a matrix summarizing behavioural interrelationships of flock members. In the third application, involving progressions of yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus), an approach was developed to assess whether members of a given sex occur adjacent (or at least closer) to one another in progression order more often than expected by chance, and also whether individuals of a given sex tend to be found at or near the end of a progression more frequently than predicted. Other possible applications of the Mantel test are discussed, and a detailed computational example is included.  相似文献   

Male field crickets, Gryllus integer, in Texas, USA, produce a trilled calling song that attracts female crickets, resulting in enhanced mating success. Gravid female parasitoid flies, Ormia ochracea, are also attracted to male cricket calling song, resulting in the death of the male within about seven days. Using playbacks of field-cricket calling song in the natural habitat, we show that both female crickets and female parasitoid flies prefer male calling song with average numbers of pulses per trill. Thus female crickets exert stabilizing sexual selection, whereas flies exert disruptive natural selection on male song. Disruptive natural selection will promote genetic variation and population divergence. Stabilizing sexual selection will reduce genetic variation and maintain population cohesiveness. These forces may balance and together maintain the observed high levels of genetic variation (ca. 40%) in male calling song.  相似文献   

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