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In an attempt to extend palaeomagnetic investigation of Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rock formations in Australia, 222 oriented samples have been collected from sedimentary horizons in the Perth Basin and adjacent areas. The thermal stability of the remanent magnetism has been established, but its direction remained oriented close to the direction of the present local geomagnetic field, irrespective of the age of formation sampled. Further attempts to partially demagnetise some specimens using chemical techniques also failed to isolate the primary component of magnetisation. The results have been interpreted as indicating an episode of “blanket” remagnetisation which occurred during the period of regional lateritisation. The presence of normal and reversed polarities indicates that remagnetisation occurred over an extended period of time. By comparing the paleomagnetic pole positions with the apparent polar-wander curve recognised for the Cenozoic of Australia, quantitative support for a Late Oligocene to Early Miocene age for the period of lateritisation is given. Other palaeomagnetic evidence suggests this age may be correlated to laterites in Northern Territory.  相似文献   


Mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical characteristics of two weathered profiles, derived from rhyolitic tuff and granitic rocks under humid conditions, were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and X-ray diffractometry. The granitic profile is derived from medium-grained, equigranular monzogranitic parent rocks and typically contains corestones, whereas the pyroclastic profile is derived from rhyolitic crystal-vitric tuffs, which were subjected to deuteric alteration prior to weathering. The two parent rocks contain similar primary mineral constituents and display similar sequential changes in response to weathering at mineral scale. However, samples of the granitic profile reveal more pronounced intergranular and transgranular microcracks and wider grain boundaries compared with samples of the same weathering grade from the pyroclastic profile. Sesquioxide networks and veins are more common in the pyroclastic profile than in the granitic profile.

Special emphasis is given to the type, abundance and distribution of clay minerals within the weathered profiles. Kaolinite, halloysite, illite and interstratified smectite are ubiquitous clay-size minerals of both profiles. However, the abundance of clay minerals varies significantly within each profile as well as between profiles. The granitic profile is dominated by halloysite regardless of the degree of weathering, whereas halloysite is the dominant clay mineral only in moderately to highly decomposed samples of the pyroclastic profile. The relative abundance of illite in the granitic profile is rather low (less than 10%) and more stable than the profile compared to the pyroclastic profile where illite is the dominant clay mineral in fresh to moderately decomposed samples. In general, as the intensity of weathering increases, the relative abundance ratios of halloysite to kaolinite and illite to kaolin decrease.

Parent rock normalized chemical variation diagrams reveal that as the intensity of weathering increases, Ca, Na, K, Rb and Sr contents decrease, whereas Al, Mg, Mn, Ti, Cu, Cr, Ni, Ba, Sc and LOI contents increase. Although these variations can easily be explained by decomposition of feldspar grains and formation of sesquioxides and clay minerals, overall chemical trends are not sufficiently systematic to allow prediction of theweathering degree of a given sample based solely on its chemical composition. In general, the granitic profile has been developed under better-drained and more hydrous conditions compared to the pyroclastic profile. Microenvironmental conditions, which are significantly different between the two profiles, ultimately control the type and abundance of clay minerals and the distribution of sesquioxides, and thus govern the level of microfabric heterogeneity in weathered profiles.  相似文献   

The Morvan massif, located in the northern part of the French Massif Central, shows widespread unusual deep alteration profiles in the Palaeozoic basement rocks (gneisses, granites and rhyolites). They are characterised by overall albitization, chloritisation and haematisation. Albite and chlorite constitute their characteristic mineral paragenesis. Haematite pigmentation comes with this paragenesis and gives an overall pink coloration to the weathered rocks.A paleomagnetic analysis was conducted after detailed petrographical and mineralogical studies of the alteration that lead to the albitized profiles. Special attention was devoted to the occurrence of haematite, the main paleomagnetism carrier, with the though to date this palaeoweathering event. Petrographical checking after heating treatments showed that deshydroxylation of chlorite also led to the formation of secondary haematite. This haematite formed by recrystallization acquired remanence properties and thus superimposed and hided the original magnetic signal. This problem has prevented the extraction of the original magnetic signal especially in the sections made up of rhyolites.Virtual Geomagnetic Poles (VGPs) obtained from the characteristic directions carried by haematite have been compared to the European Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP). An Early Triassic magnetic overprint has been recorded in the albitized basement rocks of the Morvan massif. The age obtained for this albitization phenomena, strengthens the hypothesis that albitization developed in relation with palaeoweathering processes linked with the Triassic palaeosurface. Therefore, large scale continental weathering could be the main mechanism for Late Permian/Early Triassic remagnetizations which are widespread throughout the Palaeozoic formations of western Europe.As far as we know, this is the first time that deep palaeoweathering phenomena affecting hard and non-disaggregated weathered rocks of the basement have been directly dated. Palaeomagnetism appears as a precious tool to date alteration events developed in widely and long-lasting emerged areas of the basement.  相似文献   

Bacteria play important roles in mineral weathering and soil formation. However, few reports of mineral weathering bacteria inhabiting subsurfaces of soil profiles have been published, raising the question of whether the subsurface weathering bacteria are fundamentally distinct from those in surface communities. To address this question, we isolated and characterized mineral weathering bacteria from two contrasting soil profiles with respect to their role in the weathering pattern evolution, their place in the community structure, and their depth-related changes in these two soil profiles. The effectiveness and pattern of bacterial mineral weathering were different in the two profiles and among the horizons within the respective profiles. The abundance of highly effective mineral weathering bacteria in the Changshu profile was significantly greater in the deepest horizon than in the upper horizons, whereas in the Yanting profile it was significantly greater in the upper horizons than in the deeper horizons. Most of the mineral weathering bacteria from the upper horizons of the Changshu profile and from the deeper horizons of the Yanting profile significantly acidified the culture media in the mineral weathering process. The proportion of siderophore-producing bacteria in the Changshu profile was similar in all horizons except in the Bg2 horizon, whereas the proportion of siderophore-producing bacteria in the Yanting profile was higher in the upper horizons than in the deeper horizons. Both profiles existed in different highly depth-specific culturable mineral weathering community structures. The depth-related changes in culturable weathering communities were primarily attributable to minor bacterial groups rather than to a change in the major population structure.  相似文献   

The occurrence of tree deaths in young, 3 to 6 year old Eucalyptus globulus plantations established on farmland in south-western Australia was found to be strongly related to factors indicative of poor soil water storage capacity. Seven years after planting tree survival was significantly less on soils <2 m deep compared to >2 m deep (22% vs 70%). This is due to the limited ability of some soils to store a sufficient proportion of the annual rainfall within the root-zone to meet the plant water demand in a region with a recurrent annual summer drought. There are practical difficulties in routinely surveying soils to depths in excess of 2 m over broad areas, to predict the likelihood of tree death. On the granitic basement rocks of south-west Western Australia, the occurrence of ferricrete gravels provides a useful surrogate indicator for the presence of deeper soils. In this region the distribution of soil depth and soil fertility has a geomorphic basis, being related to previous patterns of deep weathering and regolith stripping. Soils have developed on various horizons of deeply weathered profiles, formed from granites and gneisses. These materials have been stripped to a variable extent by erosion, leading to a range of soil depths. The original weathered profiles, which correspond to the soils with ferricrete gravels, comprise the deepest soil/regolith materials (~30-50 m deep); whereas along drainage lines the regolith has been completely stripped, the soils are shallow and plantations are most susceptible to drought. Knowledge of the relationship between soil depth and plantation performance allows regional indications of drought risk to be developed from regional soil mapping and the production of more efficient sampling designs for site assessment.  相似文献   

Aim To use biogeographical, palaeomagnetic, palaeosedimentary, and plate circuit data from Late Cretaceous regions in and around the Pacific to test the plate tectonic hypothesis of a pre‐Pacific superocean. Location East Asia, Australia, Antarctica, the western Americas, and the Pacific. Methods Literature surveys of the distributions of Cretaceous, circum‐Pacific taxa were compared with palaeomagnetic and palaeosedimentary data. Uncontroversial plate motions based on seafloor spreading data were also used to test the results of the biogeographical and palaeomagnetic analyses. Results The distributions of Cretaceous terrestrial taxa, mostly dinosaurs, imply direct, continental connections between Australia and East Asia, East Asia and North America, North America and South America, South America and Antarctica, and Antarctica and Australia. Palaeomagnetic, palaeosedimentary, and basic plate circuit analyses require little to no latitudinal motion of the Pacific plate with respect to the surrounding continents. Specifically, the data implies that western North America, East Asia, and the Pacific plate all increased in latitude by roughly the same amount (c. 11 ± 5°) since the Campanian – and that the Pacific Ocean Basin has increased in length north‐to‐south. Main conclusions Each of the analyses provides independent corroboration for the same conclusion: the Late Cretaceous Pacific plate was completely enclosed by the surrounding continents and has not experienced significant latitudinal motion with respect to North America, East Asia, or the Bering land bridge. This contrasts significantly with the plate tectonic history of the Pacific, implying instead that the Pacific plate formed in situ, pushing the continents apart as the plate and basin expanded. These results also substantiate recent biogeographical analyses that have concluded that a narrower Pacific Ocean Basin in the Mesozoic and early Tertiary provides the most reasonable explanation for the great number of trans‐Pacific disjunctions of poor dispersing taxa.  相似文献   

Late Pinedale (Wisconsinan) and Neoglacial deposits mantle most valley floors above the timberlane in the Wind River Mountains. Although these tills are generally assigned ages by radiocarbon, relative topographic position, weathering characteristics, and soil morphology, they are rarely superposed. This paper describes a sequence of moraines in Titcomb Basin where early Neoglacial till (now called Indian Basin Till) is superposed on a moraine of late Pinedale age, providing important information on relative ages for the two tills. Late Pinedale deposits radiocarbon date at ca. 8000 yr. B.P., from bog bottom organic materials. Time of onset of Neoglaciation is unknown, while the termination of the Indian Basin advance is placed at ca. 3000 yr. B.P. Differences in soil profile morphology, particle size, mineralogy and chemistry are described and discussed with respect to relative age assignment. While profile morphology and particle size differences appear important in differentiating the two soils, differences in clay mineral composition appear to have greater utility in discriminating post-Indian Basin soils from post-late Pinedale soils.  相似文献   

Rock rinds have been used for half a century to date glacial deposits and recently inroads have been developed to use nuclides to provide absolute ages of weathering rinds in pebble clasts. Although maximum and minimum rind thicknesses have helped to elucidate time since deposition and allowed stratigraphic division of deposits at glacial rank, little has been done to investigate the wealth of mineral degradation, growth of alteration products and biomineralization that occur in these weathered crusts. In some cases the mass of microbe-mineral intergrowth is nearly present on a 50%/50% basis, with the biotic mass intergrown with mineral matter to such an extent that it probably controls pH and redox phenomena that act as accelerators in the weathering process. Assuming weathering time spans of 2 × 106 years or more for a complete cycle, eventual clast decomposition is the end product. Here we present evidence of microbe-clast intergrowth from selected sites of Pleistocene age (~70 ka to 2.0 Ma) in the lower Afroalpine of Mt. Kenya and hypothesize about its role in rock decomposition and fossilization of biotic end-members.  相似文献   

Age is a fundamental aspect of animal ecology, but is difficult to determine in many species. Humpback whales exemplify this as they have a lifespan comparable to humans, mature sexually as early as 4 years and have no reliable visual age indicators after their first year. Current methods for estimating humpback age cannot be applied to all individuals and populations. Assays for human age have recently been developed based on age‐induced changes in DNA methylation of specific genes. We used information on age‐associated DNA methylation in human and mouse genes to identify homologous gene regions in humpbacks. Humpback skin samples were obtained from individuals with a known year of birth and employed to calibrate relationships between cytosine methylation and age. Seven of 37 cytosines assayed for methylation level in humpback skin had significant age‐related profiles. The three most age‐informative cytosine markers were selected for a humpback epigenetic age assay. The assay has an R2 of 0.787 (P = 3.04e?16) and predicts age from skin samples with a standard deviation of 2.991 years. The epigenetic method correctly determined which of parent–offspring pairs is the parent in more than 93% of cases. To demonstrate the potential of this technique, we constructed the first modern age profile of humpback whales off eastern Australia and compared the results to population structure 5 decades earlier. This is the first epigenetic age estimation method for a wild animal species and the approach we took for developing it can be applied to many other nonmodel organisms.  相似文献   

Numerous studies demonstrate polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) dissolved from weathered crude oil adversely affect fish embryos at 0.5 to 23 μg/l. This conclusion has been challenged by studies that claim (1) much lower toxicity of weathered aqueous PAHs; (2) direct contact with dispersed oil droplets plays a significant role or is required for toxicity; (3) that uncontrolled factors (oxygen, ammonia, and sulfides) contribute substantively to toxicity; (4) polar compounds produced by microbial metabolism are the major cause of observed toxicity; and (5) that based on equilibrium models and toxic potential, water contaminated with weathered oil cannot be more toxic per unit mass than effluent contaminated with fresh oil. In contrast, several studies demonstrate high toxicity of weathered oil; shifts in PAH composition were consistent with dissolution (not particle ablation), embryos accumulated dissolved PAHs at low concentrations and were damaged, and assumed confounding factors were inconsequential. Consistent with previous empirical observations of mortality and weathering, temporal shifts in PAH composition (oil weathering) indicate that PAHs dissolved in water should (and do) become more toxic per unit mass with weathering because high molecular weight PAHs are more persistent and toxic than the more abundant low molecular weight PAHs in whole oil.  相似文献   

当前的研究材料获自新疆准噶尔盆地西北部克拉玛依地区百口泉424井的佳木河组,涉及部分孢子类型,计有18属24种,其中1新属3新种。这些孢子类型的概貌与欧洲、北美相近,也有若干澳大利亚的分子,其时代为晚石炭世一早二叠世。  相似文献   

Differentiation of genera of the modern (Late Miocene to Recent) South American rodent family Ctenomyidae would have been linked to the acquisition of disparate adaptations to digging and life underground. In accordance with this hypothesis, the delimitation of lineages and genera in the ctenomyid fossil record is evaluated here following an adaptation-rooted criterion that involves both an assessment of the monophyly and of the adaptive profiles of recognized clades. The application of such a criterion, including morphofunctional information, delimited four cohesive lineages among crown ctenomyids (i.e. euhypsodont species of the Late Miocene to Recent): Eucelophorus (Early Pliocene–Middle Pleistocene), Xenodontomys-Actenomys (Late Miocene–Pliocene), Praectenomys (Pliocene) and Ctenomys (including Paractenomys ; Pliocene–Recent); in addition, the results supported the status of Xenodontomys as a paraphyletic ancestor of Actenomys . The cladogenesis that gave rise to the crown group would have occurred immediately after the acquisition of euhypsodonty in a Xenodontomys simpsoni -like ancestor during the Late Miocene. This putative ancestor would have had fossorial habits and moderate digging specializations, an adaptive profile maintained in Xenodontomys-Actenomys . Eucelophorus and Ctenomys would have independently evolved subterranean habits at least since the Pliocene. Although the earliest history of the only living representative, Ctenomys , is known only fragmentarily, remains from Esquina Blanca (Uquía Formation), in north-western Argentina, suggest a minimum age of around 3.5 Ma (Early–Late Pliocene) for the differentiation of the genus. This date agrees with recent molecular estimates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to follow the distribution and migration of the metallic trace elements (MTE) zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in a sludge-amended soil, both at the metric scale of the bulk soil horizons and at the micrometric scale of mineral weathering microsites. In the soil scale approach, the MTE contents determined by ICP-AES and ICP-MS analyses in amended and control soil samples were compared through enrichment factor calculation to assess the extent to which spread MTE may have moved throughout the soil profile. In the mineral scale approach, the MTE were analysed on thin sections in specific weathering microsystems including (1) rock-forming minerals (amphiboles, biotites, plagioclases) and their specific weathering clay minerals; (2) weathering clayey plasma, which obliterates the original rock structure with newly-formed clay minerals; and (3) the fissural network with its clay minerals. The purpose of this mineralogical approach, using X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral identification and electron probe microanalyses (EPMA) for MTE analyses, was to determine where and at which concentrations spread MTE can concentrate within the soil and weathered rock. The chemical analyses of MTE in the bulk samples reveal strong Cd and Pb accumulation at the surface of the amended soil due to anthropic contamination. Cadmium undergoes a vertical migration in deeper soil horizons, whereas Zn and Pb do not show significative transfer within the amended soil. Accurate MTE analyses in weathering microsites indicate that, except in plagioclase microsites, (1) Zn and Cd accumulate in clay minerals from surface horizons and migrate downwards through the fissural system, and (2) Pb does not show any significant mobility throughout the amended soil. The MTE migration evidenced through the fissural system gives rise to two main environmental problems. Zn and Cd have the potential to move several meters deep along fissures in the soil profiles and may represent potential contaminants for unconfined aquifer. Secondly, because the plant root system grows preferentially along soil fissural pattern, it may adsorb MTE.  相似文献   

This paper deals with some plant fossils collected from the Late Eocene Relu Formation of Litang County, Western Sichuan Plateau, by the Scientific Expedition of Academia Sinica in 1982. The fossil-bearinp bed is mainly composed of sandstones, conglomerates and siltstones. From the Relu Formation Eucalyptus reluensis sp. nov., Hemiptelea paradavidii sp. nov., Pistacia sp., Banksia puryearensis Berry, Palibinia pinnatifida (Reid et Chandler) Tao, Myrica sp., Comptonia sp., Albizzia sp., Alstonia? sp., Viburnum sp., and Phyllites spp. were obtained. This indicates that during the Late Eocene the flora of Litang of Western Sichuan, were subtropical in nature mainly composed of Eucalyptus and some evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved trees. The climate was hot and dry. Judging from specimens the fossil locality Litang has uplifted about 2500–3000 m in elevation since Late Eocene. At present Eucalyptus is widespread in Australia. So far no remains of Eucalyptus early than Oligocene have been discovered from southern hemisphere the appearance of this genus from Eocene of Xizang and western Sichuan indicates that Eucalyptus might have originated from northern hemisphere and then migrated via Malaysia to Australia to form a new distribution centre in Australia.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(3):201-215
Several non-avian theropod dinosaurs, as well as some Mesozoic birds, have been reported from Southeast Asia. The fossils are dominantly found in northeastern Thailand, however, one bizarre theropod has been described from Laos, one theropod has been reported from Malaysia, and some avian and non-avian theropods have been recently reported from Myanmar. The temporal distribution of Southeast Asian theropods ranges from the Late Jurassic to the mid-Cretaceous. All non-avian theropod faunas from Southeast Asia consist of non-maniraptoran tetanurans. They show similarity to Chinese plus Japanese theropods during the Early Cretaceous in broad systematic terms. During this time, megaraptorans can be found only in Japan, Australia, Brazil, and possibly Thailand, whereas tyrannosauroids can be found in China, Europe, possibly Brazil and Australia. Spinosaurids, carcharodontosaurians, and some coelurosaurs such as ornithomimosaurs were almost cosmopolitan. Metriacanthosaurids, on the other hand, were endemic to Europe and Asia including China and Thailand during the Middle to Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Abstract This study reports on the foraging profile of a wandoo woodland avifauna at Dryandra in Western Australia, Australia. Despite its geographical isolation, wandoo woodland shares a large number of species with woodland bird communities in eastern Australia and there are broad similarities in community foraging profiles. Insect-eating birds using ground, bark, foliage, and aerial substrates dominate eucalypt bird communities. Nectar-feeding and seed/fruit-eating guilds are important components of the Australian avifauna, but have fewer species, and vary in composition and abundance as nectar, seed, and fruit availability changes seasonally and from year to year, and from one locality to another. Despite similarities, there are also differences between the foraging profile of the wandoo avifauna and those in eastern Australia. Specifically, the wandoo avifauna is characterized by a high proportion of ground-foraging species. In addition, many wandoo woodland birds appear to spread their foraging over a wider range of substrates (i.e., ground, bark, and foliage) than eastern species. Differences in habitat structure do not explain these differences in community foraging profiles, and there may be differences in the abundance, kind, and spatial distribution of resources between different eucalypt ecosystems. Possibly the eastern communities have lost ground-dwelling components of their avifauna since European settlement, while the woodlands at Dryandra retain a more intact avifauna. The reasons why some species and not others are lost from woodlands as a result of European land management practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Few Late Pleistocene human remains have been found in Southeast Asia and the morphological features of the people of that age are still largely unknown due to the virtual lack of human remains in the area. Recent excavations at the Moh Khiew Cave in Thailand resulted in the discovery of a Late Pleistocene human skeleton in a relatively good state of preservation. An AMS radiocarbon date on the charcoal sample gathered from the burial gave a result of 25,800 +/- 600 BP, implying that the inhabitants of Moh Khiew Cave resided in a part of Sundaland during the last glacial age. In debates on the population history of Southeast Asia, it has been repeatedly advocated that Southeast Asia was occupied by indigenous people akin to present-day Australo-Melanesians prior to an expansion of migrants from Northeast Asia into this area. Morphometric analyses were undertaken to test the validity of this hypothesis. In the present study, cranial and dental measurements recorded from the Moh Khiew remains are compared with those of early and modern samples from Southeast Asia and Australia. These comparisons demonstrate that the Moh Khiew specimen resembles the Late Pleistocene series from Coobool Creek, Australia in both cranial and dental measurements. These results suggest that the Moh Khiew skeleton, as well as other fossil remains from the Tabon, Niah and Gua Gunung sites, represents a member of the Sundaland population during the Late Pleistocene, who may share common ancestry with the present-day Australian Aborigines and Melanesians.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地第四系介形类化石带与磁性柱   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
柴达木盆地东部晚上新世-全新世湖相沉积巨厚,无明显间断,微体化石丰富。区内已建厚度超过2000m的第四系磁性柱中,记录了布容、松山和高斯极性时带。由于有剖面上部的同位素测年数据和剖面中、下部的介形类化石带序列的对比成果配合验证,布容、松山极性时下限的确定和布拉克、莫纳、琵琶湖、奥尔杜威、马默思等亚极性时的鉴别依据充足可信。据此极性年表标定的晚上新世-第四纪介形类化石带序列中12个标准化石的时限得以识别。古生态研究与壳体元素分析的资料表明,始见于距今305万年的Microlimnocytheresinensis指示低温水体,该化石带的出现标志着中新世以来柴达木盆地古气候的首次明显变冷。  相似文献   

The Olduvai fossil plants documented by us in this paper are the first direct evidence for open grassland in the late Neogene of Africa based on macroplant remains. Silicified remains of herbaceous ground cover are exceptionally well preserved in situ within Late Pliocene sediments below the initial pyroclastic ash surge unit of Tuff IF in the uppermost part of Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, northern Tanzania. Published radiometric and palaeomagnetic dates place this grass layer between 1.839 + 0.005 Ma and 1.785 + 0.01 Ma. Exposed at localities on the south side of the Gorge this herbaceous ground cover grew on a floodplain developed on a dried out lake bed, following pronounced lake retreat of saline–alkaline palaeo-Lake Olduvai during a developing dry climatic phase. Sheathed basal culms, rhizomes and roots are interpreted as those of one or more small mat-forming grasses or less likely, sedges. Small dicotyledonous herbs were probably also present. The proximity of adjacent plants indicates a relatively dense ground cover. Roots extended at least 8 cm below the ground surface. Aerial parts of the plants were absent or were not preserved when the weathered basal culms were covered by a thin layer of brown waxy clay, followed by fallout of pyroclastic ash. Both units were mostly eroded away prior to emplacement of a wet, cool pyroclastic surge which then buried and preserved in situ remnants of the herbaceous ground cover. Preservation of the semi-woody rhizomes implies well-drained soils, otherwise the plant material would have quickly rotted. Collections from discontinuous exposures indicate the grassland covered an area of at least a few hectares. This open grassland would have provided grazing for the Late Pliocene fauna.  相似文献   

【目的】岩生真菌是促进碳酸岩生物风化的重要推动者,研究黔中典型喀斯特区不同风化年限碳酸岩风化壳真菌群落结构特征有利于了解真菌对岩石的风化作用。【方法】选取位于黔中花溪区南部的废弃碳酸岩墓碑为调查对象,对不同风化年限碳酸岩风化壳进行采样,运用宏基因组测序方法对风化壳样品进行基因测序,并利用统计学方法对真菌群落结构特征及功能特征进行分析。【结果】18个风化壳样品中共获得1087种真菌,分属于9个门、44纲、538属。不同样本之间真菌群落数量和组成差异较大,在碳酸岩风化过程中,子囊菌门(Ascomycota)始终为优势类群,平均相对丰度达到95%以上,随风化年限的增加呈现显著下降的趋势。Shannon指数和Simpson指数显示,碳酸岩风化壳真菌群落多样性随风化年限的增加呈现先减小后增加再减小的趋势。从所有样本中共检测出3 379 478个KEGG pathway level 3通路相关基因,主要与物质能量的代谢、运输等功能相关。与碳循环、氮循环和硫循环相关的主要微生物属于子囊菌门,随着风化年限的增加呈现下降的趋势。冗余分析(redundancyanalysis,RDA)结果表明,三氧化二铁...  相似文献   

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