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Three basic paleosol morphologies, named Type A, Type B and Type C, are described from the middle–upper Permian strata of the Moradi Formation, Tim Mersoi Basin, northern Niger. The Moradi Formation is a typical alluvial redbed succession dominated by red mudrocks with fine to coarse-grained pebbly channel sandstones and matrix-breccias. Type A paleosols are hosted by well-sorted fine to medium grained trough cross bedded and massive sandstones and preserve abundant vertical to horizontal micritic and microspar calcite tubules, interpreted as rhizoliths. Lateral variability of rhizoliths in Type A paleosols, and their close association with fluvial channel-fill sediments suggests they are the roots of grove stands of phreatophytic vegetation that grew within unstable anabranching stream systems. Type B paleosols are hosted by mudrocks and preserve well-developed ped structure, abundant micritic calcite nodules and vertically-stacked micritic calcite nodular bodies, as well as rare calcite with satin-spar texture interpreted as a pseudomorphic replacement of pedogenic gypsum. The morphology of Type B paleosols suggests they were formed in well-drained floodplain deposits on stable landforms. Type C paleosols are similar to Type B but preserve pedogenic structures indicative of soil volume expansion and contraction, as well as more abundant Stage II pedogenic carbonate nodules. The morphology of Type C paleosols suggests that they developed periodically rather than seasonally in poorly-drained deposits that nevertheless occupied a relatively stable part of the landscape such as the plains flanking ephemeral lakes or sabkhas.X-ray diffraction analysis of the < 2 μm fraction from the Moradi Formation strata indicates that paleosol phyllosilicates are composed of illite, smectite, and occasionally kaolinite and talc. Illite is likely a detrital mineral, whereas smectite and kaolinite are likely pedogenic weathering products. The presence of talc in the Moradi Formation paleosols is unusual. It is limited to paleosol horizons that also preserve evidence for pedogenic gypsum accumulation and is therefore most likely related to a pedogenic weathering process. It is possible that this talc is a relatively low-temperature (~ 50–100 °C) diagenetic alteration product of pedogenic Mg–phyllosilicates such as sepiolite.The range of morphologies, petrographic textures and mineralogy of the paleosol profiles indicates semi-arid to hyper-arid climatic setting. This paleoclimatic reconstruction is in agreement with Middle and Late Permian conceptual paleoclimate models and quantitative general circulation models. Nevertheless, and in spite of an arid climate, Moradi paleosols and their host strata also indicate a relatively shallow groundwater table. Importantly, this shallow groundwater resource undoubtedly helped to support the moderately diverse fossil vertebrate assemblage and large-stature macrophytes preserved in the Moradi Formation.  相似文献   

A widespread paleosol of Paleocene and Early Eocene age occurs in southwestern California and northwestern Baja California. The dominant quartz-kaolinite mineralogy and cation-depleted chemistry of the buried soil indicate a humid, tropical paleoclimate similar to the modern equatorial belt. Although the Paleocene—Eocene paleomagnetic latitudes are similar to the modern latitudes (36–37°N to 32–33°N, respectively), rainfall was about 125–190 cm per year and average annual temperature was about 20–25°C in marked contrast to the present annual rainfall of 25 cm and average annual temperature of 16°C.A variety of indicators in the Late Eocene sedimentary succession suggests a change to a semi-arid paleoclimate. The nonmarine portions of the Late Eocene sedimentary record are dominated by a cobble conglomerate lithosome deposited in fluvial, alluvial fan and fan delta systems. Intertongued with the conglomerate is a sandstone lithosome deposited in flood-plain and nearshore marine environments. The conglomerate clasts were transported to the depositional site via a long-distance (200–300 km), moderate gradient, braided river system mostly by flash floods. Characteristic post-depositional, in situ fracturing of conglomerate clasts probably occurred due to salt crystallization.Within the flood plain sandstones, and to a lesser degree the conglomerates, are multiple well-developed caliche horizons of probable pedogenic origin. Clay minerals from the Late Eocene rocks are dominantly vermiculite and smectite with lesser chlorite and illite; this is in marked contrast to the kaolinite that comprises the underlying Early Paleogene lateritic paleosol.The character of the Late Eocene sedimentary succession indicates a semi-arid climate. Rainfall probably did not exceed 63 cm per year; it probably was seasonal and by occasional flash floods. This paleoclimate contrasts markedly with the earlier humid tropical paleoclimate and must indicate a widespread climatic change in late Middle Eocene time.  相似文献   

Coralline algal nodules off Fraser Island, eastern Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Calcareous red algal nodules growing on mobile substrates have been sampled from 28 to 117m off Fraser Island in southern Queensland, eastern Australia. This is a subtropical, transitional area between the tropical Great Barrier Reef to the north and temperate, cooler waters to the south. Red algal nodules are the most common components in bioclastic gravels that extend from about 50 to 110 m and locally cover 40–50% of the seafloor. Variations in the overall character and floristic composition of the nodules with depth can be observed. Algal nodules comprise algal covered pebbles/cobbles and rhodoliths in depths shallower than 60 m whereas only rhodoliths occur in deeper settings. No changes in nodule shape occur but shallower algal nodules have larger mean size with higher standard deviation than the deeper ones (39.2 vs. 30.5 mm and 20.5 vs. 6.3 mm s.d.). Living and subrecent red algae in nodules shallower than 60 m are mainly Melobesioideae and peyssonneliaceans with minor Lithophylloideae and Mastophoroideae. Most plants belong to a few species of the generaPhymatolithon andLithothamnion. Below 68 m, rhodoliths are dominated by the family Sporolithaceae, melobesioids and peyssonneliaceans.Sporolithon is the main component below 80 m. Algal growth forms are mostly smooth encrusting to warty with no depth variation. Maximum plant thickness, however, decreases with increasing depth. Thallus thickness in the deeper water samples is more than three times smaller than in those from shallower waters. These data are important for understanding the paleoenvironmental context of deposition of the abundant coralline algal limestones with similar algal nodules found in the geological record.  相似文献   

The Urzhumian (Wordian) and Severodvinian (Capitanian) reference section of the Monastery Ravine (Kazan Volga region, Russia), contains two siltstone lithofacies: (a) laminated and (b) massive. Depositional settings of the laminated siltstones can be interpreted as perennial to ephemeral lakes; depositional settings of the massive siltstones are interpreted as floodplains with soil cover and periodical silt influx in wet seasons. The bulk geochemistry of siliciclastics has revealed a high degree of weathering of both types of siltstone. The similar chemical composition, mineralogy, and grain size suggest the same provenance of silt material. Geochemical data indicate eastern source rocks, which are the Permian red beds of the Cis-Ural plains.The main genetic types of paleosols hosted in the massive siltstones in the studied section, include moderately developed Vertisols and Calcisols with drab-colored root traces, calcareous nodules, low chroma mottles, angular blocky peds and slickensides. These pedofeatures indicate in general a semi-arid climate with clear seasonality of rainfall. Major oxides of the paleosol matrix were used to estimate paleoprecipitation through the bases to alumina (ΣBases/Al) ratio and chemical index of alteration minus potassium (CIA-K) proxies. Estimates from Urzhumian paleosols indicate relatively low mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 390 mm/yr. The transition to the Severodvinian paleosols is marked by a noticeable MAP increase up to 777 mm/yr. This climate moistening coincides with changes in the morphology of paleosols from dolomitic with low redoximorphy to calcitic with gley horizons. The pedogenic carbonate nodules consisting of dolomicrite (5–10 μm) are very common in the Urzhumian paleosols and their morphology, micromorhology and isotopic features indicate the pedogenic origin of dolomite.Sedimentological and paleopedological features of the studied siltstones, as well as the location of the Volga-Ural basin in a mid-latitude position (25–32 °N) indicate a monsoonal character of precipitation during the Middle Permian.  相似文献   

陈亚军  文斌 《广西植物》2008,28(1):67-72
调查滇南勐宋山地雨林沟谷与坡地两种生境中木质藤本种的丰富度、径级分布、攀缘方式以及样地中被藤本缠绕的树木(dbh≥5cm)的数量和比率。结果表明:沟谷与坡地胸径≥1cm的木质藤本平均密度分别为95.7株/0.1hm2、57株/0.1hm2。调查样地内木质藤本共64种,隶属30个科。茎缠绕是最主要的攀缘方式,占总个体数的57%,卷须缠绕种所占比重最小,仅占3%;沟谷与坡地所调查树木被木质藤本缠绕的比例分别为43.7%和28.6%。与亚洲其它热带地区森林相比,勐宋地区藤本的多样性低,但是木质藤本的密度相当高,并且在一些样地中出现了大型木质藤本,这些可能与该地区森林的演替状态有关。  相似文献   

Summary Micritic limestone-marl alternations make up the major part of the Silurian strata on Gotland (Sweden). Their position on the stable Baltic Shield protected them from deep burial and tectonic stress and allowed the preservation of early stages of burial diagenesis, including lithification. In the micritic limestones certain characteristics have been preserved (e.g., pitted microspar crystals, sharp boundaries between microspar and components, lack of deformation phenomena) that offer insights into their formation. We suppose the formation of these micritic limestones and limestone-marl alternations to be based on a rhythmic diagenesis within an aragonite solution zone (ASZ) close below the sediment surface. The micritic limestones are the product of a poikilotopic cementation of carbonate muds which consisted of varying portions of aragonitic, calcitic and terrigenous matter. Their microspar crystals show the primary size and shape of the cements lithifying the original carbonate mud. Dissolution of aragonite in the marls provided the carbonate for the lithification of the limestones. By cementation, the limestone beds evaded further compaction. The marls, which already underwent a volume decrease by aragonite depletion, lacked cement and became more and more compacted due to increasing sedimentary overburden. Although field observations show that primary differences in material influence the development of limestone-marl alternations they are not required for their formation.  相似文献   

Traces interpreted as Skolithos sp. in a Glossifungites ichnofacies occur in the upper part of the Beans Gap Claystone paleosol, in association with a Late Ordovician marine erosional surface. Paleosol color and whole‐rock chemistry are distinctly different in the vicinity of burrows, which are enveloped by olive gray mottles, 1 to 10 cm in diameter, in which total iron (measured as Fe2O3) is 30% lower than in grayish red, “unaltered”; claystone.

Post‐pedogenic bioturbation increased permeability locally and permitted the introduction of marine fluids and coarser sediment into the top of the paleosol. Anaerobic microbial decay of organic matter in the burrows and surrounding claystone permitted reduction (and mobilization) of formerly oxidized iron, which then combined with marine‐derived sulfate to form pyrite, both within burrows and along oxidation‐reduction fronts in the claystone proximal to burrows. Pyrite was later converted to hematite as a result of outcrop‐related oxidation by meteoric water.

Paleosols formed in coastal marine settings are especially susceptible to early diagenetic alteration related to marine hydromorphism. Differentiating these ichnologic and diagenetic effects from true pedogenic ones is essential when interpreting paleosols in paralic sequences.  相似文献   

滇西南孟连曼信地区早石炭世磷结核中的放射虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇西南昌宁-孟连构造带下石炭统平掌组火山岩之硅质岩夹层中,存在大量结核,X衍射分析证明,这些结核全部为磷结核。其中一块磷结核经分析,获得放射虫化石7属9种(其中包括一未定种):Albaillella paradoxa Deflandre,Archocyrtium sp.,Robotium validum Cheng,Triaenosphaera sicarius Deflandre,Entactinia herculea Foreman,Entactinia parva Won,Astroentactinia multispinosa(Won),Entactinosphaera inusitata Foreman,Entactiosphaera palimbola Foreman,均属杜内期中期Albaillella paradoxa带。这些磷结核应该沉积在上升洋流形成的洋岛环境,而不是裂谷中。  相似文献   

Limestone deposits with columnar to lenticular geometry (max. 3.2 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter) occur within the uppermost part of the Ganigobis Shale Member, a marine mudstone unit capping the second deglaciation sequence of the glaciomarine Dwyka Group in southern Namibia. The limestones mainly consist of four authigenic carbonate phases (microspar, banded/botryoidal cement, yellow calcite, spheroidal calcite). Extremely negative δ13C values (as low as ? 51‰ VPDB) indicate a hydrocarbon-derived origin of the carbonates with biogenic methane being the most likely carbon source. The limestones contain a low-diversity but high-abundance faunal assemblage of tubular fossils. These fossils closely resemble the tubes of modern and fossil seep-dwelling vestimentiferan tube worms in terms of size, shape, arrangement, and taphonomical patterns.  相似文献   

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are useful for the growth of many plants, but not known for blueberry species. This study examined the effects of fluorescent lamps and 100 % red, 80 % red plus 20 % blue, 50 % red plus 50 % blue, and 100 % blue LEDs on the growth and development of highbush blueberry shoots under aseptic and non-aseptic conditions. Results revealed that monochromatic blue LEDs accumulated the highest contents of leaf chlorophylls. In contrast, monochromatic red LEDs inhibited chlorophyll accumulation, but produced the longest shoots and roots and provided high percentages of side shoot formation from ex vitro plants. Mixed LEDs, particularly 50 % red plus 50 % blue light, improved plant growth with respect to notably increased shoot and root biomass. Direct rooting of in vitro shoots under non-aseptic conditions was readily achieved using a commercial mixture of perlite and peat moss with high humidity controls. These findings obviously suggest the efficient use of LEDs to replace traditional fluorescent lamps in large-scale propagation of the highbush blueberry, and also pave the way for future studies on LEDs for standardizing micropropagation protocols to shrub crops and woody plants.  相似文献   

G Liu  Q Zhang  H Zhu  Z Hu 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e37725
Trentepohlia is a genus of subaerial green algae which is widespread in tropical, subtropical, and also temperate regions with humid climates. For many years, small-scale Trentepohlia coverage had been found on the rocks of some glacier valleys on the northern slopes of Mt. Gongga, China. However, since 2005, in the Yajiageng river valley, most of the rocks are covered with deep red coloured algal carpets, which now form a spectacular sight and a tourist attraction known as ‘Red-Stone-Valley’. Based on morphology and molecular data, we have named this alga as a new variety: Trentepohlia jolithus var. yajiagengensis var. nov., it differs from the type variety in that its end cells of the main filament are often rhizoid, unilateral branches. This new variety only grows on the native rock, both global warming and human activity have provided massive areas of suitable substrata: the rocks surfaces of the Yajiageng river valley floodplain were re-exposed because of heavy debris flows in the summer of 2005; plus human activities such as tourism and road-building have also created a lot of exposed rock! In summer, the glaciers of the northern slopes of Mt. Gongga have brought to the valleys wet and foggy air, ideal for Trentepohlia growth. The cells of the new variety are rich in secondary carotenoids (astaxanthin?), which helps the algal cells resistance to strong ultraviolet radiation at high altitudes (they are only found on rock surfaces at alt. 1900–3900 m); the cells are also rich in oils, which gives them high resistance to cold dry winters.  相似文献   

Wang B S  Peng S L  Guo L  Ye Y H 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1690-1695
A novel landscape classification system was proposed in this study based on landscape ecological theory and the differentiation in climate, topography, soil, vegetation and land use mode. Five basic units (zone, tract, province, region and type) and two assistant units (sub and group) were used in this system. The tropical forest landscape in Hainan Island was regarded as a landscape province, belonging to global tropical forest landscape zone, Asiatic (oriental) tropical forest landscape tract and Chinese tropical forest landscape subtract. Based on the grade system of region, sub-region, type-group and type, this landscape province (Hainan Island) is divided into 6 landscape regions (east moist forest landscape, west semi-arid forest landscape, central-south mountainous forest landscape, tropical evergreen needle-leaved forest landscape, tropical bamboo landscape and tropical plantation landscape), 11 tropical forest landscape sub-regions represented by tropical lowland valley rain forest landscape, 26 tropical forest landscape-type groups represented by tropical lowland valley Dipterocarpaceae forest landscape, and 54 forest landscape types (FLT) represented by lowland valley Vatica mangachapoi forest. Generally, this classification system represents the landscape diversity of the tropical forest in Hainan Island. Further studies are needed to better understand the landscape diversity of Hainan Island.  相似文献   

A novel landscape classification system was proposed in this study based on landscape ecological theory and the differentiation in climate, topography, soil, vegetation and land use mode. Five basic units (zone, tract, province, region and type) and two assistant units (sub and group) were used in this system. The tropical forest landscape in Hainan Island was regarded as a landscape province, belonging to global tropical forest landscape zone, Asiatic (oriental) tropical forest landscape tract and Chinese tropical forest landscape subtract. Based on the grade system of region, sub-region, type-group and type, this landscape province (Hainan Island) is divided into 6 landscape regions (east moist forest landscape, west semi-arid forest landscape, central-south mountainous forest landscape, tropical evergreen needle-leaved forest landscape, tropical bamboo landscape and tropical plantation landscape), 11 tropical forest landscape sub-regions represented by tropical lowland valley rain forest landscape, 26 tropical forest landscape-type groups represented by tropical lowland valley Dipterocarpaceae forest landscape, and 54 forest landscape types (FLT) represented by lowland valley Vatica mangachapoi forest. Generally, this classification system represents the landscape diversity of the tropical forest in Hainan Island. Further studies are needed to better understand the landscape diversity of Hainan Island.  相似文献   

Dr. Adam El-Shahat 《Facies》1995,33(1):265-275
Summary The Quaternary carbonates of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt between Alexandria and Salum appear as parallel limestone ridges rising up to 100 m above sea level. These ridges are dominated by dunal carbonates which differ not only in their primary composition but also by distinct grades of meteoric water diagenesis. Oolitic facies dominates the younger aeolianites of the first and second ridges. Bioclastic facies with abundant coralline algae, benthonic foraminifers, molluscs, echinoderms and intraclasts represents the major rock type in the older aeolianites. Features of meteoric water diagenesis include precipitation of increasing amounts of avoid-filling low Mg-calcite spar, dissolution of aragonite and stabilization of aragonite and high Mg-calcite to low Mg-calcite. Aeolianites below paleosol horizons contain abundant calcrete cements, micritized fossils and detrital grains which are commonly corroded and replaced by calcite. Three stages of progressive meteoric diagenesis are recognised in the Egyptian Quaternary aeolianites. In stage 1 minor precipitation of low Mg-calcite occurs at the grain boundaries. Stage 2 is marked by partial dissolution of aragonite, partial loss of high Mg-calcite and precipitation of low Mg-calcite in some pore spaces. In stage 3, most of the remaining pores are occluded by cementation. At the end of stage 3, Mg is removed from high Mg-calcite but some aragonite still persists. The early vadose cements are represented by miniscus, bridge and pendant cements. The phreatic cements were precipitated as bladed spar in the isopachous rims and equant spar in the intergranular and mouldic porosity. The late vadose cements are represented by micritic cements that were related to calcrete formation. Elemental behaviour during meteoric water diagenesis indicates that it leads to a gradual decrease in bulk Sr along with Na in progressively altered aeolianites. Mn distribution is controlled by the carbonate mineralogy (aragonite versus calcite) as well as the proximity of the aeolianites to the overlying paleosol horizons.  相似文献   

In the Central Iran Basin, the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic deposits of the C member of the Qom Formation were deposited on a carbonate platform which is dominated by rhodalgal associations occurring in tropical–subtropical environment. The biogenic rhodalgal association is dominated by bryozoa, coralline red algae, bivalves and echinoids together with smaller amounts of photo-dependent biota including large benthic foraminifera and corals. The abundance of heterozoan association and the bloom of suspension-feeding organisms are the result of an increase in nutrient availability which has profound controlling effect on the biotic system. The low occurrence of symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera and coral, typical of stable, oligotrophic condition, represents their low tolerance to unstable, nutrient-rich environment. In the investigated Oligocene–Miocene shallow marine carbonate succession, 10 different microfacies were distinguished through depositional texture and biotic components. The rock sequences investigated are referred to an open shelf carbonate platform in which the depositional environments range from outer shelf to inner shelf conditions.  相似文献   

Soil organic C sequestration and stabilization in karstic soils of Yucatan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tropical semiarid soils of northwestern Yucatan, Mexico, haveexceptionally high organic matter (OM) contents, between 50 and 150 g Ckg–1. The soils are formed on limestone and form amosaic of shallow black lithosols surrounding rock outcrops and deeper redrendzinas at slightly lower relief. Traditionally, these soils were managedunder shifting cultivation with an uncommonly short cultivation period of only2years followed by a long bush fallow. We examined OM mineral associationsusing size and density fractionations of two soils after 1 and 12 years offallow in a search for factors responsible for the high OM stability, shortcultivation period and poor productivity. Light-fraction OM accounted for up to38% of total soil OM and was responsible for almost all the OM accretion duringfallow. Red soils contained half as much OM as black soils. Lower average OMcontents of silt-size aggregates of red soils were due to a lower proportion ofOC-rich agregates, not to differences in composition of individual aggregateclasses. Expandable clays were practically absent in both soil types andsesquioxides were not related to OM contents or stability. Fine-sized secondarycarbonates, undetectable to X-ray, impreganted light fraction OM and stabilizedaggregates, and may be the principal cause of the OM accumulation.Mineralisation of coarse OM accumulated during fallow was impeded in bothsoils,but to a greater extent in the more calcareous black soils, so that relativelyundecomposed OM accumulates to well above the levels that are typical for othersemiarid tropical soils. Limited OM turnover will limit nutrient release, whichmay limit the agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

2009~2012年,在秦岭南麓汉水上游汉中盆地梁山周围新发现何家梁和窑厂湾2处旷野类型旧石器地点,采集石制品252件。早期人类加工石制品的原料来自于河流堆积物中的石英、火山岩、石英岩、硅质灰岩和砂岩等砾石,采取硬锤直接打击法和砸击法剥片。石制品种类包含石锤、石核、石片、修理的工具和断块。工具类型以砍砸器、石球、重型刮削器、手斧和手镐等重型器物为主。汉中盆地梁山周围以龙岗寺等地点为代表的旧石器地点群是含阿舍利(Acheulian)类型器物的石器工业。何家梁和窑厂湾地点分别位于汉江右岸第二和第三级阶地上,通过对窑厂湾地点黄土地层剖面进行回授光释光(TTOSL)方法测年,结合古地磁测试和对比黄土高原标准黄土地层序列测年结果,证实汉中盆地古人类活动的时代最晚在60万年前就已经开始,而何家梁地点的地层测年数据则表明距今7、8万年左右存在另外一个古人类活动繁盛的阶段,早期人类在汉中盆地活动有较长的时间跨度。以前汉中盆地发现的旧石器地点没有独立的年代数据,极大地限制了学术界对其石器工业技术和人类行为的深入研究,这是首次获得的汉中盆地埋藏旧石器地点地层的独立年代数据,是对汉中盆地旧石器遗址年代学认识上的一大突破。本研究结合可靠的测年数据,分析石器组合及加工技术,对建立中更新世以来秦岭山区的旧石器文化序列,理解我国南北方旧石器工业的发展演化以及东西方旧石器工业技术比较具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The origin and pigmentation of red beds have long been investigated, but mainly on continental settings and carbonate facies (including deep marine red beds). This paper focuses on the shallow marine clastic red beds developed in South China during the Silurian. Based on the sedimentological and geochemical analyses on red layers, green layers and laminae of the Rongxi Formation (Llandovery, Lower Silurian) of Xiushan, southeastern Chongqing, known as the ‘lower red beds’ (LRBs), the following observations are made: (1) the LRBs are primary red beds whereas the green layers are secondary (i.e., formed during early diagenesis); (2) the color differentiation of sediments shows little relevance to the bottom redox potential shift but has a close relationship to grain size and sediment sorting which may be caused by sea level changes and tides. The controlling factors of LRBs pigmentation are significantly different from those of deep marine red beds, and some coeval red beds in North America and Europe. It is noted that, among the shallow marine clastic red beds, the sedimentological and geochemical signatures from the laminae seem to better indicate the environmental conditions than those derived from the layers.  相似文献   

Rhodoliths are nodules of non-geniculate coralline algae that occur in shallow waters (<150 m depth) subjected to episodic disturbance. Rhodolith beds stand with kelp beds, seagrass meadows, and coralline algal reefs as one of the world's four largest macrophyte-dominated benthic communities. Geographic distribution of rhodolith beds is discontinuous, with large concentrations off Japan, Australia and the Gulf of California, as well as in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, eastern Caribbean and Brazil. Although there are major gaps in terms of seabed habitat mapping, the largest rhodolith beds are purported to occur off Brazil, where these communities are recorded across a wide latitudinal range (2°N-27°S). To quantify their extent, we carried out an inter-reefal seabed habitat survey on the Abrolhos Shelf (16°50'-19°45'S) off eastern Brazil, and confirmed the most expansive and contiguous rhodolith bed in the world, covering about 20,900 km(2). Distribution, extent, composition and structure of this bed were assessed with side scan sonar, remotely operated vehicles, and SCUBA. The mean rate of CaCO(3) production was estimated from in situ growth assays at 1.07 kg m(-2) yr(-1), with a total production rate of 0.025 Gt yr(-1), comparable to those of the world's largest biogenic CaCO(3) deposits. These gigantic rhodolith beds, of areal extent equivalent to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, are a critical, yet poorly understood component of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean. Based on the relatively high vulnerability of coralline algae to ocean acidification, these beds are likely to experience a profound restructuring in the coming decades.  相似文献   

This study provides a detailed pedogenic evaluation of two Upper Triassic (Late Norian through Rhaetian) stratigraphic intervals in New Mexico in order to assess the climate and ecology of the Latest Triassic, which ended in a mass extinction. The two study areas are located in north–central and east-central New Mexico and are separated by 200 km. Each section contains abundant paleosols of varying maturity with features that reflect an arid to semiarid climate. There is little pedogenic variation throughout the strata at each location, and a typical paleosol profile is about 1 m thick and has an AB–Bw–Bk–BC horizon succession. Bkm, Bss, Bssk, or Bssg horizons are present in some paleosols. Micromorphological features suggest dominantly well-drained sola (e.g., abundant carbonate nodules, illuviated clay) with minor periods of moist or saturated conditions (e.g., FeMn concretions, FeMn coatings and hypocoatings, sepic-plasmic fabrics). Trace fossils are abundant in these strata and are dominated by Taenidium serpentinum and root traces. Depth-to-carbonate functions estimate that mean annual precipitation was between 200 and 450 +/? 95 mm. Relative to location 1 (eastern New Mexico), location 2 (north–central New Mexico) produced higher paleo-precipitation estimates and has stronger and more abundant sepic-plasmic fabrics in thin sections. The presence of a gleyed paleosol, Camborygma eumnkenomos, and slickensides at location 2 also suggests conditions wetter than at location 1. Taxonomically, all of the paleosols in this study appear to be Entisols or Aridisols and can be grouped into seven representative pedotypes of varying maturity. By comparing these paleosols to modern soils, this study demonstrates that the Late Triassic Western Interior during the Late Norian to Rhaetian was arid to semiarid and supported a desert shrub environment that had localized and periodic moist or saturated soil conditions.  相似文献   

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