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Most of the urea entering Chara australis cells is rapidly metabolizedto produce CO2, which diffuses out of the cells into the surroundingmedium. A simple and convenient apparatus to measure both the14C-urea retained by cells and the 14CO2 released into the mediumwas developed and used in a study of urea transport in Chara.The permeability coefficient for urea in the Chara plasmalemmawas estimated from the slope of an uptake versus concentrationfunction as 85 nm s-1. Computer modelling of urea uptake andmetabolism suggests that this could be a 20% underestimate ofthe true value.The corresponding permeability coefficients forthiourea and N-methyl-urea were estimated in the same way as34 and 35 nm s-1, respectively. These permeabilities are muchgreater than expected on the basis of either/water partitioncoefficients for the solutes and are consistent with the diffusionof urea and its similarly-sized analogues through aqueous poresin the plasmalemma.At external concentrations of urea less than20 mmol m-3, the bulk of the uptake is effected by a specifictransport mechanism with an apparent Km for urea of less than1.0 mmol m-3. This transport system operates most rapidly withexternal pH in the range 6.5–7.5 and is influenced bythe nitrogen status of the cell.Evidence is produced here suggestingthat the specific transport of urea may be an active process. Key words: Chara, urea uptake, metabolism, diffusion, specific transport  相似文献   

The ureolytic enzyme in Chara was investigated. This enzymewas shown to be a urease with an unusually high affinity forurea(Km = 158 mmol m-3). Little inhibition of urease activitywas found when intact Chara cells were exposed to the ureaseinhibitors hydroxyurea, acetohydroxamic acid and N-ethylmaleimide,although there was some inhibition of urea uptake. The distribution of radioactivity amongst the amino acid, organicacid and sugar/neutral fractions, determined by ion-exchangechromatography, was very similar whether the Chara internodeswere exposed to 14C-urea or to H14CO3. This suggests that thefraction of the urea-carbon liberated by the urease as CO2 andretained by the cell is used in photosynthetic carbon-fixation.During the initial 15 min of 14C-urea uptake, label appearsin the vacuole only in the form of unmetabolized urea. Afterthis time a variety of labelled compounds appear in the vacuole,presumably reflecting the gradual movement of carbon-fixationproducts from the chloroplasts to the cytoplasm and thence intothe vacuole. Key words: Urea transport, metabolism, Chara, urease  相似文献   

The identity of the plasmalemma-transported species that develops the alkaline bands of Chara corallina was investigated. The effect of fusicoccin on the rate of HCO3 assimilation, and on the time-dependent alkaline band pH buildup following low pH flushing, was found to be small, with no stimulatory effect. Computer simulation of the flushing experiments showed that in the experimental situation the alkaline band transport system was slowed down, rather than speeded up, by low pH flushing. A detailed theoretical examination of the maximum rate of proton production from water showed that measured alkaline band fluxes are too large to be explicable in terms of an H+ influx system. The experimental and theoretical results indicate that the plasmalemma transport of OH ions is responsible for the measured negative external electric potential and alkalinity flux which are associated with the alkaline band phenomenon. Consequently, HCO3 influx across the characean plasmalemma must be charge-balanced by the efflux of OH ions.  相似文献   

The regulation of ammonia uptake was investigated in internodalcells of the freshwater alga Chara australis. Ammonia uptakewas estimated by monitoring (i) its depletion from the bathingsolution, (ii) the uptake of radiolabelled methylamine, an analogueof ammonia, and (iii) depletion of ammonia in the unstirredlayer with the microelectrode ion-flux estimation technique(MIFE). Distribution of methylamine (14CH3NH3+) between thevacuole and cytoplasm was estimated with efflux analysis. Whencells were bathed continuously in solutions containing ammoniaor methylamine, the uptake rates of both amines decreased over12 to 48 h despite the continuing existence of a large electrochemicalgradient favouring influx of the NH+4 and CH3NH+4 cations. Treatmentwith 1.0 to 10.0 mM MSX, an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase,caused the internal ammonia concentration to rise and reducedthe subsequent uptake of ammonia and methylamine by up to 70%within 2 h. These results suggest that the permease facilitatingNH+4/CH3NH+4 influx is under feedback or kinetic regulationfrom either internal ammonia or an intermediate of nitrogenassimilation. Treatment with metabolic inhibitors (CCCP, azide and DCMU) andsome weak acids (DMO and butyric acid) for 30 to 60 min inhibitedmethylamine uptake, but the changes in the electrical potentialdifference across the plasma membrane could not account forthe magnitude of inhibition. The rate of cytopiasmic streaming,which is an indicator of the cellular ATP concentration in Chara,was inhibited by many of these treatments. However, under certainconditions of external pH and concentration, butyric acid couldreversibly inhibit ammonia and methylamine uptake without affectingcytoplasmic streaming, demonstrating that a decrease in cytoplasmicATP concentration was not responsible for the inhibition. Theeffect of butyric acid was rapid, causing a 60% inhibition ofuptake in 15 min. We conclude that weak acids can inhibit theNH+4/CH3NH+4 permease by acidifying the cytoplasm and suggestthat this may also explain the effects of the metabolic inhibitorson ammonia and methylamine uptake. Key words: Ammonia, methylamine, uptake, regulation, Chara  相似文献   

The effects of Cl and pretreatment on 36Clinflux and influx into Characorallina cells were examined. Both treatments reduced 36Clinflux into C. corallina cells in the acid pH range (4.5–7.0). pretreatment stimulated influx into C. corallina cells, but Cl pretreatment hadno effect. There was a direct inhibitory effect of CI on influx into C. corallina cells, but no apparenteffect on net NO uptake. The time course of 36Cl accumulation into cytoplasmic and vacuolarcompartments during incubation of the cells with showed that significant radioactivity appeared in the vacuolarsap after 30 min. There was a linear increase in the percentageof total 36CI which crossed the tonoplast (c-v). There was noeffect of Cl or pretreatment on accumulation of radioactivity in the vacuole. Thin layer chromatography ofthe vacuolar sap showed that after 2 h only one component waspresent which had an RF which was similar to 36CI. Therate of accumulation of 36C1 in the vacuole could beused to estimate rates of reduction. Key words: Chloride, Chlorate, Chara, Nitrate  相似文献   

高等植物尿素代谢及转运的分子机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尿素广泛存在于自然界中, 是易于被许多生物(如植物)利用的生长氮源。该文通过概述尿素在不同生命系统中存在的基础生理意义及各类型尿素转运蛋白, 讨论了植物细胞中尿素合成与分解的各种途径及尿素在植物氮营养、代谢和运输中的生理作用。迄今为止, 在植物中已发现了2类转运尿素的膜蛋白, 即MIPs和DUR3, 它们分别在低亲和力、高亲和力尿素运输中发挥潜在作用。异源表达结果表明, MIPs介导了尿素的被动迁移; 而AtDUR3则参与拟南芥根系对尿素的吸收。对MIPs和DUR3转运尿素的酶学特征、亚细胞作用位点和表达调控状况等的研究表明: 它们的分子生物学功能与植物的氮营养及氮素再分配和利用相关。  相似文献   

尿素广泛存在于自然界中,是易于被许多生物(如植物)利用的生长氮源。该文通过概述尿素在不同生命系统中存在的基础生理意义及各类型尿素转运蛋白,讨论了植物细胞中尿素合成与分解的各种途径及尿素在植物氮营养、代谢和运输中的生理作用。迄今为止,在植物中已发现了2类转运尿素的膜蛋白,即MIPs和DUR3,它们分别在低亲和力、高亲和力尿素运输中发挥潜在作用。异源表达结果表明MIPs介导了尿素的被动迁移:而AtDUR3则参与拟南芥根系对尿素的吸收。对MIPs和DUR3转运尿素的酶学特征、亚细胞作用位点和表达调控状况等的研究表明:它们的分子生物学功能与植物的氮营养及氮素再分配和利用相关。  相似文献   

A critical investigation of the method usually used for measuringthe electrical resistance of the tonoplast shows that the valuethus obtained is always higher than the true value.  相似文献   

Smith, J. R., Walker, N. A. and Smith, F. A. 1987. Potassiumtransport across the membranes of Chara. III. Effects of pH,inhibitors and illumination.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 778–787. The effects of several treatments, normally used to inhibitelectrogenic proton transport, upon the potassium permeability(Pk) of the membranes of Chara were examined by means of simultaneousmeasurements of the 42K influx (inK) and the membrane electricalconductance (Gm). inK, PK and Gmwere found to be substantiallyunaffected when the external pH (pH?) was varied over the range5?0 to 85. However, when pH? was increased to 11 it was foundthat, although Gm increased considerably, both Pk and inK decreasedtypically by an order of magnitude. When cells were placed intotal darkness, PK decreased substantially only after one dayhad elapsed. For the particular experimental conditions used,the inhibitors DES, NaN3, and La3+ were found to alter PK, whereasDCCD left PK substantially unaffected. These results suggestthat care must be taken with some common procedures used toexamine the electrical properties of the electrogenic protonpump. Key words: Potassium, pH, illumination, inhibitors  相似文献   

Indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) applied to sterns of Phaseolus vulgarisseedlings, decapitated above primary leaves, enhanced the mobilizationof 14C-metabolites to the treated stumps and this effect wasapparent within 3–6 h of applying the hormone. More than90 per cent of the total 14C-activity transported to the stumpswas detected in the alcohol-soluble extracts. In all treatments,less than 5 per cent of the 14C-photosynthate exported fromthe primary leaves was translocated upwards. Accumulation of14C-activity was also increased when the IAA was applied laterallyto intact internodes. This effect was obtained when 14C wassupplied either above or below the point of hormone application.By selective heat girdling, it was shown that the auxin affected14C transport when either the root ‘sink’ was removedor transpiratory flow of water through the treated internodewas maintained. Decapitated stems treated with plain lanolinfor 3 d were found to retain their responsiveness to auxin interms of enhanced metabolite transport. Heat-girdling experimentsand estimates of 14C transport velocity suggested that mostof the 14C movement was restricted to the phloem of treatedstumps. Similar effects of IAA on a transport in excised stemsegments of Phaseolus vulgaris were observed.  相似文献   

The rate of electroendosmotic flow through dog and cat pericardia is found to be proportional to the current strength. The plots of current strengths against volumes of liquid transported in unit time are, in the better experiments, straight lines passing through the origin; the slopes of the lines are characteristic of the several systems. Data on transport rate with buffers of different specific resistances showed the following phenomena: 1. Decrease of the observed transport rate to a minimum between σ values of 95 and 60 ohms. 2. Changes in the membrane markedly affecting transport rate, at conductivities and osmotic pressures close to those of the blood. 3. Polarization of the membrane during the passage of current. The mean rate found for electroendosmotic transport across dog and cat serous membranes bathed in serum has been 0.19 to 0.30 (average, 0.25) c.mm. per minute per milliampere. The best experiments with dog serum and the living mesenteries of dogs under ether gave a mean rate of 0.29 c.mm. per minute per milliampere. These data, together with data from other sources, are believed to indicate a probability approaching certainty that electroendosmotic effects are a factor in glandular secretion.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase II, one of the two major aminopeptidases in the giant alga Chara australis, was partially purified. Its molecular weight was estimated to be about 80,000 by gel permeation chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that it is composed of a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of about 85,000. Aminopeptidase II hydrolyzed alanine-2-naphthylamide more efficiently than the naphthylamides of lysine and proline, and only weakly hydrolyzed the naphthylamides of arginine, phenylalanine, valine, and leucine. The optimal pH for the hydrolysis of alanine-2-naphthylamide was near 7.0. The activity of aminopeptidase II was inhibited by the SH-reagents p-chloromercuribenzoic acid and N-ethylmaleimide and by the metal chelator 1,10-phenanthroline.  相似文献   

Ritchie, R. J. 1987. The permeability of ammonia, methylamineand ethylamine in the charophyte Chara corallina (C. australis).—J.exp. Bot. 38: 67–76 The permeabilities of the amines, ammonia (NH3), methylamine(CH3NH2) and ethylamine (CH3CH2NH2) in the giant-celled charophyteChara corallina (C. australis) R.Br. have been measured andcompared. The permeabilities were corrected for uptake fluxesof the amine cations. Based on net uptake rates, the permeabilityof ammonia was 6?4?0?93 µm s–1 (n = 38). The permeabilitiesof methylamine and ethylamine were measured in net and exchangeflux experiments. The permeabilities of methylamine were notsignificantly different in net and exchange experiments, norto that of ammonia (Pmethylamine = 6?0?0?49 µm s–1(n = 44)). In net flux experiments the apparent permeabilityof ethylamine was slightly greater than that of ammonia andmethylamine (Pethylamine, net = 8?4?1?2 µm s–1 (n= 40)) but the permeability of ethylamine based on exchangeflux data was significantly higher (Pethylamine, exchange =14?1?2 µm s–1 (n = 20)). Methylamine can be validlyused as an ammonium analogue in permeability studies in Chara. The plasmalemma of Chara has acid and alkaline bands; littlediffusion of uncharged amines would occur across the acid bands.The actual permeability of amines across the alkaline bandsis probably about twice the values quoted above on a whole cellbasis i.e. the permeability of ammonia across the permeablepart of the plasmalemma is probably about 12 µm s–1. Key words: Chara, permeability, ammonia, methylamine  相似文献   

The simplest biological transport system so far extensively investigated is that of monosaccharides in human erythrocytes. Despite its simplicity there is still considerable doubt and divergence of opinion concerning its mechanism. Some confusion may arise as a result of the comparison of diverse data obtained by different workers using a variety of experimental techniques. To minimize this problem, an attempt is made here to repeat, under standard conditions and with as much care as possible, five of the more definitive types of experiments previously performed on this system. It is hoped that the result of this effort is an internally consistent set of data with which the quantitative predictions of various proposed mechanisms may be compared as a primary criterion for their acceptability.  相似文献   

Intercellular Transport and Cytoplasmic Streaming in Chara hispida   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The correlation between the velocities of cytoplasmic streamingand of translocation of 14C-photosynthate and 32P-phosphateassociated radioactivity has been investigated in whole plantsof the green freshwater alga Chara hispida L. Tracer was suppliedto the plant's rhizoid system in a split-chamber. The velocityof cytoplasmic streaming of 52±3.3 µm s–1compares with 57±10 µm s–1 found for 14C-transportand 32±20 µm s–1 found for 32P-transport.There was no indication of intercellular translocation at avelocity faster than visible streaming. Cytochalasin B inhibitedthe translocation of 32P and cytoplasmic streaming. CytochalasinB becomes fully effective in inhibiting streaming and transportafter an incubation time of at least 5 h. Key words: Chara hispida, Cytoplasmic streaming, Intercellular transport  相似文献   

Intercellular transport of 14C-labelled photoassimilates, bothin isolated upper shoots and in isolated internode-branchletcomplexes of Chara corallina, was measured. The isolated uppershoots were composed of a primary apex, two mature internodes,and three branchlet whorls. A 10 min loading of the isolatedupper shoot with H14CO3 resulted in a greater accumulationof 14C in the apical complex and branchlets than in the internodes,while a subsequent 50 min chase with unlabelled solution inthe light resulted in a greater accumulation of 14C in internodesthan in other parts of the shoot. In the isolated internode-branchlet complex, when the apex wasnot detached, the amount of 14C transported from branchletsto internodes was about fives times that transported from internodesto branchlets. Removal of the apex resulted in a decrease intransport from branchlets to internodes and an increase in transportin the opposite direction. In an attempt to explain the mechanism of the polar transportof photosynthetically fixed carbon between branchlets and internodes,photosynthetic activities of both types of cells were investigated.Detached branchlets have higher photosynthetic 14C-fixationactivities than those of internodes. Chlorophyll contents, measuredin terms of surface area, in internodes and branchlets werealmost identical. The ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase(RuBPCase) activity of branchlets was 1.6 times that of internodes,and the rate of ferricyanide-dependent evolution of oxygen inbranchlets was 1.4 times that in internodes. Key words: Chara, internode, branchlet, polar transport, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Both parts of the actin-myosin complex involved in cytoplasmic streaming could be regulated by mineral ions. The main goal of this study was to find a relationship between cyclosis and ion transport across the cell wall and plasma membrane. The transport of K(+) and Ca(2+) along pH bands in Chara branchlet internodal cells was characterized by using the MIFE system for non-invasive microelectrode measurement of ion fluxes. Branchlets formed acidic and alkaline bands with the pH ranging from 5 to 8. Different pH patterns were observed for different sides of the branchlets. Sides with cyclosis streaming acropetally generally showed greater variation in the profiles of pH and H(+) fluxes. Although a high correlation was not found between pH bands and Ca(2+) or K(+) fluxes, there was a positive correlation between Ca(2+) and K(+) fluxes themselves for both sides of the branchlets. Application of cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of cyclosis, had no immediate effect on pH and ion fluxes, however, the time of cyclosis cessation corresponded with a dramatic change in Ca(2+) and K(+) fluxes; pH profiles and H(+) fluxes were affected within 2 h. The evidence suggests that, in Chara branchlets, pH band formation and Gd(3+)-insensitive Ca(2+) transport systems are linked to the cyclosis machinery: (i) the pH band amplitude for the acropetally streaming side was larger than that for the basipetally streaming side; (ii) cessation of cytoplasmic streaming after cytochalasin D application resulted in changed pH banding profiles and H(+), Ca(2+) and K(+) fluxes; and (iii) the application of GdCl(3) or incubation in GdCl(3) solutions did not lead to the cessation of cytoplasmic streaming, although external Ca(2+) fluxes changed.  相似文献   

In Chara corallina, the membrane potential may stay much morenegative than the equilibrium potential for potassium in thedark, indicating that the proton pump is operative. The highproton conductance which occurs at high external pH, as indicatedby a high membrane conductance and a membrane potential nearthe equilibrium potential for protons, is not seen in the darkat pH 11. This effect is likely to be related to inhibitionof photosynthesis since DCMU has the same effect. The effectis similar but not identical to the effect of a decreased internalpH. Key words: Light, dark, membrane potential, Chara  相似文献   

This review summarizes what is currently known about urea transporters in fishes in the context of their physiology and evolution within the vertebrates. The existence of urea transporters has been investigated in red blood cells and hepatocytes of fish as well as in renal and branchial cells. Little is known about urea transport in red blood cells and hepatocytes, in fact, urea transporters are not believed to be present in the erythrocytes of elasmobranchs nor in teleost fish. What little physiological evidence there is for urea transport across fish hepatocytes is not supported by molecular evidence and could be explained by other transporters. In contrast, early findings on elasmobranch renal urea transporters were the impetus for research in other organisms. Urea transport in both the elasmobranch kidney and gill functions to retain urea within the animal against a massive concentration gradient with the environment. Information on branchial and renal urea transporters in teleost fish is recent in comparison but in teleosts urea transporters appear to function for excretion and not retention as in elasmobranchs. The presence of urea transporters in fish that produce a copious amount of urea, such as elasmobranchs and ureotelic teleosts, is reasonable. However, the existence of urea transporters in ammoniotelic fish is curious and could likely be due to their ability to manufacture urea early in life as a means to avoid ammonia toxicity. It is believed that the facilitated diffusion urea transporter (UT) gene family has undergone major evolutionary changes, likely in association with the role of urea transport in the evolution of terrestriality in the vertebrates.  相似文献   

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