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The fast-twitch skeletal muscle Ca(2+)-ATPase isoenzyme, SERCA1a, is localized in chick skeletal myotubes to both the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and to the nuclear envelope, an extension of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER labeling remained after cycloheximide treatment, indicating that it did not represent newly synthesized SERCA1a in transit to the SR. Expression of the cDNA encoding SERCA1a in cultured non-muscle cells led to the localization of the enzyme in the ER, as indicated by organelle morphology and the co-localization of SERCA1a with the endogenous ER luminal protein, BiP. Immunopurification analysis showed that SERCA1a was not bound to BiP, nor was any degradation apparent. Thus, the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase appears to contain ER targeting information.  相似文献   

Two similar forms of the cardiac/slow Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a and SERCA2b), differing in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis mobility, are expressed in chicken heart and brain (Kaprielian, Z., Campbell, A. M., and Fambrough, D. M. (1989) Mol. Brain Res. 6, 55-60). In the current study, cDNAs encoding each form were cloned and sequenced. Chicken SERCA2a is 94% identical to its rabbit homologue, while SERCA2b has an extended carboxyl terminus with 38 of 49 amino acids identical to mammalian homologues. SERCA2b mRNA contains the SERCA2a encoding sequence within its 3'-untranslated region. Chicken genomic DNA sequence reveals that the alternate RNA splicing used to produced SERCA2a and SERCA2b subtypes involves a splice site within an exon. Tissue culture cells expressing the avian SERCA2a, SERCA2b, and SERCA1, each targetting to the endoplasmic reticulum, were used to measure Ca2+ affinities and inhibitor effects; no differences among the three pumps were detected.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that the Ca(2+) permeability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) can be affected by its anionic environment. Additionally, anions could directly modulate the SR Ca(2+) pump or the movement of compensatory charge across the SR membrane during Ca(2+) uptake or release. To examine the effect of anion substitution on cardiac SR Ca(2+) uptake, fluorometric Ca(2+) measurements and spectrophotometric ATPase assays were used. Ca(2+) uptake into SR vesicles was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner when Br(-) or I(-) replaced extravesicular Cl(-) (when Br(-) completely replaced Cl(-), uptake velocity was approximately 70% of control; when I(-) completely replaced Cl(-), uptake velocity was approximately 39% of control). Replacement of Cl(-) with SO(2)(-4) had no effect on SR uptake. Although both I(-) and Br(-) inhibited net Ca(2+) uptake, neither anion directly inhibited the SR Ca(2+) pump nor did they increase the permeability of the SR membrane to Ca(2+). Our results support the hypothesis that an anionic current that occurs during SR Ca(2+) uptake is reduced by the substitution of Br(-) or I(-) for Cl(-).  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al3+) is involved in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanisms that have been proposed to explain the action of Al3+ toxicity are linked to changes in the cellular calcium homeostasis, placing the transporting calcium pumps as potential targets.The aim of this work was to study the molecular inhibitory mechanism of Al3+ on Ca2+-ATPases such as the plasma membrane and the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pumps (PMCA and SERCA, respectively). These P-ATPases transport Ca2+ actively from the cytoplasm towards the extracellular medium and to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, respectively. For this purpose, we performed enzymatic measurements of the effect of Al3+ on purified preparations of PMCA and SERCA.Our results show that Al3+ is an irreversible inhibitor of PMCA and a slowly-reversible inhibitor of SERCA. The binding of Al3+ is affected by Ca2+ in SERCA, though not in PMCA. Al3+ prevents the phosphorylation of SERCA and, conversely, the dephosphorylation of PMCA. The dephosphorylation time courses of the complex formed by PMCA and Al3+ (EPAl) in the presence of ADP or ATP show that EPAl is composed mainly by the conformer E2P.This work shows for the first time a distinct mechanism of Al3+ inhibition that involves different intermediates of the reaction cycle of these two Ca2+-ATPases.  相似文献   

The conventional model for transport of Ca(2+) by the Ca(2+)-ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) involves a pair of binding sites for Ca(2+) that change upon phosphorylation of the ATPase from being high affinity and exposed to the cytoplasm to being low affinity and exposed to the lumen. However, a number of recent experiments suggest that in fact transport involves two separate pairs of binding sites for Ca(2+), one pair exposed to the cytoplasmic side and the other pair exposed to the lumenal side. Here we show that the carbodiimide 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)-propyl] carbodiimide (EDC) is membrane-impermeable, and we use EDC to distinguish between cytoplasmic and lumenal sites of reaction. Modification of the Ca(2+)-ATPase in sealed SR vesicles with EDC leads to loss of ATPase activity without modification of the pair of high affinity Ca(2+)-binding sites. Modification of the purified ATPase in unsealed membrane fragments was faster than modification in SR vesicles, suggesting the presence of more quickly reacting lumenal sites. This was confirmed in experiments measuring EDC modification of the ATPase reconstituted randomly into sealed lipid vesicles. Modification of sites on the lumenal face of the ATPase led to loss of the Ca(2+)-induced increase in phosphorylation by P(i). It is concluded that carboxyl groups on the lumenal side of the ATPase are involved in Ca(2+) binding to the lumenal side of the ATPase and that modification of these sites leads to loss of ATPase activity. The presence of MgATP or MgADP leads to faster inhibition of the ATPase by EDC in unsealed membrane fragments than in sealed vesicles, suggesting that binding of MgATP or MgADP to the ATPase leads to a conformational change on the lumenal side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The two high affinity calcium binding sites of the cardiac (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase have been identified with the use of Eu3+. Eu3+ competes for the two high affinity calcium sites on the enzyme. With the use of laser-pulsed fluorescent spectroscopy, the environment of the two sites appear to be heterogeneous and contain different numbers of H2O molecules coordinated to the ion. The ion appears to be occluded even further in the presence of ATP. Using non-radiative energy transfer studies, we were able to estimate the distance between the two Ca2+ sites to be between 9.4 to 10.2 A in the presence of ATP. Finally, from the assumption that the calcium site must contain four carboxylic side chains to provide the 6–8 ligands needed to coordinate calcium, and based on our recently published data, we predict the peptidic backbone of the two sites.  相似文献   

Crystals of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-resolution structures of the Ca(2+)-ATPase have over the last 5 years added a structural dimension to our understanding of the function of this integral membrane protein. The Ca(2+)-ATPase is now by far the membrane protein where the most functionally different conformations have been described in precise structural detail. Here, we review our experience from solving Ca(2+)-ATPase structures: a purification scheme involving minimum handling of the protein to preserve natural and essential lipids, a rational approach to screening for crystals based on a limited number of polyethyleneglycols and many different salts, improving crystal quality using additives, collecting the data and finally solving the structures. We argue that certain of the lessons learned in the present study are very likely to be useful for crystallisation of eukaryotic membrane proteins in general.  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of the sarcoplamc reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-ATPase by the fluoroaluminate complexes was investigated. First, AlF4- was shown to bind to the Ca(2+)-free conformation of the enzyme by a slow quasi-irreversible process. The rate constants of the reaction are k+ = 16 x 10(3) M-1 s-1 and k- < 1.5 10(-3) s-1. We directly measured a stoichiometry of about 4.8 nmol of AlF4- bound/mg of protein. Mg2+ was a necessary cofactor for the reaction with a dissociation constant of 3 mM. It was demonstrated (Dupont, Y., and Pougeois, R. (1983) FEBS Lett. 156, 93-98) that phosphorylation by P(i) induced a dehydration of the catalytic site. The same process has been shown here to occur upon AlF4- binding either by the use of Me2SO or by demonstration of an increase of bound 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienyldene)adenosine triphosphate fluorescence. Phosphorylation by P(i) is inhibited by the binding of AlF4-. Second, a fluoroaluminate complex, presumably AlF4-, was also shown to bind to the Ca(2+)-bound conformation of the Ca(2+)-ATPase in the presence of ADP and stabilize a E1.Ca2.ADP.AlFx complex. The dissociation constant of the nucleotidic site for ADP was shifted to the micromolar range. The Ca2+ ions bound on the external high affinity sites became occluded upon binding of (ADP + AlFx). We propose that AlF4- mimics P(i) binding to the Ca(2+)-free conformation of the ATPase and stabilizes an intermediate similar to the acyl-phosphate derivative; it also acts as an analogue of the gamma-phosphate of ATP and stabilizes an E1.[Ca2].ADP.AlF4 complex where the Ca2+ ions are occluded.  相似文献   

Adjuvant arthritis (AA) was induced by intradermal administration of Mycobacterium butyricum to the tail of Lewis rats. In sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscles, we investigated the development of AA. SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) activity decreased on day 21, suggesting possible conformational changes in the transmembrane part of the enzyme, especially at the site of the calcium binding transmembrane part. These events were associated with an increased level of protein carbonyls, a decrease in cysteine SH groups, and alterations in SR membrane fluidity. There was no alteration in the nucleotide binding site at any time point of AA, as detected by a FITC fluorescence marker. Some changes observed on day 21 appeared to be reversible, as indicated by SERCA activity, cysteine SH groups, SR membrane fluidity, protein carbonyl content and fluorescence of an NCD-4 marker specific for the calcium binding site. The reversibility may represent adaptive mechanisms of AA, induced by higher relative expression of SERCA, oxidation of cysteine, nitration of tyrosine and presence of acidic phospholipids such as phosphatidic acid. Nitric oxide may regulate cytoplasmic Ca(2+) level through conformational alterations of SERCA, and decreasing levels of calsequestrin in SR may also play regulatory role in SERCA activity and expression.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) binding sites of the Ca(2+)-ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) have been identified as two high-affinity sites orientated towards the cytoplasm, two sites of low affinity facing the lumen, and a transient occluded species that is isolated from both membrane surfaces. Binding and release studies, using (45)Ca(2+), have invoked models with sequential binding and release from high- and low-affinity sites in a channel-like structure. We have characterised turnover conditions in isolated SR vesicles with oxalate in a Ca(2+)-limited state, [Ca(2)](lim), where both high- and low-affinity sites are vacant in the absence of chelators (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1418 (1999) 48-60). Thapsigargin (TG), a high-affinity specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-ATPase, released a fraction of total Ca(2+) at [Ca(2+)](lim) that accumulated during active transport. Maximal Ca(2+) release was at 2:1 TG/ATPase. Ionophore, A23187, and Triton X-100 released the rest of Ca(2+) resistant to TG. The amount of Ca(2+) released depended on the incubation time at [Ca(2+)](lim), being 3.0 nmol/mg at 20 s and 0.42 nmol/mg at 1000 s. Rate constants for release declined from 0. 13 to 0.03 s(-1). The rapidly released early fraction declined with time and k=0.13 min(-1). Release was not due to reversal of the pump cycle since ADP had no effect; neither was release impaired with substrates acetyl phosphate or GTP. A phase of reuptake of Ca(2+) followed release, being greater with shorter delay (up to 200 s) following active transport. Reuptake was minimal with GTP, with delays more than 300 s, and was abolished by vanadate and at higher [TG], >5 microM. Ruthenium red had no effect on efflux, indicating that ryanodine-sensitive efflux channels in terminal cisternal membranes are not involved in the Ca(2+) release mechanism. It is concluded that the Ca(2+) released by TG is from the occluded Ca(2+) fraction. The Ca(2+) occlusion sites appear to be independent of both high-affinity cytoplasmic and low-affinity lumenal sites, supporting a multisite 'in line' sequential binding mechanism for Ca(2+) transport.  相似文献   

SERCA1a, the fast-twitch skeletal muscle isoform of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase, was expressed in yeast using the promoter of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Golgi PMR1 Ca(2+)-ATPase and the vacuole PMC1 Ca(2+)-ATPase function together in Ca2+ sequestration and Ca2+ tolerance. SERCA1a expression restored growth of pmc1 mutants in media containing high Ca2+ concentrations, consistent with increased Ca2+ uptake in an internal compartment. SERCA1a expression also prevented synthetic lethality of pmr1 pmc1 double mutants on standard media. Electron microscopy and subcellular fractionation analysis showed that SERCA1a was localized in intracellular membranes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Finally, we found that SERCA1a ATPase activity expressed in yeast was regulated by calcineurin, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphoprotein phosphatase. This result indicates that calcineurin contributes to calcium homeostasis by modulating the ATPase activity of Ca2+ pumps localized in intra-cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1a) pumps Ca(2+) and countertransport protons. Proton pathways in the Ca(2+) bound and Ca(2+)-free states are suggested based on an analysis of crystal structures to which water molecules were added. The pathways are indicated by chains of water molecules that interact favorably with the protein. In the Ca(2+) bound state Ca(2)E1, one of the proposed Ca(2+) entry paths is suggested to operate additionally or alternatively as proton pathway. In analogs of the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme E2P and in the Ca(2+)-free state E2, the proton path leads between transmembrane helices M5 to M8 from the lumenal side of the protein to the Ca(2+) binding residues Glu-771, Asp-800 and Glu-908. The proton path is different from suggested Ca(2+) dissociation pathways. We suggest that separate proton and Ca(2+) pathways enable rapid (partial) neutralization of the empty cation binding sites. For this reason, transient protonation of empty cation binding sites and separate pathways for different ions are advantageous for P-type ATPases in general.  相似文献   

Epitopes for a number of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) binding (Ca(2+)-Mg2+)-ATPase purified from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum have been defined by studying binding to fusion proteins generated from cDNA fragment libraries. Comparison of these results with those of previous studies of binding of mAbs to proteolytic fragments of the ATPase have allowed the definition of the epitopes to within approx. 100 residues and for one (mAb 1/2H7) to within 45 residues. The experiments suggest considerable exposure of the nucleotide binding domain of the ATPase on the top surface of the protein. Those mAbs that were found to inhibit steady-state ATPase activity were found to bind to epitopes in the nucleotide binding domain of the ATPase.  相似文献   

We recently reported the first molecular genetic evidence that Dictyostelium Ca2+ responses to chemoattractants include a contribution from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) – responses are enhanced in mutants lacking calreticulin or calnexin, two major Ca2+-binding proteins in the ER, even though the influx of Ca2+ into the mutants is reduced. Compared with wild-type cells, the ER in the mutants contributes at least 30–70 nM additional Ca2+ to the responses. Here we report that this additional ER contribution to the cytosolic Ca2+ signal depends upon extracellular Ca2+– it does not occur in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, increases to a maximum as the extracellular Ca2+ levels rise to 10 μM and then remains constant at extracellular Ca2+ concentrations up to at least 250 μM. These results suggest that Ca2+ influx causes the intracellular release, in the simplest scenario by a mechanism involving Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release from the ER. By way of contrast, we show that Ca2+ responses to mechanical stimulation are reduced, but still occur in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Unlike the responses to chemoattractants, mechanoresponses thus include contributions from the ER that are independent of extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Milrinone, a phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3) inhibitor, is known to enhance left ventricular (LV) contractility by an inhibition of the breakdown of cAMP through the mechanism inhibiting PDE3. However, it is unclear whether milrinone also exerts positive lusitropy, like dobutamine. Here, we assessed the effects of milrinone on in vivo LV relaxation, as well as the Ca(2+)-ATPase activity and the Ca(2+) uptake function of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), compared with the effect of dobutamine on those functions. After dobutamine (3 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) was administered, the peak value of the first derivative of LV pressure (+dP/dt) increased by 46%, whereas the time constant (tau) of LV pressure decay decreased by 6.9%, respectively. After milrinone (10 microg/kg) was administered, the peak +dP/dt increased to a similar extent as dobutamine (46%), whereas tau decreased much more than dobutamine (19.9%; P < 0.05). In LV crude homogenate, the thapsigargin-sensitive, Ca(2+)-ATPase activity-cAMP relationships was significantly less increased by milrinone compared with dobutamine (P < 0.05), indicating the higher sensitivity of the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase activity on cAMP by milrinone than by dobutamine. In the SR vesicles purified from LV muscles, the addition of cAMP increased the SR Ca(2+) uptake in a dose-dependent fashion, and the PDE3 inhibitors (milrinone and cGMP) significantly augmented this response (P < 0.05). Hence, milrinone substantially improved LV relaxation in association with an acceleration of the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase activity and the SR Ca(2+) uptake. This acceleration might be due to an inhibition of the membrane-bound PDE3 in the SR, leading to a local elevation of cAMP.  相似文献   

心肌肌质网钙转运障碍在缺血—再灌注损伤中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心肌缺血-再灌注后,细胞内钙超负荷是促使细胞发生不可逆损伤的重要原因。心肌肌质网(SR)对细胞内[Ca~(2+)]的调控起重要作用。缺血-再灌注过程中,由于细胞内酸中毒、ATP耗竭、脂质过氧化等因素,SR出现严重的功能障碍,尤其是SR的钙转运严重抑制,而钙释放却增加,其次还有SR膜的通透性改变,Ca~(2+)漏入胞质,这些对钙超负荷的发生均有重要意义。  相似文献   

Use of the nonphosphorylating beta,gamma-bidentate chromium(III) complex of ATP to induce a stable Ca(2+)-occluded form of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase was combined with molecular sieve high performance liquid chromatography of detergent-solubilized protein to examine the ability of the Ca(2+)-ATPase mutants Gly-233-->Glu, Gly-233-->Val, Glu-309-->Gln, Gly-310-->Pro, Pro-312-->Ala, Ile-315-->Arg, Leu-319-->Arg, Asp-703-->Ala, Gly-770-->Ala, Glu-771-->Gln, Asp-800-->Asn, and Gly-801-->Val to occlude Ca2+. This provided a new approach to identification of amino acid residues involved in Ca2+ binding and in the closure of the gates to the Ca2+ binding pocket of the Ca(2+)-ATPase. The "phosphorylation-negative" mutant Asp-703-->Ala and mutants of ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate type were fully capable of occluding Ca2+, as was the mutant Gly-770-->Ala. Mutants in which carboxylic acid-containing residues in the putative transmembrane segments had been substituted ("Ca(2+)-site mutants") and mutant Gly-801-->Val were unable to occlude either of the two calcium ions. In addition, the mutant Gly-310-->Pro, previously classified as ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate type (Andersen, J.P., Vilsen, B., and MacLennan, D.H. (1992). J. Biol. Chem. 267, 2767-2774), was unable to occlude Ca2+, even though Ca(2+)-activated phosphorylation from MgATP took place in this mutant.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies raised against canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum phospholamban were used to study the structure-function relationship between phospholamban and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) (Ca(2+)-Mg2+)-ATPase (Suzuki, T., and Wang, J. H. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7018-7023). Additional monoclonal antibodies are characterized further. When five of these monoclonal antibodies were assessed for their ability to affect SR Ca2+ uptake three of these antibodies had no effect on SR Ca2+ uptake, whereas the other two monoclonals were able to stimulate SR Ca2+ uptake to levels similar to those caused by phosphorylation of phospholamban at different calcium concentrations. Using synthetic peptides corresponding to various portions of phospholamban in a competitive binding assay, it was possible to map the epitope site of monoclonals which stimulate the (Ca(2+)-Mg2+)-ATPase activity to phospholamban residues 7-16. These results implicate phospholamban residues 7-16 in the regulation of the (Ca(2+)-Mg2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

To study Ca(2+) fluxes between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), we used "cameleon" indicators targeted to the cytosol, the ER lumen, and the mitochondrial matrix. High affinity mitochondrial probes saturated in approximately 20% of mitochondria during histamine stimulation of HeLa cells, whereas a low affinity probe reported averaged peak values of 106 +/- 5 microm, indicating that Ca(2+) transients reach high levels in a fraction of mitochondria. In concurrent ER measurements, [Ca(2+)](ER) averaged 371 +/- 21 microm at rest and decreased to 133 +/- 14 microm and 59 +/- 5 microm upon stimulation with histamine and thapsigargin, respectively, indicating that substantial ER refilling occur during agonist stimulation. A larger ER depletion was observed when mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake was prevented by oligomycin and rotenone or when Ca(2+) efflux from mitochondria was blocked by CGP 37157, indicating that some of the Ca(2+) taken up by mitochondria is re-used for ER refilling. Accordingly, ER regions close to mitochondria released less Ca(2+) than ER regions lacking mitochondria. The ER heterogeneity was abolished by thapsigargin, oligomycin/rotenone, or CGP 37157, indicating that mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake locally modulate ER refilling. These observations indicate that some mitochondria are very close to the sites of Ca(2+) release and recycle a substantial portion of the captured Ca(2+) back to vicinal ER domains. The distance between the two organelles thus determines both the amplitude of mitochondrial Ca(2+) signals and the filling state of neighboring ER regions.  相似文献   

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