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Whether and how individuals choose sequentially among matesis an important but largely neglected aspect in sexual selectionstudies. Here, we explore female remating behavior in the cellarspider Pholcus phalangioides. We focus on body size as one ofthe most important traits involved in mate choice. Large andsmall females (n = 216) were double mated with large or smallmales in all eight possible combinations. All females copulatedwhen virgin, but only 82% accepted a second male. The chanceof a female remating was not significantly predicted by thebody size of the second or first male or by the size differencebetween the two. In contrast, a previous study demonstrateda male size effect in that larger males monopolized femalesuntil egg laying when two males of different sizes were present.We suggest that sequential encounters are more common undernatural conditions than male monopolization of females becauseestimates of concurrent multiple paternity together with observationsin a natural population do not favor mate guarding as the predominantmating strategy in this species. It follows from our study thatthe intensity of sexual selection on male size may be greatlyoverestimated when using a competitive laboratory setting fora species in which females generally encounter mates in a sequentialfashion. Female remating probability was significantly predictedby female size, with large females remating with higher probabilitythan small females. Thus, when mating with large females, malesmay gain higher fertilization success through increased femalefecundity but also face a higher sperm competition risk.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolutionof polyandry in species that provide nuptial gifts. When nuptialgifts are in the form of nutritional elements in the ejaculateand ejaculate size is correlated with male body size, femalescan accrue both direct (nutritional) and indirect (genetic)benefits from multiple mating. We examined remating decisionsin females of the seed beetle Stator limbatus and, using pathanalysis, examined the effects of male body size on the sizeof his ejaculate, the amount of ejaculate that was successfullytransferred to females, and the overall effect of these variableson female fecundity. Larger males produced larger ejaculatesand consequently transferred a larger ejaculate to females,but the effects on female fecundity differed between the females'first and second mates. Both larger first and second males wereable to transfer more of their ejaculate to females than weresmaller males. Both the total amount of ejaculate transferredby these males and polyandry (number of matings) were positivelycorrelated to female fecundity independently of each other.However, larger second males were more successful at stimulatingfemale fecundity independently of how much ejaculate they transferred.We also provide evidence that females are choosy during theirsecond mating opportunity. Both female choosiness and higherfemale investment after mating with larger second males suggestthat females may benefit from both direct and indirect effectsfrom multiple mating. We also conclude that male body size isunder both directional fecundity selection and directional sexualselection.  相似文献   

In many animals, body size plays a crucial role in mating success in the context of competition and preference for mates. Increasing evidence has shown that male mate preference can be size‐dependent and, therefore, an important driver of size‐assortative mating. To test this theory, mate choice experiments were performed during the three consecutive stages of mating behaviour, namely trail following, shell mounting and copulation, in the dioecious mangrove snail, Littoraria ardouiniana. These experiments identified two possible forms of size‐dependent male mate preference which could contribute to the formation of size‐assortative mating in these snails. Firstly, whereas small males were unselective, large males were selective and preferred to follow mucus trails laid by large females. Alternatively, the results can also be interpreted as all males were selective and adopted a mating strategy of selecting females similar to, or larger than, their own sizes. Both small and large males also copulated for longer with large than with small females, and this was more pronounced in large males. When two males encountered a female, they engaged in physical aggression, with the larger male excluding the smaller male from copulating with the female. This study, therefore, demonstrated that size‐dependent male mate preference may, along with male–male competition, play an important role in driving size‐assortative mating in these mangrove snails, and this may also be the case in other species that exhibit male mate choice.  相似文献   

Repeated mating by females of many species occurs at frequenciesin excess of those needed to acquire additional sperm for fertilizingova. I tested three alternative hypotheses for the rate of rematingby females of the courtship-feeding tree cricket, Oecanthusnigricornis Walker, by manipulating diet quality and courtshipfeeding and measuring the time to remating by the female inrelation to four aspects of male phenotype (age, condition,fluctuating asymmetry, and size). First, in courtship-feedingspecies, remating may be due to selection to increase the amountof nutritional resources provided by males, with nutrient-deprivedfemales remating more quickly. Second, remating may functionas a mechanism of postcopulatory mate choice, with females rematingquickly when the quality of a previous mate is low. Third, quicknessof remating may be the consequence of precopulatory mate choiceprior to future matings, with females remating more quicklywith high-quality males, regardless of the quality of priormates. Females on a low-quality diet remated quickly, did notvary remating speed with the phenotype of their first mate,and did not differentially reject prospective second mates withdifferent phenotypes. In contrast, both the degree of coyness(measured as the frequency of mate rejection) and the intensityof female choice (measured as the size differential betweenaccepted and rejected mates) increased with diet quality. Theseresults support both the material-benefits and the precopulatorymate-choice hypotheses for remating speed of female tree crickets.There was mixed support for the postcopulatory choice hypothesis:females on the high-quality diet remated more slowly after firstmating with relatively large males, in support of the postcopulatorychoice hypothesis; however, the remating interval of femaleson the high-quality diet decreased with the condition of thefirst mate, opposite to the prediction of the postcopulatorychoice hypothesis  相似文献   

Females can adjust their reproductive effort in relation to their partner’s perceived fitness value. In zebrafish (Danio rerio), large males are typically preferred mating partners. However, females have been observed to reduce their reproductive output with exceptionally large males but it remains unknown whether it is due to sexual harassment or aggressive behavior to establish and maintain dominance. Here, we study the association between relative male size, sexual harassment and dominance behavior, female stress status (stress behaviors and whole-body cortisol concentration), and reproductive success during a 4 day spawning trial. We found female cortisol to correlate negatively with female body size and positively with female dominance behavior. However, male and female behavior as well as female cortisol level were not related to relative male size. Females mating with relatively large males produced more and most of their eggs during the first spawning day, while females with smaller males produced few eggs during the first day but then increased egg production. Despite females produced more eggs when mating with relatively larger males, their eggs had substantially lower fertilization rates compared to females mating with relatively smaller males. Hence, overall, the reproductive fitness was lowest when females mated with a relatively large male. These findings could help to explain the maintenance of male size variation under natural conditions.  相似文献   

We determined the temporal pattern of female remating in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, and how mating with sterile males affects remating. In addition, we examined the hypotheses that sterile male nutrition and age affect the subsequent receptivity of their mates. Temporally, female receptivity varied significantly throughout the experimental period. Relatively high levels of remating (14%) on the days following the first copulation were followed by a decline, with a significantly low point (4.1%) 2 weeks after mating. Subsequently, receptivity is gradually restored (18%) 3 and 4 weeks after the initial copulation. When females were first mated to sterile males, significantly higher remating percentages were recorded. The ability of sterile males to inhibit receptivity of both wild and laboratory reared females on the day of first mating was significantly improved when they were fed a nutrient rich diet. Male age at first mating also affected female receptivity: sterile males of intermediate age (11 days old) inhibited female remating significantly more than younger or older flies. Although further studies are needed to determine the relative roles of natural and sexual selection in modulating patterns of female sexual receptivity, the Sterile Insect Technique may be improved by releasing well nourished, older sterile males.  相似文献   

Male-biased dimorphism in body size is usually attributed tosexual selection acting on males, through either male competitionor female choice. Brown antechinuses (Antechinus stuartii) aresexually dimorphic in size, and heavier males are known to siremore offspring in the wild. We investigated four possible mechanismsthat might explain this large-male reproductive advantage. Wetested if there is a female preference for large males, a femalepreference for dominant males, if larger males compete moreeffectively for mates, and if there is a survival advantagefor large males during the mating season. We established nestinggroups of males in captivity and conducted mate choice trialsin which males from nesting groups either could or could notinteract. We assessed male dominance rank and recorded survivaltimes after mating. Females did not prefer larger males directly.The results suggest that the other three mechanisms of sexualselection tested account for the large-male advantage: largemales competed more successfully for mates, so were sociallydominant; females rejected subordinates (males they saw losingtwice in contests to previous mates); and dominant males survivedfor longer after their first mating. Females judged male rankbased on direct observation of male competitive interactionsat the time of mating and apparently could not distinguish rankfrom male scent. Effects of size and dominance on male reproductivesuccess are not confounded by age because male antechinusesare semelparous.  相似文献   

The evolution of female multiple mating is best understood by consideration of male and female reproductive perspectives. Females should usually be selected to remate at their optimum frequencies whereas males should be selected to manipulate female remating to their advantage. Female remating behavior may therefore be changed by variation of male and female traits. In this study, our objective was to separate the effects of female and male strains on female remating for the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis, for which there is interstrain variation in female remating frequency. We found that interstrain variation in female remating is primarily attributable to female traits, suggesting genetic variation in female receptivity to remating in C. chinensis. Some interstrain variation in female remating propensity was attributable to an interaction between female and male strains, however, with the males of some strains being good at inducing nonreceptivity in females from one high-remating strain whereas others were good at inducing copulation in nonvirgin females from the high-remating strain. There is, therefore, interstrain variation in male ability to deter females from remating and in male ability to mate successfully with nonvirgin females. These results suggest that mating traits have evolved along different trajectories in different strains of C. chinensis.  相似文献   

Previous studies on tree crickets have demonstrated female choice of males based on size and courtship feeding but less is known about sexual selection under conditions of direct mating competition. I studied courtship, aggression and mating of the black-horned tree cricket Oecanthus nigricornis (Walker) to test size-related sexual selection under conditions of direct sexual competition. Results show that larger individuals of both sexes mated more frequently than their smaller counterparts, and this was due to the ability of large individuals to out compete rivals. Large males achieved the advantage by aggressively reducing courtship by small males, whereas large females responded to male courtship more quickly but with little aggression. Although there was no evidence here for mate choice, there were advantages for having larger mates; fecundity increased with female size and spermatophores (which females consume after mating) increased with male size. Size of the specialized metanotal courtship gift, however, was not related to male size.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that males and females have mating preferences for larger individuals of the other sex, potential underlying differences between male and female preferences for body size are not commonly investigated. Here, sexual differences in body size preferences are examined in the poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora. Females preferred larger males to smaller males, but preference did not appear to be affected by female size. One population-level analysis for males did not indicate an overall preference for larger females. A closer examination, however, revealed an effect of male size on preference; larger males preferred larger females, while smaller males preferred smaller females. It appears then that females, regardless of size, share a preference for large males, but males differ in their behaviour, depending on their body size. In addition, while the degree of difference in size between paired females did not appear to affect male preference, the degree of difference in size between paired males strongly affected female preference; the greater the difference, the more strongly females preferred the larger male. Thus, intersexual selection is found to operate in both sexes, but how it operates appears to differ. Intrasexual and intersexual differences in mating behaviour may be missed when evaluating population-wide preferences. That is, there can be underlying differences in how the sexes respond and the consequences of such differences should be considered when investigating mate choice. The results are considered in terms of the evolution of mating preferences, alternative mating strategies, assortative mating, the maintenance of trait variation in a population, and current methods to evaluate mating preferences.  相似文献   

If females are unable to discriminate among males before mating,remating by females that store sperm may have evolved as a hedgeagainst having only "costly" mates (less preferred males thatreduce her fitness). However, the benefit of remating is notguaranteed because she can also mate by chance with anothercostly male. We devised a model to explain the evolution offemale remating by representing female fitness as a functionof the proportion of costly mates. We examined the effect ofa linear, a concave-up, and a concave-down fitness functionand found that only the latter favors the evolution of femaleremating. With a concave-down function, females mating with50% costly mates have nearly the same fitness as do femaleswith none. A biological interpretation for a concave-down functionis that sperm from good males are better at competing with spermfrom costly males or are more preferred by females. A concave-upfunction implies the reverse, whereas a linear function willoccur when sperm are equally competitive. We review specificsituations in nature that might produce a concave-down functionand find evidence that sterility and intragenomic conflict aretwo phenomena capable of driving the evolution of female rematingby our model.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of male insects commonly hinges both on their ability to secure copulations with many mates and also on their ability to inseminate and inhibit subsequent sexual receptivity of their mates to rival males. We here present the first investigation of sperm storage in Queensland fruit flies (Tephritidae: Bactrocera tryoni; a.k.a. 'Q-flies') and address the question of whether remating inhibition in females is directly influenced by or correlated with number of sperm stored from their first mates. We used irradiation to disrupt spermatogenesis and thereby experimentally reduce the number of sperm stored by some male's mates while leaving other aspects of male sexual performance (mating probability, latency until copulating, copula duration) unaffected. Females that mated with irradiated rather than normal males were less likely to store any sperm at all (50% vs. 89%) and, if some sperm were stored, the number was greatly reduced (median 11 vs. 120). Despite the considerable differences in sperm storage, females mated by normal males and irradiated males were similarly likely to remate at the next opportunity, indicating (1) number of sperm stored does not directly drive female remating inhibition and (2) factors actually responsible for remating inhibition are similarly expressed in normal and irradiated males. While overall levels of remating were similar for mates of normal and irradiated males, factors responsible for female remating inhibition were positively associated with presence and number of sperm stored by mates of normal but not irradiated males. We suggest seminal fluids as the most likely factor responsible for remating inhibition in female Q-flies, as these are likely to be transported in proportion to number of sperm in normal males, be uninfluenced by irradiation, and be transported without systematic relation to sperm number in irradiated males.  相似文献   

To test whether male body size affects female reproductive investment in the polygamous crayfish Procambarus clarkii, we described mating behaviour of virgin females paired with either small or large males, and analysed the number, size and weight of both eggs and juveniles sired by either types of male. Along with confirming the overt selection by females of larger mates, we found that the size and weight of both the eggs and the juveniles were higher when sired by larger fathers. This suggests that P. clarkii females exert a form of cryptic choice for large males, seemingly adjusting the quantity of egg deutoplasm in function of the mate body size. The question of why females spend time and energy to brood low-fitness offspring is finally raised.  相似文献   

1. Female burying beetles behave differently towards males of different sizes, avoiding mating with large males that are not defending resources but mating with small males regardless of the presence of resources. Females of the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis were therefore examined to determine whether they discriminate among males using only pheromonal signals. The influence of female size on its own mate choice was also examined. 2. Females do use male pheromonal signals to discriminate among males and these signals do appear to convey information about male body size to females. Overall, females were more likely to be attracted to larger males than to smaller males. 3. Female choice of a male was influenced by both the female's own body size and the size of the female relative to the size of the two males available to it. 4. While there is an overall mating advantage for larger males, resulting from female preferences based on odour cues, smaller males are also attractive to some females under some circumstances. 5. It is argued that there are different costs and benefits of mating with different sized males, leading to the evolution of context‐dependent mate choice for females and the need to be able to discriminate males of different sizes from a distance.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were used to assess: (1) whether size assortative mating occurred in the New Zealand amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis and (2) hypotheses developed to explain size assortative mating. We found that assortative mating occurred and that larger females carried more eggs, suggesting they may be more valuable as mates. Laboratory experiments were then used to determine whether: (1) male size influenced the size of the female selected (mechanical constraints hypothesis); (2) male size influenced pairing success in the presence of competition (intrasexual selection hypothesis); (3) take‐overs of females occurred and whether large males were more successful (intrasexual selection hypothesis); (4) guard duration varied relative to male and female size (guard duration hypothesis); and (5) females had control over pairing success and guard duration (intersexual selection hypothesis). Although there was evidence to suggest the existence of intrasexual competition for mates (i.e. both small and large males preferred large females), there was no evidence of overt competition (i.e. takeovers of paired females). There was also no difference with respect to how long small and large males guarded females, but large females were guarded longer by both male size classes. Females handicapped by having their mobility reduced were guarded for the same duration as control females but males were more likely to pair with handicapped females, suggesting that they were easier to amplex. Given the lack of evidence for direct male–male competition or female choice, we suggest that assortative mating may be the result of: (1) indirect competition (e.g. in situ large males may be better able to access and amplex the largest females) or (2) female resistance to small males in combination with higher costs that small males may incur in securing large females. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 173–181.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that males should allocate more sperm in matings where the immediate risk of sperm competition is high. It has therefore often been argued that males should invest less sperm in matings with virgin females compared with matings with already mated females. However, with relatively polyandrous females, high sperm competition risk will covary with high sperm competition intensity leading to more unpredictable conditions, as high competition intensity should favour smaller ejaculates. With the use of a genetic algorithm, we found that males should allocate more sperm in matings with virgin females when female mating frequency is relatively high, whereas low remating rates will select for higher effort in matings with nonvirgin females. At higher remating rates, first male sperm precedence favours larger ejaculates in matings with virgin females and second male precedence favours the reverse. These results shed some light on several findings that have been difficult to explain adaptively by the hitherto developed theory on sperm allocation.  相似文献   

A strong relationship exists between body size and fitness in parasitoids. However, it is unclear whether the relationship is symmetric or asymmetric in males and females. The present study investigated the body size and fitness relationship in Diaeretiella rapae emerged from small and large nymphs of cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. A positive relationship existed between the size of the aphid host and growth of parasitoid larva developing in it. The fitness gain in males and females was not proportionate to their body size gain. Females mated with larger males produced 10?% more female offspring than females mated with smaller males. However, females that developed in large hosts produced 62?% more offspring (total male and female) than the females emerged from smaller hosts. The findings suggest that the number of offspring and the progeny sex ratio were affected by the body size of both male and female D. rapae.  相似文献   

Positive size assortative mating can arise if either one or both sexes prefer bigger mates or if the success of larger males in contests for larger females leaves smaller males to mate with smaller females. Moreover, body size could not only influence pairing patterns before copulation but also the covariance between female size and size of ejaculate (number of spermatophores) transferred to a mate. In this field study, we examine the pre-copulatory mate choice, as well as insemination, patterns in the Cook Strait giant weta (Deinacrida rugosa). D. rugosa is a large orthopteran insect that exhibits strong female-biased sexual dimorphism, with females being nearly twice as heavy as males. Contrary to the general expectation of male preference for large females in insects with female-biased size dimorphism, we found only weak support for positive size assortative mating based on size (tibia length). Interestingly, although there was no correlation between male body size and the number of spermatophores transferred, we did find that males pass more spermatophores to lighter females. This pattern of sperm transfer does not appear to be a consequence of those males that mate heavier females being sperm depleted. Instead, males may provide lighter females with more spermatophores perhaps because these females pose less of a sperm competition risk to mates.  相似文献   

Single mating productivities (used as estimates of the relative number of sperm transferred) are highly correlated with several parameters used to quantify sperm competition in D. melanogster. Matings that result in the transferal of large numbers of sperm are associated with longer delay of female remating than are matings that transfer fewer sperm. Males that transfer larger numbers of sperm also suffer a smaller proportional reduction in reproductive success (smaller COST) than males transferring fewer sperm. The number of sperm transferred by a female's second mate is not related to the COST to the first male. However, there is a high positive correlation between the number of sperm transferred by the second male and P2 (the proportion of second male progeny following female remating). Thus, large sperm numbers apparently increase the reproductive success of males whether they mate with virgin or non-virgin females. Because female receptivity mediates these events, there is no need to invoke sperm displacement to explain the reproductive outcome of female remating.The timing of female remating is evaluated in terms of a receptivity-threshold model. This model suggests that female receptivity returns when some small, relatively constant, number of sperm remain in storage.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms of sexual selection operating on body size in the one‐sided livebearer (Jenynsia multidentata), a small fish characterized by male dwarfism. Mating in the one‐sided livebearer is coercive: males approach females from behind and try to thrust their copulatory organ at the female genital pore. Females counter males' mating attempts by either swimming away or attacking them. We tested the hypothesis that the components of sexual selection favouring small size in males (sexual coercion) were more effective than those favouring a large size (male competition and mate choice). When alone, small males had a significantly higher success in their mating attempts than large males. The proportion of successful attempts was also positively correlated with female size. When two males competed for the same female, the large male had a significant mating advantage over the small one. With a 1 : 1 sex ratio, the large‐male mating advantage vanished because each male tended to follow a different female. Large males, however, preferentially defended large females, thus compelling small males to engage with smaller, less fecund females. Males did not discriminate between gravid and non‐gravid females, but preferred mating with larger females. This preference disappeared when males were much smaller than the female, probably in relation to the risk for the male of being eaten or injured by the female. In a choice chamber, male‐deprived females that had their sperm storage depleted remained close to males and showed a preference for large individuals, a behaviour not observed in non‐deprived females. Nonetheless, when placed with males in the same aquarium, all females showed avoidance and aggression. Struggling may represent a way by which the female assesses the skill and endurance of males.  相似文献   

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