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  Five clutches of Rana temporalis eggs collected along a stream were reared separately until formation of Gosner stage 25 tadpoles. The effect of kinship and density was then studied by rearing ten siblings in 1 (sib 1) or 5 (sib 5) l water, and mixed rearing of ten tadpoles (2 from each of the 5 clutches) in 1 (mix 1) or 5 (mix 5) l water; each group replicated five times. In all the groups tadpoles showed a sigmoid growth curve. Both kinship and density interacted to affect mean proportions of individuals reaching metamorphic climax (MC), mean body mass, and size frequency at MC (day 79). The proportion of tadpoles reaching MC was highest in sib 5 (82%) followed by mix 5 (77%), sib 1 (73%), and mix 1 (64%) groups. Crowding plus mixing significantly lowered the median developmental stage mean body mass and broadened the spectrum of developmental stages or size classes at MC. The size difference of individuals at MC was inversely related to density of rearing. Frequency of different developmental stages was comparable in sib 1, sib 5, and mix 5 groups. Interestingly, small individuals were significantly greater in number in the mix 1 group compared to sib 1. The above findings suggest that genotypic heterogeneity in conjunction with crowding retards growth rate of tadpoles in comparison with those reared in a genetically homogenous (sib) environment. Further, they suggest that the adverse effect of mixed rearing is context dependent. Received: 12 April 1999 / Received in revised form: 16 June 1999 / Accepted: 18 June 1999  相似文献   

Prey trade off predation risk and foraging gain in their activity level. Their response to this trade-off mediates direct and indirect interactions between predators and the community (i.e., nonlethal effects). A prey's activity level may also vary independently because of circadian rhythms. I tested how the antipredator behavior of green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles can be influenced by their circadian rhythm (primarily nocturnal feeding) and how the strengths of nonlethal effects vary in turn. Tadpoles exhibited stronger activity reductions when under predation risk during the day (which may result in stronger resource depression). However, when predation risk was high and persistent, tadpoles remained inactive during both day and night. Consequently, the nonlethal effect on tadpoles (growth rate reduction) was more negative at night. Predicting prey behavior and its effects requires identifying how their perceived risk interacts with and is limited by all factors that can influence their response.  相似文献   

1. Plasma immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT) and ionic calcium [( Ca]i) were measured in intact frogs (Rana pipiens) within complete 24 hr light-dark cycles over an 18 month period. 2. Plasma iCT exhibits an annual periodicity about the annual mean of 10.0 ng/ml, with an amplitude of 5.4 ng/ml that peaks in October. 3. Within an annual cycle, a significant inverse association exists between the basal monthly levels of plasma iCT and [Ca]i for animals maintained in freshwater control conditions. 4. When subjected to a high calcium environment during the latter half of the year, plasma [Ca]i and iCT were elevated above control levels but exhibited independent cyclic patterns. 5. A distinct seasonal response of increased iCT in a high calcium environment may be related to the secretory activity of the ultimobranchial glands and physiological responsiveness to other calcemic hormones; e.g. parathyroid hormone and vitamin D.  相似文献   

The presence of a glucocorticoid soluble receptor is demonstrated in frog liver cytosol. The kinetic characterization of frog liver cytosolic receptor for glucocorticoids is reported and its steroid specificity assessed. Results indicate a gross similarity between frog liver and mammalian glucocorticoid receptor, being a major difference the reduced binding capacity.  相似文献   

Sublethal exposure to lead elicits changes in behavior, particularlylearning. Previously, we had shown that bullfrog tadpoles exposedto 1 mg Pb/liter for 7 days exhibit learning deficits in a discriminateavoidance learning assay. The precise mechanisms involved inthese lead-induced learning deficits are not understood, butCNS monoamine neurotransmitter systems have been implicatedin the learning process. In the present study, we exposed bullfrogtadpoles to 1.7± 0.2 mg Pb/liter for 7 days and thencompared concentrations of neurotransmitters from whole brainsamples with those of controls. Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) was significantly decreased in the lead exposed groupwhile the serotonin metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid,(5-HIAA) was similar to controls. No changes were observed inthe catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephijine followinglead exposure. The ratio of 5-HIAA/5-HT was significantly increasedin lead exposed animals as a result of the decrease in 5-HT,suggesting a decrease in 5-HT biosynthesis rather than an increasein 5-HT metabolism. These findings are the first to suggestthat lead exposure in bullfrog tadpoles affects the monoamineneurotransmitters that are implicated in the learning process.The results of the present study, in conjunction with previousevidence of learning deficits following lead exposure, offerthe possibility of correlating lead exposure with learning deficitsand alterations in CNS neurotransmitters in bullfrog tadpoles.The use of this tadpole model shows promise as a means to examineand understand the mechanisms involved in lead neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic study of skin venom glands in the frog, Rana esculenta, revealed the syncytial structure of the inner (secretory) wall which presents two distinct zones: a basal (juxtamuscular) one, which contains nuclei and major cytoplasmic organelles, and an apical one where large electron-dense granules form and accumulate. Granules are seen to arise inside clusters of tightly packed smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) elements, which suggests that the SER system is mainly involved in synthesis of this material. A high glutaraldehyde concentration (5%) also reveals a poorly defined material filling the intergranular cytoplasm. No apical limits to the syncytium could be traced, which suggests massive holocrine secretion. Nerves insinuate between the muscle cells and occur all along the internal face of the muscular layer, sometimes in close contact with the syncytium. The gland duct, the wall of which consists of epidermal cells, is blocked, in contact with the gland, by an epidermal bud linked externally to the muscle layer surrounding the gland. Thus, only strong muscle tension such as to expel all or part of the epidermal bud can trigger granule release. This phenomenon can be induced by the subcutaneous injection of epinephrine, but the high and distressing dose needed to provoke appreciable changes in venom glands renders unlikely any natural intense venom release triggered by epinephrine in the frog.  相似文献   

In the present study, the waste obtained from the frozen frog leg industry was used for the production of frog waste meal, and its proximate, amino acids, fatty acids, mineral and vitamin compositions were evaluated to determine the nutritional quality. In addition, the total bacterial count, Salmonella, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N, mgN/100g) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA, mg malonaldehyde/kg) were also measured to determine the microbiological and chemical quality of frog waste meal (FWM). The crude protein, fat and ash content of FWM on a dry weight basis were 68.6%, 17.0% and 13.2%, respectively. The amino acid profiles were found to be fairly close to those of fish meal in terms of protein sources and rich in the glutamic acid, glycine, proline, arginine, and methionine. The proportions of fatty acid composition in FWM were analysed and findings were 26.7% for total saturated fatty acid (SFA), 42.5% for total monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), 17.0% for total n - 6 and 3.3% for n - 3 ratio. The major SFA, MUFA and PUFA in FWM were palmitic acid (19.1%), oleic acid (26.0%) and linoleic acid (16.7%), respectively. FWM was found to be high in mineral content, especially Zn, K, Cu, Mn, and Mg and high level of some vitamins such as folic acids and thiamin. The total bacterial count was found to be 2.9x10(4) CFU/g, and Salmonella was not observed. TVB-N and TBA in FWM was determined to be 157.4+/-5.8 mg N/100g and 1.2+/-0.1 mg malonaldehyde/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

1. The presence of tyrosine aminotransferase is reported both in particulate and soluble fractions of frog liver. 2. The activity of the soluble enzyme of frog liver was investigated with regard to its dose and time dependence, its substrate specificity and concentration dependence, its thermal sensitivity as well as pH and temperature dependence. 3. It appears that the properties of the soluble tyrosine aminotransferase of frog liver are in close agreement with those reported for the mammalian liver enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the ultrastructure of the developing thymus of the leopard frog (Rana pipiens) revealed that the thymus had undergone all of the major changes which would persist through larval life and metamorphosis by the time that the animals had reached larval stage IV of Taylor and Kollros (1946). These changes included development of an outer, lymphoid cortical region and an inner, essentially nonlymphoid medulla; mitotic activity among lymphoid cell precursors and the formation of the first small lymphocytes; development of complex cysts containing PAS-positive material and the appearance of other signs of secretory activity among epithelial cells of the medulla; and differentiation of large myoid cells containing bundles of striated muscle fibrils. The changes are particularly noteworthy because they first appear during a period in which the animals are known to be developing the capacity to respond immunologically to allografts.Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health number GM-11782 to E.P.V.  相似文献   

Retinas of Rana esculenta frogs were studied by light and electron microscopy in order to establish the photoreceptor layer composition. We found 56% red rods, 9% green rods, 19% single cones, and 16% double cones. This work provides the morphological basis for electrophysiological investigations concerning the mass receptor potential of isolated Rana esculenta retinas.  相似文献   

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