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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In radiation protection, biokinetic models for zirconium processing are of crucial importance in dose estimation and further risk analysis for humans exposed to this radioactive substance. They provide limiting values of detrimental effects and build the basis for applications in internal dosimetry, the prediction for radioactive zirconium retention in various organs as well as retrospective dosimetry. Multi-compartmental models are the tool of choice for simulating the processing of zirconium. Although easily interpretable, determining the exact compartment structure and interaction mechanisms is generally daunting. In the context of observing the dynamics of multiple compartments, Bayesian methods provide efficient tools for model inference and selection. RESULTS: We are the first to apply a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to compute Bayes factors for the evaluation of two competing models for zirconium processing in the human body after ingestion. Based on in vivo measurements of human plasma and urine levels we were able to show that a recently published model is superior to the standard model of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The Bayes factors were estimated by means of the numerically stable thermodynamic integration in combination with a recently developed copula based Metropolis-Hastings sampler. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to the standard model the novel model predicts lower accretion of zirconium in bones. This results in lower levels of noxious doses for exposed individuals. Moreover, the Bayesian approach allows for retrospective dose assessment, including credible intervals for the initially ingested zirconium, in a significantly more reliable fashion than previously possible. All methods presented here are readily applicable to many modeling tasks in systems biology.  相似文献   

Rodent embryos resulting from delayed mating grow relatively faster than those resulting from normal mating. To evaluate this phenomenon quantitatively, in the present study we compared the number of cells at the preimplantation stage of mouse embryos derived from normal mating and those derived from delayed mating (3 and 6 h after ovulation). The mean cell numbers (45.4 and 43.0 for delayed mating at 3 and 6 h postovulation, respectively) of embryos at 77 h postcoitus (hpc) in the delayed mating groups were greater than that (38.4) of the normal mating group. Further, when the mean cell numbers (38.8 and 38.5) in the delayed mating groups were counted at 74 hpc, they were almost equal to that of the normal mating group at 77 hpc. The study demonstrated that preimplantation mouse embryos derived from delayed mating progress more rapidly than their normally mated counterparts. However, a 3-h advance in development seems to be the limit of this increased rate of growth, even when the time interval from ovulation to mating is longer than 3 h. The mechanism(s) of this interesting compensatory phenomenon should be investigated.  相似文献   

Bateman gradients in field and laboratory studies: a cautionary tale   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Since tools of molecular genetics became readily available,our understanding of bird mating systems has undergone a revolution.The majority of passerine species investigated are sociallymonogamous, but have been shown to be genetically polygamous.Data sets from natural populations of juncos suggest that multiplemating by females results in a sexual selection gradient assteep for females as for males (a result that does not supportBateman's predictions). However, in males, fitness is enhanceddirectly through fertilization success with multiple matings;in females fitness benefits may be enhanced immediately throughdirect access to food, protection against predators, or otherresources received from males, or they may be delayed throughimprovement in offspring quality (e.g., through good genes,or greater genetic compatibility between the female and theextra-pair male). But a steep sexual selection gradient forfemales can be difficult to interpret. If all females copulatewith multiple partners that are equally likely to fertilizeeggs, then females that produce larger clutch sizes, for anyreason, will appear to have copulated with more males. Thatis, multiple sires have a higher probability of detection inlarger clutches than in smaller ones, giving the impressionthat females that mate with multiple males increase their reproductivesuccess. Yet, in most studies in which there is a correlationbetween number of offspring produced by females and number ofextra-pair males, causation has not been clearly establishedand other factors may explain the results. Additional complicationsin understanding male and female reproductive strategies are:(1) Molecular studies cannot detect extra-pair copulations thatdid not result in fertilizations; yet if a female acquires foodor other resources from extra-pair males, such extra-pair matingsmay have significant effects on female fitness. Thus, molecularstudies provide only a conservative estimate of the number ofextra-pair copulations or "mates" that a female has. (2) Clutchsize affects the probability that any given male will be successfulin fertilizing a female's eggs. Specifically, at any given point,a male's chances of fertilizing at least one egg in the female'sclutch will be greater as clutch size increases. We predictthat in avian species with small clutch sizes, males may beselected to be choosy and avoid extra-pair copulations, whilefemales should be selected to be less discriminating. Moreover,if extra-pair males provide resources that increase female fitness,the females should seek extra-pair copulations, whether or notthe males are likely to fertilize any of her eggs. Laboratory studies with insects have yielded clearer evidenceof the causal relationship between multiple mating and increasedfemale fitness. We review studies on a tenebrionid beetle inwhich female fecundity increases directly with number of mates.In these experiments, the nutritive value of the spermatophoresdoes not fully explain the increase in female reproductive success.  相似文献   

The liver has an unusual capacity to regenerate after a loss of mass and function caused by surgical resection or toxic liver injury. Over the last 10 years there have been major advances in our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying liver development and regeneration. The numerous factors crucial to these phenomena have been identified mainly by using knockout mice. Forward-genetics studies using zebrafish and medaka have also generated many mutants with liver disorders or defects in liver formation. Our goal is to translate knowledge gained from laboratory work and animal models into novel therapies for human liver diseases. Exciting progress has been achieved using human partial liver transplantation and autologous cell therapy.  相似文献   

Summary The environmental factors influencing methanogenesis in a shallow anoxic aquifer were probed in a combined field and laboratory study. Field data collected over a year revealed that in situ rates of methane production were depressed in winter and elevated in summer. Over the same period, ground water pH values ranged from 6.0 to 7.8 while temperatures varied from 7–22°C. In situ methanogenesis was severely inhibited at temperatures < 13°C or by pH values < 7. The influence of these factors on microbial methane formation from both endogenous and exogenous substrates were tested in aquifer slurries adjusted to pH 5–9 and incubated at temperatures ranging from 5–45°C. Temperature optima for methane production from endogenous substrates varied as a function of pH, but the pH optimum was 8 at all temperatures. Optimal conditions for acetoclastic methanogenesis were found at pH 8 and 35°C. An analysis of variance revealed that pH, temperature, and a pH-temperature interaction are all significant variables influencing aquifer methanogenesis. In addition transient sulfate accumulations were also found to limit methane production in some areas. A comparison of field and laboratory methane production patterns suggest that pH, temperature, and sulfate accumultations are important, but not the only environmental variables influencing the mineralization of organic matter in shallow aquifers.  相似文献   

The conduct of Phase I/II HIV vaccine trials internationally necessitates the development of region-specific clinical reference ranges for trial enrollment and participant monitoring. A population based cohort of adults in Kericho, Kenya, a potential vaccine trial site, allowed development of clinical laboratory reference ranges. Lymphocyte immunophenotyping was performed on 1293 HIV seronegative study participants. Hematology and clinical chemistry were performed on up to 1541 cohort enrollees. The ratio of males to females was 1.9:1. Means, medians and 95% reference ranges were calculated and compared with those from other nations. The median CD4+ T cell count for the group was 810 cells/microl. There were significant gender differences for both red and white blood cell parameters. Kenyan subjects had lower median hemoglobin concentrations (9.5 g/dL; range 6.7-11.1) and neutrophil counts (1850 cells/microl; range 914-4715) compared to North Americans. Kenyan clinical chemistry reference ranges were comparable to those from the USA, with the exception of the upper limits for bilirubin and blood urea nitrogen, which were 2.3-fold higher and 1.5-fold lower, respectively. This study is the first to assess clinical reference ranges for a highland community in Kenya and highlights the need to define clinical laboratory ranges from the national community not only for clinical research but also care and treatment.  相似文献   

Progress in the field of insect neuroendocrinology has been rapid despite the relatively small number of investigators working on insect systems. This progress, in part, reflects the ease of studying insect behavior in the laboratory, and a historical perspective reveals that insect neuroendocrinology has been dominated since its inception by laboratory studies. Recent advances in methodology and a renewed interest in the concept of behavioral state in insects suggest that it might be useful for insect neuroendocrinologists to spend a little more time in the field.  相似文献   

Limbs and supporting structures of an organism experience a full weight of its own when it lands from water, because neutral buoyancy in the aquatic habitat will be no longer available in the terrestrial world. Metamorphosis of anuran amphibians presents a good research model to examine how this transition from non-loading to weight-loading affects development of motor capacity at the time of their first emergence on land. Our video analysis of the transitional anurans, Rana catesbeiana, at Gosner stage 46 (the stage of complete transformation) demonstrated that the take-off speed increased 1.23-fold after the first six hours of weight-loading on the wet ground. It did not increase further during the following three days of loading, and was close to the level of mature frogs with different body mass. During development of larvae in deep water with no chance of landing through metamorphosis, both tension and power of a hindlimb anti-gravity muscle increased 5-fold between stages 37 and 46. However, the muscle contractility increased more rapidly when the larvae could access the wet ground by their natural landing behavior after stages 41-42. Muscle power, one of major factors affecting locomotory speed, was 1.29-fold greater in the loaded than in the non-loaded larvae at the transitional stage. Thus, weight-loading had a potentially significant effect on the elevation of motor capacity, with a similar extent of increment in locomotory speed and muscle power during the last stages of metamorphosis. Such a motor adjustment of the froglets in a relatively short transitional period would be important for effective ecological interactions and survival in their inexperienced terrestrial life.  相似文献   

Oscine songbirds are exposed to many more songs than they keep for their final song repertoire and little is known about how a bird selects the particular song(s) to sing as an adult. We simulated in the laboratory the key variables of the natural song learning environment and examined the song selection process in nine hand-reared male song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, a species in which males sing 5-11 song types. During their second and third months (their presumed sensitive period), subjects were rotated equally among four live adult male tutors that had been neighbours in the field. Tutors were housed in individual aviary 'territories' in four corners of the roof of a building; subjects could see only one tutor at a time, but they could hear the others at a short distance. Later in their first year (months 5-12), half the subjects were again rotated among all four tutors and the other half were randomly stationed next to just one tutor. Results from this experiment confirm and extend the findings from our two previous field studies of song learning in this species. Young males in this experiment (1) learned whole song types, (2) learned songs from multiple tutors, (3) preferentially learned songs that were shared among their tutors, (4) learned songs that other young males in their group also chose, and (5) learned more songs from the tutor they were stationed next to during the later stage (stationary subjects). These last two results support the late influence hypothesis that interactions after a bird's sensitive period affect song repertoire development. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In order to fully understand the orientation behaviour of migrating birds, it is important to understand when birds set their travel direction. Departure directions of migratory passerines leaving stopover sites are often assumed to reflect the birds'' intended travel directions, but this assumption has not been critically tested. We used data from an automated radiotelemetry system and a tracking radar at Falsterbo peninsula, Sweden, to compare the initial orientation of departing songbirds (recorded by radiotelemetry) with the orientation of songbird migrants in climbing and level flight (recorded by radar). We found that the track directions of birds at high altitudes and in level flight were more concentrated than the directions of departing birds and birds in climbing flight, which indicates that the birds adjust their travelling direction once aloft. This was further supported by a wide scatter of vanishing bearings in a subsample of radio-tracked birds that later passed an offshore radio receiver station 50 km southeast of Falsterbo. Track directions seemed to be more affected by winds in climbing compared with level flights, which may be explained by birds not starting to partially compensate for wind drift until they have reached cruising altitudes.  相似文献   

Loss or mutation of p53 is thought to be an early event in the malignant transformation of many human astrocytic tumors. To better understand the role of p53 in their growth and transformation, we developed a model employing cultured neonatal astrocytes derived from mice deficient in one (p53 +/-) or both (p53 -/-) p53 alleles, comparing them with wild-type (p53 +/+) cells. Studies of in vitro and in vivo growth and transformation were performed, and flow cytometry and karyotyping were used to correlate changes in growth with genomic instability. Early-passage (EP) p53 -/- astrocytes achieved higher saturation densities and had more rapid growth than EP p53 +/- and +/+ cells. The EP p53 -/- cells were not transformed, as they were unable to grow in serum-free medium or in nude mice. With continued passaging, p53 -/- cells exhibited a multistep progression to a transformed phenotype. Late-passage p53 -/- cells achieved saturation densities 50 times higher than those of p53 +/+ cells and formed large, well-vascularized tumors in nude mice. p53 +/- astrocytes exhibited early loss of the remaining wild-type p53 allele and then evolved in a manner phenotypically similar to p53 -/- astrocytes. In marked contrast, astrocytes retaining both wild-type p53 alleles never exhibited a transformed phenotype and usually senesced after 7 to 10 passages. Dramatic alterations in ploidy and karyotype occurred and were restricted to cells deficient in wild-type p53 following repeated passaging. The results of these studies suggest that loss of wild-type p53 function promotes genomic instability, accelerated growth, and malignant transformation in astrocytes.  相似文献   

A key assumption in evolutionary studies of locomotor adaptation is that standard laboratory measures of performance accurately reflect what animals do under natural circumstances. One widely examined measure of performance is maximum sprint speed, which is believed to be important for eluding predators, capturing prey, and defending territories. Previous studies linking maximum sprint speed to fitness have focused on laboratory measurements, and we suggest that such analyses may be appropriate for some species and intraspecific classes, but not others. We provide evidence for a general inverse relationship between maximum laboratory sprint speed and the percentage of maximum capacity that animals use when escaping from a threat in the field (the model of locomotor compensation). Further, absolute values of field escape speed and maximum laboratory speed are not significantly related when comparing across a diverse group of Anolis and lacertid lizards. We show that this pattern of locomotor compensation holds both within (i.e., among intraspecific classes) and among lizard species (with some exceptions). We propose a simple method of plotting field escape speed (y-axis) versus maximum laboratory speed (x-axis) among species and/or intraspecific classes that allows researchers to determine whether their study organisms are good candidates for relating laboratory performance to fitness. We suggest that species that reside directly on, or near the "best fitness line" (field escape speed = maximum laboratory speed) are most likely to bear fruit for such studies.  相似文献   

Over recent years, the use of individually ventilated cage (IVC) rack systems in laboratory rodent facilities has increased. Since every cage in an IVC rack may be assumed to be a separate microbiological unit, comprehensive microbiological monitoring of animals kept in IVCs has become a challenging task, which may be addressed by the appropriate use of sentinel mice. Traditionally, these sentinels have been exposed to soiled bedding but more recently, the concept of exposure to exhaust air has been considered. The work reported here was aimed firstly at testing the efficiency of a sentinel-based microbiological monitoring programme under field conditions in a quarantine unit and in a multi-user unit with frequent imports of mouse colonies from various sources. Secondly, it was aimed at determining biocontainment of naturally infected mice kept in an IVC rack, which included breeding of the mice. Sentinels were exposed both to soiled bedding and to exhaust air. The mice which were used in the study carried prevalent infectious agents encountered in research animal facilities including mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), mouse parvovirus (MPV), intestinal flagellates and pinworms. Our data indicate that the sentinel-based health monitoring programme allowed rapid detection of MHV, intestinal flagellates and pinworms investigated by a combination of soiled bedding and exhaust air exposure. MHV was also detected by exposure to exhaust air only. The IVC rack used in this study provided biocontainment when infected mice were kept together with non-infected mice in separate cages in the same IVC rack.  相似文献   

Capsule: Most bird species start full incubation before the clutch is complete, others long after laying the last egg, gradually increasing the incubation temperature as incubation progresses, as is the case in Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus.

Aims: In this study, we analysed the possible mechanisms underlying this delayed start of full incubation in Magellanic Penguins. We postulated two non-mutually exclusive, possible mechanisms: delayed development of the brood patch and/or variation in the adults’ incubation postures.

Methods: We conducted our work at Isla Quiroga, Argentina during 2011–13. We measured the development of the brood patch area, its temperature, the egg temperature and observed the postures of adult penguins.

Results: We found no association between the adults’ postures and the delayed start of full incubation, nor between brood patch temperature and the increase in egg temperature as incubation proceeded (egg age). The intercept of the curve between egg temperature and egg age was positively related to brood patch area, while the slope of the curve was negatively related.

Conclusion: Our results support the hypothesis that the shape of the curve of the increase in egg temperature as incubation proceeds is a consequence of the increase in the extension of the brood patch area.  相似文献   

A method is described for the high frequency transformation of carrot proembryogenic suspension culture cells by a non-oncogenic Ti-plasmid vector (pGV3850::1103) which carried a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene (nos-NPT-II). Plants were regenerated efficiently from transformed material by somatic embryogenesis in the presence of kanamycin. Transformed tissues expressed readily detectable levels of both NPT-II and nopaline. NPT-II could be detected in total protein extracts by Western blotting. This analysis indicated that NPT-II was produced as a single, full length polypeptide. The T-DNA copy number in individually selected transformants was analysed by Southern blotting and ranged from 1–8 per diploid genome. The copy number and organization of the T-DNA was retained in plants regenerated from these transformants by somatic embryogenesis. These data suggested a clonal origin for the selected kanamycin resistant colonies. NPT-II expression levels appeared to be directly related to gene dosage.  相似文献   

We assume that the mammalian neocortex is built up out of some six layers which differ in their morphology and their external connections. Intrinsic connectivity is largely excitatory, leading to a considerable amount of positive feedback. The majority of cortical neurons can be divided into two main classes: the pyramidal cells, which are said to be excitatory, and local cells (most notably the non-spiny stellate cells), which are said to be inhibitory. The form of the dendritic and axonal arborizations of both groups is discussed in detail. This results in a simplified model of the cortex as a stack of six layers with mutual connections determined by the principles of fibre anatomy. This stack can be treated as a multi-input-multi-output system by means of the linear systems theory of homogeneous layers. The detailed equations for the simulation are derived in the Appendix. The results of the simulations show that the temporal and spatial behaviour of an excitation distribution cannot be treated separately. Further, they indicate specific processing in the different layers and some independence from details of wiring. Finally, the simulation results are applied to the theory of visual receptive fields. This yields some insight into the mechanisms possibly underlying hypercomplexity, putative nonlinearities, lateral inhibition, oscillating cell responses, and velocity-dependent tuning curves.  相似文献   

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