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Cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for trinitrophenyl (TNP)-altered self antigens can be generated in vivo through the simultaneous injection of TNP-modified syngeneic spleen cells and H-2-compatible, minor histocompatibility locus (Mls)-disparate auxiliary spleen cells into the footpads of mice. The latter stimulates host helper cells to produce differentiative and proliferative signals required for the generation of CTL. Advent of this protocol allowed investigation of the initiation of two different cell-mediated immune responses, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and the generation of CTL, in the same experimental animal. Mice presensitized for CTL were able to develop DTH as well as normal controls. However, when mice were first sensitized for DTH, they were thereafter incapable of generating CTL. This effect was hapten specific, relatively long lasting, and preventable by treating mice with cyclophosphamide before sensitizing for DTH. Adoptive transfer of lymphoid cells from DTH-immune mice conferred DTH reactivity upon naive recipients but not a suppressed CTL response. Therefore, cells mediating DTH were not responsible for suppression of CTL. The mechanism for suppression has been discussed from the viewpoint of the suppressor-T-cell circuits that are known to be generated when animals are sensitized for DTH and which are susceptible to treatment with cyclophosphamide.  相似文献   

We have studied the maturation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) following primary and anamnestic responses in vivo and in vitro. Parameters evaluated included: frequency of effector CTL, specificity of binding to and lysis of target cells, killing and recycling ability of individual CTL, and the avidity of effector-target conjugation. While the frequency of effector CTL in the peritoneal cavity of BALB/c mice immunized against leukemia EL4 of C57BL/6 origin increases from 0 to 35% in 11 days of priming, a paradoxically lower frequency has been observed usually after 2 degrees and repeatedly after 3 degrees immunizations both in the peritoneal cavity and in the spleen. The H-2 haplotype and H-2 sub-loci specificity of CTL is preserved upon repeated immunizations. Likewise, the rate of killing and recycling of individual CTL do not change throughout immunizations, suggesting that the cytolytic activity of individual effector CTL is discrete ("quantal") and not subject to maturation upon repeated immunizations. On the other hand, inhibition of conjugate formation and of lysis by antibodies against target major histocompatibility complex (MHC) or effector Lyt-2 determinants is consistently less effective with 3 degrees CTL, suggesting an increase in avidity of effector/target interaction upon repeated immunizations. A striking increase in apparent avidity has been observed during CTL priming in mixed lymphocyte reaction, as deduced from blocking by target cell MHC antibodies. These results suggest that alloimmune CTL undergo maturation with respect to their ability to interact with the target, and that the composition of the responding population is subject to moderate selective processes driven by repeated antigenic stimuli.  相似文献   

The enterotoxins of Staphylococcus aureus (SE) are extremely potent activators of human and mouse T lymphocytes. In general, T cell responses to SE are MHC class II dependent (presumably reflecting the ability of SE to bind directly to MHC class II molecules) and restricted to responding cells expressing certain T cell receptor beta-chain variable (TCR V beta) domains. Recently we demonstrated that CD8+ CTL expressing appropriate TCR V beta could recognize SE presented on MHC class II-bearing target cells. We now show that MHC class II expression is not strictly required for T cell recognition of SE. Both human and mouse MHC class II negative target cells could be recognized (i.e., lysed) in a SE-dependent fashion by CD8+ mouse CTL clones and polyclonal populations, provided that the CTL expressed appropriate TCR V beta elements. SE-dependent lysis of MHC class II negative targets by CTL was inhibited by mAb directed against CD3 or LFA-1, suggesting that SE recognition was TCR and cell contact dependent. Furthermore, different SE were recognized preferentially by CTL on MHC class II+ vs MHC class II- targets. Taken together, our data raise the possibility that SE binding structures distinct from MHC class II molecules may exist.  相似文献   

To identify epitopes recognized by alloreactive CTL we have examined H-2Kb-specific CTL for their recognition of synthetic peptides with sequences derived from the native Kb class I molecule. Consecutive nested peptides spanning the immunogenic alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of Kb were tested for their capacity to inhibit CTL clones in their recognition of cells expressing the native Kb molecule. Inhibition by these peptides was found to be an extremely rare event. One peptide (Kb.111-122) did inhibit recognition by one particular CTL clone, clone 13. Upon further investigation it was observed that clone 13 also recognized peptide Kb.111-122 when presented in the context of the syngeneic MHC molecule, Kd. Considering that residues 111 to 122 are located at the base of the antigen groove, and clone 13 is able to recognize Kb.111-122 when presented by syngeneic target cells, we suggest that inhibition of this CTL clone may be due to MHC restricted, self-presentation of peptide rather than to direct binding of free peptide to the TCR. Taken together, these results suggest inhibition of allospecific CTL by MHC peptides is a rare event at least for Kb recognition. Furthermore, they demonstrate the need for caution when interpreting inhibition by peptide as evidence for recognition by the TCR of the corresponding region on the native molecule.  相似文献   

Antibody reactive with "recognition structures" (RS) of mouse lymphoid cells for alloantigens (anti-RS) was prepared by immunization of F1 hybrid mice with parentalstrain lymphoid cells or with antibody produced in one parental strain against alloantigens of the other parental strain. Such antisera prevented generation of the "product of antigenic recognition" (PAR) that is produced within a few hours in cultures prepared with a mixture of lymphoid cells from genetically disparate mice. However, treatment of responding lymphoid cells with anti-RS sera and complement did not inhibit generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Treatment of cells obtained from MLC with anti-RS sera and complement failed to inhibit cytolytic activity of such cells for specific alloantigens.  相似文献   

Human cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the presence and absence of histamine in order to define the role of this autacoid in immune regulation. Histamine (10(-8)-10(-4) M) suppressed the generation of class I specific CTL but, at 10(-4) M, actually increased class II specific cytolysis. Histamine acted at the level of CTL generation; histamine was not present in the cytolytic assay. When histamine was added to the cytolytic assay with CTL grown without histamine, the lytic ability of the effector cells was similar to that of controls. Histamine-induced suppression of class I specific cytolysis was blocked by continuous culture with the H2 antagonist ranitidine but not with the H1 antagonist pyrilamine. These data suggest that suppression was mediated by the H2 receptor. Continuous culture with histamine had no effect on T cell proliferation or the expression of cell surface molecules. Histamine-induced suppression of class I specific cytolysis was reversed by the addition of PHA to the cytotoxicity assay, showing that the cytolytic machinery was intact. These data provide evidence that histamine is involved in regulation of cytolytic T cells.  相似文献   

A system is presented that may simplify the study of accessory cell requirements for CTL generation. Cortisone resistant (CR) thymocytes containing alloreactive CTL precursors do not respond to allogeneic tumor cells unless non-T accessory cells are added to culture. In addition, splenic T cells do not respond to allogeneic tumor cells in the absence of non-T accessory cells. These accessory cells share several properties of macrophages.  相似文献   

Affinity-purified class I proteins in detergent solution can be directly immobilized on plastic by a simple dilution procedure. The immobilized Ag retains its native structure and will trigger specific, TCR-mediated degranulation of cloned CTL. Stimulation of the response is dependent on the surface density of Ag, and displays a critical threshold density below which response does not occur. Individual clones differ with respect to the threshold density required for activation, but these differences are not large. With one exception, the cloned lines examined respond to Ag densities comparable to that found on normal allogeneic cells, and critical threshold densities varied over about a fourfold range. Coimmobilization of alloantigen and nonantigenic class I protein of a different specificity has the effect of decreasing the threshold density of alloantigen required for response to occur. This augmentation is specific for class I, coimmobilized class II protein does not affect responses, and is very likely mediated by Lyt-2 (CD8) interaction with nonpolymorphic determinants on the class I protein. Thus, class I alloantigen is the necessary and sufficient ligand for activation of most allogeneic CTL clones, and both TCR and Lyt-2 interactions contribute to the response. The results described here for effector CTL are compared with those previously found in examining the ligand requirements for activation of precursor CTL.  相似文献   

We have used H-2Db-restricted CTL clones specific for peptide 365 to 380 of the influenza nucleoprotein to seek evidence for interaction between the TCR and peptide Ag. Preincubation of these CTL with peptide 365 to 380 resulted in inhibition of target cell lysis. In addition, CTL lysed allogeneic targets in the presence of soluble peptide Ag. Investigation of the basis of these two phenomena revealed a requirement for expression of H-2Db molecules by the effector cells. Either preincubation with anti-Db mAb or the use of chimera-derived H-2d CTL specific for Db plus peptide ablated both peptide-dependent inhibition and lysis of allogeneic cells, suggesting these activities are a consequence of self-presentation of peptide Ag by CTL. Lysis of allogeneic cells appears to represent bystander lysis by CTL in response to recognition of peptide on other effector cells. Lysis inhibition is attributable to a highly potent form of cold target inhibition in which CTL serve as their own cold targets.  相似文献   

MHC molecules protect T cell epitopes against proteolytic destruction.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is a subtle duality in the role of proteolytic enzymes in Ag processing. They are required to fragment protein Ag ingested by APC. However, prolonged exposure to proteolytic enzymes may lead to a complete degradation of the Ag, leaving nothing for the T cell system to recognize. What ensures that some of the Ag is salvaged? Using a cell-free system we demonstrate that an Ag fragment, once bound to a MHC class II molecule, is effectively protected against proteolytic destruction by cathepsin B and pronase E. The bound fragment, however, can be modified by aminopeptidase N. We suggest that MHC class II molecules play an important regulatory role in the physiologic processing of Ag.  相似文献   

Expression of MHC class II epitopes on human T lymphocyte clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-four CD4+ alloreactive helper T cell clones and eight CD8+ cytotoxic T cell clones from five different donors, all of which were dependent on alloantigen and IL 2 for continued growth, were analyzed by FACS for cell surface expression of HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP epitopes using monoclonal antibodies against monomorphic and polymorphic determinants. Clones were tested early (less than 30 population doublings) and late (greater than 45 population doublings) in their life-spans and at various times (3-5 days) after antigenic restimulation. All clones expressed high levels of HLA-DR at all times, and lower but significant levels of both HLA-DQ and -DP. In contrast, B lymphoblastoid cell lines expressed equivalent amounts of HLA-DR and -DQ, but less HLA-DP. There was no evidence of differential regulation or expression of the three major MHC class II isotypes on different T cell subsets, and neither did antibodies specific for polymorphic epitopes fail to react on clones from donors carrying the appropriate alleles.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in the course of an HSV-infection of CBA (H-2 k ) mice not only lyse syngeneic, virus-infected target cells but also cross-react with noninfected target cells expressing the Dd alloantigen. On the effector cell level, this alloreactivity is mediated by virus-specific CTL's that are restricted to H-2Dk determinants. On the prekiller cell level, the anti-HSV-reactive T cells exhibiting cross-reactivity for Dd alloantigen could be positively selected on H-2d spleen-cell monolayers. After differentiation into cytolytic effector cells, target cells expressing Dd alloantigens and syngeneic HSV-infected target were lysed with equal efficiency. The results imply that the phenomenon of H-2-restricted versus nonrestricted T-cell reactivity is not due to distinct T-cell subsets, but rather is dependent on the antigeneic determinants recognized.  相似文献   

Analysis of surface fluorescence with flow cytometry has revealed the presence of membrane-associated interleukin 2 (IL-2) epitopes on the surface of long term human T cell clones. These IL-2 epitopes could not be accounted for by soluble IL-2 binding to its specific receptor or adsorbing nonspecifically to the cells. The level of surface IL-2 antigenic determinants on the T cell clones was decreased in the presence of phorbol esters and increased in the absence of an exogenous source of IL-2. It was completely lost upon stimulation of the clones to produce the soluble lymphokine. Surface IL-2 epitopes were also detected on the Jurkat tumor cell line which secretes IL-2 upon stimulation and on another T cell tumor line MOLT 4. MLA-144 produces IL-2 constitutively; however, it did not possess membrane-associated epitopes. Tumor lines of other lineages were negative. A subpopulation of peripheral blood T lymphocytes demonstrated some membrane-bound IL-2, whereas non-T peripheral blood mononuclear cells were negative. Thus, cells with the potential of producing and secreting IL-2 upon stimulation possessed the surface epitopes of the lymphokine and cells either actively secreting IL-2 or without the potential for secretion were negative for surface expression. Membrane-associated IL-2 antigenic determinants appear to represent a T lymphocytic surface marker of potential cellular function. The relationship of this marker to the secreted lymphokine is not known. Although it is possible that the epitopes seen were present on a distinct molecule independent of secreted IL-2, the distribution on a variety of T cells and regulation via cellular activation suggest that the surface expression of IL-2 epitopes is in some way related to the soluble lymphokine.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in the course of an HSV-infection of CBA (H-2k) mice not only lyse syngeneic, virus-infected target cells but also cross-react with noninfected taraget cells expressing the Dd alloantigen. On the effector cell level, this alloreactivity is mediated by virus-specific CTL's that are restricted to H-2Dk determinants. On the prekiller cell level, the anti-HSV-reactive T cells exhibiting cross-reactivity for Dd alloantigen could be positively selected on H-2d spleen-cell monolayers. After differentiation into cytolytic effector cells, target cells expressing Dd alloantigens and syngeneic HSV-infected target were lysed with equal efficiency. The results imply that the phenomenon of H-2-restricted versus nonrestricted T-cell reactivity is not due to distinct T-cell subsets, but rather is dependent on the antigeneic determinants recognized.  相似文献   

Influenza-specific immune cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) populations maintain a constant level of in vitro cytolytic activity. This is demonstrable with both heterogeneous populations of anti-viral CTL from immune donors and long-term CTL clones derived from primed CTL precursors. Cytolytic machinery is stably expressed by these CTL populations under a variety of in vitro cultivation conditions. This finding is in contrast to results with alloreactive CTL generated by stimulation of primed CTL precursors that lose cytolytic activity on a per cell basis with time after stimulation. The results indicate that virus-specific, cloned CTL that stably express cytolytic activity are representative of the heterogeneous populations from which they are derived and further suggest a qualitative difference in the regulation and expression of cytolytic machinery between heterogeneous populations of influenza-specific CTL and alloreactive CTL.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that P815 (H-2d) purified plasma membranes can induce cytolytic activity from primed C57BL/6 (H-2b) spleen cells. The secondary cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) inducing activity is retained when these P815 plasma membranes are solubilized in deoxycholate. Evidence is now presented that the cell surface antigens responsible for CTL induction can be partially purified in active form and these antigens can be incorporated into reconstituted membranes and phospholipid vesicles. The active antigens have the properties expected for H-2 molecules on lentil lectin chromatography and gel filtration.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that trinitrophenyl-coupled tumor membranes are able to induce cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) when co-cultured with syngeneic spleen cells. These haptenated membranes stimulate spleen cells from naive and immune mice. The specificity of these CTL is determined by the H-2 antigens of the membranes used for stimulation.  相似文献   

The induction of cytolytic T lymphocytes with purified plasma membranes.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Subcellular fractions were demonstrated to be effective in stimulating primary and secondary allogeneic CTL responses. 5' nucleotidase activity was used to assess purification of plasma membranes and stimulating activity was found to co-purify with the plasma membrane fraction of the cell. Electron micrographs of these purified plasma membranes showed the majority of the material to be in the form of vesicles of relatively heterogeneous size. The cytolytic T lymphocytes generated by incubation with purified plasma membranes demonstrated immunologic specificity.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy of cancer could be possible in cases in which competent effector T cells can be induced. Such an approach depends on expression of tumour-specific antigens by the tumour cells and on the availability of sufficient costimulatory support for activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here, a strategy for helper T cell recruitment for induction of tumour-specific cytotoxic immune responses is presented. Allogenic MHC class II molecules were introduced into tumour cells by cell fusion. These hybrid cells, when injected into mice, induced rejection of an established tumour. The contribution of CD4-expressing helper T cells in the induction phase and of CD8-expressing T cells in the effector phase of the immune response was demonstrated. The approach described could be applicable to cases in which a suitable tumour antigen is present but not identified; it employs regulatory interactions that govern physiological immune responses and is designed to be minimally invasive.  相似文献   

Several TNP-specific, H-2Kb-restricted mouse CTL clones were identified which specifically lysed target cells in the presence of tryptic digests of TNP-modified BSA. Glutaraldehyde fixation of cells revealed that the tryptic fragments did not require further cellular processing. Chromatographic fractionation of digested TNP-BSA identified the peptide TNP-BSA222-231, containing a TNP-modified lysine at BSA position 227, as the antigenic entity. The corresponding synthetic peptide was immunologically cross-reactive with the digest. All clones reactive with TNP-BSA222-231 cross-reacted with a similar peptide from mouse serum albumin (TNP-MSA126-135), favoring the assumption that TNP-BSA222-231 represents an artificial determinant, cross-reacting with some as yet unidentified, TNP-modified, Kb-associated self-peptides. Some of our clones also cross-reacted with tryptic digests of TNP-OVA or TNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin. We interpret these findings to indicate that 1) a significant proportion of hapten (TNP) determinants for T cells are anchored to MHC via peptides; and 2) the amino acid sequence of these peptides may only partly define the specificity of the T cell-relevant hapten epitope, implying a particularly repetitive nature of these determinants. The production of T cell-antigenic hapten-peptide conjugates will hopefully open new roads to study immune responses to environmental allergens.  相似文献   

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