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Feedback theory and Darwinian evolution.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Feedback loops can have a significant impact on biological systems that are evolving under Darwinian natural selection. Many of the striking and sometimes bizarre patterns that characterize the evolution of such systems have simple, natural explanations that involve the effects of feedback loops. The two fundamental types of feedback loops, positive and negative, have effects that are radically different: negative feedback tends to produce stability and resistance to change; positive feedback produces instability and even catastrophe. Both types of feedback loops are important in biological systems, and both can produce chaos, whose mathematical complexity often produces strange, beautiful and totally unexpected patterns that have only begun to be explored using the computational capabilities of modern electronic computers. An understanding of the patterns that can result from the effects of feedback loops can produce important new insights into the patterns that mark the evolutionary development of biological systems.  相似文献   

This paper contains excerpts and colloquies selected from interviews which will appear in a proposed book-length oral history of the Yale University School of Medicine. The book, which considers all the constituent members of the Yale academic medical community, is a statement about contemporary issues in medicine. Owing to space constraints, only excerpts from students appear in this paper. It is believed that these selections may be used as case studies to explore in depth issues of contemporary medical interest. The excerpts have been categorized into eight thematic clusters considering different aspects of premedical and medical school life.  相似文献   

The history of studies on the taxonomy and evolutionary biology of the three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus from the 18th century to the present is reviewed. After the publication of Darwin's Origin of the Species, four important dates, 1925, 1947, 1967 and 2001, are identified as marking major gains in the understanding of the evolution of the diversity in morphological, life‐history, physiological and behavioural traits that characterizes G. aculeatus. The period 1925–1970 led to the identification of the main themes of research: status and adaptive significance of lateral‐plate morphs; inter and intrapopulation trait variation in freshwater resident G. aculeatus and the adaptive significance of the variation. Between 1970 and 2001, these themes were investigated using variation observed particularly along the Pacific coast of the U.S.A. and Canada, notably in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska and the Haida Gwaii Archipelago. Studies on adaptive radiation and reproductive isolation in lacustrine, ecomorph pairs (limnetics and benthics) discovered in the Strait of Georgia region have been particularly productive. From 2001, the application of genomic studies to these problems began to open up the study of the relationships between genotype, phenotype and selective advantage to causal analysis.  相似文献   

This paper considers the antecedent events that led to the development of Yale's Institute of Human Relations, the program of interdisciplinary research and teaching established, and the principal protagonists, James Rowland Angell, President of Yale University, and Milton C. Winternitz, Dean of the School of Medicine, both of whom were committed to the concept that medicine is a social science.  相似文献   

The hologenome theory of evolution emphasizes the role of microorganisms in the evolution of animals and plants. The theory posits that the holobiont (host plus all of its symbiont microbiota) is a unit of selection in evolution. Genetic variation in the holobiont that can occur either in the host and/or in the microbial symbiont genomes (together termed hologenome) can then be transmitted to offspring. In addition to the known modes of variation, i.e. sexual recombination, chromosomal rearrangement and mutation, variation in the holobiont can occur also via two mechanisms that are specific to the hologenome theory: amplification of existing microorganisms and acquisition of novel strains from the environment. These mechanisms are Lamarckian in that (i) they are regulated by ‘use and disuse’ (of microbes) and (ii) the variations in the hologenome are transmitted to offspring, thus satisfying also the Lamarckian principle of ‘inheritance of acquired characteristics’. Accordingly, the hologenome theory incorporates Lamarckian aspects within a Darwinian framework, accentuating both cooperation and competition within the holobiont and with other holobionts.  相似文献   

Darwin believed that his theory of evolution would stand or fall on its ability to account for human behavior. No species could be an exception to his theory without imperiling the whole edifice. The ideas in the Descent of Man were widely discussed by his contemporaries although they were far from being the only evolutionary theories current in the late nineteenth century. Darwin's specific evolutionary ideas and those of his main followers had very little impact on the social sciences as they emerged as separate disciplines in the early Twentieth Century. Not until the late twentieth century were concerted, sophisticated efforts made to apply Darwinian theory to human behavior. Why such a long delay? We argue that Darwin's theory was rather modern in respects that conflicted with Victorian sensibilities and that he and his few close followers failed to influence any of the social sciences. The late Twentieth Century work takes up almost exactly where James Baldwin left off at the turn of the century.  相似文献   

Tubers ofCyperus esculentus (tiger nuts) andC. rotundus were used in the ancient eastern Mediterranean as food, perfume and medicine. Tiger nuts that were consumed in Egypt, either boiled in beer, roasted or as sweets made of ground tubers with honey, were found in tombs from the 4th millenniumb.c. to the 5th centurya.d. C. rotundus tubers, a dietary staple in a Stone Age Egyptian community, were used much later in perfumes and medicine by the Egyptians, Mycenaeans and Greeks, and recorded by Theophrastus, Pliny and Dioscorides. An Egyptian preparation made ofCyperus tubers, other plant ingredients, honey and wine, described by Dioscorides, is similar to one in the Ebers papyri, demonstrating its continuity over 1600 years.Cyperus perfumes are mentioned in Mycenaean documents and by classical authors. Classical authors’ views on weeds, and whetherC. rotundus is described as a weed by Dioscorides, are reviewed. The domestication ofC. esculentus, and the evolution of both nutsedges towards weeds are discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of adaptation have exploded over the past decade. This work has been inspired by recent, surprising findings in the experimental study of adaptation. For example, morphological evolution sometimes involves a modest number of genetic changes, with some individual changes having a large effect on the phenotype or fitness. Here I survey the history of adaptation theory, focusing on the rise and fall of various views over the past century and the reasons for the slow development of a mature theory of adaptation. I also discuss the challenges that face contemporary theories of adaptation.  相似文献   

The year 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's first botanical book, on the fertilization of orchids (1862), wherein he described pollen grains and outlined his evolutionary principles with respect to plant research. Five decades later, the growth-promoting effect of extracts of Orchid pollen on coleoptile elongation was documented. These studies led to the discovery of a new class of phytohormones, the brassinosteroids (BRs) that were isolated from rapeseed (Brassica napus) pollen. These growth-promoting steroids, which regulate height, fertility, and seed-filling in crop plants such as rice (Oryza sativa), also induce stress- and disease resistance in green algae and angiosperms. The origin and current status of BR-research is described here, with reference to BR-action and -signal transduction, and it is shown that modern high-yield rice varieties with erect leaves are deficient in endogenous BRs. Since brassinosteroids induce pathogen resistance in rice plants and hence can suppress rice blast- and bacterial blight-diseases, genetic manipulation of BR-biosynthesis or -perception may be a means to increase crop production. Basic research on BR activity in plants, such as Arabidopsis and rice, has the potential to increase crop yields further as part of a 21th century 'green biotech-revolution' that can be traced back to Darwin's classical breeding experiments. It is concluded that 'Nothing in brassinosteroid research makes sense except in the light of Darwinian evolution' and the value of basic science is highlighted, with reference to the genetic engineering of better food crops that may become resistant to a variety of plant diseases.  相似文献   

Most models in life history assume that maximization of lambda holds. Demographic genetic theory supports this assumption provided (i) the fecundity of each mating is determined solely by the age and genotype of the female, (ii) the two sexes experience the exact same selection intensities, and (iii) the two sexes are equal in their age specific schedules of survival and fecundity. But these assumptions will often not hold in nature: thus a more general means of analysis closely integrated with a broader genetic treatment is attempted here. First, operators are derived to map sex specific non-overlapping generation models into the more general case in which generations can overlap. Application of such operators then suggests a broader representation of age structured selection in which evolution acts according to a single composite Wrightian topography whose gradient is a weighted mean taken over selective gradients in all of the age classes. Application of this view is straightforward, showing, for example, that (i) the evolutionary maximization of lambda, which is the basis of present optimization theories for life history, is extremely fragile with biological deviation from mathematical assumptions used in its derivation, (ii) the cost of meiosis argument is shown not to conflict with traditional life history theory, although its correct application will depend critically and subtly upon how genic effects on fertility are measured, and (iii) correct weightings for age specific selection converge to those of Hamilton (1966) and Schaffer (1974) only when sex specific differences in fertility and survival are nonexistent or when selection occurs only in the demographically dominant sex. For life history problems beyond assumptions underlying tradition approaches the composite adaptive topography seems to provide a suitable alternate means for analysis.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) has initiated a new and exciting era in our understanding of the neuroendocrine regulation of pituitary growth hormone (GH) secretion. This report briefly describes the isolation and characterization of GRF, factors which modulate the GH response to GRF and the effects of chronic administration and deprivation of GRF on somatic growth. The intent of this report is to serve as a general introduction on biochemical and physiological aspects of GRF. The following reports from this symposium will then cover many of these topics in much greater detail.  相似文献   

Ellis L 《Social biology》2004,51(3-4):144-160
This article offers a theoretical explanation for relationships between social status and involvement in serious and persistent criminal behavior from an evolutionary perspective. The theory's central premise is that natural selection has produced females who bias their mating choices toward males who strive for status. This bias has resulted in males devoting greater time and energy to status striving (relative to females). To account for why nearly all "victimizing" forms of criminality are more common among males than among females, the theory asserts that status striving exists along a continuum of competitive/victimizing behavior. One end of this continuum is epitomized by crude (criminal) forms of the behavior that societies generally discourage and even punish. The other end consists of sophisticated (commercial) forms that societies tolerate and even encourage. According to the theory, most males begin to exhibit non-playful forms of competitive/victimizing behavior around the onset of puberty as they start their reproductive careers. Adolescent males with the greatest abilities to learn will transition quickly from crude forms of competitive/victimizing behavior to more sophisticated forms, while males who have the greatest difficulties learning will transition more slowly. A major deduction from the theory is that genes on the Y-chromosome must be affecting the brain in ways that promote status-striving behavior. This deduction needs empirical scrutiny, although it is consistent with evidence (a) that the Y-chromosome transforms would-be ovaries into testes, the latter being specialized organs for the production of testosterone, and (b) that testosterone alters brain functioning in ways that contribute to both status striving and criminality.  相似文献   

Evolution is based on natural selection of existing biological phenotypic traits. Natural selection can only eliminate traits. It cannot create new ones, requiring a theory to explain the origin of new genetic information. The theory of pangenesis was a major attempt to explain the source of new genetic information required to produce phenotypic variety. This theory, advocated by Darwin as the main source of genetic variety, has now been empirically disproved. It is currently a theory mainly of interest to science historians.  相似文献   

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