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Myosin isoforms in mammalian skeletal muscle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The passive mechanical properties of whole muscle in active and nonactive states are compared. The experimental results are presented as stress-strain curves, which are analyzed in the framework of the current theoretical background [viz. the freely-jointed chain model (FJCM) and the worm-like chain model (WLCM)] in a semi-quantitative fashion. This analysis shows that both models can explain the mechanical behavior of whole muscle in non-active state. In the active state, the presence of crossbridges alters the mechanical response, leading to a markedly different behavior, as expected. A discussion of the mechanisms involved and the interpretation of the parameters required for the fitting of the stress-strain curves is also presented.  相似文献   

An electophoretic study of changes in composition of titin isoforms in human and rat skeletal and cardiac muscles is carried out. A more considerable decrease in the content of intact titin isoforms was observed than in the content of N2A-titin in the dorsal muscle of patients with the “stiff-person syndrome” and in m. soleus of humans and rats during development of “muscle hypogravity syndrome” and than in the content of N2BA- and N2B-titins in hypertrophic heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats. The relation between reduction of titin content in m. soleus and the increase of time the rats were in conditions of simulated microgravity is revealed. On electrophoregrams of left ventricle myocardium of patients with terminal stage of dilated cardiomyopathy the intact titin and N2BA-titin were absent and a considerable decrease in the content of N2B-titin was observed. This could be the consequence of the terminal stage of pathology. It follows that development of the diseases is accompanied by a greater destruction of intact titin than of its other forms which may be important for diagnostics of pathological processes.  相似文献   

While it has been recognized for many years that different limb muscles belonging to the same mammal may have markedly differing contractile characteristics, it is only comparatively recently that it has been demonstrated that these differences depend upon the motor innervation. By appropriately changing the peripheral nerve innervating a mammalian skeletal muscle, it is possible to change dramatically the contractile behaviour of the reinnervated muscle. The manner by which the motor innervation determines the nature of a muscle fibre's contractile machinery is not completely understood, but it appears that the number and pattern of motor nerve impulses reaching the muscle play an important role. The biochemical changes occurring within muscle fibres whose contractile properties have been modified by altered motor innervation include the synthesis of different contractile proteins.  相似文献   

Isometric tension responses to rapid temperature jumps (T-jumps) of 3-7 degrees C were examined in single skinned fibers isolated from rabbit psoas (fast) and soleus (slow) muscles. T-jumps were induced by an infrared laser pulse (wavelength 1.32 microns, pulse duration 0.2 ms) obtained from a Nd-YAG laser, which heated the fiber and bathing buffer solution in a 50-microliter trough. After a T-jump, the temperature near the fiber remained constant for approximately 0.5 s, and the temperature could be clamped for longer periods by means of Peltier units assembled on the back trough wall. A T-jump produced a step decrease in tension in both fast and slow muscle fibers in rigor, indicating thermal expansion. In maximally Ca-activated (pCa approximately 4) fibers, the increase of steady tension with heating (3-35 degrees C) was approximately sigmoidal, and a T-jump at any temperature induced a more complex tension transient than in rigor fibers. An initial (small amplitude) step decrease in tension followed by a rapid recovery (tau(1); see Davis and Harrington, 1993) was seen in some records from both fiber types, which presumably was an indirect consequence of thermal expansion. The net rise in tension after a T-jump was biexponential, and its time course was characteristically different in the two fibers. At approximately 12 degrees C the reciprocal time constants for the two exponential components (tau(2) and tau(3), respectively, were approximately 70.s(-1) and approximately 15.s(-1) in fast fibers and approximately 20.s(-1) and approximately 3.s(-1) in slow fibers. In both fibers, tau(2) ("endothermic force regeneration") became faster with an increase in temperature. Furthermore, tau(3) was temperature sensitive in slow fibers but not in fast fibers. The results are compared and contrasted with previous findings from T-jump experiments on fast fibers. It is observed that the fast/slow fiber difference in the rate of endothermic force generation (three- to fourfold) is considerably smaller than the reported differences in the "phosphate release steps" (> 30-fold).  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of titin in cultured skeletal muscle cells   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Although significant progress has been made regarding the structure and function of titin, little data exist on the biosynthesis of this large protein in developing muscle. Using pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine and immunoprecipitation with an anti-titin mAb, we have examined the biosynthesis of titin in synchronized cultures of skeletal muscle cells derived from day 12 chicken embryos. We find that: (a) titin synthesis increases greater than 4-fold during the first week in culture and during this same time period, synthesis of muscle-specific myosin heavy chain increases greater than 12-fold; (b) newly synthesized titin has a t1/2 of approximately 70 h; (c) titin is resistant to extraction with Triton X-100 both during and immediately after its synthesis. These observations suggest that newly synthesized titin molecules are stable proteins that rapidly associate with the cytoskeleton of developing myotubes.  相似文献   

Phosphocreatine (PCr) and intracellular pH changes were monitored by 31P-NMR spectroscopy in isolated, arterially perfused cat biceps and soleus muscles, while the pH of the CO2-bicarbonate buffered perfusate was decreased from 7.1-7.4 to 6.4-6.7 by increasing the CO2 in the equilibrating gas from 5 to up to 70%. In biceps (fast twitch) muscles, intracellular pH decreased from 7.0 to 6.6 (30% CO2, 30 degrees C), peak tetanic force decreased by 8%, but the rise and relaxation times of tetanic were not significantly changed. In soleus muscles, intracellular pH decreased from 7.0 to 6.6 (30% CO2, 30 degrees C), peak tetanic force was unchanged, but the rise and relaxation times of tetani were increased by 27 and 112%, respectively. In both muscles greater decreases in tetanic force were observed during repetitive or ischemic stimulation, which resulted in intracellular pH similar to that produced by hypercapnia. Contrary to previous reports, there was no significant decrease in PCr level in either muscle type with decreased intracellular pH. In the soleus at 30 degrees C there was a significant increase in PCr level with decreased pH.  相似文献   

The heterotetrameric sarcoglycan complex, composed of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans, is an important component of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein assembly in striated muscle. Mutations in any of the four genes encoding sarcoglycans cause a deficiency in all sarcoglycans in the sarcolemma and produce one of four types of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. A fifth widely expressed sarcoglycan, epsilon-sarcoglycan, has been recently described. epsilon-Sarcoglycan is homologous to alpha-sarcoglycan, but whether it associates with the other sarcoglycans in muscle is not known. In this study, we use wild type and alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient mice to analyze the localization and association of sarcoglycans in skeletal muscle in vivo. The amounts of beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans are reduced in alpha-sarcoglycan mutants, whereas the amount of epsilon-sarcoglycan is unchanged. We show here that epsilon-sarcoglycan is complexed with beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans in both wild type and alpha-sarcoglycan mutant mice. We also use C2C12 myocytes to study the temporal expression and organization of sarcoglycan complexes during muscle cell differentiation in vitro. In C2C12 cells, alpha- and epsilon-sarcoglycans form separate complexes with beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans. Both types of complexes are expressed at the cell surface and presumed to be functional. These results suggest that epsilon-sarcoglycan serves a function similar to that of alpha-sarcoglycan and that residual beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycan seen in mutant mice and alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient patients is due to its association with epsilon-sarcoglycan.  相似文献   

Lan G  Sun SX 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(6):4107-4117
Skeletal muscle contraction is a canonical example of motor-driven force generation. Despite the long history of research in this topic, a mechanistic explanation of the collective myosin force generation is lacking. We present a theoretical model of muscle contraction based on the conformational movements of individual myosins and experimentally measured chemical rate constants. Detailed mechanics of the myosin motor and the geometry of the sarcomere are taken into account. Two possible scenarios of force generation are examined. We find only one of the scenarios can give rise to a plausible contraction mechanism. We propose that the synchrony in muscle contraction is due to a force-dependent ADP release step. Computational results of a half sarcomere with 150 myosin heads can explain the experimentally measured force-velocity relationship and efficiency data. We predict that the number of working myosin motors increases as the load force is increased, thus showing synchrony among myosin motors during muscle contraction. We also find that titin molecules anchoring the thick filament are passive force generators in assisting muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Myosin motors drive muscle contraction, cytokinesis and cell locomotion, and members of the myosin superfamily have been implicated in an increasingly diverse range of cell functions. Myosin can displace a bound actin filament several nanometers in a single interaction. Crystallographic studies suggest that this 'working stroke' involves bending of the myosin head between its light chain and catalytic domains. Here we used X-ray fiber diffraction to test the crystallographic model and measure the interdomain bending during force generation in an intact single muscle fiber. The observed bending has two components: an elastic distortion and an active rotation that generates force. The average bend of the force-generating myosin heads in a muscle fiber is intermediate between those in crystal structures with different bound nucleotides, and the C-terminus of the head is displaced by 7 nm along the actin filament axis compared with the in vitro conformation seen in the absence of nucleotide.  相似文献   

Repetitive activation of a skeletal muscle results in potentiation of the twitch contractile response. Incompletely fused tetanic contractions similar to those evoked by voluntary activation may also be potentiated by prior activity. We aimed to investigate the role of stimulation frequency on the enhancement of unfused isometric contractions in rat medial gastrocnemius muscles in situ. Muscles set at optimal length were stimulated via the sciatic nerve with 50-micros duration supramaximal pulses. Trials consisted of 8 s of repetitive trains [5 pulses (quintuplets) 2 times per second or 2 pulses (doublets) 5 times per second] at 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 Hz. These stimulation frequencies represent a range over which voluntary activation would be expected to occur. When the frequency of stimulation was 20, 50, or 70 Hz, the peak active force (highest tension during a contraction - rest tension) of doublet contractions increased from 2.2 +/- 0.2, 4.1 +/- 0.4, and 4.3 +/- 0.5 to 3.1 +/- 0.3, 5.6 +/- 0.4, and 6.1 +/- 0.7 N, respectively. Corresponding measurements for quintuplet contractions increased from 2.2 +/- 0.2, 6.1 +/- 0.5, and 8.7 +/- 0.7 to 3.2 +/- 0.3, 7.3 +/- 0.6, and 9.0 +/- 0.7 N, respectively. Initial peak active force values were 27 +/- 1 and 61.5 +/- 5% of the maximal (tetanic) force for doublet and quintuplet contractions, respectively, at 80 Hz. With doublets, peak active force increased at all stimulation frequencies. With quintuplets, peak active force increased significantly for frequencies up to 60 Hz. Twitch enhancement at the end of the 8 s of repetitive stimulation was the same regardless of the pattern of stimulation during the 8 s, and twitch peak active force returned to prestimulation values by 5 min. These experiments confirm that activity-dependent potentiation is evident during repeated, incompletely fused tetanic contractions over a broad range of frequencies. This observation suggests that, during voluntary motor unit recruitment, derecruitment or decreased firing frequency would be necessary to achieve a fixed (submaximal) target force during repeated isometric contractions over this time period.  相似文献   

Titin is a filamentous protein spanning the half-sarcomere, with spring-like properties in the I-band region. Various structural, signaling, and mechanical functions have been associated with titin, but not all of these are fully elucidated and accepted in the scientific community. Here, I discuss the primary mechanical functions of titin, including its accepted role in passive force production, stabilization of half-sarcomeres and sarcomeres, and its controversial contribution to residual force enhancement, passive force enhancement, energetics, and work production in shortening muscle. Finally, I provide evidence that titin is a molecular spring whose stiffness changes with muscle activation and actin–myosin-based force production, suggesting a novel model of force production that, aside from actin and myosin, includes titin as a “third contractile” filament. Using this three-filament model of sarcomeres, the stability of (half-) sarcomeres, passive force enhancement, residual force enhancement, and the decrease in metabolic energy during and following eccentric contractions can be explained readily.  相似文献   

Using electrical stimulation to control force generation and limb immobilization to alter the degree of stretch, we have studied the role of mechanical activity in inducing hypertrophy and in determining fast and slow muscle fibre phenotype. Changes in gene expression were detected by analysing the RNA in hybridization studies employing cDNA probes specific for fast and slow myosin heavy chains and other genes. As a result of overload in the stretched position, the fast contracting tibialis anterior muscle in an adult rabbit is induced to synthesize much new protein and to grow by as much as 30% within a period as short as 4 days. This very rapid hypertrophy was found to be associated with an increase of up to 250% in the RNA content of the muscles and an abrupt change in the species of RNA produced. Both stretch alone and electrical stimulation alone caused repression of the fast-type genes and activation of the slow-type genes. it appears that the fast-type IIB genes are the default genes, but that the skeletal slow genes are expressed as a response to overload and stretch. These findings have implications as far as athletic training and rehabilitation are concerned.  相似文献   

Muscle force can be generated actively through changes in neural excitation, and passively through externally imposed changes in muscle length. Disease and injury can disrupt force generation, but it can be challenging to separate passive from active contributions to these changes. Ultrasound elastography is a promising tool for characterizing the mechanical properties of muscles and the forces that they generate. Most prior work using ultrasound elastography in muscle has focused on the group velocity of shear waves, which increases with increasing muscle force. Few studies have quantified the phase velocity, which depends on the viscoelastic properties of muscle. Since passive and active forces within muscle involve different structures for force transmission, we hypothesized that measures of phase velocity could detect changes in shear wave propagation during active and passive conditions that cannot be detected when considering only group velocity. We measured phase and group velocity in the human biceps brachii during active and passive force generation and quantified the differences in estimates of shear elasticity obtained from each of these measurements. We found that measures of group velocity consistently overestimate the shear elasticity of muscle. We used a Voigt model to characterize the phase velocity and found that the estimated time constant for the Voigt model provided a way to distinguish between passive and active force generation. Our results demonstrate that shear wave elastography can be used to distinguish between passive and active force generation when it is used to characterize the phase velocity of shear waves propagating in muscle.  相似文献   

1. The presence of extravascular carbonic anhydrase activity in skeletal muscle, and its absence from cardiac muscle, were demonstrated in the rat. 2. The activity in skeletal muscle is approximately correlated with the proportion of dark fibres present in the middle fibre bundles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the history dependence of force production during and following stretch-shortening and shortening-stretch cycles in mammalian skeletal muscle. Thirty-three different isometric, stretch, shortening, stretch-shortening and shortening-stretch experiments were preformed in cat soleus (n=8) using previously established methods. Stretch-shortening and shortening-stretch cycles are not commutative with respect to the isometric forces following the length changes. Whereas force depression following shortening is virtually unaffected by previous stretching of the muscle, force enhancement following stretch depends in a dose-dependent manner on the amount of muscle shortening preceding the stretch. The history dependence of isometric force following shortening-stretch cycles can conveniently be modelled using an elastic (compressive and tensile) element that engages at the length of muscle activation. Such an "elastic" mechanism has been proposed by Edman and Tsuchiya (1996) (Edman, K.A. P., Tsuchiya, T., 1996. Strain of passive elements during force enhancement by stretch in frog mucle fibres. Journal of Physiology 490. 1, 191-205) based on experimental observations, and has been implemented theoretically in a rheological model of muscle (Forcinito et al., 1997) (Forcinito, M., Epstein, M., Herzog, W., 1997. Theoretical considerations on myofibril stiffness. Biophysics Journal 72, 1278-1286). The history dependence of isometric force following stretch-shortening cycles appears independent of the stretch preceding the shortening, except perhaps, if stretching occurs at very high speeds (i.e. 6-10 times fibre length per second). The results of this study are hard to reconcile with the two major mechanisms associated with history dependence of force production: sarcomere length non-uniformity (Edman et al., 1993) and stress-induced cross-bridge inhibition (Maréchal and Plaghki, 1979) (Maréchal, G., Plaghki, L., 1979. The deficit of the isometric tetanic tension redeveloped after a relase of frog muscle at a constant velocity. Journal of General Physiology 73, 453-467). It appears that studying the history dependence of force production under more functionally relevant conditions than has been done to date may provide new information that contributes to our understanding of possible mechanisms associated with force depression and force enhancement following muscular length changes.  相似文献   

Summary Potassium (K-) contractures were recorded from slow-twitch (mouse soleus) and fast-twitch (mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and rat sternomastoid) muscles. The mouse limb muscles responded to a maintained increase in external potassium concentration with a rapid increase in tension (fast contracture) which inactivated and was followed by a slow contracture. Rat sternomatoid muscles responded with fast contractures only. The threshold potassium concentration for contraction was higher in fast-twitch muscles than in soleus muscles, at 22 and at 37°C. After corrections had been made for the more rapid depolarization of soleus fibers, the threshold potential for soleus fiber contraction was 15 mV closer to the resting membrane potential than the threshold for fast-twitch fiber contraction. The K-contracture results were confirmed by two microelectrode voltage-clamp experiments. Activation of fast twitch fibers required depolarizing pulses that were 15 to 20 mV greater than the pulses required to activate soleus fibers. When the time courses of K-contractures were compared it was evident that inactivation with prolonged depolarization was much faster in the fast-twitch muscles than in the soleus muscles. The results suggest that the voltage dependence and kinetics of the process coupling T-tubule depolarization with calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum may depend on fiber type in mammalian skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the technology of recording magnetic fields associated with electric current flow in biological tissues have provided a means of examining action currents that is more direct and possibly more accurate than conventional electrical recording. Magnetic recordings are relatively insensitive to muscle movement, and, because the recording probes are not directly connected to the tissue, distortions of the data due to changes in the electrochemical interface between the probes and the tissue are eliminated. In vivo magnetic recordings of action currents of rat common peroneal nerve and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle were obtained by a new magnetic probe and amplifier system that operates within the physiological temperature range. The magnetically recorded waveforms were compared with those obtained simultaneously by conventional, extracellular recording techniques. We used the amplitude of EDL twitch force (an index of stimulus strength) generated in response to graded stimulation of the common peroneal nerve to enable us to compare the amplitudes of magnetically recorded nerve and muscle compound action currents (NCACs and MCACs, respectively) with the amplitudes of electrically recorded nerve compound action potentials (NCAPs). High, positive correlations to stimulus strength were found for NCACs (r = 0.998), MCACs (r = 0.974), and NCAPs (r = 0.998). We also computed the correlations of EDL single motor unit twitch force with magnetically recorded single motor unit compound action currents (SMUCACs) and electrically recorded single motor unit compound action potentials (SMUCAPs) obtained with both a ring electrode and a straight wire serving as a point electrode. Only the SMUCACs had a relatively strong positive correlation (r = 0.768) with EDL twitch force. Correlations for ring and wire electrode-recorded SMUCAPs were 0.565 and -0.366, respectively. This study adds a relatively direct examination of action currents to the characterization of the normal biophysical properties of peripheral nerve, muscle, and muscle single motor units.  相似文献   

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