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Step gradients of polyvinylpyrolidone-coated colloidal silica particles (Percoll) were used to isolate and purify early development stages of Schistosoma mansoni (cercariae, skin stage, and 5-day-old schistosomula). With this method, mechanically transformed schistosomula can be isolated in higher purity and yield than that obtained with conventional procedures. In addition, use of the method revealed that schistosomula undergo a dramatic change in density during the first hours after transformation from cercariae. In other experiments, 5-day-old schistosomula were effectively purified from contaminating lung tissue by means of the Percoll gradient procedure. After purification on Percoll, schistosomula display no evidence of damage when examined by light microscopy and no loss in viability as judged by recovery of adult worms from mice.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte density separation on discontinuous "Percoll" gradients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A method for the purification of metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma cruzi has been developed. Metacyclic forms obtained in modified Grace medium were separated from the epimastigote forms by Percoll discontinuous density gradient centrifugation. Four different osmotic pressures were applied: 160 +/- 10, 260 +/- 10, 310 +/- 10 and 510 +/- 10 mosmol/kg H2O. At 160 mosmol/kg H2O, 100% of the metacyclic forms with a 21.3% yield were found in the interphase 1.120/1.125 g/ml, while 92.7% of the metacyclic forms with a 73.7% yield were found in the interphase 1.115/1.120 g/ml. At 310 mosmol/kg H2O, 100% of the metacyclic forms in the interphase 1.135/1.140 g/ml with a 36.8% yield were obtained. Metacyclic forms purified in this way do not show alterations in their capacity to infect cultures of HeLa cells.  相似文献   

We investigated relationship between the maturity and density of muscle cells and developed a rapid isolation method to acquire stem cells from skeletal muscle. Mononuclear cells were isolated from the lower hind-limb muscles of 7-d-old male Sprague–Dawley rats and separated by Percoll density gradient centrifugation. After centrifugation, the cells were layered in the interfaces between each Percoll density layer. Flow cytometry was used to investigate the Sca-1, Pax7, CD34, CD45, M-cadherin, and myosin expression of the cells in each density layer. We found that CD45-positive cells were not present in freshly isolated muscle cells. CD34-, Pax7-positive cells were mainly observed at the interface between the 15% and 25% Percoll layers and had a density of 1.0235–1.0355 g/ml. Cells positive for M-cadherin were at the 25–35% Percoll density interface and had a density of 1.0355–1.0492 g/ml. We conclude that because there appears to be a correlation between maturity and density, muscle-derived stem cells may be isolated successfully from the 15–25% Percoll interface.  相似文献   

Sperm storage within the oviductal isthmus prior to ovulation typically involves binding to oviductal epithelial cells, which are thought to modulate sperm functions including internal calcium concentration, membrane fluidity, and motility. Around the time of ovulation the spermatozoa are gradually released so that they eventually encounter the oocytes within the oviductal ampulla. Previous studies have shown that the oviductal epithelial cells selectively sequester high quality spermatozoa, but the role of oviductal fluid as a selective modulator of sperm function has been investigated to a lesser extent. Here we address the hypothesis that oviductal fluid is also likely to modulate sperm function. Using samples of porcine oviductal fluid collected in the follicular phase of the estrus cycle, we show that short exposure (20 min to 50 μg/mL of oviductal fluid proteins) to either of two separate proteins fractions (> or < 100 kDa) promotes boar sperm viability and acrosomal integrity, decreases sperm plasma membrane fluidity (measured using merocyanine S540), and increases zona binding and polyspermy during in vitro fertilization. Exposure to the lower molecular fraction significantly inhibited, but did not abolish, the bicarbonate-induced stimulation of motility. The results show that subpopulations of spermatozoa respond differentially to oviductal fluid, and suggest that exposure to oviductal fluid in vivo could exert a further level of functional sperm selection.  相似文献   

Human endothelial cells from the umbilical vein and skin fibroblasts can be separated by means of centrifugation in a density gradient of Percoll. Cells show a good recovery in culture. Viability is not impaired.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from potato tubers have been separated from contaminating organelles and membrane vesicles on self-generated Percoll gradients and in a relatively short time. The Percoll-purified mitochondria devoid of carotenoids and galactolipids showed no contamination with intact plastids, microbodies, or vacuolar enzymes. Percoll-purified mitochondria exhibited intact membranes and a dense matrix. The intactness of purified mitochondrial preparations was ascertained by the measurement of KCN-sensitive ascorbate cyt c-dependent O2 uptake. When compared with washed mitochondria, Percoll-purified mitochondria showed improved rates of substrate oxidation, respiratory control, and ADP:O ratios. The recovery of the cyt oxidase was 70–90% and on a cyt oxidase basis the rate of succinate oxidation by unpurified mitochondria was equal to that recorded for Percoll-purified mitochondria. The great flexibility of purification procedure involving silica sols was extended from mitochondria to the isolation of intact peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Techniques for the large-scale isolation of Cryptosporidium oocysts and sporozoites, obtained from the feces of experimentally infected Holstein calves, were developed employing discontinuous sucrose gradients and isopycnic Percoll gradients. The oocyst recovery method utilized 2 sequential discontinuous sucrose gradients followed by 1 Percoll gradient. Recovered oocysts were essentially free of debris and bacteria and represented 34% of the original oocyst suspension. Sporozoites were recovered from excystation mixtures on a single Percoll gradient. Sixty-three percent of the original sporozoites were recovered with 2.2% contamination by intact oocysts and virtually no oocyst walls.  相似文献   

Human sperm were highly purified through the use of a discontinuous Percoll density gradient placed in an inner column of a centrifuge tube. Six ml of 80% Percoll solution were poured into a centrifuge tube with an inner column containing successive 1.0-ml layers of 70, 60, and 40% Percoll solutions. Diluted semen was placed on top of the gradient, and the tube was centrifuged at 600 X g for 30 min using a swing-out rotor. After centrifugation, the majority of the progressive motile sperm were isolated in the sediment; they had a mean motility of 93 +/- 4.1% (n = 10). Other cellular components, including bacteria, remaining in the inner column. The level of bacterial contamination in the purified sperm fraction was below detection for most of the species quantified. The purified sperm were found to be more than 92 +/- 3.2% viable, as judged by dye exclusion, and abnormal sperm were reduced to 5.2 +/- 1.4%. Because of the use of the inner column, the contamination by seminal plasma was negligible in the purified sperm, as estimated by residual protein, fructose, and acid phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effectiveness of sperm selection using single-layer centrifugation (SLC) prior to freezing on the sperm cryosurvival of boar ejaculates. Twenty-four sperm rich ejaculate fractions (SREF), collected from 24 boars (one per boar), were divided into two groups according to their initial semen traits: standard (n = 15) and substandard (n = 9). Semen samples from each SREF were split in two aliquots, one remained untreated (control samples) and the other was single-layer centrifuged (500g for 20 min) using 15 mL of Androcoll-P Large (SLC samples). The yield of total, motile (assessed by CASA) and viable (cytometrically evaluated after staining with H-42, propidium iodide (PI) and FITC-PNA) sperm after SLC was higher (P < 0.05) in standard than substandard semen samples. The semen samples were cryopreserved using a standard 0.5-mL straw freezing protocol. Post-thaw sperm motility and viability (assessed at 30 and 150 min post-thawing) were higher (P < 0.05) in SLC than in control samples, regardless of the initial semen traits of the ejaculates. Additionally, thawed spermatozoa from SLC samples were more resistant (P < 0.05) to lipid peroxidation (BIOXYTECH MDA-586 Assay Kit) than those from control samples, regardless of the initial semen traits of the ejaculates. The SLC-treatment also influenced the functionality of thawed spermatozoa undergoing an in vitro capacitation process. The percentage of viable sperm showing high membrane fluidity (assessed with merocyanine 540) was lower (P < 0.05) in the SLC than in the control samples, regardless of the initial semen traits of the ejaculates. Thawed viable spermatozoa of SLC samples generated less (P < 0.05) reactive oxygen species (assessed with CM-H2DCFDA) than those of control samples in the substandard ejaculates. These findings indicate that the sperm selection before freezing using SLC improves the freezability of boar sperm.  相似文献   

The presence of bacteria in boar semen causes economic losses in artificial insemination (AI) centers, as a consequence of alterations on boar sperm quality. For this reason, the effects of different concentrations of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) on boar sperm quality were determined in this study, by conducting two experiments. The first one consisted of assessing these effects on boar sperm quality after incubating the inoculated doses at 37°C for a 96-h period, whereas the second inoculated doses were stored at 15°C during 11 days. In both experiments, the infective concentrations ranged from 10(8)cfu mL(-1) to 10(2)cfu mL(-1); the negative control being a non-inoculated dose. Twenty-four hours after inoculation, we checked by PCR for the presence of bacteria in all tubes. Sperm quality (sperm motility, sperm viability and sperm morphology) was assessed at 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h after inoculations in the first experiment (37°C), and after 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 days in the second (15°C). Whereas no changes were observed in sperm morphology in both experiments, the percentages of progressive motile spermatozoa dramatically diminished after 24h of incubation at 37°C, the effect being more detrimental at the highest infective concentration of microbes. Moreover, a significant decrease in the percentage of viable spermatozoa in the tube inoculated with the highest concentration (10(8)cfu mL(-1)) was detected after 24h of incubating contaminated doses at 37°C. After 48h of incubation, the presence of infective concentrations of ETEC and VTEC from 10(8)cfu mL(-1) to 10(3)cfu mL(-1) resulted in a significant diminution in the percentage of viable spermatozoa. These results suggest that ETEC and VTEC PCR analyses should be done in doses destined for AI to minimize the use of doses with diminished sperm quality due to the presence of bacteria and to avoid the potential spread of infective diseases.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes were prepared from whole rat brain by six different methods based on gradients of sucrose, Ficoll or Percoll. In these, the synthesis and calcium-specific release of amino acids were assessed by two different procedures. Preparations based on sucrose showed the least calcium-specific release, followed by Ficoll-derived synaptosomes. As previously described, Percoll gave two separate populations of synaptosomes, both very active in terms of release of aspartate, glutamate, and GABA. The data involving release and synthesis were not identical, but did agree in the following: in low-density synaptosomes, haloperidol blocked both the release and synthesis of glutamate, but was without effect in the heavier populatin. 2-chloroadenosine and 2-oxoglutarate affected both release and synthesis only in the high-density population. Dopamine blocked aspartate release and synthesis only in the high-density population. These results suggest that haloperidol interferes with glutamate release and synthesis via a mechanism which may not involve adenosine, serotonin, or dopamine.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to test the effect of slight agitation upon characteristics of seminal quality in refrigerated boar semen. Storage of refrigerated (15–17°C) boar insemination doses for 48 h with slight agitation increased percentages of viability and total motility compared with similar doses stored without agitation. Agitation also reduced the percentage of altered acrosomes. Incubation in an iso-osmotic medium with fructose (osmotic pressure 300 mOsm) increased the percentage of osmotic resistance (ORT), and L-lactate production. The form of storage did not alter the ability to detach an acrosome in a hypo-osmotic medium (osmotic pressure 100 mOsm), as reflected in the percentage of hypo-osmotic sensitive spermatozoa (HSS). Similar results were observed when doses were stored for 92 h. While these data indicate that storage of refrigerated, diluted boar sperm with agitation may improve quality by increasing the percentage of viable spermatozoa, the HSS results suggest that the quality of the individual viable sperm was unaffected.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cryoprotectant effect of different non-permeating sugars for boar sperm. Pooled semen from three boars was used for the experiments. In the first experiment, the sperm quality of boar sperm cryopreserved with an egg-yolk based extender supplemented with different monosaccharides (glucose, galactose or fructose) was compared to a control cryopreserved in lactose-egg yolk extender. In the second experiment, the effect of five disaccharides (lactose, sucrose, lactulose, trehalose or melibiose) on boar sperm cryosurvival was studied. Several sperm quality parameters were assessed by flow cytometry in samples incubated for 30 and 150 min at 37°C after thawing: percentages of sperm with intact plasma membrane (SIPM), sperm presenting high plasma membrane fluidity (HPMF), sperm with intracellular reactive oxygen substances production (IROSP) and apoptotic sperm (AS). In addition, the percentages of total motile (TMS) and progressively motile sperm (PMS) were assessed at the same incubation times with a computer-assisted sperm analysis system. Freezing extenders supplemented with each of the monosaccharide presented smaller cryoprotective effect than the control extender supplemented with lactose (P<0.05). However, from the three monosaccharides tested, glucose provided the best sperm quality after freezing-thawing. With respect to the disaccharides studied, samples frozen with the extender supplemented with lactulose exhibited in general the lowest sperm quality, except for the percentage of capacitated sperm, which was highest (P<0.05) in the samples cryopreserved with the trehalose extender. Our results suggest that disaccharides have higher cryoprotective effect than monosaccharides, although the monosaccharide composition of the disaccharides is also important, since the best results were obtained with those disaccharides presenting glucose in their composition.  相似文献   

Purification of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi has been achieved by Percoll density gradient centrifugation. The microorganisms purified showed good retention of infectivity and intracellular morphology. Budding rickettsiae in the egressing stage and intracellular rickettsiae in the multiplying process were harvested separately and purified by this technique. In electron microscopic observations, the intracellular rickettsiae obtained were surrounded with double membrane-layers of cell wall and cell membrane, and the budding rickettsiae were enveloped with an additional outermost membrane which may have originated from host cell membrane obtained in the budding process.  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine the: 1) extent of epithelial and red blood cell contamination in epididymal cat sperm samples recovered by the cutting method; 2) efficacy of simple washing, single-layer centrifugation (SLC), and swim-up for selecting epididymal cat sperm; and 3) effects of freezing and thawing on cat sperm selected by various techniques. Ten unit samples were studied; each contained sperm from the cauda epididymides of four cats (total, ∼200 × 106 sperm) and was equally allocated into four treatments: 1) simple washing, 2) single-layer centrifugation through colloid prior to cryopreservation (SLC-PC), 3) single-layer centrifugation through colloid after cryopreservation (SLC-AC), and 4) swim-up. Centrifugation (300 × g for 20 min) was done for all methods. The SLC-PC had a better recovery rate than the SLC-AC and swim-up methods (mean ± SD of 16.4 ± 8.7, 10.7 ± 8.9, and 2.3 ± 1.7%, respectively; P < 0.05). The SLC-PC, SLC-AC and swim-up samples contained less red blood cell contamination than simple washed samples (0.02 ± 0.01, 0.02 ± 0.04, 0.03 ± 0.04, and 0.44 ± 0.22 × 106 cells/mL, respectively; P < 0.05). Although the proportion of sperm with head abnormalities did not differ among selection methods (P > 0.05), SLC-PC yielded the highest percentage of sperm with normal midpieces and tails (P < 0.05), due to the lowest proportion of coiled tails (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the SLC-PC was as effective as swim-up in removing sperm with proximal droplets, and selecting motile sperm, as well as those with intact membranes and DNA (P > 0.05). In conclusion, both SLC-PC and swim-up improved the quality of epididymal cat sperm, including better morphology, membrane and DNA integrity, and removal of cellular contamination. However, SLC had a better sperm recovery rate than swim-up.  相似文献   

Hishinuma M  Sekine J 《Theriogenology》2004,61(2-3):365-372
The objective was to characterize the separation of canine epididymal spermatozoa on a Percoll gradient. Epididymal spermatozoa were overlaid on a 45 and 90% discontinuous Percoll gradient and centrifuged at 700 x g for 20 min. The Percoll column was separated into six fractions (top to bottom, A-F) after centrifugation. Fractions A-C contained few spermatozoa. Spermatozoa with bent or folded tails and a large amount of granular debris were observed in Fraction B. Fraction D contained many nonmotile spermatozoa, erythrocytes and round epithelial cells. Spermatozoa in Fraction E had significantly lower motility than those in the initial layer. Spermatozoa in Fraction F had motility similar to those before separation. Fraction F contained 40.6% of the motile spermatozoa layered and 67.5% of all motile spermatozoa recovered. There was no significant difference between Fraction F and the initial layer in sperm membrane integrity. In the sperm-oocyte penetration assay, spermatozoa from Fraction F had a significantly higher penetration rate into the immature homologous oocytes than those from Fraction E. Although the recovery rate of the motile spermatozoa was low, the canine epididymal spermatozoa with motility, membrane integrity and penetrating capability could be separated by two-layer discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

Using a 2-step extension methodology to freeze ram semen, 2 freezing protocols (P1 and P2) and 3 extenders were evaluated in a split-sample experiment. The freezing protocols were tested in combination with Extenders A and B (Experiment 1), and B and C (Experiment 2). Protocol 1 included centrifugation before filling the straws to reconcentrate the diluted semen to a calculated sperm concentration of 800 x 10(6) cells/mL. Protocol 2 involved appropriate ejaculate extension to yield 800 x 10(6) cells/mL as in P1, albeit avoiding centrifugation. Extenders A and B were milk-based and were supplemented with 5% egg yolk and fructose. Extender B was clarified by centrifugation (twice at 3310 g/20 min). Extender C was based on TRIS-citrate-fructose supplemented with 20% egg yolk and clarified as described for Extender B. Final glycerol concentration was 7% for all 3 extenders. Post-thaw parameters studied were subjective motility, computer assisted sperm motility analysis (CASA), membrane integrity (SYBR-14/P1), and capacitation status (chlortetracycline assay, CTC). The overall sperm concentration (x 10(6)/straw) differed (P<0.001) between P1 (mean+/-SD, 138.1+/-14.8) and P2 (216.5+/-13.9). Despite centrifugation, P1 appeared to be less harmful for spermatozoa than P2, yielding higher percentages of subjective motility, linearity, membrane integrity and uncapacitated spermatozoa. Due to the difference in concentrations obtained between P1 and P2, the total calculated numbers of spermatozoa having desirable characteristics were higher in samples processed as P2. In Experiment 1, P1 resulted in lower calculated numbers x 10(6) in the Aldose of subjective motility (87.2+/-5.1 vs 125.3+/-5.1; P<0.05), linearity (70.6+/-4.3 vs 79.8+/-4.3; NS), intact-membrane (77.4+/-5 vs 108.5+/-5.1; P<0.001), and uncapacitated (36.5+/-2.5 vs 46.5+/-2.5; P<0.05) spermatozoa, than P2. In Experiment 2, calculated sperm numbers (x 10(6)/straw) were lower in P1 than in P2 for subjective motility (80.8+/-5.4 vs 92.0+/-5.4; NS), linearity (63.3+/-5.6 vs 73.1+/-5.6; NS), membrane integrity (77.7+/-3.6 vs 101.0+/-3.6; P<0.001), and uncapacitated spermatozoa (28.3+/-3.24 vs. 4.1+/-3.2; P<0.01). Extender B (clarified milk extender) was consistently better than Extender A (nonclarified milk extender) for all parameters studied, but the difference was only statistically significant for linearity after 1 h of incubation at 38 degrees C (44.0+/-2.4 vs 36.2+/-2.4; P<0.05). Extender B was also better than Extender C (TRIS-citrate-fructose) for percentage of uncapacitated (49.7+/-2.2 vs 34.4+/-2.3; P<0.001), subjective motile (57.5+/-2.7 vs 43.8+/-2.7; P<0.01), and linear motile (46.5+/-2.8 vs 33.7+/-2.8; P<0.01) spermatozoa, but not for membrane integrity (51.6+/-1.5 vs 51.7+/-1.5). It was concluded that exclusion of centrifugation, as in P2, yielded higher sperm numbers with desirable characteristics per straw. Clarification of milk-based extender (B) resulted in better post-thaw sperm quality, especially compared with TRIS-based extender (C).  相似文献   

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