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Stellan F. Hamrin 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):121-128
Vendace (Coregonus albula, L.) is in the southern part of its distribution area during the summer period restricted to hypolimnion. Food is dominated by Bosmina coregoni and Daphnia sp. The selectivity index is highest for large cladocerans and large copepods.The pelagic crustacean fauna in vendace lakes is dominated by small species like Bosmina coregoni, Daphnia cristata, Thermocyclops and Mesocyclops sp. and Eudiaptomus sp. During periods of maximum vendace abundance only Bosmina coregoni is left of the cladocerans, while the abundance of cyclopoid copepods increases.  相似文献   

We estimated the food intake of larval vendace (Coregonus albula L.) directly in an experimental chamber under field conditions. The larvae were stocked into net enclosures and reared without additional feeding for 6 weeks immediately after the ice melted in Lake Ylä-Enonvesi, Eastern Finland. The food intake was estimated on the basis of the decrease in zooplankters due to larval predation in the transparent plastic chambers anchored in the littoral zone. The experiments were carried out twice in 1988 and three times in 1989 (May–June). The numbers of zooplankters inside the chambers were counted from the subsamples using an inverted microscope. The relative daily ingestion rate (mg dry mass of prey animals mg dry mass of fish –1 24 h–1) of the larvae of different sizes was: 1.09 and 0.84 for 9–11 mm larvae, 1.27 for 11–13 mm larvae and 0.34 for 17–20 mm larvae. The measured ingestion rate is presumed to be near the maximum consumption of the larvae. This method could provide accurate estimates of food consumption in the field or in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The degradation of zooplankton eaten by vendace larvae was investigated by cutting their tubiform alimentary tract into four quarters and analysing the contents separately. Soft-bodied rotifers were found to degrade and become indistinguishable in the anterior part of the alimentary tract, while cladocerans and copepods could still be identified in the posterior part. Assessing the diet of a larva on the basis of its whole alimentary tract contents was found to give biased results. More reliable estimates of the proportions of zooplankton taxa in the diet could be achieved from the first quarter of the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

The population of adult cisco in the Bothnian Bay consists of a number of spawning populations. Each one of these returns to the same inshore area for spawning every autumn. In the summer these populations are mixed and occur mainly offshore. These are the main conclusions of an experiment in which cisco were marked with Carlin-type tags. The cisco were caught mainly in fyke nets both in the summer and in the autumn and released after tagging in the area where they had been caught. Fish tagged in the autumn and recaptured in the autumn one or more years later showed a strong affinity to the point of release, while fish from the same group recaptured in the summer had migrated far from the release site. The distribution of cisco that were tagged in the summer and caught in the autumn showed no correlation with the release site.  相似文献   

The growth of 1-year-old Arctic cisco ( Coregonus autumnalis ) was monitored under laboratory conditions for fish acclimated to one of two temperatures (5 and 10° C) and one of five salinities (6, 12, 18,24, 30‰). Fish were maintained for 43 days at rations of 3% wet body weight per day at 5° C and 5% wet body weight per day at 10° C, with rations adjusted for weight gain every 7–12 days. Fish increased 9–11% in length and 55–71% in weight at 5° C, and 23–27% in length and 141–161% in weight at 10° C. Length and weight increased linearly over 43 days. There was a statistically significant effect of temperature on growth but no statistically significant effect of salinity. Higher growth rates at 10° C were partially attributable to significantly greater gross conversion efficiency at the higher temperature. Over the course of the experiment, the condition (weight per unit length) of all fish increased by 3·2 to 63·6% at 5° C and by 5·6 to 46·0% at 10° C. There was no discernible effect of salinity on condition at either temperature. These results demonstrate that, with salinity acclimation and high food ration, 1-year-old Arctic cisco can grow at equivalent rates across salinities ranging from 6 to 30‰. The ecological implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Martti Rask 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):139-143
Growth patterns and food composition of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., was studied in two small forest lake populations in southern Finland. Size and morphometry of the lakes and physical and chemical properties of water are similar. There is a clear difference in the growth rates of perch between the two lakes. The difference in growth is highly significant in all age groups. In the first lake there is a perch population of 2 000 (1750 ind · ha–1) adult fishes. In the second lake there is a small population of pike, that keeps the perch population down: 200 adult perch (530 ind · ha-1). The main food items of perch are crustacean zooplankton, Asellus aquaticus L. and Trichoptera larvae in the first lake and zooplankton, Odonata larvae, Ephemeroptera larvae and Heteroptera in the second.It is concluded that the main reason for the growth difference of studied perch populations is the different population density. There are also differences in species composition of bottom fauna of the lakes, maybe owing to the floating Sphagnum peat moss vegetation in the second lake. This can also affect the growth difference between the two populations of perch.  相似文献   

The daily ration of vendace larvae (mean TL 10·1–12·8 mm) was assessed after a time-intensive field survey in Lake Lentua. Ten larvae were sampled every 2 h throughout the 10-day sampling period and their alimentary tract contents analysed. The gut was cut into four quarters of equal length and each quarter was analysed separately. This procedure enabled the assessment of the proportions of different zooplankton taxa in the diet based on the least degraded first-quarter contents and to reconstruct the entire gut contents. Secondly, the gut passage time of ingested zooplankton was evaluated by comparing the degradation rate of zooplankton in the guts of experimentally fasted larvae to the degradation of zooplankton in the gradient from pharynx to anus among the larvae sampled from the lake. Finally, food consumption was calculated as zooplankton individuals and carbon biomass based on the two variables, gut passage time of constantly feeding larvae and reconstructed gut contents. The daily ration of vendace larvae varied between 14 and 450 zooplankters in the monitored period.  相似文献   

Feeding intensity by whitefish Coregonus sp., in oligotrophic Lake Lucerne in Switzerland was high during dusk when the bulk of potential prey items were in the depth zone occupied by the fish. Diet composition was fairly uniform throughout the day but changed substantially over the seasons. The fish fed opportunistically; differences between seasons reflected changes in prey availability. During the intensive feeding and growing period (May-September), fish were found in the upper 20 m of the lake feeding primarily on cladocerans. Large and non-evasive species, Daphnia spp. and Bythotrephes longimanus , were the most numerous and frequent organisms in the diet during the major part of the growing season. Smaller ( Bosmina spp.) as well as evasive species (cyclopoid copepods) were consumed in large numbers when larger, non-evasive species were rare in the lake. The fish showed strong preference for the least abundant crustacean, B. longimanus , while the most abundant crustaceans, calanoid copepods, were rare in the diet. The fish not only selected particular species but, within each species, selected the larger individuals. Diel vertical migration of the prey items in this lake could be, at least in part, attributed to fish predation pressure. The observed selectivity patterns shown by the fish are explained in terms of prey visibility, escape ability, the overlap in distribution of predators and prey in time and space, the profitability of the prey and the present trophic state of the lake.  相似文献   

Water temperatures from 15.0 to 20.0° C are recommended as the most suitable for sustained production of larval vendace, as indicated by the developmental rates, the instantaneous rates of growth, mortality, and the net biomass gain of larvae reared at eight constant temperatures from 4.8 to 22.1° C. The recommended temperatures are optimal when the available food and photoperiod are not the limiting factors. Temperatures higher than 22.0° C will cause increased mortality, whereas temperatures lower than 15.0° C, although advisable when food is limited, will retard larval growth and development.  相似文献   

The fat content of muscle, liver and eggs of vendace (Coregonus albula L.) were measured during the maturation of ovaries in summer. The fat content of eggs was at its highest in July and that of muscle in August during the optimal feeding season. Significant differences were not found in fat content between lakes Suvasvesi and Southern-Kallavesi in central Finland. There were no essential differences in fatty acid composition between muscle, liver and eggs of Lake Suvasvesi vendace. During the last month before spawning in October the gross energy and fat contents of eggs decreased in Lake Suvasvesi vendace. The fat and vitamin C contents of muscle as well as the liver index of females decreased during this time also. In males the corresponding decrease did not occur, indicating that spawning is a greater stress for females than for males. The egg quality and condition of Lake Inarijärvi vendace were about the same as those of Lake Suvasvesi vendace. The unfavourable conditions of Lake Inarijärvi, located in northern Finland, are reflected in the size of ovaries, which is known to be smaller (gonadosomatic index < 20%) than in Lake Suvasvesi (GSI 26–27%). Vendace, then, maintain the quality of eggs at the expense of their number.  相似文献   

Eggs of Coregonus albula were incubated at constant temperatures: 1.1, 2.0, 2.9, 4.9, 6.6, 8.4, and 9.9 °C, and the percentage of normal hatch was 20.6, 11.8, 30.4, 61.0, 51.7, 32.6, and 14.6%, respectively. The lower and upper median tolerance limit (TL 50) defined as the interpolated temperature at which embryos survival to hatch was 50% of the highest response (61% at 4.9 °C) were 2.9 and 8.5 °C, respectively. The optimum temperature range delimited by lower and upper TL 75 was encompassed by 4.0 and 7.2 °C.Eggs of C. albula incubated at variable temperature in a commercial hatchery showed a very high survival (up to 76%). Similarly low survival observed during hatching of embryos at constant temperatures of 1.1 and 2.0 °C could be hightened (to about 90%) by raising the temperature in the beginning of hatching period. This phenomenon was utilized in the technique of delaying C. albula embryos' mass hatching for the purpose of synchronization in time of stocking the lakes with the time of appearence of good thermal and food conditions for C. albula larvae.The conception of the optimal thermal conditions for Coregoninae embryogenesis was developed as the course of incubation temperature, securing the highest survival rate during embryogenesis and also during the larval period.  相似文献   

To understand mechanisms structuring diversity in young adaptive radiations, quantitative and unbiased information about genetic and phenotypic diversity is much needed. Here, we present the first in‐depth investigation of whitefish diversity in a Swiss lake, with continuous spawning habitat sampling in both time and space. Our results show a clear cline like pattern in genetics and morphology of populations sampled along an ecological depth gradient in Lake Neuchâtel. Divergent natural selection appears to be involved in shaping this cline given that trait specific PST‐values are significantly higher than FST‐values when comparing populations caught at different depths. These differences also tend to increase with increasing differences in depth, indicating adaptive divergence along a depth gradient, which persists despite considerable gene flow between adjacent demes. It however remains unclear, whether the observed pattern is a result of currently stable selection‐gene flow balance, incipient speciation, or reverse speciation due to anthropogenic habitat alteration causing two formerly divergent species to collapse into a single gene pool.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - This study elucidates the phylogenetic relationships of three coregonid species: the vendace (Coregonus albula), least cisco (Coregonus sardinella), and peled (Coregonus peled). The...  相似文献   

An acoustic estimate of the number and biomass of a vendace stock (age >2 + years) in a deep basin of Lake Karjalan Pyhäjärvi was made in August 1985. The acoustic data were collected at night during the summer stagnation. The vendace were on the lake bottom during the day and rose by midnight to the hypolimnion; they did not rise to the thermocline or water layers above it. In the research area the mean number of vendace was 1900 fish ha −1 and the mean biomass was 76 kg ha −1. Total vendace biomass was 151 in the whole 200-ha research area.  相似文献   

Food quality of the natural food (seston) from Lake Monte Alegre was evaluated throughout a series of life-table experiments with cladocerans from the same lake carried out in summer and autumn. Experiments were performed using cohorts of newborns originated from ovigerous females cultured for several generations in the lab or taken directly from the lake. For these tests of food limitation, juveniles of different species were submitted to one of the following treatments: (1) lake seston and (2) lake seston + green algae. The age at first reproduction, mean clutch size, total offspring and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were estimated. Cladocerans responded to both seasonal changes in food resources and to additions of green algae. In summer, food levels were higher and cladocerans grew better than in autumn. The low fecundity and population growth rates of Daphnia gessneri, together with high C:P ratios (>500) in the seston in summer, suggested P limitation. The other cladocerans (Moina micrura, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Simocephalus mixtus) were apparently less sensitive than D. gessneri to P-limitation in summer. However, energy limitation cannot be disregarded even in summer, although in a lower degree compared to autumn. In this season, the predominance of large diatoms and dinophyceans of low nutritional value and the low food concentration suggested both quantitative and qualitative food limitation. Phytoplankton composition, nutritional value and particle size appeared to be important factors in determining cladocerans reproduction rates with seston diets.  相似文献   

1. The effect of bleached kraft pulp mill effluent (BKME) on xenobiotic biotransformation enzyme activities in the liver of vendace (Coregonus albula L.) was studied by exposing some fish in field laboratory tanks at 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5% (v/v) effluent concentrations of BKME corresponding to 0-0.08 toxic units and others in clean water as controls. 2. Slight increase (57%, 68%) in polysubstrate monooxygenase enzyme activities, measured as benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase and 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase activities, was observed in a dose related manner after 70 days of exposure to 0.5% concentration of BKME. 3. Highest increase was observed at 0.2% effluent concentration after 120 days of exposure, measured as benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase activity. 4. BKME had an affect on UDPglucuronosyltransferase, at the beginning (14-70 days) by decreasing and in longer exposure (120 days) by slightly increasing the activity.  相似文献   

The Osensjmn vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), population was founded in 1895 by introduction of about 90 000 fry from Lake Mjøsa. After 92 years, or about 46 generations of isolation, remarkable genetic changes were evident among the transplants compared to their source population. Electrophoresis of 33 enzyme loci revealed that allele frequencies differed significantly in eight of the 10 polymorphic loci. Nei's unbiased genetic distance was D = 0.012, representing the level of population differentiation usually observed among distant watercourses in vendace. Genetic variability was clearly higher among the transplants: average observed heterozygosity was 14.8% compared with 11.2% among Lake Mjøsa vendace. The high genetic variation among Osensjoen vendace shows that the divergence is not due to a small number of founders or bottlenecks in later generations. Selection by the contrasting environmental conditions between the habitats of the donor and transplanted populations is the most plausible hypothesis to explain the genetic changes in the Osensjsen vendace.  相似文献   

Pelecus cultratus (razor fish), a cyprinid fish, has become a dominant species in Neusiedler See. Gut content analyses of 400 specimens collected in 1989 and 1990 showed that Pelecus fed mainly on large zooplankton (Diaphanosoma, Leptodora and Arctodiaptomus), although their diet also included Insecta (larvae, pupae and adults) and Arachnida (spiders), occasionally small fishes. Comparison of the relative abundance of the zooplankton species in the stomach to the lake indicated that Pelecus strongly selected cladocerans over copepods, and fed mostly on large-sized individuals of Diaphanosoma, Leptodora and Arctodiaptomus. The fish showed a significant positive selectivity only for individuals of Diaphanosoma > 1.0 mm and Leptodora > 4.0 mm. In contrast, selectivity increased continuously in relation to the diameter of the compound eye of both prey species. This suggested that prey visibility was a key factor in determining the prey selectivity by Pelecus. It also seems likely that the persistence of the Leptodora population in Neusiedler See can be attributed to negligible predation pressure on the smaller sized individuals of this species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Local American eel stocks were studied by mark-recapture methods along 600m of tidal creeks in Great Sippewisset Marsh, Falmouth, Massachusetts, during summer 1979. The estimated stock density was 350 eels, equivalent to 875 fish ha-1, and movement of individual American eels over the five week study was usually less than 100 m. Large American eels were found to predominate in the wide marsh creeks whereas smaller American eels predominated in narrower creeks at the landward side of the marsh. Territoriality is suggested as a mechanism for maintaining differences in distribution of size classes and a limited home range.Senior author  相似文献   

Analysis of the body constituents of vendace indicated that considerable depletion of muscle lipid reserves occurred during gonad formation. Annual changes in total body chemical composition, in the evolution of protein, cholesterol and GPT and GOT activities in the blood, were monitored in both sexes. Significant differences were found in muscle free amino acids between the sexes. Cholesterol level in blood of males was found to be double the amount of that in females. This may explain the earlier mortality of males in coregonid populations when based on atherosclerosis development.  相似文献   

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