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Formation of foam cells is a hallmark at the initial stages of atherosclerosis. Monocytes attracted by pro‐inflammatory stimuli attach to the inflamed vascular endothelium and penetrate to the arterial intima where they differentiate to macrophages. Intimal macrophages phagocytize oxidized low‐density lipoproteins (oxLDL). Several scavenger receptors (SR), including CD36, SR‐A1 and lectin‐like oxLDL receptor‐1 (LOX‐1), mediate oxLDL uptake. In late endosomes/lysosomes of macrophages, oxLDL are catabolysed. Lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) hydrolyses cholesterol esters that are enriched in LDL to free cholesterol and free fatty acids. In the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), acyl coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase‐1 (ACAT1) in turn catalyses esterification of cholesterol to store cholesterol esters as lipid droplets in the ER of macrophages. Neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolases nCEH and NCEH1 are involved in a secondary hydrolysis of cholesterol esters to liberate free cholesterol that could be then out‐flowed from macrophages by cholesterol ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 and SR‐BI. In atherosclerosis, disruption of lipid homoeostasis in macrophages leads to cholesterol accumulation and formation of foam cells.  相似文献   

The disruption in transportation of oxLDL‐derived cholesterol and the subsequent lipid accumulation in macrophages are the hallmark events in atherogenesis. Our recent studies demonstrated that lysosomal Ca2+ messenger of nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), an enzymatic product of CD38 ADP‐ribosylcyclase (CD38), promoted lipid endocytic trafficking in human fibroblast cells. The current studies are designed to examine the functional role of CD38/NAADP pathway in the regulation of lysosomal cholesterol efflux in atherosclerosis. Oil red O staining showed that oxLDL concentration‐dependently increased lipid buildup in bone marrow‐derived macrophages from both wild type and CD38?/?, but to a significant higher extent with CD38 gene deletion. Bodipy 493/503 fluorescence staining found that the deposited lipid in macrophages was mainly enclosed in lysosomal organelles and largely enhanced with the blockade of CD38/NAADP pathway. Filipin staining and direct measurement of lysosome fraction further revealed that the free cholesterol constituted a major portion of the total cholesterol segregated in lysosomes. Moreover, in situ assay disclosed that both lysosomal lumen acidity and the acid lipase activity were reduced upon cholesterol buildup in lysosomes. In CD38?/? mice, treatment with Western diet (12 weeks) produced atherosclerotic damage in coronary artery with striking lysosomal cholesterol sequestration in macrophages. These data provide the first experimental evidence that the proper function of CD38/NAADP pathway plays an essential role in promoting free cholesterol efflux from lysosomes and that a defection of this signalling leads to lysosomal cholesterol accumulation in macrophages and results in coronary atherosclerosis in CD38?/? mice.  相似文献   

We analysed the effects of high cholesterol (HC) intake and reduced apolipoprotein E (apoE) activity on tau phosphorylation and on the activities of the major tau kinases and phosphatases in brains from wild-type and apoE-knockout (apoEKO) mice. We show that HC diet potently induced intraneuronal accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in apoEKO mice, as well as upregulation of several tau kinases, without affecting tau phosphatases. Our results suggest an interaction between dietary and genetic factors in the development of tauopathies, which can be relevant in humans, where the apoE4 isoform could have a lack of function as compared to other isoforms.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) involves the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (AS) and increased plasma MIF levels in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients are associated with AS. Here, we have been suggested that MIF could be a critical contributor for the pathological process of diabetes-associated AS by using adenovirus-mediated RNA interference. First, streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic animal model was constructed in 114 apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (apoE−/− mice) fed on a regular chow diet. Then, the animals were randomly divided into three groups: Adenovirus-mediated MIF interference (Ad-MIFi), Ad-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and normal saline (NS) group (n ≈ 33/group). Non-diabetic apoE−/− mice (n = 35) were served as controls. Ad-MIFi, Ad-EGFP and NS were, respectively, injected into the tail vein of mice from Ad-MIFi, Ad-EGFP and NS group, which were injected repeatedly 4 weeks later. Physical, biochemical, morphological and molecular parameters were measured. The results showed that diabetic apoE−/− mice had significantly aggravated atherosclerotic lesions. MIF gene interference attenuated atherosclerotic lesions and stabilized atheromatous plaque, accompanied by the decreased macrophages and lipids deposition and inflammatory cytokines production, improved glucose intolerance and plasma cholesterol level, the decreased ratio of matrix matalloproteinase-2/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 and plaque instability index. An increased expression of MIF and its ligand CD74 was also detected in the diabetic patients with coronary artery disease. The results suggest that MIF gene interference is able to inhibit atherosclerotic lesions and increase plaque stability in diabetic apoE−/−mice. MIF inhibition could be a novel and promising approach to the treatment of DM-associated AS.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that combinatorial interference of toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4 is superior to isolated interference of TLR2 or TLR4 in stabilizing atherosclerotic plaques, lentiviruses carrying small interfering RNA of TLR2 or TLR4 were constructed and proved efficacious for knocking down mRNA and protein expression of TLR2 or TLR4 significantly in vitro. One hundred and fifty apolipoprotein E−/− mice fed a high-fat diet were divided into the control, mock, TLR2i, TLR4i and TLR2 + 4i subgroups and a constrictive collar was placed around carotid artery of these mice to induce plaque formation. TLR2i and TLR4i viral suspension was transfected into carotid plaques, respectively, in TLR2i and TLR4i subgroups, or in combination in TLR2 + 4i subgroup. Four weeks after lentivirus transfection, mRNA and protein expression of TLR2 or TLR4 was attenuated markedly in carotid plaques, leading to reduced local inflammatory cytokine expression and plaque content of lipid and macrophages, increased plaque content of collagen and lowered plaque vulnerability index. Factorial ANOVA analysis revealed that there was a synergistic effect between TLR4i and TLR2i in stabilizing plaques. In conclusion, combinatorial interference of TLR2 and TLR4 reduces local inflammation and stabilizes plaques more effectively than interference of TLR2 or TLR4 alone.  相似文献   

Eight proteins potentially involved in cholesterol efflux [ABCA1, ABCG1, CYP27A1, phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP), scavenger receptor type BI (SR-BI), caveolin-1, cholesteryl ester transfer protein, and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I)] were overexpressed alone or in combination in RAW 264.7 macrophages. When apoA-I was used as an acceptor, overexpression of the combination of ABCA1, CYP27A1, PLTP, and SR-BI (Combination I) enhanced the efflux by 4.3-fold. It was established that the stimulation of efflux was due to increased abundance of ABCA1 and increased apoA-I binding to non-ABCA1 sites on macrophages. This combination caused only a small increase of the efflux to isolated HDL. When HDL was used as an acceptor, overexpression of caveolin-1 or a combination of caveolin-1 and SR-BI (Combination II) was the most active, doubling the efflux to HDL, without affecting the efflux to apoA-I. When tested in the in vivo mouse model of cholesterol efflux, overexpression of ABCA1 and Combination I elevated cholesterol export from macrophages to plasma, liver, and feces, whereas overexpression of caveolin-1 or Combination II did not have an effect. We conclude that pathways of cholesterol efflux using apoA-I as an acceptor make a predominant contribution to cholesterol export from macrophages in vivo.  相似文献   

Many studies support the cardioprotective effects of folic acid (FA). We aimed to evaluate the utility of FA supplementation in preventing the development of atherosclerotic in low‐density lipoprotein receptor‐deficient (LDLR?/?) mice and to elucidate the molecular processes underlying this effect. LDLR?/? mice were randomly distributed into four groups: control group, HF group, HF + FA group and the HF + RAPA group. vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) were divided into the following four groups: control group, PDGF group, PDGF + FA group and PDGF + FA + RAPA group. Blood lipid levels, oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines were measured. Atherosclerosis severity was evaluated with oil red O staining. Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was used to assess atherosclerosis progression. Immunohistochemical staining was performed with antismooth muscle α‐actin (α‐SMA) antibodies and anti‐osteopontin (OPN) antibodies that demonstrate VSMC dedifferentiation. The protein expression of α‐SMA, OPN and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)/p70S6K signalling was detected by Western blot analysis. FA and rapamycin reduced serum levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, LDL, inhibiting oxidative stress and the inflammatory response. Oil red O and H&E staining demonstrated that FA and rapamycin inhibited atherosclerosis. FA and rapamycin treatment inhibited VSMC dedifferentiation in vitro and in vivo, and FA and rapamycin attenuated the mTOR/p70S6K signalling pathway. Our findings suggest that FA attenuates atherosclerosis development and inhibits VSMC dedifferentiation in high‐fat‐fed LDLR?/? mice by reduced lipid levels and inhibiting oxidative stress and the inflammatory response through mTOR/p70S6K signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Hyperlipidemia is a major risk factor for developing atherosclerosis in humans, and epidemiological studies have correlated specific lipoprotein levels with cardiovascular disease risk. Murine models of atherosclerosis rely on the induction of hyperlipidemia for vascular lesions to form, but the pathogenic contributions attributed to different lipoprotein populations are not well defined. To address this issue, we analyzed over 300 LDL receptor (LDLR) deficient mice that have been fed a high-fat diet and for which a full lipoprotein profile and aortic root atherosclerosis values were assessed. Overall, aortic root atherosclerosis is best predicted by plasma VLDL cholesterol levels with less predictive value derived from either LDL or HDL cholesterol. Triglyceride levels are more atherogenic in female mice, especially immune competent females, and depletion of the adaptive immune system leads to a global reduction in plasma lipid levels and aortic root lesion size yet does not appear to alter the atherogenic potential of individual lipoprotein subspecies. In contrast, HDL-cholesterol is a better predictor of aortic root atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice. In summary, this large scale analysis of high-fat diet fed LDLR deficient mice highlight the relationship between different plasma lipid components, especially VLDL-cholesterol, and aortic root atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) catalyzes the formation of cholesteryl estersfrom cholesterol and long-chain fatty-acyl-coenzyme A.At the single-cell level,ACAT serves as a regulatorof intracellular cholesterol homeostasis.In addition,ACAT supplies cholesteryl esters for lipoproteinassembly in the liver and small intestine.Under pathological conditions,the accumulation of cholesterylesters produced by ACAT in macrophages contributes to foam cell formation,a hallmark of the earlystage of atherosclerosis.Several reviews addressing various aspects of ACAT and ACAT inhibitors areavailable [1-8].This review briefly outlines the current knowledge on the biochemical properties of humanACATs,and then focuses on discussing the merit of ACAT as a drug target for pharmaceutical interventionsagainst atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MsrA), a specific enzyme that converts methionine-S-sulfoxide to methionine, plays an important role in the regulation of protein function and the maintenance of redox homeostasis. In this study, we examined the impact of hepatic MsrA overexpression on lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient (apoE−/−) mice. In vitro study showed that in HepG2 cells, lentivirus-mediated human MsrA (hMsrA) overexpression upregulated the expression levels of several key lipoprotein-metabolism-related genes such as liver X receptor α, scavenger receptor class B type I, and ABCA1. ApoE−/− mice were intravenously injected with lentivirus to achieve high-level hMsrA expression predominantly in the liver. We found that hepatic hMsrA expression significantly reduced plasma VLDL/LDL levels, improved plasma superoxide dismutase, and paraoxonase-1 activities, and decreased plasma serum amyloid A level in apoE−/− mice fed a Western diet, by significantly altering the expression of several genes in the liver involving cholesterol selective uptake, conversion and excretion into bile, TG biosynthesis, and inflammation. Moreover, overexpression of hMsrA resulted in reduced hepatic steatosis and aortic atherosclerosis. These results suggest that hepatic MsrA may be an effective therapeutic target for ameliorating dyslipidemia and reducing atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Objective: Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in the regulation of T cell-mediated immune responses in atherosclerosis, a chronic autoimmune-like disease. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of amygdalin on atherosclerosis of apolipoprotein E deficient (ApoE−/−) mice, and to explore its immune regulatory function by stimulation of Tregs. Methods and results: To evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effect of amygdalin and for in vivo Treg expansion/activation analysis, ApoE−/− mice received intraperitoneal injections of amygdalin, and this therapy resulted in a comparatively 2-fold decrease in triglyceride (TG), 1.5-fold decrease in total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). By comparing the vessel areas, lumen areas, plaque areas, and aortic plaque coverage percentage, the effects of amygdalin on pre-existing lesions were assessed. Studies on IL-10 and TGF-β indicated that mice treated with amygdalin had increased expression of Treg-related cytokines. Meanwhile, flow cytometry and real-time PCR data showed that mice treated with amygdalin had higher percentage of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells than untreated mice and increased expression of forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) gene. Conclusion: Our data showed amygdalin could attenuate the development of atherosclerosis by suppressing inflammatory responses and promoting the immunomodulation function of Tregs. The effects of amygdalin ultimately resulted in the enlarged lumen area and the loss of atherosclerotic plaque. All these data indicated the therapeutic potential of amygdalin in preventing and/or treating of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PC-TP) is a cytosolic phospholipid binding protein and a member of the steroidogenic acute regulatory-related transfer domain superfamily. Its tissue distribution includes liver and macrophages. PC-TP regulates hepatic lipid metabolism, and its absence in cholesterol-loaded macrophages is associated with reduced ATP binding cassette transporter A1-mediated lipid efflux and increased susceptibility to apoptosis induced by unesterified cholesterol. To explore a role for PC-TP in atherosclerosis, we prepared PC-TP-deficient/apolipoprotein E-deficient (Pctp(-/-)/Apoe(-/-)) mice and littermate Apoe(-/-) controls. At 16 weeks, atherosclerosis was increased in chow-fed male, but not female, Pctp(-/-)/Apoe(-/-) mice. This effect was associated with increases in plasma lipid concentrations. By contrast, no differences in atherosclerosis were observed between male or female Pctp(-/-)/Apoe(-/-) mice and Apoe(-/-) controls fed a Western-type diet for 16 weeks. At 24 weeks, atherosclerosis in chow-fed male Pctp(-/-)/Apoe(-/-) mice tended to be reduced in proportion to plasma cholesterol. The attenuation of atherosclerosis in female Pctp(-/-)/Apoe(-/-) mice fed chow or the Western-type diet for 24 weeks was not attributable to changes in plasma cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations. These findings suggest that PC-TP modulates the development of atherosclerosis, in part by regulating plasma lipid concentrations.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene are risk factors for chronic inflammatory diseases including atherosclerosis. The gene product apoE is synthesized in many cell types and has both lipid transport–dependent and lipid transport–independent functions. Previous studies have shown that apoE expression in myeloid cells protects against atherogenesis in hypercholesterolemic ApoE−/− mice. However, the mechanism of this protection is still unclear. Using human APOE gene replacement mice as models, this study showed that apoE2 and apoE4 expressed endogenously in myeloid cells enhanced the inflammatory response via mechanisms independent of plasma lipoprotein transport. The data revealed that apoE2-expressing myeloid cells contained higher intracellular cholesterol levels because of impaired efflux, causing increasing inflammasome activation and myelopoiesis. In contrast, intracellular cholesterol levels were not elevated in apoE4-expressing myeloid cells, and its proinflammatory property was found to be independent of inflammasome signaling and related to enhanced oxidative stress. When ApoE−/− mice were reconstituted with bone marrow from various human APOE gene replacement mice, effective reduction of atherosclerosis was observed with marrow cells obtained from APOE3 but not APOE2 and APOE4 gene replacement mice. Taken together, these results documented that apoE2 and apoE4 expression in myeloid cells promotes inflammation via distinct mechanisms and promotes atherosclerosis in a plasma lipoprotein transport–independent manner.  相似文献   

The impact of apolipoprotein C-I (apoC-I) deficiency on hepatic lipid metabolism was addressed in mice in the presence or the absence of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). In addition to the expected moderate reduction in plasma cholesterol levels, apoCIKO mice showed significant increases in the hepatic content of cholesteryl esters (+58%) and triglycerides (+118%) and in biliary cholesterol concentration (+35%) as compared with wild-type mice. In the presence of CETP, hepatic alterations resulting from apoC-I deficiency were enforced, with up to 58% and 302% increases in hepatic levels of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides in CETPTg/apoCIKO mice versus CETPTg mice, respectively. Biliary levels of cholesterol, phospholipids, and bile acids were increased by 88, 77, and 20%, respectively, whereas total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride concentrations in plasma were further reduced in CETPTg/apoCIKO mice versus CETPTg mice. Finally, apoC-I deficiency was not associated with altered VLDL production rate. In line with the previously recognized inhibition of lipoprotein clearance by apoC-I, apoC-I deficiency led to decreased plasma lipid concentration, hepatic lipid accumulation, and increased biliary excretion of cholesterol. The effect was even greater when the alternate reverse cholesterol transport pathway via VLDL/LDL was boosted in the presence of CETP.  相似文献   

A high saturated fat diet induces free cholesterol and phospholipid accumulation in the plasma of phospholipid transfer protein (Pltp)-deficient mice. In this study, we examined the atherogenic consequence of this phenomenon and investigated the possible mechanism(s). Pltp KO/Apoe KO mice that were fed a coconut oil-enriched high-fat diet (COD) for 7 weeks had higher plasma free cholesterol (149%), phospholipids (15%), and sphingomyelin (54%) than Apoe KO controls. In contrast to chow-fed animals, COD-fed Pltp KO/Apoe KO mice had the same atherosclerotic lesion size as that of Apoe KO mice. Similar to Pltp KO mice, plasma from COD-fed Pltp KO/Apoe KO mice contained VLDL/LDL-sized lamellar particles. Bile measurement indicated that COD-fed Pltp KO mice have 33% less hepatic cholesterol output than controls. In conclusion, COD-fed, Pltp-deficient mice are no longer protected from atherosclerosis and have impaired biliary lipid secretion, which is associated with free cholesterol and phospholipid accumulation.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory disorder characterized by the deposition of excess lipids in the arterial intima. The formation of macrophage-derived foam cells in a plaque is a hallmark of the development of atherosclerosis. Lipid homeostasis, especially cholesterol homeostasis, plays a crucial role during the formation of foam cells. Recently, lipid droplet-associated proteins, including PAT and CIDE family proteins, have been shown to control the development of atherosclerosis by regulating the formation, growth, stabilization and functions of lipid droplets in macrophage-derived foam cells. This review focuses on the potential mechanisms of formation of macrophage-derived foam cells in atherosclerosis with particular emphasis on the role of lipid homeostasis and lipid droplet-associated proteins. Understanding the process of foam cell formation will aid in the future discovery of novel therapeutic interventions for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

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