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Peptidyl‐prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIases), a unique family of molecular chaperones, regulate protein folding at proline residues. These residues are abundant within intrinsically disordered proteins, like the microtubule‐associated protein tau. Tau has been shown to become hyperphosphorylated and accumulate as one of the two main pathological hallmarks in Alzheimer's disease, the other being amyloid beta (Aβ). PPIases, including Pin1, FK506‐binding protein (FKBP) 52, FKBP51, and FKBP12, have been shown to interact with and regulate tau biology. This interaction is particularly important given the numerous proline‐directed phosphorylation sites found on tau and the role phosphorylation has been found to play in pathogenesis. This regulation then affects downstream aggregation and oligomerization of tau. However, many PPIases have yet to be explored for their effects on tau biology, despite the high likelihood of interaction based on proline content. Moreover, Pin1, FKBP12, FKBP52, cyclophilin (Cyp) A, CypB, and CypD have been shown to also regulate Aβ production or the toxicity associated with Aβ pathology. Therefore, PPIases directly and indirectly regulate pathogenic protein multimerization in Alzheimer's disease and represent a family rich in targets for modulating the accumulation and toxicity.


Animal models of human diseases that accurately recapitulate clinical pathology are indispensable for understanding molecular mechanisms and advancing preclinical studies. The Alzheimer's disease (AD) research community has historically used first‐generation transgenic (Tg) mouse models that overexpress proteins linked to familial AD (FAD), mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP), or APP and presenilin (PS). These mice exhibit AD pathology, but the overexpression paradigm may cause additional phenotypes unrelated to AD. Second‐generation mouse models contain humanized sequences and clinical mutations in the endogenous mouse App gene. These mice show Aβ accumulation without phenotypes related to overexpression but are not yet a clinical recapitulation of human AD. In this review, we evaluate different APP mouse models of AD, and review recent studies using the second‐generation mice. We advise AD researchers to consider the comparative strengths and limitations of each model against the scientific and therapeutic goal of a prospective preclinical study.  相似文献   

γ‐Enolase is a neurotrophic‐like factor promoting growth, differentiation, survival and regeneration of neurons. Its neurotrophic activity is regulated by cysteine protease cathepsin X which cleaves the C‐terminal end of the molecule. We have investigated the expression and colocalization of γ‐enolase and cathepsin X in brains of Tg2576 mice overexpressing amyloid precursor protein. In situ hybridization of γ‐enolase and cathepsin X revealed that mRNAs for both enzymes were expressed abundantly around amyloid plaques. Immunostaining demonstrated that the C‐terminally cleaved form of γ‐enolase was present in the immediate plaque vicinity, whereas the intact form, exhibiting neurotrophic activity, was observed in microglia cells in close proximity to senile plaque. The upregulation of γ‐enolase in microglial cells in response to amyloid‐β peptide (Aβ) was confirmed in mouse microglial cell line EOC 13.31 and primary microglia and medium enriched with γ‐enolase proved to be neuroprotective against Aβ toxicity; however, the effect was reversed by cathepsin X proteolytic activity. These results demonstrate an upregulation of γ‐enolase in microglia cells surrounding amyloid plaques in Tg2576 transgenic mice and demonstrate its neuroprotective role in amyloid‐β‐related neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in humans and is related to the accumulation of the amyloid‐β (Aβ) peptide and its interaction with metals (Cu, Fe, and Zn) in the brain. Crystallographic structural information about Aβ peptide deposits and the details of the metal‐binding site is limited owing to the heterogeneous nature of aggregation states formed by the peptide. Here, we present a crystal structure of Aβ residues 1–16 fused to the N‐terminus of the Escherichia coli immunity protein Im7, and stabilized with the fragment antigen binding fragment of the anti‐Aβ N‐terminal antibody WO2. The structure demonstrates that Aβ residues 10–16, which are not in complex with the antibody, adopt a mixture of local polyproline II‐helix and turn type conformations, enhancing cooperativity between the two adjacent histidine residues His13 and His14. Furthermore, this relatively rigid region of Aβ (residues, 10–16) appear as an almost independent unit available for trapping metal ions and provides a rationale for the His13‐metal‐His14 coordination in the Aβ1–16 fragment implicated in Aβ metal binding. This novel structure, therefore, has the potential to provide a foundation for investigating the effect of metal ion binding to Aβ and illustrates a potential target for the development of future Alzheimer's disease therapeutics aimed at stabilizing the N‐terminal monomer structure, in particular residues His13 and His14, and preventing Aβ metal‐binding‐induced neurotoxicity.Proteins 2013; 81:1748–1758. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurotoxic effects of amyloid β peptides are mediated through deregulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling, but relatively little is known about amyloid β modulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and its pathological influence on glia. Here, we found that amyloid β oligomers caused a cytoplasmic Ca2+ increase in cultured astrocytes, which was reduced by inhibitors of PLC and ER Ca2+ release. Furthermore, amyloid β peptides triggered increased expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), as well as oxidative and ER stress, as indicated by eIF2α phosphorylation and overexpression of chaperone GRP78. These effects were decreased by ryanodine and 2APB, inhibitors of ryanodine receptors and InsP3 receptors, respectively, in both primary cultured astrocytes and organotypic cultures of hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Importantly, intracerebroventricular injection of amyloid β oligomers triggered overexpression of GFAP and GRP78 in astrocytes of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. These data were validated in a triple‐transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Overexpression of GFAP and GRP78 in the hippocampal astrocytes correlated with the amyloid β oligomer load in 12‐month‐old mice, suggesting that this parameter drives astrocytic ER stress and astrogliosis in vivo. Together, these results provide evidence that amyloid β oligomers disrupt ER Ca2+ homeostasis, which induces ER stress that leads to astrogliosis; this mechanism may be relevant to AD pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Autosomal‐dominant Alzheimer's disease (ADAD) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) or Presenilin (PSEN) genes. Studying the mechanisms underlying these mutations can provide insight into the pathways that lead to AD pathology. The majority of biochemical studies on APP mutations to‐date have focused on comparing mechanisms between mutations at different codons. It has been assumed that amino acid position is a major determinant of protein dysfunction and clinical phenotype. However, the differential effect of mutations at the same codon has not been sufficiently addressed. In the present study we compared the effects of the aggressive ADAD‐associated APP I716F mutation with I716V and I716T on APP processing in human neuroglioma and CHO‐K1 cells. All APP I716 mutations increased the ratio of Aβ42/40 and changed the product line preference of γ‐secretase towards Aβ38 production. In addition, the APP I716F mutation impaired the ε‐cleavage and the fourth cleavage of γ‐secretase and led to abnormal APP β‐CTF accumulation at the plasma membrane. Taken together, these data indicate that APP mutations at the same codon can induce diverse abnormalities in APP processing, some resembling PSEN1 mutations. These differential effects could explain the clinical differences observed among ADAD patients bearing different APP mutations at the same position.


Deficient energy metabolism and network hyperactivity are the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we show that administration of exogenous oxidative energy substrates (OES) corrects neuronal energy supply deficiency that reduces the amyloid‐beta‐induced abnormal neuronal activity in vitro and the epileptic phenotype in AD model in vivo. In vitro, acute application of protofibrillar amyloid‐β1–42 (Aβ1–42) induced aberrant network activity in wild‐type hippocampal slices that was underlain by depolarization of both the neuronal resting membrane potential and GABA‐mediated current reversal potential. Aβ1–42 also impaired synaptic function and long‐term potentiation. These changes were paralleled by clear indications of impaired energy metabolism, as indicated by abnormal NAD(P)H signaling induced by network activity. However, when glucose was supplemented with OES pyruvate and 3‐beta‐hydroxybutyrate, Aβ1–42 failed to induce detrimental changes in any of the above parameters. We administered the same OES as chronic supplementation to a standard diet to APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice displaying AD‐related epilepsy phenotype. In the ex‐vivo slices, we found neuronal subpopulations with significantly depolarized resting and GABA‐mediated current reversal potentials, mirroring abnormalities we observed under acute Aβ1‐42 application. Ex‐vivo cortex of transgenic mice fed with standard diet displayed signs of impaired energy metabolism, such as abnormal NAD(P)H signaling and strongly reduced tolerance to hypoglycemia. Transgenic mice also possessed brain glycogen levels twofold lower than those of wild‐type mice. However, none of the above neuronal and metabolic dysfunctions were observed in transgenic mice fed with the OES‐enriched diet. In vivo, dietary OES supplementation abated neuronal hyperexcitability, as the frequency of both epileptiform discharges and spikes was strongly decreased in the APPswe/PS1dE9 mice placed on the diet. Altogether, our results suggest that early AD‐related neuronal malfunctions underlying hyperexcitability and energy metabolism deficiency can be prevented by dietary supplementation with native energy substrates.  相似文献   

Expression of a familial Alzheimer's disease (AD)‐linked mutant of amyloid β precursor protein (APP) or the binding of transforming growth factor β2 to wild‐type (wt)‐APP causes neuronal death by activating an intracellular death signal (a APP‐mediated intracellular death signal) in the absence of the involvement of amyloid β (Aβ) toxicity in vitro. These neuronal death models may therefore be regarded as Aβ‐independent neuronal death models related to AD. A recent study has shown that the A673T mutation in the APP isoform APP770, corresponding to the A598T mutation in the most prevalent neuronal APP isoform APP695 (an AD‐protective mutant of APP), is linked to a reduction in the incidence rate of AD. Consistent with this, cells expressing the AD‐protective mutant of APP produce less Aβ than cells expressing wt‐APP. In this study, transforming growth factor β2 caused death in cultured neuronal cells expressing wt‐APP, but not in those expressing the AD‐protective mutant of APP. This result suggests that the AD‐protective mutation of APP reduces the incidence rate of AD by attenuating the APP‐mediated intracellular death signal. In addition, a mutation that causes hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis‐Dutch type also attenuated the APP‐mediated intracellular death signal.


Given that amyloid‐β 42 (Aβ42) is believed to be a culprit in Alzheimer's disease (AD), reducing Aβ42 production should be a potential therapeutic approach. γ‐Secretase modulators (GSMs) cause selective reduction of Aβ42 or both reduction of Aβ42 and Aβ40 without affecting total Aβ through shifting the γ‐cleavage position in amyloid precursor protein. We recently reported on GSM‐2, one of the second‐generation GSMs, that selectively reduced brain Aβ42 level and significantly ameliorated cognitive deficits in plaque‐free 5.5‐month‐old Tg2576 AD model mice. Here, we investigated the effects of GSM‐2 on 10‐, 14‐, and 18‐month‐old mice which had age‐dependent increase in amyloid plaques. Eight‐day treatment with GSM‐2 significantly ameliorated cognitive deficits measured by Y‐maze task in the mice of any age. However, GSM‐2 reduced brain soluble Aβ42 only in 10‐month‐old mice. In contrast, GSM‐2 markedly reduced newly synthesized soluble Aβ42 in both 10‐ and 18‐month‐old mice with similar efficacy when measured using the stable isotope‐labeling technique, suggesting that nascent Aβ42 plays a more significant role than plaque‐associated soluble Aβ42 in the cognitive deterioration of Tg2576 mice. These findings further indicate the potential utility of approach to reducing Aβ42 synthesis in AD therapeutic regimens.  相似文献   

Many peptides and proteins can form fibrillar aggregates in vitro, but only a limited number of them are forming pathological amyloid structures in vivo. We studied the fibrillization of four peptides – Alzheimer's amyloid‐β (Aβ) 1‐40 and 1‐42, amylin and insulin. In all cases, intensive mechanical agitation of the solution initiated fast fibrillization. However, when the mixing was stopped during the fibril growth phase, the fibrillization of amylin and insulin was practically stopped, and the rate for Aβ40 substantially decreased, whereas the fibrillization of Aβ42 peptide continued to proceed with almost the same rate as in the agitated conditions. The reason for the different sensitivity of the in vitro fibrillization of these peptides towards agitation in the fibril growth phase remains elusive. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the role of β‐amyloid (Aβ1‐42) in inducing neuronal pyroptosis and its mechanism. Mice cortical neurons (MCNs) were used in this study, LPS + Nigericin was used to induce pyroptosis in MCNs (positive control group), and Aβ1‐42 was used to interfere with MCNs. In addition, propidium iodide (PI) staining was used to examine cell permeability, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay was employed to detect cytotoxicity, immunofluorescence (IF) staining was used to investigate the expression level of the key protein GSDMD, Western blot was performed to detect the expression levels of key proteins, and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was utilized to determine the expression levels of inflammatory factors in culture medium, including IL‐1β, IL‐18 and TNF‐α. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) was used to silence the mRNA expression of caspase‐1 and GSDMD, and Aβ1‐42 was used to induce pyroptosis, followed by investigation of the role of caspase‐1‐mediated GSDMD cleavage in pyroptosis. In addition, necrosulfonamide (NSA), an inhibitor of GSDMD oligomerization, was used for pre‐treatment, and Aβ1‐42 was subsequently used to observe the pyroptosis in MCNs. Finally, AAV9‐siRNA‐caspase‐1 was injected into the tail vein of APP/PS1 double transgenic mice (Alzheimer's disease mice) for caspase‐1 mRNA inhibition, followed by observation of behavioural changes in mice and measurement of the expression of inflammatory factors and pyroptosis‐related protein. As results, Aβ1‐42 could induce pyroptosis in MCNs, increase cell permeability and enhance LDH release, which were similar to the LPS + Nigericin‐induced pyroptosis. Meanwhile, the expression levels of cellular GSDMD and p30‐GSDMD were up‐regulated, the levels of NLRP3 inflammasome and GSDMD‐cleaved protein caspase‐1 were up‐regulated, and the levels of inflammatory factors in the medium were also up‐regulated. siRNA intervention in caspase‐1 or GSDMD inhibited Aβ1‐42‐induced pyroptosis, and NSA pre‐treatment also caused the similar inhibitory effects. The behavioural ability of Alzheimer's disease (AD) mice was relieved after the injection of AAV9‐siRNA‐caspase‐1, and the expression of pyroptosis‐related protein in the cortex and hippocampus was down‐regulated. In conclusion, Aβ1‐42 could induce pyroptosis by GSDMD protein, and NLRP3‐caspase‐1 signalling was an important signal to mediate GSDMD cleavage, which plays an important role in Aβ1‐42‐induced pyroptosis in neurons. Therefore, GSDMD is expected to be a novel therapeutic target for AD.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta‐protein 42 plays an important role in the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Familial mutations have identified the glutamate residue 22 as a hotspot with regard to peptide neurotoxicity. We introduce an approach to study the influence of systematic sidechain modification at this residue, employing chirality as a structural probe. Circular dichroism experiments reveal that charge‐preserving alterations of the amino acid sidechain attenuate the characteristic random coil to β‐sheet transition associated with the wildtype peptide. Removal of the negative charge from residue 22, a trait observed with all known familial mutations at this residue, gives rise to a peptide with limited random coil propensity and high β‐sheet characteristics. Our approach can be extended to other residues of Aβ, as well as further amyloidogenic peptides.  相似文献   

A hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the accumulation of amyloid‐β (Aβ), which correlates significantly with progressive cognitive deficits. Although photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), as a novel noninvasive physiotherapy strategy, has been proposed to improve neuronal survival, decrease neuron loss, ameliorate dendritic atrophy, and provide overall AD improvement, it remains unknown whether and how this neuroprotective process affects Aβ levels. Here, we report that PBMT reduced Aβ production and plaque formation by shifting amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing toward the nonamyloidogenic pathway, thereby improving memory and cognitive ability in a mouse model of AD. More importantly, a pivotal protein, SIRT1, was involved in this process by specifically up‐regulating ADAM10 and down‐regulating BACE1, which is dependent on the cAMP/PKA pathway in APP/PS1 primary neurons and SH‐SY5Y cells stably expressing human APP Swedish mutation (APPswe). We further found that the activity of the mitochondrial photoacceptor cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) was responsible for PBMT‐induced activation of PKA and SIRT1. Together, our research suggests that PBMT as a viable therapeutic strategy has great potential value in improving cognitive ability and combatting AD.  相似文献   

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