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Anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug-resistance, mainly multi-drug resistance (MDR-TB), represents an important public health problem in several countries. Aim of our study is to identify the presence of these mutations in M. tuberculosis isoniazid- and rifampin-resistant strains isolated in our Institute; to evaluate linkage between type of mutation and level of resistance; to determine the usefulness of easy molecular techniques for rapid detection of such mutations on body specimens. Isoniazid- and rifampin-resistance was tested on 67 M. tuberculosis strains by Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) and Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assays, using HaeIII, PstuI, BsteII, BstuI enzymes. Drug-resistance of control strains was determined by cultural techniques (fluorimetry- BACTEC 9120). Cultural assay showed isoniazid- and rifampin-resistance in 6.12 and 2%, respectively (data confirmed by SSCP assay). Mutation of katG, linked to isoniazid resistance, was detected using BstuI enzyme, and mutation of rpoB, expression of reduced sensitivity to rifampin, using HaeIII. 15 body specimens, M. tuberculosis-positive to conventional assays, were tested by SSCP technique. Epidemiologic reports of numerous cases of tuberculosis due to MDR strains induce to detect quickly both Mycobacteria and drug-resistance, in order to start prompt effective therapy. On this basis, molecular assays are useful for a rapid therapeutic decision.  相似文献   

DNA from 1008 strains of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, digested by restriction endonucleases PstI and BstEII, was hybridised with a standard IS900 probe prepared by PCR and labelled non-radioactively by ECL. DNA fingerprints were scanned by CCD camera and analysed using the software Gel Compar (Applied Maths, Kortrijk, Belgium). Thirteen restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (PstI) types were detected, which where designated as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M in accordance with the study of Pavlik et al. (1995) [Pavlik, I., Bejckova, L., Pavlas, M., Rozsypalova, V., Koskova, S., 1995. Characterization by restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA hybridization using IS900 of bovine, ovine, caprine and human dependent strains of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis isolated in various localities. Vet. Microbiol. 45, 311-318]. Twenty RFLP (BstEII) types were detected and designated as C1-3, C5, C7-20, S1 and I1 in accordance with the study by Collins et al. 1990 [Collins, D.M., Gabric, D.M., de Lisle, G.W., 1990. Identification of two groups of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis strains by restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA hybridization. J. Clin. Microbiol. 28, 1591-1596]. A combination of both RFLP (PstI) and RFLP (BstEII) results revealed a total of 28 different RFLP types. All the RFLP types and detailed protocols are available at Intemet web site WWW...: http:/ /www.vri.cz/wwwrflptext.htm.  相似文献   

Using labelled, gamma-32P rRNA of mycobacteria as a probe restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of rRNA genes of strains belonging to the Mycobacterium fortuitum-chelonei complex was analysed. Each DNA sample was cleaved with EcoRI restriction endonuclease, the fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose membrane. Fragments of DNA containing rRNA genes were identified by hybridization with gamma-32P-labelled rRNA. Patterns were found to be species specific and both the species were distinguishable from each other. Results indicate that this approach can be used for rapid genomic characterization of the Mycobacterium fortuitum-chelonei complex.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic variation among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran and to evaluate the level of and risk factors for recent transmission of tuberculosis (TB), we performed IS6110-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of strains, isolated from 105 patients during the period of September 2002 to March 2003 in TB centers and university hospitals of the province. Among 105 isolates, 81 different IS6110 patterns were found, of which 70 were observed only once and 11 were shared by two to eight isolates. Ninety-six isolates (91.4%) were found to have more than five copies of IS6110 and together with high patterns polymorphism, shows that IS6110-RFLP typing could be useful for studying the epidemiology of TB in Azerbaijan. The minimum estimated rate of recent transmission was 23%, suggesting that the degree of recent transmission in East Azerbaijan Province is relatively low. Clustering was not associated with age, sex or site of infection of TB but drug-resistant isolates were less likely to be clustered than sensitive isolates (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

目的评估AFLP-DNA指纹技术在新生隐球菌分类中应用情况。方法新生隐球菌基因组DNA用双酶酶切,双链接头连于其酶切末端,用与接头和酶切位点互补的引物扩增DNA片段,其产物在高分辨的变性聚丙酰胺凝胶上电泳分离,然后进行银染。结果分析来自5种血清型和临床分离株的18株新生隐球菌,可见有30多条大小在30~500bp的DNA-AFLP指纹,相同的血清型有不同的指纹图谱,来自同一患者不同病期的两株分离株和来自同一患者患者的不同部位的两株分离株都显示出相同的带型。结论显示了AFLP的高分辨率,是适用于新生隐球菌流行病学调查的有力工具。  相似文献   

AIMS: The suitability of genetic fingerprinting to study the microbiological basis of anaerobic bioreactor failure is investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two laboratory-scale anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed bioreactors, R1 and R2, were used for the mesophilic (37 degrees C) treatment of high-strength [10 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) l(-1)] synthetic industrial-like wastewater over a 100-day trial period. A successful start up was achieved by both bioreactors with COD removal over 90%. Both reactors were operated under identical parameters; however, increased organic loading during the trial induced a reduction in the COD removal of R1, while R2 maintained satisfactory performance (COD removal >90%) throughout the experiment. Specific methanogenic activity measurements of biomass from both reactors indicated that the main route of methane production was hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis was applied to the characterization of microbial community dynamics within the system during the trial. The principal differences between the two consortia analysed included an increased abundance of Thiovulum- and Methanococcus-like organisms and uncultured Crenarchaeota in R1. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that there was a microbiological basis for the deviation, in terms of operational performance, of R1 and R2. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: High-throughput fingerprinting techniques, such as TRFLP, have been demonstrated as practically relevant for biomonitoring of anaerobic reactor communities.  相似文献   

Singh BK  Thomas N 《Nature protocols》2006,1(5):2428-2433
A novel method called "multiplex-terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (M-TRFLP)" has been recently developed which can be used for simultaneous analysis of the community composition of two or more microbial taxa (up to four). This method can also be used for microbial diagnostic purposes. For M-TRFLP analysis, primers specific to different target genes are used for multiplex-PCR, with one primer for each target being labeled with a unique fluorescent dye at its 5' end. Restriction digestion of the amplified products followed by fragment size analysis on a DNA sequencer produces profiles for targeted genes, which can be distinguished from each other by the color of the terminal fragments imparted by the unique fluorescent dye used for primer labeling. In contrast to current protocols, M-TRFLP allows multiple communities or multiple targets (genes) data to be obtained in just one reaction and therefore saves time, cost and labor. This protocol can be completed in 5-8 h.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for isolation of DNA from blood samples involving a rapid chemical disintegration of proteins with 8 M urea and with a minimum of exposure to phenol. The DNA is further desalted and purified on Sephadex G-25 prepacked disposable columns. DNA isolated in this way was pure enough to be immediately cleaved by restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

The typing of 106 M. tuberculosis (MBT) strains isolated from patients in the Samara region by the restriction DNA fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) IS6110 revealed that most of the strains (71.7%) belonged to the W family, 5 MBT strains (4.7%) belonged to the AI family, one culture was the mixture of two strains, AI and W. In addition, 24 MBT strains (22.6%) classified with other genotypes were detected. The analysis of the sensitivity of the MBT strains to rifampicin and isoniazid, with the method of absolute concentrations and by point mutations, demonstrated that 29 MBT strains (27.3%) were sensitive to rifampicin and isoniazid and 56 MBT strains (52.9%) were resistant to rifampicin and isoniazid simultaneously. Among the MBT strains of different RFLP families, strains both sensitive and resistant to these two preparations could be detected, but strains with multiple drug resistance prevailed in the W family (61.8%).  相似文献   

High molecular weight DNA was extracted from sperm from chickens of 14 inbred lines. The DNA was digested with each of four restriction enzymes (Pvu II, Hind III, Bgl II, and Bam HI), electrophoresed for 18 or 45 h, blotted onto nitrocellulose, and hybridized to a chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC, B complex) class II beta-chain probe (beta 2-exon specific). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were found with each of the restriction enzymes used. Birds with the same B haplotype always showed the same RFLP pattern; however, some birds of different B haplotypes also shared the same RFLP pattern. To test for the Mendelian inheritance of the RFLP patterns, the F2 progeny of an informative cross were analysed. The RFLP patterns corresponded with the serologically determined B haplotypes of the F2 birds, thereby showing the Mendelian inheritance of the polymorphic bands.  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis has the potential to be useful for comparisons of complex bacterial communities, especially to detect changes in community structure in response to different variables. To do this successfully, systematic variations have to be detected above method-associated noise, by standardizing data sets and assigning confidence estimates to relationships detected. We investigated the use of different standardizing methods in T-RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes to elucidate the similarities between the bacterial communities in 17 soil and sediment samples. We developed a robust method for standardizing data sets that appeared to allow detection of similarities between complex bacterial communities. We term this the variable percentage threshold method. We found that making conclusions about the similarities of complex bacterial communities from T-RFLP profiles generated by a single restriction enzyme (RE) may lead to erroneous conclusions. Instead, the use of multiple REs, each individually, to generate multiple data sets allowed us to determine a confidence estimate for groupings of apparently similar communities and at the same time minimized the effects of RE selection. In conjunction with the variable percentage threshold method, this allowed us to make confident conclusions about the similarities of the complex bacterial communities in the 17 different samples.  相似文献   

Summary. High molecular weight DNA was extracted from sperm from chickens of 14 inbred lines. The DNA was digested with each of four restriction enzymes ( Pvu II, Hind III, Bg /II, and Bam HI), electrophoresed for 18 or 45h, blotted onto nitrocellulose, and hybridized to a chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC, B complex) class II β-chain probe (β2-exon specific). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were found with each of the restriction enzymes used. Birds with the same B haplotype always showed the same RFLP pattern; however, some birds of different B halotypes also shared the same RFLP pattern. To test for the Mendelian inheritance of the RFLP patterns, the F2 progeny of an informative cross were analysed. The RFLP patterns corresponded with the serologically determined B haplotypes of the F2 birds, thereby showing the Mendelian inheritance of the polymorphic bands.  相似文献   

Human HLA cDNA probes were used to analyze the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the SLA major histocompatibility complex in swine. Cellular genomic DNA from 19 SLA homozygous pigs representing 13 different haplotypes was digested with restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Hind III, or Bam H1, separated by electrophoresis, and transferred onto diazobenzyloxymethyl paper by the Southern blot technique. The blots were probed with 32P-labeled class I or beta-DR class II cDNA. Depending on the haplotypes and the endonucleases used, seven to ten restriction fragments hybridized with the class I probe, and five to seven with the beta-DR probe. Their sizes ranged from 3.4 to 22 kilobase-pairs. Few bands were common to all 13 haplotypes. With all but one haplotype, identical autoradiogram patterns were obtained from unrelated, but phenotypically SLA-identical pigs, suggesting that most of the RFLP revealed were controlled by the SLA region. Further polymorphism was found in a group of seven unrelated pigs which typed serologically as SLA A15 CI B18 homozygotes but could be divided into two subgroups, with five animals in one subgroup and two in the other, when the genomic DNA was hybridized with the class I probe. When the class 11 beta-DR probe was tested on the same seven pigs, another subdivision was seen, and this correlated with MLR data. These results demonstrate that HLA class I and class II probes can be used to identify certain well-established SLA haplotypes and to identify subclasses within at least one SLA haplotype.Abbreviations MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - kbp kilobase pair(s) - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism  相似文献   

Human major histocompatibility complex (HLA) cDNA probes were used to analyze the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the DLA-D region in dogs. Genomic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes of 23 unrelated DLA-D-homozygous dogs representing nine DLA-D types (defined by mixed leucocyte reaction) was digested with restriction enzymes (Bam HI, Eco RI, Hind III, Pvu II, Taq I, Rsa I, Msp I, Pst I, and Bgl II), separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, and transferred onto Biotrace membrane. The Southern blots were successively hybridized with radiolabeled HLA cDNA probes corresponding to DR, DQ, DP, and DO beta genes. The autoradiograms for all nine enzyme digests displayed multiple bands with the DRb, DQb, and DPb probes while the DOb probe hybridized with one to two bands. The RFLP patterns were highly polymorphic but consistent within each DLA-D type. Standard RFLP patterns were established for nine DLA-D types which could be discriminated from each other by using two enzymes (Rsa I and Pst I) and the HLA-DPb probe. Cluster analysis of the polymorphic restriction fragments detected by the DRb probe revealed four closely related supertypic groups or DLA-DR families: Dw3+Dw4+D1, Dw8+D10, D7+D16+D9, and Dw1. This study provides the basis for DLA-D genotyping at a population level by RFLP analysis. These results also suggest that the genetic organization of the DLA-D region may closely resemble that of the HLA complex.  相似文献   

Total DNA of various Rhizobium galegae strains representing different geographical origins, and taxonomic divergence was digested with three restriction enzymes separately, Southern blotted, and hybridized with six heterologous probes. The sequence divergences for different pairwise comparisons were calculated from proportions of conserved hybridizing fragments. The unweighted pair group method was used to group the strains. The symbiotic common nod and nifHDK probes used were highly conserved and grouped the strains according to the host plant, Galega orientalis or G. officinalis. The grouping derived from combined data of the constitutive hemA, glnA, ntrC, and recA probes was similar to that obtained in total DNA-DNA hybridization experiments. The constitutive probes grouped the strains in a different order than did the symbiotic probes, a result that may reflect interstrain transfer of symbiotic sequences in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Common groundsel, Senecio vulgaris (Asteraceae), is a highly selfing semelparous ephemeral weed that belongs to the few plant species in central Europe capable of growing, flowering and fruiting all year round. In temperate climates, flowering S. vulgaris cohorts were found to appear up to three times per year. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular markers we examined temporal genetic differentiation among spring, summer and autumn cohorts at each of seven sites located in two regions in Switzerland. Strong genetic differentiation among cohorts may indicate the existence of seasonal races of S. vulgaris, reproductively isolated by nonoverlapping flowering phenologies. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) revealed that < 2.5% of the AFLP variation resided among cohorts within sites, whereas there was significant genetic differentiation among plants from different sites (15.6%) and among individuals within cohorts (81.9%). Significant genetic differentiation was also observed between the two regions. Isolation-by-distance was found on a regional scale, but not on a local scale. Gene flow was estimated to be approximately 15-fold higher among cohorts within sites than among sites. We further found, on average, similar levels of genetic diversity within the three seasonal cohorts. The results of this study demonstrate that season of growth represents a weak barrier for genetic exchange among S. vulgaris populations and does not affect molecular variance. Therefore, there is no evidence for the existence of seasonally specialized races of S. vulgaris. We discuss some implications of the results for the biological control of S. vulgaris using a native rust fungus.  相似文献   

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