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There is growing incentive to reduce the power consumed by large-scale data centers that host online services such as banking, retail commerce, and gaming. Virtualization is a promising approach to consolidating multiple online services onto a smaller number of computing resources. A virtualized server environment allows computing resources to be shared among multiple performance-isolated platforms called virtual machines. By dynamically provisioning virtual machines, consolidating the workload, and turning servers on and off as needed, data center operators can maintain the desired quality-of-service (QoS) while achieving higher server utilization and energy efficiency. We implement and validate a dynamic resource provisioning framework for virtualized server environments wherein the provisioning problem is posed as one of sequential optimization under uncertainty and solved using a lookahead control scheme. The proposed approach accounts for the switching costs incurred while provisioning virtual machines and explicitly encodes the corresponding risk in the optimization problem. Experiments using the Trade6 enterprise application show that a server cluster managed by the controller conserves, on average, 22% of the power required by a system without dynamic control while still maintaining QoS goals. Finally, we use trace-based simulations to analyze controller performance on server clusters larger than our testbed, and show how concepts from approximation theory can be used to further reduce the computational burden of controlling large systems.
Guofei JiangEmail:

As outsourcing data centers emerge to host applications and services from many different organizations, it is critical for data center owners to isolate different applications while dynamically and optimally allocate sharable resources among them. To address this issue, we propose a virtual-appliance-based autonomic resource provisioning framework for large virtualized data centers. We present the architecture of the data center with enriched autonomic features. We define a non-linear constrained optimization model for dynamic resource provisioning and present a novel analytic solution. Key factors, including virtualization overhead and reconfiguration delay, are incorporated into the model. Experimental results based on a prototype demonstrate that the system-level performance has been greatly improved by taking advantage of fine-grained server consolidation, and the whole system exhibits flexible adaptation in failure scenarios. Experiments with the impact of switching delay also show the efficiency of the framework due to significantly reduced provisioning time.
Zhihui DuEmail:

The capacity needs of online services are mainly determined by the volume of user loads. For large-scale distributed systems running such services, it is quite difficult to match the capacities of various system components. In this paper, a novel and systematic approach is proposed to profile services for resource optimization and capacity planning. We collect resource consumption related measurements from various components across distributed systems and further search for constant relationships between these measurements. If such relationships always hold under various workloads along time, we consider them as invariants of the underlying system. After extracting many invariants from the system, given any volume of user loads, we can follow these invariant relationships sequentially to estimate the capacity needs of individual components. By comparing the current resource configurations against the estimated capacity needs, we can discover the weakest points that may deteriorate system performance. Operators can consult such analytical results to optimize resource assignments and remove potential performance bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose several algorithms to support capacity analysis and guide operator’s capacity planning tasks. Our algorithms are evaluated with real systems and experimental results are also included to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Kenji YoshihiraEmail:

Data centers, as resource providers, are expected to deliver on performance guarantees while optimizing resource utilization to reduce cost. Virtualization techniques provide the opportunity of consolidating multiple separately managed containers of virtual resources on underutilized physical servers. A key challenge that comes with virtualization is the simultaneous on-demand provisioning of shared physical resources to virtual containers and the management of their capacities to meet service-quality targets at the least cost. This paper proposes a two-level resource management system to dynamically allocate resources to individual virtual containers. It uses local controllers at the virtual-container level and a global controller at the resource-pool level. An important advantage of this two-level control architecture is that it allows independent controller designs for separately optimizing the performance of applications and the use of resources. Autonomic resource allocation is realized through the interaction of the local and global controllers. A novelty of the local controller designs is their use of fuzzy logic-based approaches to efficiently and robustly deal with the complexity and uncertainties of dynamically changing workloads and resource usage. The global controller determines the resource allocation based on a proposed profit model, with the goal of maximizing the total profit of the data center. Experimental results obtained through a prototype implementation demonstrate that, for the scenarios under consideration, the proposed resource management system can significantly reduce resource consumption while still achieving application performance targets.
Mazin YousifEmail:

Glucocorticoids (GCs) have been related to social rank in many studies across species, a particular rank giving rise to a particular stress-related physiological profile. Our aim was to examine the hypothesis that GCs levels in toddlers would be related to social dominance in a competitive resource situation. Subjects were 376 toddlers from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study. At 19 months of age, each subject was exposed to 2 unfamiliar situations known to be moderately stressful at that age. Saliva was collected before and after the unfamiliar situations, to assess pre-test and reactive cortisol. Then the toddler reaction to a competitive situation for a toy with an unfamiliar peer was assessed and we measured the proportion of time the child controlled the resource. In girls, no association between cortisol levels and the proportion of time the child got the toy was found. On the other hand, in boys, increased cortisol levels before the unfamiliar situation were significantly related to a decreased proportion of time they got the toy in the competitive situation (r174 = − 0.17, P = 0.02). These results show that even in toddlers with limited social experience, association between GCs levels and social dominance can be found, an association that is specific to boys.  相似文献   

1. Silvoarable agroforestry (SAF) is the cultivation of trees and arable crops on the same parcel of land. SAF may contribute to modern diversified land use objectives in Europe, such as enhanced biodiversity and productivity, reduced leaching of nitrogen, protection against flooding and erosion, and attractiveness of the landscape. Long-term yield predictions are needed to assess long-term economic profitability of SAF.
2. A model for growth, resource sharing and productivity in agroforestry systems was developed to act as a tool in forecasts of yield, economic optimization of farming enterprises and exploration of policy options for land use in Europe. The model is called Yield-SAFE; from “YIeld Estimator for Long term Design of Silvoarable AgroForestry in Europe”. The model was developed with as few equations and parameters as possible to allow model parameterization under constrained availability of data from long-term experiments.
3. The model consists of seven state equations expressing the temporal dynamics of: (1) tree biomass; (2) tree leaf area; (3) number of shoots per tree; (4) crop biomass; (5) crop leaf area index; (6) heat sum; and (7) soil water content. The main outputs of the model are the growth dynamics and final yields of trees and crops. Daily inputs are temperature, radiation and precipitation. Planting densities, initial biomasses of tree and crop species, and soil parameters must be specified.
4. A parameterization of Yield-SAFE is generated, using published yield tables for tree growth and output from the comprehensive crop simulation model STICS. Analysis of tree and crop growth data from two poplar agroforestry stands in the United Kingdom demonstrates the validity of the modelling concept and calibration philosophy of Yield-SAFE. A sensitivity analysis is presented to elucidate which biological parameters most influence short and long-term productivity and land equivalent ratio.
5. The conceptual model, elaborated in Yield-SAFE, in combination with the outlined procedure for model calibration, offers a valid tool for exploratory land use studies.
Keywords: Agroforestry model; Competition; Parameter estimation; Resource use; Land use; Land equivalent ratio; Long-term yield prediction  相似文献   

The developments of the systems biotechnology and its application in the industrial process open up new horizons to industrial biotechnology. The unprecedented understanding of the relationships between cellular behaviors and the surrounding environments during the bioprocess has been achieved. In this paper, we review new advances in the strain improvement, bioprocess control and optimization. The holistic viewpoints and ideas applied in industrial bioprocesses and their future prospects are discussed by illustrating some successful cases.  相似文献   

Cheung YK 《Biometrics》2008,64(3):940-949
Summary .   In situations when many regimens are possible candidates for a large phase III study, but too few resources are available to evaluate each relative to the standard, conducting a multi-armed randomized selection trial is a useful strategy to remove inferior treatments from further consideration. When the study has a relatively quick endpoint such as an imaging-based lesion volume change in acute stroke patients, frequent interim monitoring of the trial is ethically and practically appealing to clinicians. In this article, I propose a class of sequential selection boundaries for multi-armed clinical trials, in which the objective is to select a treatment with a clinically significant improvement upon the control group, or to declare futility if no such treatment exists. The proposed boundaries are easy to implement in a blinded fashion, and can be applied on a flexible monitoring schedule in terms of calendar time. Design calibration with respect to prespecified levels of confidence is simple, and can be accomplished when the response rate of the control group is known only up to an interval. One of the proposed methods is applied to redesign a selection trial with an imaging endpoint in acute stroke patients, and is compared to an optimal two-stage design via simulations: The proposed method imposes smaller sample size on average than the two-stage design; this advantage is substantial when there is in fact a superior treatment to the control group.  相似文献   

Dynamic regulation has been widely applied to optimize metabolic flux distribution. However, compared with prokaryotes, quorum sensing-mediated pathway control is still very limited in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we designed quorum sensing-regulated protein degradation circuits for dynamic metabolic pathway control in S. cerevisiae. The synthetic quorum sensing circuits were developed by integration of a plant hormone cytokinin system with the endogenous yeast Ypd1-Skn7 signal transduction pathway and the positive feedback circuits were optimized by promoter engineering. We then constructed an auxin-inducible protein degradation system and used quorum sensing circuits to regulate auxin synthesis to achieve dynamic control of protein degradation. As a demonstration, the circuits were applied to control Erg9 degradation to produce α-farnesene and the titer of α-farnesene increased by 80%. The population-regulated protein degradation system developed here extends dynamic regulation to the protein level in S. cerevisiae and is a promising approach for metabolic pathway control.  相似文献   

Glycolysis is the primary metabolic pathway in all living organisms. Maintaining the balance of glycolysis flux and biosynthetic pathways is the crucial matter involved in the microbial cell factory. Few regulation systems can address the issue of metabolic flux imbalance in glycolysis. Here, we designed and constructed a bifunctional glycolysis flux biosensor that can dynamically regulate glycolysis flux for overproduction of desired biochemicals. A series of positive-and negative-response biosensors were created and modified for varied thresholds and dynamic ranges. These engineered glycolysis flux biosensors were verified to be able to characterize in vivo fructose-1,6-diphosphate concentration. Subsequently, the biosensors were applied for fine-tuning glycolysis flux to effectively balance the biosynthesis of two chemicals: mevalonate and N-acetylglucosamine. A glycolysis flux-dynamically controlled Escherichia coli strain achieved a 111.3 g/L mevalonate titer in a 1L fermenter.  相似文献   

The efficiency of two isolates of Trichoderma harzianum (WKY1 and WKY5) as bio-control agents against anthracnose disease in sorghum was investigated. In vitro, T. harzianum WKY1 isolate showed superiority in terms of inhibition of both mycelial growth and spore germination of Colletotrichum sublineolum, the causative agent of sorghum anthracnose, as well as induction of the sorghum seed germination over T. harzianum WKY5 isolate. The culture filtrate of the selected isolate (T. harzianum WKY1) was analysed using GC-MS system to determine their chemical constituents. Twenty-nine components with varied existence percentages were identified. Although T. harzianum WKY1 produced the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on tryptophan free medium, a marked dependency on tryptophan for the production of IAA was noticed. Nutritional components were optimized for maximizing IAA production using the central composite design. The optimum levels were 1.06, 29.86 and 2.93?g?L?1 from tryptophan, sucrose and NaNO3, respectively, with a maximum IAA biosynthesis (138.9?µg?mL?1) after five days of incubation. Production of IAA in the culture filtrate of T. harzianum WKY1 was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed by LC-MS system using a reference standard of IAA. Under greenhouse conditions, application of T. harzianum WKY1 and/or its filtrate reduced greatly the disease severity as well as improved the plant growth of sorghum. From the present data, we can recommend the application of T. harzianum WKY1 as a dual purpose bio-agent for biological control of anthracnose disease and plant growth promotion.  相似文献   

苏南快速城市化地区景观生态优化调控研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市化是经济快速发展的必然结果和要求.以苏锡常为代表的快速城市化苏南板块正在导致原有的城乡景观发生快速的变化(优化与恶化并存).基于城市景观生态调控方法,通过城市景观生态规划(整体共生的理念)、城市景观生态工程(循环再生的理念)和城市景观生态管理(竞争自生的理念),提出快速城市化过程中城市景观生态优化调控的构想.以苏南地区的常州市武进区为例,从其地理环境背景及景观演化出发,提出可持续发展的景观生态优化的基本原则和目标.将城镇整合成以中心城区斑块为核心的向外辐射的4个城镇景观生态发展斑块,即5大斑块平衡组团的景观格局,协调各行政区域的城市化、工业化发展;典型景观生态片区建设以淹城保护区斑块为核心,以滆湖-太湖斑块和绿色空间基底景观生态建设为主体,依托"二纵三横"的生态廊道网络,形成整个武进富有韵律的生态网架,从区域整体上改善、优化城乡景观生态,有效避免景观破碎与退化和生态环境恶化.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic variability in the non-compound portion of the genomes of compound-chromosome (CC) strains intended for genetic control can be increased by the use of bridging strains which can be crossed to both CC and normal strains. Two bridging systems are described for chromosome-5 CC strains of Lucilia cuprina. The first system relies on the established viability and fertility of males trisomic for chromosome 5R. Males carrying the (5L.YL)23 half-translocation, a C(5R), and a normal chromosome 5 were crossed successfully to a CC strain and a normal strain. The second system uses a pair of reciprocal whole-arm 4;5 translocations to generate gametes disomic for 5R and nullosomic for 5L, which in combination with C(5L)-bearing gametes form viable near-euploid offspring with only small duplications and deficiencies. These offspring (C(5L); (4L.5R)357; (4R.5R)194; (4L.4R)) were crossed successfully with both CC and T(4;5)357/ + individuals. The latter were in turn crossed successfully with normal strains. The T(Y;5)23 system allows replacement of the non-CC genome with wild material more rapidly than the T(4;5)357/T(4;5)194 system, but unlike the latter does not allow replacement of the Y chromosome in the CC strain. The double translocation system is currently being used in L. cuprina.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this work was to evaluate the contrast-detail performance of full field digital mammography (FFDM) systems using ideal (Hotelling) observer Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) methodology and ascertain whether it can be considered an alternative to the conventional, automated analysis of CDMAM phantom images.MethodsFive FFDM units currently used in the national breast screening programme were evaluated, which differed with respect to age, detector, Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) and target/filter combination. Contrast-detail performance was analysed using CDMAM and ideal observer SNR methodology. The ideal observer SNR was calculated for input signal originating from gold discs of varying thicknesses and diameters, and then used to estimate the threshold gold thickness for each diameter as per CDMAM analysis. The variability of both methods and the dependence of CDMAM analysis on phantom manufacturing discrepancies also investigated.ResultsResults from both CDMAM and ideal observer methodologies were informative differentiators of FFDM systems' contrast-detail performance, displaying comparable patterns with respect to the FFDM systems' type and age. CDMAM results suggested higher threshold gold thickness values compared with the ideal observer methodology, especially for small-diameter details, which can be attributed to the behaviour of the CDMAM phantom used in this study. In addition, ideal observer methodology results showed lower variability than CDMAM results.ConclusionThe Ideal observer SNR methodology can provide a useful metric of the FFDM systems' contrast detail characteristics and could be considered a surrogate for conventional, automated analysis of CDMAM images.  相似文献   

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