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Summary Electrical currents associated with sodium-coupled alanine transport in mouse pancreatic acinar cells were studied using the method of whole-cell recording with patch pipettes. Single cells or small clusters of (electrically coupled) cells were isolated by collagenase treatment. The composition of the intracellular solution could be controlled by internal perfusion of the patch pipette. In this way both inward and outward currents could be measured under zero-trans conditions, i.e., with finite concentrations of sodium andl-alanine on one side and zero concentrations on the other. Inward andoutward currents for equal but opposite concentration gradients were found to be of similar magnitude, meaning that the cotransporter is functionally nearly symmetric. The dependence of current on the concentrations of sodium andl-alanine exhibited a Michaelis-Menten behavior. From the sodium-concentration dependence of current as well as from the reversal potential of the current in the presence of an alanine-concentration, gradient, a sodium/alanine stoichiometric ratio of 1:1 can be inferred. The finding that N-methylated amino acids may substitute, forl-alanine, as well as the observed pH dependence of currents indicate that the pancreatic alanine transport system is similar to (or identical with) the A-system which is widespread in animal cells. The transport system is tightly coupled with respect to Na+; alanine-coupled inward flow of Na+ is at least 30 times higher than uncoupled Na+ flow mediated by the cotransporter. The current-voltage characteristic of the cotransporter could be (approximately) determined from the difference of transmembrane current in the presence and in the absence ofl-alanine. The sodium-concentration dependence of the current-voltage characteristic indicates that a Na+ ion approaching the binding site from the extracellular medium has to cross part of the transmembrane electric field.  相似文献   

Summary ATP-dependent45Ca2+ uptake was investigated in purified plasma membranes from rat pancreatic acinar cells. Plasma membranes were purified by four subsequent precipitations with MgCl2 and characterized by marker enzyme distribution. When compared to the total homogenate, typical marker enzymes for the plasma membrane, (Na+,K+)-ATPase, basal adenylate cyclase and CCK-OP-stimulated adenylate cyclase were enriched by 43-fold, 44-fold, and 45-fold, respectively. The marker for the rough endoplasmic reticulum was decreased by fourfold compared to the total homogenate. Comparing plasma membranes with rough endoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+ uptake was maximal with 10 and 2 mol/liter free Ca2+, and half-maximal with 0.9 and 0.5 mol/liter free Ca2+. It was maximal at 3 and 0.2 mmol/liter free Mg2+ concentration, at an ATP concentration of 5 and 1 mmol/liter, respectively, and at pH 7 for both preparations. When Mg2+ was replaced by Mn2+ or Zn2+ ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake was 63 and 11%, respectively, in plasma membranes; in rough endoplasmic reticulum only Mn2+ could replace Mg2+ for Ca2+ uptake by 20%. Other divalent cations such as Ba2+ and Sr2+ could not replace Mg2+ in Ca2+ uptake. Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes was not enhanced by oxalate in contrast to Ca2+ uptake in rough endoplasmic reticulum which was stimulated by 7.3-fold. Both plasma membranes and rough endoplasmic reticulum showed cation and anion dependencies of Ca2+ uptake. The sequence was K+>Rb+>Na+>Li+>choline+ in plasma membranes and Rb+K+Na+>Li+>choline+ for rough endoplasmic reticulum. The anion sequence was ClBrI>SCN>NO 3 >isethionate >cyclamate>gluconate>SO 4 2– glutarate and Cl>Br>gluconate>SO 4 2– >NO 3 >I>cyclamateSCN, respectively. Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes appeared to be electrogenic since it was stimulated by an inside-negative K+ and SCN diffusion potential and inhibited by an inside-positive diffusion potential. Ca2+ uptake into rough endoplasmic reticulum was not affected by diffusion potentials. We assume that the Ca2+ transport mechanism in plasma membranes as characterized in this study represents the extrusion system for Ca2+ from the cell that might be involved in the regulation of the cytosolic Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

Summary The results of the accompanying electrophysiological study of the cloned Na+/glucose cotransporter from small intestine (Parent, L., Supplisson, S., Loo, D.D.F., Wright, E.M. (1992) J. Membrane Biol. 125:49–62) were evaluated in terms of a kinetic model. The steady-state and presteady-state cotransporter properties are described by a 6-state ordered kinetic model (mirror symmetry) with a Na+:MDG stoichiometry of 2. Carrier translocation in the membrane as well as Na+ and sugar binding and dissociation are treated as a function of their individual rate constants. Empty carrier translocation and Na+ binding/ dissociation are the only steps considered to be voltage dependent. Currents were associated with the translocation of the negatively charged carrier in the membrane. Negative membrane potential facilitates sugar transport. One numerical solution was found for the 14 rate constants that account quantitatively for our experiment observations: i.e., (i) sigmoidal shape of the sugar-specific current-voltage curves (absence of outward currents and inward current saturation at high negative potentials), (ii) Na+ and voltage dependence of K 0.5 sugar and i max sugar , (iii) sugar and voltage dependence of K 0.5 Na and i max Na , (iv) presteady-state currents and their dependence on external Na+, MDG and membrane potential, and (v) and carrier Na+ leak current. We conclude that the main voltage effect is on carrier translocation. Na+ ions that migrate from the extracellular medium to their binding sites sense 25 to 35% of the transmembrane voltage, whereas charges associated with the carrier translocation experiences 60 to 75% of the membrane electrical field. Internal Na+ ion binding is not voltage dependent. In our nonrapid equilibrium model, the rate-limiting step for sugar transport is a function of the membrane potential, [Na]0 and [MDG]0. At 0 mV and at saturating [Na]0 and [MDG]0, the rate-limiting step for sugar transport is the empty carrier translocation (5 sec–1). As the membrane potential is made more negative, the empty carrier translocation gets faster and the internal Na+ dissociation becomes increasingly rate limiting. However, as [Na]0 is decreased to less than 10 mm, the rate-limiting step is the external Na+ ions binding in the 0 to –150 mV potential range. At 0 mV, the external Na+ dissociation constant KNa is 80 mm and decreases to 24 mm at –150 mV. The external sugar dissociation constant KNaS is estimated to be 200 m and voltage independent. Finally, the internal leak pathway (CNa2 translocation) is insignificant. While we cannot rule out a more complex kinetic model, the electrical properties of the cloned Na+/glucose cotransporter are found to be adequately described by this 6-state kinetic model.We are grateful to Drs. A. Berteloot, S. Ciani, and J.-Y. Lapointe for stimulating discussions and thank our colleagues for comments. L.P. was recipient of a post-doctoral fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada. This work was supported by a grant from the U.S. Public Health Service DK 19567.  相似文献   

The method of tight-seal whole0cell recording was used to study the amino-acid specificity of the Na+/alanine cotransporter in pancreatic acinar cells. Single cells or small clusters of electrically coupled cells were obtained by enzymatic dissociation of mouse pancreas. Inward currents were measured under ‘zero-trans’ conditions, i.e., at finite concentrations of Na+ and amino acid at the extracellular side and vanishing concentrations at the cytoplasmic side. The cotransporter, which corresponds to ‘system A’, as previously defined in the literature, was found to exhibit a wide tolerance to neutral amino acids (l-cysteine, l-serine, l-alanine, glycine, l-phenylalanine). Competition experiments with 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid (MeAIB) indicate that for glycine a second electrogenic transport system exists in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

Summary Voltage effects on the Na–Ca exchange system are analyzed on the basis of two kinetic models, a consecutive and a simultaneous reaction scheme. The voltage dependence of a given rate constant is directly related to the amount of charge which is translocated in the corresponding reaction step. Charge translocation may result from movement of an ion along the transport pathway, from displacement of charged ligand groups of the ion-binding site, or from reorientation of polar residues of the protein in the course of a conformational transition. The voltage dependence of ion fluxes is described by a set of coefficients reflecting the dielectric distances over which charge is translocated in the individual reaction steps. Depending on the charge of the ligand system and on the values of the dielectric coefficients, the flux-voltage curve can assume a variety of different shapes. When part of the transmembrane voltage drops between aqueous solution and binding site, the equilibrium constant of ion binding becomes a function of membrane potential. By studying the voltage dependence of ion fluxes in a wide range of sodium and calcium concentrations, detailed information on the microscopic properties of the transport system may be obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Certain polar epithelial cells have strong transport capacities for protons and can be examinedin vitro as part of an intact epithelial preparation. Recent studies in the isolated turtle bladder and other tight urinary epithelia indicate that the apical membranes of the carbonic anhydrase-containing cell population of these tissues contain an electrogenic proton pump which has the characteristics of a proton-translocating ATPase. The translocation of protons is tightly coupled to the energy of ATP hydrolysis. Since the pump translocates protons without coupling to the movement of other ions, it may be regarded as an ideal electrogenic pump. The apparent simplicity of the functional properties has led to extensive studies of the characteristics of this pump and of the cellular organization of the secondary acid-base flows in the turtle bladder. Over a rather wide range of electrochemical potential gradients for protons ( ) across the epithelium, the rate of H+ transport is nearly linear with . The formalisms of equivalent circuit analysis and nonequilibrium thermodynamics have been useful in describing the behavior of the pump, but these approaches have obvious limitations. We have attempted to overcome some of these limitations by developing a more detailed set of assumptions about each of the transport steps across the pump complex and to formulate a working model for proton transport in the turtle bladder that can account for several otherwise unexplained experimental results. The model suggests that the real pump is neither a simple electromotive force nor a constant current source. Depending on the conditions, it may behave as one or the other.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments performed on isolated midgut demonstrate that the model proposed for the absorption of neutral amino acids in the K+-transporting intestinal epithelium of lepidopteran larvae applies also to the transport of the basic amino acids histidine and lysine. The characteristics of these K+-basic amino-acid cotransports have been studied in brush-border membrane vesicles. Histidine and lysine are transported by different transport agencies, which share, to a different degree, a high sensitivity to transmembrane electrical potential difference. Kinetic analysis showed thatK m for histidine and lysine increased 10-fold and three-fold, respectively, whereasV max was only slightly modified when the electrical potential difference was abolished. The relationship between potassium concentration and histidine uptake indicates a cooperative binding of more than one potassium to the transporter. Countertransport experiments with glutamine as elicitor show that histidine and glutamine are transported through the same system.  相似文献   

The method of tight-seal whole-cell recording was used to study the amino-acid specificity of the Na+/alanine cotransporter in pancreatic acinar cells. Single cells or small clusters of electrically coupled cells were obtained by enzymatic dissociation of mouse pancreas. Inward currents were measured under 'zero-trans' conditions, i.e., at finite concentrations of Na+ and amino acid at the extracellular side and vanishing concentrations at the cytoplasmic side. The cotransporter, which corresponds to 'system A', as previously defined in the literature, was found to exhibit a wide tolerance to neutral amino acids (L-cysteine, L-serine, L-alanine, glycine, L-phenylalanine). Competition experiments with 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid (MeAIB) indicate that for glycine a second electrogenic transport system exists in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

Summary Membrane transport models are usually expressed on the basis of chemical kinetics. The states of a transporter are related by rate constants, and the time-dependent changes of these states are given by linear differential equations of first order. To calculate the time-dependent transport equation, it is necessary to solve a system of differential equations which does not have a general analytical solution if there are more than five states. Since transport measurements in a complex system rarely provide all the time constants because some of them are too rapid, it is more appropriate to obtain approximate analytical solutions, assuming that there are fast and slow reaction steps. The states of the fast steps are related by equilibrium constants, thus permitting the elimination of their differential equations and leaving only those for the slow steps. With a system having only two slow steps, a single differential equation is obtained and the state equations have a single relaxation. Initial conditions for the slow reactions are determined after the perturbation which redistribute the states related by fast reactions. Current and zero-trans uptake equations are calculated. Curve fitting programs can be used to implement the general procedure and obtain the model parameters.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular mechanism of K-stimulated Cl transport in locust hindgut was studied using double-barrelled ionsensitive microelectrodes and electrophysiological techniques. Steady-state net electrochemical potentials for Cl and K and the conductances of apical and basal membranes and paracellular pathway were determined under control conditions, during exposure to 1mm cAMP, and following ion substitutions. Under control open-circuit conditions, intracellular Cl activity (a Cl c ) was 3.5 times that predicted for passive equilibrium across the apical membrane. The net electrochemical potential opposing Cl entry from the mucosal side increased by 50% during cAMP stimulation of transepithelial Cl absorption whereas the net electrochemical potential favoring Cl exit across the basal membrane was unchanged. No correlation was observed between and the net electrochemical potential across the apical membrane for Na. The net electrochemical potential favoring K entry across the apical membrane was negligible underI sc conditions when Cl transport rate was approximately 10 eq cm–2 hr–1. Locust rectal cells showed electrical and dye coupling. The results also indicate that most transepithelial diffusion of ions is transcellular and that epithelial tightness effectively increases during exposure to cAMP becauseR a andR b both decrease, by 80% whileR j is unchanged. The cAMP-induced R b was abolished in Cl-free saline whereas R a was insensitive to Cl removal, but was blocked by removing K from the saline. Based on these findings, our model for Cl absorption in locust hindgut features i) an active entry step for Cl at the apical membrane which is stimulated by cAMP and by low levels of K on the mucosal side, but is not energized by or a large cAMP-stimulated Cl conductance in the basal membrane and a similar cAMP-stimulated K conductance in the apical membrane. cAMP dose-response curves are similar for the stimulation of active Cl absorption and Cl-independent (i. e. K) conductance, indicating that cAMP exerts dual control over active Cl transport and counter-ion permeability.  相似文献   

Summary Voltage-clamp and tracer techniques, applied simultaneously or separately to individual cells, have been used to show that K+-starved internodal cells ofChara australis can develop an electrogenic transport system, which requires and transports K+ with high affinity (K 1/2 about 30 m) and Na+ with lower affinity (K 1/2 about 500 m). The most likely mechanism is symport of K+ with Na+, with a stoichiometric ratio of 11. In simultaneous measurements of quantities of charge and of ions entering individual cells, the quantity of K+ was consistently half the quantity of electric charge, while that of Na+ was consistently somewhat lower than that. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. The electrogenic symport of K+ with Na+ has not previously been reported for any cell. Its functional significance inChara is apparently the active uptake of K+ at the expense of the electrochemical potential difference for Na+. This new symport reveals the unexpected presence inChara of a Na+-linked chemiosmotic circuit alongside the known H+-linked circuit.  相似文献   

Summary Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by abnormal epithelial Cl conductance (GCl). In vitro studies that have shown that cAMP regulation is an intrinsic property of the CF-affected GCl(CF-GCl) have been carried out previously on cultured secretory cells and on nonepithelial cells. Even though GCl in absorption is defective in CF, a clear demonstration of cAMP regulation of CF-GCl in a purely absorptive tissue is lacking. We studied the cAMP regulation of CF-GCl in the microperfused intact human reabsorptive sweat duct. About 40% of the ducts responded to cAMP (responsive) while the remainder of the ducts did not. In responsive ducts, cAMP-elevating agents: -adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (IPR), CPT-cAMP, forskolin, theophylline or IBMX increased G tby about 2.3-fold (n = no. of ducts = 8). Removal of media Cl, but not amiloride pretreatment (in the lumen), abolished the cAMP response, indicating exclusive activation of GCl. cAMP activated both apical and basolateral GCl. cAMP hyperpolarized gluconate: Cl (lumen: bath) transepithelial bionic potentials (V t=–20.3±5.2 mV, mean ±se, n=9) and transepithelial 3 1 luminal NaCl dilution diffusion potentials (V t=–8.8±2.9 mV, n=5). cAMP activated basolateral GCl as indicated by increased bi-ionic (gluconate: Cl, bath: lumen) diffusion potentials (by about 12 mV). The voltage divider ratio in symmetric NaCl solutions increased by 60%. Compared to responsive ducts, nonresponsive ducts were characterized by smaller spontaneous transepithelial potentials in symmetrical Ringer's solution (V t=–6.9±0.8 mV, n=24, nonresponsive vs. –19.4±1.8 mV, n=22, responsive ducts) but larger bi-ionic potentials (–94±6 mV, n=35, nonresponsive vs. –65±5 mV, n=17, responsive ducts) and dilution diffusion potentials (–40±5 mV, n=11, nonresponsive vs. –29±3 mV, n=7, responsive ducts). These results are consistent with an inherently (prestimulus) maximal activation of GCl in nonresponsive ducts and submaximal activation of GCl in responsive ducts. We conclude that cAMP activates CF-G Cl which is expressed and abnormal in both apical and basal membranes of this absorptive epithelium in CF.Abbreviations CF cystic fibrosis - G t transepithelial conductance - V b electrical potential across the basolateral membrane - V a electrical potential across the apical membrane - V t transepithelial potential - V b transepithelial currentinduced voltage deflections across the basolateral membrane - V a transepithelial current-induced voltage deflections across the apical membrane - V t transepithelial current-induced voltage deflection across the epithelium - VDR voltage divider ratio - GCl transepithelial Cl conductance - CF-GCl cystic fibrosis-affected Cl conductance - EMF electromotive force - IPR isoproterenol - IBMX 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine - CPT-cAMP chlorophenylthio-adenosine 3-5 cyclic monophosphate - PGE2 prostaglandin E2  相似文献   

The current voltage characteristic of the Na, K pump is described on the basis of a modified Post-Albers cycle. The voltage dependence of the rate constants is derived from the elementary chargetranslocations associated with the single reaction steps. Charge displacements result from movements of the sodium- or potassium-loaded binding sites, as well as from motions of polar groups in the pump molecule. If part of the transmembrane voltage drops between the alkali-ion binding sites and the aqueous solution, the binding constants become voltage-dependent. Depending on the values of the microscopic parameters, the current-voltage characteristic may assume a variety of different shapes. Saturating behaviour results when one or more voltage-independent reaction steps become rate limiting. Non-monotonic current-voltage curves exhibiting regions of negative pump conductance are predicted when, at least in one of the transitions, charge is moved against the direction of overall charge-translocation. The theoretical predictions are compared with recent experimental studies of voltage-dependent pump currents.  相似文献   

Summary Rapid unidirectional transport (15 sec) ofl-serine and 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid (MeAIB) was studied in the isolated perfused rat pancreas using a dual-tracer dilution technique. Time-course experiments in the presence of normal cation gradients revealed a time-dependent transstimulation ofl-serine influx and transinhibition of MeAIB influx. Transport of the model nonmetabolized System A analog MeAIB was Na+ dependent and significantly inhibited during perfusion with 1mm ouabain. Although transport ofl-serine was largely Na+ independent, ouabain caused a time-dependent inhibition of transport. Influx of both amino acids appeared to be inhibited by the ionophore monensin but unaffected by a lowered extracellular potassium concentration. Removal of extracellular calcium had no effect on influx of the natural substratel-serine, whereas stimulation of transport by exogenous insulin (100 U/ml) was entirely dependent upon extracellular calcium and unaffected by ouabain. Paradoxically, exogenous insulin had no effect on the time-course of MeAIB influx. The characteristics ofl-serine influx described in earlier studies together with our present findings suggest that insulin may modulate the activity of System asc in the exocrine pancreatic epithelium by a calcium-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Intracellular transport of sulfated macromolecules in parotid acinar cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intracellular transport of sulfated macromolecules in parotid acinar cells was investigated by electron microscopic radioautography after injection of 35S-sulfate. Ten minutes after injection radiosulfate was concentrated in the Golgi region. By 1 hr, much of the radioactive material had been transported to condensing vacuoles. These vacuoles were subsequently transformed into zymogen granules which contained almost 70% of the radioactivity 4 hrs after injection. These results indicate that, in addition to its packaging function, the Golgi apparatus in parotid acinar cells is capable of utilizing inorganic sulfate for the production of sulfated macromolecules. These molecules, following an intracellular route similar to that taken by digestive enzymes, become an integral component of zymogen granules. The possibility that sulfated macromolecules play a role in exocrine secretion by aiding in the packaging of exportable proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the first part of the paper, evidence has been presented that electrochromic styryl dyes, such as RH 421, incorporate into Na, K-ATPase membranes isolated from mammalian kidney and respond to changes of local electric field strength. In this second part of the paper, fluorescence studies with RH-421-labeled membranes are described, which were carried out to obtain information on the nature of charge-translocating reaction steps in the pumping cycle. Experiments with normal and chymotrypsin-modified membranes show that phosphorylation by ATP and occlusion of Na+ are electroneutral steps, and that release of Na+ from the occluded state to the extracellular side is associated with translocation of charge. Fluorescence signals observed in the presence of K+ indicate that binding and occlusion of K+ at the extracellular face of the pump is another major electrogenic reaction step. The finding that the fluorescence signals are insensitive to changes of ionic strength leads to the conclusion that the binding pocket accommodating Na+ or K+ is buried in the membrane dielectric. This corresponds to the notion that the binding sites are connected with the extracellular medium by a narrow access channel (ion well). This notion is further supported by experiments with lipophilic ions, such as tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) or tetraphenylborate (TPB), which are known to bind to lipid bilayers and to change the electrostatic potential inside the membrane. Addition of TPP+ leads to a decrease of binding affinity for Na+ and K+, which is thought to result from the TPP-induced change of electric field strength in the access channel.Deceased (September 13, 1990).  相似文献   

Summary Nonstationary pump currents which have been observed in K+-free Na+ media after activation of the Na,K-ATPase by an ATP-concentration jump (see the preceding paper) are analyzed on the basis of microscopic reaction models. It is shown that the behavior of the current signal at short times is governed by electrically silent reactions preceding phosphorylation of the protein; accordingly, the main information on charge-translocating processes is contained in the declining phase of the pump current. The experimental results support the Albers-Post reaction scheme of the Na,K-pump, in which the translocation of Na+ precedes translocation of K+. The transient pump current is represented as the sum of contributions of the individual transitions in the reaction cycle. Each term in the sum is the product of a net transition rate times a dielectric coefficient describing the amount of charge translocated in a given reaction step. Charge translocation may result from the motion of ion-binding sites in the course of conformational changes, as well as from movement of ions in access channels connecting the binding sites to the aqueous media. A likely interpretation of the observed nonstationary currents consists in the assumption that the principal electrogenic step is the E1-P/P-E2 conformational transition of the protein, followed by a release of Na+ to the extracellular side. This conclusion is supported by kinetic data from the literature, as well as on the finding that chymotrypsin treatment which is known to block the E1-P/P-E2 transition abolishes the current transient. By numerical simulation of the Albers-Post reaction cycle, the proposed mechanism of charge translocation has been shown to reproduce the experimentally observed time behavior of pump currents.  相似文献   

Summary An electrogenic K+–Na+ symport with a high affinity for K+ has been found inChara (Smith & Walker, 1989). Under voltage-clamp conditions, the symport shows up as a change in membrane current upon adding either K+ or Na+ to the bathing medium in the presence of the other. Estimation of kinetic parameters for this transport has been difficult when using intact cells, since K+–Na+ current changes show a rapid falling off with time at K+ concentrations above 50 m. Cytoplasm-enriched cell fragments are used to overcome this difficulty since they do not show the rapid falling off of current change seen with intact cells. Current-voltage curves for the membrane in the absence or presence of either K+ or Na+ are obtained, yielding difference current-voltage curves which isolate the symport currents from other transport processes. The kinetic parameters describing this transport are found to be voltage dependent, withK m for K+ ranging from 30 down to 2 m as membrane potential varies from –140 to –400 mV, andK m for Na+ ranging between 470 and 700 m over a membrane potential range of –140 to –310 mV.Two different models for this transport system have been investigated. One of these involves the simultaneous transport of both the driver and substrate ions across the membrane, while the other allows for the possibility of the two ions being transported consecutively in two distinct reaction steps. The experimental results are shown to be consistent with either of these cotransport models, but they do suggest that binding of K+ occurs before that of Na+, and that movement of charge across the membrane (the voltage-dependent step) occurs when the transport protein has neither K+ nor Na+ bound to it.  相似文献   

alpha-Amylase was purified to apparent homogeneity from normal pancreas and a transplantable pancreatic acinar carcinoma of the rat by affinity chromatography on alpha-glucohydrolase inhibitor (alpha-GHI) bound to aminohexyl-Sepharose 4B. Recovery was 95-100% for both pancreas and tumour alpha-amylases. They were monomeric proteins, with Mr approx. 54000 on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Isoelectric focusing of both normal and tumour alpha-amylases resolved each into two major isoenzymes, with pI 8.3 and 8.7. Tumour-derived alpha-amylase contained two additional minor isoenzymes, with pI 7.6 and 6.95 respectively. All four tumour isoenzymes demonstrated amylolytic activity when isoelectric-focused gels were treated with starch and stained with iodine. Two-dimensional electrophoresis, on SDS/10-20%-polyacrylamide-gradient gels after isoelectric focusing, separated each major isoenzyme into doublets of similar Mr values. Pancreatic and tumour-derived alpha-amylases had similar Km and Ki (alpha-GHI) values, but the specific activity of the tumour alpha-amylase was approximately two-thirds that of the normal alpha-amylase. Although amino acid analysis and peptide mapping with the use of CNBr, N-chlorosuccinimide or Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase gave comparable profiles for the two alpha-amylases, tryptic-digest fingerprint patterns were different. Antibodies raised against the purified pancreatic alpha-amylase and tumour alpha-amylase respectively showed only one positive band on immunoblotting after gel electrophoresis of crude extracts of rat pancreas and carcinoma, at the same position as that of the purified enzyme. More than 95% of the alpha-amylase activity in the pancreas and in the tumour was absorbed by an excess amount of either antibody, indicating that normal and tumour alpha-amylases are immunologically identical. The presence of additional isoenzymes in the carcinoma, and dissimilarity of tryptic-digest patterns, may reflect an alteration in gene expression or in the post-translational modification of this protein in this heterogeneously differentiated transplantable pancreatic acinar carcinoma.  相似文献   

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