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贺湛斐  童春富 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4619-4631
太浦河连接东太湖和黄浦江,是东太湖向下游行洪的主河道,也是黄浦江上游重要的引水水源。分别于2017年10月、12月和2018年3月、6月在太浦河沿程设置的5个站点开展了大型底栖动物季节频次的取样调研,分析了太浦河大型底栖动物群落的结构特征及其主要影响因子。调查期间共采集到大型底栖动物25种,隶属于3门6纲14科,其中以河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)为代表的双壳类和以铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)为代表的腹足类处优势地位。太浦河大型底栖动物群落的密度、生物量及多样性特征在不同站点间均存在显著差异(P<0.05);而在不同季节间均不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。聚类排序分析表明,太浦河大型底栖动物群落在空间上的差异较季节间的变化更为明显。太浦河大型底栖动物群落的物种组成特征与太浦河、东太湖的水文连通格局密切相关;而沿程不同程度人为干扰下的水体营养水平以及底质类型与生境异质性等生境条件对太浦河大型底栖动物群落的分布特征具有重要影响,其综合作用机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

From December 1996 to August 1997, beech litter breakdown and stream benthic macroinvertebrate communities were investigated to assess the effects of acidic precipitation on community structure and function in two second-order headwater streams of the Vosges Mountains (NE France). Because of microscale changes in bedrock mineral composition, one of the streams was acidified (mean pH=4.53, mean total Al=421 g.l-1) and the other circum-neutral (mean pH=7.23, mean total Al=36 g.l-1). Results showed that both litter breakdown rate and macroinvertebrate community structure were drastically affected under acidic conditions. The rate of leaf litter breakdown decreased by nine times in the acidic stream. Benthic sampling showed that scrapers were totally eradicated and both gathering and filtering collectors were drastically reduced. Such drastic effects appear to be the consequences of the toxicity of acid water including both proton and aluminum toxicity. A decrease in shredder abundance and a shift from the efficient acid-sensitive Amphipoda Gammarus fossarum to acid-tolerant Nemouroidea (mainly Leuctra sp.) was observed in the acidic stream. Our results indicate that freshwater acidification significantly alters the action of shredders processing leaf litter in the acidic stream. Consequently, interactions between structural and functional responses to acidification probably have profound consequences on the efficiency of acidified stream ecosystems, which in return may alter downstream functioning.  相似文献   

Model‐based global projections of future land‐use and land‐cover (LULC) change are frequently used in environmental assessments to study the impact of LULC change on environmental services and to provide decision support for policy. These projections are characterized by a high uncertainty in terms of quantity and allocation of projected changes, which can severely impact the results of environmental assessments. In this study, we identify hotspots of uncertainty, based on 43 simulations from 11 global‐scale LULC change models representing a wide range of assumptions of future biophysical and socioeconomic conditions. We attribute components of uncertainty to input data, model structure, scenario storyline and a residual term, based on a regression analysis and analysis of variance. From this diverse set of models and scenarios, we find that the uncertainty varies, depending on the region and the LULC type under consideration. Hotspots of uncertainty appear mainly at the edges of globally important biomes (e.g., boreal and tropical forests). Our results indicate that an important source of uncertainty in forest and pasture areas originates from different input data applied in the models. Cropland, in contrast, is more consistent among the starting conditions, while variation in the projections gradually increases over time due to diverse scenario assumptions and different modeling approaches. Comparisons at the grid cell level indicate that disagreement is mainly related to LULC type definitions and the individual model allocation schemes. We conclude that improving the quality and consistency of observational data utilized in the modeling process and improving the allocation mechanisms of LULC change models remain important challenges. Current LULC representation in environmental assessments might miss the uncertainty arising from the diversity of LULC change modeling approaches, and many studies ignore the uncertainty in LULC projections in assessments of LULC change impacts on climate, water resources or biodiversity.  相似文献   

The net flux of CO2 exchanged with the atmosphere following grassland‐related land‐use change (LUC) depends on the subsequent temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC). Yet, the magnitude and timing of these dynamics are still unclear. We compiled a global data set of 836 paired‐sites to quantify temporal SOC changes after grassland‐related LUC. In order to discriminate between SOC losses from the initial ecosystem and gains from the secondary one, the post‐LUC time series of SOC data was combined with satellite‐based net primary production observations as a proxy of carbon input to the soil. Globally, land conversion from either cropland or forest into grassland leads to SOC accumulation; the reverse shows net SOC loss. The SOC response curves vary between different regions. Conversion of cropland to managed grassland results in more SOC accumulation than natural grassland recovery from abandoned cropland. We did not consider the biophysical variables (e.g., climate conditions and soil properties) when fitting the SOC turnover rate into the observation data but analyzed the relationships between the fitted turnover rate and these variables. The SOC turnover rate is significantly correlated with temperature and precipitation (p < 0.05), but not with the clay fraction of soils (p > 0.05). Comparing our results with predictions from bookkeeping models, we found that bookkeeping models overestimate by 56% of the long‐term (100 years horizon) cumulative SOC emissions for grassland‐related LUC types in tropical and temperate regions since 2000. We also tested the spatial representativeness of our data set and calculated SOC response curves using the representative subset of sites in each region. Our study provides new insight into the impact grassland‐related LUC on the global carbon budget and sheds light on the potential of grassland conservation for climate mitigation.  相似文献   

The benthic fish communities of 26 Swedish lakes were monitored annually with multi-mesh gillnets in a standardized way in the years 1994–1997. No major environmental changes (e.g. in nutrient level or acidity) occurred within the lakes during the 4 years of study. In most of the lakes, the between-year variation of biomass (per unit of effort) was close to the sampling precision, and biomass was usually less variable than abundance. Median values of lakespecific indices of variance compensation indicated no general covariance of biomass between species, but a tendency for positive covariance between size classes. This indicates that the benthic fish communities of small to intermediate-sized Swedish lakes most often show low between-year variation in total biomass of fish older than 0+, and that their biomass–size distributions are not, in general, shaped by periodic strong year-classes of keystone species. In a few individual lakes, density compensation was indicated as complementary proportions of a pair of species or size classes that made major contributions to the total biomass.  相似文献   

The relative effects of a diffuse disturbance (alteration of land use from forest to plantation) and a point-source disturbance (a village and its associated coffee-processing plant, within the plantation) on longitudinal variation in water chemistry and macroinvertebrate community composition were assessed in Kali Dinoyo, a small upland stream in East Java, Indonesia. Four sites were sampled. The catchments of the two most-upstream sites were covered primarily by rainforest, while the two lower sites fell within a coffee plantation. The lowest site was downstream of a small village and its associated coffee-processing plant. Most of the variance in all water quality variables and in several community composition measures was explained by the difference between plantation and forest sites. Comparatively small differences in total suspended solids and macroinvertebrate community composition were observed downstream of the village. Diffuse disturbances associated with land clearance and plantation agriculture therefore appear to have a larger impact on the ecology of Kali Dinoyo than the point source impacts associated with the village. More robust and powerful study designs to formally test these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The scale of investigations influences the interpretation of results. Here, we investigate the influence of fish and nutrients on biotic communities in shallow lakes, using studies at two different scales: (i) within‐lake experimental manipulation and (ii) comparative, among‐lake relationships. 2. At both scales, fish predation had an overriding influence on macroinvertebrates; fish reduced macroinvertebrate biomass and altered community composition. Prey selection appeared to be size based. Fish influenced zooplankton abundance and light penetration through the water column also, but there was no indication that fish caused increased resuspension of sediment. 3. There were effects of nutrients at both scales, but these effects differed with the scale of the investigation. Nutrients increased phytoplankton and periphyton at the within‐lake scale, and were associated with increased periphyton at the among‐lake scale. No significant effect of nutrients on macroinvertebrates was observed at the within‐lake scale. However, at the among‐lake scale, nutrients positively influenced the biomass and density of macroinvertebrates, and ameliorated the effect of fish on macroinvertebrates. 4. Increased prey availability at higher nutrient concentrations would be expected to cause changes in the fish community. However, at the among‐lake scale, differences were not apparent in fish biomass among lakes with different nutrient conditions, suggesting that stochastic events influence the fish community in these small and relatively isolated shallow lakes. 5. The intensity of predation by fish significantly influences macroinvertebrate community structure of shallow lakes, but nutrients also play a role. The scale of investigation influences the ability to detect the influence of nutrients on the different components of shallow lake communities, particularly for longer lived organisms such as macroinvertebrates, where the response takes longer to manifest.  相似文献   

  • 1 Benthic‐algal distributions in the upper Illinois River basin, IL, U.S.A., were examined in relation to geology, land use, water chemistry and stream habitat using (detrended) (canonical) correspondence analysis, autecological metrics and indicator‐species analysis in order to identify the major environmental gradients influencing community variation.
  • 2 Ionic composition and major nutrient [i.e. nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)] concentration of surface waters, salinity (Na‐Cl type), substratum type and physiognomic form of dominant species were primary factors contributing to variation in benthic‐algal assemblages of the basin. Basin geology was a significant contributing factor, but the explained variance associated with this factor was less than that related to land use.
  • 3 Proportions of algal biomass consisting of cyanophytes, filamentous chlorophytes, halophilic diatoms and diatoms which utilize nitrogen heterotrophically were greater in eutrophic river segments than in less nutrient‐enriched segments. Composition of the benthic flora indicated meso‐eutrophic or eutrophic conditions throughout the basin; there were few diatoms indicative of hypertrophic waters. Shifts in diatom‐assemblage structure in response to nutrient loading provided an incomplete representation of the community‐response curve.
  • 4 A weighted‐averages regression model based on total P and benthic‐algal abundances (all divisions included) yielded a highly significant correlation (r2 = 0.83) between species‐inferred [WA(tol)] and observed total P, with systematic bias (increased deviation of residuals) occurring only at concentrations greater than ~ 1.0 mg L?1 total P. This result indicates that total P regression and calibration models can be predictable for a river basin receiving excessive loadings of phosphorus.

Climate change will not only shift environmental means but will also increase the intensity of extreme events, exerting additional stress on ecosystems. While field observations on the ecological consequences of heat waves are emerging, experimental evidence is rare, and lacking at the community level. Using a novel “near‐natural” outdoor mesocosms approach, this study tested whether marine summer heat waves have detrimental consequences for macrofauna of a temperate coastal community, and whether sequential heat waves provoke an increase or decrease of sensitivity to thermal stress. Three treatments were applied, defined and characterized through a statistical analysis of 15 years of temperature records from the experimental site: (1) no heat wave, (2) two heat waves in June and July followed by a summer heat wave in August and (3) the summer heat wave only. Overall, 50% of the species showed positive, negative or positive/negative responses in either abundance and/or biomass. We highlight four possible ways in which single species responded to either three subsequent heat waves or one summer heat wave: (1) absence of a response (tolerance, 50% of species), (2) negative accumulative effects by three subsequent heat waves (tellinid bivalve), (3) buffering by proceeding heat waves due to acclimation and/or shifts in phenology (spionid polychaete) and (4) an accumulative positive effect by subsequent heat waves (amphipod). The differential responses to single or sequential heat waves at the species level entailed shifts at the community level. Community‐level differences between single and triple heat waves were more pronounced than those between regimes with vs. without heat waves. Detritivory was reduced by the single heat wave while suspension feeding was less common in the triple heat wave regime. Critical extreme events occur already today and will occur more frequently in a changing climate, thus, leading to detrimental impacts on coastal marine systems.  相似文献   

  • 1 Several studies have shown that land use has a strong influence on river chemistry and its biotic components. Most of these studies focused on nitrogen in temperate American and European catchments. Much less is known about the relationship between stream conditions and land use in tropical areas of developing countries.
  • 2 Besides climate, there are three important differences between attributes of temperate and tropical catchments: non‐point sources are the dominant contributor of pollution in USA, whereas point source pollution is the most important in our study; use of fertilizer is much smaller in developing countries, and the type of agriculture and management practices are distinct.
  • 3 We test whether the chemical composition of streams and their macroinvertebrate communities can be related to land use. Accordingly, we compared the variability of chemical composition and macroinvertebrate communities in the streams of two catchments (Pisca and Cabras) belonging to the same ecoregion, but having different types of land use.
  • 4 The main land use in the Pisca catchment in 1993 was sugar cane (62%), followed by pasture (22%) and urban centres (10%). In contrast, the main land use in the Cabras catchment was pasture (60%), followed by annual crops (13%) and forest (10%); urban centres occupied only 2% of the catchment.
  • 5 In the Cabras catchment, most of the parameters correlated with a land use index (LUI) ( Fig. 2 ). However, only conductivity, major cations and major anions (with exception of sulfate) had a statistically significant correlation coefficient. More than 90% of the variance was explained for these parameters. DIC, NO3 and richness of invertebrates (RI) also strongly correlated with LUI (R2 = 0.75), although these correlation coefficients were not significant. Total suspended solids (TSS) had a significant correlation with LUI (R2 = 0.98), but, the correlation was inverse. In the Pisca catchment, conductivity, major cations (with exception of potassium), major anions, and DIC, DO, and DOC had a strong and statistically significant correlation with LUI. Correlation coefficients were also high for respiration rate, although the correlation was not statistically significant.
Figure 2 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Relationships between variables and LUI (land use index) for the Cabras (closed circle) and Pisca (open circle) catchments. Both catchment were pooled together in this figure, however, statistical tests were performed separately for each catchment.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of benthic foraminifera are high in intertidal rocky‐shore habitats. However, the availability of food to support their high biomass has been poorly studied in these habitats compared to those at seafloor covered by sediments. Previous field and laboratory observations have suggested that there is diversity in the food preferences and modes of life among rocky‐shore benthic foraminifera. In this study, we used the stable nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids to estimate the trophic position, trophic niche, and feeding strategy of individual foraminifera species. We also characterized the configuration and structure of the endobiotic microalgae in foraminifera using transmission electron microscopy, and we identified the origin of endobionts based on nucleotide sequences. Our results demonstrated a large variation in the trophic positions of different foraminifera from the same habitat, a reflection of endobiotic features and the different modes of life and food preferences of the foraminifera. Foraminifera did not rely solely on exogenous food sources. Some species effectively used organic matter derived from endobionts in the cell cytoplasm. The high biomass and species density of benthic foraminifera found in intertidal rocky‐shore habitats are thus probably maintained by the use of multiple nitrogen resources and by microhabitat segregation among species as a consequence.  相似文献   

1. We used observational and experimental field studies together with an individual‐based simulation model to demonstrate that behaviours of mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) were broadly consistent with the expectations of Giving‐Up Density theory and an Ideal Pre‐emptive Distribution habitat selection model. 2. Specifically we found that: (i) adult mottled sculpin established territories within patches characterised by significantly higher prey densities and prey renewal rates than patches occupied by juveniles or randomly selected patches; (ii) patches abandoned by adult sculpin possessed significantly lower prey densities than newly occupied patches, although this was not true for juveniles; (iii) the observed giving‐up density (GUD) for adult sculpin (i.e. average prey density in patches recently abandoned) increased linearly with increasing fish size up to the average prey density measured in randomly selected patches (i.e. 350 prey items per 0.1 m2) and decreased with increasing sculpin density and (iv) juveniles rapidly shifted their distribution towards the highest quality patches following removal of competitively dominant adult sculpin. 3. These results provide the first evidence of the applicability of GUD theory to a stream‐dwelling organism, and they elucidate the underlying factors influencing juvenile and adult sculpin habitat selection and movement behaviours. Furthermore, optimal patch use, ideal pre‐emptive habitat selection and juvenile ‘floating’ provide behavioural mechanisms linking environmental heterogeneity in the stream benthos to density‐dependent regulation of mottled sculpin populations in this system.  相似文献   

Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the variability in anatoxin‐a (ATX) and homoanatoxin‐a (HTX) concentrations in benthic cyanobacterial mats within sampling sites and to assess the applicability of using a PCR‐based approach to determine ATX‐ and HTX‐production potential. Methods and Results: ATX and HTX variability was investigated by collecting 15 samples from 10 × 10 m grids in seven rivers. ATX and HTX concentrations were determined using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Samples from two sites contained no ATX or HTX and at one site ATX and HTX were detected in all samples. At four sites, both toxic and nontoxic samples co‐occurred and these samples were sometimes spaced less than 1 m apart. PCR amplification of a region of a polyketide synthase (ks2, putatively involved in the biosynthetic pathway of ATX and HTX) successfully distinguished ATX‐and‐HTX‐ and non‐ATX‐and‐HTX‐producing cultured Phormidium strains. Results from environmental samples were more variable, and the results were in congruence with the LC–MS data in only 58% of samples. Conclusions: Fine‐scale spatial variability in ATX and HTX concentrations occurs among benthic cyanobacterial mats. Significance and Impact of the Study: Multiple benthic cyanobacterial mat samples must be collected at a sampling site to provide an accurate assessment of ATX and HTX concentrations at that location. The PCR‐based technique offers the potential to be a useful early warning technique.  相似文献   

J. Scullion  A. Sinton 《Hydrobiologia》1983,107(3):261-269
Artificial discharges of water from reservoirs caused a six-fold and three-fold increase in discharge in the R. Tywi and R. Elan respectively but did not significantly alter particle size composition (by weight) and the porosity of the substratum or the organic matter content of fine particles (<0.5 mm). Freshets in both rivers resulted in a consistent, though not significant, reduction in total densities of invertebrates and the densities of many major taxa and abundant species. During the freshet in the R. Elan, maximum concentration and total load of suspended solids were about 11 and 35 times greater than pre-release values respectively while invertebrate drift was dominated by Chironomidae (65%) and Plecoptera (25%). Total numbers and densities of drifting chironomids increased immediately in response to the flow increase; in contrast, numbers and densities of plecopterans increased later, during the night.  相似文献   

1. Ecosystems are strongly influenced by land use practices. However, identifying the mechanisms behind these influences is complicated by the many potential pathways (often indirect) between land use and ecosystems and by the long‐lasting effects of past land use. To support ecosystem restoration and conservation efforts, we need to better understand these indirect and lasting effects. 2. We constructed structural equation models (SEM) to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of contemporary (2002) land use (agriculture and development) and change in land use from 1952 to 2002 on present‐day streams (n = 190) in Maryland, U.S.A. Additional variables examined included site location, system size, altitude, per cent sand in soils, riparian condition, habitat quality, stream water NO3‐N and benthic macroinvertebrate and fish measures of stream condition. Our first SEM (2002 Land Use) included the proportions of contemporary agriculture and development in catchments in the model. The second SEM (Land Use Change) included five measures of land use change (proportion agricultural in both times, developed in both times, agricultural in 1952 and developed in 2002, forested in 1952 and developed in 2002 and agricultural in 1952 and forested in 2002). 3. The data set fit both SEMs well. The 2002 Land Use model explained 71% of variation in NO3‐N and 55%, 42% and 38% of variation in riffle quality, macroinvertebrate condition and fish condition, respectively. The Land Use Change model explained similar amounts of variation in NO3‐N (R2 = 0.72), riffle quality (R2 = 0.57) and macroinvertebrate condition (R2 = 0.44) but slightly more variation in fish condition (R2 = 0.43). 4. Both models identified pathways through which landscape variables affect stream responses, including negative direct effects of latitude on macroinvertebrate and fish conditions and positive direct and indirect effects of altitude on NO3‐N, riffle quality and macroinvertebrate and fish conditions. The 2002 Land Use model showed contemporary development and agriculture had positive total effects on NO3‐N (both through direct pathways); contemporary development had negative effects on macroinvertebrate condition. The Land Use Change model showed that contemporary developed land that was forested in 1952 had no effects on NO3‐N; current developed land that was developed or agricultural in 1952 showed positive effects on NO3‐N. Forests that were agricultural in 1952 had negative effects on NO3‐N, suggesting reduced NO3‐N export with reforestation. The Land Use Change model also showed negative total effects of all types of contemporary developed land (developed, agricultural or forested in 1952) on benthic condition. Developed land that was forested in 1952 had negative effects on fish condition. Forest sites that were agricultural in 1952 had negative effects on fish and macroinvertebrate conditions, suggesting a long‐term imprint of abandoned agriculture in stream communities. 5. Our analyses (i) identified multiple indirect effects of contemporary land use on streams, (ii) showed that current land uses with different land use histories can exhibit different effects on streams and (iii) demonstrated an imprint of land use lasting >50 years. Knowledge of these indirect and long‐term effects of land use will help to conserve and restore streams.  相似文献   

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