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Summary The frequency of pseudocholinesterase variants controlled by the E1- and E2-locus have been determined in serum samples from Germany, zechoslovakia, Finland and from Laps.Bluttransfusionsdienst der Universitätskliniken, Hamburg, Germany.Blutspendedienst Baden-Württemberg, Baden-Baden, Germany.  相似文献   

There are indications that a persistent seed bank can protect small and isolated plant populations from local extinction. Genetic mechanisms contributing to this phenomenon are the increase of local effective population size – and hence the decrease of genetic drift – through a reservoir of persistent seeds, and the accumulation of intergenerational genetic diversity in the seed bank. To find evidence for these mechanisms, we conducted two formal meta-analyses. First, we analyzed 42 published habitat fragmentation studies and investigated whether the degree of genetic differentiation between fragmented plant populations was mediated by seed longevity. Second, we reviewed 13 published studies reporting the genetic diversity of both the seed bank and the above ground plants, aiming at comparing genetic diversity contained in the seed bank with the above ground vegetation. We conclude that a persistent seed bank may indeed mitigate the consequences of habitat fragmentation and protect a species from genetic drift and population genetic differentiation. We found no evidence, however, of high levels of genetic diversity accumulating in the soil seed bank. If genetic differences are present between the standing crop and the seed bank, they are very likely the result of local selection acting either directly or indirectly as a filter on the alleles present in the seed bank. We finally suggest that 1) the role of the seed bank should not be neglected in habitat fragmentation studies and 2) it is not very fruitful to continue comparing seed bank genetic diversity with above ground plant genetic diversity, unless this is performed under different selection regimes.  相似文献   


Key message

A large genetic variation, moderately high heritability, and promising prediction ability for genomic selection show that wheat breeding can substantially reduce the acrylamide forming potential in bread wheat by a reduction in its precursor asparagine.


Acrylamide is a potentially carcinogenic substance that is formed in baked products of wheat via the Maillard reaction from carbonyl sources and asparagine. In bread, the acrylamide content increases almost linearly with the asparagine content of the wheat grains. Our objective was, therefore, to investigate the potential of wheat breeding to contribute to a reduction in acrylamide by decreasing the asparagine content in wheat grains. To this end, we evaluated 149 wheat varieties from Central Europe at three locations for asparagine content, as well as for sulfur content, and five important quality traits regularly assessed in bread wheat breeding. The mean asparagine content ranged from 143.25 to 392.75 mg/kg for the different wheat varieties, thus underlining the possibility to reduce the acrylamide content of baked wheat products considerably by selecting appropriate varieties. Furthermore, a moderately high heritability of 0.65 and no negative correlations with quality traits like protein content, sedimentation volume and falling number show that breeding of quality wheat with low asparagine content is feasible. Genome-wide association mapping identified few QTL for asparagine content, the largest explaining 18% of the genotypic variance. Combining these QTL with a genome-wide prediction approach yielded a mean cross-validated prediction ability of 0.62. As we observed a high genotype-by-environment interaction for asparagine content, we recommend the costly and slow laboratory analysis only for late breeding generations, while selection in early generations could be based on marker-assisted or genomic selection.

Bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by disruptions in circadian rhythms such as sleep and daily activity that often normalize after lithium treatment in responsive patients. As lithium is known to interact with the circadian clock, we hypothesized that variation in circadian 'clock genes' would be associated with lithium response in BD. We determined genotype for 16 variants in seven circadian clock genes and conducted a candidate gene association study of these in 282 Caucasian patients with BD who were previously treated with lithium. We found that a variant in the promoter of NR1D1 encoding Rev-Erbα (rs2071427) and a second variant in CRY1 (rs8192440) were nominally associated with good treatment response. Previous studies have shown that lithium regulates Rev-Erbα protein stability by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β). We found that GSK3β genotype was also suggestive of a lithium response association, but not statistically significant. However, when GSK3β and NR1D1 genotypes were considered together, they predicted lithium response robustly and additively in proportion to the number of response-associated alleles. Using lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients with BD, we found that both the NR1D1 and GSK3β variants are associated with functional differences in gene expression. Our findings support a role for Rev-Erbα in the therapeutic mechanism of lithium and suggest that the interaction between Rev-Erbα and GSK3β may warrant further study.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated (1) the combined effects of simulated defoliation and below-ground herbivory (BGH) on the biomass and nitrogen content of tillers and roots of the bunchgrass Muhlenbergia quadridentata and (2) the effect of defoliation on the survival of third-instar root-feeder larvae of Phyllophaga sp. The experiment was performed in a pine forest area at an altitude of 3200 m above sea level. The grass and the root-feeder species were native and dominant in the understory and in the macroarthropod root-feeder communities, respectively. Plants were established in pots in the field and were subjected to the following treatments in a factorial design: simulated defoliation (three levels) and BGH (with or without root-feeder larvae) with ten replicates per treatment. Plants were defoliated three times at 2-month intervals. The interaction between defoliation and root herbivory was significant for all components of plant biomass. In every case, light defoliation with BGH decreased live above-ground, root and total plant biomass, and the number of live tillers by more than 50% with respect to the same defoliation level without root-feeders. Plants apparently did not compensate for the carbon drain by root-feeders when a high proportion of older leaves were not removed by defoliation. Plants under heavy defoliation were not affected by the presence of root-feeders and showed a greater live/dead above-ground biomass ratio than lightly defoliated and control plants. Defoliation and BGH did not change tiller and root N concentrations but root herbivores did decrease live-tiller N content in lightly defoliated plants. Root-feeders but not defoliation decreased the root/shoot ratio by 40% and the live/dead above-ground biomass ratio by 45% through increased tiller mortality. Survivorship and final biomass of Phyllophaga sp. larvae were not affected by defoliation treatments during the 6-month study period. Received: 17 May 1996 / Accepted: 1 November 1996  相似文献   

Xiao  Tingting  Boada  Roberto  Marini  Carlo  Llugany  Mercè  Valiente  Manuel 《Plant and Soil》2020,453(1-2):409-422
Plant and Soil - Plant volatiles serve as airborne semiochemicals, bridging the interactions between the plant and environment. Intercropping of a Chinese medicinal herb, Atractylodes lancea, with...  相似文献   

Ancient managed landscapes provide ideal opportunities to assess the consequences of habitat fragmentation on the patterns of genetic diversity and gene flow in long-lived plant species. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and allozyme markers, we quantified seed-mediated gene flow and population genetic diversity and structure in 14 populations of Myrtus communis (myrtle), a common endozoochorous shrub species of forest patches in lowland agricultural Mediterranean areas. Overall, allozyme diversity for myrtle was low (P95   =   25%; A   =   1.411; He = 0.085) compared to other known populations, and a significant portion of populations (57%) had lower levels of allelic diversity and/or heterozygosity than expected at random, as shown by simulated resampling of the whole diversity of the landscape. We found significant correlations between allozyme variability and population size and patch isolation, but no significant inbreeding in any population. Genetic differentiation among populations for both allozyme and AFLP markers was significant (ΦST = 0.144 and ΦST = 0.142, respectively) but an isolation-by-distance pattern was not detected. Assignment tests on AFLP data indicated a high immigration rate in the populations ( ca. 20–22%), likely through effective seed dispersal across the landscape by birds and mammals. Our results suggest that genetic isolation is not the automatic outcome of habitat destruction since substantial levels of seed-mediated gene flow are currently detectable. However, even moderate rates of gene flow seem insufficient in this long-lived species to counteract the genetic erosion and differentiation imposed by chronic habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA provides a potentially revolutionary way to study biological relationships in prehistoric populations, but genetic patterns are complex and require careful interpretation based on robust, well-tested models. In this study, nuclear and mitochondrial markers were compared in the Yanomam?, to assess how well each data set could differentiate among closely related groups. The villages selected for the study share a recent fission history and are closely related to each other, as would likely be the case among prehistoric peoples living in the same valley or region. The Yanomam? generally practice village-level endogamy, but some migration and gene flow are known to occur between villages. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data were compared using F-statistics and genetic distance analyses. The nuclear data performed as expected, males and females from the same village were similar, and the villages were genetically distinct, with the magnitude of genetic differences correlated with historical relationship. However, mtDNA analyses did not yield the expected results. The genetic distances between villages did not correlate with historical relationship, and the sexes were significantly different from each other in two villages. Both the Lane and Sublett and the Spence methods, used to test for archaeological residence patterns, were consistent with endogamy. Hence, ancient DNA can, in principle, provide us with a unique opportunity to study genetic structure and gene flow in archaeological populations. However, interpretations, particularly those based on single loci such as mitochondrial DNA, should be cautious because sex-specific migration and sampling issues may have dramatic effects.  相似文献   

Abstract Conceptual models of terrestrial trophic dynamics have emphasized the potential influence of various abiotic factors, though empirical studies have found generalities to be scarce. Progress may result through an increased use of experimental gradients in tandem with existing, natural gradients of abiotic factors that are more difficult to manipulate. Along an elevation/climatic gradient, a fertilization experiment was conducted to examine the impact of environmentally induced variation in foliar nitrogen on tri-trophic interactions for Phyllonorycter sp., a leaf-miner (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), in Rocky Mountain white oak, Quercus gambelii. Microclimate determined the relative effect of host-plant and natural-enemy effects for Phyllonorycter sp. Cooler, more humid microclimates resulted in a higher biomass payoff (total biomass/density). Further, increased seasonal variation in foliar nitrogen content at warmer, drier sites significantly increased parasitism rates. Fertilization treatments increased foliar nitrogen content and resulted in increased early-instar mortality. Fertilization treatment also acted in a non-linear fashion with microclimate to influence spatial patterns in parasitism rates. Overall, microclimate was found to affect characteristics of each trophic level, including host-plant nitrogen dynamics, Phyllonorycter sp. performance, and parasitism rates. Additionally, nutrient availability altered patterns of parasitoid-related mortality in Phyllonorycter sp. within microclimates. These results suggest that local topographic variation in combinations of abiotic factors, or abiotic mosaics, has important effects for spatial patterns of tri-trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Kumar  Roshan  Bisht  Naveen C. 《Plant molecular biology》2020,104(4-5):549-560
Plant Molecular Biology - Two BjuGα proteins exhibit conserved GTP-binding and GTP-hydrolysis activities, and function in maintaining overall plant architecture and controlling multiple...  相似文献   

Sun  Qingshen  Liu  Xinyang  Zhang  Yanyan  Song  Yong  Ma  Xiuyan  Shi  Yue  Li  Xiuliang 《Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins》2020,12(2):535-544
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - This paper aims to study the effects of compound microbe-based beads on changes in the intestinal microbiota and alleviation of high-fat (HF)...  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the genetic diversity of 39 determinate and indeterminate tomato inbred lines collected from China, Japan, S. Korea, and USA. Using 35 SSR polymorphic markers, a total of 150 alleles were found with moderate levels of diversity, and a high number of unique alleles existing in these tomato lines. The mean number of alleles per locus was 4.3 and the average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.31. Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) clustering at genetic similarity value of 0.85 grouped the inbred lines into four groups, where one USA cultivar formed a separate and more distant cluster. The most similar inbred lines are from USA, both with determinate type, whereas the most different lines are from USA (Us-16) and Japan (Ja-2) with determinate and indeterminate growth habit, respectively. Clustering was consistent with the known information regarding geographical location and growth habit. The genetic distance information reported in this study might be used by breeders when planning future crosses among these inbred lines.  相似文献   

Wall polysaccharide chemistry varies phylogenetically, suggesting a need for variation in wall enzymes. Although plants possess the genes for numerous putative enzymes acting on wall carbohydrates, the activities of the encoded proteins often remain conjectural. To explore phylogenetic differences in demonstrable enzyme activities, we extracted proteins from 57 rapidly growing plant organs with three extractants, and assayed their ability to act on six oligosaccharides ‘modelling’ selected cell‐wall polysaccharides. Based on reaction products, we successfully distinguished exo‐ and endo‐hydrolases and found high taxonomic variation in all hydrolases screened: β‐d ‐xylosidase, endo‐(1→4)‐β‐d ‐xylanase, β‐d ‐mannosidase, endo‐(1→4)‐β‐d ‐mannanase, α‐d ‐xylosidase, β‐d ‐galactosidase, α‐l ‐arabinosidase and α‐l ‐fucosidase. The results, as GHATAbase, a searchable compendium in Excel format, also provide a compilation for selecting rich sources of enzymes acting on wall carbohydrates. Four of the hydrolases were accompanied, sometimes exceeded, by transglycosylase activities, generating products larger than the substrate. For example, during β‐xylosidase assays on (1→4)‐β‐d ‐xylohexaose (Xyl6), Marchantia, Selaginella and Equisetum extracts gave negligible free xylose but approximately equimolar Xyl5 and Xyl7, indicating trans‐β‐xylosidase activity, also found in onion, cereals, legumes and rape. The yield of Xyl9 often exceeded that of Xyl7–8, indicating that β‐xylanase was accompanied by an endotransglycosylase activity, here called trans‐β‐xylanase, catalysing the reaction 2Xyl6→ Xyl3 + Xyl9. Similar evidence also revealed trans‐α‐xylosidase, trans‐α‐arabinosidase and trans‐α‐arabinanase activities acting on xyloglucan oligosaccharides and (1→5)‐α‐l ‐arabino‐oligosaccharides. In conclusion, diverse plants differ dramatically in extractable enzymes acting on wall carbohydrate, reflecting differences in wall polysaccharide composition. Besides glycosidase and glycanase activities, five new transglycosylase activities were detected. We propose that such activities function in the assembly and re‐structuring of the wall matrix.  相似文献   

The German Federal State of Saxony aims to increase forest cover, supported by the implementation of afforestation programs. To analyze consequences of an increase in forest cover, this study investigates possible trade-offs between carbon storage and plant biodiversity caused by afforestation. Six afforestation scenarios with total forest cover ranging from 27.7% to 46% were generated in the Mulde river basin in Saxony with regard to different forest types. Carbon storage was calculated by the process-based Dynamic Vegetation Model LPJ-GUESS while random forest models were used to predict changes in plant species richness. We used eight different plant groups as responses: total number of plant species, endangered species, as well as species grouped by native status (three groups) and pollination traits (three groups). Afforestation led to an increase in carbon storage that was slightly stronger in coniferous forests as compared to deciduous forests. The relationship between plant species richness and afforestation was context dependent. Species richness showed a non-linear relationship with forest cover share. The relationship was influenced by shares of land use types, climatic conditions and land use configuration expressed by the number of land use patches. The effect of forest type on plant species richness was marginal. On average the relationship between carbon storage and plant species richness was synergistic for most plant groups. However, the relationship between change in species richness and change in carbon storage varied across space. This changing relationship was used to identify priority areas for afforestation. The different plant groups responded differently to an increase in forest cover. The change in species richness for Red List species was relatively distinct from the other species groups. Neophytes and archeophytes (i.e. alien plant species introduced after and before the discovery of the Americas) showed a similar response to the afforestation scenarios. While afforestation had overall positive effects both on plant species richness and carbon storage, a number of locations were identified for which afforestation would lead to a decrease in plant species richness. Spatial planning should therefore avoid afforestation at these locations.  相似文献   

In Mexico and elsewhere in the Caribbean, the queen conch Strombus gigas is an endangered species. Understanding the genetic connectivity of their populations will support management strategies for long-term conservation of the species. Genetic diversity and population differentiation was assessed from samples collected at Banco Chinchorro and Isla Cozumel in the Mexican Caribbean and at Arrecife Alacranes in the Gulf of Mexico. Samples were obtained from the commercial capture at Banco Chinchorro (n = 50) and Isla Cozumel (n = 40) on March 2004. On November 2004, a non-invasive method for the Arrecife Alacranes sampling was applied, taking the hemolymph of live animals (n = 65) and releasing them to the wild. The mitochondrial DNA variation at two genes (COI and Cyt-b) was analyzed. Genetic diversity at the three locations ranged between 0.55-0.65 in COI and 0.87-0.94 in Cyt-b, showing no bottleneck evidences. A non-significant fixation index (F(ST) = 0.019, p = 0.161) and a Maximum Parsimony Network tree that did not show particular clades associated with any of the geographical locations, suggested a lack of statistically significant genetic differentiation among populations. Nevertheless, the cline patterns observed in both genetic diversity and haplotypic frequencies from Banco Chinchorro through Arrecife Alacranes, and the larger genetic distance between these locations from those between Isla Cozumel, Banco Chinchorro and Arrecife Alacranes, suggest the possibility of a pattern of isolation-by distance. The role of the main current systems over the potential genetic differences in S. gigas populations along the Mexican Caribbean, and the conservation management of S. gigas at these locations as discrete units is discussed.  相似文献   

Rubus alceifolius Poiret (Rosaceae) was introduced to the island of Réunion in the southeastern Indian Ocean about 1850 and is now highly invasive. This bramble, native from southeastern Asia and Malaysia, has invaded a wide variety of habitats (lowland rainforest, mountain and submountain rainforest, Acacia heterophylla rainforest) from sea level to 1700 m. It is suspected to be monoclonal so, its remarkable success may be due in part to great phenotypic plasticity. On Réunion, bud, flower, fruit and seed production, the duration of the flowering period and the importance of the seed bank were found to be negatively correlated with elevation (50-1500 m a.s.l.). At a lowland site, fruit production in mature stands averaged between 30 and 80 fruits/m2 during 1999 and 2000. No fruit set occurred above 1100 m. This fruit production pattern was similar over two years. Although the number of leaves per unit area is similar along the whole gradient studied, decrease of fruit set in upland areas might be compensated for by an increase in vegetative growth. Temperature variation is very sharp along the elevation gradient and may control the fruit and the seed production. Fruit production allows establishment of new populations all around the island via bird dissemination. Once established, R. alceifolius maintains dense patches that can grow vegetatively. Our results may be relevant for eradication programs that should take into account variation in reproductive strategy in lowland vs. highland habitats.  相似文献   

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid in exploring the role of direct plant defence, through the production of allelochemicals, on the performance of parasitoid wasps and their hosts. However, few studies have determined if parasitoids can detect differences in plant quality and thus preferentially attack hosts on which their progeny develop most successfully. In this study we examined the development and preference of two endoparasitoids, Diadegma semiclausum and Cotesia glomerata , developing in larvae of their respective hosts, Plutella xylostella and Pieris brassicae . In turn, these were reared on different wild populations of black mustard Brassica nigra originating in the Netherlands and Sicily (Italy), as well as single cultivated strains of B. nigra and brown mustard, B. juncea . Chemical analyses of foliar glucosinolates and volatile emissions by P. xylostella -damaged plants revealed large differences between B. nigra and B. juncea plants, with smaller differences among the B. nigra populations. The four mustard populations differentially affected development time and body mass of the herbivores and parasitoids. Contrasts among the means revealed significant differences mainly between B. nigra and B. juncea . Both parasitoids, however, preferred to alight on plants in which their progeny developed most successfully. In behavioural bioassays, D. semiclausum did not discriminate among the B. nigra populations and preferred to alight on B. juncea , which was the best plant population for parasitoid development. By contrast, C. glomerata females exhibited the lowest preference for Italian B. nigra populations, on which adult parasitoid size was the smallest. These results reveal that parasitoids can detect even small differences in plant quality presumably through their volatile blends and that plant preference and offspring performance in the two species are 'optimally synchronized'.  相似文献   

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