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Organisms featuring wide trait variability and occurring in a wide range of habitats, such as the ovoviviparous New Zealand freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum, are ideal models to study adaptation. Since the mid‐19th century, P. antipodarum, characterized by extremely variable shell morphology, has successfully invaded aquatic areas on four continents. Because these obligately and wholly asexual invasive populations harbor low genetic diversity compared to mixed sexual/asexual populations in the native range, we hypothesized that (1) this phenotypic variation in the invasive range might be adaptive with respect to colonization of novel habitats, and (2) that at least some of the variation might be caused by phenotypic plasticity. We surveyed 425 snails from 21 localities across northwest Europe to attempt to disentangle genetic and environmental effects on shell morphology. We analyzed brood size as proxy for fitness and shell geometric morphometrics, while controlling for genetic background. Our survey revealed 10 SNP genotypes nested into two mtDNA haplotypes and indicated that mainly lineage drove variation in shell shape but not size. Physicochemical parameters affected both shell shape and size and the interaction of these traits with brood size. In particular, stronger stream flow rates were associated with larger shells. Our measurements of brood size suggested that relatively larger slender snails with relatively large apertures were better adapted to strong flow than counterparts with broader shells and relatively small apertures. In conclusion, the apparent potential to modify shell morphology plays likely a key role in the invasive success of P. antipodarum; the two main components of shell morphology, namely shape and size, being differentially controlled, the former mainly genetically and the latter predominantly by phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Adaptation to heterogeneous environments can occur via phenotypic plasticity, but how often this occurs is unknown. Reciprocal transplant studies provide a rich dataset to address this issue in plant populations because they allow for a determination of the prevalence of plastic versus canalized responses. From 31 reciprocal transplant studies, we quantified the frequency of five possible evolutionary patterns: (1) canalized response–no differentiation: no plasticity, the mean phenotypes of the populations are not different; (2) canalized response–population differentiation: no plasticity, the mean phenotypes of the populations are different; (3) perfect adaptive plasticity: plastic responses with similar reaction norms between populations; (4) adaptive plasticity: plastic responses with parallel, but not congruent reaction norms between populations; and (5) nonadaptive plasticity: plastic responses with differences in the slope of the reaction norms. The analysis included 362 records: 50.8% life‐history traits, 43.6% morphological traits, and 5.5% physiological traits. Across all traits, 52% of the trait records were not plastic, and either showed no difference in means across sites (17%) or differed among sites (83%). Among the 48% of trait records that showed some sort of plasticity, 49.4% showed perfect adaptive plasticity, 19.5% adaptive plasticity, and 31% nonadaptive plasticity. These results suggest that canalized responses are more common than adaptive plasticity as an evolutionary response to environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A modular concept of phenotypic plasticity in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on empirical evidence from the literature we propose that, in nature, phenotypic plasticity in plants is usually expressed at a subindividual level. While reaction norms (i.e. the type and the degree of plant responses to environmental variation) are a property of genotypes, they are expressed at the level of modular subunits in most plants. We thus contend that phenotypic plasticity is not a whole-plant response, but a property of individual meristems, leaves, branches and roots, triggered by local environmental conditions. Communication and behavioural integration of interconnected modules can change the local responses in different ways: it may enhance or diminish local plastic effects, thereby increasing or decreasing the differences between integrated modules exposed to different conditions. Modular integration can also induce qualitatively different responses, which are not expressed if all modules experience the same conditions. We propose that the response of a plant to its environment is the sum of all modular responses to their local conditions plus all interaction effects that are due to integration. The local response rules to environmental variation, and the modular interaction rules may be seen as evolving traits targeted by natural selection. Following this notion, whole-plant reaction norms are an integrative by-product of modular plasticity, which has far-reaching methodological, ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is essential for plant adaptation to changing environments but some factors limit its expression, causing plants to fail in producing the best phenotype for a given environment. Phenotypic integration refers to the pattern and magnitude of character correlations and it might play a role as an internal constraint to phenotypic plasticity. We tested the hypothesis that phenotypic integration – estimated as the number of significant phenotypic correlations between traits – constrains phenotypic plasticity of plants. The rationale is that, for any phenotypic trait, the more linked with other traits it is, the more limited is its range of variation. In the perennial species Convolvulus chilensis (Convolvulaceae) and Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) we determined the relationship between phenotypic plasticity to relevant environmental factors – shading for C. chilensis and drought for L. alba– and the magnitude of phenotypic integration of morphological and biomass allocation traits. In C. chilensis plants, plasticity to shading of a given trait decreased with the number of significant correlations that it had with the other traits. Likewise, the characters that showed greater plasticity to experimental drought in L. alba plants had fewer significant phenotypic correlations with other characters. We report a novel limit to phenotypic plasticity of plants by showing that the phenotypic trait architecture may constrain their plastic, functional responses to the environment.  相似文献   

Constraints on the evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high potential fitness benefit of phenotypic plasticity tempts us to expect phenotypic plasticity as a frequent adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. Examples of proven adaptive plasticity in plants, however, are scarce and most plastic responses actually may be 'passive' rather than adaptive. This suggests that frequently requirements for the evolution of adaptive plasticity are not met or that such evolution is impeded by constraints. Here we outline requirements and potential constraints for the evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, identify open questions, and propose new research approaches. Important open questions concern the genetic background of plasticity, genetic variation in plasticity, selection for plasticity in natural habitats, and the nature and occurrence of costs and limits of plasticity. Especially promising tools to address these questions are selection gradient analysis, meta-analysis of studies on genotype-by-environment interactions, QTL analysis, cDNA-microarray scanning and quantitative PCR to quantify gene expression, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to quantify protein expression. Studying plasticity along the pathway from gene expression to the phenotype and its relationship with fitness will help us to better understand why adaptive plasticity is not more universal, and to more realistically predict the evolution of plastic responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

The adaptiveness of plasticity of digestive enzyme responses to allelochemical stress was tested on 32 full-sib families of gypsy moth larvae from an oak forest population (the Quercus population) and 26 families from a locust-tree forest (the Robinia population), reared either on control diet, or on tannin-supplemented diet. Using the duration of larval development as an indirect measure of fitness, phenotypic selection analyses revealed that lower specific activities of total proteases and trypsin, and higher specific activity of leucine aminopeptidase were adaptive for both populations in the control environment. Plasticity was only shown to be costly for total proteases and trypsin activity in Quercus larvae. In a stressful environment, the most apparent adaptive response was a significant increase in lipase activity. There was no plasticity cost for lipase activity. The two populations differed in the direction of selection acting on α-glucosidase activity, which favoured decreased activity in Quercus larvae and increased activity in Robinia larvae in the control environment. α-glucosidase activity in Quercus larvae is characterized by cost of homeostasis, while cost of plasticity was shown for Robinia larvae. The results obtained on the plasticity of digestive enzyme activity indicate how this generalist species copes with variation in plant allelochemicals.  相似文献   

水生植物是一类以草本植物为主、与水紧密相关的生态类群, 大多数具有克隆性。面对水环境的变化, 水生植物在形态、行为和生理上表现出多样化的表型可塑性, 对异质生境具有很强的适应能力。表型可塑性研究已在陆生植物的多个类群展开, 然而目前对异质生境下水生植物的生态适应对策, 尤其是表型可塑性的研究尚重视不够。本文在阐明克隆植物表型可塑性主要实现方式及其关系、水生环境异质性及其特点的基础上, 重点从形态可塑性、觅食行为、克隆整合、克隆分工和风险分摊等5个方面讨论了水生植物如何通过表型可塑性适应异质性水生环境。在今后的水生植物表型可塑性研究中, 建议着重探讨以下问题: (1)表型可塑性的变化规律及机理; (2)克隆整合对群落和生态系统的影响; (3)克隆整合与克隆片段化的权衡; (4)不同克隆构型的表型可塑性及其内在机制; (5)表型可塑性的适应性进化; (6)水生植物与其他类群/营养级物种的关系; (7)水生生态系统对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

Behavior and other forms of phenotypic plasticity potentially enable individuals to deal with novel situations. This implies that establishment of a population in a new environment is aided by plastic responses, as first suggested by Baldwin (1896). In the early 1980s, a small population of dark-eyed juncos from a temperate, montane environment became established in a Mediterranean climate in coastal San Diego. The breeding season of coastal juncos is more than twice as long as that of the ancestral population, and they fledge approximately twice as many young. We investigated the adaptive significance of the longer breeding season and its consequences for population persistence. Within the coastal population, individuals with longer breeding seasons have higher offspring production and recruitment, with no measured detrimental effects such as higher mortality or lower reproductive success the following year. Population size has remained approximately constant during the 6 years of study (1998-2003). The increase in reproductive effort in the coastal population contributes substantially to the persistence of this population because there is no evidence of density-dependent recruitment, which would otherwise negate the effects of increased fledgling production. These results provide the first quantitative support of Baldwin's proposition that plasticity can be crucial for population persistence during the early stages of colonization.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - We carried out immunoassay of plant hormones [indoleacetic acid (IAA), cytokinins and abscisic acid (ABA)] in the extracts from explants...  相似文献   

Plants need not participate passively in their own mating, despite their immobility and reliance on pollen vectors. Instead, plants may respond to their recent pollination experience by adjusting the number of flowers that they display simultaneously. Such responsiveness could arise from the dependence of floral display size on the longevity of individual flowers, which varies with pollination rate in many plant species. By hand-pollinating some inflorescences, but not others, we demonstrate plasticity in display size of the orchid Satyrium longicauda. Pollination induced flower wilting, but did not affect the opening of new flowers, so that within a few days pollinated inflorescences displayed fewer flowers than unpollinated inflorescences. During subsequent exposure to intensive natural pollination, pollen removal and receipt increased proportionally with increasing display size, whereas pollen-removal failure and self-pollination accelerated. Such benefit-cost relations allow plants that adjust display size in response to the prevailing pollination rate to increase their attractiveness when pollinators are rare (large displays), or to limit mating costs when pollinators are abundant (small displays). Seen from this perspective, pollination-induced flower wilting serves the entire plant by allowing it to display the number of flowers that is appropriate for the current pollination environment.  相似文献   

Jianhua Zhang 《Oecologia》1995,101(3):353-360
The composition, structure and dendroecology of a 320-year-old Pinus rigida rock outcrop community was studied in the Shawangunk Mountains of southeastern New York. This represents one of the oldest known examples of this forest type and it is located on one of the most extreme sites in the northeastern United States. P. rigida represented 88% of all sampled trees, which typically grew on individual soil islands with soil depths of 8–35 cm surrounded by exposed bedrock. The forest was uneven-aged and P. rigida exhibited continuous recruitment into the tree size classes since the late 1600s, suggesting that it represents a physiographic climax for this species. However, a limited amount of Nyssa sylvatica and Quercus prinus recruitment started after 1830. Peak recruitment of P. rigida trees in 1720–1760 and 1860–1890 coincided with parabolic-shaped releases in their radial growth, possibly in response to disturbances. Tree ring growth was typically <0.4 mm/year since the 1850s and <0.3 mm/year during a prolonged and severe drought in the 1960s. However, large increases in precipitation and temperature from 1970 to 1993 were correlated with a dramatic post-drought growth response producing the highest ring width index values throughout the life of 260 to 280-year-old trees. Thus, we attribute certain moderate growth releases (>50%) lasting 10–15 years to climate, rather than disturbance. Tree growth and recruitment at the study site were influenced by a complex interaction of climate, soil and disturbance factors. Coupling of species recruitment, tree ring and climatic data in this study provided an improved technique for understanding forest growth and dynamics.  相似文献   

Identifying mechanisms of adaptation to variable environments is essential in developing a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary dynamics in natural populations. Phenotypic plasticity allows for phenotypic change in response to changes in the environment, and as such may play a major role in adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. Here, the plasticity of stress response in Drosophila melanogaster originating from two distinct geographic regions and ecological habitats was examined. Adults were given a short‐term, 5‐day exposure to combinations of temperature and photoperiod to elicit a plastic response for three fundamental aspects of stress tolerance that vary adaptively with geography. This was replicated both in the laboratory and in outdoor enclosures in the field. In the laboratory, geographic origin was the primary determinant of the stress response. Temperature and the interaction between temperature and photoperiod also significantly affected stress resistance. In the outdoor enclosures, plasticity was distinct among traits and between geographic regions. These results demonstrate that short‐term exposure of adults to ecologically relevant environmental cues results in predictable effects on multiple aspects of fitness. These patterns of plasticity vary among traits and are highly distinct between the two examined geographic regions, consistent with patterns of local adaptation to climate and associated environmental parameters.  相似文献   

Many organisms have geographical distributions extending from the tropics to near polar regions or can experience up to 30°C temperature variation within the lifespan of an individual. Two forms of evolutionary adaptation to such wide ranges in ambient temperatures are frequently discussed: local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity. The freshwater planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna, whose range extends from South Africa to near arctic sites, shows strong phenotypic and genotypic variation in response to temperature. In this study, we use D. magna clones from 22 populations (one clone per population) ranging from latitude 0° (Kenya) to 66° North (White Sea) to explore the contributions of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation to high temperature tolerance. Temperature tolerance was studied as knockout time (time until immobilization, Timm) at 37°C in clones acclimatized to either 20°C or 28°C. Acclimatization to 28°C strongly increased Timm, testifying to adaptive phenotypic plasticity. At the same time, Timm significantly correlated with average high temperature at the clones’ sites of origin, suggesting local adaptation. As earlier studies have found that haemoglobin expression contributes to temperature tolerance, we also quantified haemoglobin concentration in experimental animals and found that both acclimatization temperature (AccT) and temperature at the site of origin are positively correlated with haemoglobin concentration. Furthermore, Daphnia from warmer climates upregulate haemoglobin much more strongly in response to AccT, suggesting local adaptation for plasticity in haemoglobin expression. Our results show that both local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity contribute to temperature tolerance, and elucidate a possible role of haemoglobin in mediating these effects that differs along a cold–warm gradient.  相似文献   

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