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Cloning of the complete Mycoplasma pneumoniae genome.   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The complete genome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae was cloned in an ordered library consisting of 34 overlapping or adjacent cosmids, one plasmid and two lambda phages. The genome size was determined by adding up the sizes of either the individual unique EcoRI restriction fragments of the gene bank or of the XhoI fragments of genomic M. pneumoniae DNA. The values from these calculations, 835 and 849 kbp, are in good agreement. An XhoI restriction map was constructed by identifying adjacent DNA fragments by probing with selected cosmid clones.  相似文献   

Continuing our investigation of the tRNA genes and gene products in Mycoplasma mycoides, we report the sequence of the gene for tRNALeu (CAA) as well as partial primary structures of the following tRNAs: Leu (CAA), Leu (UAG), Arg (UCU), Thr (AGU) and Ile (CAU). It is suggested that in M. mycoides, at least some of the family codon boxes are read by only one tRNA each, using an unconventional method which does not discriminate between the nucleotides in the third codon position. M. mycoides is the first free-living organism known to use an unconventional method of this kind.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the complete set of tRNA species in Mycoplasma capricolum, a derivative of Gram-positive eubacteria, have been determined. This bacterium represents the first genetic system in which the sequences of all the tRNA species have been determined at the RNA level. There are 29 tRNA species: three for Leu, two each for Arg, Ile, Lys, Met, Ser, Thr and Trp, and one each for the other 12 amino acids as judged from aminoacylation and the anticodon nucleotide sequences. The number of tRNA species is the smallest among all known genetic systems except for mitochondria. The tRNA anticodon sequences have revealed several features characteristic of M. capricolum. (1) There is only one tRNA species each for Ala, Gly, Leu, Pro, Ser and Val family boxes (4-codon boxes), and these tRNAs all have an unmodified U residue at the first position of the anticodon. (2) There are two tRNAThr species having anticodons UGU and AGU; the first positions of these anticodons are unmodified. (3) There is only one tRNA with anticodon ICG in the Arg family box (CGN); this tRNA can translate codons CGU, CGC and CGA. No tRNA capable of translating codon CGG has been detected, suggesting that CGG is an unassigned codon in this bacterium. (4) A tRNATrp with anticodon UCA is present, and reads codon UGA as Trp. On the basis of these and other observations, novel codon recognition patterns in M. capricolum are proposed. A comparatively small total, 13, of modified nucleosides is contained in all M. capricolum tRNAs. The 5' end nucleoside of the T psi C-loop (position 54) of all tRNAs is uridine, not modified to ribothymidine. The anticodon composition, and hence codon recognition patterns, of M. capricolum tRNAs resemble those of mitochondrial tRNAs.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae was grown on Formvar- and carbon-coated electron microscope grids and treated with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 to gently remove the membrane and cytoplasm. The detergent mixture was composed of 0.5% Triton X-100 in SSR-2 broth base. After this treatment, the grids were rinsed in a mixture of 0.1 M KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, and 6 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.05) and negatively stained with uranyl acetate. The Triton X-100-resistant remains of M. pneumoniae after gentle removal of the membrane and cytoplasm consisted of fibrous structures oriented similarly to the undisrupted cells. The thin fibers displayed a negative staining quality and diameter analogous to that of rabbit muscle F-actin. The fibrous moieties ended in rodlike condensations which appeared striated in negatively stained and shadowed preparations. These striations were regular, and the majority of rod structures had lengths of 220 to 300 nm and widths of 50 to 80 nm. Specific antibody to rabbit muscle actin, produced in guinea pigs, was used in indirect immunofluorescence of the M. pneumoniae colonies. Fluorescence was detected, with concentrations at the colony center and at the tips of filamentous cells.  相似文献   

Randau L  Pearson M  Söll D 《FEBS letters》2005,579(13):2945-2947
The archaeal parasite Nanoarchaeum equitans was found to generate five tRNA species via a unique process requiring the assembly of seperate 5' and 3' tRNA halves [Randau, L., Munch, R., Hohn, M.J., Jahn, D. and Soll, D. (2005) Nanoarchaeum equitans creates functional tRNAs from separate genes for their 5'- and 3'-halves. Nature 433, 537-541]. Biochemical evidence was missing for one of the computationally-predicted, joined tRNAs designated as tRNA(Trp). Our RT-PCR and sequencing results identify this tRNA as tRNA(Lys) (CUU) joined at the alternative position between bases 30 and 31. We show that the intron-containing tRNA(Trp) was misidentified in the initial Nanoarchaeum equitans genome annotation [E. Waters et al. (2003) The genome of Nanoarchaeum equitans: insights into early archaeal evolution and derived parasitism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 12984-12988]. Along with a previously unidentified joined tRNA(Gln) (UUG), Nanoarchaeum equitans exhibits 44 tRNAs and is enabled to read all 61 sense codons. Features unique to this set of tRNA molecules are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma lack obvious homologs of prokaryotic or eukaryotic cytoskeletal, as well as motility-related genes (except FtsZ). Nevertheless, they maintain characteristic cell shapes and show adhesion and gliding abilities on both artificial surfaces and cells. Earlier genetic, biochemical, and electron microscopic analyses have shown that the tip structure, located at the tapered end of gliding mycoplasmas, is indispensable for this behavior. In this study, we have analyzed the fine structure of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae tip by cryo-electron tomography. We show that the central rod is surrounded by quasi-periodical electron-dense macromolecular complexes. Additional complexes are located at the distal end of the rod which connect the rod to the cytoplasmic membrane. Furthermore, we detect a structure at the proximal end of the rod that attaches the rod to the cell membrane. The surface protein complexes have been mapped in detail and their distribution on the cell surface has been visualized. Since the rod structures were detected at a close to native state of the cells, they allow us to build a hypothesis describing the motility mechanism of M. pneumoniae. Finally, we have evaluated the ribosome density of the organism by a template matching approach, whereby the reliability of the detection was supported by a comparative bioinformatics analysis.  相似文献   

Overlapping genes are defined, in this paper, as a pair of adjacent genes whose coding regions are partly overlapping. We systematically analyzed all overlapping genes in the genomes of two closely related species: Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Careful comparisons were made for homologous genes that are overlapped in one species but not in the other. This comparative analysis allows us to propose a model of how overlapping genes emerged in the course of evolution. It was found that overlapping genes were generated primarily due to the loss of a stop codon in either gene, in many cases, the absence of which resulted in elongation of the 3' end of the gene's coding region. More specifically, the loss of the stop codon took place as a result of the following events: deletion of the stop codon (64.4%), point mutation at the stop codon (4.4%), and frame shift at the end of the coding region (6.7%). Overlapping genes, in a sense, can be thought of as the results of evolutionary pressure to minimize genome size. However, our analysis indicates that many overlapping genes, at least in the genomes of M.genitalium and M.pneumoniae, are due to incidental elongation of the coding regions.  相似文献   

Field inversion gel electrophoresis was used for analysis of the chromosome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The restriction endonuclease SfiI (5'-GGCCNNNNNGGCC-3') generated 2 M. pneumoniae DNA fragments of approximately 437 and 357.5 kilobase pairs (kbp), whereas 13 restriction fragments ranging in size from 2.4 to 252.0 kbp resulted from digestion with ApaI (5'-GGGCCC-3'). Totaling the sizes of the individual restriction fragments from digestion with SfiI or ApaI yielded a genome size of 794.5 or 775.4 kbp, respectively. A physical map of the M. pneumoniae chromosome was constructed by using a combination of techniques that included analysis by sequential or partial restriction endonuclease digestions and use as hybridization probes of cloned M. pneumoniae DNA containing ApaI sites and hence overlapping adjacent ApaI fragments. Genetic loci for deoC, rrn, hmw3, and the P1 gene were identified by using cloned DNA to probe ApaI restriction fragment profiles.  相似文献   

D. W. Cockcroft  G. A. Stilwell 《CMAJ》1981,124(11):1463-1468
Seven patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia presented with moderate to dense consolidation in one (in five patients) or more lobes. The diagnosis was suspected in five patients after failure to respond to 1 to 6 (average 2.6) antibiotics administered for 2 to 12 (average 7) days, and in one patient upon the development of hemolytic anemia. Clues to the diagnosis of nonbacterial pneumonia included a nonrespiratory viral-like prodromal period (in five), a nonproductive cough (in five), lack of rigors (in seven), recent "pneumonia" in family members (in ;three), normal total leukocyte and neutrophil counts (in six) and the absence of bacterial pathogens in smears and cultures of sputum (in all seven). The diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infection was supported by the presence of cold agglutinins (in a titre of 1.64 or greater) in ;the serum of five or six patients and was confirmed by diagnostic levels or increases in the titre of M. pneumoniae complement fixing antibodies. Awareness of the fact that M. pneumoniae can present as lobar consolidation and close attention to the clinical and laboratory data can usually suggest a nonbacterial cause and thus prevent delay in appropriate antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

We herein describe all genes encoding constituents of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) in the 6Mbp genome of the opportunistic human pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Only four gene clusters were found to encode identifiable PTS homologues. These genes clusters encode novel multidomain proteins, two complete sugar-specific PTS phosphoryl transfer chains for the metabolism of fructose and N-acetylglucosamine, and a complex regulatory system that may function to coordinate carbon and nitrogen metabolism. No previously characterized organism has been shown to exhibit such a novel and restricted complement of PTS proteins.  相似文献   



Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common pathogen that causes upper and lower respiratory tract infections in people of all ages, responsible for up to 40 % of community-acquired pneumonias. It also causes a wide array of extrapulmonary infections and autoimmune phenomena. Phylogenetic studies of the organism have been generally restricted to specific genes or regions of the genome, because whole genome sequencing has been completed for only 4 strains. To better understand the physiology and pathogenicity of this important human pathogen, we performed comparative genomic analysis of 15 strains of M. pneumoniae that were isolated between the 1940s to 2009 from respiratory specimens and cerebrospinal fluid originating from the USA, China and England.


Illumina MiSeq whole genome sequencing was performed on the 15 strains and all genome sequences were completed. Results from the comparative genomic analysis indicate that although about 1500 SNP and indel variants exist between type1 and type 2 strains, there is an overall high degree of sequence similarity among the strains (>99 % identical to each other). Within the two subtypes, conservation of most genes, including the CARDS toxin gene and arginine deiminase genes, was observed. The major variation occurs in the P1 and ORF6 genes associated with the adhesin complex. Multiple hsdS genes (encodes S subunit of type I restriction enzyme) with variable tandem repeat copy numbers were found in all 15 genomes.


These data indicate that despite conclusions drawn from 16S rRNA sequences suggesting rapid evolution, the M. pneumoniae genome is extraordinarily stable over time and geographic distance across the globe with a striking lack of evidence of horizontal gene transfer.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1801-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Codon usage in plant genes.   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
We have examined codon bias in 207 plant gene sequences collected from Genbank and the literature. When this sample was further divided into 53 monocot and 154 dicot genes, the pattern of relative use of synonymous codons was shown to differ between these taxonomic groups, primarily in the use of G + C in the degenerate third base. Maize and soybean codon bias were examined separately and followed the monocot and dicot codon usage patterns respectively. Codon preference in ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate and chlorophyll a/b binding protein, two of the most abundant proteins in leaves was investigated. These highly expressed are more restricted in their codon usage than plant genes in general.  相似文献   

Motility of Mycoplasma pneumoniae.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cell of Mycoplasma pneumoniae FH gliding on a glass surface in liquid medium were examined by microscopic observation and quantitatively by microcinematography (30 frames per min). Comparisons were made only within the individual experiments. The cells moved in an irregular pattern with numerous narrow bends and circles. They never changed their leading end. The average speed (without pauses) was relatively constant between o.2 and 0.5 mum/s. The maximum speed was about 1.5 to 2.0 mum/s. The movements were interrupted by resting periods of different lengths and frequency. Temperature, viscosity, pH, and the presence of yeast extract in the medium influenced the motility significantly; changes in glucose, calcium ions, and serum content were less effective. The movements were affected by iodoacetate, p-mercuribenzoate, and mitomycin C at inhibitory or subinhibitory concentrations. Sodium fluoride, sodium cyanide, dinitrophenol, chloramphenicol, puromycin, cholchicin, and cytochalasin B at minimal inhibitory concentrations did not affect motility. The movements were effectively inhibited by anti-M. pneumoniae antiserum. Studies with absorbed antiserum suggested that the surface components involved in motility are heat labile. The gliding of M. pneumoniae cells required an intact energy metabolism and the proteins involved seemed to have a low turnover.  相似文献   

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