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AIMS: To assess a collection of 96 Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains for their resistance potential against a set of colicinogenic E. coli developed as a probiotic for use in cattle. METHODS AND RESULTS: Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains were screened for colicin production, types of colicins produced, presence of colicin resistance and potential for resistance development. Thirteen of 14 previously characterized colicinogenic E. coli strains were able to inhibit 74 serotype O157:H7 strains. Thirteen E. coli O157:H7 strains were found to be colicinogenic and 11 had colicin D genes. PCR products for colicins B, E-type, Ia/Ib and M were also detected. During in vitro experiments, the ability to develop colicin resistance against single-colicin producing E. coli strains was observed, but rarely against multiple-colicinogenic strains. The ability of serotype O157:H7 strains to acquire colicin plasmids or resistance was not observed during a cattle experiment. CONCLUSIONS: Escherichia coli O157:H7 has the potential to develop single-colicin resistance, but simultaneous resistance against multiple colicins appears to be unlikely. Colicin D is the predominant colicin produced by colicinogenic E. coli O157:H7 strains. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The potential for resistance development against colicin-based strategies for E. coli O157:H7 control may be very limited if more than one colicin type is used.  相似文献   

AIMS: To generate stable acid-resistant Bifidobacterium strains isolated from human subjects and characterize the phenotypic changes of the acid-resistant derivatives. METHODS AND RESULTS: The ability of 20 Bifidobacterium strains isolated from human faeces to survive to simulated gastrointestinal transit was evaluated, showing major reductions in viability (0.25-5.8 logarithmic units) because of gastric stress conditions. Six acid-sensitive strains belonging to the species Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium catenulatum were submitted to prolonged incubation at pH 2.0 to generate acid-resistant strains. The acid-sensitive and acid-resistant derivative strains were characterized to determine the changes associated with the acquisition of an acid-tolerant phenotype. The acid-resistant derivatives showed better ability to grow in the presence of bile salt (1-3%) and NaCl (6-10%) and higher resistance at elevated temperatures (60-70 degrees C, 10 min) than the parental strains. The acid-resistant derivatives displayed higher fermentative ability, and enzymatic activities. These strains also showed higher sensitivity to most of the tested antibiotics than the parental strains. CONCLUSIONS: The stress tolerance of B. longum and B. catenulatum strains was improved by prolonged exposure to acid stress conditions. Some of the generated strains also seemed to have enhanced metabolic properties of relevance for probiotic applications. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The successful use of prolonged exposures to acid stress to improve the stability of human bifidobacteria indicates that this strategy could be useful for the production of robust probiotic strains, but involves other phenotypic changes that required an individual characterization.  相似文献   

Abstract The tellurite accumulation properties of three Escherichia coli strains containing different tellurium-resistance determinants of Gram-negative origin, from plasmids pMER610, pHH1508a and RK2, were compared. In all three cases membrane-associated tellurium crystallization was observed, and neither reduced uptake nor increased export contributed to the resistance. Specific membrane-proximal reduction is proposed as the mechanism of resistance to tellurite coded by all three determinants, despite their lack of sequence homology.  相似文献   

Dps, the DNA‐binding protein from starved cells, is capable of providing protection to cells during exposure to severe environmental assaults; including oxidative stress and nutritional deprivation. The structure and function of Dps have been the subject of numerous studies and have been examined in several bacteria that possess Dps or a structural/functional homologue of the protein. Additionally, the involvement of Dps in stress resistance has been researched extensively as well. The ability of Dps to provide multifaceted protection is based on three intrinsic properties of the protein: DNA binding, iron sequestration, and its ferroxidase activity. These properties also make Dps extremely important in iron and hydrogen peroxide detoxification and acid resistance as well. Regulation of Dps expression in E. coli is complex and partially dependent on the physiological state of the cell. Furthermore, it is proposed that Dps itself plays a role in gene regulation during starvation, ultimately making the cell more resistant to cytotoxic assaults by controlling the expression of genes necessary for (or deleterious to) stress resistance. The current review focuses on the aforementioned properties of Dps in E. coli, its prototypic organism. The consequences of elucidating the protective mechanisms of this protein are far‐reaching, as Dps homologues have been identified in over 1000 distantly related bacteria and Archaea. Moreover, the prevalence of Dps and Dps‐like proteins in bacteria suggests that protection involving DNA and iron sequestration is crucial and widespread in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Resistance of sunflower to the obligate parasite Plasmopara halstedii is conferred by specific dominant genes, denoted Pl. The Pl6 locus confers resistance to all races of P. halstedii except one, and must contain at least 11 tightly linked genes each giving resistance to different downy mildew races. Specific primers were designed and used to amplify 13 markers covering a genetic distance of about 3 cM centred on the Pl6 locus. Cloning and sequence analysis of these 13 markers indicate that Pl6 contains conserved genes belonging to the TIR-NBS-LRR class of plant resistance genes. Received: 9 April 2001 / Accepted: 10 August 2001  相似文献   

Previously, we produced two groups of gnotobiotic mice, GB-3 and GB-4, which showed different responses to Escherichia coli O157:H7 challenge. E. coli O157:H7 was eliminated from GB-3, whereas GB-4 mice became carriers. It has been reported that the lag time of E. coli O157:H7 growth in 50% GB-3 caecal suspension was extended when compared to GB-4 caecal suspension. In this study, competition for nutrients between intestinal microbiota of GB-3 and GB-4 mice and E. coli O157:H7 was examined. Amino acid concentrations in the caecal contents of GB-3 and GB-4 differed, especially the concentration of proline. The supplementation of proline into GB-3 caecal suspension decreased the lag time of E. coli O157:H7 growth in vitro. When E. coli O157:H7 was cultured with each of the strains used to produce GB-3 mice in vitro, 2 strains of E. coli (proline consumers) out of 5 enterobacteriaceae strains strongly suppressed E. coli O157:H7 growth and the suppression was attenuated by the addition of proline into the medium. These results indicate that competition for proline with indigenous E. coli affected the growth of E. coli O157:H7 in vivo and may contribute to E. coli O157:H7 elimination from the intestine.  相似文献   

A bacterial cocktail of living strains of Clostridium perfringens type A (CPA) without β2-toxin gene and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli was administered orally to newborn piglets before first colostrum intake and on 2 consecutive days on a farm with a high incidence of diarrhoea and antibiotic treatment in suckling piglets associated with E. coli and CPA. This clinical field study was driven by the hypothetic principle of competitive exclusion of pathogenic bacteria due to prior colonization of the gut mucosal surface by non-pathogenic strains of the same bacterial species with the aim of preventing disease. Although CPA strains used in this study did not produce toxins in vitro, their lack of pathogenicity cannot be conclusively confirmed. The health status of the herd was impaired by a high incidence of postpartum dysgalactia syndrome in sows (70%) and a high incidence of neonatal diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli and CPA during the study. No obvious adverse effect of the bacterial treatment occurred. On average, more piglets were weaned in litters treated (P=0.009). Visual pathological alterations in the small intestinal wall were more frequent in dead piglets of the control group (P=0.004) and necrotizing enteritis was only found in that group. A higher average daily weight gain of piglets in the control group (P<0.001) may be due to an increased milk uptake due to less competition in the smaller litters. The bacterial cocktail was tested under field conditions for its potential to stabilize gut health status in suckling piglets before disease development due to colibacillosis and clostridial infections; however, the gut flora stabilizing effect of the bacterial cocktail was not clearly discernible in this study. Further basic research is needed to confirm the positive effects of the bacterial treatment used and to identify additional potential bacterial candidates for competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Summary Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, an inherited connective tissue disease, is usually caused by mutations in the gene for type III collagen. Here, we describe a glycine to glutamic acid substitution in a patient with this syndrome. Previous studies had shown that fibroblasts from the patient, his mother and brother secreted a reduced amount of type III collagen and also produced an overmodified form of the protein that was preferentially retained intracellularly. Peptide mapping experiments indicated that the mutation was located within cyanogen bromide peptide 9. This was supported by chemical cleavage analysis and sequencing of cDNA encoding this region. Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridisation of genomic DNA confirmed that a G to A mutation converted Gly 847 to Glu. The mutation was present in two other affected family members and also in a third, who was clinically unaffected. Further analysis of this unaffected individual revealed reduced mutant:normal ratios in DNA obtained from both blood and hair samples, showing that she was mosaic for the mutation.  相似文献   

 Extreme resistance to the potato V potyvirus (PVV) was found in four potato cultivars that contain Ry genes from Solanum stoloniferum. When plants of these cultivars, were inoculated by grafting in shoot tips from PVV-infected tomato plants, necrotic symptoms developed in some cultivars, although a full hypersensitive reaction was not elicited, while other cultivars were symptomless. PVV replication was not detected in any of the inoculated plants by ELISA, an infectivity assay of leaf extracts by manual inoculation to Nicotiana benthamiana indicator plants, or by ‘return grafting’ of shoot tips taken from newly developed shoots of the potato plants to virus-free indicator plants of tomato. These methods readily detected PVV infection in inoculated plants of cv ‘Flourball’, which does not contain an Ry gene and is susceptible, and in cvs ‘Maris Piper’ and ‘Dr Macintosh’, which contain gene Nv conditioning a hypersensitive reaction to inoculation. One of the Ry-containing cultivars, ‘Barbara’, has been previously shown to contain two genes that control extreme resistance, defined as no viral replication in intact plants, to the potyviruses potato viruses Y and A (PVY and PVA). These genes are: Ry sto , which conditions resistance to PVY and PVA, and gene Ra, which conditions resistance to PVA only. It was found that in genotypes from a progeny of the cross ‘Barbara’ (Ry sto /Ra)בFlourball’ (ry/ra), extreme resistance to PVV segregated with gene Ry sto . It is proposed that either gene Ry sto conditions broad-spectrum extreme resistance to the distinct potyviruses PVY, PVA, and PVV or that Ry sto represents a family of genetically closely linked genes each controlling resistance to a specific virus. Received: 27 December 1996 / Accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

Extreme resistance in cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) to potato viruses Y and A (PVY and PVA) conditioned by the presence of Ry genes introduced from Solanum stoloniferum was described by Cockerham (1970). Cockerham detailed a number of genes which controlled a variety of reactions, including extreme resistance to both viruses (i.e. little or no visible reaction of plants and no viral replication following graft and manual inoculation) controlled by gene Ry sto. In the present study, cvs Pirola and Barbara, which contain a Ry gene, were found to have extreme resistance to PVY isolates from the ordinary (PVY°), veinal necrosis (PVYN) and potato tuber necrotic ringspot (PVYNTN) subgroups, and PVA. The inheritance of this phenotype was examined in seedling progenies obtained by crossing Barbara and Pirola with susceptible cultivars. Segregation data for resistance to PVY and PVA in a progeny involving cv Pirola best fitted a genetical model of one gene controlling extreme resistance to both PVY and PVA, although the possibility that there are two genes, each controlling resistance to one virus but closely linked, cannot be excluded. Segregation data from progenies involving cv Barbara best fitted a genetical model in which there are two independent genes, one controlling extreme resistance to PVA and PVY and a second gene controlling extreme resistance to PVA but not to PVY. This previously unrecognised gene conferring extreme resistance to PVA only, should be given the notation Ra in keeping with nomenclature used for other resistance genes.  相似文献   

N6-Methyladenosine 1618 of Escherichia coli 23 S rRNA is located in a cluster of modified nucleotides 12 Å away from the nascent peptide tunnel of the ribosome. Here, we describe the identification of gene ybiN encoding an enzyme responsible for methylation of A1618. Knockout of the ybiN gene leads to loss of modification at A1618. The modification is restored if ybiN knock-out strain has been co-transformed with a plasmid expressing the ybiN gene. On the basis of these results we suggest that ybiN gene should be renamed to rlmF in accordance with the accepted nomenclature for rRNA methyltransferases. Recombinant YbiN protein is able to methylate partially deproteinized 50 S ribosomal subunit, so-called 3.5 M LiCl core particle in vitro, but neither the completely assembled 50 S subunits nor completely deproteinized 23 S rRNA. Both lack of the ybiN gene and it's over-expression leads to growth retardation and loss of cell fitness comparative to the parental strain. It might be suggested that A1618 modification could be necessary for the exit tunnel interaction with some unknown regulatory peptides.  相似文献   

2-Deoxystreptamine (2-DOS) aminoglycoside antibiotics exert their antimicrobial activities by targeting the decoding region A site of the rRNA and inhibiting protein synthesis. A prokaryotic specificity of action is critical to therapeutic utility of 2-DOS aminoglycosides as antibiotics. Here, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and fluorescence studies are presented that provide insight into the molecular basis for this prokaryotic specificity of action. Specifically, the rRNA binding properties of the 2-DOS aminoglycosides paromomycin and G418 (geneticin) are compared, using both human and Escherichia coli rRNA A site model oligonucleotides as drug targets. Paromomycin and G418 differ with respect to their specificities of action, with only paromomycin exhibiting a specificity for prokaryotic versus human ribosomes. G418 binds to both the human and E. coli rRNA A sites with a markedly lower affinity than paromomycin, with the affinities of both drugs for the human rRNA A site being lower than those they exhibit for the E. coli rRNA A site. Paromomycin induces the destacking of the base at position 1492 (by E. coli numbering) upon binding to the E. coli rRNA A site, but not the human rRNA A site. By contrast, the binding of G418 induces the destacking of base 1492 when either rRNA A site serves as the drug target. In the aggregate, these results suggest that binding-induced base destacking at the rRNA A site is a critical factor in determining the prokaryotic specificity of aminoglycoside action, with binding affinity for the A site being of secondary importance.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence has been provided that a histidine-loop within the nucleotide binding domain of ABC transporter is essential for efficient function of this class of transporter proteins. Here we report the first patient with a mutation of the putative histidine-loop of a human ABC transporter, the multi drug resistance protein 3 (MDR3). The patient presented at the age of 4years with a history of severe pruritus, elevated serum gamma-glutamyltransferase and bile acid levels since several years suggesting the diagnosis of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3 (PFIC-3) due to defects in MDR3. Liver biopsy demonstrated an apparently normal MDR3 expression, however, genetic analysis revealed a novel homozygous mutation in the ABCB4 gene (c.3691C>T) in the patient. This mutation was associated with a change of histidine to tyrosine at amino acid position 1231 of MDR3 (p.H1231Y). As shown by sequence alignment, this amino acid corresponds to the highly conserved histidine of the "H-loop", which is critical for ATP-hydrolysis, suggesting an essential role of histidine 1231 of human MDR3.  相似文献   

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