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Adenosine deaminase is a purine salvage enzyme that catalyzes the deamination of adenosine and deoxyadenosine. Deficiency of the enzyme activity is associated with T-cell and B-cell dysfunction. Mutant adenosine deaminase has been isolated from heterozygous and homozygous deficient lymphoblast cell lines with the aid of an affinity matrix consisting of coformycin (a potent inhibitor of the enzyme) as the affinity ligand, bound to 3,3'-iminobispropylamine-derivatized Sepharose. Routinely, 80-90% of adenosine deaminase in crude cell homogenates could be bound to the material. Adenosine deaminase was specifically eluted by enzyme inhibitors or less efficiently by high substrate concentrations. Protein preparations isolated from several different deficient cell lines were highly purified and exhibited molecular weights identical to wild-type adenosine deaminase. This method produces a protein that is suitable for structural studies.  相似文献   

Normal and mutant human adenosine deaminase genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Somatostatin (SRIF) is a 14-amino acid peptide hormone that is present in pancreatic islets and the brain where it is synthesized as a larger precursor, preprosomatostatin. In pancreatic islets of the anglerfish (Lophius americanus), there are two separate precursors, preproSRIF I and preproSRIF II, which give rise to SRIF-14 or an N-terminally extended form SRIF-28, respectively. Significantly higher levels of preproSRIF I compared to preproSRIF II are synthesized in pancreatic islets. We show here that preproSRIF II mRNA possesses an eight-nucleotide repeat (CCAGCAGA) which is present three times in its 5'-noncoding region; this sequence is absent from preproSRIF I mRNA. Progressive deletion of these octameric repeats results in the concomitant enhancement of preproSRIF II mRNA translation in vitro. Furthermore, expression of native or 5'-truncated preproSRIF II mRNA in non-islet tissue culture cells, using a retroviral expression vector, gave identical results to those obtained in vitro, indicating that differential translation was a function of the mRNA rather than the translation system. We propose that the octameric repeat sequence, or a subset of it, is responsible for attenuation of preproSRIF II mRNA translation. Since the differential translation of preproSRIF II mRNA was reproduced in widely divergent systems, this suggests that our results are not related to islet cell gene expression per se. Rather, it is possible they have general significance in that the 5'-repeat sequences may be recognized by putative trans-acting factors involved in the translational regulation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

We have developed an autoradiographic technique for detecting specific Caenorhabditis elegans messenger RNA molecules in situ by hybridization of labeled, cloned DNA probes to fixed tissue sections and squashes of embryos and adults. We report analyses with probes of actin and collagen gene sequences from a C. elegans genomic clone library. Hybridization is RNase sensitive and tissue specific. In adults the actin probe, which recognizes cytoplasmic as well as muscle actin mRNA, hybridizes strongly to muscle and distal gonad (ovary), somewhat less strongly to maturing oocytes, and weakly to intestine. The collagen probe hybridizes weakly to distal gonad and intestine and very strongly to subcuticular tissues, in particular to the hypodermal cells and syncytial cytoplasm of the lateral hypodermal ridges, which are the sites of cuticle synthesis. In embryos, hybridization to squashes indicates that actin message is present at fertilization, decreases during early cleavage, and then increases again during morphogenesis. By contrast, collagen message is absent until the 100-cell stage and then increases rapidly during morphogenesis. The number of cells labeled is consistent with the view that the collagen probe hybridizes to hypodermal precursor cells. We estimate that our present methods can detect messages representing about 0.2% or more of the total mRNA population, and increases in this sensitivity should be possible. Therefore, the cytological hybridization technique should be useful for determining temporal and spatial patterns of specific mRNA distributions during development, at least for abundant and moderately abundant messages.  相似文献   

S Lindquist  R Petersen 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):147-166
The rapid and dramatic induction of heat-shock proteins is accomplished by regulatory mechanisms acting at many different levels. Here we review current knowledge of two cytoplasmic mechanisms employed during the response in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. (1) Heat-shock messages are translated with high efficiency during heat shock while most normal cellular messages are inactive. Sequences in the 5'-untranslated leader of heat shock mRNAs govern their preferential translation. (2) The messages for heat-shock proteins are unstable at normal temperatures. During heat shock, however, they are very stable and accumulate in large numbers. Sequences in their 3'-untranslated regions play a major role in determining their stability.  相似文献   

Isolation of cDNA clones for human adenosine deaminase   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Clones encoding human adenosine deaminase (ADA) were isolated from a cDNA library made from the lymphoblastoid cell line MOLT-4. The isolation procedure was based on the selection of clones hybridizing with a radioactive probe complementary to an RNA preparation, which had been highly enriched in ADA-specific mRNA. The latter RNA preparation was obtained by size-fractionating MOLT-4 RNA and selecting fractions that were translatable into ADA. The assay for the presence of ADA in the in vitro translation products, was based on immunoprecipitation with a specific anti-ADA serum. The antiserum used was shown to precipitate a 42-kDal protein with the properties of ADA. Positive clones were further screened by means of hybrid-released in vitro translation assays. Two clones were obtained which were able to select mRNA that could be translated into a 42-kDal protein immunoprecipitable with the ADA-antiserum. By use of Southern blots containing DNA from somatic cell hybrids, one of these ADA cDNA clones was assigned to the human chromosome 20 known to contain the ADA gene.  相似文献   

The expression of tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH) gene was analysed in tissue sections of bovine adrenal glands, by in situ hybridization using a single-stranded cDNA probe. Tissue fixation and hybridization conditions were found that led to a specific and sensitive detection of TH.  相似文献   

E Meyer  F Caron  B Guiard 《Biochimie》1984,66(5):403-412
Paramecium primaurelia mRNAs were translated in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysate and the products of translation were analyzed by their size. We show that the large majority of these products are of short but discrete sizes irrespective of the length of the mRNA which directs their synthesis. An illustrative example is given by the translation of mRNA of G surface antigen which directs the synthesis of a 50 kD polypeptide instead of the complete 250 kD protein. Control experiments suggest that the blocking is due to mRNA primary structure.  相似文献   

The basis for the increased adenosine deaminase activity in deoxycoformycin-resistant rat hepatoma cells was investigated. Three variant cell lines with different levels of adenosine deaminase activity showed increases in the relative rate of synthesis of the enzyme in vivo. No difference in the rate of degradation of the enzyme was seen between the parental cell line and one variant cell line which exhibits a 180-fold increase in adenosine deaminase activity. Polysomal RNA isolated from this variant exhibited a 175-fold increase in the ability to direct the synthesis of adenosine deaminase in vitro.  相似文献   

Characterization of messenger RNA by direct translation from agarose gels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for characterizing nanogram quantities of poly(A)-containing messenger RNAs that have been fractionated according to size by electrophoresis through agarose gels has been developed. The mRNAs from Friend leukemia cells were identified by the protein products they encode, as determined by slicing the agarose gel and directly translating the enclosed mRNA with an extract from rabbit reticulocytes that had been treated with micrococcal nuclease. A number of parameters which affect the efficiency of translation in this system have been examined. These include the sensitivity of the in vitro translational system to RNA, the agarose concentration, the incubation temperature, and the addition of either exogeneous tRNA or RNasin. The procedure is rapid, simple, reproducible, and applicable for the fractionation and characterization of mRNAs from any source.  相似文献   

F Rodier  J Sallantin 《Biochimie》1985,67(5):533-539
Learning processes are applied to the recognition of protein coding regions in prokaryotes. Non-contradictory, statistical and logical rules are deduced from a set of known examples of coding sequences. These rules enable to build characteristic patterns on the m-RNA upstream of the initiating codon. These rules are applied with success to recognize more than 180 coding sequences and to detect and/or eliminate hypothetical reading frames or unknown genes.  相似文献   

G Childs  S Levy  L H Kedes 《Biochemistry》1979,18(1):208-213
We describe a rapid and simple method for the purification of biologically active messenger RNAs. The method allows the isolation in a few hours of specific mRNAs from either whole cell or polysomal RNA even if the RNA represents less than 1% of the starting molecules. We used, as a model, cloned sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) histone gene fragments linked to cellulose by the method of B. E. Noyes & G. R. Stark (1975) Cell 5, 301--310) as hybridization probes to isolate specific histone mRNAs from whole cell and polysomal RNA extracts. RNAs isolated in this manner maintain their biological activity, serving as templates for histone proteins in a wheat-germ, cell-free protein translation system. In addition, radiolabeled histone-specific RNA purified from cleavage stage sea urchin embryos, pulse labeled for short periods of time and analyzed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels, was the same size as mature histone mRNA's.  相似文献   

Total poly(A+) RNA derived from a mouse cell line with amplified adenosine deaminase genes was used as template to synthesize double-stranded cDNA. The cDNAs were inserted into the PstI site of the beta-lactamase gene in plasmid pBR322 following G-C tailing. After transformation into adenosine deaminase-deficient Escherichia coli hosts, recombinant plasmids containing functional murine adenosine deaminase cDNAs were identified by selecting for functional complementation. Analysis of plasmids containing functional adenosine deaminase cDNA sequences strongly suggested that adenosine deaminase expression resulted mainly from beta-lactamase/adenosine deaminase fusion proteins even when the adenosine deaminase codons were out-of-frame with respect to the beta-lactamase gene codons upstream. The nucleotide sequence of a 1.65-kilobase pair cDNA insert in one of the functional recombinant clones was determined and found to contain a 1056-nucleotide open reading frame. When this 1056-nucleotide open reading frame was inserted into a mammalian expression vector and introduced into monkey kidney cells, a high level of authentic mouse adenosine deaminase was produced. Nucleic acid blot analysis using a full-length adenosine deaminase cDNA clone as probe revealed that the mouse adenosine deaminase structural gene was at least 21 kilobase pairs in size and encoded three polyadenylated mRNAs. Analysis of the cDNA library from which the functional clones were isolated suggested that this approach of cloning functional mammalian adenosine deaminase cDNA clones by genetic complementation of enzyme-deficient bacteria could be accomplished even if the abundance of the adenosine deaminase mRNA sequences were as low as approximately 0.001%.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence for an unusual, cloned human adenosine deaminase cDNA has been determined. Contained within a sequence of 1535 nucleotides is a coding sequence of 1089 nucleotides that encodes a protein of 40,762 daltons. The coding sequence is interrupted by a non-coding region containing 76 nucleotides. Both the 3' and 5' ends of this region have consensus sequences generally associated with splice sites. The 3' untranslated sequence contained 308 nucleotides, including a polyadenylation signal sequence 20 nucleotides from the end. The cloned cDNA appears to correspond to a nuclear mRNA precursor which contains a small intron.  相似文献   

J D Geiger  J I Nagy 《FEBS letters》1986,208(2):431-434
The possibility that the mutant mouse wasted (wst/wst) may serve as an animal model for studies of severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) and the role of adenosine deaminase (ADA, EC in adenosine metabolism were investigated. The specific activity of ADA in wst/wst compared with control mice was significantly lower by 26% in thymus, but significantly higher by 18% in spleen and 32% in cerebellum. Vmax values of ADA in spleens were 43% higher in wst/wst mice and no changes were observed in Km values. In contrast, the Vmax of ADA was unchanged in erythrocytes from wst/wst mice, but the Km for adenosine was significantly elevated. Thus, based on ADA measurements alone, it may be premature to consider wst/wst mice as a model for ADA deficiency and SCID in humans.  相似文献   

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