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Larval eastern long-toed salamanders, Ambystoma macrodactylum columbianum, exhibit trophic polymorphism whereby some individuals (referred to as cannibal morphs) possess a cannibalistic morphology and others (referred to as typical morphs) do not. In a series of laboratory experiments, we documented that typical morphs show an antipredator response when exposed to cannibal morphs but not when exposed to other typical morphs. The antipredator response of the typicals was not dependent on the cannibals being fed conspecifics, as has been shown in other predator-prey systems. In our experiments, the typicals responded regardless of whether the cannibals had been fed a diet of conspecifics or live Tubifex. Further experiments also showed that in the absence of visual cues, typicals still responded with an antipredator response. However, when only visual cues were available, typicals failed to exhibit a response. This suggests that chemical and/or mechanical cues are of prime importance in cannibal recognition by long-toed salamander larvae.  相似文献   

J. R. Holomuzki 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):142-148
Summary Survivorship and growth of larval tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona were compared in six microhabitats using field enclosures during summers, 1983–85. Microhabitats were vegetated and nonvegetated shallows, surface, middle, and bottom horizontal layers of limnetic areas, and the vertical limnetic water column. Initial enclosure densities (0.025 larvae per 1) were identical among microhabitats. Three enclosures were placed in each microhabitat in two ponds. Larval survivorship and growth were usually greatest in vegetated shallows in lowest in middle and bottom limnetic enclosures, despite several population dieoffs. Lower fitness, as reflected in survivorship and growth, in these latter enclosures was correlated with lower food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations in deeper limnetic areas. Relative fitness varied greatly between years while food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations within microhabitats remained relatively constant indicating additional factors affected fitness. Disparities in fitness between microhabitats apparently affect habitat use patterns of larvae.  相似文献   

The enzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), has been examined in Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum with respect to its role in pigmentation. It now seems probable that the melanoid gene (m) either codes directly for XDH or is somehow intimately connected with the normal function of this enzyme. Inhibition of XDH using the drug, allopurinol, results in animals which appear to be phenocopies of melanoid mutants as described for the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). The effects of allopurinol in terms of specific pigmentary alterations were examined, and a new method for analyzing heterogeneous extracts of skin pigments (e.g., purines and pteridines) is presented. The significance of the link between XDH and melanism is discussed with emphasis on possible mechanisms of pigment induction and general applicability to biological systems.  相似文献   

The Arizona tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, is a developmentally polymorphic species. Some individuals become sexually mature while retaining some larval traits (paedomorphs), while other individuals mature as metamorphosed salamanders. In this study, relative enzyme activities of the products of two duplicate loci in each of three enzyme systems (aconitase, malate dehydrogenase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase) were measured in paedomorphs and in paedomorphs forced to metamorphose by treatment with thyroxine. We found that thyroxine and laboratory conditions affect enzyme activities of four of the six enzymes examined and that activities of products of duplicate loci are altered to different degrees.  相似文献   

Summary Facultative paedomorphosis in salamanders occurs when larvae respond to varying environmental conditions by either metamorphosing into terrestrial metamorphic adults or retaining their larval morphology to become sexually mature paedomorphic adults. Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolutionary maintenance of this environmentally induced dimorphism, but few data are available to assess them adequately. We studied a montane population of the tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, and measured the adult growth rate and body condition across three growing seasons to assess the relative costs and benefits of each morph. Metamorphic adults grew more than paedomorphic adults in terms of snout—vent length across years and in weight within years. Dietary analyses and foraging experiments revealed some of the proximate factors that may underlie these differential growth patterns. Across all prey, metamorphs had significantly higher biomass and calories per stomach sample than paedomorphs. Metamorphic diets primarily consisted of the fairy shrimpBranchinecta coloradensis, whereas paedomorphic diets contained a variety of benthic and terrestrial invertebrates. Foraging experiments revealed that both morphs are more successful at capturing fairy shrimp relative to other prey types and both show high electivity toward this prey. However, fairy shrimp occurred only in non-permanent ponds and thus are inaccessible to paedomorphs, which can survive only in permanent ponds. Paedomorphs also experience higher levels of intraspecific competition with large larvae in permanent ponds than metamorphs do in non-permanent ponds. Thus, metamorphs obtain a growth advantage over paedomorphs by foraging in non-permanent ponds that contain fairy shrimp and have reduced intraspecific competition. These results suggest that paedomorphs should have decreased fitness relative to metamorphs, primarily because metamorphs can move into the best habitats for growth. The net fitness effect of morph-specific differences in dispersal depend on whether there are trade-offs with other life history traits. Nonetheless, because the relative benefit of metamorph dispersal will change with environmental conditions in permanent ponds and the surrounding habitat, the relative fitness payoff to each morph should track changes in the environment. Thus, facultative paedomorphosis may be maintained in part by variable, environmentally-specific fitness payoffs to each morph.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been examined as potential causes of global amphibian declines, including emerging infectious diseases and environmental contaminants. Although these factors are typically studied separately, animals are generally exposed to both stressors simultaneously. We examined the effects of the herbicide atrazine and the insecticide chlorpyrifos on the susceptibility of tiger salamander larvae, Ambystoma tigrinum, to a viral pathogen, Ambystoma tigrinum virus (ATV). Environmentally relevant concentrations of atrazine (0, 20, 200 μg/L) and chlorpyrifos (0, 2, 20, 200 μg/L) were used along with ATV in a fully factorial experimental design whereby individually housed, 4-week-old larvae were exposed for 2 weeks. Atrazine alone was not lethal to larvae, and chlorpyrifos alone was lethal only at the highest concentration. When combined with ATV, chlorpyrifos increased susceptibility to viral infection and resulted in increased larval mortality. A significant interactive effect between atrazine and ATV was detected. Atrazine treatments slightly decreased survival in virus-exposed treatments, yet slightly increased survival in the virus-free treatments. These findings corroborate earlier research on the impacts of atrazine, in particular, on disease susceptibility, but exhibit greater effects (i.e., reduced survival) when younger larvae were examined. This study is the first of its kind to demonstrate decreases in amphibian survival with the combination of pesticide and a viral disease. Further examination of these multiple stressors can provide key insights into potential significance of environmental cofactors, such as pesticides, in disease dynamics.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Oocysts of Eimeria ambystomae Saxe, 1955, Eimeria microcapi sp. n., and Eimeria urodela sp. n. are described from the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum , collected in Colorado and New Mexico. The oocysts of E. ambystomae are ellipsoid, 29.8 × 17.3 (24–38 × 15–25) μm, and the sporocysts lanceolate, 22.6 × 5.4 (16–27 × 5–7) μm. Oocyst and sporocyst residua are present, but not a polar granule and a micropyle. The oocysts and sporocysts of E. microcapi are ellipsoid, measuring respectively 38.1 × 25.3 (35-41 × 23-26) μm and 18.1 × 7.4 (16-19 × 6–8) μm. Oocyst and sporocyst residua, a micropyle (mean 3 μm), and a distinct micropyle cap (2 μm high) are present, but not a polar granule. The oocysts of E. urodela are spheroid, 22.2 (14-26) μm, and the sporocysts lanceolate, 16.3 × 5.8 (12-19 × 4-7) μm. Oocyst and sporocyst residua are present, but a polar granule and a micropyle are absent.  相似文献   

Kerby JL  Hart AJ  Storfer A 《EcoHealth》2011,8(1):46-54
Emerging diseases and environmental contamination are two of the leading hypotheses for global amphibian declines. Yet few studies have examined the influence of contaminants on disease susceptibility, and even fewer have incorporated the role of natural stressors such as predation. We performed a factorial study investigating the interaction of the insecticide carbaryl, dragonfly predator cue, and the emerging pathogen Ambystoma tigrinum virus (ATV) on fitness correlates and disease susceptibility in tiger salamander larvae. Four week old larvae were exposed for 22 days in a 2 (0, 500 μg/l carbaryl) × 2 (control, predator cue water) × 2 (0, 1 × 104 pfu ATV) factorial designed laboratory study. Results show significant impacts to survival of larvae for both virus and predator cue treatments, as well as an interactive effect between the two, in which predator cue strongly exacerbated disease-driven mortality. There was a clear pattern of reduced survival with the addition of stressors, with those where all three stressors were present exhibiting the worst effects (a decrease in survival from 93 to 60%). On those that survived, we also detected several sub-lethal impacts in mass, SVL, and development. Predator cue and pesticide treatments significantly reduced both SVL and mass. Virus and predator treatments significantly slowed development. Stressors also exhibited opposing effects on activity. Predator cue caused a significant reduction in activity, whereas virus caused a significant increase in activity over time. These results highlight the importance of examining combined natural and introduced stressors to understand potential impacts on amphibian species. Such stressors may contribute to the emergence of ATV in particular regions, raising concerns about the influence of pesticides on disease emergence in general.  相似文献   

Fragmented landscapes resulting from anthropogenic habitat modification can have significant impacts on dispersal, gene flow, and persistence of wildlife populations. Therefore, quantifying population connectivity across a mosaic of habitats in highly modified landscapes is critical for the development of conservation management plans for threatened populations. Endangered populations of the eastern tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) in New York and New Jersey are at the northern edge of the species’ range and remaining populations persist in highly developed landscapes in both states. We used landscape genetic approaches to examine regional genetic population structure and potential barriers to migration among remaining populations. Despite the post-glacial demographic processes that have shaped genetic diversity in tiger salamander populations at the northern extent of their range, we found that populations in each state belong to distinct genetic clusters, consistent with the large geographic distance that separates them. We detected overall low genetic diversity and high relatedness within populations, likely due to recent range expansion, isolation, and relatively small population sizes. Nonetheless, landscape connectivity analyses reveal habitat corridors among remaining breeding ponds. Furthermore, molecular estimates of population connectivity among ponds indicate that gene flow still occurs at regional scales. Further fragmentation of remaining habitat will potentially restrict dispersal among breeding ponds, cause the erosion of genetic diversity, and exacerbate already high levels of inbreeding. We recommend the continued management and maintenance of habitat corridors to ensure long-term viability of these endangered populations.  相似文献   

Temperature strongly influenced percent mortality and time to death of salamanders exposed to the Ambystoma tigrinum virus (iridovirus) (ATV). Most salamanders survived when exposed at 26 degrees C, whereas all died at 18 degrees C and nearly all died at 10 degrees C. Some asymptomatic salamanders that survived 60 d at 10 or 26 degrees C were found to be carrying virus. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed the presence of virus in ATV-exposed salamanders but was found to be less sensitive than cell culture in detecting ATV at low concentrations. PCR products were 100% identical to ATV in the major capsid protein sequence. Virus titer was higher in salamanders held at 10 degrees C than at 18 degrees C but little virus, if any, was present in the small number of salamanders that died at 26 degrees C. These results may help explain periodic viral epizootics in field populations of A. tigrinum where water temperatures fluctuate widely.  相似文献   

Summary The surface epidermis of Ambystoma tigrinum larvae was examined at the light- and electron-microscope levels using five different lectin conjugates as probes for the detection of sugar residues on the cell membranes. Concanavalin A (Con-A), wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA), Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCA-I), Dolichos biflorus agglutinin and soybean agglutinin (SBA) conjugates clearly labelled the surface cells, especially their apical surfaces. At electron microscopy, the labelling on plasma membranes was found to exhibit regional differences. Among the lectins tested WGA displayed a particularly characteristic binding pattern. WGA also bound to basolateral cell surfaces, including the tight-junction zone wich was also stained by the RCA-I conjugate. The different labelling intensity and staining patterns obtained with the conjugates indicated the polarity of the cell surfaces. It is also assumed that the WGA staining of the basolateral membranes and intercellular spaces reflected transcellular transport, which is facilitated by acidic glycoconjugates. Other functional aspects of the polarized distribution of the lectin conjugates were also correlated with the receptor sites of certain sugar residues.  相似文献   

Abstract Pleistocene glaciations were important determinants of historical migration and, hence, current levels of genetic diversity within and among populations. In many cases, these historical migrations led to the existence of disjunct populations of plants and animals. However, the origin and timing of arrival of these disjunct populations is often debated. In the current study, we identify potential refugia and estimate the timing of vicariance events of the eastern tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum , using mitochondrial sequence data. The results suggest a vicariant event 0.75–2 million years ago, separating the tiger salamanders to the east and west of the Apalachicola River Basin. East of the Appalachians, there appear to be multiple independent refugia with little migration among the remaining populations. In particular, populations along the Atlantic Coastal Plain were likely isolated in a coastal plain refugium in the Carolinas. Migrants from this refugium were the likely source of colonists for populations occupying previously glaciated areas along the northeastern Atlantic Coast. A second potential refugium occurs in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western Virginia. This refugium contains a disjunct population of the eastern tiger salamander, as well as a community of nearly 70 other disjunct plant and animal species. The tiger salamanders here have been isolated from other populations for 200,000–500,000 years. These results suggest that disjunct mountain populations of Coastal Plain species may have existed in situ throughout the Pleistocene in Appalachian refugia. Therefore, these disjunct populations are not of recent origin, but rather exist as relicts of a warmer, more widespread fauna and flora that is now restricted to the Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

Developmentally associated changes in the pressure driven water permeability of the skin of the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum were measured at 20 degrees C in neotenic (gilled), transitional, and fully transformed adults. Mean values for the hydraulic conductivity of the skin (Lp, X 10(-5) cm.sec-1.ATM-1) were, respectively, 1.54, 0.54 and 0.13. This nearly 12-fold decrease in the H2O permeability coincides with the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life and may be related to the changing role of the skin in water conservation. The increase in hydraulic conductivity is opposite to the decrease in H2O diffusion rates reported by others. We suggest a theoretical basis for the apparently conflicting results.  相似文献   

Larval Ambystoma tigrinum were examined to determine their cardiovascular responses to three types of acidosis: metabolic acidosis via NH4Cl gavage; respiratory acidosis via hypercapnia; and anesthetic-induced acidosis, via triacine methanesulphonate. In addition, another group of (metabolic acidosis) animals were tested to determine the role of -mediated catecholamine control on cardiovascular and acid-base regulation. The metabolic and respiratory acidoses produced typical amphibian responses. Anesthesia produced a significant mixed acidosis with respiratory and metabolic components. The cardiovascular responses to metabolic and respiratory acidosis were increased heart rate and pulse pressure. There were no significant changes in diastolic pressure, however, systolic pressure increased as a result of the increased pulse pressure. Animals subjected to metabolic acidosis via -blockade with propranolol did not display the increased heart rate and pulse pressure and the acidosis was deepened and prolonged. Anesthesia resulted in a cardiac slowing and increased pulse pressure, probably explained by the Frank-Starling relationship. There was no change in diastolic pressure. Anesthetized animals had depressed blood O2 tension and elevated blood lactate.Abbreviations HR heart rate - RBC red blood cell(s) - TMS triacine methanesulphonate  相似文献   

The ability of an individual to escape predators is an important component of fitness. Several adaptive explanations of body shape variation in amphibians hypothesize relationships between swimming performance and morphology, but these ideas have rarely been tested. Here we investigate bivariate and multivariate relationships between natural variation in morphology and performance. We used high-speed video to examine fast-starts associated with escape responses in small tiger salamander larvae (Ambystoma tigrinum). Our results indicate that performance is influenced by interactions among aspects of morphology, physiology, and behavior. Relationships between morphometric variables and velocity could be detected with multivariate, but not bivariate statistical analyses. In particular, relationships between morphology and velocity depend on tail beat frequency (potentially a measure of effort or vigor). Relationships between morphology and acceleration were detected with bivariate analyses, but multivariate analysis suggests that acceleration performance, too, depends on interactions between morphology and tail beat frequency. We found a positive relationship between tail area and propulsive performance, which supports adaptive interpretations of variation in larval tail shape within and between amphibian species.  相似文献   

We measured Ca2+ exchanges across the skin of larval and adult Ambystoma tigrinum using the radio-isotope influx method. We found that the skin of both morphs takes up Ca2+ in a manner that is proportional to external [Ca2+], saturable and oriented against the electrochemical gradient for Ca2+. We conclude that this uptake occurs by active transport. Kinetic analysis yields affinities for calcium ions that are similar to the affinities for both Ca2+ and Na+ in the skin of other amphibians. The capacity for calcium is similar to Ca2+ capacity in other amphibians. The capacity for Ca2+ is lower than the capacity for Na+. Cutaneous Ca2+ deposits are lower in this urodele than found in anurans. Adults tend to have higher levels of Ca in their skin than do larvae. Accepted: 25 June 1999  相似文献   

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