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Long-chain fatty acids and their acyl-CoA esters are potent inhibitors of nuclear thyroid hormone (T3) receptor in vitro. In the present study, we obtained evidence for acyl-CoA binding activity in the nuclear extract from rat liver. The activity sedimented at a position (3.5 S) identical with that of the T3 receptor, and the two activities sedimented together. Similarly, they coeluted on DEAE-Sephadex. After partial purification of the receptor, it was again inhibited strongly by acyl-CoAs. Heat stability and a partial trypsin digestion of the receptor both suggested that the action site of oleoyl-CoA overlapped the T3-binding domain of the receptor. In addition, thyroid hormone receptor β1, synthesized in vitro, bound oleoyl-CoA specifically and its T3-binding activity was inhibited. The dissociation constant for oleoyl-CoA binding to the partially purified receptor was 1.2 × 10?7 M. This value as well as its molecular size distinguished the nuclear binding sites from the cytoplasmic fatty acid/acyl-CoA binding proteins. Oleoyl-CoA had no effect on the glucocorticoid receptor, another member of the nuclear hormone-receptor superfamily. From these results, we propose that thyroid hormone receptor is a specific acyl-CoA binding protein of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

We developed an assay to directly measure the ligand binding properties of the cloned human erythropoietin receptor (EpoR). The cDNA encoding the extracellular domain of the human EpoR was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and ligated into the prokaryotic expression vector pGEX3X. Synthesis in Escherichia coli was induced and a soluble glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, EREx, was purified by erythropoietin affinity chromatography. Purified EREx was bound to GSH agarose beads and used in a solid phase ligand binding assay. Specific binding of 125I-erythropoietin to EREx beads was demonstrated. A single affinity class (Kd = 1.5 nM) of the binding site was evident on Scatchard analysis. The Kd of this site is quantitatively equivalent to that of the "low" affinity cellular binding site. Kinetic analysis of ligand binding to EREx revealed both the on and off rates to be rapid, with t1/2 of 60 and 40 s, respectively. EREx ligand binding exhibits no obvious metal ion dependence or cross-competition by other hemopoietins. Antibodies to EREx block the binding of erythropoietin to the cellular EpoR. We conclude that the 66-kDa EpoR protein is capable of specific ligand binding and that no covalent modifications or associated molecules are required for this interaction. We speculate that the "high" affinity cellular binding site (Kd less than 0.2 nM) results from the interaction of the EpoR with another molecule, either additional EpoR or associated subunits, that decreases the ligand off rate.  相似文献   

The gel retardation assay was used to analyze the role of the thyroid hormone receptor alpha (TR alpha) ligand-binding domain (LBD) in controlling receptor interaction with a thyroid hormone responsive element (TRE). While wild type receptor TR alpha binds to the TRE mainly as monomer, deletion of 85 amino acids from its C-terminus results in a mutant receptor with enhanced DNA binding that forms several slow mobility complexes as revealed by gel retardation assay. Receptor deletion mutants that lack most of the LBD show significantly elevated DNA binding and are still able to bind to DNA as two complexes. Thus, the C-terminal end of TR alpha appears to interfere with the dimerization/oligomerization function and DNA binding of TR alpha. All C-terminal deletion mutants have lost their T3-responsive activator function, but some show constitutive activity. Nuclear factor from several cell lines, including CV-1, F9, and GC cells, interacts with TR alpha receptor to form a larger molecular weight complex as determined by gel retardation assay. This factor could not be detected in HeLatk- cells, where TR alpha does not activate a TRE-containing reporter gene. The nuclear factor is heat sensitive and does not bind to TRE itself but can interact with TR alpha in the absence of DNA. Deletion analysis demonstrates that the leucine zipper-like sequence located in the LBD of TR alpha is involved in this interaction. Together, our data suggest that TR alpha contains a dimerization function outside the LBD which is inhibited by the carboxy-terminal region, while the leucine zipper-like sequence in the LBD is required for interaction with a nuclear factor.  相似文献   

Using a gel shift assay, we analyzed the binding of in vitro translated alpha- and beta-thyroid hormone (T3) receptors to a T3-response element (TRE) derived from the rat GH gene. No receptor-TRE complexes were observed when translated receptor alone was incubated with the TRE. However, addition of a nuclear extract from liver to the translational products resulted in the formation of two receptor-DNA complexes for both the alpha- and beta-receptors. These complexes were shown to contain translated receptor by comigration of 32P-labeled TRE and 35S-labeled receptor in the gel shift assay. A competition experiment demonstrated that formation of the complexes was sequence specific. Preincubation of the liver nuclear extract at 60 C abolished formation of both complexes indicating that receptor-TRE binding required a heat-labile nuclear factor. Phosphocellulose chromatography of the nuclear extract resulted in separation of the activities required for formation of the two complexes. Analysis of nuclear extracts from different tissues revealed that one complex formed in the presence of all extracts, whereas the second complex appeared predominantly with a nuclear extract from liver. Addition of T3 to the binding reaction had no effect on receptor-TRE complex formation. We suggest that nuclear factors interact with the T3 receptor to enhance hormone-independent binding to a TRE.  相似文献   

Rat liver nuclear thyroid hormone receptor was subjected to limited trypsin digestion, and the tryptic fragment of the 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3)-receptor complex was characterized. Rat liver nuclear thyroid hormone receptor is an asymmetrical protein with Stokes radius of 34 A, sedimentation coefficient of 3.4 S, and molecular weight of 49,000. A globular T3-receptor complex with Stokes radius of 22 A, sedimentation coefficient of 2.8 S, and molecular weight of 26,000 was obtained by tryptic digestion. This fragment had no DNA binding activity, whereas undigested receptor showed significant DNA binding activity. Addition of undigested receptor to the tryptic fragment did not restore DNA binding activity of digested receptor, nor did mixing inhibit DNA binding activity of undigested receptor complex. Undigested receptor bound to core histones, and this activity was stronger than with other proteins tested (H1 histone, cytochrome c, and ovalbumin). The tryptic fragment of receptor maintained core histone binding activity comparable to that of undigested receptor. The tryptic fragment had affinity for T3 comparable to undigested receptor as assessed by Scatchard analysis and the same rate for dissociation of [125I]T3 from receptor. The tryptic fragment of the T3-receptor complex was more stable than undigested receptor at 43 degrees C. Digestion of receptor unoccupied by T3 caused a significantly larger loss of T3 binding capacity than did digestion of T3-occupied receptor, suggesting a protective effect of T3 on a second trypsin-sensitive site on the receptor, which, when cut, destroys T3 binding activity.  相似文献   

The triiodothyronine (T3) nuclear receptor was previously shown to lose rapidly its high affinity hormone-binding property after a partial purification from the nuclear extract. It was then found that histones + DNA added to the incubation medium with labeled T3 could restore, at least in part, the high affinity T3 binding. We now demonstrate that DNA alone increases the high affinity T3 binding site concentration moderately, and only at low ionic strength where it can bind to the receptor. Total histones and all histone fractions studied (total core histones, F2a, H2B, H3, H4, H1) specifically increase, at low concentrations, the level of T3 binding; but higher concentrations of some individualized histones, particularly arginine-rich histones, have an inhibitory effect. DNA, or several other polynucleotides, in the presence of histones increase the stimulating histone effect and reverse the inhibitory effect into a true activation. Histones increase the number of T3 binding sites but decrease the affinity for T3; addition of DNA restores the high affinity for T3 and stabilizes the T3-receptor complexes. Thus, some of the histone molecules could play a role in the maintenance of the T3 binding site, but multiple interactions between histones or with DNA seem necessary to impair the negative effect exerted by other parts of the histone molecules. Whether these positive and negative effects of histones on the T3 binding site are of biological relevance in the regulation of T3 binding to its receptor remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The triiodothyronine (T3) nuclear receptor was previously shown to lose rapidly its high affinity hormone-binding property after a partial purification from the nuclear extract. It was then found that histones + DNA added to the incubation medium with labeled T3 could restore, at least in part, the high affinity T3 binding. We now demonstrate that DNA alone increases the high affinity T3 binding site concentration moderately, and only at low ionic strength where it can bind to the receptor. Total histones and all histone fractions studied (total core histones, F2a, H2B, H3, H4, H1) specifically increase, at low concentrations, the level of T3 binding; but higher concentrations of some individualized histones, particularly arginine-rich histones, have an inhibitory effect. DNA, or several other polynucleotides, in the presence of histones increase the stimulating histone effect and reverse the inhibitory effect into a true activation. Histones increase the number of T3 binding sites but decrease the affinity for T3; addition of DNA restores the high affinity for T3 and stabilizes the T3-receptor complexes. Thus, some of the histone molecules could play a role in the maintenance of the T3 binding site, but multiple interactions between histones or with DNA seem necessary to impair the negative effect exerted by other parts of the histone molecules. Whether these positive and negative effects of histones on the T3 binding site are of biological relevance in the regulation of T3 binding to its receptor remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Methodology is reported for extracting thyroid hormone receptors from rat liver nuclei and for purifying these such that certain receptor properties can be examined. The extraction technique resulted in 1700 pmol of receptor/2 kg of liver and bypasses centrifugation in dense sucrose. The receptor was then purified by sequential heparin-Sepharose, DEAE-Sepharose, and phospho-Ultrogel chromatography and size exclusion and hydrophobic interaction high performance liquid chromatography. These steps yielded 23-35 micrograms of receptor at 0.7-1.5% purity from two 2-kg liver preparations. The cross-linkers disuccinimidyl suberate and N-succinimidyl-6-(4-azido-2-nitrophenylamino)hexanoate were employed to covalently attach 125I-labeled 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) to the purified receptor. Autoradiography after denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed major 49,000 Mr and minor 58,000 Mr specific T3-binding proteins. The purified receptors exhibited high affinity (Kd = 100 pM) single site T3-binding activity. Because of the high affinity and specificity of [125I]T3 for the receptor, it was possible to uniquely identify the receptor containing DNA-protein complexes in a gel retardation assay and thus directly demonstrate for the first time that the receptor can specifically recognize sequences in the 5'-flanking DNA of the rat growth hormone gene. [125I]T3-labeled receptor migrated at the same position as the major gel-retarded 32P-labeled DNA band. Specific DNA competed for the binding much more strongly than nonspecific DNA. Thus, the purification procedure results in relatively large quantities of receptor at a purity sufficient for detecting and studying a number of its properties including specific DNA binding activity.  相似文献   

Mouse skin 8-lipoxygenase was expressed in COS-7 cells by transient transfection of its cDNA in pEF-BOS carrying an elongation factor-1alpha promoter. When crude extract of the transfected COS-7 cells was incubated with arachidonic acid, 8-hydroxy-5,9,11, 14-eicosatetraenoic acid was produced as assessed by reverse- and straight-phase high performance liquid chromatographies. The recombinant enzyme also reacted on alpha-linolenic and docosahexaenoic acids at almost the same rate as that with arachidonic acid. Eicosapentaenoic and gamma-linolenic acids were also oxygenated at 43% and 56% reaction rates of arachidonic acid, respectively. In contrast, linoleic acid was a poor substrate for this enzyme. The 8-lipoxygenase reaction with these fatty acids proceeded almost linearly for 40 min. The 8-lipoxygenase was also expressed in an Escherichia coli system using pQE-32 carrying six histidine residues at N-terminal of the enzyme. The expressed enzyme was purified over 380-fold giving a specific activity of approximately 0.2 micromol/45 min per mg protein by nickel-nitrilotriacetate affinity chromatography. The enzymatic properties of the purified 8-lipoxygenase were essentially the same as those of the enzyme expressed in COS-7 cells. When the purified 8-lipoxygenase was incubated with 5-hydroperoxy-6,8,11, 14-eicosatetraenoic acid, two epimers of 6-trans-leukotriene B4, degradation products of unstable leukotriene A4, were observed upon high performance liquid chromatography. Thus, the 8-lipoxygenase catalyzed synthesis of leukotriene A4 from 5-hydroperoxy fatty acid. Reaction rate of the leukotriene A synthase was approximately 7% of arachidonate 8-lipoxygenation. In contrast to the linear time course of 8-lipoxygenase reaction with arachidonic acid, leukotriene A synthase activity leveled off within 10 min, indicating suicide inactivation.  相似文献   

We purified and characterized a soluble human interferon gamma receptor expressed in Escherichia coli. The soluble receptor comprises the amino acids 15-246 of the encoded protein (Aguet, M., Dembic, Z., and Merlin, G. (1988) Cell 55, 273-280) and was purified from large scale fermentations through four chromatographic steps with an overall recovery of 28%. The refolded soluble receptor shows some heterogeneity on nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, where it appears as the major band of 27 kDa molecular mass, accompanied by a few minor bands with molecular masses between 26 and 30 kDa. On reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis it appears as a homogeneous protein of 32 kDa molecular mass. The soluble interferon gamma receptor is an active and stable protein and is recognized by specific antibodies raised against the native receptor. When nonreduced it has the capacity to specifically bind interferon gamma and to compete for the binding of interferon gamma to the cell surface receptor. The observed heterogeneity of the soluble interferon gamma receptor under nonreducing electrophoretic conditions is probably due to different conformational forms resulting from the formation of non-native intramolecular disulfide bonds among the 8 cysteine residues present in the soluble interferon gamma receptor molecule.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and their associated Cas proteins comprise a prokaryotic RNA-guided adaptive immune system that interferes with mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids and phages. The type I-E CRISPR interference complex Cascade from Escherichia coli is composed of five different Cas proteins and a 61-nt-long guide RNA (crRNA). crRNAs contain a unique 32-nt spacer flanked by a repeat-derived 5′ handle (8 nt) and a 3′ handle (21 nt). The spacer part of crRNA directs Cascade to DNA targets. Here, we show that the E. coli Cascade can be expressed and purified from cells lacking crRNAs and loaded in vitro with synthetic crRNAs, which direct it to targets complementary to crRNA spacer. The deletion of even one nucleotide from the crRNA 5′ handle disrupted its binding to Cascade and target DNA recognition. In contrast, crRNA variants with just a single nucleotide downstream of the spacer part bound Cascade and the resulting ribonucleotide complex containing a 41-nt-long crRNA specifically recognized DNA targets. Thus, the E. coli Cascade-crRNA system exhibits significant flexibility suggesting that this complex can be engineered for applications in genome editing and opening the way for incorporation of site-specific labels in crRNA.  相似文献   

Fcgamma receptors (FcgammaR) are expressed on immunologically active cells where they trigger B and T cell responses and are responsible for the clearance of immunocomplexes. They occur as type I transmembrane proteins and also in soluble forms (sFcR) comprising only the ecto domains of the receptors. State-of-the-art research has generated demand for highly pure and homogeneous sFcgammaR preparations: first, studies of the immunoregulative potential of the soluble FcgammaRs have been hampered by co-purified growth factors. Second, they are needed for crystallographic analyses to solve questions such as the exact location of the binding site for IgG on the receptor, and the graded affinities of the receptors for different IgG subclasses. This has been unsuccessful due to limitations in availability and homogeneity of sFcgammaR expressed in eukaryotic cells. In order to address these problems we expressed the extracellular part of the human FcgammaRIIb in E. coli. The protein was refolded, purified in a three-step procedure and characterized by SDS-PAGE, mass spectrometry as well as N-terminal sequencing. The unglycosylated FcgammaRIIb is active because it binds immobilized antibody as well as the IgG Fc-fragment in solution. Finally, the receptor was crystallized in orthorhombic, tetragonal and hexagonal crystal forms that diffracted X-rays to resolutions of 1.7 A, 2.7 A and 3.8 A respectively.  相似文献   

Zn+2 is required for specific binding of c-erbA proteins to the hormone response elements of target genes. It is unclear whether Zn+2 is important for the binding of ligand to c-erbA proteins. The present study evaluated the effect of Zn+2 and other divalent cations on the binding of 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine(T3) to the purified human placental c-erbA protein (h-TR beta 1). Zn+2 induced cross-linking of h-TR beta 1 to form aggregates in a dose-dependent manner with an apparent half-maximal concentration of approximately 200 microM at 22 degrees C. Cross-linking was reversible by the addition of 5 microM EDTA or 10 mM dithiothreitol. The cross-linked h-TR beta 1 bound T3. These results indicated Zn+2 had no effect on T3 binding and suggested that the cysteines and histidines involved in cross-linking are not essential for T3 binding.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin receptor (TPOR) is a member of the cytokine receptor superfamily expressed primarily on hematopoietic cells. TPOR plays an important role in regulating platelet production. Due to its low expression level in human tissue, studies on the biochemical and biophysical properties of TPOR have been limited. In the present study, an extracellular domain of recombinant human TPOR (rh TPOR-EN) was expressed in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies. Purification was achieved by metal chelated chromatography under denaturing condition and was refolded by gel filtration chromatography. Far UV circular dichroism spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance experiments were performed to demonstrate that the protein was in a refolded state and could bind with its ligand. Thus, a production and purification scheme was developed by which sufficient quantities of rh TPOR-EN can be made available for biochemical and biophysical characterizations.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a family, Kindred A, with autosomal dominant generalized thyroid hormone resistance in which affected members were found to have a mutation in the carboxy-terminal domain of the c-erbA beta thyroid hormone receptor. In the current study, the thyroid hormone and DNA-binding properties of this mutant receptor were determined using c-erbA beta protein synthesized in vitro. Both the wild-type human placental c-erbA beta and Kindred A receptors bound [125I]-triiodothyronine, although the Kindred A receptor had decreased affinity for the hormone. The affinity for triiodothyronine was 4.5 x 10(9) M-1 and 2.3 x 10(10) M-1 for the mutant and wild-type receptors, respectively. No abnormality of DNA-binding was detected with the Kindred A receptor using a sensitive avidin-biotin DNA-binding assay with DNA fragments containing thyroid hormone response elements. The Kindred A mutant receptor which displays abnormal triiodothyronine-binding but normal DNA-binding activities in vitro acts as a dominant negative inhibitor of thyroid hormone action in man.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone receptors, isolated from rat liver nuclei, bind to purified DNA. By contrast, free triiodothyronine and plasma proteins which bind thyroid hormone do not associate with DNA. Thus, the nuclear localization of thyroid hormone in target tissues may be explained by the association of its receptors with DNA.  相似文献   

By analogy with steroid receptors, human placental thyroid hormone nuclear receptor (hTR beta 1) could be divided into four functional domains: A/B (Met1-Leu101), C (Cys102-Ala170), D (Thr171-Lys237), and E (Arg238-Asp456). The E domain was thought to bind thyroid hormone. To evaluate whether domain E alone is sufficient to bind T3 or requires the presence of other domains for functional T3-binding activity, a series of deletion mutants was constructed. The mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the expressed proteins were purified. Analysis of the T3-binding affinity and analog specificity of the purified truncated hTR beta 1 indicated that domain E alone did not have T3-binding activity. Extension of the amino-terminal sequence of domain E to include part of domain D yielded a mutant (Lys201-Asp456) with a Ka for T3 of 0.5 +/- 0.2 x 10(9) M-1. Further extension to include the entire domain D (Met169-Asp456) yielded a mutant with T3-binding activity with a Ka of 0.8 +/- 0.1 x 10(9) M-1. Further extension of the amino-terminal sequence to include domain C increased the affinity for T3 by nearly 2-fold (Ka = 1.5 +/- 0.4 x 10(9) M-1). The Ka for the wild-type hTR beta 1 is 1.5 +/- 0.2 x 10(9) M-1. Furthermore, mutant (Met169-Asp456) binds to 3',5',3-triiodo-L-thyropropionic acid, D-T3, L-T4, and L-T3 with 307%, 37%, 7%, and 0.1%, respectively, of the activity of L-T3. This order of analog affinity is similar to that of the wild-type hTR beta 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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