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The aging eye appears to be at considerable risk from oxidative stress. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) is one of the mechanisms of cataractogenesis, initiated by enhanced promotion of oxygen free radicals in the eye fluids and tissues and impaired enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses of the crystalline lens. The present study proposes that mitochondria are one of the major sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mammalian and human lens epithelial cells and that therapies that protect mitochondria in lens epithelial cells from damage and reduce damaging ROS generation may potentially ameliorate the effects of free radical-induced oxidation that occur in aging ocular tissues and in human cataract diseases. It has been found that rather than complete removal of oxidants by the high levels of protective enzyme activities such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, lipid peroxidases in transparent lenses, the lens conversely, possess a balance between peroxidants and antioxidants in a way that normal lens tends to generate oxidants diffusing from lenticular tissues, shifting the redox status of the lens to become more oxidizing during both morphogenesis and aging. Release of the oxidants (O(2)(-)·, H(2)O(2) , OH·, and lipid hydroperoxides) by the intact lenses in the absence of respiratory inhibitors indicates that these metabolites are normal physiological products inversely related to the lens life-span potential (maturity of cataract) generated through the metal-ion catalyzed redox-coupled pro-oxidant activation of the lens reductants (ascorbic acid, glutathione). The membrane-bound phospholipid (PL) hydroperoxides escape detoxification by the lens enzymatic reduction. The lens cells containing these species would be vulnerable to peroxidative attack which trigger the PL hydroperoxide-dependent chain propagation of LPO and other damages in membrane (lipid and protein alterations). The increased concentrations of primary LPO products (diene conjugates, lipid hydroperoxides) and end fluorescent LPO products were detected in the lipid moiety of the aqueous humor samples obtained from patients with cataract as compared to normal donors. Since LPO is clinically important in many of the pathological effects and aging, new therapeutic modalities, such as patented N-acetylcarnosine prodrug lubricant eye drops, should treat the incessant infliction of damage to the lens cells and biomolecules by reactive lipid peroxides and oxygen species and "refashion" the affected lens membranes in the lack of important metabolic detoxification of PL peroxides. Combined in ophthalmic formulations with N-acetylcarnosine, mitochondria-targeted antioxidants are promising to become investigated as a potential tool for treating a number of ROS-related ocular diseases, including human cataracts.  相似文献   

Since chromium(III) was demonstrated to have antioxidative action, we have decided to study the effect of this element on V-induced LPO in liver and kidney of rats. Outbred 2-month-old, albino male Wistar rats received daily, for a period of 12 weeks: group I (control), deionized water to drink; group II, sodium metavanadate (SMV) solution at a concentration of 0.100mgV/mL; group III, chromium chloride (CC) solution at a concentration of 0.004mgCr/mL and group IV, SMV-CC solution at a concentration of 0.100mgV and 0.004mgCr/mL. The particular experimental groups took up with drinking water about 8.6mgV/kg b.w./24h (group II), 0.4mgCr/kg b.w./24h (group III), 9mgV and 0.36mgCr/kg b.w./24h (group IV). The V- or Cr-treated groups had higher concentrations of these two elements in liver and kidney compared to the controls. The administration of vanadium alone caused a significant decrease in fluid intake and in body weight gain compared to the controls. In liver supernatants obtained from all tested rats a statistically significant increase in MDA concentration was demonstrated in spontaneous LPO in comparison with the control rats. Moreover, in rats intoxicated with vanadium alone a statistically significant increase in liver MDA level was observed in the presence of 100microM NaVO(3). Instead, in supernatants of liver received from rats treated with chromium alone, a statistically significant increase in MDA concentration in comparison with the controls was found in the presence of 400microM NaVO(3). In kidney supernatants obtained from rats treated with chromium alone, a statistically significant increase in lipid peroxidation was shown in the presence of 30microM FeSO(4) and 400microM NaVO(3). These results show that the tested doses of vanadium(V) and chromium(III) ingested by rats with their drinking water caused significant alterations in internal organs, especially in liver. Under the conditions of our experiment, Cr(III) did not demonstrate antioxidant action, it rather had an oxidant effect.  相似文献   

Membrane lipid peroxidation (LPO) induced by hydroxyl (*OH) and ascorbyl (*Asc) radicals and by peroxynitrite (ONOO-) was investigated in asolectin (ASO), egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) and PC/phosphatidic acid mixtures (PC:PA) liposomes and rat liver microsomes (MC). Enthalpy variation (DeltaH) of PC:PA at different molar ratios were obtained by differential scanning calorimetry. It was also evaluated the LPO inhibition by quercetin, melatonin and Vitamin B6. The oxidant effect power follows the order *OH approximately *Asc > ONOO- on PC and MC; whilst on ASO liposomes, it follows *Asc > *OH approximately ONOO-. Increasing amounts of PA in PC liposomes resulted in lower levels of LPO. The DeltaH values indicate a more ordered membrane arrangement as a function of PA amount. The results were discussed in order to provide a complete view involving the influence of membranes, oxidants and antioxidants intrinsic behavior on the LPO dynamics.  相似文献   

Intensive and short-term strategies can aid in more rapid screening with informative and reliable results for long-term investigations under cold stress (CS). The integration of cellular analysis of chickpea during 0, 2, 4, 8, and 12 h CS supplied us with novel possible responsive components and the possible interactions embedded inside, still remaining a Maze. Seedlings showed a biphasic pattern of responses over time. The transitory phase happened after 8 h, when cells are presumably experiencing a new stage of responses and setting the stage for long-term adjustments. Physio-biochemical analysis confirmed the direct effect of fatty acids composition, lipoxygenase activity and antioxidant systems in cell responses under CS. Also, proteome results using MALDI-TOF-TOF and/or LC–MS/MS were able to differentiate changes in early phases of CS. Two-dimensional gel analysis results showed the possible targets of CS as mitochondria, chloroplast, organelle–nucleus communications, storage resources, stress and defense, protein degradation and signal transduction that confirmed the cell intended to re-establish a new homeostasis, in energy and primary metabolites to adapt to long-term CS. Here we propose a time course dynamic assessing multi-dimensional approaches for CS studies as one of the first studies in short-term treatment to progressively fill in the gaps between physio-biochemical and molecular events and touch the cell architecture for a better comprehension of the nature of plant stress response.  相似文献   

Invasion of the Mediterranean Sea by the two world-wide famous exotic algae species, Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa, is still a problem and has adverse effects on the Mediterranean sublittoral ecosystem. Biological control studies revealed that the two native Sacoglossans, Oxynoe olivacea and Lobiger serradifalci, may have an effect on the expansion of invasive Caulerpa spp. in the Mediterranean. In the framework of this study, antioxidant enzyme activities, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), lipid peroxidation (LPO) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels, as oxidative stress markers in L. serradifalci and O. olivacea were determined at two different temperature conditions (20 and 27 °C). In both species, SOD, CAT and GSH-Px activities were found to be positively correlated with temperature. The SOD activities in L. serradifalci were higher than those in O. olivacea at both temperatures, whereas the CAT and GSH-Px activities were significantly (p<0.05) higher in O. olivacea, compared to L. serradifalci. As expected, both species showed decreased LPO levels at 27 °C compared to 20 °C. GSSG level at 27 °C in O.olivacea was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of 20 °C. On the other hand, no statistical (p>0.05) difference in L.serradifalci existed between GSSG levels at two temperatures. But, despite the variations in the antioxidant enzyme activities, there was no significant difference in LPO levels between the species, suggesting that the oxidative consequences of a given environmental condition may vary among different species. Inasmuch as the GSSG levels were in accordance with antioxidant enzyme activities, GSH might have acted as a cofactor of GSH-Px and an individual antioxidant in these sea slugs.  相似文献   

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