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The products of the yeast mismatch repair genes MSH2 and MSH3 participate in the inhibition of genetic recombination between homeologous (divergent) DNA sequences. In strains deficient for these genes, homeologous recombination rates between repeated elements are elevated due to the loss of this inhibition. In this study, the effects of these mutations were further analyzed by quantitation of mitotic homeologous recombinants as crossovers, gene conversions or exceptional events in wild-type, msh2, msh3 and msh2 msh3 mutant strains. When homeologous sequences were present as a direct repeat in one orientation, crossovers and gene conversions were elevated in msh2, msh3 and msh2 msh3 strains. The increases were greater in the msh2 msh3 double mutant than in either single mutant. When the order of the homeologous sequences was reversed, the msh2 mutation again yielded increased rates of crossovers and gene conversions. However, in an msh3 strain, gene conversions occurred at higher levels but interchromosomal crossovers were not increased and intrachromosomal crossovers were reduced relative to wild type. The msh2 msh3 double mutant behaved like the msh2 single mutant in this orientation. Control strains harboring homologous duplications were largely but not entirely unaffected in mutant strains, suggesting specificity for the mismatched intermediates of homeologous recombination. In all strains, very few (<10%) recombinants could be attributed to exceptional events. These results suggest that MSH2 and MSH3 can function differentially to control homeologous exchanges. Received: 24 December 1996 / Accepted: 24 July 1997  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the product of the nuclear gene CBP2 is required exclusively for the splicing of the terminal intron of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The homologous gene from the related yeast, Saccharomyces douglasii, has been shown to be essential for respiratory growth in the presence of a wild-type S. douglasii mitochondrial genome and dispensable in the presence of an intronless mitochondrial genome. The two CBP2 genes are functionally interchangeable although the target intron of the S. cerevisiaeCBP2 gene is absent from the S. douglasii mitochondrial genome. To determine the function of the CBP2 gene in S. douglasii mitochondrial pre-RNA processing we have constructed and analyzed interspecific hybrid strains between the nuclear genome of S. cerevisiae carrying an inactive CBP2 gene and S. douglasii mitochondrial genomes with different intron contents. We have demonstrated that inactivation of the S. cerevisiaeCBP2 gene affects the maturation of the S. douglasii LSU pre-RNA, leading to a respiratory-deficient phenotype in the hybrid strains. We have shown that the CBP2 gene is essential for excision of the S. douglasii LSU intron in vivo and that the gene is dispensable when this intron is deleted or replaced by the S. cerevisiae LSU intron. Received: 1 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 November 1997  相似文献   

We have analysed the correction of defined mismatches in wild-type and msh2, msh3, msh6 and msh3 msh6 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in two different yeast strain backgrounds by transformation with plasmid heteroduplex DNA constructs. Ten different base/base mismatches, two single-nucleotide loops and a 38-nucleotide loop were tested. Repair of all types of mismatches was severely impaired in msh2 and msh3 msh6 mutants. In msh6 mutants, repair efficiency of most base/base mismatches was reduced to a similar extent as in msh3 msh6 double mutants. G/T and A/C mismatches, however, displayed residual repair in msh6 mutants in one strain background, implying a role for Msh3p in recognition of base/base mismatches. Furthermore, the efficiency of repair of base/base mismatches was considerably reduced in msh3 mutants in one strain background, indicating a requirement for MSH3 for fully efficient mismatch correction. Also the efficiency of repair of the 38-nucleotide loop was reduced in msh3 mutants, and to a lesser extent in msh6 mutants. The single-nucleotide loop with an unpaired A was less efficiently repaired in msh3 mutants and that with an unpaired T was less efficiently corrected in msh6 mutants, indicating non-redundant functions for the two proteins in the recognition of single-nucleotide loops. Received: 7 August 1997 / Accepted: 24 September 1997  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene RIT1 encodes a phospho-ribosyl transferase that exclusively modifies the initiator tRNA (tRNAMet i) by the addition of a 2′-O-ribosyl phosphate group to Adenosine 64. As a result, tRNAMet i is prevented from participating in the elongation steps of protein synthesis. We previously showed that the modification is not essential for the function of tRNAMet i in the initiation of translation, since rit1 null strains are viable and show no obvious growth defects. Here, we demonstrate that yeast strains in which a rit1 null allele is combined with mutations in any of the genes for the three subunits of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 (eIF-2), or with disruption alleles of two of the four initiator methionine tRNA (IMT) genes, show synergistic growth defects. A multicopy plasmid carrying an IMT gene can alleviate these defects. On the other hand, introduction of a high-copy-number plasmid carrying the TEF2 gene, which encodes the eukaryotic elongation factor 1α (eEF-1α), into rit1 null strains with two intact IMT genes had the opposite effect, indicating that increased levels of eEF-1α are deleterious to these strains, presumably due to sequestration of the unmodified met-tRNAMet i for elongation. Thus, under conditions in which the components of the ternary met-tRNAMet i:GTP:eIF-2 complex become limiting or are functionally impaired, the presence of the 2′-O-ribosyl phosphate modification in tRNAMet i is important for the provision of adequate amounts of tRNAMet i for formation of this ternary complex. Received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

We have isolated a new class of respiration-defective, i.e petite, mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutations in the GEF1 gene cause cells to grow slowly on rich media containing carbon sources utilized by respiration. This phenotype is suppressed by adding high concentrations of iron to the growth medium. Gef1 mutants also fail to grow on a fermentable carbon source, glucose, when iron is reduced to low concentrations in the medium, suggesting that the GEF1 gene is required for efficient metabolism of iron during growth on fermentable as well as respired carbon sources. However, activity of the iron uptake system appears to be unaffected in gef1 mutants. Fe(II) transporter activity and regulation is normal in gef1 mutants. Fe(III) reductase induction during iron-limited growth is disrupted, but this appears to be a secondary effect of growth rate alterations. The wild-type GEF1 gene was cloned and sequenced; it encodes a protein of 779 amino acids, 13 possible transmembrane domains, and significant similarity to chloride channel proteins from fish and mammals, suggesting that GEF1 encodes an integral membrane protein. A gef1 deletion mutation generated in vitro and introduced into wild-type haploid strains by gene transplacement was not lethal. Oxygen consumption by intact gef1 cells and by mitochondrial fractions isolated from gef1 mutants was reduced 25–50% relative to wild type, indicating that mitochondrial function is defective in these mutants. We suggest that GEF1 encodes a transport protein that is involved in intracellular iron metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the HOM2 gene encodes aspartic semi-aldehyde dehydrogenase (ASA DH). The synthesis of this enzyme had been shown to be derepressed by growth in the presence of high concentrations of methionine. In the present work we have cloned and sequenced the HOM2 gene and found that the promoter region of this gene bears one copy of the consensus sequence for general control of amino acid synthesis. This prompted us to study the regulation of the expression of the HOM2 gene. We have found that ASA DH is the first reported enzyme of the related threonine and methionine pathway to be regulated by the general control of amino acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Spermine, ubiquitously present in most organisms, is the final product of the biosynthetic pathway for polyamines and is synthesized from spermidine. In order to investigate the physiological roles of spermine, we identified the SPE4 gene, which codes for spermine synthase, on the right arm of chromosome XII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and prepared a deletion mutant in this gene. This mutant has neither spermine nor spermine synthase activity. Using the spe4 deletion mutant, we show that S. cerevisiae does not require spermine for growth, even though spermine is normally present in the wild-type organism. This is in striking contrast to the absolute requirement of S. cerevisiae for spermidine for growth, which we had previously reported using a mutant lacking the SPE3 gene (spermidine synthase) [Hamasaki-Katagiri, N., Tabor, C.W., Tabor, H., 1997. Spermidine biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Polyamine requirement of a null mutant of the SPE3 gene (spermidine synthase). Gene 187, 35–43].  相似文献   

Summary The smp2 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows increased stability of the heterologous plasmid pSR1 and YRp plasmids. A DNA fragment bearing the SMP2 gene was cloned by its ability to complement the slow growth of the smp2 smp3 double mutant (smp3 is another mutation conferring increased stability of plasmid pSR1). The nucleotide sequence of SMP2 indicated that it encodes a highly charged 95 kDa protein. Disruption of the genomic SMP2 gene resulted in a respiration-deficient phenotype, although the cells retained mitochondrial DNA, and showed increased stability of pSR1 like the original smp2 mutant. The fact that the smp2 mutant is not always respiration deficient and shows increased pSR1 stability even in a rho 0 strain lacking mitochondrial DNA suggested that the function of the Smp2 protein in plasmid maintenance is independent of respiration. The SMP2 locus was mapped at a site 71 cM from lys7 and 21 cM from ilv2/SMR1 on the right arm of chromosome XIII.  相似文献   

The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

Summary Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomic clones that encode calmodulin-binding proteins were isolated by screening a λgt11 expression library using125I-labeled calmodulin as probe. Among the cloned yeast genes, we found two closely related genes (CMP1 andCMP2) that encode proteins homologous to the catalytic subunit of phosphoprotein phosphatase. The presumed CMP1 protein (62999 Da) and CMP2 protein (68496 Da) contain a 23 amino acid sequence very similar to those identified as calmodulin-binding sites in many calmodulin-regulated proteins. The yeast genes encode proteins especially homologous to the catalytic subunit of mammalian phosphoprotein phosphatase type 213 (calcineurin). The products of theCMP1 andCMP2 genes were identified by immunoblot analysis of cell extracts as proteins of 62000 and 64000 Da, respectively. Gene disruption experiments demonstrated that elimination of either or both of these genes had no effect on cell viability, indicating that these genes are not essential for normal cell growth.  相似文献   

Valinomycin and nigericin prevented growth of 13 strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on non-fermentable substrate glycerol without affecting much fermentative growth on glucose. The two antibiotics did not induce swelling and lysis of yeast protoplasts in potassium acetate and did not modify uptake and release of Rb+ by the yeast cells. Both antibiotics were taken up by yeast cells at a relatively low rate. Nigericin accelerated the glucose-induced changes of fluorescence of a cyanine dye absorbed by yeast cells, which had been previously ascribed to a depolarization-repolarization cycle of the mitochondrial membrane. The data suggest that valinomycin and nigericin act as ionophores in the inner mitochondrial membrane and not in the plasma membrane of intact yeast cells.  相似文献   

We report here the first cloning of a chalcone flavonone isomerase gene (CHI) from maize. Northern blot experiments indicate that the maize CHI gene (ZmCHI1) is regulated in the pericarp by the P gene, a myb homologue. The ZmCHI1 gene encodes a 24.3 kDa product 55% and 58% identical to CHI-A and CHI-B from Petunia, respectively. This maize CHI gene has four exons and an intron-exon structure identical to the CHI-B gene of Petunia hybrida. RFLP mapping data indicate that some inbred lines contain two additional CHI-homologous sequences, suggesting an organization more complex than that found in Petunia or bean. The possibility that the additional CHI-homologous sequences are responsible for the lack of CHI mutants in maize will be discussed.  相似文献   

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