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Mice which were infected with the herpesvirus murine cytomegalovirus or herpes simplex virus type 1 on the day of birth exhibited mouse strain-dependent differences in the development of lethal disease. The pattern of resistance among the strains was distinct for each virus and closely resembled that reported in adult mice. However, much lower doses of the viruses were required in newborn mice to reveal these resistance patterns. For murine cytomegalovirus, both H-2-associated and non-H-2 genes conferred resistance, and, as has been shown for adults, there was a 25-fold difference in the dose required to kill 50% of the animals belonging to the most resistant and susceptible strains. The resistance of newborn mice to herpes simplex virus type 1 was conferred by non-H-2 genes in C57BL/6 mice, as has been reported for adults, and newborn C57BL/6 mice were considerably more resistant than mice of susceptible strains. Resistance was also reflected in the titer of these viruses in the spleen or liver early in infection and, with murine cytomegalovirus, in the survival time of infected mice. The resistance of newborn mice to lethal disease was not conferred postnatally by the mother. This appears to be the first report of genetically determined resistance to herpesviruses in newborn mice. Such autonomous virus-specific resistance may provide a significant barrier to naturally acquired infection in genetically resistant strains. Similar genetically regulated mechanisms may protect the newborns of many species, including humans, against infection with herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Macrophages isolated from mice resistant to acute (lethal) infection with a neurovirulent isolate of HSV-1 express intrinsic resistance to viral infection in vitro. Bone marrow (BM), spleen (S), peritoneal (P), and thioglycolate-stimulated peritoneal (Pthio) macrophages isolated from resistant C57BL/6 Cr (B6) mice consistently restrict HSV-1 macromolecular synthesis earlier in the viral replicative cycle than do macrophages isolated from the same tissue sources from more susceptible DBA/2Cr (D2) mice. B6-BM (BM macrophages from B6 mice) restrict HSV macromolecular synthesis at least at two points in the replicative cycle: 1) before the onset of alpha-protein synthesis and 2) between the onset of gamma 1 protein and DNA synthesis. D2-BM macrophages restrict HSV replication at about the time of DNA synthesis. B6-P macrophages restrict HSV replication shortly after gamma 1 protein synthesis, and D2-P macrophages inhibit the virus slightly later, but before DNA synthesis. B6-S macrophages restrict HSV replication at about the time of DNA synthesis, and D2-S macrophages inhibit replication after the onset of gamma 2 protein synthesis. Pthio macrophages are more permissive to HSV infection than BM, P, or S macrophages: restrictions in viral replication occur at the time of DNA synthesis in B6-Pthio macrophages, and after the onset of gamma 2 protein synthesis in D2-Pthio cells. These studies demonstrate that isolated macrophages from inbred mouse strains express intrinsic resistance to HSV infection that correlates with in vivo resistance to acute (lethal) infection. Intrinsic resistance to HSV-1 infection is due to restriction of viral macromolecular synthesis. HSV replication is inhibited in macrophages at multiple points in the viral growth cycle, depending on the tissue from which the cells are isolated.  相似文献   

M Czub  S Czub  F J McAtee    J L Portis 《Journal of virology》1991,65(5):2539-2544
The murine retrovirus CasBrE causes a noninflammatory spongiform degeneration of the central nervous system (CNS). Mice inoculated as neonates develop viremia and are susceptible to disease. However, mice inoculated at 10 days of age do not develop viremia and are totally resistant to the neurologic disease. We recently described a highly neurovirulent chimeric virus, FrCasE (J. L. Portis, S. Czub, C. F. Garon, and F. J. McAtee, J. Virol. 64:1648-1656, 1990), which contains the env gene of CasBrE. Mice inoculated at 10 days of age with this virus developed a viremia comparable to that in neonatally inoculated mice but, surprisingly, were still completely resistant to the neurodegenerative disease. A comparison of the tissue distribution of virus replication for mice inoculated at 1 or 10 days of age was determined by Southern blot analysis for the quantification of viral DNA and by infectious-center assay for the quantification of virus-producing cells. The levels of virus replication in the spleens were comparable in the two groups. In contrast, virus replication in the CNS of the resistant 10-day-old mice was markedly restricted (100- to 1,000-fold). Intracerebral inoculation did not overcome this restriction. A similar pattern of CNS-specific restriction of virus replication and resistance to disease was observed in athymic NIH Swiss nude mice inoculated at 10 days of age, suggesting that T-cell immunity was not involved. From our results, we conclude that the age-dependent resistance to disease is a consequence of the restriction of virus replication within the CNS due to the developmental state of the organ.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus mutants were isolated from PCC4 embryonal carcinoma cells infected with a variant strain of polyomavirus (ev 1001h) and were found to contain a tandem duplication overlapping the enhancers and the origin of replication. These mutants were able to infect several lines of embryonal carcinoma cells, including PCC4, F9, and LT1. The sequence and structure of one of these mutants are presented and compared with those of other PyEC PCC4 mutants previously described.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV), similar to other members of the Herpesviridae family, can establish both persistent and latent infections. Each of the CMVs that are found in many animal species replicates in the salivary gland, and oral secretion represents a source of horizontal transmission. Locally restricted replication characterizes the immunocompetent individual, whereas in the immunocompromised host, protean disease manifestations occur due to virus dissemination. The virus is cleared by immune surveillance, and CD8+ T lymphocytes play a major role. Remarkably, certain cell types of salivary gland tissues are exempt from CD8+ T-lymphocyte control of murine CMV infection and require the activity of CD4+ T lymphocytes. The results presented here suggest that this activity is a function of Th1 cells. Neutralization of endogenous gamma interferon abrogated the antiviral activity of Th1 cells but not that of CD8+ T lymphocytes in other tissues. Neutralization of endogenous gamma interferon did not interfere with the induction of the cellular and humoral immune response but acted during the effector phase. Recombinant gamma interferon could not replace the function of Th1 cells in vivo and had limited direct antiviral activity in vitro. The results therefore suggest that gamma interferon represents one, but not the only, essential factor involved in salivary gland clearance, establishment of CMV latency, and, eventually, the control of horizontal transmission.  相似文献   

Most inbred strains of mice, including DBA/2 (D2), are highly susceptible to the lethal effects of ectromelia virus, but C57BL/6 (B6) mice are innately resistant. Resistance is controlled by multiple, unlinked, autosomal dominant genes. Of 101 male (B6 x D2)F1 x D2 backcrossed (N2) mice, 18 died after ectromelia virus challenge and all were homozygous for the D2 allele at the proline-rich protein (Prp) locus on distal chromosome 6 (P < 0.001). This association was suggested by the patterns of susceptibility to lethal mousepox in recombinant inbred strains derived from B6 and D2 mice (D. G. Brownstein, P. N. Bhatt, L. Gras, and R. O. Jacoby, J. Virol. 65:1946-1951, 1991). The association between the Prp locus and susceptibility to lethal mousepox also held for N2 male mice that were castrated as neonates, which increased the percentage that were susceptible to 40. Spleen virus titers were significantly augmented in B6 (NK1.1+) mice depleted of asialo GM1+ or NK1.1+ cells, whereas spleen virus titers were unaffected in D2 (NK1.1-) mice depleted of asialo GM1+ cells. These results suggest that a gene or genes within the natural killer gene complex, adjacent to the Prp locus, determine strain variations in resistance to lethal ectromelia virus infection.  相似文献   

Differences in mouse hepatitis virus 3 (MHV3) sensitivity among mouse strains are mainly determined by H-2-related and -nonrelated genetic factors. Reciprocal chimerism was therefore established between two H-2a compatible pairs of strains that differ widely in their susceptibility to MHV3: a) A/J and B10.A, respectively resistant and highly susceptible; b) A/J and A/Sn, respectively resistant and semisusceptible. Chimeric mice were challenged with 100 LD50 of MHV3, 30 or 90 days after X-irradiation (900 R) and bone marrow reconstitution. Results showed that sensitivity of recipients was similar either to that of the recipient strain or to that of the donor strain when chimeric mice were tested 30 or 90 days, respectively, after reconstitution. In addition, no paralysis occurred in surviving animals. These data indicate, therefore, that resistance or susceptibility to MHV3 is expressed intrinsically in some population(s) of hematopoietic-derived cells, which is radioresistant and has a life span of more than 30 days and less than 90 days. Additional experiments showed that X-irradiated A/J recipients reconstituted with A/J bone-marrow cells were protected against MHV3 challenge with spleen cells, with a mixture of spleen cell populations or of adherent spleen cells and thymocytes originating from A/J donors. Transfer of protection to recipients by using similar cell populations provided by semisusceptible A/Sn donors required the administration of five times more cells. Results suggest that two complementary mechanisms are required to confer resistance to MHV3: a) a gene(s) for resistance that may operate at the level of macrophages, and b) cells capable of mounting an efficient immune response. The reduced efficiency of A/Sn spleen cells suggests that semisusceptibility to MHV3 may be related to partial quantitative or functional immune defect.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the human bronchocarcinoma cell line A549 produces poorly infectious gibbon ape leukemia virus-pseudotyped Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV). In contrast, similar amounts of virions recovered from human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells result in 10-fold-higher transduction rates (G. Duisit, A. Salvetti, P. Moullier, and F. Cosset, Hum. Gene Ther. 10:189-200, 1999). We have now extended this initial observation to other type-C envelope (Env) pseudotypes and analyzed the mechanism involved. Structural and morphological analysis showed that viral particles recovered from A549 (A549-MLV) and HT1080 (HT1080-MLV) cells were normal and indistinguishable from each other. They expressed equivalent levels of mature Env proteins and bound similarly to the target cells. Furthermore, incoming particles reached the cytosol and directed the synthesis of linear viral DNA equally efficiently. However, almost no detectable circular DNAs could be detected in A549-MLV-infected cells, indicating that the block of infection resulted from defective nuclear translocation of the preintegration complex. Interestingly, pseudotyping of A549-MLV with vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G restored the amount of circular DNA forms as well as the transduction rates to HT1080-MLV levels, suggesting that the postentry blockage could be overcome by endocytic delivery of the core particles downstream of the restriction point. Thus, in contrast to the previously described target cell-dependent Fv-1 (or Fv1-like) restriction in mammalian cells (P. Pryciak and H. E. Varmus, J. Virol. 66:5959-5966, 1992; G. Towers, M. Bock, S. Martin, Y. Takeuchi, J. P. Stoye, and O. Danos, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:12295-12299, 2000), we report here a new restriction of MLV replication that relies only on the producer cell type.  相似文献   

Tetracycline resistance determined by pBR322 is mediated by one polypeptide   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
K Backman  H W Boyer 《Gene》1983,26(2-3):197-203
Only one polypeptide specified by plasmid pBR322 is necessary to determine tetracycline resistance. Small deletions in pBR322 constructed in vitro which result in the lack of ability to confer tetracycline resistance in vivo also result in the absence or alteration of this polypeptide in vivo. Other deletions define the extent of material necessary to encode this polypeptide. A correction to the DNA sequence of the tetracycline resistance cistron has been determined which confirms these observations.  相似文献   

The nonstructural immediate-early protein pp89 of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is the first viral protein synthesized after infection and has a regulatory function in viral gene expression. Despite its localization in the nucleus of infected cells, pp89 is also the dominant antigen recognized by MCMV-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes. The recombinant vaccinia virus MCMV-ieI-VAC, which expresses pp89, was used to study the capacity of this protein to induce protective immunity in BALB/c mice. Vaccination with MCMV-ieI-VAC induced a long-lasting immunity that protected mice against challenge with a lethal dose of MCMV but did not prevent infection and morbidity. In vivo depletion of CD8+ T lymphocytes before challenge completely abrogated the protective immunity. CD8+ T lymphocytes derived from MCMV-ieI-VAC-primed donors and adoptively transferred into sublethally irradiated and MCMV-infected recipients were found to limit viral replication in host tissues, whereas CD4+ T lymphocytes and pp89-specific antiserum had no protective effect. The data demonstrate for the first time that a single nonstructural viral protein can confer protection against a lethal cytolytic infection and that this immunity is entirely mediated by the CD8+ subpopulation of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Chemokine responses critical for inflammation and promotion of effective innate control of murine CMV (MCMV) in liver have been shown to be dependent on immunoregulatory functions elicited by IFN-alphabeta. However, it remains to be determined whether upstream factors that promote viral sensing resulting in the rapid secretion of IFN-alphabeta in liver differ from those described in other tissues. Because plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are known producers of high levels of systemic IFN-alpha in response to MCMV, this study examines the in vivo contribution of pDCs to IFN-alpha production in the liver, and whether production of the cytokine and ensuing inflammatory events are dependent on TLR9, MyD88, or both. We demonstrate that whereas MyD88 deficiency markedly impaired secretion of IFN-alpha, production of the cytokine was largely independent of TLR9 signaling, in the liver. MyD88 and TLR9 were needed for IFN-alpha production in the spleen. Moreover, hepatic but not splenic pDCs produced significant amounts of intracellular IFN-alpha in the absence of TLR9 function during infection. Furthermore, production of CCL2, CCL3, and IFN-gamma, as well as the accumulation of macrophages and NK cells, was not affected in the absence of functional TLR9 in the liver. In contrast, these responses were dramatically reduced in MyD88(-/-) mice. Additionally, MyD88(-/-) but not TLR9(-/-) mice exhibited increased sensitivity to virus infection in liver. Collectively, our results define contrasting compartmental functions for TLR9 and MyD88, and suggest that the infected tissue site uniquely contributes to the process of virus sensing and regulation of localized antiviral responses.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus binding to fibroblasts is receptor mediated.   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of radiolabeled human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) strain AD169 to human lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid cell lines, monocytes, and fibroblasts varied over a 20-fold range. Since maximum binding was observed with human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF), interactions of radiolabeled HCMV with this cell type were analyzed quantitatively. Binding of HCMV to HFF at 4 degrees C was specific and saturable; at low viral inputs specific binding averaged 16.4% of input and nonspecific binding was less than 1% of input. Binding curves yielded single-component linear Scatchard plots indicating an average Kd of 1.1 nM and 5,262 available virus-binding sites per cell. A two-component Scatchard curve was obtained at 37 degrees C and reflected viral internalization, since it could be converted to a single-component curve by the use of paraformaldehyde-fixed cells. HCMV strain Towne was found to bind to the receptor used by HCMV strain AD169 with similar affinity. HCMV failed to bind to protease-treated HFF or to HFF grown in the presence of inhibitors of glycosylation. Sialic acid residues, however, were not found to be important in binding. These data indicate that a single type of molecule, likely a glycoprotein, on the surface of HFF serves as a specific receptor for the virus.  相似文献   

G mouse cells were resistant to N- and NB-tropic Friend leukemia viruses and to B-tropic WN 1802B. Though the cells were resistant to focus formation by the Moloney isolate of murine sarcoma virus, they were relatively sensitive to helper component murine leukemia virus. To amphotropic murine leukemia virus and to focus formation by amphotropic murine sarcoma virus, G mouse cells were fully permissive. When the cell lines were established starting from the individual embryos, most cell lines were not resistant to the murine leukemia viruses. Only one resistant line was established. Cloning of this cell line indicated that the resistant cells constantly segregated sensitive cells during the culture; i.e., the G mouse cell cultures were probably always mixtures of sensitive and resistant cells. Among the sensitive cell clones, some were devoid of Fv-1 restriction. Such dually permissive cells, and also feral mouse-derived SC-1 cells, retained glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-1 and apparently normal number 4 chromosomes. The loss of Fv-1 restriction in these mouse cells was not brought about by any gross structural changes in the vicinity of Fv-1 on number 4 chromosomes.  相似文献   

An H-2k MHC locus is critical for murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) resistance in MA/My mice and virus control is abolished if H-2k is replaced with H-2b MHC genes from MCMV-susceptible C57L mice. Yet, H-2k resistance varies with genetic background; thus, modifiers of virus resistance must exist. To identify non-MHC resistance loci, spleen and liver MCMV levels and genome-wide genotypes were assessed in (C57L × MA/My) and (MA/My × C57L) F2 offspring (representing 550 meioses). Significantly, a non-Mendelian frequency of MHC genotypes was observed for offspring of the latter cross. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) and their interaction potential in MCMV resistance were assessed in R/qtl; QTL on chromosomes 17, 6, and 19 affected MCMV levels in infected animals. A chromosome 6 QTL was linked with the NK gene complex and acted in an additive fashion with an H-2k MHC QTL to mitigate spleen MCMV levels. We provide biological confirmation that this chromosome 6 QTL provided MCMV control independent of H-2k via NK cells. Importantly, both chromosome 6 and 19 QTLs contribute to virus control independent of H-2k. Altogether, MHC and non-MHC MCMV-resistance QTL contribute in early resistance to MCMV infection in this genetic system.  相似文献   

Resistance to the paralytic effects of a wild mouse (Cas-Br-M) murine leukemia virus infection develops with age and is complete by 10 days of age in susceptible NFS mice. The possibility that cell-mediated immunity plays a significant role in this resistance was suggested by the observation that treatment of 10-day-old mice with antithymocyte serum rendered them susceptible to paralysis. By comparison, mice rendered incapable of generating a humoral immune response by treatment from birth to 1 month of age with anti-immunoglobulin M serum did not develop paralysis after challenge with virus at day 10. Transfer of unseparated and T-cell-enriched populations of Cas-Br-M murine leukemia virus-immune spleen cells protected neonatally infected NFS recipients from paralysis; transfer of Cas-Br-M murine leukemia virus-immune populations enriched for B cells delayed the onset but did not ultimately protect neonatally infected NFS mice from paralysis. Transfer of naive adult spleen cells had no protective effect in neonatally infected NFS mice. High-level virus replication occurred in the spleens and brains of all mice that developed paralysis regardless of treatment; low-level virus replication in spleen and barely detectable replication in brain occurred in mice that remained clinically normal. These studies suggest that the age-acquired resistance to the paralytic effect of Cas-Br-M murine leukemia virus infection is immunologically mediated and that T cells may play a major role.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood monocytes and lymphocytes isolated from most humans are resistant to HSV infection in vitro. Viral replication is inhibited very early in the cycle, prior to the onset of alpha-protein synthesis; no viral protein or DNA synthesis is detectable even up to 1 week later. The enhanced expression of two 62-kDa and 57-kDa cellular proteins, however, is induced in the lymphocyte population within 3 to 5 h after infection. A 30-kDa protein is induced in the monocyte population immediately after infection. The induced expression of 62-kDa and 57-kDa lymphocyte proteins appears to be virus-mediated because: a) HSV and pseudorabies virus (although not vaccinia virus) induce the expression of 62-kDa and 57-kDa proteins, b) heat shock or exposure of lymphocytes to uninfected cell extracts does not induce expression of either protein, c) 62-kDa protein is not induced in lymphocytes stimulated with a mitogenic concentration of PHA. UV-inactivated HSV induces expression of 62-kDa and 57-kDa proteins in a manner similar to that observed with untreated virus. In contrast, expression of 30-kDa monocyte protein is induced nonspecifically by either uninfected cell extracts or cell extracts containing virus. Sixty-two-kilodalton and 57-kDa protein induction appears to be a marker for human lymphocytes that express profound intracellular resistance to infection with HSV. Induced expression of these proteins occurs only in lymphocytes that inhibit viral replication very early in the growth cycle, prior to the onset of alpha-protein synthesis. Expression of 62-kDa and 57-kDa proteins is not induced in lymphocytes that are permissive or partially permissive to infection with HSV.  相似文献   

The resistance of mice to cell culture passaged murine cytomegalovirus (CC-MCMV) infection developed with age. In parallel with this finding, augmentation of the splenic NK cell activity in older mice was always higher than that of younger mice. The splenic NK cell activity reached the maximum level at 6 day post infection (PI) in 2-4-week-old mice while in 6-8-week-old mice it peaked at 4 days PI. When the dose of CC-MCMV was increased, the NK cell activity was potentiated accordingly. However, it was decreased on the infection with increased doses of the salivary gland passaged MCMV (SG-MCMV). NK cells augmented by MCMV infection actually inhibited in vitro replication of MCMV when they were added to mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) monolayers infected with CC-MCMV. Splenic and peritoneal macrophages inhibited in vitro replication of MCMV, but their activities were less potent than those of NK cells.  相似文献   

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