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Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection was determined in sera of 632 dogs (551 pets, 81 strays) from Shandong, Henan, and Heilongjiang Provinces, and in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China (PRC), using the indirect hemagglutination assay (cutoff titer 1:64 or higher); 11.1% were seropositive. The seroprevalence in stray dogs and in ≥3-yr-old dogs was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that in household dogs and in <3-yr-old dogs. There were no significant differences in terms of gender, breed, or locality (P ≥ 0.05). The results indicate that T. gondii infections are common in dogs in PRC.  相似文献   

2006年7月18日~8月14日,由四川大学、中科院成都生物研究所和台湾国立中山大学组成新疆两栖爬行动物考察队,对南北疆进行了为期近一个月的野外考察。本次考察共采集标本328号,经鉴定共23种,分隶11属7科,其中两栖纲2科2属4种,爬行纲5科9属19种。本次调查还发现了一些蜥蜴和蛇种的新分布记录。  相似文献   

Tick-borne diseases cause significant losses to livestock production in tropical and subtropical regions. However, information about the tick-borne infections in cattle in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), northwestern China, is scarce. In this study, nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays and gene sequencing were used to detect and analyze epidemiological features of Babesia bovis, B. bigemina, Coxiella burnetii and Anaplasma bovis infections in XUAR. Out of 195 samples tested, 24 (12.3%), 67 (34.4%), 40 (20.5%) and 10 (5.1%) were positive for B. bovis, B. bigemina, C. burnetii and A. bovis, respectively. Sequencing analysis indicated that B. bovis SBP-4, B. bigemina Rap1a, C. burnetii htpB and A. bovis 16S rRNA genes from XUAR showed 99%–100% identity with documented isolates from other countries. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that B. bovis SBP-4, B. bigemina Rap1a, C. burnetii htpB and A. bovis 16S rRNA gene sequences clustered in the same clade with isolates from other countries. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C. burnetii infection of cattle in XUAR. Furthermore, this study provides important data for understanding the distribution of tick-borne pathogens, and is expected to improve the approach for prevention and control of tick-borne diseases in China.  相似文献   

为探讨新疆克拉玛依市维吾尔族与汉族成年人体部体质特征。采用整群分层随机抽样原则,按照《国民体质测试指导站各指标的测试方法及判断标准》规定的方法,测量并获得新疆克拉玛依市维吾尔族、汉族20~59岁共4108个成年人的有效样本,并按Martin法对所测体部项目进行体质特征研究。新疆克拉玛依市维吾尔族:除肩型男性为中肩型、女性为窄肩型外,男女均为超中等身材、宽胸型、宽骨盆型、窄手型、矮胖型。新疆克拉玛依市汉族:除身材分型男性为高型、女性为超中等身材外,男女均为宽胸型、窄肩型、宽骨盆型、窄手型、中间胖瘦型。维吾尔族与汉族之间体质特征总体水平差异具有统计学意义(p<0.01),且差异主要存在于维吾尔族与汉族女性之间。克拉玛依市维吾尔族和汉族成年人体质特征均具有北方人群的体质特征。  相似文献   

Qi YC  Ma MJ  Li DJ  Chen MJ  Lu QB  Li XJ  Li JL  Liu W  Cao WC 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32103


The multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis (TB) has emerged as a global threat. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region and suffered second highest incidence of TB in China. However, epidemiological information on MDR and XDR TB is scarcely investigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A prospective study was conducted to analyze the prevalence of MDR and XDR TB and the differences of drug resistance TB between Chinese Han and other nationalities population at Chest Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. We performed in vitro drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first- and second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs for all 1893 culture confirmed positive TB cases that were diagnosed between June 2009 and June 2011. Totally 1117 (59.0%, 95% CI, 56.8%–61.2%) clinical isolates were resistant to ≥1 first-line drugs; the prevalence of MDR TB was 13.2% (95% CI, 11.7%–14.7%), of which, 77 (30.8%; 95% CI, 25.0%–36.6%) and 31 (12.8%; 95% CI, 8.6%–17.0%) isolates were pre-XDR and XDR TB respectively. Among the MDR/XDR TB, Chinese Han patients were significantly less likely to be younger with an odds ratio 0.42 for age 20–29 years and 0.52 for age 40–49 years; P trend = 0.004), and Chinese Han patients has a lower prevalence of XDR TB (9.6%) than all the other nationality (14.9%).


The burden of drug resistance TB cases is sizeable, which highlights an urgent need to reinforce the control, detection and treatment strategies for drug resistance TB. However, the difference of MDR and XDR TB between Chinese Han and other nationalities was not observed.  相似文献   

通过遗存、古地理、文献记载及野外考察、生态环境分析等,再次对新疆分布的虎进行研究,认为新疆分布的虎是由更新世早期发源于黄河中游一带的古中华虎向西扩散而来,并成为再向境外扩散的中节点;在其分布变迁过程中分化为2个亚种。  相似文献   



After being polio free for more than 10 years, an outbreak following importation of wild poliovirus (WPV) was confirmed in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, in 2011.


A cross-sectional study was conducted prior to supplementary immunization activities (SIAs), immediately after the confirmation of the WPV outbreak. In selected prefectures, participants aged ≤60 years old who visited hospitals at county-level or above to have their blood drawn for reasons not related to the study, were invited to participate in our study. Antibody titers ≥8 were considered positive.


Among the 2,611 participants enrolled, 2,253 (86.3%), 2,283 (87.4%), and 1,989 (76.2%) were seropositive to P1, P2 and P3 respectively, and 1744 (66.8%) participants were seropositive to all the three serotypes. Lower antibody seropositivities and geometric mean titers were observed in children <1 year of age and in adults aged 15–39 years.


Serosurveys to estimate population immunity in districts at high risk of polio importation might be useful to gauge underlying population immunity gaps to polio and possibly to guide preparedness and response planning. Consideration should be given to older children and adults during polio risk assessment planning and outbreak response.  相似文献   

通过对新疆柳叶藓科(Amblystegiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和灰藓科(Hypnaceae)植物标本的野外采集和室内鉴定,报道了中国新疆地区柳叶藓科15属33种,青藓科12属51种,灰藓科11属30种,共计38属114种。其中,中国青藓科新记录种2种,新疆新记录4属37种。优势属10个,且以青藓属(Brachythecium BrushSchimp.)为代表的北温带成分为主;单种属19个,体现了新疆藓类植物区系的古老性和多样性。新疆3科藓类植物区系成分可划分为9种类型,其中北温带成分居主导地位,占中国新疆3科藓类植物总种数的52.08%,东亚成分次之,占25.01%,热带成分甚微。对中国新疆与中国内蒙古、中国西藏以及俄罗斯、蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、巴基斯坦和印度7个邻近地区的区系比较发现,印度物种丰富度最高,俄罗斯和中国新疆次之;中国新疆与中国内蒙古、俄罗斯在物种组成上相似度最高。地理成分区系谱及聚类分析结果表明,中国新疆与中国内蒙古地区的植物区系关系最为接近,而且与俄罗斯密切相关。  相似文献   

白湖湿地位于乌鲁木齐市西郊,是濒危物种白头硬尾鸭Oxyura leucocephala在国内的重要繁殖地。为了更好地保护该物种,于2007—2014年对白湖湿地的鸟类组成进行了调查,并对白头硬尾鸭的生物学特征进行了观察。结果显示,在研究区域共记录到鸟类137种,分属于14目36科89属,约占新疆鸟类总数的30%。居留型以旅鸟(58种,占42.33%)和夏候鸟(48种,占35.04%)为主,留鸟(17种,占12.41%)和冬候鸟(14种,占10.22%)比例较低,白湖湿地是鸟类迁徙的重要驿站和鸟类繁殖的重要栖息地。通过计算G-F指数发现,白湖湿地鸟类在科、属水平上的多样性较为丰富(DG=4.31,DF=22.57,DG-F=0.81)。白头硬尾鸭每年5月中旬迁徙至白湖湿地,10月中旬飞离,峰值数量最多可达45只。但调查发现,随着城市化进程不断推进,白湖湿地受到的人为干扰不断扩大,正导致这一鸟类栖息地环境严重恶化。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区爬行动物区系与地理区划   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
时磊  周永恒  原洪 《四川动物》2002,21(3):152-157
1 研究历史新疆地区爬行动物的研究资料散见于Bedriaga(1 90 7~ 1 90 9)、Boulenger(1 885 ,1 887)、Boettger(1 885~ 1 887)、Nikolskii(1 91 5 )、赵肯堂 (1 979,1 983 ,1 996,1 998)、赵尔宓 (1 979,1 993 )等著作中。 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,新疆学者也作了很多工作 :王国英等 (1 989) ,李胜忠、王国英 (1 989) ,周永恒等 (1 988)在沙蟒和沙虎动物方面作了很多工作 ,发表了两个新种和一个新纪录。赵肯堂 (1 985 )作过基于蜥蜴的区划研究 ,戴昆等(1 991 )对塔里木盆地南缘的两栖爬行动物作了区系分析…  相似文献   

基于地形因素的新疆荒漠植被-气候模型应用研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本研究在新疆荒漠植被型分类的基础上,用植被与气候Holdridge生命带模型进行荒漠植被型的模拟,并用Kappa检验系数进行结果检验,模拟结果很差(0.19),将地形作为模拟模型具体考虑的一个因素,对重新分类的气候区进行二次植被模拟。二次模拟结果Kappa检验系数平均值为0.45,二次模拟整体荒漠植被型模拟结果的Kappa检验系数为0.64,极大地提高了模型模拟的准确度。模型模拟准确度的提高在于将影响新疆水分分配的地形因素作为改进Holdridge生命带模型的参数,该参数的引入为提高Holdridge生命带模型的准确度提供了新的思路,也为较准确地模拟新疆地区的植被提供了新途径。  相似文献   

The Getah virus (GETV), a mosquito-borne RNA virus, is widely distributed in Oceania and Asia. GETV is not the only pathogenic to horses, pigs, cattle, foxes and boars, but it can also cause fever in humans. Since its first reported case in Chinese mainland in 2017, the number of GETV-affected provinces has increased to seventeen till now. Therefore, we performed an epidemiologic investigation of GETV in the Xinjiang region, located in northwestern China, during the period of 2017–2020. ELISA was used to analyze 3299 serum samples collected from thoroughbred horse, local horse, sheep, goat, cattle, and pigs, with thoroughbred horse (74.8%), local horse (67.3%), goat (11.7%), sheep (10.0%), cattle (25.1%) and pigs (51.1%) being positive for anti-GETV antibodies. Interestingly, the neutralizing antibody titer in horses was much higher than in other species. Four samples from horses and pigs were positive for GETV according to RT-PCR. Furthermore, from the serum of a local horse, we isolated GETV which was designated as strain XJ-2019-07, and determined its complete genome sequence. From the phylogenetic relationships, it belongs to the Group III lineage. This is the first evidence of GETV associated to domestic animals in Xinjiang. Overall, GETV is prevalent in Xinjiang and probably has been for several years. Since no vaccine against GETV is available in China, detection and monitoring strategies should be improved in horses and pigs, especially imported and farmed, in order to prevent economic losses.  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区作为我国与中亚和欧洲的重要陆路货运口岸,来往货物运输频繁,引入新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)风险大,对我国新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情防控造成压力.2020年11月我国新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区发生输入SARS-CoV-2导致的本土聚集性COVID-19疫情.为明确货物运输载体携带SARS-CoV-2的基因特征以及边境快速物流系统作为SARS-CoV-2传播载体的可能性,本研究对2020年11月6日-2020年11月10日期间在喀什边境口岸货运卡车及运输的集装箱采集的35份SARS-CoV-2核酸阳性样本进行SARS-CoV-2全基因组序列测定和比对分析.结果 显示,35份样本ORFlab基因Ct值的中位数(最小值~最大值)为37.64(28.91~39.81),N基因Ct值的中位数(最小值~最大值)为36.50(26.35~39.30),Reads数匹配率的中位数(最小值~最大值)为51.95%(0.86%~99.31%),病毒载量较低;35份样本中基因组覆盖度达到70%以上的共计18份.基于Pango命名法,18条SARS-CoV-2基因组序列分别属于B.1、B.1.1、B.1.9、B.1.1.220、B.1.153和B.1.465共6个不同的基因型,其中3个基因型(B.1、B.1.1和B.1.153)在喀什边境接壤或邻近的四个国家同期采集的病例样本中也有发现.核苷酸突变位点和系统进化树分析显示,同一个地点采集的样本病毒基因组相似程度高;18条序列中的4条与喀什COVID-19疫情毒株代表序列处在同一个进化分支;其中1条序列与喀什COVID-19疫情毒株基因组存在1个或2个核苷酸突变位点差异,高度同源.本研究证实喀什COVID-19疫情期间边境货运卡车和集装箱存在境外多种基因型病毒的污染,其中存在喀什COVID-19疫情毒株的祖父代病毒,高度提示边境快速物流系统卡车及集装箱作为载体携带SARS-CoV-2病毒入境造成了本土疫情,这些数据为我国边境口岸地区的新冠防控策略制定及后续疫情溯源提供了关键的参考依据.  相似文献   

徐峰  杨维康 《动物学杂志》2019,54(2):195,206
正牛蛙(Lithobates catesbeianus=Rana catesbeiana)被IUCN列为全球100种最具危害的外来入侵种(Lowe et al. 2000),同时也是我国公布的第一批外来入侵物种名单中惟一的陆栖脊椎动物(王彦平等2006),可通过竞争、捕食和疾病传播等多种方式危害我国两栖类(Wu et al. 2005,Wang et al. 2007,Liu et al. 2013,Liu et al. 2015)。牛蛙目前已成功入侵我国中、东、西南部的广大区域如浙江、安徽、湖南、四川、贵州、云南等地(武正军等2004,  相似文献   

根据对新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区荒漠河岸林的主要建群种胡杨(Populus euphratica)的根系分布特征, 林冠下土壤的饱和容积含水量、最大导水率和根系最大导水率的试验观测数据, 以及对其林冠下5层不同深度土壤容积含水量、土壤水势的动态监测数据, 构建了胡杨根系水分再分配量估算的Ryel模型, 并对胡杨不同季节的水分再分配过程进行了短期模拟。结果表明: (1)胡杨根系水分再分配过程的水分再分配量的最大值出现在艾比湖地方时间凌晨2:30。(2)随着生长季节的变化, 胡杨根系水分再分配的作用逐渐减弱, 并表现出向土壤下层迁移的现象。6月份, 水分再分配过程主要发生在0-40 cm土层, 最大分配量为0.022 0 cm, 夜间总分配量为0.111 0 cm; 8月份水分再分配过程主要发生在10-70 cm土层, 最大分配量为0.006 5 cm, 夜间总分配量为0.018 4 cm; 10月份水分再分配过程主要发生在70-100 cm土层, 最大分配量为0.003 9 cm, 夜间总分配量为0.008 6 cm。  相似文献   

Efforts to conduct Western clinical research in non-Western medical settings with little or no familiarity with such methodologies are on the rise, but documented accounts of the ways that biomedical science requires negotiation and translation across cultures are not plentiful. This article adds to this literature through analysis of an NICHD-funded collaborative research effort in women's health carried out in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. The research involved a feasibility study for an eventual clinical trial comparing Tibetan medicine with misoprostol for preventing postpartum hemorrhage in delivering women. It explores strategies of negotiation and translation in and around notions of the scientific method, informed consent procedures, randomization, blinding, placebo, and concepts of medical standardization.  相似文献   

2013年6月,在新疆维吾尔族自治区精河县两栖爬行动物多样性调察中,采集到麻蜥属(Eremias)标本20余号,经鉴定其中4号为虫纹麻蜥(E.vermiculata),为该种在新疆维吾尔自治区天山以北地区的首次发现,增加了其在国内的分布点。此发现能为研究虫纹麻蜥的地理分布和生物地理格局提供基础资料。  相似文献   

新疆阿勒泰地区图瓦人与邻近人群遗传关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国新疆阿勒泰地区哈纳斯景区内, 生活着一个特殊的人群—— 新疆图瓦人。他们在50年代初期第一次民族识别过程中被认定为蒙古族, 但他们自认为与蒙古人具有不同的历史渊源。为了探讨新疆图瓦人的族源问题和阐明其与邻近人群的遗传学关系, 文章采集了新疆阿勒泰地区150份男性图瓦人样本, 对其Y染色体非重组区的14个标记位点进行了分型, 构建了11种单倍型群。结果显示, 新疆图瓦人具有高频率的K*-M9 和Q*-M242单倍型群, 这两个单倍型群在俄罗斯图瓦人中也具有较高的频率, 而在蒙古人群和哈萨克人群中的频率则较低。主成分分析和多维尺度分析均显示新疆图瓦人与蒙古人和哈萨克人遗传上相隔较远。系统分子进化分析也表明新疆图瓦人位于与周围人群相隔较远的分化枝上。依据这些结果, 文章认为新疆图瓦人是与邻近人群如蒙古人和哈萨克人有较大遗传差异的人群。  相似文献   

K39 is a repetitive immunodominant epitope in a kinesin-related protein expressed predominantly in the amastigotes of visceral Leishmania spp. Enzyme immunoassays of patient's sera with recombinant K39 (rK39) proved to be highly specific and sensitive for diagnosis of active visceral leishmaniasis (VL, kala-azar). The same assays in dipstick format were also found effective for diagnosis of both human VL (HVL) and canine VL (CanVL) in most endemic areas of these diseases. Fifty-eight human patients and 22 dogs, clinically suspected of kala-azar, were screened with rK39 dipstick in comparison with the conventional methods of diagnosis, i.e., microscopic examinations of bone marrow and lymph node aspirates and immunofluorescent antibody tests (IFAT), respectively. Sixteen patients and 12 dogs were found to be rK39 dipstick positive. The results were corroborated with those of parasitological examinations, except 1, rK39-positive but smear-negative, case in each group. IFAT of the 2 discordant cases gave positive results. The rK39 dipstick is thus reliable for diagnosis of both HVL and canVL cases in Turkey.  相似文献   

目的:分析新疆地区近20年来胃癌流行病学特征,探讨其变化规律及发展趋势。方法:回顾性分析和比较1991年、2001年、2011年经新疆维吾自治区人民医院胃镜及病理学诊断确诊为胃癌的病例的一般资料、病理学及内镜下特点,包括性别、年龄、病理类型、发病部位。结果:1991年组:胃癌检出率为2.48%,中位年龄为54岁,男女之比为3-3:1.0,发病部位以胃窦部癌为主,占39.1%;2001年组:检出率为2.39%,中位年龄为61岁,男女之比为3.0:1.0,发病部位以胃体部癌为主,占42.1%;2011年组:检出率为1.48%,中位年龄为63岁,男女之比为3.9:1.0,发病部位以贵门胃底部为主,占34.8%。三组病理学类型均以腺癌为主,检出率有逐年升高趋势,但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:(1)近20年来胃癌发病部位有上移现象,且胃癌检发病率有下降趋势;(2)男性胃癌患者发病率明显高于女性,且近20年来胃癌患者男女比例无明显改变;(3)近20年来胃癌发病中位年龄逐渐增高,且随着年龄的增长发病率逐渐升高,以中老年发病率最高;(4)癌患者病理类型仍以腺癌为主,且近20年来腺癌所占比例无明显变化.  相似文献   

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